Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Jan 1905, p. 2

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fii ii g : : § i Res 3s 8g8 : ES HL Es i 83% i , 312; Ethel M Voter 1 §i¢ Best its the best. a n Ve that few other after having Price, chairm to allow 'every province for | subljeot and is 4 Chamberlain's Cough Made 579; ; James Elliott, 372; Be Shade Bir, Jennie Stans. Be (Sure You Are Down As A Harry Stins- annual meeting of the Bible Society was held "i the lecture room Sydenhan: Sire. i Methodist church last evening with «large attendance of members of diferent churches pres. ent. The meeting was od with a + prayer hy . Dr. Mae- gilliveay A scripture lesson from e book of Aets was then read by ev. W. T. G, Brown. M. Macdonnell, ident of the Cr, # ciety, then took ch of the meet- © expressed iramire at seeing la audience present on the cceasion of the apnual meeting of the socicly, and gave a glowing culogy to he memory of the late Dr. Philp who Was sn untiring worker in the interekia of the society. The speaker briefly outlined the grand work which has been lone 'by the society fér ong hundred vero past introducing Chris- tianity and civilization into dark and foreign lund. e duty of the so- ciety is to 4nd out Bibles to heathen 79; | lands and he speaker deplored the {fact that the society is not ax much "lin evidenci to-day bs it was forty 5 years ago. 1: claims to-day are no less than they were then. There is no- I, 564; Wil la, 517; Edna Re | thing 'more glorious in the history of Kemp, 475; Annic | Great Britain than the history of this Gladys Caldback, 402; soviety -- is recognized ty. throughout & great part of Christen- 419; Jennie t, om. Potter, 414; Tow. | Dr. Lake, ir:asucer of the society, , 409; 1 gave his ann.ol report, showing the Fred. Jackson, ! total collectio:s for the year to be Annie Pitt, | from Episcopalian churches, $139.9] : Methodist, $96.70; Baptist, $23.71: 303; Irene | Congregational, 24845: Salvation v1 Army, 81.26] Uredyterian, $34.37, making the toil church collections, $344.40. The av ount collected by la- dies in differous sections of the city totalled $187.17. sundry other receipts totalled $92.21. The total receipts amounted to $726.35 and the total disbursements were $724.99, leaving a balance of $1.36. These figures * were certified the suditor of the society and Mr, Macdonoell considered the treasurer's repoit a very favorable one, George Mills, -deretary of the so- ciety, mext govi lig report. He de- signated the pas' nlenary vear of the society as high! : successful in many ways, The caren: of She diy for the centenary fund uy resul in the dargest recpipts in the history of the seereiary | reviewed . th celebration of B Society's centenary 5 representa owner, it tives from all earth were & at the presen a were the 19 ab the Arehbish bury and Rev, Suppoasd $0 John W congratulation | were sent ling # Jom is on the | rela: 3 ce and 9 Jane hi 1 wr sil 1 t in stitution, ! Beith oe ible society. Gifts were also received from places where virtue triumphs, in the . The featured scenc absent from the city. Cal. There is no doubt about being No other will cure cold so uiskly. No other is so sure preferred to any other. le are satisfied with any once used this ve- medy. For sale by all druggists. J r------ Made A Ruling. may register unless ho has a vote at | hey student who ap- yoo to be entered on the vided, of course, he fulfils tho other, requirements as to residence in the one year, is a British twenty-one years of t comedy, in- Translations has adventures of blind, daugh- | Bible have been issued, ma clergy- | "Remedy The ' the. good (work of the society bad been proven. He brief- ly outlined the work of the society od jn foreign lands showing in figures the sea: "cost of supporting these missions. of the Bible in 378 differ- abun: ent languages and 'dialects have now . been completed. 