Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Jan 1905, p. 1

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light. ime you needed it, ight ready for this mest, cosiest, most 1 can imagine. sts, 50c., 75C. 4s¢,, ts, 25¢,, 35¢., 6gc. s to Match. ts, ggc., $1.25. fatural Wool Vests medium, large and kings ! kings ! y Scotch Fingering 1s, tops so woven as to put on All sizes hildren's right up to 5. made double and ex- 25c. ts, 15C., 20C., 25C. , 15C , 20€., 25C. AES) r-------- SHOE STOR JUNT SALE ive held for many ye laced on the tables e looking for such. 7 REDUCTION OF r Valise in the store, r Goods. ed in this paper Friday CKET a FIRST SECTION. E DAI __72ND YEAR. NO. 11. Sn whos. Sh-- e Notice! . Now is the time to have your Furniture repaired, upholstered and re-finish- ed. During the slack time in that department we can give you better work and cheaper, in order to keep the men in work in the winter season. ROBT. J. REID, \ The Leading Undertaker, 222 Princess Street, 8 doors above opera house, Telephone 577. HENRY SKINNER & CO. Represent the largest manufacturer of ecmbossed richly colored lithographs in the world and are now showing samples for CALENDARS For 1906 Prices are lower than asked by outside houses for inferior and less attractive goods. Telephone No. 23: or call. Do You Have Trouble Get- 5 ting Boots to Fit Yo If You Do Avoid It In Future WEAR "ALLEN'S" Military Bootmakers, 84 Brook St. 8/GN OF GOLDEN BOOT. WANTED. A CIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE WORK Apply 183 Division street SNOWSHOES, TO RENT OR BUY Apply S.L.B., Whig office. eee --------ee nei HOUSEMAID; LIGHT WORK. APs ply Mrs. J. S. Hicks, 285 Earl St. ROOFS TO CLEAN OF SNOW AND ice. Work promptly done. Drop card or call at 196 King street. YOUNG BOY TO LEARN HARDWARE business: must Write good hand. Ap ply to W. A, Mitchell, hardware, ALL KINDS OF JOBBING, shoveling, boardwalk shoveling, by D. ROOF ete Daugherty, 1560 Sydenham St -- A COMPETENT HOUSEMAID. WAGES $12 a month. Must have references Apply at. once box "H." Whig office THE LONDON " FREE PRESS' Want Ads. bring results. If you want help or want a position, writ for sample copy. BOARDERS, WHERE THEY OAN have first-class accommodation, nic leasant, warm rooms, central loca ian. Apply at 51 Brock street. QUALIFIED TEACHER (PROTES tant), for S.S. No. 4, Kennebec, du ties to commence March 20th, 1905 salary $18 Apply to Mrs. John Dean, Alden, Ont 87 PER DAY, EVERY DAY, FOE a year, is good pay. It is being made with our goods. Househol¢ mecessities; every family needs them Write to-day, G. Marshall & Co. London, Ont. CUSTOMERS AT MM Dressmaking Parlors, 9s street Evening customers a special ty. Instructions in dressmaking giv en day and evening until March 1st Cutting by measure, designing, etc including system, $10. AGENTS, PERMANENT POSITION to sell new map of Canada, wit) World Map on reverse side, size 66 46 inches; two waps in one: repre sentatives now at work making $20 ver week. Address Rand, McNally & Uo., 142 Fifth Ave., New York. TO-LET. Mh aa eh NUSINESS OFFICE, OPPOSITE POS1 Office, heated by Hot Water. Appl: to John A. Gardiner, Real Estat and Insurance, 151 Wellington street STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, dwellings, =tores, offices, etc. Mc Cann's Real Estate Office, 51 Brocl street. ALSO FINE LARGE FRONT ROOM, WITH board Apply 137 Union street west Pr ---------------------------- LOST. A WHITE BUFFALO ROBE, ON JA} vary 11th, between Portsmouth and city. Finder will be rewarded by re- turning to this office ---- Legislative Assembly EDW. J.B. PENSE Who Does Things For Kingston. Committee Wellington St , Near Princess St. The co-operation of all friends of tiie Liberal policy and supporters of good adwinistration is cordially invited. \ Ni City Council meets Monday Night Registration at 9 o'clock 'to-night See Harrison ment to-day. closes Co's hali-page advertise- School of Mining Governors meet 4 pan. Monday The sun rises Sunday at 7.31 a.m. ahd sets at 4.48 pan Jeavon's Company, Grand Opera House, 8.15 pan. The old clothes man won't give much] for a coat-of-arms Re-Opening of Brock Street Church to-morrow Political addresses Mater meeting, 8 pan Some men - never make cause it's too much trouble Hon PB, Whig This day ence died, ed 1559 Methodist at Queen's Alma enemies, bes George Graham speaks in Hall, 