Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jan 1905, p. 3

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1 To-day nd 60c. Ib. [aylor Drug Co. St. "Phone 59. 2 'Root Compound. er hie on! y e, To on a depend "in the d time of peed." Prepared- in two Tegres of rength. No. 1 and No. 2. No, 1.--For ordinary cases by far the best dolla( vdicine known. peclal cases --10 degrees ollars per box. ur druggist for Cook's ympoand, Take no othr tures and imitations / 9 | and No, 2 are 30lG nd in the aay 3 any 3dduté e and four 2-cent pos Cook Windsor, Oat | 8 are seld in Kingsten Fuel rd Coal for your furnace. it and Pea for your ft Coal r grate. r grates and efigines. L & Uncut Wood BARRACK ST. H, Ba KE REAR KING | LESSONS AND INDIVIDUALLY Thursday Evenings WETT'S STUDIO. aster with Boston Coun- Ig. rrangements satisfactory Gee ee are you pay- oal ? Bas are you gel~ eturn, nsider vift's anton 0al best value in SWIFT & G0. tphone 138. i Adults, 75c.; children. very Tuesday, Thursday venings and every after odation for skaters. Tic- at Mitchell's Hardware street. % -- 3. HILTON treet; Two Doors Below 's Carriage Shop. alises made and repaired. re-willowed. Locks and S MODERATE. __/ LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE i = ] aid 1%; ry 3 i Hh SEN. In Effect Oct. 2nd, 1904 Trains will leave City Depot, Johnston Street. GOING EAST No. 8 Mall, 148 am. Fost Foot al GOING WEST No. 5, Mail, 12:53 am. No. §, Fast No. 2, ) 0 Rxpress, 2.90 a.m. Efprees, 2:2 a.m No. 16, Local, §16 am. No. 11, Local, 9.15 am. Na 6 Mail... 1:00 pm. Xo. 1, lutergationai No. 9, Faas an » Limbed, 12:16 noon xpress, 1:00 pan. 0, 7 Vall, 319 pm No, 12, ro 708 pwm, No, 15, Local, 7:03 pm Nos.c1, 2, 3 and 4, run daily. No. 6 and 8,, run dav. daily, except Mon- Nos. 6, 7. 11, excépt Sunday. 12, 15 and 16, daily, For Pullman accommodation, tickets and all other information apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnston and Outario streets KINGSTON & PEMBROKE & CANADIAN "PACIFIC RAILWAYS. TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON :-- 12:39 p.m.--Express, for Ottawa, Mon- treal, Quebec, St. John, N.B.; Halifax, Boston, Toronto, Chicago, Denver, Ren- frew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, St Pav', Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco. X pm.--Local -for Sharbot Lake. counecting with C.P.R. east and west 9:10 a.m --Mizad, for Renfrew and in- termediate points. Passengers leaving Kingston at 12:30 500 pan. p.m. arrive in Ottawa at Feterboro, 512 pam; Toronto, 7:30 p.m.; Bosten, 7:30 a.m. St. John, MN.B., 11:55 am. Full' particulars at K. & P. and C I.R. Tick<t Office, Ontarig Street. F. CONWAY. F. A. FOLGER, JR; Gen, Pass. Agt. Cen. Supt BAY OF QUNTE RAILWAY New wshors line for Tweed, Napanee, Deseropto, and all local points. Trains leave City Hall Depot at 2:25 pm. F. CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kiagston. FORTHE WIN- Treo eo BERMUDA Frost: upknown, malaria impossible. From New York, 48 hours by elegant new twin screw steamship ** Dermudian,™ Sailings every 10 days during January Fvery five days during February, March and April, 1905. 'FOR WINTER CRUISES GO TO -- WEST INDIES -- 80 days trip. About 20 days in tropics Special cruises . to Bermuda, Porto Rico, Windward fslands and Cuba, SS. Pretoria, January 4th, - February 9th, March 22nd, 1905. For further particu- lars apply to A. BE. OUTERBRIDGE & CO,, Agents, for Quebéc NS. Co., 89 Broadway, New York: ARTHUR ABERN, Secretary, Quebec, or J. P. HANLEY, gnd to J. P. GILDER= SLEBVE," Picket Agents, Kingston. ALLAN LINE "V**{5bbnrnry Royal Mall Steamers. From Halifax. 