5 | _ During 1904, 5,007,361 copies of the ing a to tal of 186,680,101 copies sinc® the in- gers. auguration of tw are carefull n of the society. @ chairman announced that Tucker, Dr. who weak to have taken part programme was unavoidably of burning of the Old ' Dr, Scott, a {returned missionary Tel from Ceylon, next spoke of the work | of the Bible sockety in Ceylon. The meetings there, ho said, looked forward to are eagerly by the native people 3 t in's Of that land. They meet three times "In my Siuicn po ambetlaii's day during the first week of the Hi pocr 3. Rood ' Walker of Port- 10 pray for success during the yoar. During the 15th to I8th enturies no effort had been made to bring the scripture to the people in their own language, but during the past century the Bible society has begun this work, uld be | These Bibles aro largely used through ia. Out the schools, where 12,000 children , are being Jongh the Christian religion from the Holy Scriptures. The speak- er exhibited several of the Bibles dis- tributed in Caylon and gave the prices of the different editions. He spoke highly of the work dono by the col- porteurs and Bible women in Ceylon who go from house to house teaching and placing 'the copies of the Bible carry with them. The native churches' all co-operate with the Bible ety and send annual subscriptions to aid the society, A contribution is also taken up from the English speaking people of the country. The society in Ceylon made 'it their effort to raise in each of the three missions 1,000 py ary Bible find totalling n-all 3,600 rupoes Pog from 3,500 of the board! list, pro-| fluence. The Lord Jesus Christ comes ET TT ------ IT ALWAYS HELPS An ailment like consump® tion that has been months and years getting a foothold cannot be relieved in a week or 'day. Scotts Emulsion will Ylways afford relief and' often cure, but not over night. The consistent use of Scott's Emulsion will positively help 'the consumptive at any stage of the disease. We beyond this, but on right living and Scott's Emulsion: have done more to cure con : Ba tn! city buildi "| been for the conten. |- \ - "sss reno? to them as a veritable friend they love to read His Word, At the close of the si 's address Mr, Macdonnell said that he felt that the figures given by Dr. Scott, made our own suffer by comparison. ~ After @& collection was taken up, the meeting was concluded with a missionary hymn. Officers Chosen. The election of alfiprs. hd at the close of the meeting resuliad : President-- Rt. Rev. William Lennox Mills, D.C.L., bishop of Ontario. Vice-presidents--G. M. Macdonnell, K.C.; Canon .Starr, Rev. Dr. Antliff, Rev, D. Laing, B. W. Robertson, Prof. Pike, R. S. Dobbs, George Mills, Jr,, Oliver Chown. s Treasurer---Dr. Lake. Sccretary--Rev, D. M. Solandt. Auditors--George Hague and Joseph Clark. ¥ \ Executive committee--Tho officers as named and all the city mninisters. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Superior flour, $2.70 per ewt., Mullin's. ; There is not much snow but there is good slipping. ror Ross by voting for his candidatés on polling day. Three weeks from to-day the liberals will have a great jubilation. William Swain, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's book store. Did you resolve to be a reader of the Whig this year ? Your name now. Me 's Emulsion of pure cod liver oil, bottles 40c. and 75c. McLeod's Drug Store. Good evening, Mr. Alderman, What place have you picked out on a civie conimittee ? "Chamois vests," the perfect fitting kind are sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Several gentlemen from the city, at- tended au dance held in Turner's Hall, Belleville, last night. Don't use a at cent meat saws at the Yellow Hard- ware Store, A number of bets have already been placed that Pense will have at least 200 majority on the 25th, Thermometers, at low prices, for in- side or outside use at McLeod's Drug Store. This morning, the thermometer ain registered quite low. It was eight degrees below zero. is weather makes the coal heaps grow small. This year the dealers will sell a half more coal than usual. Wash dishes, pots or pans wit Lever's Soap a powder. It will re- move the grease witn the greatest ease Why are the liberals so cheerful ? Because they are going to, give the {dries a grand trouncing. on the 25th. The villain who doth now puisue . The injured maid is apt to find i The fair one is a scorcher, too, And leaves pursuers far behind. A recount of votes in Frontenac ward is talked of for the purpose of deciding the relative standing of the tne lowest. aldermanic candidates, hil have been v uiet in the put s this we. Thore has a marked scarcity of last year's aldermen and aldermen-elect hovering about, Fresh Peruna and Ozone at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. On December 31st the Ontario gov- ernment sent a cheque for $846 to the board of education balance of a grant of $1,345 to the technical classes of the Collegiate Institute. Henry Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickering. lors received at McAuley's book store, Princess street. Do your pipes freese up, your fur- nace mot give heat, your cook stove refuse to bake ? Ask Simmons Bros.' advice; free and cheerfully given. 