~ COMMERCIAL MATTERS. | What Is Going On In the Business | sti os SEER Bank of Canada has Blind River, Th mci: a ia the of ! : "of the United States. Ameri exports totalled 22,195,726 ' long which ex- 3 stg: C.P.R. showii sede 1 5 means that in tine on | h ving Lhe longest ; the C.P.R. is among the railway world in aggre figures and divisions will have notices Sok = hovelled. a of Ginghams for "Aprons and, Waists, 2 to 7 Yards. ' ts of Wool Flannols, White, Grey, Navy Rad. "0 Reswmants "of Dress Goode, some particularly at fhotive Values, ' " wf Crotons, Fresh Clean Colors 1) to 6 yards. a of Twoods, Lengtha suitable for Skirts, ete. 'Rémoaots of Sheetings, some particularly Good Lines. Satel Pillow Cogn, 2 1010 Yard, almost: every width in inte ot Table Linens, good lengths, srviconble qualitics. " of Silks, lain and Foncy, very Choap. Bott Bupking; vey mach wider vogulut pics. Lots of fled Spread, slightly soiled by dust. Dd Lote, Lace. Curtains, Oho of two sels to a pattern, now marked ex! Ockd. Lines of Towels, 4.8 7,9 0 a Patiem, offming these lines atogrestly reduced prices, Some parucularly poy ® » el Bas been Issued by th E the henge owned and p. entrance to ' . been found fn Russian hospitals. They been transferred to the Japan: London, oles, KOHDRATENKO. itor. Stoessel Inclibed To Surrender g Votes Money To Entertain Russians Last --Renewed Talk Of Peace. Arthur mn Destroying Mines. Officers Paroled. oud Pacific sauadron ware at Libau after | January creditable J ri. th. of Nagasaki ts the Russian of Wor as they pase through shat sity: Renewed Talk Of Peace. fas ORLY . YY p---- FE of poRT ° [ ARTHUR WAS OFN, Tor > 1 11.~The Daily Tele to stories by of the 4 General tenko, don ot the Th Bnet Dorian ber udes, included 10,000 who were indifferent fighters. i ne in the that The onto Globe. be 0 What sort of a man is th a purity: crusade ? A high-mind- od citizen with ideals of public duty no' temptation would overeome ? is said that a man's letters, for private eonsumption, are the most self-rev tained. el gate, h ter I y a of a latter pen to W. RB. loughby during the Cardwell bye-elec- tion exeitement ten years ago. Dr Nesbitt wanted to Dr. Beagtie Nesbitt And Oorrup- i en, Jd erving out this Toronto, and provincial roader cafi judge for himseli. things that can be BNESDAY. JANUARY 11 standing afar off, beat- ing bis breast and mercy, is the political type that On- tario rejoices to see in these days of and the denuneiation f 7 "lois oy the Pharisec, however, cle proposes to deal. In . s campaign no vonserva- tive has taken a more pro. minent part than Dr. Beattie Nesbitt, member for North leading officer in the ganization. No voice has more loudly denounced the infamies of the liberal party than that of the voluble doc tor. this leader written Nesbitt's charac: perusual secure the conser- { ETRE df Wes PRI 0 {ended nS time. treated the matter as a huge practical joke." .. Perhaps the beat foment om the whole affair i§ to be found in the words uttered during the Cardwell campaign by that stern old tory, Col. O'Brien, of Muskoka, Mr. McCarthy's lieutenant. He said: "Mr. Willough- by dees not deny: she suthenticity of the letter. He says it was a prac tical joke played on a gullible indi- vidual, Dr. Nesbitt, Well, all. T can say in answer to that is that the elec: tors of Cardwell should be careful how they trust their destinies to a a | man who makes such an important or- | trust as the representation Card- well the subject of a practical joke. We wonld ask the representatives of Ontario generally, what they think of a political iy movement led by the writer that most brazen letter in the political history of the domin- jon. - No wonder liberals wish Mr. Whitney joy of his {friend Nesbitt." It | The man who was prepared to pay in cash or by office--even by the degra- dation of the crown's prerogative--for ob- | a parliamentary somination, bas not changed one joi in the past ten years. He belongs to the particular breed of litical leopard that cannot change is spots. As a sort of walking elec- tion boss he might pass unnoticed, but when the conservatives of Ontario for Wil- myself have, for along | ~ t Arthur have . 11.--A dispatch to the 'okio says shat the muni: hae voted 6,500 soon hereaf! Ser | appointment to be procured vative nomination in that riding, and | 4 the accepted nominee. The doctor is "To W. B. Willoughby, may threaten or clas she has upon vou in regard to an her money in a Toronto mortgage, 1 will do everything in a this use appointment. in ¥. Willonghby stood in the way as |p "Toronto, Oct. 9th, 1894. Esq., Barris olio, Jen, 11.