othes Can be Here! ien the mother nother and all d in sewing an baby. hat It isn't ne- hrough a seige wear out both yes in making its 'when you here for the aterials almost. Ss, derskirts, jerwear, Dresses, Skirts, Drawers, Pinafores r, that will surely interest now planing her spring lecided economy in secur- what you would otherwise ng and at the price we are pay you to come and see now on view. E ECT Y me and look and examine ot to buy. We are only nxious to have our friends he WHITEWEAR EX- IT now ready. Bargain TOW 2d a tip-top Handkerchief it ready for you To-mor- lock. es' Pure Linen Hem- stitched Handkerchiefs sold at less than $1.50 per y at 12%¢. or 15c. singly. -morrow at. o C DLAWESON | MORNING T SHOE STORE COUNT SALE ,. OPEN . Discount Off llpper, Mogcasin, Trunk © ck, except the Slater Boots and Sale has always been a gre] ) make this one the best! be loaded with odd lots ¥ regular prices. Come carly: ses 72ND YEAR. NO. 9. ---- ® . Notice! Now is the time to-have Jour Furniture repaired, \pholstered and re-finish- ed. During the slack time in that department we can give you better work and + cheaper, in order to keep the men in work in the winter season. ROBT. J. REID, The Leading Undertaker, 222 Princess Street. 8 doors above opera house, Telephone 577. wT THERE IS A CHANCE 1 have almost new stoves, in cooks and heaters, left, which I will sell at big bar- gains, also furniture, as 1 want to get space for other stock in: spring. TURK'S SECOND-HAND SHOP, | 398 Pridicess Street. ¥. W.C. A. Reserve the Following Dates : JANUAY Y 17th, 21st, 4 p.m.--Meetings etting the Spiritual Life, con duct Mrs. Carr-Harris; special « mugief ave subjects. All wo- men invited. Megtings in hal) above Y.W.C.A. Rooms WANTED, Dee LES] (HOUSEMAID; LIGHT WORK. AP- ply Mrs. J. 8S. Hicks, 2385 Earl St A SMART YOUNG MAN TO HELP around kitchen. Apply at Hotel Randolph, : Princess stroet. ROOFS 70 CLEAN OF SNOW AND ice. ork promptly done Drop a card or call at 196 King street. GENERAL of two son, 1v8 SERVANT FOR FAMILY Apply Mrs. Hugh Macpher- Johnston street ALL KINDS shoveling, by Db. Daugherty, OF JOBBING, ROOF boardwalk shoveling, etc 150 Sydenham St A COMPETENT HOUSEMAID. WAGES $12 a month. Must havé references. Apply at once box "11." Whig offs. THE LONDON " FREE PRESS » '* re! bring results. MH w or Waul a position, write for sample copy. ROY, TO CARI. FOR AND DRIVE A Horst; faust be able to read and white. © Apply between 1 and 3 p.m 862 Brock street BOARDERS, WHERE THRY have first-class accommodation, pleasant, warm rooms, central loca- tian. Apply at 51 Brock strogt. CAN nice A QUALIFIED TEAC Hy Rn FOR 8. 8 No. 4, in the Township of South Cananto. Apply, shaving salary, etc. to S. Shanks, Jr., Folger P.0., Ont r---- QUALIFIED TEACHER (PROTES tant), for 8.8. No. 4, Kennebec, du- ties to commence March 20th, 1905; salary $18. Apply to Mrs. John Dean, ATden, Ont #7 PER DAY, EVERY DAY, FOR a year, is good pay. It is being made with our goods. Household necessities; 4Write to-day, London, Ont. every family needs them G. Marshall & Co. Legislative Assembly EDW. J.B. PENSE Who Does Things For Kingston. Committee Room: Wellington St , Near Princess 11721 IP SIPS» {Frogs fF The cooperation of- all friends of te Liberal 'policy, and supporters of good administration cordially invited. a PanLY MEMORANDA. A.O.H. installation, 8 p.m Board of Education, 8 p.m Musters' and Mutes' Association, 8 p.m. Postponed Y.M.C. A. annual. meeting, 8 poi. "Julius Cacsar,"" pan. Liberal wecting, 8 p.m. Jeavons' B.15 p.m. A girl may he a good looker and still need glasses Preshytery meeting, pan, Friday You can't without graft The doctor's bill man feel bhilious Fhe sun rises Friday at pets at 4.46 pon Read Dontinion in advertisement There is consider other people very Limestone lodge, No o1 meets to-morrow night, at eight o'clock. A good neighbor is one who lacks in- terest in affairs that are none of his pusi- ness When joyous, a woman's license is not to be endured, when in terror, she is a plague -- Aeschylus This day in history * 1810; battle of New Orlear war; 1879; Lady Jane ) Grey 1554 Convoeatign Hall, 8 Barriefield_Town Hall, conpany, Grand Opera House, Cooke's church, 2 fruit successfully even raise hag made many =n 7.82 am, and Fish company's prices in having Ble pain AO UW Tennyson born, 815; Zalu beheaded, During the Month of January 209% Discount China