Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Jan 1905, p. 1

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d the selection Vell the lowest . Not an un. collection, all imped, or sewn nerously made piece by piece e, and we feel ir favor. its we have all J Jsading New yular every day been ers have NT SALE STORE Shees, one-fifth off v Shoes at one-fifth x thrown into this tion from each and pted. ccasins, Felt Goods, same discount this er gains, 8 _ Space for other stock in spring. 72ND YEAR. NO. 15. " Notice! Now is the time to have your Furniture repaired, | upholstered and * re-finish- ed. During the slack time in that department we can give you better work and cheaper, in order to keep the men in work in the winter season. 50 : ROBT. J. REID, 'The Leading Undertaker, 232 Princess Street. 2 doors above opera house. Telephone 577. KINGSTON & PEMBROKE RAIL- |: WAY COMPANY. i THE PREMIER, Hon. George W. Ross, Will Address the Electors at the OPERA HOUSE, KINGSTON, f MONDAY EVENING, Jan. 28rd, At 8 o'clock. Everybody invited. . Reserved seats for ladies. DAILY MEMORANDA. Flattery is the salt on the tail of van- ty Show-up at the liberal committee meet- Hockey to-night Queen's vs. Yukon ® o'clock. NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS. The sun riscs Friday at 7.28 p.m.and sets at 4.54 pm THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE | Moving Pictures and Hlustrated Songs sharehol®rs of this company for the | *Tand Opera House, 8.15 pom election ol directors and thé tramsaction The happiness of hoing miserable is of business generally, will be held on | demonstrated by a young girl's dirst love WEDNESDAY, the 8th day of February | affair next, at the head office of the compauy When the devil can't find any other at Kingston, at twelve o'clock noon way to make trouble he has a girl mare The stock transfer books will close in | rv & man to reform him New York, on Saturday, 28th January py Q red 1905, at one p.m. All hooks will be re. IY : iol discovers opened on Thursday burp Yth February By order of the Board ' JOHN WHITEBREAD, Secretary and Treasurer Kingston, 9th January, 1905 $6 Lace Boots for $4.50 We find we have on hand about 25 pairs of our Fine Hand-sewed $6 Lace Boots, mostly Blucher pattern, of our usual excellent quality. We have decided to offer them at $4.60 pair This offer only to last till month. 2% WEAR ALLENS" 84 Brock St. SIGN OF GOLDEN BOOT, -------------------- r------------------ THERE IS A CHANCE 1 have almost new stoves, in cooks gnd heaters, left, which I will sell at big bar also furniture; as 1 want to get end of " SECOND-HARD SHOP, 398 Princess Street. Y. W.C. A Reserve the Following. Dates : JANUARY 17th, 21st, 4 p.m.--Meetings for Deepening the Spiritual Life, con ducted by Mrs. Carr-Harris; special music; attractive subjects. All wo- men invited. Meetings in hall above Y.W.C.A. Rooms Choicest, sweetest, and sliced as you want it. H. J. Myers 60 Brock St WANTED, A GOOD COOK. APPLY MRS: J Breden, 34 Stewart street PEOPLE WANTING SKILLED HELP from Eastern Canada are invited to try the want advt. columns of the London Free Press. BOARDERS, WHERE THEY have first-class accommodation, e pleasant, warm rooms, central loca- tian. Apply at 51 Brock street. ALL INTELLIGENT, RELIABLE MEN ing pleasant employment, on sal- ary or commission, are advised to write now to Marshall & Co., tes importers, London, Ont. PUPILS AT MME. ELDER'S DRESS- making Parlors Princess . street. Evening costy a special wy. Instructions in dres en day aking giv and evening until March 1st Cutting by measure, designing ote including system, $10 AGBNTS, PERMANENT POSITION to sell new map of Canada, with World Map on reverse side, size 66 x 46 inches; two maps in one; Month of January 209% Discount Fancy China Salads. Fancy China, B. & B. Plates. Lancy China, Rankin's. ancy China, Mustard's, Fancy China, Celery Dishes. Fancy China, Plates. Faucy Chiga, Olive Dishes, Fancy