Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Jan 1905, p. 4

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| Good Order. Applyto SALES DEPARLMENT, x8 Mountain St., : MONTREAL, QUE, Or | To Any Local Manager of the Bell Telephone Co. _ of Canada. . Impression 1s always made with. g MACK'S PATENT Flexible Cushion RUBBER STAMP A Good i Te & WHITE ERAMEL LETTERS OAC OF EECA CATO IRLAT 0 BUENCES HOUSER ONLY MACK. ¢ xing £7. vu. TORDATH BIRD" he evcrywhare, Fx. Samp Address exacly AM BIRD SEED; 12%, Losi. tor A Splendid Tonic ~~ Bullds up the System . Strengthens the' + Musc Gives New Life © Mold by all medicine dealers, los wm | clectod .B oR. PRESE. THE DAILY WHIG +" Opifer per Orbem Dicor." PROMISE VS, PERFORMANCE. The greatest grievance against the Ogtario government, in the county, as {voiced by Dr. Edwards for Mr, Gal lagher, is that the municipalities do not receive enovigh of the lieense money. One municipality, by the way is without licenses, and another is un- der local option, so that these circum- stances must affect the general result, Apart from thik the county is as well olf, proportionately, as any county in the province, The idea one would gather from Dr. Ldwards was that were the tories in power they would do better--that is they would collect more license money and pay it over to the municipalities, They have not, in thirty-two years, bern in offices in Ontario, and so have 'I not demonstrated what they could do. Bat they administered the license business from Ottawa for a season, during the time it wag usurped by the conservative government, Mark the result. There was a com: mission appointed by the Ottawa gov- ernmint, There was an inspector sel- voted also by the Macdonald cabinet. There 'was an issue of licenses practi cally to all who desired them. There was no limit nor restriction to the sale of liquor. How much did the municipalities. get from the licenss fund ? Not « $e By their fruit shall ye know them. And the tory in 1883 is the tory of to-day--no better, and , it is to be hoped, no worse. If the municipali- ties recovered none of the money whon the party collected. it in 1883 they would not be likely to get any ol it now, with a chemge of govern- ment, CAMPAIGN IN THE COUNTY. The clection in Frontenac is an in- toresting one, and it is made yo by the epirit which the liberals have put into it. Time was when the county campaign was largely directed from the city, by its politicians, when they undertook to be very busy and very conspicuous, ' A change has come over things: The rural voters have not much relish for the city gentlemen and their academic talks, Long since they found in their midst min who were capable of dis- cussing polities freely and fluently and with more decided effects. They pro- ferred to listen to those who were in sympathy with their aspirations and who éould debate the issues of the hour with force and directness. So it is that the city folks hear less about the county meetings though these are going on as well as bad roads and fithd weather will permit, and the attendance at them shows how much the people are moved hy passing ovents. The liberal party has been fortunate in its choice of Mr. Reynolds, who ix a man of advanced opinions, who is a leader of men and able to impress his followers whenever | he has the opportunity to address them. He is well versed in local and provincial politics and is more than a match for the representatives Mr. Gallagher. The farmers prefer, of course, to be ropresented in the legislature by one of their occupation, and they can have this in the liberal candidate. If ha will do the constituency and its clectors eredit. Certainly he ia the superior in many ways of Nr. Gallagher; who has no record to show for the time he has been in the local house. He makes no attempt to de- tail its proceedings, and so far as anything he says can show has taken no active part in them. The majority in the election of 1902 for Mr. Gallagher was only fifty-seven, It is small, and the supporters of Mr. Reynolds are quite hopeful that they oan overcome it. The election of the liberal candidate would be an event of importance, and Mr. Vair, at the of Pastis & Lawrence Co, Lid, Montreal, _ political meeting on Monday, was right when he said that it would glatiden the heart of Mr. Ross on the evening of the 25th to telegraph him that Frontenac had been vodeemed, Hon. Mr, Graham is said to have got a scare from his opponent, and to have gone home to Brookville, The seare is the same as Mr. Whitney has recived since he has closed wp his campaigning and gone to Morrisburg. There ix a limit to one's endurance. Men are not made of iron. They must | rest. Mr. Graham is very much fatign- od. Mr. Whitney is the same. It 'was Hou. Mr. Gibson who had a casual talk with Mr. Whitney about coalition, without any proposition be- ing made and without the knowledge of Mr, Ross. It was revived the sec: time at the suggestion of a pro- i airgun obisch was Wo Wilt uals Hhbproy Fishes "WEA BY BNR, BYR Mr. Whitney has spread Faces, WORKINGNEN. Rigney