Salada. China, B. & B. Plates, Rankin's. Mustard 's. Celery Dishes, Plates Olive Dishes, Muffin Dishes. Chocolate Pots Biscuit Jars. Syrup Jugs. Lomonade Jugs. Hair Boxes. Bullion Cups. Chop Plates. Fancy , Cabaretts. Fancy Roll Trays, Faney Chia, Vases. Funey Shine, Ornam Fancy 5 0 lock Tea Sets. ROBERTSON BROS. 1835 WALLACE--1835 PLATED TABLE WARE Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Faucy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fangy " China; China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, " Our line you will find complete and of THE BEST. We guaran- tee every piece The new TROY pattern in Knives, Spoons and Forks appeals to Ns as Perfec~ tion in Design dnd Finish. Let us show you this pattern: We know you will think with us when you see it : 1: SMITH BROS. -- SJPTICIANS AG RTS, PERMANENT POSITION, new map of Canada, with World Map on reverse side, size 66 x 46 inches; two maps in one: repre- sentatives now at work making $25 per week. Address Rand, McNally & Co., 142 Fifth Ave., New York. TO-LET. OPPOSITE POST heated by Hot. Water. Apply to John A. Gardiner, Real Estate and Insurance, 151 Wellington street PUSINESS OFFICE, Office, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, dwellings, stores, offices, ete : Cann's Real Estate Office, 51 Brock street. ALSO Me- FINE LARGE FRONT ROOM, WITH board. Apply 137 Union street west LOST. WILL, GENTLEMAN WHO ALLOWED Coach Dog, with collar marked Smith Falls," follow him King street, Sunday, be- and 5 p.m., please return him to+Dr. Kilhorn ? FOUND. A RED COCKER SPANIEL. ot Whig office, OFFICES TO LET. THE OFFICES, 198 ONTARIO ST. lately vacated by K.P. & CO. Rlectric Railway Co. Apply to kD eee Rogers & Nickle, 194 Ontario Street. FOR SALE. ONE MILCH COW. cess street. APPLY Easily Done. At the Lockett store shoe discount gale you can select any shee in the store except Slater make and get twenty per cent. deducted from the regular price, ---- "Laxative Bromo Quinine; the nuine je sold at Gibson's Red Cross ig store, ity 2 APPLY 480 PRIN- THE CHOICEST And best assorted stock in the city. Everything in Wines and Ales. Any. brand of Scotch or Irish Whis- key. All the lines of mestic Liquors. JAS. McPARLAND 339 and 341 King St. "Phone 274. NOTICE. THE SUPERINTENDENT OF THIS Kingston General Hospital announges the opening of the Outdoor Department. Pate ents will be received and treated by at- tending physician and surgeon every morning at ten o 'clock. GH et sion i. HENRY SKINNER & CO Represent the largest manufacturer of embossed richly colaged lithographs in hig world and are now showing samples GALEN DARS FOR 1906. es are lower than asked by outside for 'inferior and less attrackive oad. Tel el No or call phone 23; ~ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. THE TREASURER OF THE OR- phans'. Home acknowledges With thanks the receipt of cheque for $150 from T W. Milo, executor, a hequest of the will of the lute Miss Mary Brame BERTH FOR THOMPSON. Former Member For Governor Of Yukon and to have a getting the appointment, David Horwe, for Manitoba, has been given a su- Imported and Do- . fair chance of | chief grain inspector \ J Has Double Crew, Russians and, Germans «|DENY RECALL OF ROJESTVENSKY -- REIN- FORCE PACIFIC SQUADRON. Ermak Ordered To Keep Channel Clear Of Ice--Odessa Regi- ment's Move Postponed--Naga- saki Gave Prisoners Hearty Maurititius en nt of the Daily Mail, says that Vice:Admiral Volker sham, commanding a division of the Russian Baltic fleet, informed the commander of the steamer Oxus that he expected to be attacked in the In dian Ocean hy the Japanese, He asked for a chart of the harbor of Diego Saurez, Madagascar. He said he be- lieved the Baltic fleet would call at Mahe, in the: Seyehielle Islands. Tt is reported that the tughoat Russ, which took provisions to Tamatave, Mada- gasear, on January 4th, has a double eréw of Russians and Germans. The vessel iw sometimes Huassian and some- times German, according as it it deem- wl necessary, the sailors of the other nafionality posing as passengers, Getting Ready For Sea. i St. Petersburg, Jun. 12.-The ad- miralty has not given the slightest of- fielal confirmation of the report of the recall of Vice-Admiral Rojestvensky's squadron, On the contrary, the offiei- als point calmly to the preparations being made to reinforce the squadron with a division 'of the third Pacific Squadron, as sufficient evidence that Rojestvensky will not return to Fuvo- pean waters, The Russian ice-breaker, Ermak, at Libau, 'has been ordered to keep the channel clear for the ships which are being made ready for sda. Regiment's Departure Postpondd. London, Jan. 12.