EAR. JER. \LE PRICE $12.45. $20, $22. SALE 8 and $23. SALE ., 15¢., and $1. SALE . each. SALE PRICE SALE PRICE 18e. bc. SALE PRICE: 1c. price. 5c. and $1.00. SALE PRICE se. CE 3c. c 39¢. 51.00. SALE PRICE SALE PRICE 33c. 3c. LE PRICE 12¢. 10c, "Regular price $7.00. I SI "50c. SALE PRICE 5c. SALE PRICE E 9c. HE TASS, _E PRICE 4 for 5c." rice. ARE: 63ec. . RICE 39¢. 'c. Fak ¥ i gp "REASON 'N©No.6 WHY YOU SHOULD USE Red Rose - Tea Because of the care in Selection and Blending. My agents in the east are expert tea tasters, and every lot of tea that is sent down from the Gardens has to pass their inspection. They take samples from the «chests and carefully taste them, then if the tea is fully up to the Red Rose standard, it is accepted and shipped; if not it is rejected. The most important test of all, however, is when the tea arrives here, as«during the passage through the Red Sea, the very great heat often affects the Tea very séfi-. ously. Immediately on arrival, samples are takem from each lot and subjected to the most rigid tests, and only those teas which have retained all their original flavor and strength are used for Red Rose (the balance is jobbed off in bulk). When blended and ready to be put into sealed pack ages, it is tested again just to make sure no mistake has been 'made in the blending; nothing is left to chance, Will you test us by ordering a package ? T. H. ESTABROOKS, St. John, N.B. BRANCHES : TORONTO WINNIPEG, tan 3rd Annual I5.50 Cash Suit - Sale We start Saturday, the 7th January and will sell for the néxt two weeks all Scotch, English and other Tweed and Worsted Suit- ings at $15 so--for CASH ONLY. 'Come early and get first oice, as we have some i fine suitings, ranging in value from $18 to $25 and they are all going for $1550. The linings and workmanship will be first class and fit guaranteed. Carroll & Co. 230 PRINCESS STREET, FASHIONABLE TAILORS. ISAAC ZACKS The New Store at the Oid Stand, 271 and 273 Princess St. Special Reduction Sale For Two Weeks Commencing Jan. 7th Overcoats and Suits, 25 to 40 per Cent. cut in usual 'prices. Our Hats, Caps, Underwear, Sweaters, f Heav Boots and Shoes, Rubbers and Moccasins sold at bed rock 'prices, No other store in town can touch our low-price markings. REAL ESTATE Do you want to buy a house or lot? I have some bargains that will interest you. A. F * B O N D. INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE, 63 CLARENCE ST., KINGSTON. polishing my own shoes until I tried this. You'd shine yoursif you ever tried It only takes a minute in the morn. ing for either Black or Tan Shoes. It's a genuine pleasure to have your bouts polished as you want them, and you don't waste time at a shoe shining _stand either, " Dlack #nd Teh--sb arid 75, cent boxes and 15 cent collapsible tubes. At all dealers. wine One Came Out After The Other. nn Suffered with Boils for Six Months. Mr. Elie Braizeau, Meadowside Station, Ont., tells of his ex- perience with Boils and Burdock Blood Bitters. He says: -- "In the Spring of 1889 I was continually troubled with boils--one coming after another for about six months. 1 suffered terribly, and was' in a very bad condition. In August I got a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters, and began to feel better after taking it. I kept on until I had used five bottles, and can truthfully say that I was cured, and have remained so ever since. I have not had the least sign of a boil." There is nothing like Burdock Blood Bitters for bad blood, boils, pimples, dyspepsia, indigestion, or any trouble arising from the Stomach, Liver, Bowels or Blood, WEAVERS SYRUP 1t purifies the Blood and cures Boils, Humors, Sait Rheum Davis & Lawrence Co., I4d., Montreal. WAS KILLED BY A PIN. Twenty Years After He Had Swal- lowed It. Nashua, N.H., Jan. 18. --After an operation which followed the cough. ing up of a pin swallowed twenty years ago, Harry F. Healey, is dead at his home in this city, When Healey was cighteen years old he was play ing baseball, and during the game swallowed a small, black-headed pin. He never felt any inconvenience from the accident, until a few days ago, when he was seized by a violent fit of coughing, and finally threw up the pin. The violence of the coughing so affected him. internally that an opera- tion was necessary, but this failed to save his life. The swing of victory is with Ross. NoV q never thought I'd come to in 1 ATNEWBURGH, ELECTED PRESIDENT OF PUB- LIC LIBRARY. -- A Recent Trip Of The Dramatic Club--A Radiator Pipe Buret-- A Budget From The Busy Burgh. Newburgh, Jan, 17.