2 p.n., Monday history --Puke of Clar- Queen Elizabeth crown in 1892 Riches have wings chine inventor hopes directly / It takes some people a long time tod find out that success and happiness are not synonymous Twenty-fifth Street ing ing: but the flying ma- to get after them anniversary of Brock Methodist Church, Monday even- dinner, concert and platiorm icet- programine. During the Month of January 209% Discount China Salads. China, B. & B. Plates. China, Rankin"s. China, Mustard's. China, Celery Dishes. China, Plates °h , Olive Pishes , Muflin Dishes , Chocolate Pots. hina, Biscuit Jars China, Syrup Jugs China, Lemonade Jugs China, Hair Boxes. China, Bullion Cups. China, Chop Plates. China, Cabaretts. China, Roll Trays. Fancy China, Vases. Fancy China, Ornaments. Fancy China, § O'clock Vea Sets. ROBERTSON BROS. unique Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fi Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy LIBERALS CENTRAL COMMITTEE ROOMS 185 WELLINGTON STREET TELEPHONE NO 56. RIDEAU---Monday evening January 16th, at corner Brock and Division streets, at 8 o'clock, » VICTORIA--Monday evening January 16th, at Golden Lion Block, o'clock. at Hrrrrrerrsrenersar ens {REGISTER ' : TO=NIGHT ty $last chance at Court : $ House, City Buildings ¢ $ and Dr. McGill's Office, ¢ Princess St. : Brrreressreressns steel KINGSTON GOVERD RINK HOCKEY MATCH 0. H. A. Junior Series STROLLERS VS. R. M.C. MONDAY, Jan: 16 Game Called at 8 pw COMMITTE ROOMS LIBERAL COMMITTEE ROOMS FOR Ridean Ward electors have heen opened on the west corner of Brock and Division streets Open all hours. Drop around and help along the good work. First Ward Meeting Monday Night, Admission 15¢ A BLACK WATERMAN FOUNTAIN Pen, on University avenue, between Union and Princess streets Reward for its return to 800 University ave A BLACK COVERED PRAYER ROOK, name, "Key to Heavaen.'" in gold letters on cover, between post office and St. ry's Cathedral Finder please return to Whig office PERSONAL. LADIES--~WHEN IN NEED, SEND FOR free trial of our never-failing-remedy Relie! qui and safe. cal Co. "Milwaukee, Wis. Paris Chemi- A WEALTHY. MIDDLE-ACED AM- erjcan gentlewan winls cheerful wife No objections to Sincere poor woman Address Mr. John, 408 Ogden, Chi- cago. n° WEALTHY AND ATTRACTIVE maiden wants, without delay, Xind husband to relieve her of business cares. No objection to honorable, poor man Address capable Cook, 67 Flournoy, Chicago 3 * Organ and 'vocal recital in Queen Street Methodist church on, Tuesday evening, Janwary 17th, in aid of new Sunday school. FOR SALE, A SNAP---THE BEST CORNER GROC. ery in the city. Address "M..'" Whig office I, -------- PLAYED WITH LOADED GUN. Five-year-old Sori Of Missionary Instantly Killed. Parry Sound, Ont., Jan. 14.--Leslie Black, five vears of age, son of Rev. Richard Black, Methodist missionary, at Parry Sound Indian reserve, was accidentally shot and killed. The boy was at a neighbor's, and while alone in Abe house' with another chil got playing with a loaded, gun that had Been placed near the door The gun was discharged, instantly killing young Black', Austen Chamberlain, British chdn. cellor of the exechequer, declifies to re. peal the sugar duties, which bring in £30,000,000 annually. And They Proved To Be Successful. RUSSIAN ACTS TO CUT OFF GEN. NOGI'S BIG GUNS. ' Japanese Think That Hundreds Of Wounded Who Fell Within The Russian Lines At Port Ar- thur Were Left To Perish. Special to the Whig, London, Jun. 14.--All the' news of Lthe Russian raid on the Japancie: communications comes from Japanese sources. Despatches from Tokio ascribe the raid to an intention to cut off Gen~Nogi's big guns en route to the Sha river and otherwise to upset the Japanese transport arrangements. Military authorities profess to seé in it a renewal of the unexpected. They sav that Field Marshal Oyama has taken measures to cut off the retreat of the raiders, who must move in the 'swiftest possible manner if 'they wish to avoid" capture. It is believed that the Cossacks made a wide detour west of Liao River, through neutral ter ritory. According to Tien-Tsin des patches the Russians had considerable success in. looting during the raid. They captured a provision train at Kaipantze, which they swept clean, and they also seized provisions in stores on the outskirts of Yinkow. A despatch to the Times, from Tokio, says