-A despatch to the Daily Mail, from Gdessa, says that the departure _o? - a regiment from that city for the far cast, which had been fixed for January 8th, has berm post- poned, until February 12th, mnch to the. regiment's surprise, When the cpl onel informed his officers' of the post- ponent he said he did not know whether hey would wee notive sipvies Mien A ipesnlond Nagasaki"s Hearty Welcome. Tokio, Jan. 12.-All the prisoners from Port Arthur, arriving at Naga- saki, 'look well fed and happy. Col, Haljakofi, of the Russian army, faid the enemy's welcome was entirely un expected, It made him feel as though he had returned to his own country, He hoped the war would eease soon, and a mutual understanding follow. Twenty-six paroled Russian officers wers welcomed by M. Arakawa, gover nor of Nagasaki, municipal delegates, and leading citizens. Col. Trichadoff expressed hehalf of his comrades and said he believed that after the war, Russia and Japan would hecome fast friends, Commander Tamaky, of Japanese navy, who is investigating the sunken Russian warships at Port Arthur, has discovered that the eruisers Diiidit, Rasboynik, and Zabiaca which hither to, had been unaccounted for, were all sunk, the . Rasboynik -apparently, by the Russians themselves, and the oth- er two by Japanese shells, Command- es also has located five torpedo boat destrovers, and two gunboats that were destPoyed. thanks on Poland And The War. Bérlin, Jan. 12. Warsaw state that much excitement has been created by the posting in the streets of copies of the following revolutionary proclamation : "Once again the Russian czar asks that we shall trail, hungry and cold, naked and barefooted, through the Manchurian deserts. The fact of his having enslaved us gives him no right to demand that we shall sacrifice our lives for him, The war is no cause of purs. Japan is not our foe, but our faiend. Rise; therefore, like one man, and defend yourselves. Down with the autocragy of the czar!" Despatches from Children Watching War. St. Pétersburg, Jan. 12. Many in- teresting sidelights are thrown on the great conflict in the far East by the letters received here by relatives and friends of the Russian officers at the front. One of these letters recently made public is from a Russian lieut- onant, Who writes as follows : "Phe Chinaman, they say, is a big foward, but that must he after he is grown up. The Chinese child of under twelve ia a hero, and no mistake. At the Shaho fight 1 saw the funniest thing imaginable. Not a hundred yards from the left of our trench sat-perched on a stunted tree three Chinese in-, fants, They were looking at the slaughter. The bullets and shells whis- tlod around, but they gaped open- colliers, pareying coal ferring to the kaisver's proposal to confer the decoration of the Order Pour Lo Merite upon (ions. Stoessel and Nogi, 2 czar and decorate Gens. Nogi and Stoessel Welcome. eof own respective b V \ vevognized their services. Special to the Whig 1 sove reigns lon, Jan. 19--The Port Louis] The Tageblatt points out that the Specint' P) foal things. "Or perhaps," they didn't whideretand; : -- Japanese Transports Sighted, Sandakani Borneo, Jan. 12.-Two Japanese transports were sighted, on January 4th, of Labuan, and two for the Rus: sian fleet, arrived ot Labhan on January th; Labuan is an island, and a British colony, six miles from the north-west const of Borneo. It has a fine harbor © William's Usual Haste. Berlin, Jan. 12. Telegrams to the kaiser from the crar aml pikado, re officially published. The mikado briefly thanked the kaiser 4 a w their consent, The liberal and socialist papers. eriticige Emperor Willlaw's impulsive haste 14 he these offi fora kaiser has phat the nilitary authori ties in St. Patersburg in an awkward poxition. ag Gen. Stovesel will have to w formally tried by conrt-martial. FLASH IN PAN Be Outcome Matter. Likely To Of The RE. REV. BISHOP BE. TALBOP, "Whig, adele, Jan 12.