and the selection Well the lowest ty. Not an un. e collection, all skimped, orsewn J generously made n piece by piece ere, and we feel our favor. I's, ents we have all he leading New egular every day mers have been So -- ng D off i. only S OF THE INT SALE E STORE v Shces, one-fifth off OW Shoes at one-fifth ck thrown into this ction from each and epted. occasins, Felt Goods, same discount this KETB ¢ 2 Msi every description, p ready made. New York Bross Reform ! Batter and potatoes, Crawiord. -- ITISA HUMMER! | JENKINS Dissolution Sale With all our extra help we could not - wait upon the crowds that came on Satur- day. Come again and we will do better. KINGSTON & PEMBROKE RAIL- WAY COMPANY, NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS. THE- ANNUAL MEETING OF THE shareholders of this company for the election of directors and the transaction of husiness generally, will be held on WEDNESDAY, the Sth day of February next, at the he ad office of the company at Kingsttn, at twelve o'clock noon _The_stock transfer books will close in New York, on Saturday, 28th January, 1905, at one p.m. All books will be re- operded on Thursday, 9th February. _By order of the Board 2 JOHN WHITEBREAD, Secretary and Treasurer. Kingston, 9th January, 1905. $6 Lace Boots for $4.50 We find we have on hand about 25 pairs of our Fine Hand-sewed $6 Lace Boots, mostly Blucher pattern, of our usual exesllent quality. Wa have decided to offer them at $4.50 pair This offer only to last month WEAR "ALLEN'S" Military Bootmakers, til end of THERE is 'A CHANCE 1 have' almost new stoves, in cooks gnd heaters, loft, which I will sell at big bar- goths, &lse furniture, as 1 want to get space for other stock in spring. TURK'S SECOND-HAND SHOP, 398 Princess Street. Y. W.C. A Rooms, Corner Princess and Sydenham Streets. NOTICE. ALL PERSONS WHO HOLD RE- served seat tickets or admission tickets ior Dawson City game will please return them to rink office by Saturday, Janu ary 21st, and get "their money Such tickets will not be good for any othe game INTEREST IN some Capital An BY A YOU NG business MAN Has swer, Whig H., 21 GENERAL SERVANT FOR SMALL {faamly; one who cgn cook Apply Miss Wales, corner Bagot and Earl streets, A aoobD GEUERAL SERVANT wages $10 per month: no washing oy ironing Mrs. A. I'. Knight, Alice street PEOPLE WANTING SKILLED HELE from Fastern Canada are invited to try the want advt. columns of the London Free Press BOARDERS, WHERE THEY CAN have first-class accommodation, nice pleasant, warm rooms, central loca- tian. Apply at 51 Brock street. ALL INTELLIGENT, RELIABLE MEN secking pleasant employment, on sal- ary or commission, are advised to tes write now to Marshall & Co., importers, London, Ont. PUPIL S AT MME. ELDER'S DRE making Parlors 2061 P 2 street Evening costumes a ty. Instructions in dressmuakikg giv- en day and eveding until Marc at Cutting by measure, designing, ote, including system, $10. AGENTS, PERMANENT POSITION, to sell new map of Canada, with World Map on reverse side, size 66 x 46 inches; two maps in one; tatives now at work making $25 or week. Address Rand, McNally & Co., 142 Fifth Ave., New York. TO-LET. OPPOSITE POS1 heated by Hot Water. Apply to John A. Gardiner, Real Estate and Insurance, 151 Wellington street USINESS OFFICE, p Office, STORAGE FOR FU RNITURE, ALSO dwellings, store offices, etc. Mec Cann's Real Estate Office, 51 Brock street. Pr ---------------------------------- LOST : -- psn A LARCE BLUE on Monday fterngon 3 § return to Wi office or 185 ily avenue A LADY'S BLACK LEATHER. PURS) containing post office order for $10 and $20 in Ontario Bank bills Thursday afternoon, hetween post of fice, Randolph hotel or low tat Reward for its return to V ordered or MONDAY for ladies. yourseli Hockey to-night I. 8 o'clock The 2 poy The Abernethy Sh ing opportunities fo and sets at Moving Pictures per of pins without D. J. McDermott space to tell of won February of the Habitant violin-cellist, Of During Month Fancy Faucy Fancy Fancy Fancy Cl Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Fancy Faney F China, China, hina, China, China, China, China, China, China, China, Le China, China, China, Rol y China, Fancy China, 5 O RIDEAU 17 and Jativary 20th corner Brock ar 8 o'clock VICTORIA, 22, 2! ing. Januar Block, at Saturday Farmers Butter, Creamery and usual prices Apples, Oranges, Le Xim, per package Orange Meat, 15¢ Heinz or Lipton's Plum Pudding Eclipse S % ba Ask to see our T "Phore 417. TO-N Glazed frats, cream Phone Crother sun rises Saturday at 