211 and 213 Princess street. Telephone 494. Norman Edgar, the lad whose leg was broken by a horse while playing on Rideau street about three weeks ago, has heen removed from the Gen- eral Hospital to lis home. The grit members of city council are quite satisfied to 'cat crow" for the next twelve months, and enjoy the dyspeptic condition of the tory sec- tion at the end of the year. There are many forms of nervous de- bility in men that yield to the use of Carter's Tron Pills. Those who are troubled with nervous weakness, night sweats, ete, should try them. At the police. court this morning, two young men were chrged with rais ing 'a disturbance on Princess street a few nights ago. One pleaded guilty and was fined $3 and costs. The other war dismissed. You gain more than we'do by eating "Swiss Food," the most per fect breakfast cercal sold. P. Mcln- tosh & Son, millers, Toronto. The doings of some outsiders who worked in the mayoralty elec tion on Monday against Craig have been recorded and if they are here on the 25th, warrants will be issded for their arrest, The tary aching men are being closely watoh- od. A great clearing sale during January of ready-made clothing afd gents' furnighings; also special cut line in order work. Kvery thing will he sold at first cost. If in need of the above goods you will do well to call at Prevost's, Brock street. Death Of Little Girl. News reached the city this morning of the death- of Phyllis, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 8. Smiley, Toronto. The little girl, who was aged two Years and seven months, contracted diphtheria about twelve days ago, and succumbed to its ravages. Mr, Smiley is a former Kingstonian, having Leen a on the K. & Pp. railway, He is now employed on the C.P.R. in a similar capacity. Maps Of Ward Divisions. City Engineer Craig has prepared 8 map of the city, with the Po rs ' divisions marked. 'Copies of it have! been placed in the manhood suffrage registration courts where they will be ly useful. The city clerk intends having a plate made for the auditor's -- A preity wedding took place De- cemtbor 28th, vin Christ Bnet ul ' i chy, when Ogle i is ii Bry no ce a4 Where he left will 1 Fh XY 8 ay DAY, 'ANUAR "§ excited over religion t ucksaw to eut your meat; get one of Simmons' Bros., 35 CONVICTS MIND IS UNBALANCED AND RE- LEASE IMPROBABLE. John Esterbee, Life Prisoner, Still Religious Fanatio--Has Served Twenty-six years For Murder of His Brother. ; It was thought that when the Do- minion government was granting par- dons to a number of life prisoners in various Canadian penitentiaries, it would have released a man named John Esterbee, who has served twoen- ty-six years in penitentiary here for the wurder of his brother. Estorbee was convicted at St. Catharines in 1878 upon circumstantial evidence, Lut there seems to be no doubt that he committed the crime, He was then only twenty years of age, and was so ¢ at he became a fanatic. While in a religious frenzy it was concluded that he committed the awiul deed, which, for more than a quarter of a century, has kept him within prison walls. Ta few would the memory of crime now be retained, However, some friends have not. for gotten him, and several times 'have petitioned the minister of justice for is release. His case was promised full consideration, and Esterbee thought his release would come a vear ago. Having served so long in prison, one would think that a freer ife would scarcely be desired by such a prisoner. ih is said, however, that Esterbee will 'spend the remainder of his days in prison; as it would not be safe to allow him his liberty. His mind is still unbalanced in conncetion with religious matters, and he would be quite likely, did the chance oecur, to become stirred up and in an irrespon- sible condition commit erime again. Hence, he is safer where he has existed so long. Esterbee is the man who, over a