-The scandal in which the Right Rev. Bishop E. Talbot, of Pennsy)vania, appears as Despatches From Near And EVENTS OF DAY Setert J o GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS. stration, 1 Dr. Distant Places. ; SIBLE = Yomi, That Totersst Everybody oe From All Ower--Little: Hon, George W. Ross spoke in Belle: ville, on Wednesday night, and was the recipient of a flattering demon- London liberals nominated ex-May: . G. Romball for the legislature Towle announced his candi in Parry Sound district. In the Smoot investigatién Washington ex Senator said the morals of the Mofmons wero of a praiseworthy character, Survivors of the wrecked dredge Toxas, when rescued, had just drawn Jots to decide who should die to provide food for the rest. Mr. Croker intends to sell his regi dence at Wantage, England, For some months pact he has been living in Ireland, where it is reported he will reside altogethor. hereafter Blanche Royal and Georgina Wests brook, 'Poronto, whose nétiona hive frequently given evidence of suicidal insanity, were each sent to the Mer- eer Reformatory for six months on charges of vagraney. , The boiler of a locomotive attached to the east-bound fast express train on the Erie road blew up while stand- ing at the Creston, Ohio, station, on Wednesday, Killing the engineer and fireman instantly, and badly injuring another man. Kang Yu Wei, the Chinese reformer, who ix now at North Vancouver, has received - advieds from Pekin that * tho Chinese government have granted tall pardop to himself and Liang Kai Chew, who were excluded from ° the general anmmesty granted the other reformers last July, A GHICAGD HORROR. steam the 'central Episéopal ol now lopks ak he hishop prt 4 us : charges. & A NOTE IN CHEESE. Acknowledged By a Buyer England. The following letter eeived from Englaud by In has been re Frank Reid, Leland, Ont., who has handed it to the Whig for. publication : "25 High street, Towkesbury, Eng. Dec. 19th, 194. ~Dear Sir: I cut a cheese through on Saturday last with a glass tube and found your note in serted, datedy June 30th, 1 the cheese in a comtract lot bought from Messrz. Pullin, Thomas & Slade, Bristol, back in the autanm at 42s, 6d., worth here to-day 81s. 1 réceived the cheese November 3rd. The quality is A 1 and cuts as' clean as a sheet of received paper. If 1 never got worse cheese | shall not grumble I ean assure you. I have handled some hundreds of thousands of cheese in yy time, but it is the first A have come across a message in one from across the other side. Wishing you the compli ments of the season and extending an invitation to old Tewkesbury if vou are ever over here ~Yours [aithfull: OSWALD B. MOORE. time CAMMACK HANGED. The Execution Qeceurred At Wood- stock, N.B. Special to the Whig, Woodstock NB ww Jan. 12.--~Just as the town clock was striking five Sheriff Hayward, of Carleton county, sprang the trap which launched Thomas Cam mack into eternity for the murder of William Doherty, near Glassville, July 17th. The demned man, though Wervous throughout parts of his last night on earth, walked with firm tread to th affold, 'mounting the latform with the priest beside him I'he Lord's Prayer was repeated, and as the last word were uttered Sheriff Hayward sprong the trap. When the body shot wn the noose worked round somewhat towards his chin, but the execution was mot marked by mishap and about ten minutes life was extinct. The eoroner, three doe and several newspaper tors, the ju only witnesses. men were th Mendicity In India. London, Jun. ¥=o he a medicant in India is to be a member of an of ficially recognized 'profession, for in a volume of statighies relating to our Indian empire from 1893 1804 to 1902 1903, it is stated that the number of non-religious mendicants, 2,433,115, of ¥ukon. . I mouthed as if at a play, and sat firm. Ottawa, Jan. 12.-Col. Andrew T.4 Gur captain told them to run, but Thompson, the former member for they didn't understand. Some of the Haldimand, ig said to be m the . run- 1 outBanking Japs got right underneath | ning for the governorship of the ! the tree, and our machine guna mowed them down. The Chinese puppies look- od down and grinned, and one pulled | off a twig and tried to drop it into a dead Jap's mouth. grain pe rvision of the entire will prob tion of the dominion and ably take a trip over {division at once, ---------------- + Waggon loads into a New York State bank to quiet excited depositors. inspec: the eastern ' Bat of specie were taken "What "happened to ' them 1don't know, as we retired a moment later. farther on along the road we came upon a whole erowd of children smiling as the wounded men were car ried past. One of them had an artiller ~ist's eap on his little head, I suppose * the heathens have no souls and don't whom 2479 are 'males. Another eurions item in this remarkable vol ume, which redues the country, its trade, and everything con to tables, and figures ia that in 1902, 23168 criminals were sentenced to be whipped. Over 24,000 persons are annually Killed by wild animals and snakes) the larger portion being the victims of the snakes. Under this head there were 23,106 deaths in people, i nected with it BADLY DAMAGED. Anothér Ship Is Now a Orip- ple. Berling Jan. 12.