7.27 "th, Dr and Hilda at Committ y 20th, at 8 o'clock Chow-Chow, bottles Catsup, 10c. (large hottles) Raspberries, Strawberries, tins Pineapple; tins Mn Maple Syrup, hottles Pumipkin, 8 cane Aunt J. Pancake Flour, 2 pk Shredded Cocoanut, Game called at 8 pm Finest potatoes, THE PREMIER, Hon. George W. Ross, Will Address the Electors the DAILY MEMORANDA. Queen's 11 vs, RM oe Store is advert r buyers getting stuck is using rderiul shoe bargaiv House of January 209% Discount China Salads. B&B. Rankin's. Mustard's. na, Celery Dishes. Plates. Olive Dishes. Muffin Dishes. Chocolate Pots. Biscuit Jars. Syrup Jugs. Plates, monade Jugs. a Ch Bullion, Cue Cabaretts, 1 Trays. y China, Vases Orpaments, clock Vea Sets. 21--¥Friday ¢ + Roo d Division streets, 2h--Friday ev Specials At Vanluven's Rolls Prints Cooking Butter, mons, low prices (large package) . 21 Mixed Pickles or 10¢. apd Ye per K oT Poet Non ps Hockey Match RMC.I vs. QUEEN'S II IGHT ! Admission, 1 candy puffe and br 1Omorrow, 111. Crawford, OPERA HOUSE, KINGSTON, EVENING, Jan. 23rd, At 8 o'clock. Everybody invited. Reserved seats It is wrong to het il you don't better a.m. is and Illustrated Songs, Grand Opera House, 8.15 p.m Meany a rich man would exchange "his gou a poor man's digestion Mii Lines Saturday afternoon, 2.30, Grand Opera House, 10¢. and 20¢ Some people couldn't even buy a pa- irharonsod Drummond, author Richardson, This day 'is history : First session Que- bee legislature, 1869; Australia colonized, Hong Kong ceded to Britain, "ROBERTSON BROS] LIBERALS CENTRAL COMMITTEE ROOME 185 WELLINGTON STREET TELEPHONE NO 56. WARD MEETINGS SYDENHAM,1, 2--Friday evening, Jan uary 20th, at Cereal Company's Of- fice, corner UOre and Ontario streets at B o'clock CATARAQUI, 7--Friday evening, Janu- ary 20th, at Ward Rooms, 233 Wel- ington street, at 8 o'clock FRONTENAC, 12 and 13-Friday even- ingg, January 20th, at Dr. MeGill's Office, 201 I'rinCess street, at 8 o'clock, FRONTENAC, 14 and 15--Friday even- ing, January 20th, at AVard Rooms 294 Montreal street, at 8 o'clock. vening at en Golden Lion F. W. VANLUVEN, 246 PRINCESS ST. ek Sh and office on | the Lo the ed t ed a who who sel, the the prac to 1 ing day. onlv was in gan shell gun, A czar one the will affa it al that ore Fat of t "08s thre, heat part tot spre etic ing ers eral the hou Ch Smi and madl Smi on mar age She hug the he ther or, 1 eal Inst the Nagasaki. usually reservists, at during the siege of with the r torpedo hoats St. if there was an plot, which the shot was Himaraterr hr A have been detained in | don. ere to-day, than an industrial movement, they palace, rights, and that he will refuse St. Petersburg, situation There Vears, puty "Spears, 1 Weatherwax, hound over to the dishwasher Spee IT MOVE. Reservists Flatly Refuse to go to Manchuria. MAJ.-GEN. IJICHI NOGI'S CHIEF OF STAFF COM- MANDS PORT ARTHUR. Torpedo Boats Can Enter Harbor But It Is Not Yet Safe For Large Ships--Gravest Views of Russia's Internal Condition. Special to the Whig. ' anghai, Jan. 20.--Gen. Stoessel, some six hundred other Russian rs, from Port Arthur, who are arole, arrived here, yesterday, on French steamgr Australien, from They are bound for home, Reservists Won't Move. ndon, Jan. 20.-A despatch to Express says it is learned from a trustworthy source that 7,000 have flatly refus. o go to Manchuria, and have sign- document to that effect, Riga, Ijichi Commands Port Arthur. Tokio, Jan. 20, was chiel Tiichi, Nogi, Major-Gen. stafl to Gen, Port. Arthur, and terms of surrendpr, resentatives of Gen, Stops has heen appointed commander of Port Arthur Japanese are now able to enter harbor, but the entrance is not yet ticable for larger warships. arranged the fortress, Grape In Blank Cartridge. Petersburg, Jan. 20.--According nilitary experts, indications point to a charge of grape having been in- werted surreptitiously cartridge at the ceremony of the bless in- a saluting of the waters of the Neva yester If this was the case, probably one man was involved, certainly, extensive, deep-laid or if an officer was involved, it badly executed. It is now stated oflicial «oj however, that at practice, on Tuesday, a loaded was inadvertently left in the cles, who belonged to the guard, was killed by The battery rg fired, was the Grand who is a 18" members Larracks, and nominal arrest until the gendarme 's personal of the bullets, titular command of he under completion of an investigation of the ir, May Be Revolution. Jan, 20.