China, Muftin_ Dishes. Faney China, Chocolate Pots, Fancy China, Biscuit Jars, Fancy China, Syrup Jugs. Fancy China, Lemonade Jugs. Fancy Chin Hair Boxes. Fancy China, Bullion Cups. Fancy Ching, Chop Plates. Fancy Chind, Cabaretts. Fancy China, Roll Trays. Fancy China, Vases. Fancy China, Ornaments. Fancy China, § O'clock "Mea Sets, ROBERTSON BROS. LIBERALS CENTRAL COMMITTEE ROOME 185 WELLINGTON STREET TELEPHONE KO 56. WARD MEETINGS ONTARIO, 3; 4--Thursday evening uaryy 19th, at W. J corner, King Jan Fair's Office and Clarence streets, at 8 o'cldck ST. LAWRENCE, 5, 6-Thursday even- ing, January 19th, at Golden Lion Block, at ¥_o'clock CATARAQUI wary Rooms a'clock RIDEAU, 16~Thursday evening, 19th, at rooms corner Brock vision streets, at 8 o'clock Re~Thursday evening. Jan- 19th at Central Committee 185 Wellington street, at RB January and Ii- VICTORIA, 22, 23 NM ing, January 20th, at Block, at 8 o'clock KINGSTON GOYERED RINK Hockey Match Dawson City vs. Queen's] THURSDAY, Jan. 19th Doors opened at 7.30 p.n 25--Friday éven- Golden Lim i. Game call- A sentatives now at work making $25 ed at 8 pam. Admission, 25¢. Reserved per week. y30ress Rand, McNally & J feats or satu Resuried et Jan Co., 142 ifth Ave., New York. 4 : ks = : A ------ TO-LET. NUSINESS OFFICE, OPPOSITE POST Office, heated by Hot Waters, to John A. Gardiner, and Insurance, 151 Wellington street STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ALSO dwellings, stores, offices, etc Me Cann's Real Estate Office, 61 Brock street. DOG, SLATE COLOR returned to W. MH. Kves, Montreal strect Reward if butcher, 222 ---------------- eee eet ett A LARGE BLUE ENAMEL BROOCH on Monday afternoon. Finder kindly return to Whig office or 182" Univers. ity avenue ABOUT street A BLACK COCKER SPANTFI six months old. on Montreal Monday. from Dr. McCammon's door Finder will receive reward Ly returns ing to this office --------------------. i et eee YESTERDAY. 858, FIVE TENS, BANK of - Commerce hills, one five and a one. Finder receive reward at this office or by returning to Mrs Callas whan, 424 Johnston street FARM FOR SALE. FARM, STOCK ploments, 106 acres, more or jess, acres ploughable land without st or stone. Implements nearly all new young orchard, 100 trees, many hear ing. Between 25 and 80 head of eat. tie and horses; barn, under ground stables, 2 wind mills, 1 for ing feed, otc., and one for pump- 10 Angi Blacksmith and carpenter shons REWTIR from + Kingston. If oh. AWS month, $4.200. Apply 1404 orn irons HURRAH ! HURRAH ! Let Us Go To F. WHITNEY'S IL is a fact he is selling the best hard and soft wood in Kingston, cat and un- cut slabs, oedar posts, shingles, pressed hay and straw at » Whitney's, hay market; 'phone 552 Important Announcement TO THE LADIES OF KINGSTON We are now selling Royal and Cleve land's Baking Powder at the following prices a oz R oz. 12 oz JAMES REDDEN & CO 200 THOS. HILTON 386 Princess Street, Two Doors Below Latarsey"s Carriage Shop. Trunks and Valises made and repaired Basket Trunks re-willowed. Locks and Keys fitted, ete. PRICES MODERATE, To Negotiate With Russia. Pelin. Jan. 19.---F¢ is reported that the Dalai Lama (who fled from Thibet when the Younghusband expedition en- tered the Sacred City) who is now at Urga, intends going to Kiakhta for the purpose of negotiating with the Russian' government. It is also re ported that the Taotai Shao Ki of THE CHINESE RUSSIAN FORCE REPULSED LATELY NUMBERED 6,000. 