SicKneccs Comes t's always & need for our's Extract of Beef. It 3 up vitality rad prevents essive loss of flesh and agth. | It's rich becfy flavor es beef tea that i323 nxpeti- a8 it is delicious and stimu. Ig. old by all Grocors and Drarvisty, OUR LIMITED, TORONTO. Bole packers nnd ehippers > Woodman th his axe cuts short ife of the strongest 0 with that cough of EACH HACK wea- the soundest lungs. ickey's ronchitis ure Il stop that hacking ke 25c¢. 1. B. Taylor Drug Co. Prineess St. "Phone 59. , Cotton Root Co Ladies' Favorite, 1s 8 The only y sate rclieble' .-- I o. ng i tho a epend "in_tho ho and time of need." rd Prepared in two d of strength. No. I and No. 2 No, 1.--For ordinary cases is Ly far the best dollat or Tediclie known, 19 a or special cases--. egrees --three dollars per box. --ask your druggist for Cook's Root Compound. Take no oh ills, mixtures and imitations : 1 No. 1 and No, 2 are sol. nd ended all d in the Do- 5 oF Th nd fo '3 cent postage Of ice a! our ~cen 0s! e GR Cools Compony, Windsor, ont: | I and No. 8 are sold in Kingsten Druggists. 2 c. White .awn, 7l5c. 3 yards of extra good ty WHITE LAWN, and sheer, full 42 s wide, and never sold ss than 1g5c. a yard. got this lot from a Jobbing house at a argain and will turn er 10 you at exactly half its value. uesday Morning >. a Yard. man & Shaw. bo eo heed Swift's ycranton Coal 60.50 lI Sales for Cash No Long Bills Coming in. tt-- ee mt se. MES SWIFT & G0. Telephone 135. 00000000600000066000000¢ for years, and if you soap you have refund your mone equally well with ever Lever Brot Brothers Limited P. When millions of experienced have been u unlight Soap for their every r should not doh use it? eqvirement, Why o not find it No scrubbing, cpd housekeepers -- Try it next wash day, better than any other used, your grocer will Sunlight Soap washes d or soft wa ter. no.boiling. 1116 LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE In Effect Oct 2nd, Trains will leave City Depot, Johnston Street. GOING EAST Xo. 3.2 Mail, 148 am. No.3, Foot ol GOING WEST J Mail, No, 5 12.53 am. Ex 1:00 p.m. No. 12, Tocal, 7.08 pm, Nos. 1, 2, 8 and 4, run daily. No. § aud 8,, run daily, except Mons dav. Nos. 6, 7, 11, 12,°15 and 16, daily, except Sunday. , For Pullman accommodation, tickets, and all other information apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnston and Ontario streets. KINGSTON & PEMBROKE & CANADIAN - PACIFIC RAILWAYS, nn TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON :-- 12:39, for Ottawa, Mon- treal, Quebec, St. John, N.B,: Halifax, Boston, Toronto, Chicago, Denver, Ren< frew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, St, Pau', Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco. & p.mi--Local for Sharbot Lake, BEE with C.P.K. east and west. ARE Liha, a. --Mix=d, for Renfrew and in- termediate points, Passengers leaving Kingston at 12:30 p.m., arrive ia Ottawa at 5:00 p.m.; Feterboro, 512 pm.; Toronto, 7:30 p.m.; Bosten, 7:30 amg St. John, N.B., 11:55 a.m. Full particulars at K. & P. and C. P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY. F. A. FOLGER, JR., Gen. Pass. Axt. Gen. Supt. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY New short line for Tweed, Napanee, Deseronto, and all local points. "Trains leave City Hall Depot at 2:20 p.m. ¥ CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kingston. oo BERMUDA Frome an malaria From New York, 48 hours new twin screw steamship '* Bermudian,' Sailings every 10 days during January Every five says during February, March and April, 1 FOR WINTH R CRUISES GO TO -- WEST INDIES -- 30 days trip. About 20 days in tropics. FOR TRE wo. impossible. by elegant Special cruises to Bermuda, Porto Rico, Windward Islands and Cuba, SS. Pretoria, January 4th, February 9th, March 22nd, 1905. For further particu- luis apply to A. BE. OUTERBRIDGE & JO., Agents, for Quebec SS. Co a9 Broadway, ew York ; ARTI R AHERN, Secretary, Quet oC J. PB. NLEY, and to J. P HA GILDE it SLEEVE, Ticket Agents, Kingston FLLAN LINE "V*** [550 angry Royal Mail Steamers. 