hardly imagine a great- ontrant. than afforded hy the army that settled down here' a 6 the battle of Liao Yang t army now resting south of Wakden "CS . : ng dive in dugonts, "but most of the Re above ground. Aside from the fact that there are rx to a hut, and that decorations, he as 8 Move, with ! E "the sides. The Prov, Tide warm - | underwear, mos nese mann: facture. ol etre Shines t hought in Russia, pd \Whthowert are provided, nae for She, ifeurs and one fur J of he company. walter is ated twice woekly, the separete laundry houses are always supplied with hot danee, | water, apd there is no dampness in t ings seb apart for the wash- drying of clothes or in the Jw i quarters, ing" tre and men partake of the same fare, which ix distributed twice ii in hig coppers from the camp "Ara _eongiats of a pound of | meat and two and one-hali pounds of bread ten, twioe daily. "There are art rations of sugar, but the only are sw ar, and reading hoats ohservahl r,. sowing materials, matter, inn ittle sickness sowing to s en with the "drinking water, Thero is a guard at each well, 8 have | ate from the art to A Phere a he river. W, he banks un- Hi Ti Lr 1 wat parties oth sides, an mich oh between Russians and Japancse is exchynged dtross the ving he- os ) tomperatire in six degrees 'wheenheit), and is expect. i be pdr ) : 4 ater Load. 4 A~In eonnection with ching Russian war loans in d Bérlin the following inter- statement of the Russian war ees wan furnished to the Associa: Prods to-day from the highest lan sonrees ; i 8 BXpentes the war nb od amounted to 23,000, 000, of which 161,000,000 was for the rmy, 841,000,000 for the navy and 855 B00 nk for various military re- (quirements, making about $22,500,000 per month. The outstanding creditors p to the samc time were $126,000, , of which $85,000,000 was for the army, $31,000,000 for the navy and $12,000,000 Hor. miscellaneous expenses, That makes the total war expendi- tures for the year $364,000,000. The statement Shell Shows hat ha F} treasury possesses L000, and A there is a stock of gold amounts aa S60. 000, p00 to secure the note he statement adds : © "A wpecial investigation of Russia's war Satmees by such students of finance ax M. Leroy Beautien, a mem- ber of the institute; M. Georges Levy, " at the School of Political ar others equally eminent, haa shown altogether favorable ro sults, Similar results were reached Prof. Holflerich, of the University of Berlin.' foc to 'and Plain, 2 10 § Yanda. neat Designs, 24 (09 Yards, Dark « Designs, 1) to 10 Yanda, ? Sn ---- Will March To-morrow. Headquarters Third Japanese Army, "Jan, 3--Via Fusan), Jan, 4.-Itse, Wantae and Tayangko forts were tak- en over hy the Japanese at noon to- s date on. which the Russian soners will be marched out has delayed until January Sth. part atteactive: Values. > Qalors 1 10 6 yards. ; Suitable for Skirts, ote. w Yards, almost 'every width i} + Torpedo Destroyers Disarming. Chefoo, Jan. 4.--A despatch from Bi , Shantung peninsula, under 1 s date, says the Russian torpe- do tL destroyers Smirli ang Bothy. 'with a merchaniman having 800 sol- (iors on board, arrived at Tsingran, January dud, and are disarming. Vi Port Arthur Key To Peace. 4.~The Jifi, disenssing priow id in lives, saye: "We it oop Port Arthur in ont \ fuk ho Supine ale. Part nis vy to peace in tl far east, and it ix our duty to keep the key in one bande : i = Wei- Hal Wei, Jan. 4-The British 1 a, say i Sox Tort rihur, | Morning, with a Snot medical appliances for the : sick and wounded. : CL ------------ pn meri Der ont reelectad: DCJ. R R Vv. Rogers, seerétary-treastr. Carruthers "i the Ki "The directors [2 ingston 1 "4 tins mew peas, | daitymen's, _econyention at Brockville British Aid For Wounded, "=f and of the Kingste Rmpans was held vidend of five The Rankin, presi-! o «5 ew corn, per ti has returned to Otte siting is father, on 1 ni, left to-day for his "England to pur- the Kingston Dairy commenced yektorday with dents. registered for the umber will be greatly , 88 geveral in- wa; alter augmented néxt tending students ate attending the this week. The new accomodations at the school are very fine and the build: ing is now all that can be desired. The Sonn University authorities arc winking a great improvement to the collage grounds by installing a row of incandescent lights along the walk lead in from Upion street. Small irom polx are héing pit "in place and 'the "power will be supplied from tho sontral power house, This will be a advantage to those at- tending college functions 'and hockey matches on dark nights, ] EE -------- SORRY TEACHER GOES. Gave Her Gold Ring And A Gold « Cross. On the afternoon of December 22nd the trustées 'and Rev. Father Spratt assembled at 8. 