's How Leep Warm! ' You Are Right ! a time you needed it, re right ready for this varmest, cosiest, most you can imagine. TVests, 50C., 75¢., 4sc,, vests, 25c¢., 33c¢., 6oc. Y ERS TO MATCH. ights, ggc;, $1.25. r- Natural Wool Vests all, medium, large and OCKINGS ality - Scotch Fingering heels, tops so woven as Sy to put on All sizes n Children's right up to S. [TS ts, made double and ex. ly 25c. 5C. Mitts, 15¢c., 20c:, 25c. tts, 15¢ , 20¢., 25¢. Bargain I'TOW ages Black Impe- rial Saxony Wool weight and well known a sufficient guarantee : wearing qualities It st make for Mitts, Sox idren's Fine Hose. The price always is 15c a AL SALE PRICE ORROW 1 0c. Pkg. day if it lasts | SHOE STORE GOUNT SALE active held for many years E placed on the tables will are looking for such. REDUCTION OFF . or Valise in the store, €* ber Goods. 1oted in this paper Friday. DCKETT -- 72ND YEAR. NO. 10. JENKINS' Dissolution Sale Saturday, Jan. 14 Entire Stock To be Sold. T0 CONTRACTORS. TENDERS ARE INVITED UP TO 5 nu. 2 turday, T4th inst, for the différ- work requircd in. the con. hl ad of a Presbytery Building at Deseronto, Ont. Plans and specifiea- tions J be seen at the residence of the Rev. P Hartigan, Napanee, Ont., and at the office of the architect, Kingston, H. P. SMITH, Architect. Market Square. Do You Have Trouble Get- 9 ting Boots to Fit You If You Do Avoid It In Future WEAR ALLENS" 84 Brock St. SIGN OF GOLDEN BOOT. THERE IS A CHANCE 1 have almost new steves, in cooks aud heaters, lait, which I will sell at big bar. pains, also furniture, as 1 want to get space for other stock in spring. SHOP, TUBK'S _ SECONDN-HAND J98 Princess Street, Y. W, C. A. Ressrve the Following Dates : JANUARY 17th, 21st, Anchor Building, & 4 p.m.--Mectings for Deepening the Spiritual Life, con- dusted by Mrs. Carr-Harris; special music; attractive subjects. All wo- wen invited. Meetings im hall above Y.W.C.A. Rooms WANTED. A GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE WORK Apply 188 Division street SNOWSHOES, TO RENT OR BUY Apply S.L.B., Whig office HOUSEMAID; LIGHT WORK. AP- ply Mrs. J. S. Hicks, 285 Earl St A SMART YOUNG MAN TO HELP around Kitchen. Apply at Hotel Randolph, Princess strect ROOFS =O. CLEAN OF SNOW AND ice. Work promptly done Drop a card or call at 196 King street ALL KINDS OF JOBBING, ROOF shoveling, boardwalk shoveling, etc 'by PD. Daugherty, 150 Sydenham St seemed petup-- - A COMPETENT HOUSEMAID. WAGES $12 a month. Must have references Apply at one box *"'H." Whig office THE LONDON "FREE PRESS Want Ads. bring results, If you want help oF Want a position, write for sample copy. BOY, TO CARE FOR AND DRIVE A horse; must he able to read and write Apply between i and 3 p.m 362 Brock street BOARDERS, WHERE THEY CAN have first-class accommodation, nice pleasant, warm rooms, central loca- tian. Apply at 51 Brock street. QUALIFIED TEA HER (PROT ZS. Legislative Assembly For Member : EDW. J.B. PENSE Who Does Things For Kingston. Committee Room: Wellington St , Near Princess St. The Sosopcration of all friends of the Liberal policy and supporters of good administration dially invited. DAILY MEMORANDA. Register to-night or to-morrow. Senior ygar dance at Quecn's, to-night Roney tells of heavy sales at his spec- ial sale Newman & Shaw advertise their inven tory sale. Hockey to-night, I, 8 o'clock. The sun rises Saturday at 7.82 an and sets at 4.47 pon In a flirtation a woman is never in earn- cst till the man thinks it is time for it to be over Tenders received for tery by H. P. Smith, Pm. Saturday This day in history Ladysmith, 1900; vubhished, 1785. When a woman takes somebody into her confidence ahout her love afigirs it is a sign she hasn't any trouble Queen's II vs. RM.C Deseronto Presby- architect, till 5 Steevens died at London Times first One with many a self-made man is that the part he talks with is out of proportion to the part he thinks with During the Month of > January 209% Discount Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy C Fancy C C C China. Salads Ching, B. & B. Plates China, Rankin's. China, Mustards China, Celery Dishes, China, Plates, China, Olive Dishes China, Muffin Dishes China, Chogolate Pots China, cuit Jars: China, Syrup Jugs China, Lemonade Jugs. China, Hair Boxes. China, Bullion Cups. China, Chop Plates Chir Cabaretts , Roll Prays a, Vases ina, Ornaments 5 O'clock Tea h h Fancy Ch Fancy ROBERTSON BROS. Saturday Specials At VanLuven's Fresh Roll Butter at . 