-At a meeting of the directors of the public library, D. A. Nesbitt was elected président; W. P. Hedley, secretary, and J. W. Courtney, treasuger. Mr. Davidson. Belleville, speat Sunday at Walter Briscoe's. Mrs. Hooper and Miss Hooper, Napanee, spent Sunday at G. B. Thomson's. Hector Smith and family, Strathcona, have moved into Mrs. Burdett's house. Mrs. Spafford, Camden Fast. is visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. C. H. Finkle. Miss Maggie Lockridge spent a few davs last week at G. F. Hill's. One of the pipes in the radiator in Ryan's store burst last evening. No damage "was done and Madole & Wilson's men, of Na- pance, will repair _ the pipe to-day. The recent snow storms have given the eorporation men plenty of w opening roads. Miss Eva Shorey, Tamworth Public School, spent Sun- day at her hone here Our junior hockey team play in Na- pance on Saturday. J. W. Courtney was in Kingston on Thursday. The water in the rivap is very low at pre sent. A. pumber from the village in- tend going to Enterprise, Thursday, to nomination. The campaign pro- mises to be short. We are pleased to report that Dr. H. E. Paul, who has n ill at Fort William, Ont., is re covering. Frnie's many friends will be pleased to hear it. A letter re- ceived this week announces the hirth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Perry (nee ' Miss Laura Ferguson); formerly of Newburgh), at Drummond, Montana. D. A. Nesbitt, B.A., was in Napanee last evening addressing a union meeting of the Epworth Leagues of Napanee in the Forward Movement for Missions. Miss Dafoe, inv. is visiting her sister, Mrs. James Farlev. F. GG. Millar spent Sunday at M. Ryan's, Camden East. Mrs. (Rev.) Mears took charge of the Epworth League in the Methodist church last evening. Mrs. Charles Knight, Napance, spent Wednesday with friends in town. Samuel Kellar spent Friday in Dese- ronto. We notice that none of the Newburgh. Dramatic Club are very en- thusiastic over "My Turn Next," when it comes to the snow shovel. Mem- bers of the club are very busy re: counting experiences "of their recent trip. to Bath. Those who brought the rigs back have additional experiences to relate. "JJ. J. Shorey has a yarn on "Rats," which he picked up on the return trip and in case anyone doubts the autheticity of the story (of course no one does), "Bob" Bow- man, who, by the way, is to write the index of "Our Trip to Bath," is ready to corroborate it. Have you shovel- led your sidewalk ? FASHION'S FORM. > One Of The Latest Styles Just Out. Showing a modish street two piece costume of light-weight brown cloth, trimmed with bands of tan tafieta over which rows of dark brown cord braid are run. Gilt metal buttons adorn the basque jacket, Pills And Piles. A prolific cause of Piles is the use of cathartics and pills of a drastic, violent nature, which is always fol- lowed by a reaction on account of the resinous, drying properties they con- tain. . There are other causes, but no mat- ter what the cause or what the kind of Piles, Dr. Leouhardt's Hem-Roid can be relied upo: to cure-to stay cured. It's an internal remedy that removes the causes of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Suppurating Piles. A guarantee goes with each package containing a month's treatment, It can obtained for 81 at drug- ists, or The Wilson-Fyle Co., Limited, Ro Falls, Ont. Death Of Chester Haskin. Philipsville, Jan. 17.-Death bas visited our town again; this time it called one of our citigens in the per. son of the late Chester Haskin in his seventy-third year. Mr. Haskin bad not had the best of health for the past three years, but the most of the time he was able to look after the work going on around the mill, He was well liked, and a liberal in poli- tics. He leaves to mourn three sons and one daughter, RK. C., Walter, Philo, of this town; Mrs. Wales Hoga- boon, Smith's Falls. " Advices To Musicians." Musical connoisseurs all agree that the "Nordheimer" piano stands with- out a peer. Ask to seo one of these in- struments at Kirkpatrick's Art Store. A nice gift to mail to a relative or friend, s latest souvenir book, "Views of Kingston.' Vl fog Sedna "The international commission {oe in- vestigate the levels of the great lakes will meet shortly. lt w------ But a Great Amount Of Damage Not Dome. Arden, Jan. 17.