Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Jan 1905, p. 5

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RR mh rs 1a aris and mildly ts the entire Anatomy s and trimming alone ne clothing," pliness, and wear, too, hidden parts--the work tion shows the angiom 3" Clothing. Note tha sve pads--the felt, hair nen canvas, thoroughly rts are modeled by hand e by thousands of tiny nly by hand work, by that ** PROGRESS" ir shapliness, and hold nN. S'* Clothing is the finest rimmings, moulded by permanent only. » ese wes iB *sansew + f CO. ? ¢ ) t confidence TQ son every Cloth- a strong bid for n--see what you enormous lot of de especially to k out what you s get the best of Buy here, where you buy ; where where stocks are s of deception of lecated. SOS Vvuqea of a high stan- JVERCOATS.. OUR UR GROSVENOR. * Overcoat prices 10 them. Come BRR 3s AR rool Uddéerwear, ¢ SWEATERS, C. Y CO, ll, Kingston. seas } AWFUL DEATH. toker And Carried To- ard Furnace. nes, Jan. 5.--A workman an Paper Mills at Merrit- vly escaped a horrible lay afternoon. He was into the automatic are the BOE rrr ane rries the coal into 8. Through some mys- ¢ the man suddenly fell to the carrier. He was rapidly into the fiery another stoker, missing n, happened to see his out of the top of the ushed up and threw off t 'a¢ the man rached the A few seconds more and » been too late. metas ain. svrups at Gibson's Red ore, All fresh there. aS, Turkeys! 1214c. and 15c¢. : per Ib., -- DOMINION FISH Go. 63 Broce St. "Phone 520, ESTABLISHED 1854. SPECIAL PRICES On a few lines left over from our Christmas trade. Parlor and Music Cabinets, Fancy Rattan Rockers Chairs. These we intend closing out be- fore stock taking. and ! wish to convey to our many friends and patrons hearty thanks for vheir liberal patron- age, making this our banner year. Thanking you for past favors and continuance of same. Wishing you a ous 1905, ------------ JAMES REID, The Leading Undertaker, "PHONE 147. BEI TP REA Ses, THE CHOIGEST And best assorted stock in the city. prosper- Everything in Wines and Ales. Any brand of Scotch or Irish Whis- key. All the lines mestic Liquors. -- JAS. McPARLAND 339 and 341 King St. "Phone 274. UNION ASSURANCE SOCIETY upon Instituted in the reign of Queen Ann, AD, 174 and accumulated fund exceed $21,000,000. One of the oldest and strongest of Fire Offices. CLARK W. WRIGHT, Sole Agent for Kingston. Ring up No. 678 and your orders will re- ceive prompt pcrsons attention. From Jan. 3rd of Imported and Do- You may spend a most profitable time in "the. new school. The Collegiate Building, Barrie and Clergy Streets, Kingston, Ontario. Everything bright, clean, and up-to- date. 'Thorough courses the basis of good results. Write for particulars. 'Phone 680. W. H. SHAW, T. N. STOCKDALE, President. Principal. DAVID HALL, 68 Brock St. "Phone 335. ENJOY A DRIVE ? Then make it doubly enjoyable by eo- Waging ons of our fine turneuts, and 4 'S LIVERY, 210 Wellington St. *Phose 236, G. Howard Ferguson, Kemptville, carried the] Grenville conservative con. vention held at Spencerville to choosa a candidate. Tha liberals are coming together for the battle 'on January 25th. Let the majority for Pense this time be larger than last, ------ take place at bride-clect's father early in March, - - - - The eng, nt Boulton, * Chicago, Casgrain, to Mr. same city, The in Quehoe has just been announced. of becoming holiday garb of cedar, hem- lock, spruce and holly, branches and wreathings . of fir being everywhere, and it reminded all the guests whom she had bidden to meet Miss Iredale, Mrs. Gordon's ues, that they were | of Hon. Justice across in the dining-room were Mrs, Francis King and iss Mabel King, pouring cocoa, and making tea, with Miss Ida Sutherl cutting the ice block. The h vi Miss Margaret King, and Miss Kathleen Kirkpatrick, Among the' guests were two "old girls," whom every one was welcoming back, and why don't seem in the least to have forgotten the art of being brides--Mrs. J. H. H. Coleman, and Mrs. George Ellis. Miss Macnee was al- SO a centre of attraction, and had the pleasure of having a great many pretty things said to her. Others pres- ent were Mrs. Stafford Kirkpatrick, Jr., Miss Annie Daly, Miss Nina Fer. guson, Miss Annie Fowler, Miss May and Miss Isabel Ross, Miss Mildred Macmoring, Miss Ethelwyn Loucks, Miss Marion Calvin, Miss Agnes Rich- ardson, Miss