Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Jan 1905, p. 3

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NEAVER'S SYRUP t purifies the Blood and cures ils, Humors, - Salt Rheum vis & Lawrence Ca., Ltd., Montreal, EE -------------- ec Woodman ith his axe cuts short life of the strongest so with that cough of s EACH HACK wea- the soundest lungs. lickey's 3ronchitis ure ill stop that hacking h 25c. H. B. Taylor Drug Co. L Princess St. "Phone 59. s Cotton Root Compound. Ladies® Favorit Is the only safe, regulator on which can depend fim of need." ob pare n two degrees Strength. No. 1 and No. 2 No. 1.--For ordinary cases Is by far the best dolat medicine known. 2--For special cases--10 degrees r--threo dollars per box. s--ask your druggist for Cook's Root Compound. Take no oth-? pills, mixtures and imitations ¢ N us. No. 1 and No. 2 are oli and ended by all druggists in the Do- of Canada. Mallad to any nddcest Ipt of price aud four 2-cent postage ) Cook Company, . 'Windsor, Ong, | 'and No. ¥ are sold in Kingsten Dregwi 3 @ CLEARING SALE es' Coats & Skirts NOW GOING ON. do not intend to carry 1 single garment if prices sell them. THIS IS A EN OPPORTUNITY FOR 0 SECURE A GENUINE AIN, as they will go at below the original cost. man & Shaw. Swift's § cranton Coal 0.50 | Sales for Cash "No Long Bills Coming in. IES SWIFT & C0. Telephone 138. | A nerve and na builder : L recom- 3 ed by the E- an and for sale by all licenced druggists, 5% promt to apply Pond's Extract--the doctor; | 4 family its Soothing. beating RAILWAY 8) SYSTEM NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS 1904-1905 Hound trip tickets will. 1d sold at Single First Class Fare Bec. 31st, Jan'y, 1st and . 2ud. ¥alid returning from destination on or beiore Jan'y. 8rd. 1905, --=ALSO AT- Fare and One-Third 80th, 31st, Jan. 1st First Class Dec and 2nd. Valid returning on or before Jan. 4th. 1905. For Pullin accommodation, tickets, and all other information apply. to J. P.[HANLEY, Agent, Corner. Johnston and Ontario streets KINGSTON & PEMBROKE & CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS. NEW YEAR Single Fare Good going Dec. 31st, 1004, 2nd, 1905. and valid for Jap. 38. os. "Fare and One-Third Jan until and return Going Dee. 30th, and 31st, 1904, and Jan. . 190% returning until Jan Sth, 1905 Full particulars at K. & P. and Cp. R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR., Gen. Pass. Agt. Gen. Supt. New short line for Tweed, Napanee, Deseronto, and all local points. Trains leave City Hall Depot at 2:25 p.m. ® CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kiagston. Ne rbot Rw BERMUDA Frost unknown, malaria impossible. From New York, 48 hours by elegant. new twin screw steamship ** Bermudian,' Suilings every 10 days during January Every five days during February, March and April, o FOR WINTER CRUISES GO TO -- WEST INDIES -- 80 days trip. About 20 days in tropics. Special cruises to Bennuda, Porto Rico, ward Islands and Cubs, SS. Prétoria, apuary 4th, 'ebrugry Oth, March 22nd, 1905. For further aries nis apply to A.B. OUTERDBRI CE & COG Agents, for Getec SS. Co, R Broadway, New York ; ARTHU AHERN, Secretary, uelhec, or J. P. HANLEY, and to J. P. GILDER- SLEEVE, Ticket Agents, Kingston. sine ALLAN LINE "immune Mail Steamers. From St. John. From Halifax. Set., Jan. 7: Mon, Jan. 9 . Jan. 14, Mon. x Cet Prog Mon. Jan. 23. Mon: Jan. 80 First Cabin-- Cretoris, E Pant Get Ta A an. <1, Siotan Bat: Jie 28, SATUS OF PASSAGE. k «Second cabin, live on 3 Pi £30: London $2.50 eXtra. Third class, $15 to Liver pool] Derry, Belfast, Glasgow. London YORK TO GLASGOW. Numidian, Thurs. Jan. 5th, (10 ticulars, apply to am.) " Toronto's Favorite Hotel." The years as they pass but add to the popularity of the Qucen's hotel, Toronto. The hotel has been prac. tically redecorated and refurnished. Every room contains hot and cold Water, «team heating' and long dis- tanen folephone. Rates ave Sean piri day and up, and with bath from 8 Wp. 100 rooms with Laths. ~ Sl ange Ra uk fiver eleod's J.P. + Agent, G.T Resmtuger J. P. GHDER-| © RLES Clarence Street. a CHRISTMAS! | VANCOUVER cCrLEBRATED FEAST WITH FLOWERS Sleigh-bells-- Awnings Down to Keep Out Sun on 24th--Snow _. This Year. : Vancouver, LC, Dee. 31.