Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Jan 1905, p. 3

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ECT Powder a Deautifies t rifies the bresti ple of Be ¥ Arter of a, centiiry: ient for tourists, PARED BY 7rd. DDS, Se oth Tooth L EAT ylor's colates. h To-day nd 6dc. 1b. Taylor Drugs Co. 1s St. Faosphodine, The Grest E: {son an aul | stabs - lisheg aud Hlalis FE over bisa a of ada sell and The uly "medicine 0 fer, ta kind that cures and Rs of Nérvous Weal EE ereoulongt Bento: £1 en. ore per Toad to odrmity aed an Barly Grave. ckage or six for §. One will ure. Mailed pty 9 pat , Ort , Canada, phodine is seld by all pists. IDAY ECIAL Fancy Dress--@vods, Home Spuns, Effects, uw Cloths, ete. :., 50c., 65¢. and 75¢c; clear before inventory one price Friday, ur Choice a yard ldren's ts f= price. n & Shaw. : : it are you pay- coal ? it are you gel- return, wift's ranton Coal best value } | _ SWIFT & C0. 'elephone 138: Bn; 100000 HG0006000000000000 } : LOGAL BRANCH TIME TABLE In Effect, Oct, 2nd, 1904. Trains' will leave: City Depot, Foot of Johnston Street. ago ET GOING WEY Xo. & Mai, 1:8 am. | No.5 Mail, 1288 am. eos, 26 a.m. No. &Wam | No 1] Porat Se. Na, 1) loternationai Fimbed, iy Boon 7 a mn. Nu, 15, Local, 7 7408p mw Hi +. 100 pmo. aba Nos. 1, 2, 8 and 4, run duty: No! 8 and 8, run daily, except Mon- day, * Nod 7.110 12,15" aid 10. daily, a¥ept Sunday. For Pullman accommodation, tickets, and 'all other information apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnston and Oulario streets KINGSTON & PEMBROKE & CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS, Kt TREINS LEAVE KINGSTON :- 1289 p.oy--BExpress; for Ollawa, Mon- » Quebec, St. John, N.B.; Halifax Boston, Toronto, Chicago, Denver, len frew, Sault Ste. Marie, Puluth, St Pau, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco. 8 'pam--Local for Sharbot Lake voungcting with C.P.R. east and west. : 310' am --Mix2d, for Renfrew and iw termpdiate points. Passengers. leaving Kingston at 12:30 pm, ArTive in Ottawa at 5:00 p.n. Teterboro, Toronto, 7:30 p.m.; Bostwn + St. John NB. 11:56 a.m Full 'particulars at K. & P. and C T.R. Picket Office. Ontario Street. Fr. CONWAY. F. A_FOLGER, JR., Gen, Pass, Ant. Gon. Supt BAY: OF QUNTE RAILWAY Nep'- 'short 'line for Tweed, Napance. . and all local points. Trains feave Eity Hall Depot at 2:25 p.m. PF. UCONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kingston. rough BERMUDA ¢. Frost* wpknown, laria impossible. From &New York, 48 ours by elegant bew twiy scréw steamship ** Bermudian,' Sail avery 10 days 'during January Every "five 83. during February, March and il, F INTER CRUISES GO TO ST INDIES -- % days trip. About 20 days in tropics Special cruises to Bermuda, Porto Rico, Windward Islands and Cuba, SS Pretoria, January 4th, February Oth, Merch 22nd, 1905. For further particu: Inte apply to A. BE. OU TERBRIDGE & for Quebec SS. Co 39 ARTUR New York ; AUER . Secretary, Quel HANLEY, and to J. P. SiLoe it- BLERVE, Ticket Agents, Kipeston. tpi LIVERPOOL and LONDONDERRY Roya Mall Steamers. From 'St. John. From: Hakinx. Corinthian, Sat. Jan. 14, Mon. Jau. -- Parisian, Sat. Jan. 21, Mon. Jan. Sicilian, Sut. Jan. 28; Mon. Jan. 30. -lonikg Sat. Feb 4: Mon. Feb. 6 RATES OF PASSAGE--First Cabin. $50 and upwards, according to steamer and accomnodation: Second Cabin, Liv. erpool and ondouderry, $30, $32.50 k Rac London $3.50 extra: Third Ass, $15, superior accommodation Livetpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, Lou don . "NRW YORK To GLASGOW Mcagolian . . a iEst Cabjn. ird $1: we iiriner' Tartic lars, HANLEY, Ag t. _ B. (larence apply to op GILDER J. " DER- Streat. ARCHITECTS. _e NEWLANDS. ARCHITECT, OF- second Goor ever Mahood's drug Sernen Princess and Bagot Telephone 608 on Bagot street -- ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF fice site of New Drill Hall, near cor