16 From St. John, Corinthian, Sat. Jan. 14, Mon Parisian, Sat. Jan. 21, Mon Sicilian, Jan. 25; Mom lonian Sa Feh 4 Mon RATES OF PASSAGE~--} £50 and upwards, cording and accommodation; Second Jan Jan Jan Fel irst Cabin to steamer Cabin, Liv- ) 6 erpool and Londonderry, $30, 84 and $35; London $2.50 extra T Class, $15, superior accommodati Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, lon don NEW YORK TO GLASGOW Mcngolian Thurs, Feb 2, 10 First Cabin, $40 and uy in. $27.50--Third Class, § For further particulars, pply to J. P. HANLEY Agent, Gu.) R. City Passenger Depot. . P. GILDER- ©. Clarence Street SHE RVE ARCHITECTS. WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT. OF- fice, second floor ever Mahood's drug store, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Entrance om Bagot street Telepbone 608 ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF- fica site of New Drill Hall, near cor ner of Queen and Montreal Streets POWER & SON ARCHITECT. MER- chart's Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. Phone 213 SMITH, Building 245 HENRY P ARCHITECT ate. Anchor Market Square 'Phone MONEY AND BUSINESS ry GLOBE Available LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND Fire Insurance Company assets $61.187.315. In addition to which the policy holders huve for security the umlimited _ liability of .all the stockholders. Farm and city property insurea at lowest poséible rates. Before remewing old or giving mew business wet rates from Strange & Btrange, Agents. DUR POLICIES COVER MORE ON buildings and contents than any eth- er company effers. Examine them at Gedwin's Insurance Emperium, Mark. ot Square. Wood nd Coal Ye have on hand the different varieties of Wood and Coal, BOOTH & CO. i "Phone 133. Foot of West St. Wood «a Coal D. ROY AACDONALD'S DANGING CLASSES WILL BE RESUMED AT WHIG HALL -- ON J anuary ath. olds It should be borne in mind that every cold weakens the lungs, low- es the vitality and prepares the systems for the-more serious dis eases, among which are the two ~ Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has won its great yoprilarity by its prompt cures of this most common silment.. Itaids expectoration, re- lieves the lungs and opens the secretions, effecting a speedy and permanent cure. It countéracts any tendency toward pnemnonia. ¢ Price 25¢, Large Size soc. J Was Not Able To Walk For Three Months. Was Given Up to Die, The Doctor Said So. Burdock Blood Bitters Saved Her Life, Read what Mrs. Wm. Castillonx, New port, Quebec, has to say about Burdock Blood: Bitters :--*' Last December 1 fell very sick after confinement. 1 was not able to walk for three months, and was given up to die by the doctor. My hus- band read of the many wonderful cures made by Burdock Blood Bitters, so pro- cured me two bottles, After using it for about ten days, I was able to get around, and could mind my baby without help from anyone, and am now well, and &ble 1 told a lady friend of mine whe was troubled in the same to do my own work. way, and shie used it with equal success. [ cannot too highly recommend your medicine, for I know just how good it is, and hope and wish that anyone suffering ea I did will give it a trial." Department »\ Rilyii Canals, Canada ST. LAWRENCE CANALS. SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSEE [ v ned and endor will be chinery, of the Willinmsbur and plan may be s the office of the Superintendent » tion, Mortisburg, Ont., from whom fore of tender nay be obtained on and after this date The Department does not hind itself to cfppl, the, lowest or any tender By order lL. K: JONES, Secretary ut of Railways and Canals Sth January, 1905 Newspapers inserting this advertise ment without authority from the De- partment, will. not be paid for it Departing Otten + §8rd Annual | - va. oa 4 - $15.50 Cash Suit Sale We start: Saturday, the 7th January and will sell for the next two weeks all Scotch, English and other Tweed and Worsted Suit- ings at $15'50--for CASH ONLY. Come early and get first choice, as we have some very. fine suitings, ranging in value from $18 to $25 and they are all going for $15.50. The linings and workmanship will be first class and fit guaranteed. Carroll & Co. 230 PRINCESS STREET, FASHIONABLE TAILORS. FOR SALE. 00 ILIMING LOT, SOUTH: SIDE Ag w Montreal! 