1,200 Men Repairing Port Arthur --British Vessel Seized--Lloyds Gets Uneasy, And Raises Rates On Steamers Carrying Contra- band. Special to the Whig Tokio, from the Manchurian headquarters of Japanese that with the Cossack detachment west, of number of Chinese regular cavalry. The Russian casualties in the ing on January The report states force repulsed on easterly direction through Liao Tuniw- The later, Many of the queues. reported thet lately Cossacks attack apanese position near Hailun tan, south east of Mukden, Eleven Ja panese were missing after th Twelve hundred workmen are repair ing the drv-dock at Port Arthur. The British steamér, Bowdrey, hound Rigo Chan steamer as vet been received, London, tures hy Japanese warships of steam rs carryfiiy contraband of war has 3 x 3 ers carryfhy contraban 1 general election it will he remembered uneasiness among the under- Ret hp i : ¥ : that Sir Wilfrid Laurier was elected writers at Lloyds, Not long ago in for two ridin Quebec East and was affected on such. vessels Ba sHranee at about thirty guineas per eent. To- day the premium on 3 A to pass through the "strait of Korea was seventy guineas, bound for Vladivostok, by wav of La- perouse Strait, fifty guineas per cent. It is, estimated that some fifty steam- ers bound aching. the ses. of 'are instred as war risks, by the] ™ Lloyds company, for about £2,000,000, A despatch to the Daily Mail Shanghai, steamer, Powderham, with a cargo of coal, has entered Wo Sung, her crew refusing to proceed with her to Viadi vostok, to which post the vessel and cargo are consigned, Russia's Neutrality Limitation. St. Petersburg, Jan. 19 officially sia at the beginning of the war agreed the other neutrality of Ching, so long as Jap- an and China did, she specifically in- cluded within the sphere of hostilities and the : | received. In lan . 8 not aware the territory between the Liao River og wl , on rt he has ne agar ' aa} a # e cha as vacant. Dr. John ow and Sinminting rail Yinkow an 8 ston remarked the attraction which the pulpit had for "him made any change from his present work unlike German Steamer Wrecked. ly. London, Bengalia, which hds been wrecked off sixteen Madagascar coast, is one of the Escape a Sen e Of Forty-two big German steamers which : ne. went to Madagascar with Welsh coal Vanconber. BC. Ja HAL . the Baltic fleet. She js of 7,650 ancon 1.C., Jan. If exander t hnrder 1 was built in 1808 A. Walters, alias Cyril, Byron Scott, a ns ¢ a 98, OH ren a a) young Eaglishman, twenty four years of age, pleaded guilly in the police Rumor Unfountded. 5 guilty in the pol neerned, Petersburg, coats and umbrellas. He also admit that Kashgar, eastern Turkes-| (o] that he was a deserter from the tan, has been occupied by Russia 8] North-West Mounted police, In sen confirmed. Enquiries show that] japcing him to three vears in the there has been no change in the situ penitentiary the magistrate remarked at Kashgar, so far as Russia is] that on the x counts alone he could be sentenced forty-two years' im STOLE MONEY FROM LETTERS. Man With Family In Evil Moment Falls. Inhabitants Are Buried Alive Montreal, Jan. 19-F. Wilfrid Falling Of Walls. Blouin, aged forty six, a letter-carrier, London, Jan. 19.A dispatch from with seven of a family, who has been | St. Petersburg to a news agency re employed ir the postal service for | ports that au earthquake at Shemak cloven years, yesterday pleaded guilty | bo, seventy miles north by north to stealing money from letters, west of Bal hnried hundreds of per He was suspected and was caught | sons in the runs of large buildings in by a decoy letter addressed to a Sis | the lower part of the town, which was or of Merey on Dorchester street, | densely populated, despite the decision from which $5 was taken. The money | after the quake of three years was found on him. Blouin will be sent.] ago that no more houses should be ior three y . His family in built ther meantime ¢ hardly able to ---- struggle along withont assistance THE ESTIMATES In Dangerous Condition From A Facial Paralysis. Brought Down In The House Qi London, Jan. 19.