1%9¢ hina, Sets Fresh Blocks and Prints 20¢ Stewing Apples, Table Apples Several good varieties Sweet Oranges, 12¢ 20c¢., 25c. and (Navals) 40¢ Fine Prunes, 5¢. per Ib. and upwards Evaporated Peaches 15¢ Golden Apritots 15¢ Bartlett Pears, 2-1b. cans . 10c Lombard Plums, 2-1, cans w 10c Pie Peaches, cans . 10c Lunch Biscuit, 5 Ibs 25¢ Many other lines, low prices Eclipse Soap, 7 bars 25¢ Naptha Washing Powder, large pkgs « 6c F. W. VANLUVEN, 246 PRINCESS ST. 'Phone 417. 1835 WALLACE --1835 PLATED TABLE WARE « Our line you find complete and of THE We guaran- tee every piece Tho new TROY pattern in Knives. Spoons and Forks appeals to us as Perfec- tion in Design and Finish Let us show you this pattern; we know you will think with us when you sce it SMITH BROS. JEWELERS OPTICIANS 350 KING ST, GOVERD RINK re CONS SE es HOCKEY MATCH QUEEN'S Il vs. R.M.C. | FRIDAY. Jan. 13th tant), for 8.8. No. 4, Kennebec, du- . ties to commence March 20th, 1905 Game called at 8 pon Adinission to salary $18 Apply to Mrs. John | the general public and all season ticket Dean, Aiden, Ont. holders, 15¢ 87 PER DAY. BVERY DAY, FOR o yor, la" kood pay. 10s' Deine NORTH AMERICAN TELEGRAPH ma w our. goods. ouseho! necessities; every family needs them Co., LIMITED. Write today, G. Marshall & Co. | yj; \NNUAL GENERAL MEETING London, Ont. of the shareholders of the North Ameri- can Telegraph Company, Limited. will be CUSTOMERS AT MME, ELDER'S| held at 1760 Notre Dame street, Mon- Dressmaking Parlors, 231 Princess stieet. Evening customers a special- iy. Instructions in dressmaking giv en day and evening until March 1st Cutting by measure, designing, etc, including system, $10. GENTS, PERMANENT POSITION, 4 o sell new map of Canada, with orld Map on reverse side, size 66 x 46 inches; two maps in one. repre- sentatives now at work making $25 treal, on THURSDAY. the 16th day of February, 19035, at 12.830 p.m WwW, BAM PE TELD Secretary. Kingston, January 13th, 1905 NOTICE. THE SALE OF CUTTERS AND Harness advertived for last Saturday will teke place on SATURDAY. 14th 5! Nall inst. at my rooms, Market Square 8. "a Be a ow eo ys . WILLIAM MURRAY, Auctioneer TO-LET. Qualify To Vote. NESS OFFICE, OPPOSITE POST as a ---- by Hot Water : Apply to Joha, A. Gardiner, Real Estate ---t Insprance, 151 Wellington street STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ellings, stores, dJffices, etc ths Real Estate Office, 51 t. ALSO M o- Brock FINE LARGE FRONT ROOM. WITH board Apply 187 Union street west ETE ---------------------- LOST. A wHItE BUFFALO ROBE. ON JAN. wary 1ith. between Portsmouth and city. Finder will .be rewarded by re- turning to this office. A BLACK SOVERED PRAYER BOOK nah. "Kev to Heavaen." in gold an Sover, hatch post office port St. Mary's Cathedral. Figder please revura Lo Whig office, Young man were you twenly-one vears of age hy January 5th ? Will you have been a resident of this province for one year, and of Kings ton for three months, previous to that date ? Are you a British subject 7 Ii so, you are quaiified so regidter, end vote at the coming provincial election. Remember the dates of next registration--January 13th and 14th, vesterday, MeK. rink In club, curling matches Col. Ogilvje's rink won Jrom T. Robern s by 19 to 5. and the skipped By T. Slater defegted: W. R. Dalton's fiuartette by 15 to 10; |- Fresh Plaud's Iron' Tonic Pills, the genivine [100 for 25e. Gibson's Red Cross THE VICTORS COMPLAINTS OF CHINA'S VIOLATION OF NEUTRALITY. Russian Loan Subscribed In Half An Hour--Japan's Success At Port Arthur- Appears More Wonderful All The Time, Special to the Whig Nagasaki, Jan. 13.~The steamers Kaga and Sunuki have arrived, here, with 1,600 Russian prisoners of war and fifty officers, All the prisoners have been quartered at Inasa, a village nearby, where also has been prepared a lodging for Gen. Stoessel, who will arrive next Saturday. The Russian of ficers are allowed much liberty within the bounds of the town, but they are under police escort. Gen, Stoessel and staff will sail from here, for Europe, on a French mail steamer, January 10th. These Russian prisoners. are unfeignedly pleased at the end of the hardships of the siege, and the considerate treatment of. their victors, Chinese Violation Of Neutrality. St. Petersburg, Jani 13.