Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Jan 1905, p. 3

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I'he best and safest way keep "Baby's skin thy is to use only ABY'S OWN SOAP Pure, Dainty, Delicate. Jeware of Imitations. v 0 IT TOILET SOAP CO., Mfrs. MONTREAL i YOU LIKE IT! We slice bacon the way you like it. Fry us J. MYERS, Brock St. N CLUB RINK PINE STREET ------ on- Tickets + Adults, 75c.; children, kating every 'Tuesday, Thursday saturday evenings and every after | accommodation for skaters. Tic or sale at Mitchell's Hardware Princess street. our et Tooth [our dom Tooth J WILL EAT Gaylor's hocolates. Fresh To-day 0c. and 60c. Ib. H. B. Taylor Drug Co. y : - ; $f @5 over before. A cold which appears thifling may "result in the worst, of 'infiknza or Ia grippe. a Ta : Mathieu's Syrup Never fails to cure the worst of colds--Angina, Brodchitis and even Consumption will be-prevented by the use of this specific. sisi J. ] MATHIEU CO. Proprieiors, Sherbrooke, Que, If your cold fe feverish. MA- THIBU'S NERVINE POWDERS, taken ir connsction with Mathiey's Syrap, stop the féver at once. | §600000000600000000000 t------------------------------------= eee ttl ISAAC ZACKS 'The New Store at the Oid Stand, 271 and 273 Princess St. Special Reduction Sale * For Two Weeks Commencing Jan. 7th Overcoats and Suits, 25 to 40. per ¢ent. cut in usual prices. Our Hats, Caps, Underwear, Sweaters, Heavy Socks, Boots and Shoes, Rubbers and Moccasins sold at bod.rock prices. No other store ia town tan touch our low-price. markings. : Saturday Specials At VanLuven's :, Fresh Roll Butter at Fresh Blocks and Prints « Stewing Apples. Table Apples, Several good varieties Sweet Oranges, 12¢., 20¢., 25¢. and (Navals) rid 4 Fine Prunes, Le. per Ib. and upwards. Evaporated Potches |... PE «« 1be Golden Apricots .. s Bartlett Pears, 24b. cans Lombard Plums, 2M. cans Pie Peaches, Lunch Biscuit, ; Many other lines, law prices Eclipse Soap, 7 bars i 25¢ Naptha Washing Powder, large pkgs 6c St F. W. VANLUVEN. 246 PRINCESS ST. 'Phone 417. 320g u the' [HR i i 9b6; A very jolly dinner party, chaperon- by Mrs. Prury, 'was given hy the 'unmarried officers at the barracks last might. Covers were laid for eighteen, and the. table decoratiogs were ex- tremely pretty. The menu eards, tied with the battery colors, were exeept- ionally dainty. Among the guests were © Miss Gladys Drury, Miss Gladys Grant, Miss Constance Tandy, Miss Frances Sullivan, Miss Ross, Mr. and Miss McParland, Mr. and Miss Swift and Mr. Campbell. - . - - Mrs. Ramsay Duff was hostess at a pleasant little progressive euchre party on Friday, when the prizes were won by Miss Frances Macaulay, and Mr. J. M. Campbell. . ha Mrs. Waddell gave a thoroughly en- joyable little bridge party on Thurs- day afternoon, when her guests pum- bered twelve, -Mrs.. Iva Martin carried ofi the prize, a silver cucumber fork. The affair was one of the pleasantest of the series of little afternoon bridge meets, which a number of ladies, very enthusiastic about the game, * have heen enjoying lately, - "" * . * Mrs. J. M. Campbell gave a jolly Kittle bridge on Thursday night in honour of her visitor, Mies Gertrude Low. There were four tables in play, and the pwizes were won hy Miss Gladys Drary, and Mr. W. C. Kent, EE Mrs, Charles Livingston, Barrie street, gave a charming "At Home" on. Thursday afternoon to scores of her friends, Receiving with her was ber sister, Mrs. A. F. Lambert. It was an eminently popular social event, . os . The Misses Brown, University ave. nie, gave a progressive. euchre party on Thursday night, which was small, and as enjoyable as a gathering of few congenial people always is, The pretty prizes were won hy Miss Kathleen. Richardson, and Mr, Wood. The Misses Macmorine are giving a little tea, thix afternoon, in honor of Mrs. John Coleman, Mrs. George Robertson pave a very pleasant little tea on Wednesdav, for Ler visitor, Miss Shurtclifie, There were about a dozen people present, and the pretty tea-table decorations were of erimson and white carnations, Mrs. Grover gave one of her pleasant little teas on Thursday, in honour of het visitor, Miss Burnham. ve oe Mrs. Newlands, Earl street, has -d ent out invitations for a children® party for her little daughter, Miss Evelyn on Thursday of next week, Mrs. Adam Shortt will entertain the students in