Mona Knight, Miss Katie Gordon, Miss Constance Cooke, Miss Alice Macnee, Miss Brown, Miss Eleanor Macdonnell, Miss Fairlie, Miss - . - " of Brockville, for the winter Toronto. na Howland, Stringer, wife of the novelist of New . York, formerly of London Ont., has just struggled out a long and serious with her husband for a ly the other day. The Prince of ing Lord Mount Hall, winter in Ita Wales has been visit Stephen ------ DEATH FROM BLOW. A Dreadful Accident To Mr. Mrs. Snider. Special to the Whig. Odessa, Jan. der, LL.D. And dent' yesterday, and Mrs, Snider visit, and to jeorge Lucas village. All went well on Factory - - - - "Annandale" was the scene of holi- day merriment when, last night, Mrs. Carruthers gave a dancing party for the girls and boys who are yet on the sunny side of the "coming-out" age. That all the young guests enjoy- -~ » Jr, just south of the until they had turned street south, when, in t i p Mrs. Raymond Reade's fancy dress ed on the icy surface and struck the ; railing on the bridge. Confusi reign- ball will be the event of to-morrow| oq, ne i the new anu oa evening, YW aii. to matchwood. The horse, freed from . the wreckage, a few yard Mrs. Robinson, of Alfred street, 26 a low 2 lurther on, wedged itself solidly between two ced- ar trees in the hedge skirting the hill- side. Mrs. Snider miraculously escaped in- jury. Mr. Snider's abdomen came in violent contact with the end of the bridge ridge-pole, the concussion being: gave a jolly party for some of the younger girls and boys on Monday night, in honor of Miss Marjory John- son, who was staying with her. Mrs. James Henderson entertained a few members of the small club for ladics, of which she herself is a mem- X Pili So great as to loosen the pole from ver, on Monday, : ri its solid fastenings, He was conveyed The Misses Macmorine are qving a; home. Dr. Day, and Dr. Mundell, party at St. James' rectory, this ov- Kingston, were summoned in consul. J , ening. . * . * tation, but the beginning of the end had already dawn , and Mr. Snider, after making some business settle- ments, expired from 'the injury at three o'clock this (Wednesday) after- noon, some thirty hours after the ac- The Badminton tournament for Mrs. Hunter Ogilvie's prize, will be held on the eleventh. - - The Rev. Herbert Grout went down cident. to-day to Prescott, and will 80 on to] "Nathan F., third son of the late Delhi, N.Y., to-morrow. "Uncle" John Snider, was born some The Dean of Ontario yesterday, from Montreal. Miss Margaret®G. Keith, has return- ed to Belleville from Kingston, Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Larue came up from Montreal on Tuesday, and will spend a fortnight with Mr. and Ms. Snelling, Division street. Miss Constance Tandy is in Toron- ro, for the purpose of studying for a few weeks under Miss Hope Morgan. Miss Rita Ashley is home again af- came home, | gixty-three years ago on the old home- stead, immediately west of the drill- shed; taught school and afterward hy dint of business capacity amassed qa fortune in his native tow n, where near- ly all of his life was spent. He was kind of heart, and had many staunch friends. Politicaly his leanings were conservative. (dessa loses a quiet, solid business citizen in Mr. Snider, His widow is the daughter of the late y | ' "Uncle" John Parrott, Wilton, Ont., ter an extended visit with her sister, and mourns her loss together with Mrs. Harry Livingstone, in Toronto. her daughter Florence, and her son, . a ee Urban. and their grief is shared by a Mr. Wilkins, who spent the holidays | vast circle of relatives and friends, in Kingston and Trenton, has return- ed to Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Alcombrack have taken a very comfortable flat in PERSONAL MENTION. Movements of The People--What New York, and are now settled in They Are Saying And Doing. their new quarters, i ¢ ? Miss Booth, Alfred street, visiting Miss Jennie Anglin has returned home after visiting Mrs, H, son, Ottawa. in the west, returned home last even- R. Wil ing. » Mrs. T. R. Carnovsky, has returned] Mrs. Harry Tandy, not Mrs. Dalton, from a visit to friends in Cleveland | Wa8 the donor of-five pictures to the and Chicago Orphans' Home. Misses Grace and Fern® Oram of I+ J. Gallivan, visiting his mo'th- er, on Alfred street, returned to Toronto. Rev. R. 0. Farrell, Brockville, was Montreal, have had a pleasant