ong as two pairs the time . EXHIBITION, LONDON, 1900, ished Reputation. ave already used Neave's Fdod in two or (Rabies' Castle and the Village Home), fation 4n saying it Las proved very "July 27th, 1901. FORDINGBRIDGE, ENGLAND. &Co., Ltd., Toronto & Montreal. rt will find more to the liable Furs than in any rel. Just when they are es. It means considera- is case our loss in your e reductions :-- en's Brown Russian Cali Fur Coats, , for $14.50. only Man's Brown Dyed Wombat \t, $25, now $21.50. en's Black Russian Dog Coats, $19, v $15. only Man's Curley Cloth Rubber-lin- Coat, size 40, $18, now $12 en's Natural Wombat, no white spots , now $24. len's Fur-lined Cloth Coats, $3750, Vv $30. s only Furlined Coat, extra grade, : 42, $75, now $55. len's Coonskin Coats, $50, now: $40 en's Coonskin Coats, $65, now $49. 'omen's Fur Coats, from size 34 to bust. en's Fur Coats from 42 to 50 che 2 'e also offer the biggest and best val in Children's and Women's Cloth 1ts, Ulsters, Skirts. ' BROS. [ION SALE immense stock of IES, SHADES, offer for 30 days at IALLIDAY. INNING Copper. . - - FE pm; From New York, 48 Rico, BA 11 RN, 0D FERC TI ~ .OF THE. THINGS CE ---- of life particularly appreciated | SCOTCH OCCUPIES A FOREMOST .PLACE. The most wholesome distilled whisky In the world: Certs Prsrten, \RGYLESHIRE, . . APRON AE DRG SSS LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE In Effect Oct. 2nd, 1904 Trains will leave City Pépot Johnston Street. GOING EAST . 8, Mall, 1:48 hm. 2, Fast - ®y 'oot © GOING WEST 5, Mail, 1258 am, Fast Xpress, 2:26 a.m 15 wm . 1, International Limijed, 12:16 noon Express, 1:00 p.m. No, 7 vail, 3:19 pm NO. 12, Locs), 7.08 p.m No. 15, Local, 7:03 p wm Nos. 1, 2, 8 and 4, and 8, run daily No. & day run daily, except Mou Nos. 6, 7, 11, 13; except Sunday. | 15 and 16, daily, For Pullman accommodation, tickets, and all other information apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnston and Ontario streets KINGSTON & PEMBROKE & CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS, et-- TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON :-- 12:89 p.ov~Express; for Ottawa, Mon- treal, Quebec, St. John, N.B.: Boston, Toronto, Chicago, Denver. Ren- frew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, St Pav', Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco. 5 pm.--Local for Sharbot Lake, vounecting with C.P.R. east and west. 9:10 a.m --Miyad, for Henfrew and in rmediate points. Passengers leaving Kingston at 12.30 P.m., arrive in Ottawa at 500 p.m; FPeterboro, 512 p.m.: Toronto, 7 Boston, 7:30 a.m.; St. John, N.B., 11:56 a.m. 30 Full particulars at K. & P. and C. P.R, Ticket Office, Ontario Street. - RYE F. A. FOLGER, JR, Agt. Gen. Supt QUATE RAILWAY New sghorl line for Tweed, Napance, Descrooto, and all local points. Trains deave City Hall Depot at 2:25 pam. F CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kingston: FOR THE WIN- mr 0 BERMUDA Frost unknown, malaria impossible hours by elegant crew steamship ** Bermudian,» ry 10 aays during January ays denog February, March , 1905 FOR WINT F. CONWAY. Gen. Pass. BAY OF SR CRUISES GO TO - WEST INDIES -- About 20 days in tropics cruise to Bermuda, VYorto ndward Islands and Cubr, SS 4th, 'ebrugry Oth, For further particu- e TERBRIDGE & SS, Co., 49 ARTHUR , Quebec, or /, and to J. P. GILDER- Ticket Agents. Kingston fi'retoria arch Agents, Broadway, P. HAN KE Royal Mall Steamers. From St. John, From Halifax Sat. Jan. 14, Mon. Jan. 16 Jan. 21, Mou. Jan Jan. 28. Mom Jan. ! ut. Feb 4 Mon. Feb OF PASSAGE--First Cabin, upwards, according to steamer ation Londond: ondon £2 . - Superior Biverpool, Derry, Belfas! ou EW YORK TO GLASGOW an Thurs, Feb 2,10 First Cabin, $40 and up ond. Cal- $27.50-Third Class, 815 For_ further particulars, apply to J. PF. HANLEY, Agent, G.T.R. City assenger Depot. J. P. GILDER T ¥ Clarence Street STAMMERERS TANSTITUTL, HEPLIN, ONT of al s of SPEECH Halifax. DISTILLERS, \ SCOTLAND, Contracted Bad Cold. Doctor Said, Serious ! Wanted. To Send Him Three Hundred Miles To The Winnipeg Hospital. Bottle and a Half of Dr. Wood's Norway .. Pine Syrup Cured. THE DAILY WHIG, SATUR EE ---- MONTREAL minis A Racy Review Special to the Whig Montreal, Jan. 13. week there has been a considerable quantity of poultry of one kind or another disposed of to the local trade, Yet on all hands one may see large stocks of turkeys still in stock, which were purchased for the holiday trade and never disposed of. These hold the market down. The situation, however, is not-so bad as it was a week ago, and it can only be a matter of a few weeks until stocks will have again be come fairly light. Meantime dealers quote 'He. to le. for good stock and 15¢. | to. 1534c. for choice, Some claim that there is Very little of anything save finest stock eft in wholesalers hands, but a sale of quite a fot of poor stufi at about 13c., and offer to sell "niore at the same price, shows that there is till some poor stuff' to be had. Tt would not be surprising to sce the market a little higher again, as the general view is that stocks are very light in the country, holders hav- ing held back till Christmas and then shipped in heavily, and that once the glut here is cleaned up' there will be little enough in the country to sup- [ply the regular demand. 