} Mana E DAILY WHIG. " Opifer Orbem Dicor." SO por Orem Newry... INSULTING THE VOTERS. Those who "are now peceiviig the voles to which they feel they are eu- titled by registration ought to realize whom they are to thank for thi [privilege The conservatives ipod clerks, sttdents, soldiers others, and it ix a shame and a ; nnn for any one to intinuate that "Fithese are "somewhat nwenable to Yaribery." The registered voters have not been slow to notice that objection has been raised to them mostly by the tawyers who represent the comserva- tive party. It would feem from this that they are simply exhibiting the hostility which originated with ther party in the legislature. 2 A PROTEST AGAINST ABUSE. The plan of campaign so far as the conservatives are concerned is to blackguard their opponents out of countenance, There is not a discus J son of parlismentary records. There is not a comparison of the minutes of the legislature to the end that the people may wee who have snceoeded, and who have floundered with regard to their business, The jssue, says Mr. Whitney, is not a political Hut a mor al one, and his idea of it is sxempli- fied by hwling accusations in plenty fut Mr. Ross, and with "» rocklessness | that cannot be defended. Naw so partizan and biased a paper 83 the Montreal Star protests against wn ganization of the party, and as the eficcts. The people, it says, most poli- tially denounce the crimes in order to extirpate 'them. The machine is the or- conservative party has it, and has it bad in some eases, the machine is not to be denounced on ome side and de nied on the other. The Star's protest Bat right here the Star forgets itseli} s0 far as to make an attack' upon the a 'details the devotion which the circum- ance of success at the polls. n called into action, to the preliminary and they are. stances justify, It is work that counts, and the liberals are commended for their present stivity, and they are invited to continue it with the assur A feature of the campaign--a very noticeable feature of it--is the ab fo WO WEEK 5 WORK HARD FOR PENSE AND THEN SHOUT When the Victory Is Won--A Kind- ly Word From 'An Old Whig Employee Who Has Watched Mr. Pense's Progress. Keep both hands on the surplus. Are you working for our candidate ? This is a good week for hustling for Mr. Pense. The Ontario government good to Kingston. A sure way to build up Ontario is to keep the Ross government in pow- or. The Ross one. Not mais spent. Remember Ross and make the jority sufficiently decisive to z has been government is an honest a dollar, not even a cent, ma- give the lenders way, aguinst the indiscriminate abuse of however, restrain some . | whose whole vocation has been the use of foul language, especially towards Mr. Ross. sence of political discussion. It is seemingly taken for granted that the government's administration is good, it. It iv hinted by one comservative paper that there is' practically no dif- that no real fault can be found with | awaits this contral section of Canada, 4 years ago, dian wheel, | interest of the conservative party. Mr, J Field is a son of one who, six' years Jul', requesting that Mr. Clark be the abuse of the party lead on record as calling it "the lund of the stunted poplar," and a taritory of "rdck and muskeg." And bow the organs have ridiculed Ross for seck ing to attract people .to it! He put 26000 into it last year. This is the opinion of Mr. Campbell as to that new territory : "New owns are springing up, saw mills are being erected, mining camps are being formed, and farmers are oc copy) all the accessible lands, A million acres of land has been taken {during the past three years), ree-quatrters of it is occupied, and a very large percentage is under cultiva- tion, many settlers having 100 acres A great future' unquestionably suys the Canadian Gazette, of Lon- don, Eng., a section which, a fw was thought by some Canadians to be a drag on the Cana- A -------- GETTING AT THE FACTS, Rev. D, C. Hossack received a proper wigging, ot the hands of Samuel Clark, the liberal candidate in West Northumberland, where the preacher's nephew, Mr, Field, is running in the ago, sent a letter to the liberal com vetition, being too ill to attend him- choice of the liberal party. The bearer of the message was the young man "Mr, Jr, is a nephew of Rev. D. C. Hossack, and the young man took ten days in which to consider the honour, which was shown to him by the conservative convention, and to diseuss ii, among others with "Uncle Donald." As a result, and especially by Rev. Mr. Hossack's advice, the liberal of other days, became a con: servative candidate. Mr. Clark thinks that "Uncle Donald" cannot do any better than visit West Northumber- land and advocate the cause of his nephew, secing that this constituency knows him as