feiis ii: Frill and Plain, 2 to 8 Yards. s, wnt Designs, 25 fo 9 Yard, ight and Dark Designs, 1 (0 10 Yards, Aprons and Waists, 2 to 7 Yards. , White, Grey, Navy Red. 8, some particularly attractive Values. Fresh Clean Colors 1} © 6 yards, Lengths suitable for Skirts, ote. n ome particularly Good Lines, ns, good leogths, serviceable qualitios, -* and Faney, very Cheap, slightly soiled by dust. 15,000 Of Nogi's Men Have Left Port Arthur To Reinfores Nagasaki; Jan. 10.--The Japanese brought twenty-cight 1,000 men, who transhipped for kurea, » London, Jan. 10. Rome corves- pondent of the E Telegraph company hears from New Chwang, left Port Arthur, snd have gone to reinforce Field Shakhe: river. Messages From A Kite. Hoanchan, Jan. 10, (via Mukden.}-- The news of the fall of Pot Arthor was redeived hore first uhoficially frog, the abutwsc, who let loose numerous paper kites bearing letters and trium- phal inscriptions, . b§ sian soldiers, whe received She an- nouncement doggedly, regret being ex- pressed that the troops had Boon et Butrimn Ee been ill v TR. Ww as heen li, has returned to the front. - Japs Regret Refusal. ment announces tht it regrets the istinderstanding in the case of the British cruiser Andromeda, which re- contly sailed frome Wei-hai-wei for Port Aethur with hospital stoves and od Ahe Andromeda owing to. the ath he had not received instrae work of removing the mines and other obstractions at the entrance to the harbor of Port Arthur and of ex- the Russian war vessels is the storms and the cold in every indication, it The ne Feppria, that. some of the ships i some ten years. There was no tron- ble, Mr. Knight contends, until last November, when the separate. school -| board Ahregiened, to take over te school Ming. Ho was present at Mekting when the sale was affected, d agrees with others that the ac- tion wrongful and that the sepa rate sol hoard should he restricted possesion. enara, erington and Lucas, in their affidavits, declare t. Catholic and Protestant children ' attending the school and t there had been no trouble up till last: October, when an agitation was commenced, at the meetings and ang loth the details of i vote, Mr. Harrington says that roc? Jrocsdings wary irregular and il- t separate school should be restricted from a sension and the sale set aside. The building is worth abont $1,000, a ------ KEEPING THE. LINE OPEN In Face Of Difficulties And At Large Expense. These days, the street railway com- pany is certainly having its troubles, and" deserves arothy No sooner had it got most of its line cleared snd the cars running, than the wind began to play havoe with the snow piles. The tampa Inst night was furious and the tracks were again buried, After their vigorous work from Saturday to Mon- day, the swegpers were pretty well played out, and new brushes had to he fitted in. : Last evening the snow fighters were laced in commission, «and had an awful time, The drifting was so t and continnons, that no sooner had the plough and sweepers got aver a short section than it "was, filled wp again. 1 wax a case of fig ing the saowk all night, or having the whole System tied wp again. The worst plac: © were on outer Union street and King street west, whore the snow was driven on the tracks two and three fort deep. Ofttimes the plough would be useless, notwithstanding that «o dred horsepower was behind it. afternoon the cars were again able to run, there being no service he pov. i Arent railway com- l ng its very best, in face of hig difficultics, 10 keep the line open for worvioe, It will be at farther ox- Russian" officers who landed here, gob ¥ 0 Tokio, Tan. 10~The havy depari-] a $EEI44E - "The old-taabioned horeliound Candy is wld at & Hed Cross Drug a bth, Be; potatoes. Craw- On MW 3 4 the Strollers and Cadets IL p 3 the fast round of "O. HA. evies. » railway, train due a: not reached here at three o'clock this afternoon. ' Potatoes and roll butter, 1%, Craw- i wet x : Mes. W. J. Parker, Montreal, re turned home yesterday after yisiting Mrs, W. 8. Parker, Colborne sifhet. G. R. Moir, (hiebee, socretary-trea- Suess of the Kingston & Hontres] orwarding company, is in the city. - The liberal ward workers are urged to attend the fallies of Catargqui and, 'rontenae, St. Lawrence and Ontario wards ight, Cataraqui liberal warders want {o eclipse theie other brethren ir the ral- ly to-night call for a great round- up at the hall. a : rooms on Wel lington street, mesr Princess, are for the use of well-wishers of Mr, Ponse, in whenever you can. Butter, 18e.; sweet apples, 15¢. peck: Dror Knight ; he of. '8 report of the maxi- mum and minimum temperatures in Kingston for December was forty-one degrees Bove and ten degrees below ero, 3 Williama M. MeLaren has returned to resume his, scientific research work at Queen's, after ti a short vaca- tion with friends and relatives in Os- oeola. LEY 3 Butter, 180; sweet applts, 15¢. peck; potatoes. Crawford. . M. J. Kennedy's borse got huried in the snow on King street west op- posite Mishel Mills' house, this morn- ing, and to be hailed out ty a couple of teams, _ The next hockey match to be played t 'the ripk is, on Friday night, be. tween Cadets I. and Queen's 1. Both teams have heen training hard and ap exciting match may be expreted. Vietor 1 left Spencerville for Queen's, to stidy medicine. Alex- ander Lawrence left for Kingston also to enter Business College. Miss Tessie Ermond came from Cardinal to the convent of Notre Dame. Give A Hand. ¥ Pion Are you favorable to the re-election of Mr. Pense ? hen: give.» hand in se- PETES EEL ET IIE 4E ° g 8 Be oH LARGE HARDWARE FIRM. ing Completion. sprinklers. The front on 135 feet, while the this firm stonians, as the ring fellow-citizens of old. -------------------- CHINESE IN WEST. now home on a Chinaman not only pense through the tempest of last night. Fyen to-day there was consid: pitting of the depo WAR t the depot hranch ---- in operation this » 3 + Convicts Attempt To Break Jail, A Francisen, "Jan. 10--News from vived today tells of an at- t 600 convicts at Bilbid jail on Decomber 7th, i work, however, sistent lives of and call well this year, highly. of the sisters of Al five of the the sixth stan 'the east 'are always decoptable, A -------------- Eres lake © hewrings; fosh: nog. and smelts Crawlond's, or) bd ia FERS GOES TO OTTA 5 a FEFFFELIITEFFTEFET EO 0 * +E | The Messrs. Tewis Building Near- One of the largest and most com- "te hardware stores in Canada, is ing completed for Lewis Bros. & Co., on Bleury street, The structure will be six storeys and a basement in height. 1¢ is of combination mill and steel construction, meeting all the re- quirements of the . fire underwriters, including the mast iaproven fire eury slreet will be of Montreal limestone. The height. from the pavement will be 104 feet. The frontage on Bleury strect is . depth, reaching to ermine street, is 211 feet, The floor "| 8pace is thrive acres. The equipment of the building is in accord with its size. Three large freight elevators, 7 x 12, with a capa- city of from one to three tons, and a plunger elevator, will be used for ] handling the goods, while there is one passenger elevator, with a speed of 2350 feet per minute. Two ireproof staircases will be a feature introduced for safety. Light and power will be supplied by a hundred. horse-power plant in duplicate. The general offices and sales department will be located on the top floor, The balance of the building will he used for, stock, order and shipping rooms. The prosperity of is very : pleasing to King- essra. Lewis, as well as Courtland Strange, are stir- -- . Interesting -Address On Work : Miss Laura Shibley, who has been fin Yale, B.C, for some time, and. is 8 » y gave a very Interesting account of mission and school work at the const, before the monthly meeting of the diocesan board of the WA. in 8g, Géorge's Tall] ves- terday- She says that the western pro- vince could not get along at all with- out the Chinamen who are industHous, faithful, honest aud sober. much het. ter. workers than the Indians, who work by fits and starts, and more re liable, indeed, than the average white man. The work of Christiahizing these foreigners within our gates is slow, as hel es By Ne 8s 10 overcome ® conviction that is superior, in- fellectually, to his western brethren, pbut also is quick to notice the incon. ose who "profess Christians," Tha r, bas progressed v Miss Shibley also spoke work being done by the Hallows' school at Yale, Is from which reached " ard last vear, The gov. ernment grant is insufficient to suppl the needs of the Indian school, sn id tributions of