that Gen. Nogi and his stall controvert the story that the Russians - dishonorably destroyed their ships and munitions after offering to capitulate. They say that inasmuch as there was no truce pending the nego- tiations, Gen. Stoessel. was perfectly justified in using his pwn judgment. The conduct of the Russians was strictly punctilious from the moment of the signature of the terms. It has Leen ascertained that there were only seventy-six Japanese prisoners in Port Arthur including those wounded. This has caused deep emotion in Japan as it is believed that many hundreds of wounded who fell within the Russian lines were left to perish. Gen. Nogi having received many congratulations from persons in Eng- fand upon his victory asked the Stan. dard's Sorespondents at Port Arthur, to telegraph the to the friends ol Japan in England "After spending so many months and sacrifi- cing 80 many lives in taking Port Ar- thur, T feel unworthy of praise, but knowing the sympathy of the people of England not only my soldiers but I 'heartily rejoice. Representing the army 1 desire to send heartiest thanks." Bought An Island. Paris, Jan. 14.--The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Echo De Paris says it is reported there that Russia has purchased from a third power an islet in the Indian Ocean. This will serve as a base at which Admiral Ro- jestvensky can await the arrival of the third squadron from the Baltic, Fined Heavily. Hong Kong, Jan. 14.--The captain of the Russian steamer Sagun, from Sagon, French Cochin, China, arrested here recently, has been fined $250. The steamship was found to be carrying several hundred tons of explosives, which were not shown on her mani fest. The explosives were confiscated and the steamship has been detained The crew, which is British, had received large sums to attempt to run the Port Arthur blockade. Ceremonial Entry. Tokio, Jan, 14.--The ceremonial en- try of the Japanese into Port Arthur took place yesterday. A column, con- sisting of a company, cach of cavalry, infantry, engineers, medical corps and commissary corps, entered from the north, headed by the colors and a bugle band. The column marched through the old and new towns, ATTAR OF ROSES, Vanderbilt Going To Make It By Barrel. New York, Jan, 14.---George Van- derbilt is about to buy several thous- ands of acres of land in the south, cover them with rose bushes, establish a big distillery, and distil attar of roses by the barrel. The real thing is only worth 85,000 an ounce. Shortly no social function will be complete without a dash of Vanderbilt attar of roses, - -------- Post For Wynne, Washington, San. 14.--1t is reported that Postmaster-General Wynne in soy to succeed H. Clay Evans as United States consul in London. Wynne is said to have refused a post at $20,000 with a famous corporation the other day béeause it involved attending to business with the government, Makes Millions. New York, Jan. 14.--Corneliug Van derbilt joins the ranks of kings of high finance. By recent speculations he has cleaned up. a fortune of $3,000,000, No reasonable man expects to eure a neglected cold in a day. But time and Allen's Lung Balsam will over- come the cold and stave off consump- tion. Cough will cease and lungs be sound as a. new dollar, Seattle business men and capitalists MADE a A RD World, "Th or the mu ,~ Totont« ndon, tion. ™ fund. brother impossible fof Moscow, BY a report per reaches , will give Ss. an bead of , 'Woodward dd has been versity since » pent house 4 h% dal, A Bank, New York, The fishing schooner Effie M ashore on Thrum Cap, at the to Haliiax harbor, storm. The captain and crew the dories and were saved A new cabinet has been fo Penmark, with M. J. (. Ch as premier and minister of marine. He is the first civilia 2 partments of Denmark, It was an - Ottawa Mr. Latchford charges with an offer of $100 to an influen party and join the who so acted was of Renfrew, Stops His Heart. Berlin, Jan. 14.