ner of Quesn and Montreal Streets. POWER & , SON ARCHITECT, MER- chant's Bank Building. corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone 213 HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ie Anchor Building, Market ware 'Phones 245 MONEY AND BUSINESS. Ideal Cracker Think of al the good kinds of crackers you ever tasted. The creamy whiteness of the another--the appetising! ap- § pearance of another -- the de- Bious eating of the fifth Then sce how we've com- bined all these five points into § one cracker. ) Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas |} Conjure up your ideal-- { your perfect cracker--and you'll find it in Mooney's Per. TOOK A SEVERE COLD. It Settled In The Kidneys. Pain In The Back The Result. Catching cold and having it settle in the back is often the cause of Backache-- the cause of kidney trouble, When the back aches it is a warning that the kidneys are liable to become affected. Heed the warning : check the Back. ache,and dispose of any chance of further trouble. If you don't, serious complications are very apt to arise. Mrs. E. Williams, Hamilton, Ont., caught cold, and it settled in her kidneys. She used DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS, and is than! for the immediate relief they gave her, - She writes us as follows : *It is with pleasure that I add my testimony in favor of Doan's Kidney Pills. Some time ago I took a severe cold, which settled in my kidneys. The soreness and pein in the small of my back bothered me greatly. After suffering for some months, and finding numerous remedies fail, I procured a box of Doan's Kidney Pills, and received immediate relief from my sufferings. Doan's Kidney Pills may be procured at all dealers, or will be sent direct by mail on receipt of price-- 50 cents per box, of 8 for $1.25. Taz Doan Kmnzy Pini Co., Toronto, ONT. lhe STANDARD atk READY FOR USE IN ANY QUANTITY, For making soap, softening water, removing eld paint, disinfecting sinka, ciosets, drains and fer many other purposes. A can equals 20 pounds SAL SODA. SOLD EVMAYWHERE. W.GILLET V £08T7% TORONTO. ONY. re IV LONDON AND GLOBE | ---- rance Company. Available setete. ,187.915. Ia Addition to which' policy holders bave for a unlimited liability of the stockholders. Farm city Wood =¢« Coal We have on hand the different vavicties of Wood and Coal. BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 133. Foot of West St. Wood «=: Coal _ . ROY :AACDONALD'S DANCING CLASSES | RinVILL PE RESUMED AT WH 1G HALL --- ON Department of Railways ond Canals, Casada . §T. LAWRENCE CANALS. + SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED TO the undersigned, and endorsed "Tenders for Gate Lifter will be received at this oftice until 16 o'clock on Friday. 20th January, 1905, for the vwidiug and equipping with machinery, of a Steel Gate Lifter. § the Willanshurg Canals Specification and plan the off he Superint tion Unt. frou of te w obtained this The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender By order LK on 1 JONES, Secretary Department™of Rallways and Canals Ottawa, Tth Juoauary, 1905 Newspapers inserting. this advertise. ment. without asmthority from the De partment, will Wet be paid for it. Bargains In Cutters 1 Paving a few Cutters left, in or- der to clean out the stock, will roll at cost. If you are in need of a good cutter now is the time to buy and save money. JAMES LATURNEY, 3% PRINCESS STREET. For BALE. eof RUILMENG LOT, SOUTH Sih Jamungy Sth. Aone wonoial atroet, My 35, Ment Montreal a and Meet. Apply ¥ Celberne i ROUSSEAU READY 0 Ti TRY AGAIN In a Contest With Kelly--He Is Working Hard - With His Trainer--The Strollers' Team Chosen. . t. Roussean, from "A" Battery, munication with Kejloy, the "dark horse," who defeated him at their last meeting in Ontario hall several weeks a The soldier is still = con fident that he can defeat Kelley and is anxious for another bout. Kelley is in Bufialo and has sigeiied his willingness to (ake »the local man on again at the end of January. Rous- seau is already 'raining hard Surgt.