--~(To the Editor) : Christmas in Vancouver, as compared with Christmas in Kingston, Christmas is nat observed on the same day in all countries, neither is the oh- servance the same in all countries as it is in ours. But to revert to text: Are the festivities of this glad- some day the same in Vancouver as they are in Kingston ? Do jure they are, but de facto they are not! In Kingston, yes and I might add, any- where in: the dominion, excent Apat here in this beautiful spot where the city of Vancouver is situated, Christ més cannot be ly enjoved with- out the jingle of leigh bells. Indeed how well we know the anxiety of the voung people as the day is approaching without the necessary suow for that merry sleigh ride: or as is sometimes the case, - there is sul- ficient snow on the ground, but the indications are that it will have dis- appeared all too soon. But oh! the gladness when the lay arrives, with plenty of snow and frost: we long for 'one of those Christinas dvives," hut the pleasure to us is lost. We have beauties of every hue, and lack not for gentle showers: but our Lhristmas heauty 'is not the snow, but beautiful fragrant flowers. On the facing 21th, all the shops in. town, south, had their awnings down to keep the sun out, for the day was an ideal one, but on Christmas day the * scene changed, and yesterday's summer sunshine was for a time, and it would scem for this particular oc casion, hidden from us by the ap- pearance of the "beautiful." We rub- fl our eyes and then 160ked again, wt there was no mistake, it was a real snowstorm, and it was falling thick and fast. Imagine our feelings 1 _ We were going te have w enough for sleighing in a short time, and yot in this whole city of Vancouver a sleigh could not be found, for had | not already been standing at the tele phone for more than half an hour in- quiring at the different stables if they had one ? At last I found one who sais "ves, we will furnish a sleigh if you will furnish the snow." | Teft the 'phone and went to the door and looked out, and lo, it was like a dream, for there was no snow either in- the air or on the ground, and the sun was pouring forth its ravs as beautifully as it had done the day be- fore. | must admit that for the mo- ment Twas somewhat disappointed at having my anticipations foiled, but a better feeling came over me when my thoughts turned to the beautiful but delicate little flowers in the gard- ens, and I reflected that the snow is not for our enjoyment, but we are given the flowers and the beautiful green grass instead, and if the snow had remained long enough for me to have satisfied my selfish desires by taking a sleigh ride it would Leen destructive to those beauties with which we are surrounded. Mon- day morning, the day after Christmas, taok out the lawn mower and mowed the lawn, after which I spent some time pulling weeds out of, and in other ways fixing up the flower beds. I believe that on this occasion took more pains than usual, for | felt guilty at having heen so wicked as to have wished for anything more beautiful, and when 1 finished I stood in* admiration, and the beauties of other climes vanished into sheer no. thingness when compared with the beautics with which 1 was surround- ed. Another feature about Christmas in Vancouver js that we have two Christ- mas days in onc year, here, and they are not on two successive davs either. The second, or last one is the Chinese Christmas, and is not observed to the tent that we observe our dav 8, however, cannot be said of the Chinese New Year: we have three New Year days; the Chinese going us one 'better than our own custom in this observation. Their New Year comes about a month later than our own. These are their