<Dy, troduced to ciety a man pogsessing control of his museles, Bergn ing the remainder of "his bo shifts intestines within dominal cavity, giving his | most peculiar shapes. He pulse, moves his heart from side, causes muscle ripples to his body, and shakes the muscles like jelly. his examined him under the *"'X were unable to discover the the man's peculiar power. TO STRIKE FOR HUDSON Canadidin Northern Railw nounces Its Decision Winnipeg, Jan. "14. Preside nounces the decision of the « to strike out for Hudson's B a point on the Princes Albert This indicates the success of the company last spring into West i locating a «uitable route to F Bay. It is expected that in the spring. Only Lady Official. the Yukon territory, is and is u guest at the Winds Y.T. Misz Rvan, who is an ix a New Brunswick girl, a seven vears has been if the ¥ inspector of gold dust in the 0. Ottawa, Jan. HM. ~Ex-Gov, ( put of the Yukon during the million dollars. Mr. Co not discuss the causes of his r are to undertake the construction of a railway from Valdez, through the Cop per River Valley, to a point on the American Yukon. Electric batters from 2.50 at Chown's Special shoe bargaing at Abernethy's for Saturday. ' Everything for the sick at Chown's. feat in ; the Yukon, pus will remain neral 'military ; hibald. Loomis has resigned as vico-president of the National war minister the military and naval Pulse--Moves the Berlin Medical stops Saskatchewan, with a view the pany will begin building the line early NEWS. Culled From .) Opera House 1 occupants lost I, was hanged at rder. of » asks be appointed as ul-general of the Eng., bas EM ator has given an of £1,000" to King of ex ga, was found dead Port Rebinson. of Canterlary says @ church is necessary in Ane . Volkoff will be but that as dis { the Congo inde- of the and Catholic mis of the the former Pittsburg #1,000, WOODWARD, the 18 a na- connected 1863 Care bn in New York City for the his. connection 'with . City ay went entrance in a heavy snow took to rmed in ristensen and n to ad de barrister who making tial libe tal in Renfrew county to renounce his conservatives I'hrough error it was said the E. A. Thompson, man et -- EXTRAORDINARY FREAK, His mann in 80 remarkable which he is able to move isolatedly without afcci lv. He the ab yody the his side to mn over isolated Dr. Bergmann and other physicians ray, but muse of 'S BAY ay An- nt" Ma kenzie, of the Canadian Northern, an ompany ay from branch the ox ploration party that was sent out by North- to Hudson's com "Ottawa, Jaf. MA voung lady who has the distinction of being the only female official of the government in th in city, or. She is Miss Katie Ryan, of White Horse, excellent type of heroic Canadian womanhood, nd for ukon as district between White Horse and Caribou, Ten Million Gold Output. ongdon, who is here, states that the gold out current year ending June 30th, will total ten don would mt de- ogg de 25¢. and 50c, for Chown's "special" iron pills, chocolate-coated, easy take to _ JANUARY 13, 1908. In Royal Victoria Hospital 'Montreal. HOW IT BEGAN. FLAMES BROKE OUT ' NEAR THE KITCHEN, : Will Be Confined To Central Build- ing--Wards Are Well-nigh Iso- lated--No Need To Move Many, Patients. Special to the Whig Montreal, Jan. 14.~The Royal Vie- toria Hospital is. in Hames. The fire has been raging for an hour, having broken out shortly before seven o'clock. : The fire. in the Royal Victoria Hos- pital broke out in, or near, the kiteh- en, and spread very quickly. The building is divided into three princi: pal sections, all of which are capable of prompt isolation from the others.in case of fire. The kitchen is situated nt the top flat of the central, or adminis- tration building, while the wards oo oupy the blocks on the other side. There is every reason to believe : that the five will be confined to the sentral portion, and the efforts of the firemen are being directed with that object in view. Although there is necessarily great excitement among the patients, it is not expected it will be necessary to remove them, or at any rate many of them, The building is one of the most modern of its Kind in existence, and is as near fird proof as is possi- ble. » The building stands in the slope of Mount Royal, just east of 'Ravens: crag.' the residence of Sir Montague Allan, on Pine avenue, at the corner of University street, and will be re membered as the gift of Lord Strath: cona and Lord Mount Stephen. Boiore the firemen reached the = scene, which meant a long pull for the heavy ap- paratuk up a steep. hill, the flames were pouring through the ventilating apppratus in the roof, sind the aspect was decidedly serious. The building is well equipped with stand pipes and hase, and the house staff did not lose any time in getting to work. Fortun- ately, ns