--A despatch to the Special to the Whig. that advices from Stockholm are to Ottawa Jan 19. The estimates | the effect that King Oscar ix dangdr to the House of Commons | onsly ill from facial paralysis. The vestorday, amounts to 868,664,307.70 | festivities arranged for his majuty's a decrease of 86.005,631 85 as compar | birthdav, January 21st, have been ed with last vear cancelled. Crown Prince Frederick of All matters in connection with Atlantic a standstill the Mexican way propriated for the Adantic serviee, To Cure A Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- | cures. It belongs in a class by it- lets. All druggists refund the money if | «lf, and ret costs less than the it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signa: | common kinds Cures rheumatism, 'ure is on each box, 28e A Grand Trunk Pacific Tien-Twin is goipg to Thibet by way of Srechum. shortly Lo placed on the London mar- 5 ---- KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JAN A -------------- See : . UARY 19, 1905. CHURCH'GOING DOG DEAD. Qip Was Regular In Attendance At Prayer Meetings. Winsted, Conn, Jaa. ~"ap" Williams, a church going flog, died in Noatville, a Berkchire silage, yester day and his faperal was held to-day. Many children followed the dog to ita burial place. Gip, who wa* owned by a family named Williams, for years had attend ed prayer meeting: and all the enter teinments in the village church. After the family had gone to prayer meeting last week Charles Richardson, who lives with the Williamses, said to the dog: "Gip, vou can't go to church tonight." The dog walked in- ta the next room and went throngh the window, sash and all Arriving at the church Gip pushed the swinging door opon and took his accustomed Seat with the eongrega tion. sack Raiders. BY JAPANESE Jan, 1Y.-A report comes that raided the distriet New Chwang, were a large fight- 14th, were aver 300. that the Russian January 18th, con- of 6.000._L with ten The ired in a north acks, Russians n same force, when encounter- appeared greatly fatigued, Russians were dressed en in. Chinesé costume, even to From other sources it is res ction, to Vladivostok, with reported, but no details -- ELECTION IN WRIGHT. Lloyds Is Uneasy. Jan. 19. The Sir Wilfrid Laurier Decides To Sit For Quebec East. Ottawa, Ont, Jan, 19. At the last recent cap- Wright. His nomination in the latter constituendy was made to avert a fac tion fight Yesterday, as provided by the rules of parliament, the prime min- ister made his decision as to the eon stituency for which he will sit by el ccting to repréent his old riding Que bec East, retiring from Wright in favor of BE. B, Devlin. The writ for the " fom" Hs Wright was issued last evening, nominations to take placeon January 27th, polling on Februar 3rd. A lively contest is expected, vessels destined and on vessels for Vladivostok, are now from says that. the British REV. DR. JOHNSTON Has Heard Nothing Of Rumor Concerning Him. Special to the Whig Montreal, Jan, 19.--When shown a despatch feom Galt, Ont., stating that the Guelph presbytery had nominated Rev. Dr. Johnston, Montreal, 40 the chair 'of practical theology in Knox College, Dr. Johnston said, last night, that this was the first intimation of the presbytery's action which he had It is semi- stated that although Rus- powers to observe the Jan. 19--The Times says Hamburg-American steamer WARNING TO THIEVES. conrt tg nine charges of stealing over Jan. 19.--The state prizonment, CAUGHT IN A TRAP By SWEDISH KING ILL. © Commons. Telegraph from Copenhagen states the Mexico are at owing to the fact that government cannot see ta increas the subsidy. ap- Denmark, whose wife ix a niece of King Oscar, bag gone to Stockholm. Compare The Relief. It yon have been accustomed to using ordinary liniments try Smith's itg Liniment the next time and » how much quicker it relieves and service to neuralgia and all external injuries. ! Big bottie 25¢., at Wade's. issue will - . "Mentolatum cures Piles, 25c. al jar at Chown's. i 1 confidence in Majority. THE SPEECHES -- BY THE CANDIDATES IN THE CITY HALL. Mr. Pense Received a» Great Re- ception--Charged Whitney With Being Opposed To Queen's-- Mr. Mcintyre Dwelt On Cor- ruption. The reception given Mr. Pense in the City Hall yestenlay afternoon, when he arose to wake his nomination speech was most enthusiastic, the aps plause