he is not known any- where else in Ontario, . "Every one knows," said My. Clark, "that Rev. C. €. Hossack wanted the eral nomination ' for the legislature in this riding. The liberals did not want him. They did not take hiin. They knew Him." The reverend geatle man, in his open letter to Hon Mr. Ross, said he might lose something by writing it. "What had he to lose? asked Mr. Clark. He fished for every fish that was, from & senatorship downward, in the gift of the liberal party. In Dafferin the county attor- peyship became vacant, and he sought it. To a member of his church he said he never used his brother-in-law, the late Mr. Field, in secking any favour from the federal of provincial governments. "Why," said Mr. Clark, "did 1 not bave the fight of my life visiting Ottawa, and in seeking to get him a position, and in my office he was again and agein about the mat ter," For two years he bas firted with the conservative party about a nomination. Two years ago he voted aguinst Ross and bis government. I could say more," said Mr. Clark, in his speech, "but I will not. 1 hold that Mr. Hossack is not homest po litically, and I challenge him to meet me here on nomination day. He shall have all the time he wants to tell his story snd 1 will have the time 1 need to tell mine, and if he con win out it's all right." ; Mr. Hossack has not made very much hy Bis attack on Mr. Ross. He has simply established the fact that he is pot the unbiased, unprejuciced person he has presumed to be, and he is not acting only for the public good. A hotel was kept open in Galt on municipal election day, and wow the Licensed Victuallers' Association is faving to test the validity or in validity of the 'act. The sale of lignor may be stopped, but the bar for the sale of soft drinks. ---------- Wore the ucts of the council of 1904 chief planks were stolen from the lib- eral party. ] lightened dlise of candidates. Ju this the Whig, paper announced © that whatever can be kept open, says Mr. Haverson, S-------- ted publi institutions than i A GREAT COUNTRY. ference between the liberal and con- Juited I ; n a n The Mail and Empire grumbles that | servative 'policies. As a matter of | The liberal party will clean its own wany young men leave Ontario to | fact there not a policy at all door step, Give Premier Ross a ma- settle in the North-West, and says | with the ne jtes until the confer Jarity sufficient to enable. him to do Whitney would place thew in New On- [ence in Toron aud then some of nt oad hat there are qiile tario. That's rich ! Why, Whitney ix | them were so persistent that a plat- |, number of conservatives who will form had fo be constructed, and its In the aliSemce of practical aud on- i of sound polities there is the abuse of leaders or abuse in for Kingston, will not indulge. When, in 1902, the local election was called this the struggle might produce there would not be any persomalities, so far as it was conterned, that if the conserva- tive candidate were referred to at all it would be with regard to his atti- tude towards public questions. The In this election the same course will be pursued. The conservative candi- date may be Sure that there will not be any persomalitics, and what he is guaranteed his "opponent should re- ceive. Mr. Pense's record as a citizen and as a member of the legislature is before the people. It is open to honest and reasonable criticism. 1f he has done hix duty he. ig te be commended. IH he has not dose his. duty he is to be condemmed. In' any case it is his public EDITORIAL VIEWS. The liberals are being asked to vole conservative |-this time, Why? Oh, just for a change. Wouldn't that jar you? What do you think of council's new appointments * Are they all in the public interests ¥ Were they not dic- tated by the machine ? Reuvlember Ross, his leadership, his labours for the party, his desire for good government, and do your duty by him on polling day. ---- Mr. Whitney says he is going to carry the war into Africa. Put he is running out of ° amwamition, Ris speeches are becoming terribly tame. Mr. Borden will rejoin his party in Ottawa and resume the leadership. He appears to be the only acceptable man in sight. There are aspirants for his place, but they are not preferred. Mr. Ross does not excuse or con done any wrong-doing on the part of the liberals. Does Me. Whitney done wrong-doing on the part of his political friends? I not, why not ? con: As the campaign proceeds Mr. Whit- ney's condition is changing. It began with "fight," then it became "fright." and on the 25th it will be a case of "flight." So Mr. Ross has intimated. Mr. Whitney <let us repeat the idea ~has expressed himself - as satisfied with P. D. Ross' candidature in Ot- tawa. Very good. Are the people sa- tisficd * That is thé question of the hour. In