Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Jan 1905, p. 2

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(LL i efforts to the Re a oa 4 ---- 'Under The Auspices Of The Young | Liberale--There Were Lively eches And Bright Songs-- in the i Hii ihe Sampaiy i promises ag measure of success for the al candidate as conld be the most ardent supporters and the liberal adminis province. The second sors of the Whig building open to the large crowd every available foot of the main room, ante-raoms | . The crowd arrived early at once made comfortable officers of the club, who had on abundant ply of cigars, and tobacco, which were distri among the smokers of the audi i iz 3 § 2 £3 3 TH ithe z F ai § The meeting was called to order at about eight thirty o'clock hy Nicho- O'Connor in the absence of William Macdonald, extended on behalf of the cqmmon good and pro: ¢ b heritage which has been handed nto our present worthy Mewes, Hon UC. W. Ross, by the great Messrs, Arthur Ellis, Albett Ken- J. Cousing and Dr. A.W. wore all heartily tr wore sung in a rousing and stir- manner, the vooalists being re- for encores. An tai flute i was also ando- | pressed his recep The land said that he was going before the od speaker in elosing, dealt with contrafy, b the liberal party of any standing or Ruportance, had been connected with the scandal. He also cited instances of ballot switching = and spoiling which has been undoubtedly connected with conservative 'members in Haldimand elsewhere. Jocal matters and after a brief review of the respective candidates called <n the electors of the city of Kingston which has proven in the recent past the burying ground of conservative as- pirations to turn out on January 95th and give Donald Mélntyre his fina} interinent which from all indica- tions, he said, promises to he an em- phatic one. "W. G, Craig, was next warmly greet: ol and although he was prepared with a solo hey his vocal efforts with a stirring campaign speech in which he referred to the recent muni- cipal elections and their bearing on the present cumpaige He ascribed his defeat to over con , lack pr or ganization and the circulation of false and damaging election cvies. He felt that his defeat would act as a tonic in the present campaign and assure a liberal victory. song, which was of apesial composition with several good local hits, was loudly applauded. Hon. William Harty, when called on, was accorded a hearty reception. He complimented Mr. Penge on the strong evidence of support which wad being given him by the young men of the «ity, ae shown hy their enthusias tic behaviour. Only one thing, he said, is necessary, faith in party and candidate and all the powers of tory jsm cannot stem the tide of liberal vietory. The recent municipal elections are no factor in the approaching elec- tion, and the success of the Woera) campaign rests with the manhood sul: ne who are with the liberal party. He called on the liberal part in Kingston to join in the fray wit the same unity and harmony of pur- pose whith has brought them victory during the past fourteen years. . Edw. J. B. Pense when he arose in response to the call of the chairman was with _ an ovation which lasted , several minutes, and which should strike terror to the hearts of the members of the tory camp. When the cheering subsided the speaker ex- itude for the hearty tion wl had been accorded him electors of Kingston, on January 25th, -------------------- BUSINESS DONE BY THE PRO- PERTY. COMMITTEE. Council Chamber Ceiling Not In Good Condition--Telephones In The City Buildings To Be Re-arranged. The city properly commitice met yesterday afternoon at four o'clock, in attendance being : - Alds. Sears (chairman), Givens, Walkem, McCann and Johnston, A communication was rescived irom) the local manager of (he Ban ol British North = America, asking that the gas plumbing, which was disar ranged by the removal of the old vault, de put in order. On motion of Ald, Walkem, it way decided to accede th the request, fhe question of liabi- eet eet + Get Into The Fight. Liberals, get into the fight. Not one or two, but ev- 'ery man who acknowledges Ross as leader and Pense as candidate. Why? - Because every constitu- ency is looking to its neighoors to do their pret- tiest and give Ross such a majority that he will not need to be kept on the fighting line all the time. Ii we fight hard now then Ross can have rest and itime to devel and plan and work for Omtario's ad- vantage. ? Let liberals voice their loyalty by solid work and a rousing liberal