continuing for some little time, and showing that the gathering was largely in his favor. He thanked the audience heartily for its most cordial reception, and then proceeded to deal with some criticisms made by Nr, McFarlane and Dr, Ryan. The criti cism the former made of the Whig was entirely uncalled for. That paper had spoken of the ability of W, G, Craig, hut had not referred to anyone else. The speaker reminded: Mr. McFarlane that he was chosen by the conserva. tive party as their mayoralty candi date and not hy the workingmen. As to Dr. Ryan's statement that the government had been long enough in power, Mr. Pense asked this question: Would Dr, Ryan after attending a fa- mily faithfully and skilfully for thir ty-three years, think it fair or neces sary for the head of the family to say, No, 1 have had cargo of shipbuilding Material, KOSSUTH'S SON FRANCIS years, and now 1 shall ® take this eized yesterds the Tsusish- pics a dd pT ? x ' > ized y sterday, m a! ivi Who has been figuring prowiinently in the other man I Assuredly not (Ap Straits. The capture of anothet Hungarian crisis plause), Whitney Opposes Quean's. Mr. Pense referred to Dr. Ryan's statement that Mr. Whitney supported a grant to Queen's University, and read a portion of Mr, Whitney's speech from the Toronto Mail and Empire, in which he stated his opposition to giv. ing Queen's aid, and favoring putting Toronto Univérsity on a stronger footing. The Ross government had granted $37,000 to the ! Queen's School of Mining. Had Mr. Whitney ,been in power there would have been no pos- sible hope for the future of this now great institution * with assistance the government had given to it. It was essential to the lite of ------------------------ VOTE PENSE And Help Swell Ross' you for thirty theee |: Kingston's great. institution, Queen's University, that the premier should be in accord with support to it, The question of education was also dealt with. When the time arrived, said Mr. Pense, when you can get. a dozen educationalists to agree upon any one policy, that time will She something you or I will not see on this side of the millenium. True, there has been critisism of Ontario educa- tpnal system, byt where would a sys ttn be found to satisfy everybody. The educational policy of Mr. Ross had been one of progress, and King- ston was a place where this was well known. Last summer, the Ross gov- ernment gave Kingston the leading summer school for teachers, and it is to be continued this year, Kingston is also to be made the model school centre for this distriet, The fact that an emplovee had stolen 825,000 was no impeachment of the government, the™Spnaker declared. As to the sale of ong timber limit for $250, what was the record of the con servative party at Ottawa ? It was willing to barter away the whole of the North-West portion of Ontario for a mere song. Surely that was an at tefifpt to steal. Only for the stardy ficht made by Sir Oliver, Mowat and the liberal party, the pedbleof On- tario would have lost a large portion of their inheritance, a loss that would be felt greatly in these days when thy goverment is trying to develop a grand New Ontario, Dr. Ryan was not fair in his his criticism of the speakers vo n the house. Every fair minded person knew' that the motions MM Mr. Whitney simply meant want of the government. Hence the votes were quite formal things. Mr. Penne satisfactorily replied to the eriticism of the famous Minnie M., and of the vate of confidence in Messrs" Conmee and Bowman. Good Legislation. the Jegislation of Mr. the Pense showed advances made. The Temis railway had been projected was nearly built, This was best of the developing and colonizing acts of the Ross govern- Kingston benefited greatly by this railway, for the government has had nearly all the locomotives for the road built in the Kingston works, (Applause). The Ross government had appointed a minister of colonization and labor, and a railway commission, the