Sy | The WHAT WHIG- CORRESPOND- ENTS [ELL US. TL S-- s From Various Points In Oatario -- What Peopls Ave Doing And What : ¢ Happenings. Hartington, Jan. 10,~Miss Minnie A ae her annual uty Jam evening 10. oung people. Mra. Re vell is yo school teacher for 1906, Visitors :* Mrs. Amey, Napanee; Miss Lilly and Clara Wood, Kingston; Mr. and Mra. Hubble, Stirling; Miss Ruby Sigsworth is homs from school on the sick list. Some of the young men leave today for the shanty at «| Folger, '| years * Mrs. N. Pelster, of Brighton, $1 It Since. _ R Eze ili | 1 Ei 30th; 1904. FE 1aaptte or alt statemionts to the ER, Agent, ESTATE you want to buy a house or I have some bargains that 1% ated Raper | | stroat, Brantford, Ont, . or 1. Mrs. Thomas Piceadilla, and Mrs. Richard Casmay are back from Michi- gan, after spending a term of sixteen there. He gives but few good re- rts of the west. This place is well timber for Yarker's tory. A number attended the cotrt last Thursday at Verona, where five cubes were tried by Justice Mad- deri. D. J. Goodfellow received a tele- gram from Carleton Place that his andson had died. His parents will bring the remains here for interment. -- Philipaville Motes. Philipaville, Jan. 9.--TFhe remains of the late Mrs, Tackeberry were placed i N. 0 vault on Saturday. Hor husband predeceased her nine years Bhe leaves to mourn, two sons and two daughtess, Wesley, Hill- yard and Effie at home, 'and Mrs. Wesley McCue, at Forfar. Chester Has- kin. is = very . Miss Anna Kennedy in in poor health, also Mrs, Lois Smith. The roads are in a very bad condition. The wood drawers have got out a lot of wood in the last three weeks, They will call @ haly now for a jow days until the roads" get passa: eo, Narrows-On-The Rideau. Narrows-on-the-Rideaw, "Jan, 7. Wood-cutting is the order of the day. Many of dhe Foun folks enjoyed the party at Nr. Kane's last "Friday fught. Rev. Father O'Rourke was here it week. on business, fencher, had retired from the, schoo]: dor a hetter position. Mr. WNamee was a visitor here on Sunday. Hay is ng up in pre and will be plen! goin E. J, Grennan was in enti , on Thursday, Some of the farmers intend - building in the spring, The Westport horee races some Oi next and many will attend, There is a scarcity of good horses in this section, A Marriage Anniversary. Syd s H. Sharp, Sydenham, "At Bom: Friday evenin; Tanvary 6th a eh So aa) of ty years ago. William Davy's a- phone and also several 3 3, ypha. and duets were highly appreciated, Shortly after ten o'clock an elaborate br Was seryed. Mr. and Mrs. § were the recipients of a number of beautiful presents, The party broke up in the wee sma' hours, all pro- notncing their host and hostess ex- cellent entertainers and hoping they will live to celebrate the anniversary of their marriage in like manner twenty years from now. EEE -------- Are Your Nerves On Edge? Are You Sensitive To Light, Sound and Motion ? You Need ~|Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 3 of the nerves, sudden hating. tenderness of the scalp or sping, 'heddache at top or back of s BOises in the eats, sparks be- fore the eyes, sleeplessness, dyspepsia, pains and cramps, neuralgia, timidity, irritability, melancholy, physical Weakness 'and general debility = are among the symptoms of nervous ex- Haustion, You may look well enough and still of nervous prostration, be a victim can do little with either wind or greatly body without becom fatigued. ne Good food, pure ain suitable rest and the regular and persistent use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food will thorough- ly overcome most extreme case of morvons exhaustion and prostration We need refor you to