big days, and for those two days business in many lines in town is shut down just as effectively as it is on our Christmas, and more so than on our New Year's day. The. Chinese do not spend much money on Christmas dav, and do not obserye the day in any other way than by little better supper that night, andl that thév can casily stand with- out being considered extravagant But on-New Year's days. for days it i¥, they do not seem to think they are doing anything unless they are spend: ing money in the most extravagant fashion. Chinese New Year in Van ( cottver is eclebrated in about the same gorgeous fashion ns the fourth of July in the United States. have Rather Than With Snow = and as everyone knows, dates from the birta ot Christ, and is observed as a day &f great joy © and gladness throughout the land. It is a day which should bring gladness to the bearts of mankind wherever the knowledge of "its origin abounds. my. THE DAILY we would get lost * aniongst 'the sea sons. of "the year. But passing 'one. of these milestones reminds us that swirie|- the seasons change bug slightly. and the beauties with which we ar" sur- rounded change not at all, vet we are ting ever nearés "the ond of our Fouracy, and with SII" the cour of our westerly domains grant us, oh grant us once more before we reach the end the unspeakable pleasure of listening to the enchanting: chimes of the merry sleigh bells.--8. 'H. NEW- TON; JOSEPH JAMIESON DEAD. -- An Old And Respected Citizen Of Kingston at Rest, On Saturday afternoon there passed to rest at his late residence vi. John- ston: street, one of Kingston's oldest and best Known citizens 'in the per- son of Joseph Jamis The deceas- ed was born in the sual fortified town of Chambly, PQ. on April 26th, 1828. His father, Thomas Jamicson, Was a sturdy Scotch farmer from Ayrshire, Scotland. The family after | living for a tine at Chambly, and Ely, subsequently moved to Montreal where Thomas Jamieson conducted an hotel bearing the name "The = John Bull." This place was situated on St. Mary's, now known as Notre Dame street, which was. the scene of many exciting eveits in those stirring | ¢ times. Joseph Jamieson, about this time, joined the Montreal fire brigade, of ,* whith his father was captain, Soon |. after the latter was also appointed |! sergeant of the Montreal police force : during the exciting times of the Pa fire at-old St: Ann's market, situated | qn. what is now known as MeGill street. During this fire the hose was repeatedly cut and the wildest scones |! were enacted. Nr. Janveson, in the meantime, was engaged in learning the plumbing and brass finishing busi- ness. ln 1850 he was united in mar riage to Miss Mary Ann Robinson, a C young lady from county Tyrone, Ire- land, the union being blest with ten ( t children, five daughters and five : sons, nine of whom still survive. In h 1856, Mr. Jamieson was induced to come to Kingston to help install the water works plant here. The brick house and shop next to the works on Ontario street were built for their accommodation and Nrs. Jamieson with three children were moved up from Montreal. The duties devolving upon Mr. Jamieson were tory arduous and involved a lot of wental and nhysical energy of which he fortunate- ly possessed a rare fund. t Filled 'with military ardour and loyalty to his country, in 1863 Mr. Jamieson joined the 14th P.W.0.R.. and in 1866, in answer to the bhoom- ing cannons on * Fort Hengy, as a call to to duty, with many other citi: zens, he volunteered to proceed to t Cornwall as a bugler in No. 4 com pany, at the time of the Fenian Raid. | ¥ . When the water works were prac- tically' constructed and after Mr Jamieson bad resigned from the em ployment of the company after a short interval, in 1878 he started busi- ness on Johnston street, which he purchased. Among 'the 'big plumbing and heating contracts that he has successfully carried out are the eot ton mill, the hosiery }., and many large residences. Dur ing his