3 From St. John, From Halifax, Corinthian, Sat, Jan. 14, Mon. Jan. 16. Parisian, Sat an. Jan. 23 , Mon. ian, Jan B30 lonian Feb fe RATES OF PASSAG $50 and upwards, according to steames and accommodation; *. Second Cabin erpool and Londonderry, $30, 8g: and $85; London 2.50 extra Third Class, $15, superior acconumodation Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, lon- don. NEW YORE ro GLASGOW. Mongolian .. Thurs. +10 a.m First Cabin, $40 and nd Cab in: §A750-Fhigl Class, $15 s For further particulars, apuly to J. P. HANLEY, t,_G.T.R. City Passenger. Depot. . . GILDER- SLEEVE, Clarence Strest. ARCHITECIDS, WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- fice, second floor ever Mahood's drug corner' Princess and Bago . Entrance on Bagot strat. ARTHUR BELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF- fice site of New Drill Hall, near cor- mer of Queen and Montreal Streets. POWER & SON ARCHITECT, MER- Bank Buil chant's ding, corner Brock and 5 'Phone 212 HENRY P. SMITH. ARCHITECT Bi nk, Market 'Phone 24 LONDON AND GLOBE 1004. | Gan Eat Anything Now. How many Dyspeptics. can say that ? Or perhaps you are dyspeptic and don't know it. Have you any of these symptoms ? Variable appetite, a faint gnawing feel- ing at the pit of the stomach, unsatisfied hunger, a loathing of food, rising and souring of food, a painful load at the pit of the stomach, constipation, or dre you gloomy and miserable? Then you are a dyspeptic. The cure is careful diet; avoid stimulants and narcotics, do mot drink at meals, keep regular habits, and regulate the stomach and bowels with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS, Nature's specific for Dyspepsia. Miss Laura Chicoine, Belle Anse, Que., says of its wonderful curative powers :-- "Last winter I was very thin, and was fast losing flesh owing to the run-down state of my system. 1 suffered from Dyspepsia, loss of appetite and bad blood. I tried everything I could get, but to no purpose ; then finally started to use Burdock Blood Bitters. From the first day I felt the good effect of the medicine, and am now feeling strong and well again, I can eat anything now without any ill after-effects. It gives me great pleasure to recommend Burdock Blood Bitters, for I feel it saved my life," 25¢ BIRD TONIC FREE i Bread in ler has 1 a kx ply stamp. (Address exacily COTTAM BARD SEED. SED. ™ St, Laaden, Ot, ESTABLISHED 1854. SPECIAL PRIGES 'On a few lines left over from our b +lood, sold everywhere. Christmas trade. Parlor and Music Cabinets. Fancy Rattan Rockers and Chairs, These we intend closing out be- fere stock taking. 1 wish to convey to our many friends andl patrons hearty thanks for thelr liberal patron- age, making this our banner year. Thanking you for past favors and continuance of same. Wishing you a prosper- ous 19065, JAMES REID, The Leading Undertaker. "PHONE 147. I. Wood na Coal We have on hand the different varieties of Wood and Coal. BOOTH & CO. + Phone 133, Toot of West St. Wood =n« Coal "D. ROY iAACDONALD'S belidines and contents than any oth or aflers. them at Gedwin's Ingurance Esperia, Mark 5 DANCING CLASSES WILL BE RESUMED AT WHIG HALL ws ON orem J anuary 5th.' Why Presbyterian Church Shouid Help Queen's. SHE IS NEEDED HOLDS BEST SCOTTISH UNI VERSITY TRADITIONS. She Turns Our Educated, Men, Not '* Tradesmen Of Learning ' Banner Bearer Of The Unity Of! Truth. Prof MacNaughton In Preshyterian: Some of our Preshyterign brethren in the western part of the province find difficulties in the resolution of the general assembly recommending tueen's College to the liberality of the Central Synods, The difficultios are mainly these. two. First, Queen's iS not mere that expect theological school. In capacity she might reasonably, help. But teaches arts, she nmiedicine, engineering. What has the church to do with these things? The province must attend to all that. See ond, the province does attend to it. Queen's ix super] The trend of the time is denominational "1 institutions. 