such Stems cases as thoso of Mrs, James Twitching Mrs, Nurray 1 Clau- tier, of 110 Lageuchetiero street, Mon- treal, cases "in which: regular physi cians wore entirely w 2 fo render Netve Food regu. assistance, Use Dr. Chase's larly, and it will not be long the wasting process will be overcome thy work of recomstruttion begun, Note sour increase in weight as rength end vigor are being restor- Ea coms Rall 2 street, 3 Mg grea! with dizziness. These he sito frequently, and I e arose ffom indi , 8 8. ortified by snow hanks since the re- "J cent storm. A number of people are "I getting out hub wheel fae Mins Jordan, | the 'for this dis enham, Jan. 10.---Mr, and Mrs, | TH and iles, pa South Woodslee, Ont.; |, ~ Goatees" 17 3 Godfrey, --10.=K large quantity of wood has been hauled to the K. & P. railway. siding hee this winter, ng to the recent snow Storm unable to make, mach pro i municipal election passe off very. iadly, CD. Godirey being elected" ns' and RK. A. Hamilton councilmen, Phe annul 'school meeting took plach om, ibe 5th, W. Switzer i trustee, ne Pas Robert Me: anght fire and before help could Be obtained one side of the building was completely destroyed. Misses M. Hl and M. Lennon have left for = their schools, where they 'i _ye-engaged. Joseph and wes have fesumed ta Ring: pésume their studies, Mrs. and Mis, McKendry, of West i, ich, have returned home siting relatives here. Mrs. CO. H. Godjrey and Miss 0. Godirey arc visitin friends ends in Toronto. se. T ¥ Wells, Tichborne, spent Sunday a : D. N Purdy is at J. Campsall's. Miss G. Kitson is visiting friendd in Ww. hut farmers gress, Knight's Desmond Movements. Desmond, ' Jan. 9. -There was no church service "on Sunday, owing to the bad eondition of the roads. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Bell gave a party on Friday evening in hue a het sis- ter, Migs. Lake, of Peterboro, ve i 1 wood, of Enter- rise, is a it at Joshua Switzer's. Sr and Mea A. M. Béll spent Sum- day at Mrs J.'W. Bell's. School has opened again with Frank Hinch, of Centreville, " 'as teacher. Those who nt the htidays in this place were r, and Mes, Hopehoom sud Vi Ned Hogebooln, af A. P. Bell's; iss Ethel Coulter at' a Florepce Switz- et's; Mrd. Levi Evans apd Mr. and Mrs, Tsrael Stuart at J. W. Stuart's ; William Cranston of Violet, and Ern- est May, of Orillia, at Belle Hille. Mr. and Mes. A. M. Bell spent New Year's day at her mother's, Mrs. Lake's, Moscow. Mr. and Mrs George Lee and Mr. and Mrs. Salisbury, of Yark- er, at J. Switeer's; Mz. and Mrs, J. W. Stuart at Camden Rast. A number from * here attended the tea meeting at Centreville, on Monday 'evehing. Fred. Bell who spent the holidays .at home, retiyrndd 46 which here Tdings. Li 0s SIS itley, ver: ugh Stinson, was re-elpo tion, The followin illors : Messre. WH ¢ J, Loycks and - M. Garvin and John c re-opened on the 8rtl inst, with a large attendance; the former fescher being re ngaged. Tomas X 8 on the sick diet, i Connell, Ehanish ne, wits the 'guest of his sister, Bert pods, on J. Ki Peston woe. le Ad 'publie + #chool for this yean « duties 'on Tuesday. Mine Laura § Ww js wisiting "at her home here. : Miold~ Edger, of To- ledo, | on Monday, to her school near Perth. 'devotions 'were held' in the © an Catholic church here on Friday, 6th iwst. Mrs: Eaton 'and' family are remidving from the farm to. the village dnd intend lo- | eating in the dwelling lately vacated by J. Stevens* faniily.: Charlet Shit has sold 'ont his bakedy establishment . Miller, of Grebiibiish. ~~ Harry Hills, Falbrook, spent the Christmas' holidays 'at 'hid Womd here. Charles Dunham returned on Monday to King- ston, Where he id attending Cueen's, Special serviced which 'were held week- x in the Methodist" church here by ev. Mr. Oliver, of ¥rankville, have betn suspended during: the severe wint- 'of months, : * LOCAL MARKETS. Prices At Present Prevailing: In 'The City. Iningston, © dam. "ldo~The prices paid on the produce market' this week are: Flour and Feed.