Professor Shortt's classes, at afternoon tea, on Wednesday and Thursday of next week, Invitations are cut for a young peoples' party on Friday next, with Mrs. George Young as hostess, . ie. The Christrias tree at the barracks coment | yesterday afternoon, was a t sue- > cess, hoth from the point of view "of 4 the givers apd the _gueits. The bat tery sleigh went round and gathered the little ones, wha were regaled with tH. as an opening to the treat: This dane full justiee, "the wonderin 'tree, blaring with "electric lights, was dis: dlosed, and presents, better than ever, and a box of sweets, found upon it for evervone. Sergt. Fowler, in the unavoidable absence of Santa Claus, took on himeslf tho pleasure of dis tributing the gifts, und enacted well the part of good © Bt * Nicholas, AR the officers were present, and also all the battery ladies, with the exception of Mrs, Norman Leslie, who was not feeling well enough to attend. ' SE et Mr. Arthur Matheson is again in town for a tiying visit. Miss Iredale, who intended leaving earlicr in © the week, was unable to undertake the journey on account of a severe cold. She is better, however, and left town to-day. . Mrs. Carruthers went up on Thurs: day to Toronto, taking with her her som, Master 'Colin, whom she has on- tered at Upper Canada. She will re- main in Toronto a week, with Miss Norton-Tayler, who returned with her. The Misses Rogers, of Gananogue, were np for the college dance "last night. . . . . ¥ Miss Bennett was another Gana oque girl who came wp for the '05 SUCCESS. Mrs. A. 8. Donaldson, who has been visiting Mrs. W. H. Godwin, will re turn to Brockville this evening. Mrs, Shirley Going asked a few old friends of the Misses Wilson, who have lately' returned from the North-West, to meet them, yesterday afternoon, and have a cup of tea, Mrs. Harry Betts and Mrs. Charles Bate sang several songs during the afternoon, much to evervone's enjoyment, «Tw ality ' An organ recital, under the auspices of the Young Ladies' Guild, will be given by Miss Singleton, on Tuesday in Queen street church, in gid of the new Sunday school. . Her assistants will be Miss Perley and Miss Waldron, Mr. Arthur Craig, and Mr, Shea. Ad miszion Will be fifteen cents athe Miss Fla Sutherland * went ap on Thursday, to Belleville for a visit. Mrs, Herbert Robinson, who is on joying her visit in Ottawa very puch, has decided 10 remain there far a week 'or ro longer. Master | John Mackenzie: left on Thursday for Trinity school Master Jack and' Master Frie Al mon, have gone back to St. Alban' school, Brockville, for Lent term. Miss Constance Tandy has come hack from Toronto. » - - - Mes, Pettiford, of Guelph, who, whila visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Mit- chell, here, had the misfortune to fall down vellar, and who has been suffer ing 'a great deal from her injuries, igs happily, a great deal better. The ac cident: happened on the first Tuesday of the New Year. . » . . Mrs. Spencer came to town yester day, with her little daugliter; to visit her father and mother, Dr. and Mrs, Knight. Miss Shurtelifie, of Coaticooke, Que., who has been visiting Mrs. George 6, are the guests of a a yesterday at "Pelevie" and® br one PRG ping for the fortnightly mestinge aw the Winter HGRA. The. Victoria Oieele_ of. the King's Daughters held its reopening meeting on Wednesday. ©" : 8 me Ae The warriage of Miss , Ada Lindsay has boen arranged Ao take place the week before Len 1 her uncle, the Bishop of Oiitario, Hl officiate. ® ie The' o t i announced of Miss JJ. An Dueriigh, davghter of Mr. and Mrs. George Darragh, of this city, and Mr, 30d O'Brien, ME. Bufinlo, N.Y. ES . » Ls . Mes. BD. Fo Wo Caldwell, of Appleton, will not veceite until the latter part of Fohruary, ; Miss lena W is spending a few weeks in Descronto, visiting the Misses Irvine, Thomas street. The "L. C7 will meet at Miss Mae: aulay's on Monday. Canon Cooke has' returnod from Ot tawa. He attended the opening of parliament and was at a small recep tion folowing it. He was also one of the gugsts invited to the dinner that same evening, at Government House. Miss Florence Birch left on Tuesday for Ottawa to ¥isit. her sister, Mrs. Emery " Miss Deatrice Birch leit vesterday for Utica, N.Y.. where she will he the guost of Miss Mabel McLoughlin, -------------- Baby's Own Tablets. This medicin® Soméd