1 will try objections, In the first place asked to give out expensive sub the teaching of mick and applied. science; jects as medicine Every copper of the smoney would gb where g little money' goes a long way towards increasing the efficiency of our arts and theulogy, Anyone inter ested in the question cab readily himself beyond to answer these the one chureh 18 not cent towards as sure all possibility of doubt that this is so. But it will still be said: "Why should the church concern herself ah out the teaching of arts?" The short est cut towards meeting this difficulty is to go round some way and in the fiest place to take notice of the see- ond objection istated above, namely, that Queen's is superfluous: The very reason why Queen's is not superfluous, as I hope to show, is that arts and theology are inseparable there, We cannot imagine our s teaching the one without the indispensable influence es of the other If she is superfluous it is that she should have erfully and The fact arts students in Queen's is very behind the number in Univ lege, Toronto. Things were very differ: ent ten years ago. It would be hard to find a rate of growth so rapid any where among the universities of the iritish empire, It is all the more as tonishing when one considers the long odds under which it has taken place. strange grown so waond- should continue to grow. The number of little y Col is notorious, A small town, a poor and sparsely populated distri two great and wealthy universities--MeGill and Tor- onto--on either side, It is surely perfectly idle infer from abstract theories about the modern university and the tendencies of our age that Queen's is not need ed. The eountry needs her else the country would not go on un ing her more and more, She has justified the wisdom of those who have kept her as she ig. The day is past for ques tioning that. Let us try rather to dis cover the seeret of her success, 1 were compelled to reply in two werds I should unhesitatingly say John Knox. Presbyterianism has heen her Kidney Cells Destroyed By Repeated Attacks Of Disease-- Surprising Results Ob- tained by Use of Dr. Chase's Kidney - Liver Pills Because it is sometimes a lingering malady, people overlook the destrnetive and are prone to tendencies of dow Kidney disease, They forget that the wasting pro cess beings about a change in the eel lular the gans, Continued paleness tissne, which practically renders kidneys useless gs filtering or and loss of flesh, pains in the back and loins, dry, harsh skin, severe headaches and hack aches; scanty, highly coloted urine; ainful sealding unnation: stomach troubles and irregular howels are among the symptom of kidney dis ease, As a cause of downright suffering few diseases to ne compared with kidney {ise nd the results are frequently fatal, the end conmng sud denly and unexpectedly By their direct and wonderfully prompt action - on the kidneys; -- br; Chase's Kidney-Liter Pills eall a quick halt to the advance of Kidney dis- ©case, lv their combined action on kid neys, liver and bowels, they prove vliective in complicated cases, ordinary kidney or no relief. Mrs. W. Francis, 204 Colborne street, Kingston, Ont; states: "I was in a very bad state with kidney disease in its worst form, | felt miserable most - of the time, sulfered from pains in the back and lege, and us | saw that | was gradually failing in health and becoming thinner and weaker, | wor ried a great deal about the future. [ had tried a great many kidney medi eines, but did not obtain much bene fit. in which medicines bring little "A friend of mine asked why I did not try Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills. 1 did so, and can truly say that they have entirely cured me. || would not think of being without this remedy in the house now, as we con sider it a splendid<family medicine." Dr. Chase's Kidney<Liver Pills have thoroughly proven their genuine and indisputable merit, and you can use them knowing of a certainty that you then 'ta taproot. A i Section Preshvterian Rh always + het lieved iw lier and' grent saeri hoes to maintain ber. The ministers she has turned out have dope more to spread her. influenet nfl tf vvaken sympathy with her work than sny: other ease of her pilates. To the Presbyterian church she owed Princtpal Grant and all the lmmeasurable awiount that he meant: to the Preshyierian church she owes Principal Gordon Bat that # not all, There is a something haut (en's that attaches to her (he enthusiastic devotion of her graduates, They be liove in her and they prove it, not by "shouting" but by sacrifiee; sacrifice which stands quite unparalleled in the nearly all history of all the universities in the world, Imagine © her undergraduates raising, largely" hy their own sabe seriptions, the énlv convocation hall im Canada. Bevond doubt the surest proof of ber value, uid the most solid pledge of Sor © manonte lies her re, in and love and gratitud sons and danghtefs. 