was hoped. the fire was con- fined to the area in which it started, and by 8.30 was declared ont, The volumes of water which have Doyed into, the upper. of the ministration building a nn age to the lower flats, which were de- voted to office, reception rooms, and the living quarters of the medical stall and nurses. Owing to the excellent discipline which is maintained in the hospital, it is believed there was no loses of life even injuries. The day stall of nurses had just gone on duty, when the fire broke out, while the night staff had not vet retired. The damage is estim ated at $150,000, TOO MANY CHILDREN Father Coulkdn't Send Daughter To School. Chicago, Jan. 14. ~Having too many children was the defence of Anton Hermann, who bas been ar- raigned before. Justice Prindivilic, charged with failing to send * his daughtet, Katic, eleven years old, to school Hermann testified that he was the father of nineteen children, six of whom are of school age. "I ay too poor to provide clothes and books to send all six children to school," he said. "1 don't get much money in lumber yard where I work, I have been married thirty-four years. Now 1 am living with my second wife. My first wife died many years ago.' It developed that on whose Katie, the girl account he had been forced was horn on a steawship. fined $10, but pay- ment was suspended on condition that Katie should be sent to school. RUSSIAN QUAKERS, Colony Of 200,000 To Be Estab- lished In California. New York, Jan. 14.-Twe huidved thousand Russian quakers. are coming to this country to establish a perma- nent colony near Los Angeles, Cal, according to P, A Deamens, who claims to have been at one time a captain in one of the regiments com- wosing the Russian imperial guard. Jenmons says he was banished from Russia several vears ago, after he had become a member of the sect known as Molokanys, and refused to. bear arms. He came to this country and settled in Los Angeles, where he at once set about arranging for the es tablishment of the colony of Molo- kanys. 3 to court Hermann was Practically Dry. Niagara Falls, Ont., Jan. 14.-<A re warkable condition of affairs has pre vailed at the Falls for the past two days. A heavy ice run and low water have almost blocked the American channel. The American falls are prac- tically dry. It has been possible to walk across the mainland to. Goat Island on the bed of the river. The Canadian Falls are not sflected, Lawson Declines. © Boston, Jan, 14. Thomas W. Law son, who 'has been considered a for: mwidable gandidate for the presidency of the chamber of commerce, declares he is too busy attending to "frenzied finance," and will not aecept, Presi- dent Whitney, a foe to. Lawson, may be reelected. 3 1b. cans pie peaches, 10c. . Craw- ford. rnin. } With Mad Missionary In The Frozen North. (Winnipeg, Jan. M.--~Caorporal Field of the North-West Mounted police has just arrived at Edmonton, the most northern - raliroad station in the North-West territory, bringing with hish a maniac missionary. Co ¥ Field was siationed at Fort Ch - wayan. He was directed to oO anther station in the Arotic circle and escort a mad man to Edmonton. He travelled by ox sled, using seven. dogs, and travelled light, He was fourteen days where he was © to meet his charge. Here he found a missionary named Buckman, who had become raving mad in the lonely solitude. Then his long journey with his demented charge. He had not proceeded far when the missionary become violent and it was necessary to strap him to the sledge, Then . the man refused to eat, scratching and "biting Field whemever the latter sought to' force fopd down his throat. For fifty-three days this jourhey' continued, through blinding snow- storms and wind swept prairies. Field finally arrived at Edmonton with the madman, whose attendants took him 2400 miles to the asylum at Brandon, Field was exhausted and is now slow" ly recovering from his lost strength under medical care. He says it was the most discour- aging, lonely and difficult trip he ever made, and the authorities say it has never been equalled. ---- DEFIES MAGICIANS -- Dares Them To Produce Myster- ies of Spiritualism. New York, Jan, 14.