as a message of hope to all worried mothers. Jt is the best iMing in the world for stom- ach, bowel and terthing troubles, which make little ones weak, sickly, and peevigh. Tt will make vour baby well, and koep it well, and vou "have a positive guarantes that it contains no opiate or harmful drig. Mrs. Jas. Hopkins, Tobermory, Ont., says: "I have used Bab¥'s Own Tablets and F wondd mot he Withowt them. Mathers who have sickly, Gross and frétiul children will these Tablets a great blessing." These are strong, hopeful words from a mother, who has proved the value of Babv'« Own "Dah- lets. This medicine is sold liv all dfug- gists or sent by mail at 250. a box, by writing The Dy, Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.- Deseronto Mppointuents. W. H. Mellow wak reappointed a member of the hoard of health. (i. K. Clement wag appointed assessor al a valary of $105. A.D. Maclntyre awd R. W. Liogd Were appoiplcd auditors, G. W. Wright was reappointed a member of the hoard of high school trostees, Rev, Dri, MacTavish was re- appointed a member of the public library board. GOW. Deroclie was ro appointed" town "soligitor, at a salary of $180, $ There was a Blank docket at the police court this morning, hut a grand revive : atisfaction guaranteed" to your ves ond pocket book if you got your glasses at Chowa's, ? J -- fH 7 A SPLENDID FUNCTION AT |i QUEEN'S. ; wh One Of (The, Most Enjoyable Dances Ever Given There--The Musical Progranime--The Num-: ber Of Guests Was Limited. That. mach anticipated social event at Queen's, the "At Homa" of the final years in arts, wedicine and science, last night, proved to be well worthy of all the extravagant sonds which have been used in pro- phesying its success, The magnifiesnt Grant hall, the centre of attraction, Where the dancing was held, presented | a beautiful and ever changing seene, The interior of the hall, in which further decoration would be super- uous, looked at its best, with ita artistio eoloring scheme and brilliant Kghts. Bemwath the galleries ale the walls of the room were pcre, | comfortable cosy corners and seats where the dancers could rest hetween the numbers. The red room on the main floor was also utilized ax a sit ting-ont room and was a sce of subdued grandeur. The guests, numbering © about three hundred, were received by the presi- dents of the final years in arts, medi- eine and science, and were, by them, to , the patronesses, Mes- , Shortt, Connell and Several professors and their wives wore also among the guests and apparéntly enjoyed the event as much as any of the younger set present. The floor of the hall was in excellent condition for dancing and the musie as provided by Croshy and ('Connor's orchestra, was the subject of many favorable comments, that it was the best given at Queen's in many years, The comparatively small number. of guests made dancing a genuine pleasure as it did away with all possibtitty of over-erowding, which has on other occasions marred the pleasure of «college dances. From eleven o'clock 'until the eloss, Caterer Thomas Forguson, with a large staff of willing assistants, dis pensed the choicest of refreshinents in several rooms om the ground floor of the arts', building: The reading room was the main refreshment room and hore were sel muny tables where the wants of the guests were ®ended with all possible expedition. AH things considered, the final sear "At Home of the year "06 has merit ed a place among the foremost college eocint' functions "and will' long be remembered 'hy those whos énjoyed thé hospitality of the senior sindents at Queen's, The committee who had the affair in charge, wore deserving of the many compliments they received in regard. {0 their capable manage ment of every detail, ' The concert was held in one of the large rooms in the new arts' building. The leading part in the programme was taken hy Migs Mae Dickenson, a well-known soprano and guitar seloist of Toronto, wha was greeted with a large audience on each wppearande, 14 is safo to say that Mite Dickenson simply captivated and = charms«l her audience each time. Her sweet and well trained voice, together with her | charming stage presence, won the ad. wonderin and those randy convineed 1 Te A tre in Canada today. Wiss on - nies herself on the gui t her selection on itar showed _that she is able to that_deliea¥s inst Whe