8. No. 4, Wolfe Is- land, to listen to the closing exercises and bid M Chatterton, teacher, good-bye, Rev, Father Spratt acted os chaifman. A very enjoyable pro- gramme, consisting of songs, dia- logues, recitations, and a drill By the children was given. Miss Chatterton wak- thoy presented with a handsome gold ring and a gold cross, acecom- panied hy & pleasing address,' Wiss Chatterton thanked the pupils for preparing so pleasant a surprise, and expressing tat leaving, wished all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. The distribution of bags of nuts, oranges and eandies and the singing of "God Save the King" brought the exercises of the afternoon to a doses, : ? mii -- THE NEW SYSTEM. ---- Of Outdoor Patient Treatment At + General Hospital. The new system of outdoor patient treatment at the General Hospital was put into effect today. Heretofore the L230 to I, gdoor patients that have been treated yearly, have heen in the habit of visiting the hospital at any time of day, when they would be attended by the house surgeons, Now a member of the medical staff will be in atlendance every morning at ten o'¢lock for their Benefit. This system will bo much maf satisfactory to all concerned. Cards Wave been sent to all doctors, clergymen and nurses; inform. ing them, that all the sick poor will he-attended to by going to the hospi. tal at the hour named. The system may inereast the number of patients, but the generous public can easily bear the extra cost. 184 Fine ter A Battersea, Jan." 4.<The Christmas troe and entertainment in connection with the Methodist Sunday school, held in the new Orange temple, was well attended. The programme, a very lengthy one, was much appreciated. The proceeds were up to the usual mark, and will be applied towards the running expenses of the school, Many from here attended the entertainment at Seeley's Bay on the 26th ult.. The school meeting on the 29th ult. was more largely attended and' exciting than usual. A splendid election fc new trustee took place, which resulind in a victory for W. H. Jameson. The very large, and partly unnecessary ex- pense hill of last year was severely criticised. Word was received on I'ri- day, the 30th, ult., of the death of M. Young, of North Shore. He had been ill all winter. Since then the death angel has alse visited Milburn district, and carried away the spirit of William Sands, an old and life-long resident. More than a year ago he sulfered a stroke of paralysis from | which he never fully rallied. The fune- ral services were mducted by the Rev. (10 A. Bell, and the body placed in the Sand Hill vault." Thomas Sands and Mrs. Joba Lemmon, King- ston, were son and daughter of de ceased. Many from here spent Christ- mas and New Year's holidays among friends at distant points. Some visi- tors from outside points who holidays here wore: Lloyd Buck and sister, Kepler, at W. J. in's; Misa dessie Holder, Rochester, at J. Hol- der's; Mrs, F. W. Vanluven, city, and R. A. Vanluven, Smiths Falls, at C. M. Vanluven's: Miss Taber, Soperton, at J, E. Anglin's. Division Court. At the afternoon session of division tourt, yesterday, Judge Madden gave judgment in the following casog : Georgd Thompson v8. Ivo Cobhett, Account, £1; * garnishee paid in Monteeielf and Oorneline ve, Ivo Cobbett.-~Actount," $9; garnishee paid in $10.77, in full, D, Grimshaw & Co. vs. Daniel Smith. <Acconnd, $9589 adjourned to Chambers January 19th. D. Grimshaw = & Oo. ve. J. Potior and Bert, Grimshawe--Nate, $10; judg ment for plaintiff, = 7 I. McMahén & €o. vx. Mrs. Trwin-- Atcount, $37.90; adjourned ta.Cham: bers January 19th. Dug Up A Candidate. The prosident: of the conservative association. in the City hall on Men- day evening, yin his truly cultured "and profes style, that the municipal Ee pare) tha planting of hi ] nse' forgo ive gone down to tests to haul out must have Mel . old's Witch Harel Cream for bane" be Winds peg | ¥ Be ¢ tore: J MORE SETT A Bn, 10e., | |. COMING TO Us. Will Be Large Influx From England--Succession Duties House-breaking---Large Rail- way Earnings. Special to the Whig: . Toronto, Jan. 4.