year ago, while working in the penitentiafy laundry was struck in the face by a piece of machinery and had his jaw broken, disfiguripg him. Those at the penitentiary who were intimately associated with Matthew Jones, the life prisoner released a week ago after serving eighteen years for arson, 'believe' that the man was really innocent, and that he was punished for something he did not do. At the trial, two things went against him, viz., the fact that he had com: mitted, arson before and a confession wring from higy after farmers © had hung him to a tree and the blood began to ooze from his ears. In' agony, he told them he was guilty in order to save his life. They then re- leased bim and he went home. The next morning, as he wis about to enter a charge against several of tho farmers for attempting to take his life," he was arrested. And for cigh- teen years he languished in prison. Red Hot Pincers. People who gin from Sinica, neu- ralgia, and all ailments of a x euma- tic nature, say that if their muscles were being pulled t6 'pieces, with red- hot pincers, the suffering could be no greater. The nerves affected ate in a state of acute inflammation, due to the presence of irritant poisons in the blood. Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure re- lieves these afiections promptly and cures them permanently because it neutralizes and expels the poison from the system. It is a certain cure and relief is usually given by 'the first few doses. This is the preparation that cured William Tait, Brock street. and hundreds of others. In bottles, 50c., at Wade's Drug Store. ' New Signalling Class. The new class in signalling opened at the armouries last night. It is to meet Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings for the next six weeks. Those who have so far entered are: Major Leatherland, Lieut. Allan Stroud and Sergt. A. Stroud, of the 4th Hussars; Color-Sergeants White, Sleeth and Walker, Privates Spriggs and Hall, of the 14th Regiment; Capt. Mundell, Army Medical 'Corps; Lieut. Partridge, 47th Regiment. Any others wishing to join are requested to attend at the armourics on Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Do It Now. r Ignorance is a frightful éxpense that draws on you every day of your life, Can 'you afford"to neglect your cation ? This is a vital question, and the matter of improving your education should be settled NOW. Pon't take any chances that may end in a crop of regrets. Come to us with your present education, come with. a termination to work while yon here, and we will promise that you will succeed if you only do your part. Day and evening classes, Call, write or 'phone 680 to The Frontenae ness College. for full particulars. ---- To Cure A Gold 1n 'One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. B. W. Grove's signa- edu- de are Busi- ture is on each box, 2c. ---------------- Annual Meeting. Lord's Day Alliance in Bethe! Sregational church to-night. Speak- ers i Rev. Eber (ru nd Rev, Charles Masters, gy ---- em "Many people" saved woney last year by dealing at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Were yon ome of thom ? Mes. HB. Wartelsky, Verona, re- ceived a sudden call to Montreal, to attend the ¥uneral of her sister, Mrs. Rutenburg. She left a - husband and five children to mourn her death, I Con State of Ohio, City of Toledo, , ss 3 ag. Lucas County, 4 'rank J. Cheney makes th thet hei senior partner of the firm ot i oJ. hits ney & go + cloing issinesy in the City ounty and Stale af caid, and that said firm will - the a UNE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and ) Catarrh that cannot be cared by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. "RANK J. CHENEY, le aud Subscribed in A.D. 1886, ay ot : A. W. GLEASON, i Nota ic. ("Hall's Cotarrh Cube is Lie iy od acts direc the blood and 'ous surfaces of ystem: Send testimonials free. > for PF. J. oR wat Ri ios Shia: RE The Woodman With his axe cuts short the life of the strongest tree, 50 with that cough of 'yours EACH HACK wea- kens the soundest lungs, Hickey's Bronchitis Cure 'Will stop that hacking cough. 25¢. The H. B. Taylor Drug Co, 124 Princess St. "Phone 59. 