the last provincial election « "purity" fund was raised. Some of it was advanced to certain candidates who were afterwards unseated for "impurity." Will they be helped again ? The Toronto News is labouring hard for Mr. Whitney. It Says the liberals cannot get a decisive majority in the legislature and therefore the vole should swing to the conservative sizle. Not this time, honey ! ebm, . The Whig is quite convinced that the decisions of the council of 1904 were based on the conscientious con- viction that they were for the best interests of Kingston. The tory ma chine organ, of course, differs. Columns business or that of the Whig. by the policy thus defined it maintained, and He" was paid for his work, Liberal no one can he more conscious of it | councils, too, kept his commission than Mr. Shaw. . "Elect him," says the Gamey of atiack and abuse cannot ehange the opinions of the aldermen who did the The At a bargain. News would only have been satisfied Call 147 for to have your re- ity in the il ruling. | pairing attended to. government a free hand, "Workingmen should remember that Whitney never introduced into the house a bill for their benefit. Nowhere in this wide svorld can you find better or more e rically con not bother voting this time. What's the use of beingcalways against the government. Ontario's cash bank balance yester day was $3,747,697. That is one of the results of carefgh, t, economical government. Aid how, it whets the appetite of Whitney's hungry gang ! That young liberal rally was hummer. The youths are afire with liberal doctrines. They see no hope for the conservative party so long as its platfioror is abuse and vilification; voung men stand aside from associa- tion with those who decry their fel- lows. The Gamey and Beattie Nesbitt op- gan of Kingston, wants the people to elect the conservative candidate be- cause he won the lighting plant case, sheet, in effect, "because he did his duty as city solicitor !" In the year 1903 Ontario secured 19, 000 immigrants. In the year just closed about 24,000 were registored, most of them are from Great Britain, and a large number are settling in Northern Ontario. The Ross govern- ment_has done good work in bringing the right kind of men _to develop the province's resctces. Putting Down Corruption. Mr. Latchford found in his own rid- ing that his opponent made denuncia- tion of corruption the chief feature of his campaign. By an accident a few days before Mr. Latchiord had come across the other side of the picture. He had driven unexpectedly into Ad- maston, and bs he swung round the cornet of the town hall he was sur- prised to see the brother-in-law of his opponent in 'charge of the distribution of whiskey to the electors as - they came out of the hall. e son-indaw of the conservative leader had driven with an Ottawa bar- rister to a remote district and offered an influential liberal $100 if he would renounce his party and join the con servatives. On New Year's day Mr. Kelly, a supporter of Mr. Latchford's oppon- ent, had given a bottle of white wheat whiskey to every French-Canadian elector in the town of Renfrew. That was another way of putting down cor- ruption, Mr. Latchford remarked. The conservative profession was but hypocritical ery and a sham a desire, A Catholic Tribute. Canadian Freeman Probably ng man in the city has had a longer acquaintance with Mr, Pense, the liberal candidate, than the editor of this paper, therefore he is in ----e-------- State of Ohio, City of Toledo, ss Lucas County, 1 Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he'is senior partper of the firm of F. J. Che- ney -& Co,, doing business in the Uity of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sun of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure, FRANK J. CHENEY, Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A.D. 1886. (Seal). A. W. GLEASON, Notary Fublic Ha'l's Catarrh Cure is taken internal- ly, und acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. & Co, FJ. Toledo, Ohio Sold by all druggists, 75¢c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. CHENEY A good piece of Furniture at re. duced price, as we have several lines to close out before stock- Parlor Setts, Fancy Parlor Chairs, Rattan Rocker and , Oak Hall Racks council, this year, will conduct busi- ness to its owa liking, with the help, possibly, of the conservative execu- tive, : | The tory machine majority in the Now is the Time to Buy! 9 THE H D. BIBBY CO. Ee ---- : tandarq Telephor Sets TOW 90 TO 50 Suits, Overcoats, H To-day Was the Third | Day of Our JANUARY SALE A Huge Success ! Discounts t's your time to buy, and our time to sell. Suits, Boys' Overcoats, etc. FOR SAL | $5 PER | Slightly Used But in Good Order. Apply to SALES DEPARL]! 