1 is signi- ficant that in making enquiry of two large handlers of poultry, cach declar ed that he had not a goose or a duck in stock 'and that he had not had any for some days, It is quite certain that During the past For Merchants, Traders And Farmers. MARKETS. thought they eoull see an opening in that directi but yuite a few dairy butters have' taken off this mar: ket, at abot Me. per pound, it is said, for New York for process pur poses. It will probably be tinned and shipped southe Some creamery was also taken, the price paid being some- where about de: or a shade Jess. It is: considered that the butter ' must bring Ge. per pound wore in New York than here in order to allow for duty and other = charges. Choicost croam- ery, whether fresh made or October make, cannot be had under 217. per pound, though fine may he had at 2c. and good at 2c. Dairy butter ranges frome' 173e. to [Sic and 19. according to quality and quantity, Re ceipts have been extremely light for a week past, showing that the make is falling off, or that stocks are accumu- lating in the country, Certainly they are not at all equal to consunption, and consequently stocks here will be decreasing rapidly. , Chagse--Undoubtedly, exporters have been offered lle. here during the week. Whethor the offer was accepted or not for a limited quantity, it would appear certain that it was also refused. The view taken seems to he that those who have only a fow thou- sand boxes of cheese are holding out firmly as they think they have pod chancds of making wore. Large hold a --_---- sewa, Man., has tosay abont it ;--*' Please let me thank you for the great good that | both my husband and my children have i received from Dr. Wood's Norway Pine | Syrup. One night when my husband { came home from work he had contracted | avery badgold. He became so bad that he had to go t6 bed and send for the doctor. | When the doctor came he pronounced it & very serious case, and wanted me to send him tothe Winnipeg Hospital. This, I would not do, as it is one miles to Winnipeg. I decided to try Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup and got four bottles of it. He only took one-and-a-half bottles | before he was al! right again and only lost a few days' work. I always keep it in the house for the children. Even the baby, seven months old, takes it and seems to like it, and as for myself I do not | know what I would do without it. I think that every good housekeeper should | keep a bottle on hand, for I know it 'will | save many a doctor bill." Price a cents. Put up in a yellow | wrapper and three pine trees the trade | mark. Refuse substitutes, Tag T. MitsurN Co., LIMITED, ToroxnTO, ONT. Read what Mrs. A. G. Wheeler, Was- A GRAND SPECIAL OFFER vans es ord o ntroduce Or, Jenner's Vapor Inhaler 244 pro At Bt with vo fiealhs cre Catarrh : arrhal Deafners o ink ane hb anarged with the » the next | r i) n ther With two | mottles of medicine for ying "me, for this noble remedy louds of healing vapor i d 1 b whetber of ove or a cold ina day « To those who cannot caf] with medicine complete, on recopt of ten cents . Jenner's Inhaler, mailed, post paid, er) Address -- Anglo-American Chem. Bo. . 32 Church, Yoronte : Also Sold ot above special price for a limited time only by Taylor Drug Co.. 124 Princess St, City | Elgin Episodes. daw. 10.The funeral of the | Thomas Morris was held to dist church yesterday, The | sermon was preached hy Rev, S Clendenin, Mis Dancy js lng her grand, parents, 'Mr. and John Dancy, of this place? My ell, of New York City, sere' visiting his eousin, R. J. Powell, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Davison and Mr. and Mrs. ( S Farl, have returned from Kempiville Mrs. E. V. Halladay is still under the veather. Miss Joanie Coon is able to 1 be out again. "Wiss Pelle Davison en tertained a number of friends recent ly. Little Ivan Clendenin is rapidly fecoveting from severe illpess. Mrs, B. Spencer, Athens, visited Elgin last week. "Mrs, "Scott, New York State, is at her father's, Chester Sly Miss Billings, Brockville, spent. a