-Maj. McGowan and intends be at his very best when the contest takes place. the local wrestler has begn in com: ago SAYERS KID A wood 130-pounder regularly in Milwaukee and Chicago. and with good success who is fighting Team Cliosen. The Strollers had a good practice at the rink: last night and the team which will meet. Cadets' juniors will probably line up as follows : Goal Hall; point, Birch: cover. Lockett; rover, Kenneth Williams; centre, Tot: hill; wings, Fortescue and Merrick. McGill Has Strong Team. The McGill men are practising hard in anticipation of their lirst game with Queen's in Montreal, to-morrow night. Montreal advices state that the MeGill forward line is fast and well balanced but the weak spot is" their defence where it is thought the players will have their work cut out to stave off the attacks of a fast line like Queen's, The probable McGill line up will be: Lindsay, goal; McKenna, point: Rob- inson, cover; Gilmour, rover; McCal lum, centre; Raphael and Sims, wings. The new men are Robinson, Raphael and Sims who all look good. Gilmour has been shifted from the wing to rover, as it is thought his shooting will be more effective at that position The team is considered to be stronger than last vear and are in good condi- ton physically. Queen's on the other hand, never looked better in practice and if appearances count for anything will open their: intercollegiate hockey season with a win to their credit Hockey Notes Ross Murphy is considered the bable cover-point of the Toronto gonauts Lifiton, the ex-Wanmderer, made great showing in his first game with Houghton, against Michigan Soo, on Tuesday night. "Reddy" McMillan, met hockey team, badly cut toe, the m a recent game pro Ar a with the Calu i# suffering from a result of an injury at Pittsburg General Notes. Dude Kennaly, of Philadelphia, knocked out Billy Weller of Montreal, in the fourteenth round of a boxing contest at Montreal, Tucsday night. Ihe stockholders of the Rochester \musement company, have voted to make a" general assignment. The Ro chester Eastern League Basiball Club was loser of over $10,000 last scason Manager Greggaine of the San Francisco Athletic Club, has received information that Tommy! Murphy, whom he had hoped to match with Frankie Neil for the latter part of this month, has an engagement with Hugh McGovern for January 25th, in Phila delphia, and for the third time he is SITS cone 1 s ih ns ge Bis 4 if i= i hi wl ii Ra i 3 g Eee i ¢ with to | pth wn xh Yom Shar: _--- to fhe am Corbett; in a limited round bout has brought a hasty from Harry , 'manager Munroe, the Butte miner heavywi " Pollock says Sharkey need not seek a match with Cothett as he is willing to match Munroe against him in a bout of fifteen of twenty rounds dur: ation. Pollock further srares that he L ®ill meet Sharkey at any time to make the match and will also make Sharkey a big side bet on the result of the battle. When Sharkey was told of Munroe's challenege, he said: "i could mot afford to light Munroe. He quit in two rounds with Jefivied® and on that account there would be no money in it for me to fght him. The man | want to fight is Corbett, | can lick him." HE HAD FAITH. And It Was Justified. "In reply to your letter of recent date, will say that | am cured as sound as a dollar. 1 used about three of the Bity cent packages. 1 was going to write you, hut was hold- ing up to see if the piles would give me any further trouble. 