~Un account "of the snowstorms of the Jast few days, roads are in a bad condition. There is from two to three feet of smow on the level and high drifts in many places. Last week a fire was discovered in the house occupied by Thomas Youmans, Fortunately before much damage was done, it was put out without much difficulty. Charles Miller has been vis: iting friends in Kennebec. J. J, Post has lost two daughters: lately, aged about four and six years respectively from severe throat affection. The body of the late James Harten, who died at the Kingston Hospital, about a week , having been 'severely hurt Ly a felling tree, was brodght Luck to Ar- den, and placed in the vault. The council met last Monday, " the town hall. After being organized, F. " Wormwoorth, and G. 8. Monds, wee appointed auditors, Several lumber men have been discharged, on account of the deep snow, making skidding dif- ficult. Considering the snowstorms of the last few' dave, ahd the work of keeping the tracks clear, trains have kept well up to time, and the wails not much delayed. Harvey Green, who left Kennebeo with his family for the North West, has returned, and is now occupying the cottage of J. R, Helm, in the village, PUTTING IT STRONG. But Doesn't It Look Reasonable ? This may read as though we were putting it a little strong, because it is generally thought hy the majority of people t Dvepepsia in its chronic form is incurable or practically so. But we have long since shown shat dyspepsia is curable, nor is it such a difficult matter as at first appears. The trouble with dvspeptics ia that they are dieting, starving them. selves or going to the opposite ex treme or else deluging the already over burdened stomach with "bitters" "af- ter dinner pilld," ete., which invaria- bly. increase the difficulty even if in some cases they do give a slight tem- porary relief. Such treatwent of the stomach simply makes Watters worse. What the stomach wants is a rest. Now, how can the glomach become rested, recuperated and at the same tile the body nourished and sustain- ed? This is a great secret and this is ajo the secret of the uniform success of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, This is a comparatively new remedy but its success and popularity leave no doubt as to ita merit. The tablets will digest the food any- way, regardless of condition of stom- ach. The sufferer from Dyspepsia, ac cording to directions, i to cat an abundance of good, wholesome food and use the tablets before and after each meal and the result will be that the food will be digested no matter how bad your dyspepsia may he, be- cause, as hefore stated; the tablets will digest the food even if the stom- ach is wholly inactive, To illustrate our meaning plainly, if vou take 1.800 grains of meat, eggs or Grdibary food and place it in a temperature of nine- ty-cight degrees, and pnt with it one of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, it will digest the meat or eggs almost as perfectly as # the meat was enclosed within the stomach. The stomach may be ever so weak vet these tablets will perform the work of digestion and the bodv and brain will be properly nourished and at the same time a radical. lasting eure of Dyspepsia will' b@® 'made be cause the much abused stomach will be given, to some extént, a much needed rest, Your denggist will tell vou that of all the manv remedies ad vertised to cure Dyspensia nono of them have given so complete and gen- eral satisfaction as Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, and not least in, importance in these hard times is the faet that they are also the cheapest and give the most good for the least money, Sneak thieves entered the office of the Caledonia Milling Company, of Caledonia, and stole $137, Sinking Sensations Numbness And Apprehemnsive Feel- ings Frequently Caused By Functional Derangement. Generally speaking, at the outset these very distressing sensations indi cate that the sympathetic nervous sys- tem is being starved, and in conse- quence, rendered very irritable. One portion of the nerve organization is deprived of a sufficient supply of blood, and to make matters worse other por- tions are burdened with an excess of of blood. : To restore equilibrium and tone to the entire nervous organization noth- ing acts with such certainty as Ferro- zone. Clearly it is the duty of weak, nervous people to use Ferrozone which contains the exact constituents that are needed to restore the debili- tated nerve cells, Even in those cases where eure scems almost hopless, quick benefit attends the use of Ferrozone which goes right to the source of the nerve weakness. The efficacy of this great nerve tonic has been demonstrated so many times that the permanency of its cures is undoubted The best medicine for restoring vir ilitv and strength is Ferrozone, The time to/take Ferrozome is when vou first feel tired, and when appetite fails, and when nerves get irritated. Its record is marvelous--it makes you feel strong and sturdy, brings health