few days with Miss Cora Halladay. Ou young | people enjoyed the party at B. .) Nellie visit Mrs Pao who has been Powell much. A. L. Campbell forind it necessary to employ an vesistant 16 hiv busine ha | vices from { i i i advance in | were { local ercamery and dairs ent figure in the | who was killed in the last skirmish bef ore the fa | and | would {lines of poultry. This is {ens are worth a good price, | mand at | He, | aglow as Te. { hold | hae | number j under [ loads, heard of today, only about half | disposed of again. {bably foe, i brought | mand is active, | were some Canadian {ng from l { Dod gd fy Sms aE Russian officers bagkground is A picture of in the trenches at Port Arthur. General Kondrachenko, DAY, JANUARY 3, in store; and Me. to 40 for No. 2 corn, Corn is Bc, in store for No. 3, mixed, and barley is 48¢, on track, for feed purposes, Practical: ly nothing 'else is quoted on spot. Live Stock.--Cable advices from the other side contine scarce and not very full in information. From London comes the news that cattle are down fe. down, at 12}jec. for best States, and I1§e. to 11§e. for best Canadians. Sheep were 13c. The number of cattle ou the English market is small at pre: sent, not demanding very elaborate details. Shipments last week, via Portland and St. John, N.B,, were 3, S05 cattle und 2,358 sheep. Offerings of live stock on the local market 'were pretty large, this week, many cattle, the most of which were poor, being received. The price held steady, however, at dlc. to tle, and die. for choice, 3jc. to de, for good; de: to 3je. for medivm and Bo. to Je. for common, canners, selling down to 24e. A few large bulls were offered and they brought 3fc. to 4c. Young veals sold at £2.50 to $1 each, sheep selling at dic. to 3c. and lambs at Be, to Ode. Live hogs were in good demand, owing paitly to the improvement! in the English market for baeon, and prices advanced fractionally, heavy stock selling ate Be., mixed at about $5.10 and selects at £5.25 to $5.50, Provisions.- The market for dressed hogs was somewhat firmer this week owing to the advance in live hogs and sales of country dressed were at Ge. for farmers run, in large lots, holders, however, demanding more later, In smaller lots Gc. was made and sales of a few dozen hogs at a time were made from store at Te, the quality in this case being not the choicest. Al- attoir dressed hogs sold at 7e. to Tie. Bacon was in good demand and firm, advices from Kagland® having shown considerable improvemmt. Prices, how- ever, continued unchanged' at 7jc. to Sie. for green bacon, and 12. to 13¢. For choice smoked. Hams were also fairly firm and the demand was steady, prices being unchanged at 9c. to 10c. for large and 11}e. to 12¢. for selects. Lard was steady and unchang- ed, at Gc ito 9c. per Ib, according to quality and quantity. The demand for barrel pork was on the dull side, but dealers expected this and so were not disappointed. Prices ranged from $15.- 50 to 817.50 per barrel, according to quality. per barrel, of hand picked Fameuse, or | ing to quality. 1 $1.50 per case, ( i per keg, The promin- Stoeskel's brave aid, mous fortress capitulated both geese and ducks are very scarce and hard to and those holding this kind of poultry in the country might do well to ship them in some time during this month as prices now high and hardly likely to vance, while the other hand th is room for a decline. Choire geeRe would sell at J12¢. without difficalty, ducks at the same or a Little more. Enquiry for both is good, but it would seem that rather than pay more than the above figures, cus tomers without them The movement in chickens and' fowl js fair- lv large, much larger than in th other wet, are ald on mainly Ix cane supplics are larger. Choice chick g the large, ones being in good de 12¢, per Ib may also be had at killed fresh Good chicken 0c. to 104e. or the size being smaller and the yuality not so fine, Fowl may be had and as high as 9¢., a to quality. The weather i pretty favourable for trade. Potatoes--Recent, storms weather, as well as the vities, probably, haek cording and cold holiday festi have' combined to deliveries, In faet, ge dealer states that he ha not any receipts for a feos weoks past tock was offered on track week, one Some here this however, and a con iderable after it The market showed increase] strength, One dealer claimed to be buying at 6c. to 62 the recently. But there are reasons to suppose that 65e, aid and that would be diffieult cure really choice stock at anything that figure, The prices mention ed are for bags of ninety pounds, car on track. In a jobbing way. store, the same stock sells at If the experience of everyone who