~Gen. Nogi reported ter, Toronto : A ein Hy , : # of war as follows: | "In consideration of your retiring | tg Back To The People. 3 Tals Nibitin and Baile and] from the nomination of the conserva- $ * Wiren. The paroled, be-| tive party $F the county of Cardwell + Out of a total ex a , include Major- | in my favor, and if 1 secure the nom- | 0 400 Joe 8113101 Sapandi. : ination and snr elected, | agree as jy 1877 Abe. iibecal ih >'. dmirals follows : Po pay you when I become | 38° Dl ho en ie 3 3 Gregoroviteh nod the nominee 8350, and the further sum | 2 a. . 300. + gineer-in-Chiel Rimleback {$1,000 cash. on my election for said | # SHEEAd to She smopi 4 TE a-- to int you my election ed on ; ony : At Nagasaki. agent at the yosloction, and Size * Boativh, hospi ly \ i 1 electi next = hold, here > ¢ "maintenance © : aaah ga. 1 Hie he Japanese Le pat you rhe what we mutual- * asylums and public nat * twentv-cight Ravin > Moers . ign ly agree upon as a fit, remuneration | #¥ tutioms, agriculture + Sven : ho 3, Who Nn to retain as my solicitor to act | 4 arts, railway subsidies, ad- & hr i at and en, WhO for me in the event of any protest or | # ministration of justice, col- 4 hy Ni Sg. Bo: protests, if any, after such bye-eleo- | 4; onization roads and con- # Jen. 11 i oe iransorts] tion and al olection. In regard | 4 struction of public build- ¥ vy ported off Libau 3 POISE, my obligation to Jennie Bell, of | 4 "ings. + 1th. for the i pi Boltou, un arcovnt of any action she | ow investment of my power {to matter for you, and will jofluence to 'procure her 1 will use every port power to procure for you the i 'and appointment of a county in, province of Ontario so reafter as may be, ond not Sen ---- tantots. that in case the tows a n to be called upon to stand -- SHOT BY SAVAGES. Atrocities Comunitted By the Hot- siege the | 0¥ failure to so appoint you, or pro- would ewmlate the devotion | SW your ay to have your ned heroiem of Port. Arthur. The men 8. B, responded with cheers. , lington street, near Princess, are for 80 on" gives ji power and the use of all well-wishers of Mr, : ent being sustained, then | Pense. Di in whenever you can. : of the date there: | Mrs. Danicl Reeves has gone to nickly as | Lansdowne to attend the wedding of of all iy | Miss Mamie Stillwell, daughter of for you the | Rev. Reuben Stillwell, formerly of tment or of 'nn QC. ] Kingston, which is to take place at] 'a counsel), aL the next general [5 p.m. today. : .§ appointments "to that title as some A Gaming Fowmt. further equivalent for your retiring in my A ot ad above, and sacrificing your political future for my own. 1 also agree to give four issory notes, each for the sum of $1,000, in your favor, payable as follows : (The terms and dates were set down in the draft 'Aad subsequently scored out). "These potes are not to be paid at all in the event of your procuring the said appointment as county judge at cither said times, but are to be in a measure as equivalent for brother, Willoughby, of the de- partment of the interior, Ottawa, pro- moted from a third-grade to a second- class clerk within two years after 1 enter . parliament. This written memo- randum embodies the substance and result of our several conversations, and | regard myself in honor as bound to fultil is teyms.in spirit end letter. DR. BENI'TIE NESBITT." When the letter was made public in he Globe a few days hefore polling, To allay point out that the doctor from North a masterful man. This is what be Toronto is emphatically not a man to wrote : cheer for. AEE sky's. shovel the snow from the roof of the city buildings. | day afternoon, day afternoon, fire and ro asked to cheer for Whitney, Nes- itt and purity it is high time to INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters Oh Their Rounds. Frosh herrings, 30c., at Carnov- Men were put at work to-day to Civic commitice meetings : Weds city property; Thurs Hel t. Reform committee rooms on Wel: The coming social event at Queen's University, the "At Home" of the fin- al year in arts, medicine and science, which is to take place in Grant Con- vocation Hall on Friday evening pro- mises to be a brilliant event. The committee having charge of the pro- ramme is arranging a very choice list of attractions, consisting of col- lege and city talent. The leading part in the concert will be taken by Miss Mae Dickenson, of Toronto, whe isa soprano and guitar soloist of high repute, in the different