majority. P2444 P42 AVIP LEIP 0 bE F 0 PE Prer reese reee FELLER 4 F449 Liberals, stoutly = maa your guns! tr -------------------------- lity to be decided hereafter. The com- mittee could not tell whether the plumbing contract covered this work: The chairman was empowered to have the necessary papéring done in the caretaker's apartment. i confronted with the Ga- in the proyincial house, shock was severe, brave met it with a and = A # ff 5 in Toronto, twelve hundred de- from Toronto delegates at the liberal conven- tion, Septcuentative of the entire pro- vince, conservatives did not draw up eny policy, but contented themselves with drawing up sove- ral resolutions expressing ap of actions of their iy in he Harty A opposition, The Jborat polity is not a radical one and is not a concession lo extremists on vither side. Mr. Whitney's sincerity as 10 his platform has been well proved by his stand and actions on the tem. perance question, His stand on this s the strict enforcement of . odd Ipairs, 1 to 8 {question kind a ihe present laws and he has described liberal administration of these laws in the strongest terms. 1a his speech at Napanee he repeated his former utterances on the temperance question and after the close of the meeting in his desire to see these laws strictly enforced he went to his hotel, drank the famous "Scotch" during il- k hours, resulting in the pro- pristor of the hotel being called on to pay a fine of $40 and costs. This, said te peaker, hows How siusire Mr, Whithey is in regard to his platform and 48, it sat he oh im how he Kiands in regard to his icy as a whole, The speaker next dealt with 1 methods of the conserva. tives in crying down the Ross cries. government actions t their record in the dom- soale stration. In regard the gov , J ornment as corrupt. Electoral purity is | greeted with thunders of applause, an important matter and 'if the liberal party can be proved Setup and the | considerable length, his conservatives, pure, the latter have | characterized by = his hy the conser: to the record and achieve: ments of both the liberal and con- ive parties. The liberal column, id, shows conclusively the pro- veness and foresight of the lib- eral Jeary in their management of publ nstitutions, extension of transportation facilities, development of our country and administration of the laws of the land, In the \conserva- (ive columns, on the other hand, are found no such "items of achievements past or proposed, Nothing is found but abuse and shifting scandals from day to day. In regard to the recent municipal election, the speaker recall- ofl to his hearers the fact that in his last campaign he had been pitted against a man who had just come from the mayorally contest with a large majority, This majority had been completely transformed into a liberal plurality, showing that a majority of 198 in the recemt contest can have no terror for the liberals in the present campaigi, He felt he had behind him a waited party, who would, on Janu ary 25th, poll a full liberal vote, bare- ing forever in the depths of oblivion the election of January 2nd. | The speaker referred to the boast of a local conservative speaker, that the conservatives would on January 25th, bury Mr, Pense bendath the daisies. He felt assured, he said, that the wn- ited conservative party would "pluck these self-same daisies from the con- sgrvative grave, form them into a wreath to be carried by him to Tor onto, where he would present it to On- tario's grand old man, bearing with him the message from the liberals of Kingston "We are here again." The speaker's concluding remarks were the policy of the liberal tion policy, His remarks were full of | yw concluding he called on the electors of : , Ross and eternal 'D. E. Mundell, who was in the audience, was called on by the presi: make some remarks. He ex- ad ropated to win, and win he would. On the communicdition of the city ore passing on to local matters, | clerk, asking for a modern cabinet for the paid a strong tribute to | his ol papers, it' was decided to his leader in Ontario, who, he said, | defer the matter "until it is Sesion commanded the respect and reverency| what y improvements are to | of his col and himself by ia wade the north end of the city sterli 14 as displ by im | buildi . at i moments. Hon. Geo. W.