purchased frosted potatos last =~ fall 1s the that of a merchAnt the has heen An attempt is be. to obtain 65¢, per bag for it but it would probably be parted with at even less without uch regret, Pro- wonld secure much of jt. and turnips This morning a stronger feeling into the market for onions, Stock has heen very scarce for some time past and de. This morning there reds offered and dealers bid them up to Ze, per Ib., in some cases, the range of the market be. Wo Je, according to as against 2c. a week ago, of dealers wer same as was to se from Th same as stock taken in at that time ing made Onions fuantity, | Turniy 5 were steady and a fair trade | was passing. For finest stock $12 j ton is still being paid, eighty pound per bags being Hoe, Butter During the England been very fir in tone, Lie. per pound up. though this wax on Danish butter, and shippers on this vide could not be afiected us there was no Canadian butter ju the English 'market, we rth talking of. the general offert «f an the English market can vthing but strengthening mmrket. At the same time heard further rumors of pur chases, by Vuited States dealers, of The result, as may be surmised, was that the local market advanced. At the pre- sent time there ix little or no export ta England, though some dealers past week ad by cable, have The cable was one day, and pl never be an on this ers are also demanding But these are not receiving bids for large quantities. If they the chances are that they would dispose of their stock, in some cases, at 11 The large holders are in some ways in the worst position, as when the smaller holders see thems commencing to let their stocks go they will follow suit, and as they have such small quantities, they can gét out without breaking the market on themselves, whereas, they will tend to make mat ters worse for the large holder. Re ceipts have wl enticely, save for an occasional half dozen lot, or so, and the general view is that are on the light side and that English importers will hate to ome up to the scratch, sooner or later, 5 The market is very uninter esting, at present, demand being light and receipts being practically nil. Stocks are regarded as sufficient to carry the trade through till the hens begin laying and consequently prices teady, the market being elections from current per doz, in small felling at 17¢, to 1%¢, Si tornge, are le, to Re, straights 15, to 20c. Montreal 19 20, and we limwdd a cont Hay--The market is reported dull and unchanged. England, on spot, i to be the only bright spat in the ination, at the present time, the United States being unremuncrative, Seotland same and the maritime being for the mo ment almost ont of the question, fa vorable freight rat having | No. 1 timothy, track; Ne firm prices. wore, ' stocks continue featurcloss, arrivals sell at 2 lots, No. 2 leets, cold and lhmed at tern suid Province 1 can celled £9 to 9.50 per ton, on 8% to 82.50; clover, mixed and clover, $7 to 87.50. Milli Stocks are very light and the demand continues good from all (quarters of the domestic market, though there is no export demand. | Manitoba bran, in bags, sells at £17 per ton, shorts at 820; Ontario bran, in bulk, $17 10 ®15; «hors, $19 to $20. Grain.--Broomhull's reports of Kur opean erops are pretty satisfactory,' crops of the United Kingdom being | vigorous, France and Germany having a moderate covering of mow, Hungary | and Roumanin unharmed though ANOW | covering is thin, Russia and Bulgaria | good falls of snow and India condi! tions favourable The local market for oats is again firm, though sales are not being made freely. It ix still states that stocks are hard to secure in the west and that there is none ton much stock here un der the Farmers are now making delivericd here in a fairly liberal manner and this is one of the bearish influences, Quotations are 39¢. circumstances, Most people think too lightly of a cough. It is a serious matter and tention, when the first sign of 8 cough or cold appears. Te will cure you sasily aad quickly then--later it will be harder to cure, : Prices, 28¢c., 80c., sad $1.00. 311 finest Baldwins, russeis, greening, Ben Davis, ete, and at $2.75 for XX varieties, Oranges, California navels, $3 to $3.25 per box; Jamaican, $2.75: Mexicans, $2.15; Flovidas, $5 for Jum. bo ca and 8.50 for ordinary eases, Lemons, $2.25 to 83 per case, accord i Grape fruit, $3.50 to : . long keepers, | 7, and choice, sound, $6. Cranberries, reds, $8.50 per bbl; blacks, $8, Bananas, Jamaices, 82 per bunch. Tangerines, half boxes, 83. Pines, 21 to case, 85. -------- The funny part of it is, how some comedians cau think their parta are funny. 