-The Lokal Anzeig- or's St. Pomdoes correspondent says that the Russian cruiser lrumrud is returning to Port Said on the way to Cronstadt in a badly damaged condi: tion. The cruiser Tsumnrud, which is one of the vessels of Admiral Notravsy 8 contingent of the Russian seeond Paci fle squadron, with the other ships of the flest was, according 40 a dispatch from Suez last night, expected to reach that place at three o'clock this morning. is is the first intimation § ony vessel belonging to Admit irs y's squadron has been damn- INSTANTLY KILLED, ---- While Crossing a Railway Track in Dutton. pial to the Whig. 3 Dutton, Ont., Jan. 12.--At noon, to- day, two men, both M.C.R. employces and about forty-five years old, 3 MeArthur and Arch. Carmichael, were instantly killed while crossing the M.C.R, on Main street, being struck by No. 22, west-bound express, which was going at a terrific rate. Tho un- fortunate mon, who tly never saw the approaching train, were bail ly mangled, McArthur being thrown about 100 feet and Carmichael about thirty feel. The: horse was cut in two; the. ewtter was smashed into matchwood, AN IMPORTANT STEP, Regarding Direction of Montreal Police Depastemt. Special to the Whi Montreal, a 10 -An imporiant scp in relation fo the direction ot the police department of Montreal is being instituted, it being the jrten- tion to ask the provincial Jogislature for power to place the department an- der the management of a commission, instead of a committee of the city council, as at present. The present system har béen found faulty, as do- monstrated hy the recent judicial en- quiry into the management of the force, > Get Round On Horseback. Black River . Bridge, Jan. 9.~The violent wind and snow. storm ou Fri- day and Saturday quite blocked the roads made only travel on horee- back possible. William J. York is visiling relatives in Leeds county. Mr. and Mrs, 8. B, Jove entertained ie. and Mrs, BR, A. Hubbs, Mr. and Mis Man Kills Wile Amel Ghildren And Y two and 'one-half years old, sud: ho. after shooting * Higeelt through the breast, cut his own throat. Jeal- ongy is believed hy the police to have been the cause of the quadruple tra- gedy. The unconscious forms of the Miller family were found in their 'home by polite who had been summoned by neighbors. The bodies were hurried to the hospital. Mrs. Miller died on the way. Her young child was dead before removal by the police, The older child survived only a short time after ar- riving at the hospital. Miller will pro- bably dic. In the hurry of getting the victims from the house, Polism Seg geant Sauer slipped on the icy side walll and broke his left leg. He was taken to a hospital in the same am- bulanee that carried Miller, JAILED WRONG MAN. Express Company Has To Make Restitution. Buffalo, Jan. 12.--~Addison Lucas Las just been released from Lio rt jail, where he has heen confined since July under an indictment ann grand larceny in the second degree, in abstracting money from envelopes of an express company, by which he was employed. After his arrest, the thefts continied, and _ further investigation led to the arresf of another man, who when confronted by the evidence, is said to have confessed, also admitting taking the money which laicas was ac- cused of stealing, The officers of the cay they will right the wrong by giving him a better po- corapany done Luea sition; . SHORT COURTSHIP. Should Dismiss Man In Six Months. Manchester, N.H., Jan. 12. That mixed marriages should be discoviraged in the Catholic church, and ghat all Catholics should marry while young, were arguments used by Bishop Joho B. Delaney in St. Joseph's cathedral yesterday. *T long courtships are not advisable," said the hishop. "Fa- Parents Young thers and mothers of daughters ghould not allow a young man to call upon their daughters longer than Aix monthe. If at the end of this time the guitor's intentions are not serious, he shonld be informed that he had better go." . ' Syrian Peddler Killed. Cornwall, Opt, Jan, 12.