life, Mr. Jamieson was a con | pn servative, and like many another old 2 timer, was a great adwirer of the V late Sir John A. Macdonald. In reli- gion he was a consistent Preshyter- ian. a 8) formed he became a charter member and later he joined Limestone court. His death at the ripe old age of nearly seventy-cight vears is greatly t t w 0 te d w Ww Christmas, the day which dawns up- on more gladpess in the world than any other day in the year, is past; and were it not for such festive days, as milestones strewn along the way, rei | When your appetite TARES & VACATION, bring it. back with a morning glass of AT ALL DRECTISTS, 25 A3D G05 A LOTTE celebrated in - booming of guns and ringing of bells, The councillors were given an enthusiastic reception. The old-time spirit denced. ne Sr - monte, had an offer of '" quois. The Almonte board raised his salary to that lois and Mr. McGuire has resigned the po- sition at Almonte. : Tom Faweett"s name should be chan ged to that of the "Dick Spoor" af | an after grippe. build you ap, 50c, Gibson's Bed Cross § me Showing a smart costume of tobac: co brown broadcloth, trimmed in panne velvet of a darker shade. vest is of light with small gilt butions. A white: lace bodice is appropriate with it. The advent of the New Year Portsmouth be was the and village fathers" was greatly ovi- James F. McGuire, high school, Al from Ire figure. Now the Iro- board have gone $100 better, | In SO The Freeman says: The steamer ter the result of Monday's county Meals scem too far apart onuneil Softent Spoor seems to lof £ 1 ievi be the "Cock ©' th" North" now-a- after the geatie, relieving days. and he deserves the honors frome po effects of Abbey's Effer- the : vescent Salt. "A total wreck' | are some people Bel, ron and wine will | £0 drug store, ing amd the Ba ) ( ing are jronring completion, and will wo | be veenpied | 0 Dougall & Seeord block has Leen cli ed for the winter, While the magniii- cant Hudson's will soon be opened to the merchants a great extent to gaifled from the good sleigh- farmers make trial of a new single tax. few days ago and ness College, Langdon, (. lege, present to mill, the R.M. | Hiram Sibley, of ¥ will be applied toward walked off with Mr. I, ) Stafford and M. J. Connolly FASHION'S FORM. elected county councillor; \ N One Of The Latest Styles Just Out. golden seal anc are sold hy druggists of Stuart's Dyspepsia interesting experiments digestive power show principle contained in cient to grains of raw meat, the bowels like cheap cathartics, tate and inflame the intestinks out havin digesting food or assisted in the The) vigor, tan cloth, adorned 3 and overwdr] tirely upon ite' merits They meals, hecase tive power which weak stomachs lack useless to attempt to etire which have TVAVE BEOw, On Christmas Dayp-Now Bank Buildings Nearly Finished -- $20,000 Sales--New Literary Paper / Started-Curling Club Flourishing. - Edmonton, Dee. 26.-(To the Edit: or) : Another Christums is past, but was very different in some ways from last year's, So far the winter weather has been excellent, but eve the thexmometor five degrees below 20r0. There 8 been good sleighing all through comber with the. tempera ture. ahove nro. on Christos refistered thirty- De- The név B ~ Convierca build- I ot Noutonl huild- «The new Me: Bay cowpany's hloek " the pubis Though Saturday was very cold, vet 8 good business, some of - the 1 firms making salos close to 20.000. Busi ness has been juite brisk during the month, due in the advantage the ng. 3.55 i A vary hotly-canfested cloction has ust closed for the aldermen of the lew city. Twenty candidates were in he Geld for the eight positions, Ex- pineau-McKenzic rebellion Mayor K A Mahensie re Hep While serving as fircinan, Joseph I re nn th, 4 lef to Jamieson was present at the great | Faise WF to take over the private elophioné" system was carried by a arge majority. The new council will system of taxa: ion, --it is practically Prof Uegrge's ayor Shortt and Job