~Flour, Bakers' strong, $2.70 to $280 & owt.; farmers' flour, $2.50 a ewt; Hungarian patent, 90 to $3 a owt; oatuieal and roll od cats, $4.25 to $4.50'a owl; dof teal, $1.50 to $1.60 a ows.; bran, $18 t 819 a ton, shorts, $21 fo $22 "a ton; straw, $0.50 a ton; hay, 3 to $V a ton; pressed hay, $10 to $11. dpi Eat, Manitoba, No. 1, Nor- orn, $1.06; No. 2, Northem, 31.01; No. 3, Northern, 9%k.; white, wintes, $1 to $1.02; Canadian spring, 9c. to Me. a bush: local wheat, 8%. a hush.; buckwheat 48c. h.; corn, 56¢. to 60c, bush.; peas, 68e. to 670. hush; hacoey, 45¢c. to 48¢. a bush,; oats 34e. tw 36e. a bush; rye, 70e. a bush. Fish--White fish; salmon trout, pick. erel, 124c. a lb; pike, Sc. lb.; lobsters, We, lb; Seattle salmon, Be. Ib; Saguenay salmon, 30c. ; Be, 0 . og and dfe, doz; oysters, i fam \WEDNBSDAY, JANUARY if. - Kingsthn on Tires : Jor |: erend Bruce y of Toledo, secured | * tity 10e. 1a T2302 NIGAT 20c. a peck; beets, bage, to 7c. a head; onions, $1,25 a bush; caunliffiowers, 5c. to 10c.; celery, Bc., 100. to 12)c. head; 40c. to 75¢c. a dozen. 4 Poultry--Chitkens, 7 to 10c. lb; fowl Ge. to Sec. lh.; ducks, $1 to $1.25 pair; young turkeys, large turkeys, 10c. a lb. Butter. Wholesale--Creamery, 206. to 2lc, a Ib.; - farmers' prints, 17c. to 18e. Ib; in rolls, 15¢.; bakers' butter, 12c. to 13¢, a lb. Retail-Creamery, 25c., a Ib; farm- ers' prints, 19%. to 2c. a Wb; in rolls, 17c. a lb. Eggs. Wholesale--Fresh, held eggs, 22. to . a dozen, Retail--Fresh, '30c, to 35c. a dozen; held eggs, 2c. to 27c. a dozen. Toronto Street Market. Toronto, Jan. 9.--Wheat, new, bush., 81 to 81.02; wheat, red, bush., $1.01 to #1.02; wheat, spring, bush., 95¢. to 81; wieat, goose, bush., 8. to S9c.: oats, bush., 3%.; rye, bush., 75¢.: bar ley, bush, 48c. to 49c.; buckwheat, bush., 57c. to BTjc.; peas, bush., 70c.; hay, timothy, per ton, $9 to $11: hay, wixed, per ton, $7 to 8%; straw, per ton, 810 to 210.50; alsike, No. 1, bush., $6.25 to $7; alsike, No. 2, bush., £5 to $5.75; alsike, No, 3, bush., $4 to $4.50; red clover, $6 to $7; timothy, $1 to $1.20; dressed hogs, £6.50 to $7.25; apples, per bbl., $1.95 to $2.50: oggs, per dozen, 25c. to 30c.; butter, dairy, 20c. to 22c.; butter, creamery, 23¢. to 26c.; chickens, spring, l0c. to 12¢.; 'ducks, per 1b., lle, to 13c.; tur keys, per lb, 15c. te 16c; cabbage, per dozen, 250. to 40c.; potatoes, per bag, S6c. to $1; canlifiower, per dozen, 75¢. to $1; onions, per hag, $1 to $1. We. celery, per dozen, 3c. to 40; beef, hindquarters, $7 to $8: forequart- ers, 84.50 to 85; choice, carcase, $6.75 ta $7; medium, carcase, $5.50 to £6: mutton, per owt, $6.50 to $6.50; veal, per cwi., $6 to $8.50; lamb, per cwt., 8 to $9. "Bring your bottle" for any quan or 15c. worth White Lini- ment. Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Abernethy's . are giving good bar- gains in all kinds of winter footwear. The Atlantic coast Florida special, to [On its initial trip from New York to St. Augustine, was wrecked at Harde- Bo. ville, S.C. vB peck: cah- 12}c. to 15¢, a Ib; b, mol ro SE YIN ne prs bX AA and - woody, flat- and-flavorless grains to spoil its a -- Sh 0 HIG IN FULL SWING | Our big SHOE SALE IS IN FULL SWING. Re- duction, isn't the wotd for what we have done to prices. Slaughler, almost extermination, more nearly expresses our action. 