-The London their St. pa- ant Petersburg correspondents take the gravest view of the internal conditions in Russia. The majority express the belief that yesterday's incident was a premedi tated attempt on the life of the Em- peror Nicholas, and maintain that the 'strike is much more a political, In short consider that every sign makes pparent that the empire is on the verge of a revolution. It is alleged the St. Petersburg manufactur- have derided to reject the strikers' demands, and that the orthodox priest her Gopon, the picturesque figure who has constituted himself the feader he strike movement, and who pos- eg the men's complete sympathy, atens to march, on Sunday, at the 1 of 100,000 strikers to the winter with a petition for political to de is presented until the document he emperor, Causing Great Uneasiness. Jan, 20.-~The strike i8 causing much uneasiness, are many indications of it now rading {owards a general sympath- strike. Determined efforts are be made to call out the factory work- in St. Peterdourg, numbering sev- hundreds of thousands, including employees of the Russian Westing ge company, HUG WAS FATAL. Husband Saw It And Shot Dead Wife's Lover. warlotted Mich., Jan. 20.--Charles th, in a fit of jealoun rage shot killed Morton Kimes, aged sixteen because the latter, it i= said, e love to Smith's wife, When De Sheriff Spears rdached the seene and frankly remark- th was found pacing the floor, seeing the officer, ked : % have killed a man, and am ready to be locked up. The prisoner was taken to Eaton Rapids, arraigned before Justice examination, and circuit court for waived trial. It is possible Smith may plead guilty. The prisoner was married about two months ago to a girl named Wagner. who at the time was a in a woodchopper's camp. was the only female in the house, 1 sixteen, with half a dozen men. A week ago, it is claimed, Smith discovered Kimes ging and kissing Mrs. Smith, and love-making angered him so that was unable to control himself. He 1 decided to kill hie wife's hoy lov- Local Option By-law. ial to the Whig hamesville, Ont,, Jan. 28 The lo- option hy-law paseed ite third and final reading bv the local eonneil, night, and will ra into effect on first lay of May, = -------- : KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, a ---------------------- 1905. A SAD ENDING. The Forier Mayor 'Was Hanged ' ol Murder, Aveeinl to hie. Charlottova oy va., Jan, 20. --<Jawmes Samuel McCue, a former mayor of Charlotteville, was hanged in the county jail Bere, today, for the mur- der of his Wife. "The cxecution at tracted mwa pablic any previous of the state. P , attention than hanging in this section The erimb Hor which the ex-mayor paid the ¢ h penalty, ocovurfed on the night olf September 4th of last year. Wr Mrs. MeCue had gone to church, turning howw about 9 pw. S afterward Mrs. MeCue's dead body, 1 in a night robe, was found in a tub filled with water. Me. McCue I those who came in that some had entered the house upon theie Warn from church; 'that he had been knocked senseless and his wife hly killed. An investi- gation led 16 the arrest on the charge plocted to the United ihe state legislature of four the gman who only retired from ¢ dn: the city. ® had received the con- ¢ in her breast, a \ to cause instant addition she had boea 3 low on the head, ar noarly in 'two. ' #t first laid the crime to ho and offered §1,000 re- ward for @ 10 convict the gar. derer. The yv after he offered the reward, he himself arvested for the crime, the trial which follow- tents of & sufficient testified that the married life 8f Mr. and Mrs. McCuo had been hy jealousy on the 4 hey wore sad fons ture of the trial was the fact that McCue had for years been a lawyer at the bar before which he was tried and convicted, and had been on friendly terms with most of those identified with the trial. PEPE ETP IP PP POP Respectfully Submitted, At, a recent meeting of The Hamilton Ministerial Association, Rev. E. . Henry, a Presbyterian min- ister, said in the course of an address : "It is partia- anship that led the historic conservative party to allow our constituencies and con- cession lines to beV tra- versed by a sell-sworn po- litical adventurer in the person of the provincial member from Manitoulin. It is men of that type, purchasable' men and boodl- ers, who should cause us to hang our heads in shame, YTS TT TP YUE PERERA PERE REESE EEA EEE] and they are produced by partizanship."' FEET EE Feed Pallium For Archbishop Moeller. Special to the Whig Cincinnati, O., Jan. 20. There will be a notable gathering of Roman