made his maiden political address in the City hall on Saturday evening end pleased his je. Buf "thought more of fi poss and his delivery than of the 'matier in his speech. He had a great deal to suy apparently about the 866 industries, and he went seriously 3 with his argument and netic | perhaps he was not pe ally to blame. He depend- ed upon consetvative literature, and unfortunately, it is loaded up the wrong way, «Mis idea was that Mr. Clergne, the ariginator of the Soo industries, was a huge graiter, that he got an' immense tract of land for a song, and that when the great busi- ness becamd involved the province gave it aid. The aid, according to conservative theory, was not so much for the benefit. of the industries as fer two members of the legislature who had business dealings = with Clergue. This has been shown to be false, vile. ly false and misleading, and yet the statement ia repeated for political ef- fect. Alderman Rigney is not usually an unreasonable man, Lic has been will: ing to aceept informetion, and so that he--and al wha have been think- ing like him--may understand "the facts and appreeiate the government's position, the Whig recites the facts : "It was the first pulp concession granted by the Ontario government which led to the subsequent invest- ment of something like $30,000,000 oi American capital at the "Soo." The financial stringency in the United States so crippled these industries that in the autumn of last year they had to suspend operations, and about 4,000 men were thrown out of em: ployment. An appeal was made to the government to advance the wages a a ---- The Jeader of the opposition has gone home with a bad taste in his mouth. It-is not surprising." The students of (Meen's drew the line at Gamey. They wanted to hear nothing about him. Sensible men. Mtr. Whitney has ended his talk in the campaign. At Morrisburg he will listen and wait for-sbmething to drop. ---- Mr. Hossack says he was offered nomination by both parties. Well, well, And he declined them ? That is remarkable. The liberal candidate had reason to be encouraged by his reception to day. The tide of public feeling is evi dently on his side, There was first tha horse in the saddle for thirty-tfo years; then the horse in the sling. Now there is the waterlogged horse. All curiosities of their kind. . Lan the political cause of a man be the correct one and at the same time dishonest ? It is a question which the philosophy of a has suggested. local conservative Mr. McIntyre asgures the students of Queen's College that the institution would fare all right at the hands Mr. Whitney. Has he recalled anything he has said against the college? -- Mr. Whithey asks Mr. Ross to deny, if he can, that propositions for a co- alition government were made to him. Mr, Ross has made the denial several times. He cannot be any more empha- tic about it. : The conservatives at Ottawa have due to employees, as winter was ap- proaching and many {amilies were dependent for life upon the wages dub | them. The government, with an inter. | est in the workingm shown in its abundant labor Jegislation, came to the reseue, arrcal with the banks to advance $260,000, the government having as security for repayment, the unearned land grant to the Algopma Central. Already the re-organized companies have repaid nearly half of this advance, and the balance is as- sured hy the first of next February, "The payment of the wages was only the first step in the work of re- viving the dormant industries. Spoyer & Co., of New York, held a mortgage of $4,500,000 om works that cost about $30,000,000. "The mortgage was overdue, and foretlosure and a sale were threatenod, Canadian credi- tors to the extent of $1,200,000 would have been shut out, and the Algoma Central railway would not have heen completed. There Was danger that the works would pass into the hands of the United States steel trust, which would close them "td prevent their "competition in t E, "hatter of steel | rails, ! "At this crisis on effort was made to put the eompany upon a working ! oy whieh' cond be mpi & the government womld guarantee the bonds of the new cbmpany to the cx- tent of 32000000. This it did. aguinat the almost vicious obstruction of the conservative opposition. The government was amply secured Ly tho land grant, already earned, 600,- 000 acres, worth, at Mr, Whitney's es- timate, $8 per acrd, $4,800,000; 100 miles of completed railway; a subsidy of $240,000, earned from the Domin- ion, and not paid over, and a first mortgage on all the property of the company, costing over $30,000,000, "Was not the government justitied Was not their liberality well-timed ? The result has been that these im- The town of Sault Ste. Marie has heen saved from depopulation, and where, a year ago, there was stag- nation and idle hands by the thou- sandy there is now the busy hum «f industry. The stedl plant is produc- ing 500 tons of steel rails daily, which at $28 per ton, adds $14,000 a day, or $4,200,000 a year, to the wealth of Ontario; the pulp mills turn out 100 