otravt vent bay Wine . an hay - ey $1 a vent tached fo: yg br Ss a He Psat tes : : J.B. SE, | THE DAILY WHIG " Opifer por Orbem Dicor." VERY MISLEADING MOTTOES. | The conservative association has hung up as mwottoes for public atten: tion, "A Secret Ballot," and "A Fair Court," Has there been any misuse of the ballot in the Ontario elections ? Has ite secrecy been' destroyed ¥ 1f so the people have yet to hear of it. Of all the deputy returnitig officers employed by the government not one has been convicted for dishonest net or irregularity, Of the many thous and of ballots which have been cast not one has been switched by a liber al official in the interest of a liberal candidate, That great fact is plain, It goes unchallenged. Ts is incontroverti- | ble And as for the "fair sour," Bo one | outside of the man who conceived the phrase can imagine what it refers to. The courts have boen impartial in the administration of justice. The judges have known no one politically in the discharge of their duty. They have been unsparing of the offenders against the law, and had they been eft alone; to act under the amended statute, had the private prosecutor J kept ot of the case, and not blunder- ed, as he did in the Soo citee, the last | of the men fo bring disgrace upon by their gross miscon . branches of the government and | ui; YEAR| the bureas of abou, factory n- | ich Aeemiy . par rir ey Besnchen of 4 8% 'the nomination there was be sd." Bho may the discussion, and the > niaYeteie is sale) y to account. The ai-------- UHALLENGE AND FAILURE. Price, of St. Thomas, has what so many lawyers desire titges, an mlvertisement, d Mr. Rows' challenge nto show that some of i h John H. Wildiong a eisotion court, the one for switching Ballots and the other for miscounting J thems. But that cass was subsequent- ly brought to trial, and one witness was summoned all the way from Al berta io. give evidence. The prosecu- J tion of Wildfong failed, and the case * § against Cummings, being the weaker, | vas dropped by the county attorney, a conservative. : | The West Elgin case is reviewed, "Jand Mr. Price routs away and to | affect that all who had to do with it Joonnived at erime. The evidence J showed that at the byeelection some misguided, irresponsible parties had been guilty of personating the deputy returning officers, and had obtained authority to act hy deception. If thire were failures in prosecuting the tories were to blame, They undertook the task and abandoned it. Why? Because, for one reason, though the Taw provided for the punishuwent of personation of Voters, there was no punishment for the personators of re- turning officers, The law in this sense has. since been amended, Mr, Price questions the Burning of the ballots inadvertently in Toronto, and by an officer of the house, but a commission enquired into the facts Hf and reported thoms. "The evidence," said the judges, "satisfies us that the } contents of the box were not destroy- [| otbavith design or deliberate purpose." { Mr. Price had better try again. Per [} baps next time he can wore Success: | fully challenge the premier, but so far | Ba bas lamentably and raiserably fail- elt] i fis i Hi § FefisF | the liberal: government = means This proposal wis heartily endorsed by the liberal convention. It is now before the people and the return of the carrying of it out. It is fit and that the liberal party should project this further plan for advancing labour interests, 1t is to be credited with all the laws that are now upon the statute books and dealing with capital and labour. Its more pecent acts were the edtablish- went of the burean of industries; the board of conciliation, and the office of secrétary 10 this hoard, which - has been so ably filled by Mr. Glockling. The conservatives should not be sur prised at any action which is sug gested in behalf of the workingmen, The liberals have heen the friends of Tabour during all these years and they "are simply adding to their acts of usefulness. The minister of coloni- zation and' mines is a happy concep. tion, Tt is all right. It will be gener ally endorsed. PAINTING>THE TOWN RED. 1t is time for a local purity move ment when & representative of the conservative association openly and unblushingly announces that his' party haw the money for the election and is going to use it. This is a repetition of the experi ence of 1902 when men bragged that they had got hold fol an uncommonly large slice of the reptile fund and were eager and willing to buy their way through the. community, without regord as to consequences; without consideration as to its immoral «of- fects. . _-- Here is an intimation, publicly given, that the conservative party is depending upon wholesale corruption for 'success, that it depends on no thing else, and that its professions for a decent campaign were pure. gufi, The candidate of the party may stand up and paint the horrors of an impure campaign, may denounce wickedness in high places, may talk of his desire "| for righteousness in public as well as jn private life, but it'is all a pre tence.' While he is posing as a purist Lis