irk def tarian tna] election. Consecutive appeals to the § | Roman Catholics and to the Orange- | men met the reception they deserved, The "Facts for Irish Electors" pamph- iy ote embodied a plan of campaign the "whi inf the Roman Catholics with a sense of in- ustien, The avit results of such « cas- Catholies were too intellj- gent to be deceived and the campaign was a failure. The next appeal was de to Orangewen, Eye-Opener," was widely distributed throughout the province. Bat the Or- angemen were too intelligent to be excited 'or led away by such pre- , Both these campaigns created ievous antagonism and were by no means trivial in their evil influenc- os. They were accompanied hy the and villifying of all the J public men on the liberal side. latter feature of the earlier cam- paigns is all that is left at the pres: ent day. There is fortunately no ap- peal to sectarian feeling. e is no complaint as to the administration of public affairs. There is no criticism the goverament's poliey or meth- ads, and no suggestion of an alterng- ve poliey on any important question. ut the lead liberals are abused id vilified as if it were a crime for to live, let alone hold office, This accompanied sometimes names of Blake, Mowat are cited as if a contrast to Premier there 'is neither contrast nor between the slander now against Premier the stream poured from the : t Blake, Macken zie and Mowat. slandered y Alexander Mackenzie Sime Ho nconptodofice tl nmi a mi peorle bev aim ko opposition. New compare ean rene - ber tht OVIDOUring of slemios "and abuse, and ean appreciate its close re. i" to the present 'tirade x Provincial premier. Mr, was Subjected to similar treat- i armeaonamon ox (otiee vor riding all eratic » honesty, decency. The same stream 4 lar in the honored re i" = 1 8g 5 has. Possed from Vv, the politicians heap slanders upon him will justice to his name, if only for the purpose of comparison with his succes- sor, Fortunately there is less hope of slander and abuse succeeding now in Ontario than there was at any time in our political history, !! SPIRIT OF THE PRESS, siet i the OY master ng in the event of possible for to 4 {the above slip. - Frank Gray sponta few days lust eek visiting the scones of hig boy. ise Proceeding days after an absence of tw en Mont i aie : 1 n onhirea erald. spent in Grand Falls, hontai. Tt might be arranged to have Leader . > and Mee. Lowis Mebonald | retired home wr 'spendin the holidays in Cornwall. ry Cum- mings, Watertown, N.Y. is visiting at srandiathor's, Arthur Laughlin, rs. John Lavghlin gave » dance on Friday evening and owing to the » weather many of hor guests 10 remain with hee until Sune Whitney's speech equipped with insula tors in order to prevent the sparks communicating with the woodwork. The Only Coalition. Brautiord Expositer. 0 far the only coalition proposal that Mr. Whitney seems te have ac cepted is the working arrangement with the discredited Gamey. Change Of Programme. Ottawa Free Presa. Mr. tnoy may have thought some time ago that he would get a win in canter; but he is doubtless convinced now that whet he really wilt get is Scotch in a decanter, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Ab. Joy In Giving. Hamilton. Spectator. | Mount Stephen has distributed 82,500,000 amo his relatives, say- ing that he 1 to see them en ying life now ipstead of waiting for : 4 to die. Sensible man, Inspector's Report. Public School 1aspctor Kidd's Des tember port to Board of Edu. cation contains the following items - ber of pupils in Steud: a se of thirty year. The average daily ai- during 1904, was 1841, iro «| new strength so "blood is a | trea. ple, It steals insidiously ome". 10 dang®rous disease. 