i. McDougall, who went to Chicago wo weeks ago, ato meet the officials of the G.T.F. re gheir plans for Fd. monton, are expected back next week, col. Sam Hughes Was in the city a has gone out to nspect some. of the surrounding coun- ry. A new paper has been started in he city, being a Hterary publication, edited by the Literary Society of the high school. This i 'quite a 'venture, but it shows the progressivencss of be high school, "which = stands first among the educational institutions of he territories. - The paper will be issued jonthly. - The Curling Club has got under full a membership of 100, swing again and has wi." Day And Evening Classes. The need of a practical education as a stepping-stone to Prosperity in life was never so essential as at the sent time. Brain power is superior to pre- Hl other forces, and "a Business Edu. cation is the sharpest tool with w hich 0 hew the way 'to success. This is our opportunity. Call, write or (ele phone 680, for "full" information anc pecial rates, to the Froutenne Busi- New Year's Gift To Hobart. Geneva, N.Y. fidan 1. President Stewardson, Hobart Col: received 85 a New Year's the gollage 25,000 from, ester, The money building a ew gymnasium. There is already a ift of £5,000 from Mrs. Charles D, 'ail and $500 from Mr. Chew for the has same object. . Steve i legate On May 26th, 1876, he was initia Ww. k Stevens, ZOWg: as a de legate ted into Kingston lodge, No 50, | to Delta last week" filled his valise . gslun mtlv went inte | With cigars and other refreshments, LO.O.F., and subseque ntly went into Robert Moxley, Ki v the Oddfellows™ Relief Association. v rind of axles ingston, owning a When the uniformed encampment was aise similar in form and feature, Stevens' Proper ¥ by mistake. The latter, on finding ea samples, and a few advertisements instead of his refreshments, regretted by all who knew him. not possible to put in Black ink, saitl things In division No, Leeds, William, were STRANGER THAN FICTION, A Remedy Which Has Revolution. ized the Treatment of Stom.- ach Troubles. The remedy is not heralded aso vnderful discovery npr yet a secret ntent medicine, neither fu it claimed 0 cure anything except U¥spopsia, in- igestion, and stomach troubles with hich mine out of ten suffer, The remedy is in the form of plea sant tasting tablets or lozenges, con taining vegetable : and fruit essences ure aseptic Pepuin (government test) diastase. The tables under the name "abslets. Many Ww tost the of Stuart's tablets that one grain of the active thew is suffi Migest 3.000 "ges and other holesome food. A ! Stuart's Tablets do not act after-dinner pills which' sf thoroughly upon and ply irri- » with- : fever in pil indigestion. can rested and work of digestion jt any eficct wha f the stomach will very soon recover its normal as no utgs is 80 much abus- I, and ed as stomach. This is the secret, if there is any secret, of the remarkalde syecess of Stuart's Dvspepsia practically anknown and now the most any treatment for 1 ablots, a remedy Cars. ago nown of stomach 'weak ness. has b#bn secured en as a digestive This success pure and simple Becauge tte can be » stomach oie 8 Hood is promptly digested. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets act on tirely on the food calefly sting jt completely wo that it fan assimi- ted into blood. nerve and tisstie eofe dyspepsia, water brash Ur stomach, gas and bloating after they furnish the diges d unless that lack is siipplied it is the use "pills "cmd gathartics able nd igtetine "tonics," wer. 4 Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets can be found - at all drug stores and the ro Ih use of owe ve 1&0 oF lien af ior will demonstrate "their mwril "hettér than apy. vther 'argument, wi of The District on e = Sides of The Line, = In Trenton, Dr. Jac ues defeated Ww, H. Matthews; ! | "8 J. Carthy, entered the tran service of the Hrock- valle, Westport 'and Morthory raifway. ara Colvalte, aged thirty-eight, tor many years ariver of