3 Its no wonder, at this season, if the unpopular iceman is: blue with the cold. Why Do Women Worry And Thereby Exhaust The Ner- vous System and Ruin Health ? ---- Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. The worry habit is evil. Worry is by far the most frequent cause of nervous disease Because of the multitude of house hold and family cares, and because of the nature of their employment, wo- men are especially liable to give way to worry and anxiety. : The result is wasted weakness and disease, It may be nervous headaches, sleop- irritability, indigestion, dis- couragement and melancholy, or weak. ness and irregularities peculiarly fom nine. The only way to restors health and strength is by increasing the nerve force in the body, and this is' best ae. complished by the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food Make a Food by weight ing it Notice the improvement in your ap- petite, and how much 'better you rest and sleep, The healthful appearance of women who have used Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is the best proof of what it will do in the way of steadying and strength ening the nerves, rounding out the form and replacing weakners and dis ease with new strength and spirits, Mrs. James Hurst, 159 Pine street, Kingston, Ont., states: "I frequently had distressing dizzy feelings in my head with pains in my Ty About two months ago I began a treatment with Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and it was not long befofe 1- noticed a great change in my condition, | rest and sleep well now and get up refreshed in thes mornings. The pains in my head and back do not bother me any more. I am firmly convinced that this preparation is thoroughly and per manently curing me and that my ye tem is much benefitted by its use." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50c, a box, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. The portrait and sig- nature of Dr. A. Chase, the fa. mons receipt book author, are on every box. §000000000V000000000 TYPEWRITERS ! BOUGHT, SOLD, RENTED, 3 an unmitigated nerve fores, lessness, test noung from week of Dr. Chase's Nerve your increase in to week while us- REPAIRED. All Makes, New and Second-hand 2 J. R. C. DOBBS & (0., : 171 Wellington 8t., Kingston Green Fruit.--Apples sold at $3.50] ~. Now Used for o The New Process Makes Bread and Pastry Lighter, Whiter and More Wholesome--Womer of Canada What is Electricity? nobody knows, not éven Edison. What does it do? everybody knows. It runs street cars--telephones--auto- mobiles, furnishes light--heat--power --detects and defeats disease ~--enables the doctors to see clear throngh a man. Performs all sorts of wonders ~not least of which is acting as Nature's Great Purifier becanse when the world's dust, dirt and disease have been taken up by the air, and hang over the earth in clonds-- electricity shoots lightning through the clouds ~--fash boom rumble ! --~down comes the rain, the atmos- phere is purified'snd we exclaim, ~* how nice and fresh the air is since that thunder storm 3 Electricity in the Flour Mill, Something 1ké that but minus the thunder and lightning, ~silently--swiftly--surely electricity performs its miracle in the "Royal Household" mill--the only mill in the Dominion of Canada' where elec tricity is used for purifying purposes. When the grinders -- separators -- sifters--air-filters, have ground and re. ground = purified. and repurified the If you want Sauce Pans, Preserving Kettles, Stock Pots, Tea Kettles, Pudding Bowls These and many other articles we show in quan- tity, quality and variety that bring to us customers from far and wide. "I can do more than that" and send. ing ita mysterious charge of through the flour, removes the last; least. trace of impurity-gi ves it new i gr stor energy--makes a flour that is © pure enough, : white enongh, Ep to be worthy the name and fame of " Royal Household "--the flone that is more delicious-~more f satisfying than any other flour in the world. x --the flour (hat makes the bread snd ry used oh:the tables of Roy: -- Te fons that thou of Guaalien women are now using to make' better bread -- better pastry than they ever made before. i ; Every day hundreds of testimonials are coming to the Ogilyie Flour Mills Co. Ltd., Montreal, from women who are It will pay you to sort up now. ------------ McKELVEY & BIRCH 69 and 71 Brock Street. RUPTUR UT CAN BE CURED WATTS sp Rypers or Time From win, USTIN, A here Ed TE SE A REE TRIAL hie DISCOVERY his BOO. WHAT IT IS London Ale, It is genuine. on It is nourishing, 3 It is absolutely the best. 3 Gained the H Gold Medal over all other brands. JAS. MCPARLAN Butterettes, Satins ! ighest Award and D, Agent. | Satins!