cities where > has appeared. The number of invita tions to be issued to gentlemen for the "At Home" is limited to one hun- dred did twenty-five and these will be distributed among the members of the year, graduates and "post-mortems." Ii the present intentions of the com- mittee are adhered to, many city peo- ple and the large body of students will not be honored y invitations. The idea is to limit the number So as to prevent overcrowding in Grant hall, where the dancing will be held, iver, Mrs. Bothma states that one farm on the German side of the Orange Riv- or was visited by seventy Hottentots. public indignation Mr. Willoughby \. gave out a statement inten: to amp) prove that Be. Beattie Nesbitt was The Man In Bod not only a wouldibe buyer of nomin- ations to parliament, but a fool. He sald | who sho infant months old. and sisters, and Calgary, Jan. 11.-A SE ------------------ AVOID PEACE RIVER. ' STOEE Grand Trunk Pacific Will Run South From Efnonton, members of the Grand a when he called at my office. He then ous letter, which has 0 talent t six men in cold blood and Stor wards murdered five children, one only eighteen At another place the pativ a a itdle ay of five yours, who Act imself Sie bry there 'constant intrigue 'with parties in the Spare his life. But they tore him from his wother's arms amd shot him to- gother with his father. of The liberal in the Whi ball eding "ura been . Pak part vd 5. invited, ar well of the city and a the ination, on his liberal promises 1 he it would. have been vowpht It is an attempt to turn into poli- tical blackmail on we a good joke on Dr. Nesbitt. + Everybody, in Toronto pacticularly, knows his intense desire to get into parlisment by any means. before our convention into Card: well, and again after it, he kept up a constituency, amd kept filling the pa- pers with cock-and-bull- stories of my weaknevs and the great impression he was making in the county. And he haunted my office night and day, claiming "he was receiving letters from the constituenty asking him to run. He became such a nuisance that, talk- ing the matter over with a few frimds I decided to draw him out one day dietated tho now been published, while 1 wrote it rt of down, There was a deal more, 1" wh et ith much Pe ute, equally ridiculous "and 'absurd, drawn i No, sir, he has not," replied the not afin, They predict that the] YP oO a ment occasion in the ile: I don't like to tell you, sir, Grand Trunk Pacific will not west | Same office the latter letter is in| "Ut the doctor gave my hushand up by the Peace River, but will sure] the doctor' ion. still, 8 weck ago and we sold His clothes. south from Fdmontom to go by Yellow | Many of party leaders were| at's the reason he didn't go to the ond, reaching the coast at: Burrard] 8W8re from the beginning of what I] Soren. t. had done, as 1 did it after consulta -------------------- ---------------- tion with them. Tt wns no secret of | ~*~ To Prevent Appendicitis. Come To The Whig Hall. the past vear, and did not come as| "How to Prevent A paign. It is a matter of frequent jest among some, of my friends, and is on ing this, 1 , bee and now ao zi a antuyed, : haracter Ai : "Had 1 been desirous of handing oyer to him after my no- voly easy, but I nev, intention An never had sny such sal of the doo and avauain ent, with the doctor and fardical chiracter of anv revelation during the predént cam: sidered a groat joke. Tho dootor learn: to give the ddoument a his polition] status at Ottawa, would | | oo on sequel is .- poonvince anv sensible person of the tho whole A young clergyman in making his weekly visits among the poor of his parish in a nearby country village, the Philadelphia Press says, quite recent- ly learned of a poor sick man who re- cently came from Ireland with his wile and one child. When the minister call- ed at the house, he was given a most hearty welcome, and on reaching the bedside of the sick man was surprised at finding him apparently well. The day bging warn the clergyman sug- gested that he get out of bed and spend an hour under a shade tree in the garden. "lt may do you good," he added. The wife, who was present, said her husband had ; better remain in the house until the following day and then take a little recreation, When the clergyman returned a week later he found the husband stilt in hed. "Haven't you been out of bed since I was here?" qeked the man of the cloak, Heitia. i an article by Doctor Joseph Hind, in January Nineteenth Century. He gives simple rules, observi ich ne i ha by ving