the brookvitle: Algonquin stage, is dead in Hroek- ville. T A young man, purporting to be a collector of accounts tor Beiieville mers chants, is operating ih I huriow town: ship. 3 Mur. MoGee, principal of the West: port public school, nas resigned. A new teacher has been engaged, a Mr. Hanna. dosoph Micksh, formerly ville, 1x dead at AMamout, 11 , nged thirty-three, Me was a UULK, tritin despatcher, A While wishing a friend a happy New Year, C. A. uickford, aged thirty, whose parents » reside iy Nempiviluy Ont, dropped ead 'in Winnipeg. Miss Fama © : Me. and Mrs. John town, and William H. S. Franklin, of Junetown, were married on December Mrs. Thomas Lagzier, Belleville, wife of Major Lazier, is dead, after an ifl- ness of three vears. ber of St. Thomas' three children. Mrs. Bernard last Thursday. Mrs. ly Miss Luella Way, daughter 'of Ww. H. Way, Picton, and had only been married a few months, » Mrs. J. W. Murray, wife of the wan: Kincaid, Cain: Lave was former ager of the Dominion Bank, Belleville, is" dead, after a short illness from pneumonia. She was an active em ok St. Thomas' church. ne of the linest showings of acting. lite is on the farm of Robert A Byrnes, of Croyden, lot 16, concession 9, of Camden township. It is attract- ing the attention of experts. r. and Mrs" Abrabam Fraser cole brated their golden wedding on Wed nesday last. Of their ton children alive, eight were present. Numerous friends are congratulating the worthy Renfrew couple. Mrs. Gavin Milroy, born in Eanis killen, Ireland, who emigrated to this country fifty years 'ago, is dead. in Brockville, aged cighty-seven. She was a typical Irish woman, with « large 'heart, and tender sympathies, illiam Bell, one of the best Lnown and highly respected rosidents - of Leeds, is dead, aged eighty-vight. He was horn in Dublin, coming to Uan- ada with his mother in 1825, settling vear Bell's Cornors. He served in the rebellion of 87. He served the county in yaricus capacities for years. He was. a conservative. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Balderson and E. Kinney, of Watertown, N.Y. on Saturday went to Lyndhurst, with the body of Mr. Kinney, a brother of the last mentioned, for interment. , The deceased, thirty-seven years of age and unarried, died at Newton Falls, 'N.Y. fiom an attack of preumonia. He formerly resided at Lyndhurst. Silas E. Seymour, alias F, Shaver, alias I. B. Hawilton, alia H. iB. Fenwick, whose reputation. is well known in Belleville, is- again in the toils there, he having been arrested again. Fhe man of wany names had only been out of jail for a few days, after serving a term of three months for larceny from his employer at Trenton. He is now charged with theft. Mrs. Charles Gray, died at the home of her son, Charles Gray, Gananoque, aged eighty.five years.Her maiden name was Margaret Macdonald, and she was born in Argyleshire, and was a cousin of the late Sir John A. Mac: donald. She marrial at the age of sixteen, Mr. Gray, who survives her, tnough he is father helpless, being ninety-pne years old. In 1849 they came with their family, to Gananogue The children surviving are: Charles H., retired farmer, Gananoque; John, blacksmith, and Hugh, farnier at Halstead's Bay. Mrs. John Cross, Halstead's - Bay, Mrs. Firman Cross, Lansdowne village, aml Mrs Amos T. McNeil, Lansdowne. Mrs Gray was one of the mothers of the neighbor- hood, helpful in sickness, frugal, in- dustrial, and noted for kindness, -------- KILLED OR INJURED. Explosion On Ohio River. Special to the Whig Huntington, W.Va. Jan. 4. By the explosion of the boilers on the tow boat Defender, in the Ohio river, near here, a number of lives have been lost, Of the crew of thirty-eight men only Mine escaped serious injury. Several baslion recovered. Five By A Boiler have been others are so badly burned or scalded that they will die; six more of the crew cannot be accounted for and it ix thought they are drowned. From Ferguson's Falls. Ferguson's Falls, Jan. 3. Vrs. James