| The eity engi was instructed to Ross mey tion." | Givens, to touch cleverness and wit, He briefly reviewed c t government in | as compared with the lack of of i- throughout with frequent applause, In ingston, to i ny i angeton, mark their ballots on the pressed his entire confidence in the attend to the weecsssary re-arrange- ment. of the telephones in the buildings. ' The request of Treasurer Ireland for a cabinet and three chairs for his office was referred. to the chairman for a report upon the cost. The chairman cgp that a por: tion of the ceil : city council chamber was in a dangerous condi "The had portion," said Ald. "is on the liberal side of the 1 li city do, t we ought x 2 he chair- man and the engineer were instructed to examine the ceiling and find out what can be done to strengthen it. Another thing the chairman advoca- ted was the placing of electric light ing in the police court. At present, the city is paying two dollars a year for a gas meter, which is seldom used. The cost of putting in electric light would be small. This matter was left to the chairman for 'a report as. to cost House Of Industry. At a meeting of the House of Indus- try directors, there were present J. F. Knapp (chairman), 4lds. Meek and Johnston, Mrs. Birch and Miss Holt, The superintendent's report showed that the house contained more in- mates last' month than usual, and the expenses were rather high for Decem her, $188. It. was decided to ask the city council to instruct the perman ent auditor to audit the house ac- counts cach month, before the direc tors' meeting, The treasurer's report showed a bal ance on hand, but not enough to meet the expenses of this month, According- ly, Alds, Hoag and Johmston were in- structed to ask the city council for an advance of $500 on the year's aj propriation as soon as possible. A bequest of R150 from the Miss' Brame was acknowledged. This amount is to be expended in permpin- ent improvements, The house is in need of better light ing, as it is considered too dangerous for aged people to be going about carrying lamps. Ald. Meek was in: structed to bring the matter to the attention of the city council, and ask it to secure an estimate of the cost of installing eleciric light. The superintendent some of the men requi undereloth- ing. An appropriation of six dollars was made for the purpose, ried that Dr. A. W. Richardson also spoke at remarks being nsual fund of For big barguins in lootwear come to Abernethy's shoe sale. . JJ. Fair left for New York ves- terday on business, via the Cape Vin- cent route. He expects to return by the first of next week. I ------ CONSUMPTION Hope, fresh air, rest and Scott's Emulsion are the greatest remedies for con- Emulsion does for the con- sumptive what medicine alone cannot do. "It's the nourish- ment in it that takes the pa- tient in long strides toward health. We'll send you us sample tree. JANDANRIS. 5 BL DA '| Wednesday night was one .of | ROCKWOOD'S ANNUAL BALL Was Better This Year Than Ever _ Before. wood employees' annual hall on fod . the best that has ever been given in that in- stitution. On entering, the corridor was beautifully banked with ferns and plants of varied kinds. Entering the amusement hall the sight was very attractive, the spacious room being lighted by ' over 200 incandescent lizhts, and different electric devices. The scene on the stage was a beauti- ful landscape of Big Rideau lake, with different kinds of plants and flowery in the foreground, which were shown to great advantage by the electric dis play. The walls and ceilings were [es tooned with streamers and flags, and a novel feature was a centre piece of a large Japanese umbrella, from which were draped artificial flowers, extend: ing to the wall, having a very pretty and novel effect, showing the handi- work of the artistic decorator, William Shea. 3 3 : The supper was served at twelve o'- clock in the banqueting hall, which was beautifully decorated, for the oc casion and presented avery attrac tive appearance. Dancing 'was kept up until two o'clock, when the guests from the city took their leave, after spending a most enjoyable evening. There were present about 130 ° couples and the emplogees spared no pains in entertaining their friends in a right royal manner, Masic was supplied by Crosby and Thoraton's orchestra, and was of the best quality. Many of the city guests, drove to Rockwood in vans and sleighs, but some who depended upon "the street cars were disappointéd and had a long, tedious walk back to the city. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. ¢ The Missourians " Proved An Interesting Play. A rather meagresited audience was at the Grand Opera ' house last night for the production of "The Missour- jans," a play of interesting episddes and continuous action, There'are sev- eral good southern characters in the play, viz, Theodore Hamilton as a high-principled saloon-keeper; Cecil De Mille, as a horse trainer; Neil Moran, as an auctioneer, and they filled their roles creditably. They had good sup- port all through. The play is on a par with "The Highway Queen," full of stirring incidents, but produced by capable people. Several little' dra- matic bits are woven into it, one very touching and pretty incident be- ing in the first act, where the county saloon-keeper, Stormy Jordan, and the active auctioneer, recall their fight for the confederacy, the displaying of the tattered southern flag they had fought under, and the folding of it with the stars and stripes. The = dis- playing of the two flags brought forth warm applaise. Last Call Of Vioters. Friday and Saturday the booths for the registriftion of voters are open. If you do not register, and if your name does not appear on the muni- ciral voters' list, you will have no vote on January 25th. You should take no chances. 1f you have any doubts about your name being on the municipal list, ex- amine the latter. If it is not on, regis ter. You owe it to yourself and your party to register. Every vote counts, take no chances, register ! Any information you may' desire will ke cheerfully furnished you -at liberal rooms, Wellington street. See that your name is on the list, or else register. the To Cure A Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- Jets. All iste refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signe- 'ure is on each box, 25c. Street Railway Hardships The changeable weather continues to give the street railway company trouble. Last night it snowed three inches. That was ndthing, as the sweepers could casily dash off the light snow. But after eleven o'clock, the 7 rose rapidly and the sow changed to a drizzling rain which ormed a hard yust. The ough and sweeper were running over the line all night, and the cars were Bt in operg ation by nine o'clock this 'morning. The depot line was ready [for traffic shortly afterwards. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The Best Made. "In my opinion Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best made for colds," says Mrs. Cora Walker of Port- erville, Cal. There is no doubt about its being the best. No other will care a cold so quickly. No other is so sure a preventive of pneumonia. No other is so pleasant and safe to take. There are good reasons why it should be preferred' to any other. The fact is 'that few people are satisfied with any other after having once used this re- medy. For sale by all druggists. Raising A Steamer. The work of raising {the steamer Iron Duke, sunk at Charlotte, has been delayed until the boat is now frozen in the ice. The steamer is not only threatened with destruction, but is a menace to the railroad bridge. The Donnelly Wrecking company, 5 Kingston, Ont., has the contract for raizing the boat, but owing to a hitch with the insurance companies work has been delayéd. Unless raised before the ice jam in the spring, the vessel will be ground to pieces. A Coming Ga The next meeting of the Philosophi- cal Society of Queen's University, will be held in Convocation hall on Fri day evening, January 13th, at seven o'clock sharp. Vice-Principal Watson will give an address on "Humanism." Clitinens dre cordially invited to at tend. It Cannot Do It. ~ Will the News and Times quote one instance in which the liberal excoutive submitted anything to the liberals in the council, which * it desired to be carried out. It cannot. The council of 1904 did its own business and in the way it deemed most advantageous to SCOTT A BOWNE. Chemists. Toronto, Ont. the city. SE isis § IN GENERAL es Occurrences In The City And * Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Interest To The People. Abernethy's shoe stove for big bar- : was & Civic meetings to-day : Board of works, 3 pan; fire and light, 4 p.m, William Swain, piano umer. Urderd received at McAuley's book store. Abernethy's are giving good bar- gains in all kinds of winter footwear. | Miss Lena Watson, Clergy street, is on a visit to Deseronto and Green. Point. There was guietness at r aE Liston has returned from Tweed, where he pent the past ten visiting friends. on i D. Eps, registrar of Fron- tenae, is confined to his house as a result of a recent fall. No shovelling was done by corpora- tion men on roads "this morning on ac- count of the rain. They started again this afternoon, a This morning the thermometer re: gistered six