'ant Queen street, between Baget. Apply 49 Celberne strest. HY THE DAILY WHIG, TO HELP THEMSELVES Systematic EducationUnder Hon John Dryden. Tremendous Growth of Stock Ralsiag Sod Dairying Steady Prosperity Under Sel. estific Methods--The Work of Winter Fairs, the Farmers' Institutes, the Traveling Dairy, snd the Beorghaisa. tica ef Fall Fairs. The trade and navigation returns tell their own story of the result of the extension of agricultural educa- tion among the farmers of Ontario. When the Americun tariff destroyed the barley market, and when "inc fant industries" took the attemtion of the Federal Government, to the disadvantage of the other classes, the sviapathy of the kind-hearted politi- cian was for the poor farmer.' It was deserved. His farm was mort. gaged, his sons were flocking to the professions or to the United States, and his land was losing its fertility and its value It was about this tise that Hon. Johm Dryden bes came Minister of Agriculture. for On be said with all uiod to him more than to any other single human agency 18 due the happy reversal of circum stances in which the farmers of this Province find themselves to-day, says tarios It may eration' that The. Globe, With the United States market clased to -----our-harley and with the fertility of the soil warring through uninterrupted grain cultiva Lior the one door open was to pro mote mixed farming and stock-rais ing, with the British market as the objective, A Revolution in Agriculture. Mr he was assisted by Dryden set to work, and later the co-operation of the Liberal Government OL tawa, to make the chang® and how successful his efforts were everybody knows. In short, the whole charac ter of the Ontario hog was changed and the quality of Canadian :cheese and buttér raised to a conunanding position. Looking back at the let- ters - quoted in the reports of the Jureau of Industries, reports of, say fifteen years ago, we find such we known pork-packers as the Fearmans of Hamilton, saying, 'We do net ship any to the British market,"" and adding that they could not compete at with the western hogs Similarly, the report summarizes the opinion of the (ermers themselves in 1889, that "the Ontario hog-raiser can never compete on equal terms against' the cheap pig feed of the western States.' About this "time barley took a big drop, from 64 cents a bushel in 1882 to 44 in 1889. At the same time the old idea of a short, fat hog was firmly seated, and it was no wonder the capture of the Eng- lish bacon trade was looked upon as almost impossible. " Dryden's Circus.' During the early and middle nine- ties Mr. Dryden took personally 'im hand a campaign for improving the quality of the dairy and hog pro- ducts of the Province. From 1891 to 1898 the 'traveling dairy" made an- nual, tours Of course, it was met with ridicule by the Opposition press, who called it "Dryden's circus." Un- injured by the jeers, Prof, Dean went his way, and thousands of farmers and their wives inspiration for scientific dairying, which has since been made so profitable, Meéan- the Dairymen's Associations to be powerful agencies for the the methods, and the department took in grants of $4,000 each, of good speakers, and distribution of reports of the ings to 30,000 farmers, widen- ed the constituency of enlightenment. wa new dairy y also opened at Guelph and Strathroy, and that at Kingston taken over, and sigce 1893 about $90 000 had heen spent in the education of over 2,200 'nder these ig conditions the produced received Lime grew promotion of new the interest them, with the securing the Hie schools were dairy experts, encourag amount of che ir Ontario grew from: $7, 1890 to $17,208,233 in Hd, and of creamery butter $269,154 to $2.096.593, and number of cheese factory patrons ew from 43,000 to 60,000, During he fended to intlude a more pection of factories 7 in from the past.year the work has been ex? minute in and farm dairy which insures the re ig yd wav BEWARE OF LIQUID CATARRH CURES, Alcohol Holds Out False Hopes. err Catarrh suffersrs who have become slaves to liquid eatarrh remedios, as soon as they stop hie treatident find themselves worse instead of better. 