tons a day, which at 815 per ton, add $1,500 a day, or four and a Lali million dollar¢ a year, to the wealth of Ontario. The Helen iron mine is producing one thotsand tons of per day, which at $3.25 per ton. adds $1,050,000 per year to the wealth f the province." The earning power of three other industries is put at 2200 per day--or $60,000 per year. This makes a grand total of nearly ten millions a year added to the wealth of the dominion by the timely aid of the government. In addition the pey list of wages for 4,000 . hands, amounts to ¥110,000 per month, or $1,680,000 per your to be spent at the "Soo," which must draw its supplies from old Ontario. "Was there any risk? On Novem- ber 1st last, the 'Soo' . industries, ont of their own earnings, paid the first half year's interest on the pro- vincial guarantee, aceording to agree- ment, and on Decembor lst, the first hali year's payment of interest on the company's bonds was made out of its ogn operations. "As a result of the government's action, Ontario has the honor of the first factory jor the production of steel rails in Canada. The railways of this country nced about 100,000 tons of new rails yearly, and this means that nearly $3,000,000 a veer which has heretofore gone out of Can: ada to purchase steel rails will here- after be kept in Canada and. spent in Ontario. Alderman Rigney asked if Mr. Ponse voted against this? He certainly did 'not, and in view of the fact that it was such an advantage to Canada, to its business men and its working men, he would not be acting wisely if he did. There was a time when Nr. Whitney referred to the original grant to Mr. Clorgue, as's "colossal steal," 'but he has revised his opinion and Alderman Rigney had. better follow his example.' ? mense works are again in operation. | ore | i] | Miss Hattie Williams, med tordertirir-St about abandoned all hope of success. Ex-Mayor Cook accounts for the tory fall by saying that Ross has a pedi- 'gree, Yes, the old horse is simply great in a race. The Toronto Telegram is mightily displeased because the Toronto News will not endorse Dr. Nesbitt, and would have him rejected "because he has not the 0.K. mark of the purity fund group." Oh ! The conservative who told so much to the hotel-keeper is revealing his hand good and early. Going to make a show at any cost, eh ? Willing that the election should be a general bauch--in the interest of purity ! de- The Weekly Sun says that with the general administrative record of the government no special fault has been found. Yet the Sun would favour a change of government--just for the change. Not a very good reason, is it? According to the Montreal Gazette it is wrong for the students of Queen's College to think of political candi- dates as friends of the university. The Gazette represents toryism in Quebec, and we all know how high its repu- tation is. ---- Is it true that in the byc-election at the Soo, at which Mr. Miscampbell was deicated he confessed that he received boodle - from the central committee fund ? If so why employ him to 'go about the country denouncing the lib erals as corruptionists. | - Mr. Guthrie, M.P., has a bill before parliament which makes it illegal for an employer canvass his ployees and influence their voting. The Montreal manufacturer who advocated a political education and pressure of the employer upon the employee will | object to this. ---- to ome Some conservatives are very jeal- y ous lest the timber wealth of Ontario should be wasted, How they have changed since the tory government at Ottawa was giving it away at 85 per square mile. Property worth $4,000 going for 85. Alderman Rigney should look into this. It is said in Mr. Whitney's behalf that he would, if he could, enforce the license law real hard, and make the hotel men stand around, Dr, Chown, not a liberal, (and the secretary of the temperance and reform movement), declares that the administration of the license, laws by the liberals has been all right, & OF THE PREAS. May Be So Exchange. The conservative eory is that Mr. Gamey will becom shy and retiring and unassertive on the 26th of Janu- ary next, Leit The Ikons Behind. Toronto Globe. Mr. itney has not brought out his old political allies--the calf, with a cough: the ram Dan, and the silver medal bull, Getting What They Want, Toronto Star. Ross having humourousiv referred to the Whitney crowd as "lobsters," they nent upon his proving it--claws by laws, Men Of The Hour. Montreal Herald Gen. Stoessel has arrived in Japan and if things go on at the present rate the Japs will be landing the czar over there to him company. as bu | "Positively curéa. rheumatism," Wa- Cross of \ REE RRR RR ee a ------ | Teach the rising generation to discriminate between Sunlight Soap and others that just look like it but lack its urity and cleansing power.. It will save them he worry of experiment and the expense of injured clothes. Sunlight Soap washes equally well with hard or soft water. Your money back for any cause of complaint. i120 Furnishing Department. vy DVN SVR It is pleasing to us to know