10 ic their rooted conviction = that they have from her a spiritual gift could not have got clsewhere, But it is not they alone who recognize a dis tinetive quality and character in their alma mater. That i= umbistakable that an intelligent and impartial stranger like Dr, Reichel of. the Mose- ly commission, a man why keeps his eyes open and has seen things educa tional in England, the United States and all over the world, could not fail to be struck by it in the course of a few days' visit, He found in Queen's a type of "the best Scottish university traditions." That exactly hits the nail on the head, and takes us back, ns | said, to John Knox. The 'something' which constitutes the spirit and pe- culiar quality. of Qiicen's, and binda her 'alumni to her, comes from that souree. destructible per the reverence of her own which they strong points, but 'one great weak- ness; it tends to: lose unity: to pro duce gpecinlists © rather than well rounded men. So far as what we eall character goes the student would of ten have about as gaoi a chanee 'of acquiring it i he were apprentice. 'Things are rate in water-tight Nay, so far is the carried in the endless small change of highly specialized "'tescarch," man will often live quite contentedly not only in one single subject, but in some small eérner of ome single sith: ject, like a mite in a cheese, But this small tradesman of learning is not what people mised to call an educated man. iThe educated man is one who has some vision of the world and mankind 'a8 a whole. He may devote a blacksmith's kept so sepa very small part of this whole. Indeed he eamnot spread" himself over creation, there is not emough of him to go round. in particular, of purse he must limit whale, because of her is represented and embodied hy has been from the beginning an ox sential and vital part, not only of her able wavs to a quite incaleulable ox tent from the yital cotincetion of their special school with the arts side. There is loss tyranny the white tie among them than clgewhore: They ger and keener air for instance breathe a lar I ey cnn scarcely ever become pol-parsons, But, on the other hand, the arts students have profited no less by the direction given to their studies and the atmosphere exhaled through the "presence of the theological faculty, It js impossible in the air of Queen® for a profesor who has any capacity to respond to the quickening influshees of his #ur roids to be a pettant.' There is a certain compulsion updh him towards the heights of his subject, its places of wide prospect. He finds he cannot hold his men unled® he ean unlock for them the life of "jt, ita larger aspects, its spiritual "dontributions. Any amountiof laboriofs detail will be endnred if it is given in the per fpective of this wider unity. Other wise it will not be endured, and it is a well-known fact that Queen's has proved no less a strenuous whetstone and turning lathe Of professors than an anstere shaping mot of ander gradudtes. In short, Ta (his elear cut type of university life the interaction af these two sides, whith have form ed between them the Very core of it, hasbeen so close and vital and fruit fal that Queen's would not be hersolf received' all himself, But the point about him is that he sees the part chosen by him for his own fidld in the light of the theory and constitution, but of her | procedave. On the one hand ow theologians have profited in innnmer We offer to buy tho first bottle of Liquozone, and give, it free to each slek ome whe asks if\ And we have apefit Over one million dollars to an nouare and fulfill tuls offer. : Our ob ject has Leen lo Ll Liguozone itself show what it can do. is better than testimonials, better than srgus ment. In one year, 1,800,000 peoplé|ge: have accepted this ofr. 