«The suecession du- ties collocted, last year, will total ap- proximately $450,000, the largest since the passage of (he death duties' act. Commissioner Southworth has re- ceived informmtion that a German settlement is in progress in the Wabi- goon district, near Dryden. Six Ger man familes are already in the dis- trict, muking ready for the arrival in the near future of some twenty-five or thirty families from Germany and the United States. He has also received application from a number of settlers in the Teondskaming district, asking for reduced railway certificates to en- able friends from England to join thm, Thé Canadian Northern railway toss "carnings for the week ending december 31st, 1904, were $115,200, an increase over the earrosponding period of last year, $89.900 from July lst. do date, the earnings were $2,098,700, an increase of %370,700. , Judge Morgan, this morning, sen- tenced George Chambers to Kingston penitentiary for three vears on three charges of house-breaking. The CPR. is contesting the order of the railway commitice of the privy council directing that a bridge he constructed" over the tracks at the foot of Yonge street, hefore August 15th, 1905, work on which was to have been "commenced with "the in: ception of the present year. The com- pany, in its claim filed at Osgoode hall, this morning, questiony'the juris diction, of the railway committee, and states, also, that the sanction of the governor-in-conneil is invalid for rea: sons which follow. One of these is that the Esplanade agreement is the subject of special legislation. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Vote In St. Lawrence Ward. Kingston, Jan. 4.--(To the Editor) : Your issue of yesterday contained the statement that D. A. Givens had re: ceived wixty plumpers in St. Lawrence ward, Tt is no discredit to a candi: date, as far as I know, to receive plumpers,as it is an indication that his friends are very deeply interested in his election; and, were it not for cerfain features of the contest in St. Lawrence ward, it would be scarcely necessary to refer to the number ob: tained by Mr. Givens. Under the cir cumstances, however, a little explana. tion is necessary. Mr, Givens was the only conservative candidate in the ward, the other three being liberald, though Mr. Robertson for the time being posed as an inde: pendent. The ward has, under ordin ary circumstance, a majority of lib eral voters and it ix almost an possibility to return more than conservative. The straight party would, therefore, be for the conser: vative, Mr. Givens; for the liberals, Messrs, Carson, Mowat, Robertson, or any two or any one of these. Fortun- ately we are in a position to know just how the'votes went, since a com- plete record was kept at each of the im- one vote polling booths. An examination of this shows the following to he the vote: For Givens, alone, 58: fhis was the straight conservative vote, For Carson, Mowat, 60: for Carson, Mowat, Robertson, 22: for Carson, Robertson, 3; for Mowat, Robertson, 5; for '@arsor, 4; for Mowat, 2 Robertson, 7; a total of 103, This was the straight liberal vote of which Givens got nothing. From the above summary it will be seen that 103 of the liberals voted a straight party ticket, and that only fifty-eight of the conservatives did so. Under these circumstances 1 do not think it rests. with either pariy to throw a stone at the other. : The largest vote polled was for Car. son, Givens, Mowat, 64; and this real- ly represents how far the fair-minded voters were inclined to split their vote, though, of course, there, were other combinations which alse showed a split vote, ane AN 'things ednsidered the vote show- ad that both conservatives and liberals exercipod their franchise with fairness and were not disposed to carry the party spirit to excess. I hope this explanation will remove from the "conservative voters charge of unfairness which may been made as a result of the plumpers Mr. Givens received. --SCRUTINEER. for any A ROCHESTER WEDDING. Dr. Edward Fey Takes A Wife. A very quiet wedding was solemmiz- ed by Rev. Father Comnors, in the Rochester cathedral on Thursday last, when Dr. Edward - Fahey, a gra- duate of Queen's, and former reai- dent of Kingston, was wmited in marriage to Miss Kathleen G. Jove, sister of Mrs, (Dr.) Thomas Mooney, of Rochester. The wedding was of a very quiet nature, and eame as a great surprise to Dr. Fahey's relatives and friends in the city. Dr. and Mrs. Fahey arrived in the city, yesterday afternoon, and will leave, to-morrow, for Duluth, where Dr. Fahey has os- tablished a good medical practice, ast evening a number of friends of the groom, ealled on the bridal couple ol the home of Edward Fahey, Sr, 158 Bagot = street, where they were: welcomed guests, Mes. Fahey's par ots were formerly residents of King- ston and she is a graduate nurse of Bufialo General Hospital. Samuel Harkness says the Whig ve- | porter must have misunderstood his remarks in the city hall. He said that he was obliged for his election and he wauld do as much, anytime, for those who voted against him, as for those wha voted for him. Ald. Harkness says | he éarries no grudge against any vot-| @ who hat a fight {o