'These unfortunste victims often learn from their physician for the first time that 8 id catarrh remedy simply makes the Lueous meibranes drunk, destroys the natural sensations of the parts, deceiving them by false stimulation into the belief that the mediciue le helping. Everrone knows that alcohol ia an form will deceive. It deceives the head, deceives the bands, it deceives the feet, but no- were in the body is alcoholic deceit more ap. parent thal upon the mucous membranes. Catarrh can never be cured by alcobolic deceits and'ths people are learning to avoid alcohol catarrh cures. - Furthermore, they are fast earning that Smith's Triple Cure, handy, efi. cient and in tablet form, is far better and Jicide more lasting results. Catarrh sufferers xnow that while liquid remedies give temporary relief, because the alcohol makes the meme brancs drunk, such medicines soon intensity their trouble. They become slaves to the alcohol habit as surely by using liquid catarrh remedies ag when whiskey is used as a bever- age. Smith's Triple Cure not only is free from sleobol, but it actually cures catarrh in every part of the body --dry catarrh, stomach catarrh, bowel eatarrh, systemic eatarrh, in fact, thers is no form of catarrh that Smith's Triple Cure does not cure fully and completely. Havs nothing, therefore, to do with al or liquid catarrh remedies, but use Bmith's Triple Care, which consists of four separats prepara. tions, three in tablet form, to bo used internally, caring catarrh of the stomach, liver, bowels, pelvig and systemic catarrh, and making rich, red blood, and & catarrh cream used locally, curing catarrh of the head and nasal passages, bronchial catarrh and catarrh of the lungs. A full two weeks' course of the four prepatations in one large box, sold at only 50 cents by all dealers, the greatest value for the mouey ever offered. If your druggist won't supply you, send 25 two-cent stamps by mail today we will gend it and rantes safe deliv- terms oft ie bay postpaid fun Jukiddrog IW. Amith Gon 14-8 James -» Mgmtgeal., | wie hand Th ren Jin. the hog industry. was only one way to accomplish this, and that was Ly persistent Jugitalion' and 'educa tion. The Provincial Winter Fair, the Farmers' I and the dis- tribution of a aud bulletins were chosen medinms. The Winter 'Pair was made a fixture at Quelph, permtinent' Waildings were evected, and prized offered which would tewpt the best al Wn the country. This attracted the farmers to the number of 15,000 or 20,000 per year, The pork-packers were invited to at- tend and demonstration to tell the crowded . andiance of the lectwrt mom just the Kind of hogs they wanted. They ay accepted. The Farmers' Institute delegates attended and seiged the Upoinis" of a good bacon hog, and how it rould be pro- duced by hreeding and feeding, and they carried the, message ta the Gar cius to the. mamber of 125000 or more, who attended | the district meetings last year, The result was seen in a few years in the supplant- ing of the short; tat Log by the long, lean ooes, just the kind that makes the streaked,. juicy bacon, and, the red, sweet hams for John Bull's din: ing-voom. The phenomenal success of this work is shown by the increase in the value of the hogs Md by On- tario farmers drow $8.7 52 ia 1892 to $22,532.802 1, 1908. = So- popular had the Winter Fair become that a year Or two ago it became necessary 10 establish yne in