Supporters, his nigndgers are pre- paridg for the worst, are deliberately designing to indulge in a carnival of corruption, © Who is to blame? The argument is that Mr. Ross should be held respon: { sible for the acts of individual liberals dn the _remotest districts of Ontario, 'although he never heard of them or | their intentions. Here is a case, how: over, a man, professing to be on the inside of the machine, declares that be knows what is going om, t the party has heaps of filthy luere, that there is to be no scarcity of it at the polls, and that it is going to he scattered, and the conservative candidate cannot say he is innocent of what is going on. Does he ap prove of it all ¥ Does he know where this money is coming from? Signing an agreement not to de bauch the electorate! The men who handle the boodle do not want that now. BOTH SIDES SATISFIED. The nomination proceedings were lively enough, and the attendance of voters was very large. Most men were willing to hear all that had to be said on either side. There was a small and noisy element present, however, and it aimed to let go quietly only that which was pleasant or accepible to it, THe meeting was decidedly in favour of Mr, Pense, though rome of hiy op- ponents did what they could to inter fere with his freedom of speech, Mr, Melntyre was given a better hearing, and wimply because the Jiberals desire ed that fair play and courtesy at a public meeting which is characteristic of them. ; These public meetings are not so educational in their effects as they ought to be. To be entirely wuccessful public questions have to be freely con- sided, 'all the Tight that is going has to be brought to bear upon ghemn, and the speakers have to go into details \ Samuel Landa, the well-known la bor leader of Hamilton, who, dari his twenty years' residence in Homil- ton, has been strictly ind h lities, has decided iberal viheial Landers stated: "While I have been strietly i 4 in politics, and have Prom ti to time supported candidates of both ies, 1 cannot deny the fact that th pro Ontario thas done much for the pvineo, their nominators ac quitted es to the entire sat- isfaction of friends. as one put it later, in review of the event, "it all depends from - what point of wi Ww you look at things." "That is it exactly. Tho liberals were elated with the performance. So were the conservatives. All is well, usually, that ends well, : The battle is not one of words, however, but votes, and a week hence the electors. will do their' part. Mean time there is only public fecling for a pide of what is going to be, and it indicates "an easy victory for Mr. Penge, = wags 'ORIAL NOTES, Mr, Blake has a quarrel with the premier of Ontario. This accounts for ir. Blake's serious epistles. El ---- Oh, yes, Mr. McIntyre will give decp consideration lo the interests of the workingmen, ie is a large employer of labour. TER UE ---- "Heaven help the leader that trifles with thé people," said the Umtario Tory, ri to Mr. Whitney, "but heaven will mat help him." 4 tii The Purity Club, of Toronto, must have opened a branch in Kingston. The man who talked so largely to the hoteldkeepor must be its treasurer. "Has the conservative party been true to Ontario ? asked the Ontario p-- ed. The way will be paved for Mr. Borden's return to public life. -- "For thirty-two years there has boen a conservative ition in On- tario. These ' oppositions have been under different leaderships and identi- fied with different policies. We do not remember. that any of these opposi- tions was evere satisfactory to Hon, G. WV. Ross."--Torohto World, Janu- sry 16th. * They were notsalisfuctory to the conservative party, and hence the dis- missal of one after another, and usually after an election. Mr. Whitney will get his walking ticket after the 25th. : SPIRIT OF THE PRESS: Another Kind, Sir! Hamilton Herald. When Lord Roberts said that "hat: tles are won with brains," he was not talking about battles of the ballots. Mr. Borden Is Wanted. Toronto Star. Mr. Foster's speech yesterday gave final proof that the party did well to bring Mr. Borden back. Mr. Borden isn't a Bourbon, anyhow. Machine Is Broken. Toronto Globe. Conservative campaign workers ' are on strike in Ottawa and the machine is idle. It seems that they cannot tole rate the name of Ross. Ought To Be Sold. Toronto Star. this = province passes its wealth over to the care of Madame Whitney on the security of her concealed cabi- pet "jewels," it may find itself Chad- wicked. A Call To;Arms. Tory in 1901. At continued, "The rank and file would like this question an swored."" i aho-- "A mere clatter of syllables' is the ! premier's deseription of Mr. Uoster's speech at the opening of parliament. It's an aceurate description of Mr. Foster's effort. The man who gambles on the defeat of the Ross government is flush of funds. The latest advices are that the party approaches the polls with the certainty of success. J. A. Holmes, of Haldimand, a for- | mer liberal meuwiber, wants the Ross government defeséed because he did not get the liberal Wmination. No- thing personal in that. Tha proposed law in