nee his fran- chise as he desires. ANA, at 2.30 pam, Evening Classes at Business College, head af Queen St bewin on Wi : y, Jamtary 4th LERS, Total $450,000--Gets Pen. For | have | the Kingston] * Will Commence Otr Annual Whitewear Sale! And as preparations for this sale have heen go» ing on for months past we expect this to be (he largest and most successful sale we ever had. * Thousands of White Garments Ready for Your Attention. . Our limited space here can tell you little of. the values we have to offer. Al we ask is that you visit our' Whitewear Department to-morrow or at «' your first convenient time and secure some of the garments that we cannot duplicate later on, Nightgowns, Corset Govers, Chemises, ~ Drawers, White Skirts. In each of the above we have something special, hn a T . his year we are showing a large jy range : of Children's White Underclothing In Sk'rts, Drawers and Nightgowns Children's French Dresses Fine French Lawns and Muslins, trimmed with dainty laces, new designs, Intants' Slips and Short Dresses. Remember We wagt' you 'to see these gar- ments and even if not prepared to buy you can make a selection and have it placed aside until required. WELCOME 1904. May it be the best of all years for Kingston, for Kingston people, for Kingston Merchants. THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE PRR RR > pa SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL LINES OF BEFORE STOCKTAKING. Now is the time f Bargains. NO OLD STOCK. J ---- AOBT. J. REID, The Leading Undertaker, 222 Princess Street." 2 doors above opera house, - Telephone 577, If You Care To Wear the Best Shoes WEAR "ALLEN'S Military Bootmakers, 84 Brock St. SIGN. OF GOLDEN BOOT. We Gate Gis Opportunity ¥o_ wish our many patrons a Bright and Prospérous New Year. SMITH BROS. AEE eS SEE A GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY Ti Mrs. Henry Mooers, 90 Barrie streef A GENERAL SERVANT. evening, Mrs. Macpherson, 162 E Street. APPLY 1 dal tet ete rs A HOUSEMAID, APPLY IN THE EV cuing to Mrs. Hiram Calvin, 13 King stroet. ac fn A SECOND COOK, APPLY IN THI forenoon to ¢ superintendent o! th General Hospital. A GENERAL SERVANT. the evening to Mrs. H. 188 Johnston street. APPLY 1) Macpherson WOMAN, TO DO GENTLEMAN'S washing. Apply 240 King street, be tween 7 and 8 in the evening. eee tet eee eesti A GOOD GENERAL SERNMANT, WITF referenc Apply to Mrs James Stewart, 78 Wellington street ---------------- HELP WANTED ADVERTISEMENTS of all kinds abound in the Londor ** Free Press." 1I you want a posi tion, write for sample, ee eee eee eet « TEACHER FOR SCHOOL SECTION No. 3 Township of Olden: salary $225 per year. Apply to M. Avery, socretary-treasurer, Sharbot Lake BOARDERS, WHERE THEY CAN have first-class accommodation, nice pleasant, warm rooms, central loca tian. 'Apply at 51 Brock street. FHAT SUIT OF YOURS TO PRESS and clean; it can be made to look like new. Also your order for new work. Thos. Galloway, tailor, 131 Brock street, next to Bibby's livery. 87 PER DAY, EVERY DAY, FOR & year, is good pay. It is being made with our goods. Household necessities; every family needs them, Write to-day, G. Marshall & Co., London, Ont. SITUATION AS CLERK BY YOU man of tive years experience in ge al store, who is competent for s 3 branch and has good knowledge of book-keeping Excellent references Z. Y. Z., Whig Office AGENTS, PERMANENT POSITION, to sell new map of Canada, with Yond Map on reverse side, size 66 x sentatives now at work making $25 ddress Rand, McNally & Ave., New RESFONSIBLE MAN, TO 'MANAGE an office and' distributing depot for lagge . manuiacturing concern. Salary $150 per month and commissions Applicant must have good references and $2,000. Capital secure. Ad- 828 West 12th street, York. LOST. RR ee ---- A $5 BILL ON SATURDAY EVENING. Reward for return to this office. HANBPAINTED BELT PIN, YESTER- day (Tuesday) afternoon Please re tuft to this office. et A A pit A OPEN-FACED . SILVER Chain, Wednesday Re- for its return to Whig office BOY'S Watch and w 22 IN BILLS. METWEEN office and Bay street Liber pon rd for its return to FE. Samuel MONEY, post ay street. tie i, PARCEL OF LETTERS, ON MONTY, Jamaary 2nd. either in Kingston or Bagriefieid. Will finder kindly return ta Fred. Whitney, 101 Queen street ? A -------------------------------------- A OPEN-FACED SILVER Watch, fob chain with Egyptian char- acters. on Wellington, Princess or Ss ham streets, to-day. Finder pl 4s Yn td Whig Office. BOY'S DOUBLE-BREASTED. Black Overcoat, on ic foot of CPSs Ktreet, vy last Also left-hand mocha wlove. Finder please return ba Do Millan. Ontario street, FOR SALE. A STEAM YACHT. APPLY PRESI- dent, Sergeants' Mess,' R,.C.F.A,