1 i atery blood shops itself first ind pate dips, wan face, breathlesmess, heart pulpita- tion, "lost not te.' 18 the trouble is 4 cured, - consumption follows; co spitting, clammy night sweats, tal break-down and death. What anaemic sufferer | needs is blood---more strength. more And there is nothing in the whole wide world will give new blood and ; surely and so Williams" Pink Pills. ps to send pew. rich, speedily as Dr. Every dose -} red blood coursing through the sys- ith to weak lungs | tem, bringing streng and all ts ak th body, Thousands testily to the truth of these ' state ments, a them Miss Encrine Vil- andre, erm. Que., who says : gan to give way. The trouble ®pe on gradually and the doctor who at tended me said it was due to over study and that a rest would put me right. But instead of getting better 1 grew weaker, I suffered from head. aches 'and dizziness, and at night 1 did not sleep well. I was troubled with pains in the back, wy appetite, eft me and I grew pale as a corpse. Finally 1 became so weak I was for- ced to remain in bed. As the doctor did not help me any, | asked my father to get me Dr. Williams" Pink Pills. Before I had, used two boxes there was an i wvement, and when "While attending school my ie '1 had taken a half dozen boxes 1 wns again in perfect health. 1 believe all weak girls will find new health if they will take the pills." Anaemia, indigestion, heart trouble, rheumatism, kidney trouble, and the special ailments of women are all due to poor blood and are all cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, You can get these pills from any medicine dealer, or by wail post paid at 50 cents'a box of six boxes for $2.50 Ly writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Chopin And The Countess Potocky As the great Chopin lay dying, his soul was ushered out by the song of the beautiful Countess Delphine Potoc- ka,who had been his dearest confi- dante and friend. The romance of their friendship, one of the sweetest in his- tory, is related by Gustav Kobbe in the February Delinentor, The last tra- gic scene in the life of the composer has often been described, and has been painted by Barrios, Lut it is so touch- ing that one well read another version of it, Mr. Kolbe writes "Then came what is perhaps the most touching sceme that has been handed. down to us from the lives of the great' composers. When Delphine entered 'what was soon to be the death | chamber, C 's sister, Louise and a few of his i te friends were gath- ered there, She took her place by Louise. When the dying man opened his eyes and saw her standing at the foot of the bed, tall, slight, draped in .| white, resembling "a beautiful angel. and mingling her tears with those of Louise, his lips moved and those near: | est him, heading over to catch his dope] Words, heard him ask that she would sing. "Mastering her emotion by a strong effort. of the will, she sang in a voice of bell-like purity the canticle to the Virgin attributed to Stradella--sang it so devoutly, su ethereally, that the dying man, artist and lover of the beautiful to the very last, whispered in ecstasy, 'How exquisite | Again again!' "Once more she sang--this time a psalm by Marcello. Tt was the haunt el hour of twilight. The dying dav draped the scene in its mysterious shadows, Those at the bedside had sunk noiselessly on their knees. Over the mournful accompaniment of sobs floated the voice of Delphine like a melody from Heaven," ------ Nervous, irtitable people are very trying to live with, we epeak feelingly, to all such we recommend "The D. & L." Emulsion. Tt is prescribed by the leading physicians and used in the principal hospitals, : A nice gift to mail to a relative or friend, the latest souvenir hook, "Views of Kingston," containing near. ly 100 views, Only 33c., at Wade's Drug Store, Bicycle accidents, we are informed, are very few nowadays. We've noticed falling out of stage coaches. HEALTHY OLD AGE There is No Reason Why People of Three Score Years and Ten Cannot Be Active, Bright and Healthy, Nature: ¢ Way of [aking Old People . 