visit for a week, has to their old home. They have been the guests of their grandmother, Mrs, TW \ : 'hey | in the city to-day on his way to po, € Jergy yet, Tey New York, where he will visit friends return hom L8 Jalun ay, for two weeks, This afternoon, Capt. Geoghegan Mr. and Mrs. B. Sills have returned F Ts left for Point Alexander, Wolfe Island, where he will sojourn till spring as customs officer, Forbes ' Robertson will play "Love And The Man" in the Grast on Jan nary 25th. DeWoli Hopper will be here on the 26th in "Wang." William McCullough, Parkhead, re- turned home after spending Christmas with his sisters, Mre. Clenchan and Mrs. Post, Main street: The Montreal Herald publishes good picture of W. F. Nickle, the Kingston representative on executive committee of the 0.H.A. John Cousins, went out to Harrow- smith this afternoon, where, to-night, he will take part in a concert in con- nection with the Church of England of that place. A letter from Rev. John Picku announces his arrival in England 5 ter a stofmy voyage. Miss Salter was confined to her room all through the trip. Col.-Sergt. Donald Jack and Sergt.- Bugler Joseph Turner of Capt. Darl- ing's company, "Lisgar Rifles," Lans- downe, left on Friday last to take to Belleville, after days in Kingston. Miss Geraldine Daly returned, yes- terday, to Montreal, after her week at home. Mrs. R. 8. Wilkinson came down from Amherst Island, yesterday," and is staying with Mrs, E. B. Wilson, Union street. Miss Bessie Gordon will go up from Montreal to Ottawa, for the drawing- room, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Coates spent the holiday in Kingston with Mr, and Mrs. F. W. Coates. Mr. and Mrs. John Tay- lor, and their family, of St. Paul, Minn.who will return to the west shortly, came up from Brockville with them. Miss Helen Muirhead, of Brockville, is visiting in town. - . spending a few a BA. the Miss May Rbbinson is visiting friends in Gananoque. Mrs. Lett, of Guelph, was in town this week. Colonel and Mrs. Raymond Reade returned to-day from New York. Miss Marjory Johnson, of Belleville,| courses of instruction at No. 3 Regi- who was visiting Mrs. Robinson, Al-| mental Depot, St. John 8, Que. fred street, went home on Monday. Mrs. James Boland is dead . at Mrs. W. H. Miller came home from British Columbia on Tuesday, and is with Mr. and Mrs. John Macdonald, University avenue. Mr. Miller came as far east as Toronto, - . Campbelliord, aged eighty-nine, She was married in 1839, and came to Kingston in 1842, where her husband was employed as book-keeper during the building of the artillery barracks. They moved from Kingston to the Trent river district in 1844. si ---------------- Our Customers Get The Benefit. Of low prices on fruit. This week we offer yon good eating and cooking » » Invitations have heen received, an- nouncing 'the marriage on January 12th, at 9.30 p.m., of Miss Bertha Delahev, daughtef of Mrs. John Dela- hey, of Cobden, Ont., and Mr. Fred: erick B. Elliott, the versatile editor pears at 12jc. per gallon. Carnov- and proprietor of the Cobden Sun, sky's. and son of the Rev. R. J. Elliott, chairman of the Simeoe, Ont., Metho- Roll butter, 18¢. Crawford dist district. 4 packages corn | stench, 2c. fonr| flckagen oars 8 JT Tbs. | No. 1 rice, 25¢., at Mullin's, daughter of Senator Wood of Sack: .Come to Abernethy's shoe store and ville, N.B., to Mr. M. E. Nichols, of save money. . » » " | The marriage of Miss Dora Wopd, 2 _YAATR® DAILY WHIG, T the residence of the of Miss Elsie B. niece of Senator John Harmon, of the engagement has been announced Miss Juliette Hudon, of Ottawa, will entertain at a dinner party on Tuesday, the 10th of Janu- ary ; A dance vas heldd(in Stitt's hall, Ren- frew, in honor of Miss Craig, daughter still in the midst' of the Christmas | Senator and Mrs. Frost have re- season. Mrs. King and Mrs. Alice King turned to Smith's Falls from Eng- received in the drawing-room, anc land. 2 . Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Smith, formerly have taken up residence at 412 Markham street, The beautiful and well-known Joby- who became Mrs. Arthur alive from buck: with his trusty illness and left at Biocket 4--Dr. Nathan F, Sni- » general merchant, and lo- A 4 . 