1 feel no signs of the piles and believe | am cured entirely. I had faith in Pyra- wid Pile Cure at the start, and stuck right to the treatownt. You van re fer 'anyone to we you like. | can soon tell what Pyramid Pile Cure has done for me. hing vou much suc: cess, 1 remain, J. C. Kinkaid, Mgr. for Fleischman & Co., agency at Knox ville, Tenn." It is a well recognized fact that the best advertising an article can have, is that which is known as "word of mouth;™ this rightiully carries wore weight than all the claims which can be set forth. It follows that Mr. Kinkaid, with bis wide acquaintance, will largely promote the sale and use of Pyramid Pile Cure becausé--and bere is the vital point-he knows vocates its ube, but does so with en- thusiasm; this is not to be wondered at, and in point of fact can anyone, alter reading. his, letter, doubt that this rem cures ? Pyramid Pile Cure is sold by drug: gists for the low price of fifty conts a package; it is in suppository form, 'is applied directly to the parts aflected, and does' its work quickly and pain lessly; there is bo other remedy "just as mick UrcH veel verde frum sma evan lon joe ee ---- whereof he speaks; and not only ad- | * | AND HAVE A REALLY COR- DIAL TIME The Congregation Closes The Year With a Surplus--Presen- tation to Mr. and Mrs. Laird. Cooke's: church annual moecting was held last evening with a large number of the congregation present. Rev. Nr. Laird presided. leports from the various church organizations showed that good amd active work' had 'been done during 1904. The Ladies' Aid Society raised $700 for furnishings. The church treasurer reported a sure plus of $20. FE. J. Anderson and Dr. Sands were re-elected wanagers for thee vears. Votes of than were tendered the managing ee the choir, James Craig for his services as Sunday school superintendent and A. D. Nelson as choir loader The session and managers were ap- pointed a committee to ropresent the congregation at the presbytery moet: ing on Friday shen Mr. Laird's/ re signation will be dealt with. The presbytery will be requested" to ap: point Mr. Laird as moderator of the session during the vacancy of the pul- pit, After the business mecting, Prof. Fowler was called to the chair, and a motion was passed expressing the deep regret of the congregation over the resignation of = Mr, Laird as pastor. Dr. Sands read a complimentary ad: dress on behalf of the and pdesented Mr. Laird with a roll dosk and a chair, and Mrs. Laivd with an ocak roeking chair. Mr. Laird made a feeling reply to the people for their many Kindnesses. Afterwards. re freshments were served by the ladies. William Robinson stated that he had been attending Cooke's church annual meetings sinco 1546, and that thé present congregational gathering was the most cordial and harmonious that he had witnessed in those fifty eight years. congregation, Mr. Crummy Is Favored, There is still a probability that the | pastorate of Cooke's church will be | offered to Rev. Eber Crummy, who is wanted by the Bathurst Street Me thodist church Toronto. Cooke's church is clear of all debt und in a position this year to inctease the winister's stipend. Mr. Crummy iw favored hy the congregation, and it would not be surprising to hear of | the pulpit being tendered him for ac- ceptance. This is a statement made | g A little book deseribing the causcs and cure of piles is published by Pyra ---- Storrington Towmship Eouncil. Sunbury, Jan. 9.-The new council met with membexp all present. Appli- cation for assessor was received trom T. F. Cuddy, H. Keeler, G. A. Mec. Farland and 8S: J. Lake; for auditor from L. Vanluven, James Boal, Cochrane, A. 