74 make old age eo | | x La aati ' t tha shane -' oo too, that not many people are hurt by | [LET ME And I win "UW. J. KURRAY, The Auctionese, CHURCH WORK. nominations. Rev. (, W. Westman, curate of the Ascension, Windsor, has received a call to Toronto, . Rev. W. Tindal-Lorymer has resigned his pastorate of the Baptist church at Sawyerville, Que. The Winnipeg Salvation Army ask for $10,000 from the government to as- sist jn erecting an hospital. Rev. A. T. Love, pastor of 8t. An. drew's church, Quebee, wak presented with a fur coat, eap and gloves. Rev. H. N. MacLean, lately of the presbytery of Minnedosa, Manitoba, has accepted a call to Hampden, Que. Rev. D. M. Mihel, B.A, pastor of the East End Baptist Tabernacle, Mon- treal, for a little less than a year, has resigned. Rev. H. C. Kennedy, pastor of the Baptist church at Salford, Ont., has sent in his resignation, which will take effect April 1st, Rev. Dr. E. J. Wolf, president of the general synod off the Lutheran church of Awerica, died at Gettysburg, aged pixty-five years. Rev. Charles Mockridge, rector of St. Philip's church, Detroit, has ' ae cepted the recently tendered call to the pulpit of St. John's Protestant Epis- copal church, Roxbury, Mass. The Reformed Episcopal church at Sussex, N.B., has extended a eall to Rev. W. J. Gilliland, Philadelphia, in succession to Rev, A, M. Hubley, who goes to Belleville, Ont., this month. Bishop Maedonell, of Alexandria. has appointed Rev. Father A. J. McMillan parish priest of the Church of the Nativity, Fast. Cornwall, as successor to Rev. Father Leahy, who has re- signed on account of ill-health. As the result of fourteen years' mis- sionary ministry, by the American Missionary . Association in Northern Alaska, there is now 3 the Cape a practically transiorm community} These Eskimos are already known all alofig the coast for their morals, in dustry and a new spirit of enterprise. Many of them are faithful Christians. About one 'hundred are church wem bers. The missionary school numbers also one hundred pupils. The' Rev. James Ormiston, rector of St. Mary-le-Port, Clifton. writes to claim the title of the oldest religious publication for the "Gospel Maga- zine," cetablished in 1766, and now 138 years of age. Among the distin- guished 'men who have edited this six- penny periodical appears the name of the Rev. Augustus M. Toplady, the writer of the immortal hymn, *Rock of Agee, Cleft for Me." This composi- tion, indeed, first saw the light in the pages of the "Gospel Magazine," in 1776, during its author's editorship. What Is Once in awhile you'll meet a person who has been disappointed in love, but dozens of times in awhile you'll meet folk who have been disappointed in marriage, INVALIDS PORT we have a simple, safe, ever-ready and pleasant means of reserving health and resisting disease. Invaluable for Suting all pul. iseases and all disorders of the digestive or- gans, YOUR an A a0iat Now is the Time to Buy! A good piece of Furniture at re- duced price, as we have several lines to close out before stock- taking :-- Parlor Setts, Fancy Parlor Chairs, 'Rattan Rocker and Oak Hall Racks At a bargain. : Call 147 for to have your re. Pairing attended to. Ruarantes you satis. factory results. We don't out estar, She work. Nothing Sacrificed, your best inter. ot studied. ME HAVE YOUR SE REASON N25 WHY. YOU SHOULD USE Se Red Rose Tea Because it is perfectly clean. Wouldn't you like to know that the tea you drink has not been touched by human hand since it was plucked on the plantation ? This is what you get in Red Rose Tea. The old method of rolling and packing tea by hand has been entirely done away with on the tea estates where Red Rose Tea is produced. There, as well as in the blending and packing rooms, machinery -- scrupulously clean machinery--is used exclusively. Red Rose Tea is never touched by hand after being plucked. This fact alone will help you enjoy drinking it. The Blue Label is recommended. T. H. ESTABROOKS, St. Jolin, N.B. BRANCHES ; TORONTO, WINNIPEG. DON'T MISS IT! ® Notwithstanding the bad weather hundreds