'They have told others what Liquozong does, and the others told others. The result is that millions vow it. It is more widely employed tan any medicine ayer was--more widely preseribed by the better physicians. And your ows selghbors--wherever you are--ecan tell you of people whom Ligquozone has cured. Not Medicine. Liguozons is net made by come unding drugs, nor is there alcohol it. [Hs virtues are derived solely from gas---largely oxygen gas--by & process requiring Immense apparatus and 14 days' time. This process has, tor more than 20 years, been the con stant subject of scientific and ¢hem- ical research. k The result is a liquid that does what oxygen docs. It is a nerve food and blood food-=the most helpful thing in the world to you. Its effects are ex- iilarating, vitalizing, purifying. Yet it is a germicide so certain that we publish on every bottle an offer $1,000 for a disease gerin that it cams The modern university ax we see it | developed on this continent has many | : { ay, gical alumni conference, elso at all, arts' professors of philoso: English, political science, Latin, Giveek, mathematics and biology have contributed just as winch, to say the least, as any profebsor of theology. And on the other hand some hee] sors of theology have gone no less wo monld: our students in arts than any as nowhere compartments. | divigion of labor | that a} most of his hie to the study of some | I he is to do anything | for him "sivoply becsmse he finds the whole vin 6 Sliskawiws that the one condifion fof intelligent and fraitfal work¥at any given point ix that large illuminating principles should ~~ be bronght to bear; lofted] as it were upon that point. "Fhis was the old Scotch university" tradition bf which Dr. Reichel speaks tof produce olan cated men of this sort These old Preghyterians believed "in the wnity of knowledge. Therefore they make the arts faculty, that ws the organ of n general liberal culture, the evntre and heart of the whole mmiversity, This is the tradition which, largely Presbyterian connection | conceived without absurdity as will receive all the benefit that would ii either were cut away from the } be derived from the attention of the | other. Many of our so-called aris' most skilful physicion. One pil ny wofessors have always egirted no dase, 25 cents a box, at all dealers, [ous ae divinity professors than © in or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. their formal! capacity. In our theolo- of their own appointed teachers, Our Sunday afternoon addresses, attended by all the students, are glyon p ! partially from either side off hk onse. St. Paul is preseribed in the {| Greok class. ug well as Her, and recognized as of far more Simportance for general culture than Isoeratos. "The class in the English Bible, which meets twico a woek, is largely attended hy arts, medical and science students, The resalt of all this embodied ! Presbyterian ideal is one which has a very direot bearing on the fortunes of the DPreshyterian church, For in stance, one of the great and presiing practical difficulties of that church, as of all churches here and el wow hore, is" to get volunteers for thelr miser ably remuncrated work. It is hard to {get any men at all, It is almost im possible to get the best men. Can one wonder at it in our times? 1 is not the mere puverty. It is infinitely in ite relations to the whole. | more the malignant canker of doubt, It has life and meaning end interest ull the stimulated hy so much that is around . us, the donbt whether work is, after all, work for. mentally, full-grown men. 1 have known many universities. 1 know of none so free from this as Queen's. At many uni versities men enter intending to give themselves to the ministry, find rea sor to change their minds, and end by adopting another career, That is practically suknown in Queen's, Maever hoard a single case of it. The op posite is well known. Many have come, if not to scoff, at least hal hearted, and have gape forth not pray only but te preach. The very best of our students, men prominent in their studies, in the various aetivy ties of undergraduate life, men chosen by their comrades Queen's College more! vigoronsly and : ¢ io represent. the : university in athleties and debate of more purely than 'by most institu ; . . . " 3 licers of the Alma Mater, nay, often tions of her kind upon this contin 4 Presidents have (give } | ent. She has many defects where oth % Sirah on pi BN Facies yes ers can show qualities. But she pos to this noblest work Dong an ta This | the rer Queen's 18 so uneducated as to ues SASS this. MA 18 