eastern Ontario, and the inew building, which will * he occupied. at. Ottawa this year, is the euwlmination of courage ous private and public effort | Doing & wofk by themselves and | yet fitting into the whale general | scheme, the Farmers and Women's Institutes have accomplished much in the aplifting of agrculture, From: a record of twelve, rieetingy in 1885 the Farmers' lastitutes have grown "to 847. mestings Jest yeas, with an attendance of 136.802, while the Wo men's IpStitutes, established only three or four years ago, had last year 960 megtings and an attendance qf 44,698. Skilled. agriculturists, Breeders and homgrisakers give the lectures at (these meetings Their ad- dresses amg. the statements of men and women Who, have derived their knowledge from. experience, and in imparting it they. give. the impres- sion that what they have done oth- ers can do. . The success. of the Ontario live stock competing . at the Pan-Ameri- can: Exposition .at Ruffalo in 1901 was the pest tribute that could he paid to. the. quality of stock raided and kept in this Proyince. On that occasion the proportion . of = prizes won by. live, si (Was . as follows: Ontario, $4,879; all Canada, $7674; United States, $7,956. The triumphs at St. Louis during the present ycar are still fresh id the public mind. In the improvement. of Ontario live stock Mr. Drydes, himsel! a prac- tical breeder and noted stock-raiser, has taken a Keen interest, ' and the grants to the Tarious breeders' asso- ciations and the securing of low freight rates Yo the yest for male stock are satnples Of practic steps aloug this 1i n ' Helping 'Fruit Farmer. The reorganisation. of the Ontario Fruit Growers'. Association wo FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, vears ago, and plgging of the execu tive work in conmection therewith more directly under the care of the | department, . was, 'a step which has | resulted in many, valuable extensions | of the work hegup by, Mr. (, C.| Creelman, and gpntinued by Mr. P.| B. Hodgetts, the present energetia | secretary. In addition to the papers | read at the anmpual meeting, and! subsequently printed and distributed, | there are now fruit, institutes and | orchard demanstrgtions during the | summer, and this autumn there was | begun the fruit, flower and honey | show, the success of which has de manded that it be made permanent. | The fruit experiment stations, num- bering fourteen, in different districts | of the 'Province, are doing an cxcel- | lent work in" determining the varie ties of fruit best. suited to each grade of altitude and climate. There has also BéeH considerable de velopment in cozoperative work ia fruit, in grading, packing and ship- ping. Further plaus are under con- sideration for the enlargement of this valuable field of usefulness. | Education Va, Ajnugsement. { An energetic interest has been take en in the improvement of fall fairs, and a spécial officer Known as the Superintendents ofs Feil Fairs op-| pointed, Mr. Gur, Creelman pers formed this workiprior to his ace ceptance of thesPresidency of the Agricultural College, and it is now | in charg { Mr. H. B, Cowan. The | aim h Leen toisubstitute cducation for fo h amusement features, 'The success of the Winter Fair on the former plan justified its extension to fairs generally, Model plots of ground are sown and competitions held, the expert ges of live stock, such as) are tr «4 "yoaply in the short courses at Guelplli are furnished, and they are required, to give reasons for their decisions, 36 is also intended | to reduce the number of fairs and to iluprove the quality of each. Scores! of fall exhibitions have profited uy! the new program,.and there is a! pronounced mavement in favor of aj general adoptign: of the new policy. The grants of. the Government ta | ward the advancement of agriculture; amount this yeas, to $445,606. "They dre so generous