--Russia has sent a circular to the foreign govern: ments enumerating a series of alleged Chinese violations of neutrality during the war. The circular predicts that the violations will continue, as China is unable to fulfil her obligations, Ia these circumstances Russia reserves the right to act in her own: interests respecting neutrality, The Russian subscription to the new loan opened at ten o'clock, yesterday morning, and was fully subscribed within a half an hour: Tt 'went at a premium of one point during the day. Japan's Work Wonderful. Tokio, Jan. 13. The Japanese achievement, at Port Arthur, is more remarkable in- the light of further in- vestigations. The original Russian strength is now estimated to have been almost 50,000 men. It is an- nounced, at the army headquarters, that in addition to the prisoners al- readv reported, about 13,000 wounded combatants eventually will be brought to. Japan. Gen. Nogi's headquarters stall, at Port Arthur, are at present devoting their energies to dispatching the prisoners to Japan. placing the wounded in hospitals, and clearing the way for a thorough investigation of the spoils of war. Further List ot Spoils. London, Jan. 13. Telegrams from Tokio add to the lists of spoils taken at Port Arthur, as given out by the Japanese legation L000 rounds of small arm ampuntion, sixty torpe does, 1,158 explosive charges, 960 am- munition waggons and carts, 149 sets of telegraph and telephone apparatus, fourteen search-lights, of swords, pistols, and entrenching tools, Tt is remarked that the cap- tures disprove the idea that a short- age of ammunition contributed to the surrender of the fortress, Edict Of War To Be Issued. St. Petersburg, Jan, 13.--The gov- ernment seemingly is about to make the irrevocable declaration that pres- tige abroad and the situation ad home necessitate the continuation of the war till peace with dignity is possible. Beyond this point, however, confusion exists, Emperor Nicholas is apparently va cilllating as to whether he shall allow M. Witte full swey, in the meantime declining to permit Prince Sviatopolk- Mirsky to retire The, latter persists in the view that the confidence of the people in the manner in which the reform manifes to i8 to he worked out is vital and that this is impossible if the work is to be left completely in the hands of the bureaucrats. Direct consultation with the represemtmtive classes inter ested he considers essential. It has now been definitely establish «ad that the third meeting of the mani festo as it was originally drafted by Prince Sviatopolk-Mirsky provided for representation of (he Zemstvos in the council of the empire, and that this was stricken out against his esrnest protest. The lack of cohesion and alignment of the forces apposed to the existing state of things and mutual distrust of each other's programiie seem to make anything approaching actual revolu- tion now unworthy of serious comsid- eration. Socialists, revolutionise and extrane elements, other: as well as the sub- ject races on the borders of Russia, all have different objectives, with which the conservative liberals, whom the govermment really hopes to ap pease, have little in common: and above all Russia's | snnumbered mil lions of peasants have given almost no evidence of having been stirred by the prevailing political agitation. Demonstrations and even disorders on 'a large seale in the centres of po- pulation are regarded hy the authori ties ax possible, accompanied by a recurrence of terrorism on the part of those who believe: the 'bomb is the only weapon with which they can fight ab solutism. This last is really considered the likeliest and most deplorable possibil- ity in the near future. For the mo ment' all is quiet, awaitine an explo- sion, ageielt Vgeined A Vessel. Tokio, Jan. 13, The Japaness army oured cruiser Tokio, captured in the Sea of Japen, on January 11th, the and quantities] horses and of rifles po swords, d Away. ' Sues, 13. The division of the fic squad: ron cou Nea: Admiral Bot: | rovsky; uthward this worn f for Jibutil, French } News Culled From The World. possibility that the may retire. a