40 a ar years, ngs in the of Canada sell pa Tecom Im as the only medicine its kind that cures dives naivoree] If pros eak: A mn. permanently cares all forms of Aervous ness, Emissions, Spermalorrhea, Im and alieffects of abuse or excesses; the excessive usoof Tobareo, Opium or Atimulants, Mental sind Brain Worry, all of which lead to Infirmi Lusanity, Consumption and an Early Grave, Price $1 per package or Six for 85. Ome will lt oc price equi tor oe vamorieh. Adres of ood Ogwbans, Windsor, Oth, Canada, Woed's Phosphodine is seld by Li Kingston Druggists. CAPILLI FORMA tonic, produces hair at any age, A clean, healthy iwxuriant growth of DER, at the I. 'ere 9K1 Prinress strent {JOAN A. MILLS] ¢ THE LEADING AUCTIONEER. Teas 0 ~8 Ribbons! Ribbons! We lead the van for Ribbon values. Big ship- ment received direst from Glasgow, including all widths and best shades in Taffeta and Satin Duchess. See the dainty shades in Shot Ribbon that we show, something extra nice. Newman & Shaw. Coal $6.50 All Sales for Cash No Long Bills Coming in. : ® G. A. BATEMAN ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, LIFE and FIRE INSURANCE BROKER, 61 Clarence street, address, Sydembaw Sy "w sae Ott: 2nd, | Trains will leave City Dep: © Johnston Street, GOING EAST. Nos. 1, 2, 8 and 4. run dd No. 5 and 8,, run daily, day. a : Nes. 6, 7, 11, 12, 15 and except Sunday. For Pullman atcommodati and all other information a; seilk 9. P. HANL] Otirmer Johnston and Oat A -- i -------------- KINGSTON & PEMBROKE 5 PACIFIC RAILWA) Bn) -- TRAINS. LEAVE KING 12:39 p.ov.--Express, for Of treal/ "St Joh, N. Bostén, Turonto, Chicago, I froW, Suult Ste. Marie, | Paul, Winnipeg, Vaucouve P , ahd San Francisco. A. pmiideeal "for. Sha coufdeting' with' C.P.R. east 930 4m --Miz=d; for Rents terdioliiNte points. Piasengerd Jeaving Kingsto P.O, afrile ju Ottawa at Fetfrhoto, 512 'pm.. Tor p.m; Bolted, 780 wm; N.B, 11:55 a.m. ¥ Full "particulars at K. & | P.R! Ticket Office, Ontario S F. CONWAY FA FOLOE Gen. Pass. Agt. | BAY OF QUNTE RJ W 'short line for Tweed Berop to, nd all local pois City Hall Depot at 2:2 WAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., K --- re BERM Frost unknown, malarig m New York, 48 hours 1 twin screw steamship ** B Sallings every 10 days during E y five days during Febru: and April, 1905. FOR WINTER CRUISES ee INDI 80 YS trip. About 20 days £ ial cruises to Bermuc Rico, Windward Islands and | Prdtoria, Janugry 4th, Fobr Match 22nd, 1905. For furth dud apply to A . OUTERB JO. Agents, for uebec NS. Braopdway, New . York ; A RN, Secretary, Que * J. P. HANLEY, and to J. P. BLEEVE, Ticket Agents, Kin ALLAN LINE "veers Royal Mail Ateame From St. John. Fror Preforian, 'Sat, Jan. 7: Mon Corinthian, Sat, Jaa. 14, Mon Parfaian, Sat. Jan. 21, Mon ici 'Sat. Jan. 28; Mon. RATES OF PASSAGE. Firs and upward. Second ca erpobl and Londonderry, $30 $2.50 extra, hird class, $15 pooly Derry, liast, Glasgow, 4 NEW YORK 1D G1.ASG dian, Thurs. Jan. 5th, ( Ff further particulars, appl -*P. HANLEY, Agent, 4.7 Depot. J, CY WEVE Marence Street ER -------------------- FOR REAL ES] OR INSURANC Consult with Geo. CHE buving. at 88 Claremes str a ---- Nui ¥ J CONTRIBUTED TO BIBLE People Aid In Raising Big ary Collection, London, Jan. XA ~The Briti Fordign Bible Sodiety has n ccived £1,000.000 out of the guineas which it is raising as tenary fund, and, a' large pr has heen tributed by native es if the fdreign mission field, THese foreign contributions alwdys been in money, but instdnces the offerings have | kind. Gifts of embroidery to 1 of $150 have been received | tive' Christian women in Mag and from Wamasi, "the thirsty." From the New Heb Aneityumese sent 831. Thes manufacture arrowroot annu; pay for the Pibles they need, Thén $15 was contributed in aborigines at Mapoon, North land; who collected ovsters purpose, ax they have no m theie: own. Even the Dyvaks in have made a collection in ai fund, though in former day: fathérs collected human head: The children's offerings alo ed Rs 490 at Ramabai's ho girl widows at Mukti, near J Their ¢ontributions were in ki included flovr, grain, eggs, two little. black kids, ah chickens, buttermilk, potatoes kinds of vegetables, and frui the printer of the establishme tributed his Sunday turban. *Baby's Own" cough syrup at Gibson's Red Cross drug At Picton: a bylaw to ex'im ton Business eollege from | for "tin Vears wad carried | two majority. x - It 1s unequaled os & morniag brace : IRAE NE * ; ¥ X

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