<Norman Haskim, Cornwall, a Syrian peddler, was struck by she International limit ol about three miles west of Lan. caster and instantly killed, The unfor- | tunate man was walking on the track and stepped in front of the express | when it was only 500 feet distant, Mrs. whose her ancestors UU, at Adolphustown, Joseph Hazelitt, Avondale, maiden name was Ruttan, and E. Loyalists, living in dead at Sidney, 1003, |. Hear What The Children Say ! t We want "Swiss Food" for hreak- fast. Don't be afehid to give it to them. It is o perfect food, illness, aged sevem- been married fifty- after a #ix weeks ty-two, She had i five vears. J, Gi Jarvis, and Mr. apd Mex. 8, last, Wi v onck Bie Mr. Toronto to home. He has graduated from the tels- graphy department of the Picton busi: ollege, and expects to soon take on, Mr. and Mrs. D. Hughes entertained friends one evening last week, A number of the young people were entertained one evening recently by Mrs, 0 Grimmon, Port Milford, Lieut.-Col, D. R. Hemming, Kings ton, while lo a tour of the coun- ty inspect Armouries, ete., called on Capt. J. G. Jarvis on day last week, Mr. and Mra. Lewis Hughes are visit- ing friends near Tamworth. 8. Pierson has finished ehtting wood at South Bay, where he has béen engaged for be past two months, J. Shannon at- tended the funeral of his brother, Alexander, of Waupoose, on Saturday, Jewels Recovered. New York, Jan. 12.-Buried in a glass jar, on the north side of West 158th street, private . detectives have found more than $23,000 worth of Jewelry, the proprty of Mrs. Ambrose Clarke, daughter-in-law of Mrs. (Bis- hap) Potter, stolen frog Fernlaigh, the Clark home at Cooperstown, on July 7th last. Ledged in a coll at police headquarters to await removal to Cooperstown is William Coleman, a Tre thief, the major portion of whose sixty years have been spent in penal institutions. He was shadowed ond was caught digging for the plant- ed goods. Daring Train Robber. 12.-~At the re- Louis police, B. F. charged with San Francisco, Jan. quest of the St. Baddeley is held here, being a member of a band of train robbers, which operated extensively in New Mexico, Arkansas, Missouri, and Colorado, The gang operated in the summers and spent the winters in California. Lady's Sight Endangered. Belleville, Jan, 12.--Mrs. John Bell, of this city, was struck in the face by a puck, with which some boys wers playing hockey on the sidewalk, She received pn severe cut and may Joss the sight of one eye Bars American Creditors. London, Jan. 12.--A decision of the king's bench of the high wourt of jus tice debars American ereditors from recovering debts from shareholders of British companies doing business in America, : Best Of All. 7 The Lockett shoe store twenty por cent, discount sale is the most attrac tive they bave held for many Soars. | Nothing ig reserved but Slater Pacific squadron The second Russi arrived 'at Suez, Port Sa KINGSTON GCOVEBD RINK HOCKEY MATCH 'QUEEN'S Hl vs. RC: 1 © Mrs. Thomas Profton, died at the family residence, Picton, on Satutday, aged soventyithroe years, Deceased bad i been ill for about eight weeks, ral | FRIDAY » Jan. 13th! w ortIwent: jonal ay. Friday, fair Ar And all our Sunbopata can absolutely sure that what we vertise is correct.' Remember, all this sell COLLINS--At his fina; O'RIBLLY: wall, 1 Jang, niet oF the tate a ot ¥i Funeral © services will be wall on Saturday morning, remains conveyed thonee to ton, and [from outer \rand Try Station + to St. Mary's f : Irene fon Friday, a Retyween the acts, High, Claas oy ville, Illustrated Songs and Movi tures. Prices--10¢., > . dod de meals now on sale. Bargain Matinee Satruday «oi 2:30, Kathistn Mavourneen. Matinee Children, 10e.; adult 20¢., to ir] arts of the house. Tbe One Resolution for 1965 Is to know and chooses the best. The when it comes to the choite of Tea, you will not hesitate a moment in select ny: "Queen Bee" Brand Upon it corecet form has set the crow: of approval, certifying to its goodn by unréserved acceptance for bhanguet luncheon, tea--for any occasion Wher GOOD TEA is desired, James Redden & Co. Sola Agents for Kingston. JOHN MACKAY & 0 ht : ne GRADE "SECURITIES Condi Sask of Commie Buidtnes Hut Game called at 8 Da Admission to joe [xvid pubic and: all season i olders,