that outlasts old age, Mrs. Mary Melong of Harbor Boache, Nova Seotia, writes : "Ferrozone built me up. "Before using it | scarcely knew what good health meant. I was as miserable and weak as any woman could be. Tired fron morning till night, bothered by trifles, unccasingly nervous. The first box of Ferrozone improved mv blood, gave me appetite, in a short time I was like a new per- son. Now I rejoice in abundant good health." ; ne will make an umexpected bce in your looks, veur feel ing, your health. At all dealers, Siw box, or six for $2.30. By mail, from' N. C.. Polonts Con, Hartford Conn., U.S.A, and Kingston, Ont. A\, JANUAR a "« BLIND WHEN HE AWOKE, meee pes Strange Case Of a Colorado Young Man, Aspen, Col., Jan. 17.5William Wall, er, twenty-one years old, awoke yostgr day morning to find himself "bling. Throughout the day he remained in that condition, and retired last night without having been able to sec any- found he could wee a 'little, though his eyes were weak and pained him. His sight improved as the day pro gressed. : The youn man seemed to be healthy. Eos and oculists who have investigated the case can not find the cause of the affliction. Mr, Waller is the son of Mrs. Abbie Wall er, who lives in Denver. He became blind two years ago, while walking in the city park at Denver, und did not recover his sight for two days, when it returned as suddenly as it had left him. Stomach Troubles' And Constipa- tion, "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are the best thing for stomach troubles and constipation | have ever 801d," says J. R. Cullman, a druggist of Potterville, Mich. 1 hey are easy to take and always give satisfaction. I tell my customers to try them and if not satisfactory to come back and get their money, but have never had a complaint." For sale by all drug- gists, ---- A Lad Is Improving. Mountain Grove, Jan. 17. Rev, W, T. Wickett, a former pastor of this place preached to an appreciative au dience on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Coulter are making an extended visit with friends in New burgh and other places, Charlie Wood who broke his leg some time ago while sleigh-riding, is improving. Mrs. W. Campbell has returned to her home her parents, Mrs. and Mrs. J. Coul- ter. Frank Price spent a few days. in Kingston recently, Miss Maud San- derson is teaching in the Union school, The saw mill is rooming full blast. Visitors: Rev. W. I", and Mrs. Wickett at Rev. W, H. Clarke's; Peroy Abbott of Winnipeg, at 8. Abbott's. Buy Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at Gib son's Red Cross drug store. The genuine are sold there. What are you pay- ing for coal ? What are you get- ting in return, We consider Scranton Coal The best value in the city. gn ne pp ps JES Swit £100. Telephone 138. ® 00000000 000¢ 'No other miller will pay | for the costly Quaker packing which saves the thing. When he awoke this morning 0 Dissolution 'Of Partnership Sale Booms merrily along. Never before have the shoe 'Another big lot of those Ladies' Oxfords date goods, values £1.50, 8 irra e Ny ne All the Walker & Whitman, all the w inh and Low viel kid and selour cyl warm flannel lining 5 after spending a couple of weeks with bargain counters. public had the chance to y high class Footwear at these prices :-- 60 pairs Boys Box Cali Bal, new fresh goods, smart shape, good weight of », wolid throughout, the $3 Cry . 1.36 Sule price As- torte. and other standard $56 Men's Mhoox, in pat. kid, pat. colt and en- aml, light. and heavy soles, buttoned and luce, Hale price . one 90.50 'A big table of Packard Stamped Price $3.50 Hoots, in pat. colt, vici kid, box calf and tan Russian calf, Sale price $2.75 Remember these are but a few items from the One-fourth off the price on all shoes in the store with the exception of 'Queen Quality and Packard. Visit our sale to-day. Canadian Coal Oil ............ 14¢. per gallon. American Headlight Oil . ....... 17¢c. per gallon Sunlight ..............i.....0. 19c. per gallon. Also Pratt's Astral, safest and best oil in the world Special Prices for Cash..Pe!ivered toany part of the city. Gurney's Celebrated Souvenir Ran = Cornell was not presen fied the ident that he ed. Mr, Cornell 'is bas, dust Nominated By Liberals ot North age: 8 . 18. Thu. dboral -éon- vention for North Hustings was held , to make a selection of a candidate for the legislature. Luther Cornell: was the unanimous choice. Mr. | Cross drug store. | ; Swift's : "Fresh cod liver oil S. J. HORSEY. 189 Princess Street. A -------------------- er ---- LUTHER CORNELL t. but has noti- emer 1 § Abatl hip of Eliovir He » put up's Vrous campaign.