we | to 8 = fpgif is 3 2 roturn with his tho aters, may await the who has been inter: dd the opinion that should be blockaded would be compelled to of Russia has cabled to saying that the giving or the alternative of t is optional With the offi. interesting incidents in connee- with Port Arthur hitherto care- t lke Sy rth common pro- When the protected cruiser Boy. was fost by going on the rous » - prey to the flames, which spread with lightning rapidity. Scarcely ansthing wae saved from the factory: Fhe + "books were got out" together with a few papers, ' but i. out of employ- and the Joss will net ahout $200,000. Tt is impossible as vet to get list of the sompanies interested, think big industry fire in Brockville in four being the Cossitt fac- orks. rine three cyyin under the naval conscription, t their home at mi t; torn' Nou their families, and od in the mili tary racks. 7 shcceeded in making t escape, and were assisted by friends to Germany, and thence to Havre where they took steamer to Canada. The men, who are willing to work, are now being temporarily look- ud after in the House of Industry, DIRECTORS OF ESTATES, LTD. Being Examined At Osgoode Hall * Toyday. : Seocial to tle Whig. Toronto, Jan, 5.~0On the petition of assignee, the directors Estates Limated, are; to day, at Osgoode hall, being examined in reference to the ally misapplication of moneys and Asance and of trust. It is claimed that certain illegal pay- ments were made hy the directors, and it is sought to make these re. sponsible for thew, The amount in- volved is about $7.000. The division- al court has sustained the order of Justice Anglin, removing the stay of p ings instigated by the master in the penalty suits against the To- onto street railway, WHILE FELLING TREES ° ------ Two Flesherton Farmers Were Badly Hurt. Special to the Whig. = Flesherton, Ont, Jan, 5.-John Stuart and Charl liv. ing a nile and s half : of Flesh. erton, while felli a there, vosterday, po. rs. falling = and hoth ; - sible. Mr. Stuart, while bruis- ed and cut on the ' y i ously injured, but it. 4 that Mr. Neil has sustained fatal inj % - Canada | Hgspital was held. Wed 3 , at four one x Mcintyre ( Means To Contimie It--Com- mittee To Wait Upon City Council Regarding Consump- tives. : mr of ta y after- t : Ve o'clogk x illivray, B. W 4 iD Dr Prof tients. The committee of with a view of sequring . informa regarding the em t and cost of patients in Muskoka sanitarium, com municated with the secretary, and a letter was submitted from him, sta- ting the arrangements made with i | other cities. It was decided to sub- mit this letter to the city council for their . consideration, and ask them to hear a deputation from the board with a view to arriving at an ar sangement whereby patients from the city, suffering from "tuberculosis, can be sent for treatment to the sanitar- ium. The committee of management will be the delegation to wait on the " }eouncil. The outdoor department has been ye: organized, and poor patients requiring medical aid will be treated free, every morning at ten o'clock? Each patient must have a ticket, signed either by a city doctor or city clergyman. The board i to extend the term of probation for nurses from six weeks to two months. . z The visiting governors for last month, R,- E. Kent and Charles Livingston, were re-appointed, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. ' Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Potatoes. Crawford. On Su morning, in the Princess' Street Methodist chuich. Nias Willer, of Montreal, sang the solo, "Face to Face," and in the evening Miss Guess, : | of the Toronto Conservatory of Music, rendered "The ' us Story.' The indoor baseball game played at the armories, last night, was not a match as expected, the teams being chosen for practice. After the foria- tion of the proposed League. some good 08 are anticip A Roll Tatler 18o; Crawlord, Mayor says he will have nothing to do with any scheme to dismiss the present permanent auditor, He does not helieve in interfering With civie officials until they are proyed incom- tent. In the present case, he says will oppose any suggestion of "Chaucer". Elliott will referee the senior 0, H. A. game in Smith's Falls to-morrow might. between Brocka ille and Smith's Falls. "Chaucer's" last year's reputation of being the best 0. HA. referee in the business, will be the means of occupying all his spare moments this season. Lilly White potatoes. Crawford, Cl Funeral Of Mxs. Thornton. "The funeral of the late Mrs. Maby ing last was held this morning from the home of the decensed lady's daugh- ter, Mrs. A. Hall, O'Kill street. The service was conducted by Rev. Alex- ander Laird, assisttd by Rev. J. 3, Potter, Peterboro. The deceased lady had been ill for some time Previqus io her demise. She was the widow of the late Abram Thornton, who prede- ceased her thirty-eight years ago. She leaves a family of ten, six daughters and four sons to mourn her loss. The family are: Mrs. McCabe, Rlanchard, ich.; Mrs. E. Pawson, New York: Mrs. A. Hall, Kingston; Mrs. A. A Dawson, Montreal: Mrs. J. tI. Potter, Peterboro: Mrs. (Dr) Robiusen, Pe troit; William and L. A. Kingston, Samuel and David, Now York, What Will Likely Happen. The likelihood is that Alderman King will be made chaiman of fire and light. His