result of which has been to in Taking wp past two sessions, the great caming and now one of the mint crease the government © revenus for railways, Then the Ross government has strengthened the institutions for in- firm people. At Kingston it bas added a building to Rockwood, which is cre- ditable to Kingston workmanship. It hax extended the health department hy eatablishing a branch of the provinei al hoard at Kingston. Its asviams were conducted cheaper than anv oth- ers on the continent. The figures are: United States R188 for each patient; Canada as a whole, 8199; Ontario, 8125, The Ross mnore tion, whereby those who had burdens hefore were much relieved, and others had been made to pay a just share, In (Continued on page two). government had made a and his cabinet eanitable assossment redistribu- | Being © Sought For Them. Bail Is sufvinl to the Whig. Toronto, E19. Sarak Goodfel low, Isabella A. Grant, Elizabeth See aud William Broadrett, the Christian Soience demonstrators, adjudged guilty of mansiaughter by a coroner's Jury, in connection with the death of William Goodiellow, son of the first named woman, were arrested last ev ening. Thay remained in the eolls over night. Application will be made toa high court judge, to-day, for bail, Boiide of $10,000 were offered last night, number of sympathizers remained around the police station until a late hour and leaders of the sect requested that the prisoners be made as com: fortable gs possible, -- Bail Was Refused. Toronto, Jan. 19.-The four Chris tian Scientists who were arrested on a charge of manslaughter in connee- dion with the death of Wallace Good- fellow, appeared in the police court, this morning. A large numbor of sympathizers were present. The case was remanded unitfl to-morrow. At Osgoode hall, this morming, T. © Robinette, K. C., applied, before Jus tice Anglin, for bail for the prison: ers but the judge held that he bad no jurisdiction until evidence had been taken and the prisoners had been committed for trial. In the police court, when Nr. Robi: notte asked for bail, Magistrate Doni: son said he had no power to grant bail upon a charge of manslanghter, "So-called," interjected « Mr. bi: nette. "Ax a matter of fact," added Mr. Robinette, "I think sammons should have been fssued in this case." "I wonlfin't have issued summons," said the magistrate, "I think it was a very stupid case of manslaughter. When a man is dying he needs the best attendance obtainable and should not be neglected." "The man was twenty-one years of age," wid Mr. Robinette as the prisondrs filed down stairs, I Roners were remanded until Nonday (not to-morrow.) WOULD HAVE BEEN LYNCHED ------ 4 But The Officers: Made A Detour. 4iovinl to the Whig. Detroit, Mich., van. 19.~An Algoma despatch says : "WHliam , Sauer, Jr., who shot and killed Constable Moore, yesterday, while the latter was at- tempting to replevin some logs . in possession of Bauer, was captured yes- terday afternoon a few miles from hore, Had he been brought here certainly would have heen lynched, a lang oro mn waiting for him with a rape, detour was made, however, and Sauer was taken | to Robert's Landing. The Sauers are squatters in the middle ebannel, u few miles below here. The logs are some that broke away from the booms of the Hall Lumber company, Sarnia, two years ago, JUDGMENT UPHELD And Case Will Go On To Privy Couneil. ccial to the Whig. Montreal, Jan. 19.<The court of king 8 bench in appeal, to-day, con- firmed the judgment of the court of re- viow, condemning the Montreal and St. Lawrence Light & Power company to pay £260,000 to Edmund A. Robert for' the property at Buisson Point, Beauhaspois, which théy brought in 1901, The company pleaded thas it had not euthority, by ite haricr, io make such purchase, ard thé meetin at which the purchase wane decided upon was not. regular. The case go to the privy council, will LOVE OF A BABY, Prevented Great Reforms Being Granted Russians. New York, Jan, 19.