people read our advertisements and that they have implicit confi. dence in our methods, which is proven by the constantly increasing number of folks who visit our store daily. Our January Sale has been a great success. This is because our garments ure at the top in merit and our discounts are fair and honest in every way. . .Wedo not exaggerate. We tell customers exactly what they wish to know, and all they want to know. : We are positively offering unusual Clothing Bargains as well as big reductions in our Men's RA BVEO TTL 2 VETER VNOVLLRLAMAT ANT TTLTLLLTLLTVLTSS Discounts 20 TO 50 PER CENT THE H. D. BIBBY CO, The only Strictly Cash and One Price Clothing House between Toronto and Montreal, $, 02% HALL, Princess St., Kingston. hd SST L RSet LSA A Parasite Discovered That' New York, Jan. IR.--After making a record trip around the world to a destroyer of the codlin moth, which has damaged of dollars' worth of fruit in the United States, George Compere, entomologist agent for the result of a year's search he had found in Spain a wasp which is a parasite for the codlin moth. Specimens been sent to California. In Brazil Mr. Compere found two years ago, a par- asite for the fruit fly. Before attaining hig end twice around the world, Hamilton Herald According to the latest politeal gos: sip, Mr. Blair, when he undertook throw the premier down, suddenly dis- covered thing of a ju-jitsu expert himself. Pure' gum rubber hot water bottles at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Pay your bills and save the discount. CODLIN MOTH'S ENEMY. COLD KILLS THE GERMS. De- | Lieut. Perry Says There Are No Bald Heads In The Arctic Re- gion. The people who come back from Klondyke testify to the fact that no native bald heads are there. The evi- dence is that the cold climate kills the germs that eat the hair off at the stroys Moth. find for West Australia, and commissioner of horti- culture of California, arrived in this ot Jhon. Perry, who went to the city, from Southampton on the steam- Aree N Bons, gives the same ev1- ship New York. He said that as the | 9®n¢e. Newbro's Herpicide has the same coffect as the cold climate. J kills the germ that cats the hair off at the roots, and the hair grows again. Herpicide is the first. hair re medy built upon the prineiple of de- stroying the germ that eats the Bair ofi. Its phenomenal sale demonstrates the correctness of the scalp germ theory. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10e. in stamps, for sample, to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. G. W. Mahood, special agent. I -------- McLeod's condition powders for hors es and cattle, 2 large packages, 25c. 'McLeod's Drug Store, Fresh Belladonna plasters at son's Red Cross drug store. : Frenzied by losses that he blames on Financier Lawson, a New York man attempted suicide, have he was compelled to travel Expert In Ju-jitsu, to that Sir Wilfrid was some- ---------------- Gib- gas and electric light DOCTORS WILL TELL YOU KING EDWARD Vi SCOTCH CESSES is a perfect type of the purest Highland whisky, because it is scientifically "distilled, naturally aged and best and safest for all ed i PO GT FINER QUALITY IMPOSSIBLE. i 3 THPU.S.M Commends Pe-ru- EE Hon, Louis E. Johnson 1s t States Senator from Marylanc and United States Minister | constitutional lawyer that eve In a recent letter from 1006 «No one should longe cessible. To my knowle friends and acquaintance: all persons suffering wi system. "---Louis E. Johan. Catarrh Poisons. Catarrh is capable of changi life-giving secreticns of the scalding fluids, which destro flame every part they come | wth. Applications to the pla od by eatarrh can do little go soothe or quiet disagreeable s Hence it is that gargles, sprs isers and inhalants ofily serv porary relist. Er -------------------- --. STOCK MARKETS: Telegraphed specially to the Norman Bimwmnore, Manager H Bogert & Battelle, Members N Stock Exchange, 151 St. Jam Montreal. NEW YORK STOCKS Je 12 Amalgamated Copper American Locomotive .. .. . American Smelting & Refining American Sugar Refining Atchison Baltimore & Ohio Brooklyn Rapid Transit Canedian Pacific - Chesapeake & Ohio Chic, Mil. & St. Paul Erie, com. .. Erie, 1st preéi Louisville & Nashville ackay, pref, . . Metropolitan Securities Metropolitan Street Ry Mion, St. Paul & SS. M Missouri Pacific < New York Central \ Pennsylvania Rock Island ) Southern Pacific L Southern Railway Twin City Rapid Transit Union Pacific U. S. Leather U. 8. Steel, com U. S. Steel, prei. Wabash . el avesaiam Taeeseeins ln Wabash, pref Sales to noon . B28, 0 MONTREAL STOCKS Toronto Street Railway Montreal Light, Heat & Power Nova Scotia Steel NEW YORK:STOCK MAR! J Atchison vim - 8 Amal. Copper 7 Baltimore & Ohio . 1 Prooklyn Rapid Transit [0 Canadian Pacific § Erie .;.. s Illinois Central Louisville & Nashville Metropolitan ew Missouri Pacific hp New York Central . Pennsylvania ...... ao... Reading. ......... 'v...io; « Rock Island .. 3 3 5 4 1 1 4 8 8 3 They act direct] only one each ni

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