well-known Quebec journalist ang politician, died Thurs , of McGill, has been an lecturer at Yale for boys, sons of Mr. E over a precipice, One tthe other two may dic, BR consider the matter of Wommission on; recipro pinion parliament has vesshl is, ashore on all efforts of the er, Lady Laurier, to have failed. onto has re. rom England which ery probabi'ity that n will visit Canada ; the oldest man in rs and ten months, He was a native of served in the British ing to Canada, The Plank, Hugh Blain, the North Torunto, in night, at a meeting as Lo his attitude on question, said that nowinated by the Special to the Whig. : Lyleton, Man., Jan. 13.---Mr, Harris, a butcher and respected citizen, is sup- posed to bave committed suicide ves terday afternoon by shooting. While having dinner with his wife and his partoer, Mr, Cuthbert, he got up and went to the stable where Mr. Cuth- bert found him dead a short time al terwards. No cause can be assigned for the act. » Ended His Life. Special to BN Whig " Toronto, Jan... 13.--Claude Bullis, Jor six months a clerk in A. EK. Wal ton's. drug store, Queen street east and Broadview avenue, committed sui cide, early today, by swallowing prussic acid. He was twenty: vears of age and came from Iroquois, where his parents live. No reason is given why the young man should end his life. Five Wete Lost. to the Whi Srecin . Halifax, N.S, Jan. 13.-A despatch received here from Glace Bay, N.S states that the Gloucester schooner, Lanseer, which was sunk in a collision in' Bay of Lilands, Newfoundland, last Sunday, lost five of her crew. Previon despatches indicated that all the escaped. The men lost are crew said to have been Norwegians. A Railway Accident. Special to the Whi Dauphin, Man., Jan. 13. Two coach es and a baggage car of the C. N railway north-bound passenger train left the track four miles east of Mini tonas last night. No fatalitics occur red, but Baggageman Moore had his collar bone broken, while Conductor Lemieux and N, W, 'Wilkin, Dauphin, were badly shaken up: In Dangerous Condition. Special to the Whig, i irion Ont. an. 13. Mrs. Weit vel, about sixty years old, who mer vied the second time a few weeks ago, ent her throat with a razor, last night, severing the wind pipe. The local doctors consider her in a dan gerous condition, but think she may recover, Rosy Cheeks. Rich blood, rosy cheeks, perfect health follow in the wake of "Swiss Foods" for breakfast, Ald, Bears 18 opposed to taking down the market shambles. So also is Ald. Kent. They would prefer to ex pend a small amount of money to strengthen and point them. Their claim is that the shambles are a great convenience to citizens and farmers. A pleasant party was given at the residence of Me. Keanv, Concession street, on Wednesday night, There was some eighty couple in attendance. A very fine supper way served. Dancing and other amusements were evgaged in till an carly hour in the morning. The food the tories put up each campaign is varied. Omee it was "dog biscuit," now it is a large diet of foul abuee. It grows worse as euch campaign comes ground, The «treet railway had: another morning of difficulties. The rails were frozen over, and the cars were much! handicapped. i TT From the French Academy of Science. MABENIS, AD. cs. THE HONORARY LIST ISSUED BY EARL GREY, Colonel 0'Grady Haly Given Asn Honorary Rank---Permanently Made--A Cominission Will In- vestigate Tariff, Workings: Of The MAJOR-GENERAL O'GRADY HALY: Special to the Whig. Ottawa, Jan. 13.<Dr. W. Bell Daw- son, F.R.C.8., engineer in chafge of the Tidal and Current Survey of Can- ada, has just been awarded by the Academy of Sciences, throughs the In stitute of France, the Gay prize of 1,500 francs for the work done by him in determining mean sea level on the coast of Canada, in conmection with the work under his charge. The governor-general has appointed his honorary A. Bie s. They are: Col. Otter, Toronto; Lieut.-Col. Irwin, Ot tawa; Lieut. Col. H. R. Smith, Ser- geant-at-arms; and Licut.