degrees above the freezing point, a big change fropgy last evening when it was close to 'zero. Samuel JJ. Collier, travelling Septe- sentative of the wholesale grocery rm of R. J. Carson, has accepted a posi- tion. with John , Sloan & Co., Toron 0. i lies within the duties of the har- bor master to see that the travelled road across the ice is ngt blocked or affected hy the deposit of snow from the streets, For any case of nervousness, sleep- a continued period of the police "eourt this . - Jessness, weak stomach, indigestion, dyspepsia, try Carter's Little Nerve Pille. Relief is sure. The only nerve medicine for the price in market. Owing to the heavy snow falls, H. W. Reynolds' meetings at Perth Road, Joyeoville, and Sunbury had to be cancelled. A new list of meetings dur ing the next week has heen arranged. City Engineer Craig is proving him- soli a capable man. Kingston can congratulate itself in having an offi- cial anxious to work and to further the city's interests. The council made no mistake-in his appointment. Our sympathies are with the street railway company, in its struggle to keep its lines - open. The elements have certainly kept its staff busy; the desire to accommodate the citizens should be rewarded by good patron- age. Ride whenever you can. The News and Times whines over "the practical disfranchisement of ten conservative aldermen" in 1904, but considers it the height of considera tion to practically disfranchise eight liberal alderinen in 1905, who were al: Jowed no voice in the selection of the standing committecs or appointments. | The slate was prepared at a tory al- dermanic caucus on Saturday night. The tory organ will tell you that the liberal majority in 1904 council acted very wisely in making: Oscar Bartels, tax, collegtor, and Edward Moore, lighting plant accountant. Why ? Because they are tories." But it was a crime to engage a new city engineer or appoint a permanent audi- tor. Why ? Because these new officials are liberals. Quick Rheumatic Gute. Dr, Hall's Rheumatic Cure relieves and cures 'quickly, not because it is a powerful remedy, because it is the right remedy. It goes to the spot and does what must be done to thoroughly eradicate rheumatic poison from the system. It cures rheuma- tism, neuralgia, lumbago, gout and sciatica because it has the power to expel uric acid from the blood, and to so regulate the system as' to keep it free from this poison. No remedy ever discovered has given such prompt, thorough and permanent re- suMs. -This is the preparation that ¢ured Henry Hasler, Clinton, Ont., and hundieds of "others. In. bottles 50c., at Wade's drug store, Married In St. George's. A quit wedding took place Wednes- day evelfing at' St. George's cathe dral, Dean Smith officiating. The happy couple were Miss Mamie Ben nett, daughter of the late Charles Bennett, Ithaca, N.Y., and William Hall, of this city. The" bride looked charming in brown «lk and bertha of white chiffon. Only the relatives of thi bride and groom were preset at the ceremony. ¢ Toronto's Favorite Hotel." The years as they pass but add to the popularity of the Qugen's hotel, Toronto. The hotel has been prac tically redecorated and refurnished. Every room contains hot and cold water, steam heating and long dis- tance telephone. Rates are from $2.50 per day and up, and with bath from $3 up. 100 rooms with baths. OE. Fokes, the Princess street barber, is suffering from the effects of a slight paralytic stroke, with which he was seized on Tuesday morning. His left side was affected by the stroke, and although his condition is not consid- ered serious, he is unable to his bed. leave Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has wn its great popularity by its in mut Sty lieves the lungs and opens the permanent fies rand any tendency toward pacumontia. ¢. Price 25c, Large Size soc.' Y's £PIS ODE 5 | LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS PERFECT Tooth Powder Cleanses and beanuti teeth and purifies the pee hl? Deed by people of refinement OVer a quarter of a century. | Very convenient for tourists, PREPARED BY SY Gro. 225 If Your Sweet Tooth Is Your Wisdom Tooth YOU WILL EAT Gaylor's Chocolates. Fresh To-day 40c. and 6c. Ib, The H. B. Taylor Drug Co. 124 Princess St. 