and so well placed! hy Mr. Dryden and his picked stafl] af experts that they go far to keep the Government: in its deservedly | high place for an administrative res | cord, which is npver challenged by its opponents, and which will stand | comparison With that of any State| or Province on the continent. i Pb ats ie Ontarjo'y Five Ranging System. During the seasop._of 1903 there was a staff of 270 fir¢ rangers or duty, 244 of whom Were on duty on | licensed lands Wher, through settle | ment, mining development and tour 4st travel, thers is a greater degree | of danger {rom Ar8. Twenty-six rang. | ers were on duty along the line of | the Temiskaming and Northern Own | tario Railway dwring its construe | <tion AA | It is satisfactory to récord that, | thanks to the Vighante of this large | force of goen, the summer - of Ia p fusnea withont '&ny Serions outhregk "of fire on the Crown domain, . Adjourned Till Tuesday To Get Boa Agents' Reports | # LF Special to the Whig \ | i E % Paris, Jan, 13.-The commission oi} A, J - R S, Princess h enquiry into the North Seq incident! 2 5 Tate 9d ae adjourned yesterday, till Tuesday. ! L when it will reecive ihe agents Ee ----. oe Karun ao 1 1 Lungs, SWITCH TOWER No. 9 Before him rush the roaring trains, Hopes and power and lives and pains; He may not falter a single breath, Or a thousand souls go down to death; But with herve unshaliun and fearless ove He meets responsibility; ' He fulfills his trust with a steady hand SR For QUAKER OATS tren selficommuand. @ A i Made at Peterborough Canadas Save Cereta (money saving) Chiscks. Ome In every package, ABSOLUTE SECURITY TO POLICY HOLDERS FIRST AND PARAMOUNT IMPERIAL LIFE. ~ Assurance Company of 'Canada RESULTS FOR YEAR ENDING 3ist DEC., 1004 1. Total Assurance in Force ...... sdhiit aries sinspteie $17,672,000 . Applications for Assurance received... criheis 44B80,000: . Policies granted ................... A hy 4,205,000 Total Assets (Average rate of interest earned 5.42%) ........ 2,404,941 Reserve for Security of Policy-holders (Hm. 8% and 84%) Cash Income, Premiums and Interest ............... Surplus on Policy-holders' Account............. oie 1,768,708 698,178 570,848 DIRECTORS: . President : Hox, Sir Noose Mackenzie Bower \ ice President : Vice-President & Man'g Director ; Vice President & Actuary : H 5. C. Waop F.-G: Cox T. Brapsuaw, FIULA. Huan N. Baro J. J. Kenny F. R. Eccres, M.D., London C.D. Massey Wu. Mackenzie Hox. Wu. Harty, M.P., Kingston AE Kime, M.P. McGron T. J. Drumsmonp, Montreal S. J]. Moog H. S."HeLr, Montreal W. Y. Soreg, Ottawa HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO The record of The Imperial Life is unsurpassed in Canadian Life Insurance, J. B. COOKE, District Manager, Kingston. $e PAS G. H. GILLESPIE, Inspector, Kingston. - Butterettes, 25c. per | Satins! Satins! | That Famous CHEWING CANDY, zoc. per Ib. 1 ¢ AER AND WOREN | Use Wig € for ubnatiog dine harg vin flammations Irritation © or alveretion Bol to sricture. of cQun membrane; Prevents Con s, snd nol sste'a gant OF Polsonout. Bold by Druggic a, or pent in plals wre pps by expros, prepaifl, fo 81.90, or 3 bottles $796, Orreslar vt on loquset NORTH SEA ENQUIRY ports, which will fe x HBA SRO PUN " -- BUY SEPTEMBER WHEAT given ort al first public weetimg of the commission on January 19th, Grip - Colds } We beliove purchasirs of Sept. wheat below 80s. will Laxative Bromo Quinine, the world pwints profit before the option ex With Sxisting d wide cold and grip remady, removes wheat fa "ot Tels A perf d in hori 2 ™ aoa Boh as the cause. Call for the fall name on throes cent margins fer Sevt. or 5 for July. : McMillan & Maguire, S-B. Cor. King & Yonge Sia vite PRTERBORO - 134-136 Lanter St. KINGSTON! look for signature of FE. W. Groye om Olyighe cAnley's hook Orders gamed ong + BOR, Lripioess aire

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