mondy and clothing from b DELEGATION JAN REFUGEE INFLUX. Come, To New York, And Are Dumped Into Canada--Plan Will BE» Introdhwed To Miti- gate Evil. : Se vniroal Jan: yA" deputibion compased of officials of the Baroh De of the steamship companies in Mon- treal, went to Ottawa, this morning, 1g interview the government with re- ® to the conditions . created in this, and other eastern Canadian cities, arising out of the inflow of Russian refugees." It is claimed that large numbers of these people who arrive in New York are being dumped into this country to a dangerous extent, practically without any restriction, so long as they comply with the immigration laws. It is understood that a plan will be introduced to mitigate this evil. A verdict was given, to-day, by the special jury which 'heard the action against the Grand Trunk, for dam- ages arising out of the Richmond, Qué, wreck, Fred Hackett, of the Canadian Express company, was one of the victims. His widow was award- ed $10,000, and his two children $£3,- 000, The detectives' department is active. ly engaged investigating the circum stances surrounding the death of Mar- tin Labatt, of Bradiord, Eng., a young landscape artist, whose body wad found in the river near Lachine rapids. The body was identified at the morgue, to-day, as that of the Englishman, by Duncan Bell. Nothing but papers were found in the clothing, and the body was badly disfigured from haviog been in the ice some time... Police are looking to the possi- bility "of there being foul play. The young man arrived in the latter part of October, 1904, PITH OF THE NEWS, The Very Latést News Culled From All Over the World. The London field battery has heon revived, Christian "Kumpf, postmaster of Waterloo, died suddenly, John Hay, an old resident of Wood stock, Omt., died on Monday evening after a short illness. Sir Alfred Harmsworth heads a com pany that will manufacture pulp and paper in Newfoundland, James Brown, aged seventy, is dead in Belleville. He was a sajlor and years a resident of Napanee, Mrs. Charlotte Albright Cable, mother of James G. Weir, grain buy. er, Hamilton, celebrated her one hun- dredth birthday. Col. T. D. Evans has declined the position: of director of training and intelligence at Ottawa, He prefers to remain in command of the Canadian Mounted Rifles at Winnipeg, There has been a good deal of per: jury in connection with the transfer of 15,000 acres of timber land in Mon: tana. Frauds have heen going on for three years. There are 102 persons indicted. Timothy. I.. Woodruff, president of the Smith Premier Typewriter com pany, Syracuse, N.Y., is soon to wed, His fidneee is named as Miss Isabel Morrison, of the Dovilton apartments, New York. At his howe in Lyndhurst, on Janu- Ford Green, one of Lyndhurst's most estimable. young' man ; though Mr, death came unexpectedly. Ralph C. Roberts, Keokuk, Ia., cap tain of the University of Illinois base hall team, was killed and a dozen persons, including several students, were injured, six severely, in a wreek on the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & Sti, Louis railroad at Rising, 11}. ROPE KNOTTED AROUND NECK Suspect Husband And Place Him Under Arrest. Buffalo, Jan. 10.--Giuseppina Di had been clothes line, GOES OVER EMBANKMENT. Fifteen Passengers In Coach Sus- tain Injuries. Brockville, Ont., Jan. 10.--A mixed train- on the Brockville, Westport & Northern railwiy was ditched at Lyn, five miles west of here yesterday by the rails spreading. A passenger coach containing fifteen persons a over werd injured, The most seriously hurt wire H. Johnston, Perth; Miss Lack: ley and Conductor Horton, REV, D. J. McLEAN Resigns Ministry, Owing To Til Heal#h. Special to the Whig, Arnprior, Ont., Jan, 10.