confreres lopk favor- ably upon him for the position, though some would prefer Alderman Toye being retained as chairman. The latter, however, cannot very well change his political color, and ihe tory machine would never think uf appointing him. Alderman Angrove is favored as board of works' chair- man, Mayor fell, (who next Monday will be ex-mayor), is likely to he made conservative leader, as he is best qualified for that position by reason of of service ai eX- ce. He is also unlikely to deal mm a pernickity way with questions, ----ai Defeat Assured. In 'the recent county elections the township of Kings ity of sixty-one wn favor of the toll road by-law. Portland, bas not yet been heard from and the other two townships gave a, jority of © 246 law. The t of the la , y J. C. Melister, Philadelphia, was found with a bullet hole, through his heart. The body was frozen stiff standing Agaiust a fence. He was com: modore the Red "Dragon Canoe club, and it is thought was defending club Property when shot. . J. Smith, hardware clerk at Strat- LY tter. 18¢. Crawford. Canadian Eis Hake , Ere i' The Ja weeting of the board a he January. wreting. the : Thornton, who died on Sunday even-- 2% sum of his brethren are wont to | ton gave a major- | ov mea largest :a ~ Nightgowns, Chemises, special, J This year And as preparations for this sale have heen go- ing on for months past we expect this to be (he rg most successful sale we ever had. "Thousands of White Garments Ready for Your Attention. Our limited space here can tell you little of the «values we have to offer. All we ask is that you visit our Whitewear Department to-morrow or at your first convenient time.and secure some of the garments that we cannot duplicate later on, Corset Govers, Drawers, White Skirts. In each of the above we have something we are showing a large Children's | J nderclothing a Skirts, Drawers and Nighigowns Children's French Dresses Fine French Lawns and Muslins, trimmed with dainty laces, new desigos, Intants' Slips and Short Dresses. We want you to see these gar- ments and even if not prepared to buy you can make a selection and have it placed aside uatil require J. ¥ SH ER. SR A THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE GOOD BYE 1004 We Part With Regret. ~ WELCOIE 190s. _ May it be the best of all years for Kingston, for - | Kingston people, for Kingston Merchants: E-------- 72ND YEAR. tsps sss House | and Co Spread 'the admiration the ~The most comfortable present purchaseable. House Coats, $3.50, $4.50 Gowns, : $4.90, $6.50 and We purchase these in Lond land, and in New 'York City, manufacturers, and import which makes our prices abou cent. lower than usual. JENKII The House For Value And If You Care To Wear the Best Shoes WEAR "ALLE Military Bootmaker 84 Brock St. SIGN OF GOLDEN BO "1836 WALLACE 18 PLATED TABLE | Our, line vou will apd of THE BEST tee every piece The new T pattern in Knives, Spoons Forks appeals to us as P tion. in. Design and Finish. us show you. this pattern know you will think wit when you see it. i i: SMITH BR. JEWELERS 3) | find com We gu WANTED. rr -------- A GENERAL SERVANT. AP] Mrs. Henry Mooers, 90 Barri te ---------------- A HOUSEMAID, APPLY IN T) ening to Mrs. Hiram Caly King street. -------- A SECOND COOK, APPLY I) forenoon to the superintenden General Hospital. A GENERAL SERVANT FOR ily of two Apply to Mrs phersou, 198 Johnston street ett e--eteamenn A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT references. Apply to Mrs Ptewart, 78 Wellington street eee tte. HELP. WANTED ADVERTISE of all kinds abound in the '* Free Press." Ii you want tion, write for sample. BOARDERS, WHERE THEY have first-class accommodatio pleasant, warm rooms, centr tisk. Apply at 51 Brock str TEACHER FOR SCHOOL SE % in the Jownship nf Olden. ating salary, to Joseph | Secretary-Treasurer, Mountain Ont, ------------ ee 87 PER DAY, EVERY DAY a year, is good pay... It is made with our goods. Ho Becessities; every family need: Write to-day, G. Marshall London, Ont. tte eee AGENTS, PERMANENT POS to sell mew map oi Canada World Map on reverse side, si 46 inches; two maps in one; sentatives mow at work maki {i6¥ 'Week. Address Rand, Mc) Co., 142 Fifth Ave., New Yo eee RESPONSIBLE MAN, TO MA an office' and distributing dep large manufacturing concern. $150 pe* month and comm Applicant must have good re and $2,000. Capital sscure dress, Supt, 3828 West 12th Chicago: ry LOST. $5 BILL ON SATURDAY EVE Reward for return to this offi I > HAND-PAINTED BELT PIN, YE day' (Tuesday) afternoon. Ple turn to this office -- A ST. BERNARD DOG, WITH ) collar, answers to the mame of Peward for its return to Ra Hotels -- LADIES' QPEN-FACED S| Walch, fol chain with Egyptia ac on Wellington, Prine Sydenham streets. Finder ple turn to: Whig office TO-LET. RTE TIE ey A LARGE DOUBLE FRONT | steamn heated; 245 Brock streel WARM, COMFORTABLY FURN] Double Room. suitable for two or married couple, in private also an unlirnished room Ay M.E., Whig office. OFFICES TO LET. ' THE OFFICES, 196 ONTARIO "P&C. 1 lately vacated by 4 Railway Co ApL.v to Kirky Rogers & Nickle, 194 Ontario FOR SALE. A 'STEAM YACHT. APPLY VF t. rgeants' Mess, R.C.F., Farewell prices to winter tweed bw to order, $16. "See Living nivt, t wn Mr. Whitney's platiorm has ant plank ~office. oll butter, 18c. Crawford.