'Phone 59. Wood's Foosphodine, The Great £ Reedy q is an oa Grell estab lished and _reliable preparation. Has been over & years. All drug in the Dominion Ga1s te sell and recommend as belng the only medicine ¥ Sati jiskind tint curv and dives universsl satisfaction. promptly tly cures all forms of Nervous Weak ess, Kmirsions, Spermalorr 'mpotency, J ind alleffectsof abuse or excesses; the excessive 198 Tobacco, Opium or Stimulants, Mental Woed's 'Phosphodine is seld by all ton Druggists. SPECIAL Job lot of Fancy Dress--@voods, including :-- Scotch Home Spuns, Tweed Effects, Costume Cloths, ete. Values 45¢., 50c., 65¢. and 5c; In order to clear before inventory they go at one price Friday, Your Choice 25c¢. a yard Children's Coats Half=price. Newman & Shaw. | : : : What are you pay- ing for coal ? What are you get- t'ng in return, We consider Swift's Scranton 'Coal The best value the city. : : SOOO H 000060600000 00000 5 : G. A. BATEMAN ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, BROKER. 'Office, 61 Clarence stress. address. 83 Sydembaw 0%. FRIDAY «4 sLIEE and, ANCE In Effect, Oct. 3nd, 1904. Yrains' will leave: City Depot, Foot on Johnston Street. . GOING ENT GOING WEY Ko. Mail, 1% le 5 Ro. & 48 am Jo. > Mail, 12:33 a. Ne. 11, Toral, an No, 1, loternationsi No, 7 wail, x19 p. Nu. 13, Local, 7:03 p eos, B% a.m. Rok foul 88 a.m. ro all.... 00 pm. No. Tobe Nos. 1, 2, 8 and 4, run daily. No. 8 and 8, run daily, except Mo day, nr Ned. W711, 12, a¥tent Sunday. For Pullman accommodation, ticket and 'all other information apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnston and Outario street 15 and 16, dail KINGSTON & PEMBROKE & CANADIA PACIFIC RAILWAYS, TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON :- . '1289 pov --Bxpress; for Ottawa, Mo; » Quebec, St. John, N.B.; Halifa) Bosom, Toronto, Chicago, Denver, Ne frew, Sault Ste. Marie, Puluth, S Pau, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattl Portland, and San Francisco. 8 'pam--Local for Sharbot Lak voungctiig with C.P.R. east and west. ; 930 a.m ~Mix2d, for Renfrew and i termpdiate points. Passengers. leaving Kingston at 12:3 P.m., arrive in Ottawa at 500 p.m Teterboro, 512 pam.; Toronto, 7:8 p.m.; Bostwn, 7:30 a.m. St. Joh N.B., 11:56 a.m. Full particulars at K. & P. and ( T.R. Picket Office. Ontario Street. Fr. CONWAY. F. A_FOLGER, JR., Cen, Pass, Ant. Gon. BAY: OF QUNTE RAILWAY Nep'- 'short 'line for Tweed, Napane . and all local points. Trair feave Eity Hall Depot at 2:25 p.m. } UCONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kingston. Sup R WIN. Theo BERMUD/ ¢. Frost upknown, malaria impossibl From &New York, 48 hours by elega: bew twiy scréw steamship ** Bermudian, b avery 10 days during Januar Every"five days during February, Mar and 1905, Ap CRUISES GO TO ST INDIES - 80 days trip. About 20 days in tropic : Special cruises to Bermuda, Port Rico, Windward Islands and Cuba, S! Pretoria, January 4th, February Ot Merch 22nd, 1905. For further partic Inte apply to A. E. OUTERBRIDGE .» Agents, for Quebec SS. C : roadway, New York ; AHERN, Secretary, Quebec, [ J. P. HANLEY, and to J. P. GILDE] SLEEVE, Ticket Agents, Kipeston. tpt LIVERPOOL and Royal Mail &teamers. JERE From 'St. John. From' Halifa Corinthian, Sat. Jan. 14, Mon. Jau. | Parisfau, Sat. Jan. 21, Mon. Jan. 2 Sicilian," Sut. Jan. 28; Mon. Jan: 3 = lonikg Sat. Feb 4: Mon. Feb RATES OF PASSAGE--First Cabi $50 and upwards, according to steam and accomodation: Second Cabin erpool and Aondonderry, k i; London $3.50 Ass, $15, superior accommodatio Livetigol. Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, Lo n . Li $30. $32. extra: Thi NEW YORK TO GLASGOW Mongolian . Thurs., Feb 2. 10 a. Kirst Cabin, $40 and up--Second Ca in, $27.50~TFhird Class, $15 'or: further particulars, apply to i P. HANLEY, Agent, U.I'R. Ci Depot. J. P. OGILDE CTREVE. Olarence Strest. ARCHITECTS. WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, 0 B6e; second foor ever Mahood's dr corner Priacess and Bag ot , Entrance on Bagot stre Telephony 608. ARPAUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, © fice site of New Drill Hall, near cc ner of Quesn and Montreal Streets. POWER & , SON ARCHITECT, ME chant's Bank Building. corner Bro and Wellington streets. 'Phone 121 HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITEC iy Anchor Building, Mark ware 'Phone 245 MONEY AND BUSINESS. Iv LONDON AND GLOR Insurance Company. Availab assets. Sa,187.a18. In addition | which policy buve Susie the unlimited liability the Farm and cif Sidiaes en hn any ol aig amine them ¢ Inserance Selvin ism, Mar Wood =a Coa We bave on hand the different varieties of Wood and Coal. BOOTH & CO 'Phone 133. Foot of West St. Wood = Coa ---- y 0. ROY ;AACDONALD'S BANGING CLASSE {aL PE BESUMED AT WHIG HALL --- ON

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