- Regret was expressed on all sides, at the news of the resignation of Rev. D. J. McLean, who has been pastor of the Preshyter- ian church for the past twenty-five Years. His health has been bad. lato Iv. owing to injuries received in a all, } ------ Sudden Death Of Capt. O'Hagan. St. Catharines, Jan, 10. Capt. D. O'Hagan. a well known vessel man, died suddenly on Sunday night. De- ceased was about forty-nine vears of age. He was taken ill about eleven o'clock on Sunday night, and died in a few minutes. Heart disease is sap: death, THOS. HILTON 386 Princess Laturaey's C, Shop, Trunks and Valises made and repaired RabRe ti TORRE rewil k ol d a Te ®. owed. © Locks and PRICES WobERATE. pat Bd Hirsch Institute, and ntatives | Every Economical | Woman ary Ist, oceurred the death of Charles Green had been ill for some time, his Saati, twenty-four years old, was found dead in a 'small room in the Terrace Park Hotel, \a tenement house, yesterday. Her husband, Antonio Di Santi, is detained at police hgadquar- ters pending investigation. T oman was rang , A pwece of stout cord notted tightly around her neck, causing her tongue. to protrude. Her hands and feet were hound with Interested. Continues. Quantity is the key note of low prices in the Whitewear sale. : Quantity in the buying of materials, quantity in the pur- chasing of trimmings, quanti- ty in the sewing of the gar- j ments. - ~~ We figure on dozens and very often on hundreds of gar- ments of one style where the home sewer only fiures on one The White Sale Result, we save a large proportion of the cost and can sell the beautifully completed garment at about the cost of the material to you You can save a heap of sewing drudgery if you buy your Spring Underwear at this sale. kirts, Drawers, S, "Nightgowns, Corset Covers, Come and see these New Garments. You are under no obligation to buy if you come to look. You are welcome to examine and compare to your heart's content. EE eclal Sale To-morrow! Of one case of FINE WHITE COTTONS, secured from Dominion Cotton Mills Company, at a price much below its value, This we will offer To-morrow. 1,26 Yards Fine White Cotton Finished without any dressing and soft, ready for the needle. It is full width and an excellent cotton, Sold regularly at roc. yard. Special Sale Price To-morrow - 8c. yard. Sale lasts all day or as long as the Cotton the embankment. - All the pessengers | THURSDAY MORN 20 Per Cent. Discount Off Every .Bict Valise in our im Rubber Goods. possd, to have been the cause of | GREAT DISCOUNT SALE WILL OPEN . NG | , Shoe, Slipper, Moccasin, Trunk or mense stock, except the Slater Boots and This Annual Discount Sale success, and we w have ever held. BARGAIN TABLES will be loaded with odd lots at rom 20 to 50 per cent. off regular prices. Come early. F. G. LOCKETT, a has always been a great ill try to make this one the best we " JENKI Dissol1 Sal Saturday, . Entire Si To be So 1835--WALLAC! PLATED - TABL Our line you will fin avd of THE BEST. tee every piece The pattern in Knives, ¢ Forks appeals to us tion in Design and } us show you this know you will thin when you see it. : fu 360 KiNe 8: THERE IS A 21 have almost new stove heaters, left, which 1 will ghing, also furniture, as TUR for other stock in RK'S SECOND-H 398 Princess St a ---------------- FENDERS ARE ay van. turday, 1dth inst., ent trades' work required a Presbytery Ont. Plans " at the . PE. ¥ , Nap at the office of the archi Ont. pod oH.) Anchor Bujldiax, Market N 2 SE STH WILL HOLD ITS AN} ing in the City Buildings day evening, anuary 11t of officers and transgctiion uess. LEMAN / Sec'y+' JULIUS CE READINGS BY PROF. J CONVAGATION H 8 P. M. THURSDAY Admission, 2c. Y. W.C.. Reserve the Foliowil JANUARY 17th, 21st, 4 for Deepening the Spirit ducted by Mrs. Carr-H music; attractive sub je wen invited. Meetings in hall above Y.W EEE -------- WANTED. A -------- HOUSEMAID; LIGHT W ply Mrs. J. 8. Hicks, 2 ------------------------ A SMART YOUNG MAN around kitchen App! Randolph, Princess stro ------------------------------ ROOFS TO CLEAN OF ice. Work promptly de card or. call at 196 Kin ee -------------------- UBENBERAL SERVANT ¥ of two. Apply Mrs. H son, 198 Johnston stres ---------------------- A COMPETENT HOUSEM. 2 a wmwonth. Must ha Ply at once box fH. tesa THE LONDON * FRE} BOARDERS, WHERE 1 have first-class accomme pleasant, warm rooms, tian. © Apply at 51 Bro a A QUALIFIED TEAOCHE} ! No. 4, in the Towhsh Cananto. Apply, stating to 8. Shagks. Jr., Folg @ PER DAY, EVERY & year, is good pay. ta Teg 3 res al Jtoaad. . ah SR AGENTS, PERMANENT 'to sell 'new map of ( 'orld Map on reverse si FH -- SO athe % od A ddress Rani ., 143 Fifth Ave... Ni BSS OFFICE, OPP RA err - ner, and Jusurance, 161 Well iy OH FURNIT! Stores, office Ann's Estate Of street. en rine FINE RGE. FRONT § 1 , Apply 187 Unio "White Finiment" is sol son's Red Tross drug st Bring your bottle, | rd \y