Manitoba raises the price of liquor licenses from 3200 to 8500. Free lunches are to be abolished. ' Boys under cighteen are not to be employed about hotels. Mr. Miscampbefl, driven out of Sault Ste. Marie on account of his corruption, is Mr. Whitney's organizer, Which accounts for some of the boast- ing of what will happen in Kingston next week, ! In England, says Mr. Whitney, the political air is pure and sweet. Sa it is. But in England the reptile fund is not 80 much in evidence, and men do not stake their success at the polls upon the size of it. Goldwin ~~ Smith, recalling John Sandficld Macdonald, says he was no pretender of austere purity. "He rather affected the reverse, and was, as they say, a hypocrite on the devil's side." This is an entirely new view of the first premier of Ontario. The people, says Sir Wilfrid Lauricr, will not be fed upon words and wind, but prefer, at least in parliament, a bill of fare reduced to a single course if there be some substance in it. This was in reply to Mr. Foster, that the speech from the throne was some what short. At Renfrew Mr. Whitney suggested that the people of Canada vote with the same intelligence and indepen dence as the people of England. In that case Mr. Whitney would have no show. In England leaders of public opinion are able to do more than call their opponents bad names, Ar. Foster received a jolt when Sir Wilirid Laurier told him that it would bo timo enough for the government to take the opposition into its cont *mid Pile Cure dence, respecting forthcoming 'legisla: tion, when its leader had been elect ¥ inj to support the | government in the coming pro-' elections, To the Times Mr. ! | tional male and Well Known Joabor Toeader in Hamil. { {ton Says the Joiberal Government SG uld St. Catharines Journal. . Now, boys, the knife is out. Every , liberal holding office under the Ross government iy slated for beheading if the tories win. It's up to iyou to pro- tect your own neck, EAST, WEST AND SOUTH United In One Respect. There may be differences of opinion regarding some subjects in sections of the country remote from each other, but there is none respecting the best remedy for piles, as witness the let- ters below. "I have heen feeling so good 1 gould hardly believe it, after suffering with piles for a year, to find that 1 am once more feeling like myself. 1 wish you could have seen me before 1 start ed using Pyramid Pile Cure and look at me now, and yourwould say 1 am not the same man. I have gained 20 Ibs., and all on account of Pyramid Pile Cure," Walter Sharkley, 5t| Park street, Springfield, Mass. "I bought a fifty cent box of Pyra- and used as directed with the most unexpected results, a complete cure. I have been troubled with piles for thirty years and was in much distress and passed much blood, but at present am free from anv kind of piles." F. McKav. Weaverville, Cal. "Pyramid Pile Cure has been worth thousands of dollars to me; it cured me after using numbers of other re- medies and taking medicines from doc- tors. Tt also cured my son, although he could hardly walk, cat or sleep ; he in maw all right." B. Stringfellow, Postmaster, Elko, S.C, One thousand dollars is offered hy the Pyramjd Drug Co., Marshall, Mich- 'gan, to any one who will show the above testimonials to be not genuine, Pyramid Pile Cure is sold by all druggists for fifty' cents a package and every sufferer should buy a package and try it to-night, being careful to accent no substitutes, and bearing in mind the fact that there is nothing else "Just as good." OChamberlain's Cough Remedy Ab- solutely Harmless. The fault af giving children medicine containing injurious substgnoes, is sometimes more disastrous than the tisease from which they are suffering. Every mother should know that' Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is per- lectly safe for children to take. It con- taing nothing harmful and for coughs colds {and croup is unsurpassed. For sale by all druggists. The United States has signed an ar- bitration treaty with Mexico. ~"Mentolatum™ cures Piles, 2c. a Jar at Chown's, - Useless Liniments. Are being fast driven off the market by the overpowering merit of Polson's! Nerviline which has more strength in one drop then is found in a quart of ordinary remedies. Full of pain sub duing properties, healing and sooth- ing, its influence on rheumatism, sci- atica and lumbago is unsurpassed. Polson's Nerviline i¥ without gqnestion the best household liniment made. For nearly fifty years a staple -in every drug store; get a 2hc. bottle of Ner-| viline at once. EE -------- ._. To Capture the Taste Of all Japan tea drinkers is the aim, object and design of LADA" CEYLON NATURAL GREEN TEA and it is - fast accomplish. ing its ojbect. It is to the Japan tea drinker what "SALADA" Black is to the black tea drinker, Sold only in sealed lead packets. By all grocers. Given the Highest Award and Gold Medal at St. Louis Expesition, 1904. G90 TTL TTL TLR TTAVRT TTI LTT LVL TRB BLE wh ! ® ~ hee THE H D. BIBBY CO. YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS OUR JANUARY SALE Every day seems like