'We bave cut and slashed, right and left, disregarded values and costs, our one aim being to make so powerful an appeal to purses, our offering will prove irresistable to shoe buyers. Here are a few of our conviction carrying figures. Peruse, ponder, purchase. Opportunities like these ate as rare as Gold Nuggets : One Table of One Table Men's Corona Bluchers Women's Find American High Lace Shoes, régular value $8, all sizes, Sale price | hain Dade Se 3198 One Table Women's $8.75 and $4 stamp- ed price. Shoes, odds' and ends, 8. PHOS is or am $2.89 One Table Women's Nongolis, and Box Cali Bals, some warm lined, all good value up to $1.75, 4 Sale price AE Spuvem s senes $1.19 One Table Fine Vici Kid Bals, patent tip, light soles, Cuban heel, the $3 quality, Sale price He Rd de de 0 31.78 One Table' Men's 'Box Calf Blucher's Vici Kid and Hok. Calf. Bals, newest shapes and style, gopd value Sale i wi hii, . price... ' We edie wan If you don't need shoes for immediate wear at these prices it is only the plainest common sense to buy for ature wear. Join the throng ofdelighted wise buyers at * Sutherland Shoe Store. WHAT IT IS Labatt's ! London Ale It is genuine. Colt. Bals, and Buttoned, Walker & Whitmar & Astoria lines, the best shoes sold in Kingston at $5, Sale price - 3 $3.50 Ahout Fifty Pairs Packard $3.50, Blu- chers and Bals, in Box Calf Velour Calf, Tan Russian Call and Patent Coltskin, stamped price $8.50, Sule price wey raen STS # One Table Women's Bedboom Slippers, Oriental and Turkigh Red and some Felt Shippers, Leathér Fox, eto, good value up to C Sale price 8 49¢. at $3, 5:81.98 It is nourishing. It is absolutely the best. Gained the Highest Award and Gold Medal over all other brands. JAS. MCPARLAND, Agent. ee ------------ { Butterettes, 25c. per Ib Satins! Satins | That Famous CHEWING CANDY, 20c. per Ib. ------------ A.=3, REES, "Princess St. OWN FOR ENGRAVED CARDS becial Reduction Sale ALLING CARDS ENGRAVED FROM [COPPER PLATE | | be British Whey I NO NEED TO SEND OUT OF WHIG WORK IS GOOD WORK a HH WE ALSO DO STEEL DIE EMBOSSING ¥ POEMS A DOOCOOODO0OOOROOOO0C] ISAAC ZACKS New Store at the Old Strand, 271 and 273 Princess St. For Two Weeks pmnmencing Jan. 7th ercoats and Suits, cut in usual prices 25 to 40 per r Hats, Caps, Underwear, Sweaters, vy Socks, 'Boots and Shoes, Rubbers occas sold at bed.rock prices. other stdre 'in town cen tovch our price . markings. RICES CUT! jow is your opportunity to ob- | jp that long-wished-for Piano. | large stock, including jans, Violins, Mouth Organs, ping Machines, etc., is selling ! post. Call and see our induce- hts. cDOWALL'S 471 PRINCESS STREET. THE FRONTENAC & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. (ESTABLISHED 1863.) PRESIDENT Right Hon. Sir B. J. Cartwright pney loaned on "City perties, Municipal County ntures. Mortgages purchased Dsits received and interest allowed J. McUILL, Managing Director 97 Clarence street, Kingston Psite the Post Office. ON GLUB RINK PINE STREET and Farm and son Tickels : Adults, children, 4 Skating every Tuesday, 'Thursday turday evenings Jand every after- | accommodation for skaters. Tic- for sale 'at Mitchell's Hardware , Princess street. r | ern = | "an mese OINTMENT {ALL HEALING PRICE, 25 CENTS. LL CURE Burns, Frozen Limbs, , Salt Rheum, Broken Breasts, n's Sore Heads, Boils Blood Pois- d Bealing Fingers. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. - Rays Stove Polish ines brighter and wears longer than rs, 75¢.; uminum Polish for stoves or pipes. old Bronze, In powder and liquid. t prices for above at STRAGHAN'S HARDWARE -- CAPILLI FORMA ' Bealthy tomic, Drodeces a t growth of bajr at amy age. 0 ba AND eR Eo Dass excellent for John H. Mills} mo Lenbine Apcheier. 1§