Culbertson and daughter Ru- by, Lanark, spent Christmas st John Poole's. John Murphy, Wolfe Island, is visiting his sister, Mrs. M. Gray. Mr. ard "Mrs. John A. Rothwell and son, Manitoba, are visiting friends apd relatives in this vicinity, Miss Mary E. Sheppard of Prince Foward Island is spending the holidays at her home here. Mr. and Mrs, John Chambly, Lake Shore, spent Monday with friends in the village. Frank Gray arrived home on Saturday, after an absence of twelve years. While | $ tor tic mayorsity by | Wh 4 Westport, has again Patience ~ daughter of} rn £4 x She was a mem h church; and leaves] ! - Lane, Toronto, died : " ! SPENCE'S, ™: "sm, AT GOST: We have quite a number of Heating Stoves on hand which-we will sell at COST, as do not wish' to carry them 'over until ne) year.. Among them are four "ART GAR- LANDS," the best heating stoves made. Get our price before purchasing. ie « ELLIOTT BRO S 77 PRINCESS STREET. ie TT -- g We a Ae A NOTABLE EVENT, !'Mrs. Dodge's Necklace Put Up At Auction, Special to the Whig. New York, Jan. 4.--The pearl neck- lace, 'with dipmond pendant, that was taken from Mrs, Phyllis KE, Budge av. cal years ago by Theobald, a former treasury agent, was placed on view for inspection to-day Preparatory to being sold at public. auction. ~ This sale ix wet for to-morrow and will. take place in the United States mar shal's office, The sale ix probably the most not able of its kind that has ever taken place in this city and will culminate a can: that has attracted national at tention. When Mrs. Dodge disembarked i from the steamship St, Pail in June, 1S99, she said that most of the jew elev she had with her was bought in States supreme against Mes. Dodge was my then brought the ease before Roosevelt, but he refused to SE -------------- EY 2 Chamberlain's Cotigh' Remedy solutely Harmless. \ Ed The fault af giving children medicine containing injurious substances, js sometimes more dispstrous the disease from which they are suffering. * t i per- Every mother should knew. Chamberlain's Cough foctly safe for children to take. 1t con: Laing nothing harmiul and for coughs, colds and croup is unsurpassed. For sale by all druggists, -------- Mrs. Bourns, wife of Dr. Bourns, of Frankyille, is dead, after an illness of ; this country. Two hoses, hows er, some weeks, Dr, Dison, Frankville, and marked with the name of Parisian | Dr. 4, C, Connell, Kingston, were in jewelers, were found, and the jewelry | consultp tion and attendance On | was confiscated. A vear later the case her, but their skill was unavailing, was, brought up in the United States district court, and on the payment of a part of the required duty, Mrs, Dodge regained all the seized jewelry Liviagston's suit and trouser sale 15 days only, Abernethy's Shoe Store for evenii footwear, rent waves of heavy hair | : away he wae in the South African war. W. and H. Donaldson and Miss Oceans of flowing tressés ! Lillie, Black's Corners, spent New Year's with their sister, Mrs. '1. Hor eiok's. B. Wilks. Lanark, called on driends in the village on Monday. ------------ To-day the stage is crossit all the way from Cape Vincent to Kingston The ice in the south channel has at fast' became strong. The first thing the city council will have to deal with is the civie salary question. Next will come the light plant by-law. A determined effort is being made to secure the release, from the Tombs prison, on bail of Nan Patterson. * The grit members of the city council will not be ohstructionists as the tory inority were Just year. i. J. MeClelland, of the city en Sibor's office is confined to his honse Ayer's Hair Vigor is a hair-food. It feeds hair and the hair grows. That's all there is And it is a splendid tonic to the hair, the hair foilicles tone and strength. it checks falling hair so promptly. ir As a dressing, it keeps the hair soft and and prevents splitting at the ends. ¥ through illness, avis |

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