Saturday. DISCOUNTS 20 TO 50 PER GENT ON ALL ' CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS, Etc. . THE H. D. BIBBY CO., The Only Strictly Cash and One Price Cloth= ing House, Oak Hall, Princess Stre.t. ei $ : i of SHG ~tessstsesesssessasaec® TERETE TTC RBERTTTRTBOTRROT MYCE TTT RTE OR A GREAT EVENT Bvery person who needs SHOES should be interest- ed. Our entire stock to be sold at 20 Per Cent. Discount A great sculptor when asked how skill could be acquired in that art replied : "By constant practice it's easy," said he, "when you know how ' + Just take a chisel and knock off what you don't want. It's just what we have done - Knocked off all we don't want. No Discount Off Invictus aad Rubber Goods. The Sawyer Shoe Store. -- Children's Coats Sharply Reduced in Price Think of it! The great January reductions mean that you buy a prettily TAILORED GIRL'S MANTLE, full of style and daintiness, at much less than the cost of the materials alone--this, too, just when most needed -- the coldest time ot the year. DECISIVE SAVINGS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT = | During the "Sweep Sale." Savings in Milliner in Mantles, in Underwear, in Lirete, Some Eu special bargains this week in several lines of STY- Supported by People of Ontario grate to oppose the present provin- cial government," said Mr, Landers, "after all it has done for us. Being » ber of the deputation before the premier who asked for an amendment of the shops act, to prohibit barber shops from working on Sunday, we had but to wait for the next sitting, When our wish was granted. Again, when organized labor asked for addi. tiohal factory Lap additi ale i tor for each were latterly. dhe Trades. aml Labor Cong anada, with others we roached Premier Ross and asked that all the Deoule suds at the' Central Prison know that there was such competition by the prison-made hrooms against free labor, and they shall certainly be labelled. and something further done, if possible.' Within one month the government announced that, the con: tract for broom-making in the Central Prison having expired, the contractor was given six months' notico to finish his orders, work up his stock, and af ter that broom-making in the Central Prison would be abolished, And what! is move, the provincial secretary has already announced the sale of the g y plant. In view of these and many other friendly actions of the government towards la- bor, there is nothing left for labor to do but to support a' government which stands "for its interest." Mr. n says he has decided to do what be can to insure the govern- 'ment's return, and work as well as talk, dig | {they huve LISH DRESS AND WALKING SKIRTS --not Svery size in every line, but every size is included in the lot. SPENCE"S, The Leading Millinery and Mantle Store. EE -- CHANGING SENTIMENT. 'among its best friends and strongest - endorsers. Herpicide * kills the grm Oliver Goldsmith's "Deserted Vil. { that eats the hair off af the root, and taza? , the hair then grows again. As a bair Goldsmith in his "Deserted Village," | op 0 | it is incomparable, try it -- Mich. G. W. Mahood, who 'went to scoff, remained to | pray." So in life one often laughs at what be does not uwaderstand. and la ter, when he does: wnndecstumd, his laugh turns to praise. Them were some who doubled. the merits. of New bro's "'Herpicide,". the. scalp Co., Detroit, special "agent. ~micide 'and hair dressin, but ; Fig y, © fried. it, they are now * 1 N18 ~ for Sickness not Jo wait until you health th is impaired, but tal keep it up to the mar gs -member that ailments, ap) trifliog, may very soon into serious diseases. . Do not hesitate to ta The; your general health than a: means you can employ. | 8luggish Liver, Sick-Headache, Indigestion, Loss of Appetite Constipation; and the depressing nerve ditions that arise from troubles, there is no more remedy than BEECHAW'S P Prepared only by Th Helens, England. " - nag Pee Sold everywhere in Canad, "America, In boxes, 25 ¢ Seven Sutherland § Hair Grow GREW THIS HAIR Nelles Corners, Ont., Ap Seven Sutherland Sisters, Toronto Dear Ladies. --1 had dandruff an \ through a friend I was persuadi Ruy hi t 1 found relief, as the Scalp dandruff and together with vour | ray hair has grown ranidly and it pn about four feet in length. ~ 1 have h: graph taken for vou showing my | you the right to use it. also my lette Yours respect MRS, For sale at all druggists, two size 00 per bottle. | SEVEN SUTHERLAND ! BOLE PROP...ETORS {CANADIAN OFFICE, 256 Yonge 8 J J.B. Bawey, Porsign Manag RecoMsrxpro ann Sour George W.Mahood, cormer | Bagot streets, Kingston. MAKES YOUR CAKES Lic 'MAKES YOUR BISCUITS MAKES YOUR BUNS Liat MAKES YOUR LABOR LK MAKES YOUR EXPENSE Order from your Gri JEW.GILLETT | TORONTO. ONT. @00000000000000KC TYPEWRITEI BOUGHT, SOLD, RENTED, REPAIRED. All Makes, New and See 171 Wellington S§t. , Ki O00 PULVO'» AND METAL CLEANER ¢ The only Patented Polish | No Dust, No Dirt, No Smoke Contains no benzine or othe: PULVO makes more polis longer than any other. RRICE 10c. AT ALL G FOR REAL E! = OR INSURA Consult with Geo. C 'buying, at OF Clarence