---A story comes via Paris in' explanation of why Czar Nicholas refused recently demanded re- forms. His mother took the czar's baby #on to him on the day that he war about to grant the desired re- forms and argued that, while he had the right to divest himself of a por tion of his autocratic prerogatives, he was morally wrong to leave his boy with less imperial power than he had himself received from his own father, Papa agreed and that ended the re- form business, SEEKING TERMS. But If None Reached Then Strike Comes; Special to the Whig Philadelphia, Jan, 19-P, H. Mor- rissey, grand master of the Brother- hood of Railroad Trainmen has been called here by First Grand Master W., G. Lee, who was unable to reach an agreement with W. W. Atterbury, gen- eral manager of, the Pennsylvania rail- road, regarding the differences between the company and the trainmen, Mr, Lee said this morning that no strike order would be issued before to-night, Man Charged With Murder. Winnipeg, Jan. 19. Robert William Taylor, who murdered his wife here in November, died Wednesday morning. Ho was in jail, awaiting trial. The cause of his death was consumption, He came from Tonawanda, N.Y., and Deseronto, JOHN MACKAY & C0. INVITE CORRESPONDENCE RECARDING HIGH GRADE SECURITIES | Canadiav Bank of Commerce Building, Toronto FOR SALE. G0OD BUILMING LOT, SOUTH SIDE Baier. "Tits Go Cotverne street phatic. Every dollar's worth of our present stock is to be sold ges fore the new comes in--and you've months of wear ahead :-- LADIES' VESTS AND DRAWERS-- Full size, elastic rib, full hignads at special prices, 205c., B&e., Toe. ¥ LADIES' VESTS AND DRAWERS ne nd nat 1, at a w ar natural, a 75¢., $1 to $1.50, : HTS, LADIES' COMBINATIONS, Tid etc, at special sale prices, CHILDREN'S ~ UNDERWEAR -- Xinas, all sizes in Vests m on ombinations, Fleved Dra and. Tights, all at special prices, : INBPECTION INVITED. atinee 4 & » 2 ol SPECIAL CANADIAN TOUR HARSTEN'S LIFE-LIKE, ALL NEW MOVING PICTUR Big Laugh ow, Latest Comedy Hite, lustrated Songs. DIOR un Nh ht, 10c., 1 ar n ri fo. » 23 he 2060 "Matinee, ehildron, 10. a Fol Wed'y, Jun. 25th, Forbes Robertson. Coffee ! The Epicurean knows our 'Java and Mocha" Coftee by the flavor. The Economist by th price, 40 cents. : We roast this Coffee "our< selves. The middleman's pro- fit is saved. That is the rea- son we can give such excel~ lent value. James Redden & Co. Importers of Fine Groceries, GROGERY BUSINESS FOR SALE. UNDER INSTRUCTIONS 7 will be offered ior sale by Pubia RE 3 tion on SATURDAY, January 21st, 1905 At 2 o'clock in tho afternoon, upon tha promises now occupied by them on King street, opposite the Brophy House, stock in trade, ete. of J. @ S. SHIELD», Grocers, Gananoque The stock and fixtures amount to Bhout $2,000. The store is centrally located, and the business heretofore done NaS been about $30,000 a year. ° This Is a Snap for a Good Man. The sale will be en bloc. and at i rate upon the dollar based upon the stock list. Parties preferring to do so may submit their offers by private tender. : The stock in trade, fixtures, etd. a stock list can be inspec! 1 any time, and all terms and conditi of sale made kown upon a 3, M. Hise lica BE. JOBK, A Or JAMES €¢. ROSS, Vendor's Dated at Gananoque, Jan. 4th, 1905, Election to the Legislative 3 sembly of Ontario for the Elector- ial District of Frontenac, being and to be held on 18th and 25th of January, 1905. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THA William Howard Reynolds, a candidate at said election, has appointed 0 « Quinn, of the Township of Portis farmer, as his financial 'agent, under Hon od AE "he Ontario Mection Ac SO + agher, didete at smd election, has PHO John Stewart, of the Township of land, farmer, as his ancial fer section 197 of "The Ontario et." y p 5 Dated at this city of Kingston 19th day of Janus 9085. oA DA so! 0 Lo Mentolatm" cure Piet, 20a, Jar at

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