'McBohald, and for' col lector from W. Arthur.' A by-law was passed | aupointing Te: F. Cuddy assessor; Wluven and James Roal, ivan: w 'J. Arthur, tor; John Miller; toad surveyor; FT, 8. Ferguson, bogtd of health. Ac counts paid : E Ames, repeirs to Dog Lake bridge, $3; municipal clection ex- penses, $36; James Hughes for 200 toad gravel, 35. Moved,' Ritchie-Ang lin, that Josh Toland's taxes for 1904 be struck off on account of loss hy fire. Moved, RitchiedPaylor, that tenders for printing be asked for. Moved, Anglin-Ritchis, that the Sun bury Dancing club have the use of the hall at £1.50 per night, and {0c. per night to caretaker, Moved, Anglin Taylor, that ¥150 be expended on the road leading from Inverary to Batier sea, between Mr. Chrsley's gate and Charles sleeth's. to be expended Messrs. Sherman and Taylor. Moved, Anglin-Makin, that the treasurcr set tle with the Whig for printing for 1904. The collector's time was extend ed until the next meeting of council Adjourned until fourth Monday in March. Inverary Items. home for a few days and we gone back to Copper Cliff. Mrs. W. Fergu son, Svdenham, is ad a fow days at her son's, Mise on e Knapp spent a few days at G. Ayk royd's; Fred. Holder at George Gib son's; Walter Couper at John Sears' i Andv Sluth, at W. Arthurs'; John Shuth, at G. Gummer's; Dr, Freeman and C. Darling at W. R. Tolls'. Jack Gordon at Gibson, Sunbury, at J. Gibson's; Miss Hester Gibson, spent Sunday at Miss Dennis'; Miss Me ars Sears is spending'a few days at Opinicon, End Of An Alaskan Feud. on January 2nd. The men were friends and associates in some marble pro pertios close to the scene of the shoot they had o busingss disagree: ment, which resulted in a personal en- counter in this city, in which Ball was worsted. Since that 'time © they have been bitter enemies, and it is said cach had made threats $6 kill the oth- er. ---------------- Wedding In Military Circles. Special to the Whig Washington, D.C Jan. 12S. 1 John's church was thes woone of a fash ionable military wedding at soon to (day when Miss Katherine Thoues, | daughter of Lieut-Col. "and Mts Thomas Newton Wood, ime i bride of Capt. Robert "Henri Dunlap, USMC. The bridegroom was attend- ed by a number of hig brother offi cers in full military dress, If the United States congress. at the present session. does hot regulate reiltuad rates, the president will eall special session to div go, "A statue to Lord Russell, of Kill; »eo, was unveiled in London, ' Fit mid Drug Co., Marshall, Mich., and | will be sent free to any address for the asking, collees by | Inverary, Jan. 9.-- A social was yiv en a short time ago by Sheldon! Pervin's, by Mrs. C. Loney and Mrs A. Ritchie, and was a great success. | Visitors: W. Gibson came home for a few days and now . has gone back to South Carolina. James Darling came Darling's; Miss Florence Seattle, Wash, Jan. 12.--~Word was received here last night of the killing | of William Dippe by Robert Ball, on Fox Island, in Southwestern Alaska, | ang until a few months ago, when | the | by a leading member of Cooke's. | Quality Coumts. | @ | In blood especially, nothing shows | & more quickly than impoverished | 5 blood. Pimples, boils, skin eruptions | | of all kinds should be treated through | 3 the blood. Wade's Tron Tonic Pills cure | ® these diseases bv driving them out of | & the blood. In-boxes, 26c. at Wade's |@ Diug Store. Money back if not satis | factory. | Morven. Matters. : Morven, Jan. 9.--Rev. W, T. Wickett of Victoria Road, al in the Brick church on Sunday evening. Par: ties are all the rage at present. Mra. J. B. Miller was at home to a goodly number of friends on Thursday even- ing, in honor of the Rev. W. T. Wie kett and wife, who are end friends | @ in these parts. Tea was served, cach | one doing justice to the same, the re maining part of the evening was spent in a social way, until the 8 &... midnight | hour, appeared. The gathering break- | ing up, then, all eing well pleased | with their evening's enjoyment, and | and each one leaving their best wishes | with Mr. and Mrs. Miller. Those that | are on the sick list are improving. Why Needed : In } very Home | To Overcome the Mott Cominon and Annoying of Human Ills, Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills Indigestion, constipation and torpid action of the liver and kidneys are | known in every home. Both an account of the