5 as + cal manager of the C, P, R. telegraph Lonise Kirkpatrick, es Wisiuilred and Bell Telephone cdmpanics, a rue, Miss sslie, Miss . : A ho. nna Je a ® | the ponsequence of an appalling acei- Tuesday morning. Mr. started on a friendly attend a dinner party at MELTED AWAY AFTER THE OLD MAN ToLE 'HIS TALE, -------- As Interesting As a Good Novel-- ® | only daughter of Licut.-Col, and Mrs. A Meéan Trick Deprived 4 Fam. Beccccccesanvusccscson| i. Denif Huion, ta ar Sward Atch. ily Of Venison, er, son of My, | ph ir, od t Mrs. George King's cosy cottage.en | hee. or 2 Ho One of the most, interesting men on' Alice street looked more than usually Leen ; earth to talk Yo is the spor inviting, yesterday afternoon, in its Colonel and Mrs. Hanbury-Williams | Who has just returned from the hunt- ing ground, especially 'if be has not managed to "bag" a great deal. for then there is more room for the im- agination to play, says The Galt Re- former. But when a whole crowd of returned sportsmen get together and commence "remembering things"-- well the result is as interesting as a good novel. It was such a gather- ing, composed of certain local sports- men. that occurred the other day, and one of those present started the ball rolling by telling how it was that he happened to come home from Parry Sound district lately without any dead meat, although he had had & good rifle with 'him. We explained that he bad brought down a noble gun, and only for a mean trick that the animal! perpetrated his family would now be having deer meat for dinner. "I was lying in ambush near one of the well-known deer runs of the north country,' the hunter went on, '"'and presently I espied a fine buck coming down the line. I put a well-aimed bullet right through the centre of his chest, and he dropped without going ten feet. However, while I was get- ting my knife ready to bleed him, the brute suddently rose to his feet and ran away, and I saw him mo more." The other members of the crowd ex- pressed their sincere sympathy with the hunter. One of them said: *"It is necessary to be very careful to make sure of a deer after shooting him, be- cause they are such eccentric animals. I myself, for instance, once shot a deer and had to follow him five miles before he dropped. When the amimal was finally cut up, it was found that with regard to the chase days. 'The most peculiar experience I ever had with a deer," said a man whose hair was grey and who, there- fore, could not be doubted, "was about 30°years ago. I formed one of & party hunting with hounds. We €ot on the scent of a deer, and, af- ter two hours, caught sight of him. We them ran him to the edge of the river, and just at this point, the banks were very high and the water of earlier rushed upon the animal triumphant- ly, all in a bunch. The deer did not make a move until the foremost dog was within. five feet of him, Then he suddenly stepped aside and start- ed 'cross country. Two of the dogs, being unable to Stop in time, went head foremost into the stream, were swept away and drowned. The other two were so surprised that they made no move--and we were the same.' "It was on a Sunday,'" he said, "long, long ago, when I was quite and Britton. young. In those-days the decr were She was given credit for saving the] No. 2---Messrs. Stafford and Con- very thick in the neighborhood of liv f several of the men whom she! nolly, Galt, as I will prove to you, My toe ht ashore. Among them was] No, 3--Messrs, Berney and Alguire father had a farm about three miles ] ay Cousipn, = No. 4--~Messrs, Bracken and Bowser, oy, and on the day in question, 1 {7% ------------ No. 5--Messrs. Garvin and Preston. was strolling through the cabbage Cured His Mother Of Rheumatism , No. 6--Messrs, Halliday and McCom- patch, when suddenly I perceived a i fi 1 ish, flock of wild turkeys at rest. I My mother has bom a wnlieres -- In Grenville : ong could not resist the temptation, - | many years from © A 8 oN J y though it was Sunder Ny wk W. H. Howard of Husband, Pennsyl- No. a Hosur, Bissell and Mellafont. solutely Harmless, into the house and brought out my | vania. "At times she was unable to Ne 4 ars, Baker and Arnold, The fault af giving children medicines rifle. Jy move at all. while at all times walk- Oy t--Nessrs. Selleck and Johns containing injurious substances, is le. Just as I was about to shoot, tom, + times the the birds rose and started to run | ing was painful. | presented her with No.4 M some more disastrous an the in their peculiar manner. I followed | a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balas, Bore _ Sennett 2 Dilion. disease from ict thing are ne: them in hot haste int - | and after a few applications she deeid-] ! servatives mother know thar growth, I was not er ed it was the most wonderful pain re- liberals in the councils. fhamberlain's Cough Remedy. is' pus+ was going and I stumbled into the | liever she had over tried, in fact, dhe SE ---------- tly sale for shildren to take. It con: midst of a herd of deer who were | is never without it now and is at all : Kidney Losses Stopped. Yale nothing harmful and for Jonghe feeding. I was 80 surprised that 7 | times able to walk. An occasional ap- The escape of albumen from the gys- solds ad croup is unsurpassed. 7 Was rendered incapable of firing a | plication of Pain Balm keeps away the | tem is most dangerous. The trouble | #8le by all druggists. oi shot. However, one of the animals' | pain that she was formerly troubled | is you may not know it. Get to the in rushing away knocked me down. | with." For sale by all druggists. root of the disease--the kidneys-- by Woman Owes Paris Perfumer, This caused my rifle to go off, and er ------ wing Peokts Kidney Pills. In boxes , Paris, Jan. 5.--Cablo dispatches hay luckily, the bullet killed one of the A ROYAL PRESENT. » 8t Wade's. Money back if not ing announced M. Lentherio, the Parin turkeys, which were some' distance satisfactory. fortum, is suing Kubne Beveridge, ahead. The whole thing took place | Service For Fifty People Being ---- . Lentheric said ;: "She is 4 votgine in the twinkling of an eye. Oh, yes, Given. On January 4th, at the residence of | of ours, and her bill was sent to. deer were very plentiful . then and Berli J ~T) oe : the bride's father, Philander Ross, | York. I understand thers bas thay 'wore ising} J orlin, an. 5.-The joint wedding Belleville, M Li Cl ro and our : New: ty Were surprisingly tame too | gift of one hundred cities of Prussia evilic, Murney Lionel Clapp, Thur- | some ouble, 5 The old man smoked. his pipe medi- tatively. *No one else had any more remarks to make. The crowd broke Up quictly and melted away. en Composition of Medicines. Mr, George @, Nasmith, M, A. Ph.D., read an interesting paper on "Proprietary Medicines and Canned will be Goods, in Their Relation to the Pub- lic Health," before the Canadian i Household Association in the Normal 8125 000 of School at Toronto Fecently. He said | * 25, that alcoho! entered largely into the | 3: composition of patent guve a Sist 2 Sash of the various remedies with t pereent e of alco- hol it contained. o Ae handl- ing these medicines often knew little of 'their effect on the human frame, but cold the stuff merely as a busi- hess proposition. Any person, before using them, ought $0 be able to di- agnose his own cabe, he said, Can. ned goods were often dangerous, for the copper, zinc, and lead entering into the composition of the can sometimes formed Compounds with the vegetable or fruit that were poi- sonous, medicines, and Declined The Call. Special to the Whig. "Toronto, at. BmRev. Cornelius Wollekin, pastor of the Greene Avenue Baptist church, Brooklyn, has declin- ed the call tothe pastorate of the Walmer Road list church, this city, which hat ol him a salary of $4,000 a year with $500 moving ex- penses. -------- Donald McTaggart, London, Ont., ended his life by swallowing carbolic acid fT L Trunks and valises twenty per vont, discount, at Abcrnethy's for the next ten da fri ly the staff of the Toronto World, will | Potatoes. Crawford. BIRSDA 7; JAN tically Cartridge . -------------- was married on Wednesday to Clina Helm, took place at the residence of groom's parents, Shannonville, Do you want a 5 cent fire shovel, a 25 cent coal scuttle, or an all wire ash sifter for 25 cents ? Just call up tele- vhone 494; it's the Yellow Hardware Store. Mr. and Mrs, last week on her Prince Edward county. t icp, Ya On the 18th, sind hice ffl to al Wes 194° ih We've sold for the least m stock we've cut those Finish the Season With Ome of Those Half Price Hats, Trimmed Hats in all the Half Price. ' Street Hats. ready-to-wear, of Fur Felt, in Flares, etc, all the new shades at Half Children's Headwear, etc., all are this season's Here's a chance to save 50¢. on the dollar and at the same time have a : stylish hat. SEER {oer Steacy & Stea MILLINERY PRICES Full Half to You ~~ the best hats in the city ey, prices in half, and now to reduce Ha ah Sailors, Continentals, Turb Ce. 5 3 ps a large variety to choose from, in Silk, Velvet, I styles. at Half Price. : new colors and styles, all this season's nN 2 & Not Hy and a great endured vant, unable to her suffering, Toronto Globe. Amherstburg, Jan. 4.