-Col, A, P. Sherwood. John Bertram has been permanently appointed surveyor of de customs, Toronto. . Col. O'Grady Haly, who was G.0.C. in unady in 1900-1901, with the local rank of major-general, has now granted the hovorary rank of major he in the Canadian militia. Bawpire Loyalist Associ: of suggests 'that Cana da should contribute. a battleship to the imperial navy every five years, The commission to investigate the tariff will be appointed at an early date. Chief Justice Taschereau on Thurs: day began his thirty-fifth year on the bench, He was appointed January 12th, 1871, to the Quebec superior court, and to the supreme court of Canada, October 7th, 1878, SHERIFF DRURY. Was Formerly 'In Sir Cabinet. Special to the Whig Barrie, Ont., Jan. 13..~-Hon. Charles Drury, sheriff of thé*county of Simcoe, and minister of agriculture in Sir Oliver Mowat's government, from the creation of the portfolio in 1888 until 1890, died at his home here, last night, after an illness of several months. He was sixty-one vears old and leaves a widow and four children, Oliver's Caintown Jottings, Jan. 1l~Mr. and Mrs. Caintown, S. L. Hogeboom have returned howe, after a visit at their son's; Dr. B. Hogeboom mn Omtarie, N.Y. Burton Poole spent a few days with his fath- er, KE. H. Poole. School opened on Tuesday last with a large attendance, and Miss Alice Tennant as teacher. Harley Ferguson, who was home from Athens High School and was sick with measles, is able to be out again, Mrs, William Graham, spending a few days with her daughter in Athens, returned home on Monday last. Misses Annie and Essie Early, of Athens, spent a few days last: week the guests of Misy Nora Kincaid. Samuel Powell, is spending 'a week visiting friends at Freeland and Newhoro. Miss Naney Vernon, of Mallorytown, is the guest of Miss Hattie Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Franklin returndd to their home in Junetown, on Friday evening last, where a grand reception awaited them. A quiet_but pretty wedding took place at the home of Jolm W. Tennant, when his daughter, Arletta, was mar- ried to Thomas Bryden, of Galt, Mr. and Mrs. Bryden left for Toronto, London, and Galt, carrying with thé the hest wikhes of a host of friends, A Warm Reception. Montreal Her If the Mein: hockeyists in their match with Qfeen's Vriday evening play as well as they did against the speedy Victorias last night the stick handlers irom Kingston will encounter a real hot reception. Iw preparation for this game the wearers of red and white hal a strenuous work-out against the Victorias, : A feature of tha practice was the playing oi Lindsay, who guarded the nets for the McGills, He stopped scores of shots from the aggressive Victoria forwards and is a hard man to score on. An agreeable movement of the bow- els without any unpleasant efiect is produced by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by all druggists, The officers of the A. 0. H. were in- ! stalled last eve ing by. Dr. Morrispm, county on. : Always huy patent Gibson's Red. Croes drug store. tiresh there, medicines at All T0 HAVE BIG FLEET. The Present Aim Of The Chinese Empire. 1 Whig, i sol, Jan. oi "The Post hears that China is arranging after the Rus. sinn-Jupanese war to order the (con- struction of a powerful fleet. It is stated that China aims to have twen: ty battleships and first class cruisers, Japan's Purpose. " Liv oly Jan, 13.---The Post has a despatch from, Tokio which asserts that the Japanese government intends. to shortly strengthen her fleet by at! least six battleships ah first class cruisers, 1 HON. BR. L. BORDEN Again Offered Leadership Of Con- servative Party. rchal the Whi St tawa 7 Jan, 1 At a caneus of the conservative members and senators, this morning, R. L. Bordon, who was present, was again offered the leader: ship of the party. : »'e Mr. Borden thanked his colleagues for the honor, and accepted condition- ally. He must get a constituency. anized, and he must be given a free go as leader, Mr. en also ap proved holding a dominion conven: tion. Mr. Borden will likely run in Carleton county, Mr. Kidd having re- afirmed his willingness to resign. WHO STOLE CHEQUES ? One Of These Belonged To Kings- ton Lady. Special to the Whig Montreal, Jah 13.