distress and discomfort which accompafiies them { and as a cause of other lis of & more | painful and deadly nature of these de rangements require prompt attemtion. In every home there is needed more {or less frequently a treatment which can be depended on to regulate the or- gans of digestion and excretion. Dr. Chase's Kidney:Liver Pills have become the most popular family me dicine extant, because they exactly meet these requirements, . They are unique in that they act directly on the kidneys, liver and bowels and thus insure a prompt re- gulating and invigoratirg of thess or ! gans. The result is good digestion and as: similation, and the prompt removal of | the poisonous waste matter from the | body. | One pill a dose at bed-time, two or { three times a week soon cleanses the | system and removes the cause of pain and ill-health. James Perry, engineer, with A. Nie | holson & Son, Catleton Place, Ont, | States : "1 have for some time been troubled with my kidneys and suffered | a great deal with pains in the back | and limbs. | consulted some doctors, and they told me that | had muscular | rheumatism, "At times | | my Lack amd would be so bad with kidneys that 1 would give anything for relief. Hearing of Dr Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. 1 de cided to fry them, and amy very thankful that I did, iliel very promptly. After using them for some time 1 was entirely freed of | | the pains, and as they have not re- { turned, 1 consider the cure a perman- { ent one. 1 always keep these pills in the house, and take one occasionally "to keep mv system in perfect order" Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pulls, 25¢. a box, at all dealers, or Edwanson, for 1 ohtained re- | Rates & Co., Toronto. The portrait | #°T- Stevenson, Blacader & Co., the | Ottawa, and will he [and signnbire of Dr. A. W Chase, the | Present Monteeal and Dowdnion, com servative cancus on | famous receipt book author, are on | PPnY selling 'age hits, are after it, also wrobakble he will consent to |D. Morrie & leadership. of the party, bgvery box. | PROGRESS BRAND TLOTHING is sold in Also Pratt's Astral, safest and best oil in the world. Special Prices for Cash--"""*"" 33.10} we ei. S. | m-- BE Fond of Toast ? AFTER COTTON AGENCY. Competition. For Selling Agency Montreal, stood te be a stiff fight on for selling agency of the new cotton mer- Carry Your Tailor With You. A man who wears Progress" Clothing 'always has his taflor with him * Progress" Brand Clothing. is scid in evesy important city and town In Canada ~ There's nc necessity to make experiments with unknown tailors or unknown clothes... It you're away from home, and need esta Tiousens, 3 SUM or Overcoat go to the dealer handling "Progress" Clothing He will fit you out with the clothes you slways . [§ wear, at the price you always pay. Sold by Leading Clothiers by C. Livegon & & Bro. only. Will soon be coming in, and we wil / give you GREAT BARGAINS IN = § FOOTWEAR. Call and see the Bargains we ate offering. i COPEL IAOREESE iki Canadian Coal Oil ............ 14. per gallon. American Headlight Qil ........ 17c. per gallon Sunlight ...................... 239¢, per gallon. te Gurney's Celebrated Souvenir ath a ---------------------- J. HORSEY. 189 Princess Street. SE -------------------------- AT ANALYST Sum-------- Then use Toye's Br for that's the stuff thal good toast is made of. o believe purchieuts of Bavt. wheat PERE tall Eh for Sept. or § at present a dey tor July, McMillan % Maguire, §.-B. Cor. King & Yo Yonge § PETERBORO- 13413 Hunter 8t, KINGSTON Exchange Chambers. one of the directors of cern. The selling agency will be tremendous plum; in fact, this is real profitable end of the € cotton business at the present Of New Cotton Trust. Jan. 12.~There is under: the R. L. Borden has left F and U, B/ Gordog pt

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