~With the pass- ing away of James Cousins, is rémov- the last survivor Abigal Becker incident at Long Point, ed present about end, ys. Roll butter, 18¢; Crawford, 100 views. Store, le g K some unaccountable manner, the youn, my bullet had gone right through his London, Jan. 5.--A stran, ed themselves very much, goes with: horse became frightened and A i a os gone righ of devotion that led to murder out Say ng: for the hostess has the unmanageable. Descending Factory A couple of the older members of [told atthe , happy | ak of making things go off! pill at a terrific pace, the cutter slew-{ the party now had something to say | Holdaway, aged sixty, Vv alw, . forty-seven such agonies 3 i PH Ey : ak eee. a wn » ah p ro r- 0 MURDERS HER MISTRESS. FASHION'S FORM, Servant, Prompted By Love, Cuts | One Of The Latest Styles Just Woman's Throat. uite deep. Our stopped when The relatives 6f the murdered wo- » roby the ee Dy to | man agreed as to the prisoner's devo- worth, decide that he would rather be pulled | tion and kindness, and went 50 far as LT) down by the dogs than jump in, | to instruct counsel to appear for the Send There wete four hounds and they | defense. . He ------------ BRAVE DEED RECALLED. How Abigail Baker Saved Several Sailors. absence of her father waded out the icy breakers time after time and brought the bhenumbed sailors ashore, to the Crown Prince Frederick William and the Duchess Cecilia of Mecklen- burg-Schwerin, on their approaching marriage, to which invitations to out by a committee of mayors, will re- cent apiece from each Prussian city dweller cont one a silver table service for fifty persons, and of more than a thousand original designs, costing , or $25,000 more than milar gift to the imperial pair in 1881. *' Toronto's Favorite Hotel," The yedrs as they pass but add to the popularity of the Torouto. The hotel redecorated Every room contains hot water, steam heating tance telephone. Ra: Gilbert H. Delong, of tie Dominion company, Toronto. $y fhe f Goodiellow, Jr, moved father's farm "Vi of Kingston," conthining near be o King op eomibimng neg: the tes aro from $2.50 day and up, and with bath from up. 100 rooms with baths, -------- of the famou Lake Erie. In the early sixties a big Panne and tucked tafleta, both the An uneasy movement was notice- Fit ar schooner was driven ashore on Same shade of the cloth. The grace. able among the listeners when the Long Point, and pounded to pieces on, fil redingote has a soft yoke and speaker had ceased. None uttered a the har. At Ga time Abigail Book, | underslseves of taffeta, A gray hat word, however, until presently an- then a young girl, was living with her | With green fancy feather and shirred other elderly tlemdn remarked father in a settler's cabin - on - the! TOWN is worn eotively with jg, that hé had had a still stranger ex- point. She saw the wreck, and in the OE Fp------ perience than this in his day. Counties' Council, occasion of ribute were sent The present the Queen's hotel, bas been prac- and refurnished. and cold and long dis- Lachute, ie. Se The wedding the wld ag to a relative or] latest souvenir story was Old Bailey when Mary was found guilty of murdering her mistress Plumstead, and ordered to be detain. ed during his majesty's pleasure. The woman had lived wit named Tabitha affection for her mistress, nearly eighty years old, sufferer from paralysis, that the ser- stand by and watch seized a razor and cut the invalid's throat from ear to ear, h a lady Lawson on terms of years. Then inte Out, t A visiting and pearl gray cloth, carri sostume imag in bands of In Leeds : No, 1--Messrs. Donovan low, was united in marriage to Miss | agents may be suing, but Mabel Rose. nothing about the matter.' cents a half pound can Royal Baking Powder is made from grape cream of tartar; is absolutel; pure; has received the highest p from all authorities on food at h and abroad; is used daily in' mill of homes throughout the world, [Royal Baking Powder. is the a _ tomical thing in jae kitchen. eo Es Sr SE

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