~The postal au thorities here are holding an investi gation into the extraction, and con version into cash of three cheques from the mail in the Montreal post office, The cheques were sent out by the vity and were for interest on city debentures, two being for a religious society in Quebec, - the third for a Kingston lady, The sums were $332, 8228 and $138 MAKING ENQUIRY About British 2 Ships Helping The Russians, Special to the Whig London, Jan. 19 It is stated that the admiralty is enquiring into the particulars of all British ships assist, ing the Russians, either as transports or as colliers, with the view of the possibility of a delicate situation aris et between the J. and war- ships of the Rumsian" Baltic squadron. ------------------ fa "= THEY MAY DIE, Were Badly Burned And Now In Serious Way. . Special to the Whig. Montreal, Jan. a, ~As a result of a fire, which started in a millinery store early . this worning, the proprieter, Mrs. 8. L. Africans, was so badly burned that she will 'not likely live more than a few hours, Her son and daughter are in a critical condition, No Supsiatition For Them, Special to the Wi ew York, ya "a. This being Fri- day and the thirteenth day of the month, the date was thought eminent- dy fitting by the Thirteen Club as a time for holding its annual dinner. The affair will shor take pluce at the new Hotel Astor to-night end from all acconntx it will be a rousing aflair. The usual properties of the club's dinners arc to be more in evi: dence than usual. Each guest will re- ceive a neat and well-fitting coffin, and an unsurpassed view of witches, skulls, ghosts and other cheering adornments to the meal, which will be eaten under open umbrellas and tilted ladders, Among the eatables will he mackerel" containing thirteen bones, spring chickens thirteen weeks old, sweet breads from thirteen calves, thirteen breasts of thirteen partridges (this is the supply for one table only), thir teen hearts of thirteen heads of let tuce, ice cream served in coffing. cake fashioned in the style of the Chamber of Death, surrounded by thirteen candles, cheese containing thirteen microbes, and black coffee surmounted by hell fire ------ Cars Arrived, Special to the Whig Toronto, Jan. 13.-A passenger cars for the Temiskaming railway arrived in Toronto this morn ing from the builders at Eohonry. They will be sent north without de lay. The number of Miners Entombed, Special (to the Whig" London, Jaw. 13.-1t is reported that fourteen miners have been en- tombed at Yesradhvalais, Wales. ---- H., W. Reynolds and R. J. Vair ad dress a liberal this evening. meeting at Inverary A GUOD FARM, STOCK AND In plements. 106 acres, more or less, 75 acres ploughable land Without, stump or stone. Impl Ls nearly all new Young orchard, 100 trees, many bear ing. Between 25 and 30 head of cats tie and horses; good barn, under ground stables, 2 wind mills, 1 for rindi feed, otc., and one for pump ng, lacksmith and carpenter shops Farm is near Glenvale, 8 miles from Kingston.' If wold this month, $4,200... Apply 1404 York street STTicES TO LET. THE §NTARIC 8ST. The party must be thoroughly re-or- | FARM FOR SALE. joan: prinoese and Division sia Dress. (Saturday) y Encouraged by the Fonda success of these January Clearing Sales, we have planned to fn to-morrow the bi $ To-day we offered 411 Solon all our superb Black Materials piece to your shonsing all % discount of " 20 Per @ent, Tigurd out what thil mess: to you. It's a money-making chance. All Sales for Cash. ho T0-NIGRT and 70. MOR Irene Jeavons' Go. Tien dr 2:30, Eh. KING'S EVIDEN "KING'S RVIDEN Between Mgnt, acts, High Class Vou ville, Illustrated Songs and Moving io tures: Prices--10c., 15¢. and 86¢. Seats now on sal Matinee prices--C hildren, 20c., to ull paris of the house Ghe One | Resolution for 1905 1s to know and choose the best. Tha when it comes to the choice of Tea, vio will not hesitate a moment in selec' go "Queen Bee" Brand. ~ Upon it coerrect form hay sot the crow of 'approval, certifying to its good by unreserved 'aceoptance luncheon, tea--Igr GOOD TEA James Redden & Co Sole Agents for Kingston. 0c. agit re for ban any occasion wh is desired, Only 13c. per Ib, Choice little pig hams. Jus: the thing for tamily use, nice ly trimmed, bright smoked fine flavored. Telephone orders prompt attention. Anderson |] Bro fy giv So Oppose oy Reduction. Special to the Whi, Toronto, «lan. After a oat debate the district labor colmcil as night, oetyicd by sixty-five to tueytd six, a resolution opposi tion in the number of of Tighor li tied in the city. hy "American postage at Gibson' aX Te Royal Hair. Tonic, aE