ha od to be that she had proved herself to be one wi the | heard in Kingston and one of whom all Canada may wel fesl proud. i The programme consisted of eight numbers, and the remaini several of our best known liked local artists, inel Misa Kdith Mills 'and D. A ng nitly indeed and Kingston andiendes are growing to and more on each oceasion of her ance, and it is safe to say she orrachor's geloctions were greatly Ariprecintnd as' they al ways are, and they a hddition' to one of the concert programmes of its kind ever given in Kingston, The final year is to be congratulated upon introducing | cluss entertainmont Queen's "At Homes especially of those « take in the dancing. Miss Munroo was alse to have appeared, but avoidedly absent' and her place wis taken by Mr. McKerracher, The accompaniments ware od by Mr, Begg. ¥ASHION'S FORM, One Of The Latest Styles Just who do not par: "ol ight gra An oven gol cloth trimmed with Has enjoyed the con- fidence of more castom- ers during the past! Foliday.: seasbn; ever before. «+ satisfaction arrive every mail, evidencin the fact. that the hi and the systematic fx order service is 4 appreciated. ments. Three rows of the triple cape. 1 Surming heal miration of her Wearers Gn her first ilk, sali color and silk cord orna- a vont [RVNVARY AND FEBRUARY CASH SALE" OF FURNITURY, CARPETS, © ATTEND Commencing January 16th :: Ending February 28th ™ & Shaw' UR February Sale during the last eight years has been a great success, so much so that many of our cus- winan aw's tomers hold their January buying until February. This has caused us to start the sale two weeks earlier. BIE SALE You can save money on everything in our line and it will pay you, even if you do not need the goods until later OF 8 | is NDERWEAR For Men, Women and Children, suai 24 Princess St. "Phone 59. TR . * =] t 12 Solid Oak, handeomely carved Beds, This Iron Bed, regilar $7.50, sale ml $ This Solid Oak Dedroom Suite, 24x80, leit out of expensive suites, regular $10 Price $6.50, any size. g 11 Parlor Suites like this, some in i a Ny British bevel mirror polished, carved, (0 $15, our special $4.50 to $8 * 3 2) beautiful figured velours and others in A large size, regular $305, sale price $25 50 $14 Iron Beds reduced to $11.50, any = silk covers, regular $25 to $35, sale price . slew, 3 £19 Lo $24, 5 pieces in each suite 5 CE ry Garment Reduced Swell line of affeta Ribbons - Some handsome 3-picce Suites) $25 to Seven Sideboards, quarter-cut £100 each, all reduced irom $7 to $28 [ichly carved. highly polished, regular large 8i7¢ cach. These are snaps a $10 and $18 rie onk, This handsome Bedroom Suite, 20x24, bevel mirror, richly carved, ° bedstand and. byrean, regular price $19, sale price £15.50 Just received. 1 Sf Wy "1€).- 4 én; Ae HT Round Fixtin i Ahi ; ri SR g n p : on. LAST RET iy #30 style yc + - . Eh 9 | , 7 = / $26 style reduced to $21. PELL PP POPP 718 jp cal sl 0) ff ay <0 WE Ri dd fo $a. What are you pay- ; This Hall Rack, oxidised finish, British | i on - FOR y J ria mirror, 3 1 3 ve iretiy, "h eT you g & EC ah ai LH tn Tupesicy, Chenile, Velour, Sik | Cur- ng In return, ] : ng 4 b tain all recuced 20 per tent. and some 3 ' FT ne > 'e No HY , 2s ger cont We consider pln p p AT ol ER : ; : Wilton Axminster, Brossels. Carpets, 40 / ° 4 : ; A : 3 J g 24 i By & . , J . per cont. off Wi t S 5 S330 : en : ' Walmtals, Topesteioh," Wools, 20 pie "nt Curtaing dor the Parlor, huodreds of x ' : This. Hands idehoard, Axi wid This Music Calinet, mahogany finish, . 2 British auirroes, 4 dpawers, full swell Rugs, Squares, Mats, 20 per ent. off 6 shelves for music, regular $4.75, Lace Curiaine, 300. 75 $1.50, 82.50, This sidebourd, large size, nicely cary. ront, quarter-cut oak, 'Fegale yg $80, : rd, 3 drawers, Very handsome, regular Cran (1]1] Sale price oo... iii 3 5, upto $20 pair. $14, sale price . £10.00 Sale price The best value in z Small Parlor Tablh, ocak, brass feet, Linoleums, nll widths, 25 per cent. spe- regular £1.72, sale Krice $1.80, without Fxtension Tables, 1 $43,00 cigd off brass (eet, only $1; gold oak, $4.75, $5.50 up, i Tn IT IS ALWAYS THE EARLY BIRD THAT GETS THE BEST BREAKFAST. If you will need Furnitu Carpets or Curtains during 1905 you can hardly lail to ignore this Cash Sale one 90 T. F. HARRI! ! ® the city. JAMES ia 3

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