which none First-Don't neglect ale, | whan heated by exercise. Fal, when ndly--Masticdte well nd t slowly. Don't swallow any tout that is not perfectly by the teeth. Thirdly~Avoid averient salts, Hun gariah waters or liger pills. Lot na- ture do her own work undisturbed by purgatives of any soft, for their al. All Baby's Clothes Can be Bought Here! Time was when the mother and the grandmother and all the aunts united in sewing an outfit for the baby. hat time has gone. It isn't ne- cessary to go through a seige of sewing and wear out both energy and eyes in making dainty garments 'when you can buy them here for the pare cost of materials almost. _ Baby's Slips, Baby's Underskirts, Barricoats, 1 Little Girls' White Underwear, Skirts. Drawers, Nightgowns, White Dresses, Pinafores Ladies' White Underwear, that will surely interest every woman whe is now planing her spring sewing. There is a decided economy in secur- ing ready to wear at what you would otherwise spend weeks in making and at the price we are now offering. It will pay you to come and see the large assortment now on view. , YOU ARE AT PERFECT LIBERTY to come and look and examine 'and not to buy. We are only too anxious to have our friends see the WHITEWEAR EX- HIBIT now ready. -- ------ Special Bargain To-morrow Morning. We have just secured a tip-top Handkerchief bargain and will have it ready for you To-mor- row Morning at 9 o'clock. 1 2 Ladies' Pure Linen Hem- 4 stitched Handkerchiefs A quality never sold at less than $1.50 per dozen, regularly at 12%c. or 15¢c. singly. These We Will Sell To-morrow at. 8c. Each. JOHNLADLAWESON bmn THURSDAY MORNING THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE GREAT DISCOUNT SALE WILL OPEN 20 Per Cent. Discount Off Every Boot, Shoe; Slipper, Mogcasin, Trunk Valise in our immense stock, except the Slater Boots an Rubber Goods. : This Annual Discount Sale has always been a gr¢ Success, and we will try to make this one the best ¥ have ever held. Brockville Town Council. Subliction now arises t on no terms, ho and wi, Brockville, Ont., Jan. 11.--The ofl : "not wWillwed! 16 the tol om - ity, out BARGAIN TABLES will be loaded with odd lots ¥ from 20 to 50 per cent. off regular prices. Come carly: . G. LOCKETT ws THE LONDON 72ND YEAR -- Notic Now is the time our Furniture \pholstered and ed. During the s in that departmen give you better cheaper, in order the men in worl winter season. ROBT. J. R The Leading Undertaker, 222 Prine 8 dors above opera house, T Fe THERE IS A C 1 have almost new stoves, heaters, left, which I will se gains, Also furniture, as 1 space for other stock in. sp TURK'S SECOND-HA , 398 Prisicess Stn ¥. W.C. Reserve the Followin JANUARY 17th, 21st, 4 p "for Deepening the Spirit duct by Mrs. Carr-H «mugief attractive subjec men invited. Mogae: in hal) above Y.W ANTED, Ere (HOUSEMAID; LIGHT W ply Mrs. J. 8S. Hicks, 2 A SMART YOUNG MAN around kitchen. Appl Randolph, Princess stro ROOFS 710 CLEAN OF ice.. Work promptly de card or call at 196 Kir GENERAL SERVANT } of two. Apply Mrs. H son, 1V8 Johnston stre ALL KINDS OF JOB} shoveling, boardwalk sh by Db. Daugherty, 150 | A COMPETENT HOUSEM $12 a month. Must h Apply at once box "H. " FRE) bing Tesy w of Waub a ¥ for sample copy. . 3 FOR AN horse; "must be able wits. © Apply between 862 Brock street BOARDERS, = WHERE have first-class accomm pleasant, warm rooms, tian. Apply at 51 Br A QUALIFIED TEACHH No. 4, in the Towns) Cananto. Apply, statin to S. Shanks, Jr., Fol QUALIFIED TEACHEF tant), for 8.8. No. 4, ties to commence Marc salary $18. Apply (c Dean, Aden, Ont #7 PER DAY, EVER) a year, is good pay. made with our goods necessities; every famil Write to-day, G. Ma London, Ont. PERMANENT o new map of World Map on reverse 46 inches; two maps sentatives now at worl AGENTS, t per week. Address Rai Co., 142 Fifth Ave. } TO-LET. EI TTT PUSINESS OFFICE, OP] Office, heated by Hot. to John A. Gardiner, and Insurance, 151 Wel rem aieh-------------- STORAGE FOR FURNYI dwellings, stores, offic Cann's Real Estate Of street. FINE LARGE FRONT board. Apply 187 Un LOST. WILL GENTLEMAN WH Coach Dog, "Robs, Smith from 244 King street tween 4 and 5 pom, him to+Dr. Kilhorn ? FOUND. A RED COCKER SPAN) at Whig office, OFFICES TO 1 THE OFFICES, 198 0 * lately vacated by K.P, Railway Co Apply 1 Rogers & Nickle, 194 ( FOR SALE ONE MILCH COW. API cess street. Easily Don At the Lockett gale you ean select any shoe store except Slater > twenty per cent. deduct regular price. ---- "Laxafive Bromo genuine ie sold at Gib dng store.