178 Mountain § MONTREAL, Q : Or To Any Lccal Man the Bell Telephon of Canada. PER CENT aberdashery, etc., Boys' The only Strictly Clothing House between k ' ' ' ' : PBL and Montreal. Owing to the retirement of our Mr. James Sutherland thus the reason for prices that and delight buyers. Children's Strap Slippers and Oxfords, sizes 8 to 104), the regular 705c. kind, all sizes, Sale price Ke Sutherland poor shoes. . THE H. D. BIBBY CO., OAK HALL, Princess. St, Kingston. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP SME OF FOOTWEAR ! This is not an ordinary sale of odds and ends and poor sizes in Shoes. It is the whole of our big stock, considered the finest and best selected stock of Shoes between Toronto cessary to get a lot of money this month, Sale price 19¢, Women's Dongolia Bals, patent Lip, smart toes, light or heavy soles, Ame crican wake, our $3 shoe, all sizes, Sale price firs $1.98 Misses' Bulton and Lace Dongolia Kid ; 10 and Electric Call, good value $1.25, all sires, Every shoe in stock subject to 25 per. with exception of Queen Quality and Packard. plain figures. No counters to keep you away from the goods. Our name has never been connected with shoddy of Seven Sutherland § 'Hair Growe GREW THIS HAIR Cash and One Price Toronto and Montreal, Decer Seven Sutherland Sisters: Ladies, -- reat pleasure tr t 1 have derive of your Hair Grower and Scalp Clea: the hair from falling, causes it keeps it in a healthy condition. I photograph taken showing the length from the firm we find it ne- { 'ours truly, MISS EDITH Cam; amaze dealers For sale at $1.00 per bot! SEVEN SUTHERLAND § SOLE PROPRIETORS Canaoian Orrice, 256 Yonoe 81 J. H. BaiLgy, Foreign Manag - druggists, two si; Men's Tan Vici Opera, Harghrd, avd hy erect Slippers, all American makes, value $1.75 and $2. cveky size, oa Sale price . ne Recommended and sol Geo. W. 'Mahood, druggist, A big 10t of those Men's Box Cali and Bagot and Princess streets. Dongolin Stylish $2.26 Lace Booth ws every siie. $1 69 Sale price FISH FRESH FROZEN Special il Shoe gross Sutherland Pee pot more (had Dressing, regular 10c.; 2 to a customer, ] ] Ac. Whitefish, 10c. and 124c. Sale price " Salmon Trout, 124c. 1b 3 Pickerel, 10c. 1b cent. discount Pike, Re. Ib » : Atlantic Salmon, 30c. Ib Prices 10 Chenook Salmon, 25¢. Ib Silver Side Salmon, 20c Steak Cod. 10c. Ib H lock, 8c. and 10c. Ib. Halibut, 20c. 1b. Bluefish, 15¢ Mackerel, 15c. Ib triped Bags, 15¢ Tom Cods, Be. 1h Herrings, 15c., 30c SMOK 12D-- Smoked Ciscocs Boneless Haddies, 1 al 1 Ih Shoe Store. and 4 124c. 1b 10c.' Ib Yarmouth Bloaters, 40¢c. d Kippered Herrings, 40c. do From the first day he entered the British Whig he was a favorite with the Smbluyses of that office, which friendship he has maintained for over forty years as manager and proprie- tor, during all thai Jong time having no disagreements with his large staff as regards wages, but rather inelined to live and let live, always consider ing the laborer worthy his hire. A man who is popular with his em- ployees cannot be otherwise than pe- pular with the general public--and this has been the case with Mr. Pense, whose long string of victories has proved him a local Hercules in con- tests with very strong opponents. A look at the British Whig premises tells in short metre of his success as a business wan and a citizen of progres- sive ideas. From little to much, un gress and 'is now shoulder to shoul: der with Ontario's wi best men. As an employer of Tabor or private citizen, Mr. Pense s equal in re gard to liberality to all creeds and classes, a matter' which' is sp of much credit. Siiiec he a position to speak with. authority. | sented Kingston in the Ontario legi%' til he has climbed the ladder of pro- |' ASomlfermifnlilonp. ditw IlvagoD SALT Salt Trout, 10c Ib lature. even his most obstinate OF Balt 'Whitefish, 10c. th 1 i ackerel, ot > ponents Sui Geprive a rliamen Salt Labrador Salmon, 12 Tan attain alt § 'rout, 10c. Ib tarian and a representative most ener" Sait Cod, 8¢., 10c., 15¢ woti in, this city's fuk i be re BE OYSTERS, 40c¢c, 50c. and 6 turned as Kingston's 'member is a : ne foregone conclusion, but in order p the victary bu, sad up phe on DOMINION FISI vossible, the citizens uld tur! 4 masse make it a triumps 63 Brock St. Py worthy of the men and' worthy of city. tee itati heart Palpitation of the hes 'headache, ENJOY A DRI} Then make it doubly emjoy: nervous urd A Toot, painin the back, saging ems of our 'Ane tur and other fornis of ato - Eo HARDING'S LI i Carter' Pills, mode I foie hood. serves sod 210 Weitingron St. 'Pho pleion, rl -- sn 3 i William White,' the eelebrs REAL ES val engineer, ess |! the Tastitition i il Enjrineers: spoke. highly of the possibilities i Canada. |G IR INSURAN ~ Consult with Gewi! Cl baying, at 96 Clarsnce + days a few iy Phe wid ter in Asin samerall #04 a a