--Rov. De. Minot J. Sa , 'is out with a defiance to all magicians, slei fool hand es fon ers and mechanical spirit-producers in the world, He defies them to produce the mysteries of spiritualism by their arts and offers 81,000 to the one who will sucecsstully do so, This is what Dr. Savage says: "I say this of the claim wade by some that they can, at will, and very easily produce all the alleged secrets of spiritualism. I stand ready to give any man; Kellar, or any magician, 1 don't care 'who he is, a cheque for 81,000 when he will reproduce any one of the half dosen experiences which I have heen through under the same condition, A magician has his hall and assistants amd electrical appliances and all sorts of aide, and can produce illusions which one who ix not initiat- ROL dra or pa i not or in. simple but if any one of a other matter, " "Never until my son died, five years ago, did I try to get a communication from anybody. 1 have had hundreds of sittings during these thirty years and have studied theso things just as | would a fossil or any scientific prob- lem." Dr. Savage is the famous Unitarian clergyman, FACTORY BURNED AGAIN, Big Oswego Plant Partially De- stroyed By Fire. Oswego, N.Y., Jan, 14.--~The Oswego factory of the Corn Products company was on Friday afternoon partly des troyed by fire. The lives of 100 em- ployees, sixty of them girls and wo- men, were threatened and several per: sons were injured, one, Miss Anna Arnoldi seriously. Her recovery is doubtful. Her hair was burned from her head and her flesh so terribly sear: ed that it hung from her hands, arms and neck in shreds, The fire was caused by a series of explosions in the packing building. The cause of these explosions is un known, but it is supposed to have been spontaneous combustion. The flames spread so quickly that the em ployees were cut off from escape, and were obliged to flee, leaving their out- er wraps behind, © No estimate of loss has vet been made by officials, but it is believed to be approximately $225,000, The insur ance probably covers the Joss, but the amount is not known here as it is held by New York and Chicago firms. Flees Justice Around World. New York, Jan. 14.-C. Lawton Work, wanted in Philadelphia since 1899, charged = with operations by which a number of perdons lost half a million dollars, was arrested here, and, in default of bail, locked, up to await a hearing: The arrest of Work was brought about after he had been pursued around the world, Made City Treasurer. Special to the Whig Winnipeg, Jan. 14. --Heory Thomp- son, assistant city clerk, has been ap- pointed city treasurer for Winnipeg, vice W. G. Scott, resigned, Those seeking a trustworthy and effi- cient executor to appoint under their wills cannot do better than name the Trusts and Guarantee Company, Lim- ited, Toronto, whose experience in the handling of estates and estate moneys insures watisfactory results, Ladies' fine laced boots, made by Sovereign Shoe Co., regular price 83.. 50. our price only $2.85. Abernethy's Bhoe Store. : "Huylers' delicious chocolates' sold only at Gibson's © Red Cross Drug oh ti usand tooth picks' for 5c., at 3 1b. ford. JOHN MACKAY & G0. BIG GRADE SECURITIES cans pie peaches, 10c, Craw- Canadian Bank of Commerce BulMing, Toronto ¥ reaching. the station, Toronto, ont, Jan. 1410 & Fine and very cold to-duy and on 8 a! Encouraged by the won success of these January Cle Any piece to your choosing at & discount of Figure dat what his means +. 3 you. It's a money-mak ring p chance. All Sales for Cash. Between ac ville, Huss od tures. Prices~10c¢., Seats now on sale. Thursday, ay, Saturday, Jui 19th, 20:h, 21st, HARSTEN'S MOVI< PICTURES, £2 Wednesday, Jan. 2% FORBES ROBERTSON rt ANTE BS oe % London Company IN IL V. ESMOND 8 5 § "Love and The Man" SALE OF SEATS WILL OVER: WEDNESDAY, Jan, 18th Prices--28c., BO¢., 75¢c., $1, $1.60 Gbe One Resolution for 1905 Is to know and choose the hest. Thin when it comes to the choice of Tea, 3 12 will not hesitate o moment in selects « "Queen Bee" Brand : - we Upon it correct form has sot the are & of approval, certifying to its % by unreserved. acceptance for Ley luncheon, tea~for any occasion Whey GOOD TEA is desired, x [CO Sole Agents for K : THERE IS A CHANCE ws SE ent space ro haagure, a i fans ko, BS TURK'S SECOND-HAND SHOP. 398 Princess Street. Famous Pitcher Dead. Syracuse, N.Y., Jan. James Fh vine, forty-six years well kno oo lawyer, and, nearly : 1 a celebrated baseball Friday, Rough, red hai white 'vith Chow

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