Aha very nerve. of | fon the supreme importance sof this her. She has been jw Canada the han work, or the scope it offers to all the ner hearer of a Zgeeat principle; "the highest powers of manhood, That is central - distmetive; principle of Knox | one. of the most valuable results: of and the reformation,. the wnity of | gp. "John Knox eulture" in which truth.. Partly = because, of her very | jo whole place is steeped: Our mon poverty she has realized an energetic! know they are not edu ated if they concentration. Her ieitiial force has! cannot take an intelligent interest in been strong ongugh, aid condensed | tho highest questions which: can agi enough, as it were; Lo stamp a speci | tate the human mind, Nay, more; we fie convergent 'mark 6n all the pro- | them to understand that it is a duets. of her ham! | of imperfect ealture if they do Eut the unity of truth nwans for | succeed in reaching a decidedly Queen's, as it meant for Konox. the positive attitude to the great afin sacrednesd and saving power of | tions of religion. The whole tendency truth, Of all tratly, Not of some [of Queen's is in a degree most ox specially labelled brand alone. There {| ceptional among universities © towards fore; she has always Pefuscd to draw | the everlasting vea. We turn out a a hard and fast line between the | good many preachers, some of rare sacred and. the secular in knowledge | quality." But we do much better than The solidarity of arts and theology | that. We send forth a very comsider able number of persons wha ean he hoth able and willing to face the most ox acting task which can he the intellect and sympathy of any hu man beoing--teaching in a Sunday school. | know some of our miners even who can do it and will do it. One word more, It will not be sure prising to anyone who. takes the tron ble to realize what | have said to be told that there is no educational force at present operating in Canada which has done or ix doing so much to promote union among the allied - denominations, and good feeling among all denominations as Queen's College, A Cold Weather Food. "Swiss Food" i good for weathers, but particularly good cold days. Try it, Hon. Mr. Ross speaks in Belleville on Wednesday night. all for Why not stop hav many birthdays You must have had sixty at least! What? Only forty? Then it must be your gray hair! Ayer's Hair Vigor stops these frequent birthdays, and gives all the early, deep, rich color to your gray hair. Sold imposed on | not kill. The reason Is that germs are vegetables; and End Te an exces of oxygen--is deadly to vegelal matter. ' There lies tha great value of Liguo- gone. It is the only way known to un germs in tho body wi illing 8 mdm too. Any drug that kills poison, and it cannot be ry internally. Medicine is alinost Beipless in wy Py disease. nh this fact that gives 'worth to humanity. And that worth Is 50 great that, after testing the product for two years, throu; pasicians wd hospitals, we pald 0000 American rights, Germ Diseases. These are the known germ diseases. All that medicine can do for these troubles is to help Nature overcome the germs, and such results are indi rect uncertain. Liquozone attacks the germs, wherever they are. And when the germs which cause a disease are destroyed, the disease must end, and forever. That is inevitable. GENUINE BARC WINTER slow selling shoe must go. than wholesale prices. McDermott's S. J. HORSEY, Mydisetne ia. supply me a 8c. bottle Every remnant lot, every odd and end, every Some goods will be sold so% off, some ii and nearly SHY 257 off. advantage of this' opportunity to buy shoes at Canadian Coal Qil ............ 14¢. per gallon. American Headlight Oil . .... Sunlight... ................... 1gc. per gallon. Also Pratt's Astral, safest and best oil in the world, : at : . Special Prices for Cash-- Gurney's Celebrated Souvenir Ranges. 189 Princess Streét. 0-20 Wabssti Av Ave, sins avs renarnsaion sone, Hut if rea 1 will aka 1 hve never tried 44 ' Shoe § IG | | per gallon. Delivered to any part of the Gained Almond Taffy Walnut Taffy Peanut Taffy Cocoanut Taffy ~~ Brown Butter Scotch for over sixty years. LSATRSS: A. J. REES, WHAT IT IS Labatt's ! London Ale It is genuine. : od It is nourishing. It is i Hae Bi Gold Medal er { PURE TAFFIES - EE -- ET,