came yesterday and everyone went away satisfied that we are doing just as we advertised. Here you will see nothing but new, fresh goods at real bargain prices. No moth-eaten, or shop-worn goods, the accumulation of several years, such as are and will be put in front of you at other so-called sales. We can't give you $15 Suits or Uvercoats for $7 50 but we do give you goods actually worth $15 for $10 45. Money back if you are not satisfied. Come and see for yourselves. Roney & Co. 127 Princess Street. The store that sets the pace ; watch how the others follow. $3.75 For Men's $5 Shoes ! Not many pairs but you're sure of a fit in the lot These are not old, shop worn, held over stock, but this season's new, nobby, up-to-date styles, made of the best materials and well worth this price. Made in Wax Calf, Box Calf and Patent Colt. McDermott's Shoe Store. A RT 72ND YEAR. NC "neni ITISA HUMMER! JENKINS Dissol utio Sale With all our extra hel could not wait upon crowds that came on Sa day. Come again and we do better. ------------------------------ NOTICE. A MEETING WILL BE HEL the Council Chambers on Tuesday, vary 17th, at 8 pan., of those int ed in the promotion of good gover and the discouragement of politica) ruption. All who are willing to as: this work are invited to attend Do You Have Trouble Get- ting Boots to Fit Yo If You Do Avoid It In Pyture WEAR "ALLEN Military Bootmakers, 84 Brock St. 8/GN OF GOLDEN BOO) THERE 18 A CHAN I have almost new stoves, in cook heaters, loft, which L will sell at bi) gains, also furniture, as 1 want t space for other stock in spring. TAKS often, S FOR LIEW? HOUSE 1838 BR street. HOUSEMALD, LIGHT WORK. ply ..J. 8. Hicks, 285 Earl Ww ----------. TO'BUY TWO PAIRS LADIES ¢ Shoes. . Apply S.L.B., Whig o BY A YOUNG MAN, INTEREST business. Has some capital, swer, Whig H., 24 ------------------------------ ROOFS TO CLEAN OF SNOW ice. Work promptly done D card or call- at 196 King street YOUNG BOY TO LEARN HARDY business: must write good han ply to W. A. Mitchell, hardwar: A COMPETENT HOUSEMAILD. W, $12 a month. Must have refe Apply at once box ""H." Whig A CARETAKER FOR BROUK ST! Methodist Church Apply to . Laturney, carriage maker, Pr street. -------------------------------------------------- PEOPLE WANTING SKILLED ] from Eastern Canada are invi try the want adit. columns o London Free Press. BOARDERS, WHERE THEY ave first-class accommodation, pleasant, warm rooms, central tian. Apply at 51 Brock stree 87 PER DAY, EVERY DAY, a year, is good pay. It is made with our goods. Hou necessities; every family needs Write to-day, G. Marshall & London. Ont. CUSTOMERS AT Dressmaking street MME ELI Parlors, 251 Pi Evening pupils a s ty Instructions in dressmakin en day 'and evening until Marc Cutting by measure, designing, including system, $10 AGENTS, PERMANENT to sell new map of Canada, World Map on reverse side, size 46 inches: two maps in one; sentatives now at work making per woek. Address Rand, McNi Co., 1423 Fifth Ave., New Yor p-- ow TO-LET. ss ------ PUSINESS OFFICE, OPPOSITE Office, heated by Hot Water. to John A. Gardiner, Real | and Insurance, 151 Wellington ; STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, dwellings, stores, offices, etc. Cann's Real Estate Office, 51 street. POSI FINE LARGE FRONT ROOM, board. Abgly 187 Union street LOST. -- pia A WHITE BUFFALO ROB, ON vary 11th, betwéen Portsmout city. Finder will be rewarded turning to this office A BLACK WATERMAN FOUN Pen, on University avenue. by Union and Princess streets. | for its return to 300 Universit A BLACK COVERED PRAYER | name, "Key to Heavaen' i) letters on 'Cover, between post und St. Mary's Cathedral please return to Whig office. RE ee I SUUD BUILDING LOT, SOUTH oem street, between Montres Appiv 49 Celherne st tte te eee . A SNAP-THE BEST CORNER 1 ery in the city. Address "M Mice - or-------- P---------- Wash greasy dishes, pots or pa 'Lovers Dey Boap a powder. Its , move the grease witn the greate