Ca- tholic prelates in Cincinnati next month, when the pallium is conforrad upon the Most Reverend Arch ashop Moeller I'he pallium is the special in signia of oflice of an archbishop, and as such must always be worn by him when officiating pontifically in his own arch-diocese or an the sufiragan dio cesos, comprising the province of which he is the ecclesiastical head. Until the pallu is conferred upon an ho hop he is not allowed to er form certain duties of bis office id his awn arch diceese or province. "The investitn f an archbishop with it is the last official act of hig appoint ment > Won The Event. Special to the Whig Hamilton, Ont, Jan. 20 Hamilton Gun « lub tournament came to an ond, yesterday, and resulted in A. S Falsma, Detroit, winning the Cana dian championship event, the grand Falsma was the Canadian handicap. . straight only marksman to get a string of twenty birds. A Candidate Quits. al to the Whig g o Galt, Ont Yan, 20. --William Sevi- candidate in | fret the independent candidate South Waterloo, has withdrawn, leav ing the contest a straight one, be tween Dr. Adam Thomson, liberal, and George Patterson, conservative, Speck Gets The Medal. prepared by P. Me Toronto, was awarded at 8t. Louis exposi 'Swiss Food' Food," Son, "Swiss Intosh & the gold medal tion. -------------- Notice has been given to declare vacant the seat in senate which was awarded to Curry. He har been absent for two sussions, and is believed to have re- signed. of a motion GREAT STRIKE|- = -- Hopes of Settlement Have Vanished. GO TO PALACE SOME 400,000 MEN TO DEMON- STRATE, Ministers Will Not Discuss The Situation With Strikers -- A Petition ToyThe Czar -- * Be Merciful To NOs And Let Us Live ' Is Their Appeal. Special to the Whig. St. Petersburg, Jan, 20.--<All pros- pects of an inumediate settlement of the great striké among the shipping workérs amd operatives in St. Peters burg, and surrounding distriots, have practically vanished. It is learned the ministers of the interior and finance have finally declined to receive g de putation of the operatives to discus sion with them, As a resilt an enorme demonstration before the palace, in which four hundred thotisand work- ingmen intend to participate, has been planned for today. At that time a petition will: be handed to the czar asking for the carrying out of the strikers' demands and concluding "Be merciful to us, and let us live." The czar, feeling that the strike might readily become revolutionary in character; has ordered the command- ing-general, throughout Russia to ine stitute inguiries as to the extent of revolutionism in the army, The same orders have also been sent to the nav- al stations. Strong measures will be taken to suppress all political agitas tion in both branches of the service. PITH OF WHE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From ,. All Over The World. Compulsory education will become general in Cape Colony in three years' time, CH Boughton, the English artist, was found dead in his studio at Cam- lon Hill, Cardston, NW.T., post-office was broken into and the safe robbed of a hundred dollars, The Manitoba memorial asking for extension of the boundaries was for warded to Ottawa on Thursday . The new Uktawn Jntatock building on which the city * 000, ous expropriation for eamship' service between New Zoaland and Canada, The British Empire League is to give a hanguet to Lord. Minto in London in recognition of his services in Canada v The convention of United Mine Workers of America refused to! allow the organization to be committed to socialism, John Charlton, ex-M.P,, critical condition at Lynedoch, Ontario, other stroke, liewn in a his home in having suffered an- Fred. McWaters, having {sat one leg, enters the burning Waldo annex building, Chicago, and saved Benjam in Rody from death. Charles Cooley, Boston, who was being taken to jail on a charge of grand larceny, cut a hola in the bot- tom of the police van and escaped, The executive council of the Cana- dian Manufacturers' *AssoSiation ad- vocates the abrogation of the extra provincial tax on incorporpted com- panies in all provinces: . tne WOMEN'S DUEL. Fists, Hatpins And Daggers Used In Tragedy. London, Jan. 20<The Chronicle publishes the following from Paris : A remarkable erie in the open strect took place in the Rue de Bondy, when two women, both of them well dress od, leaped out of cabs which had brought them to the place, and start- ed fighting with their fists, Presently they used their nails, attacking each other ferociously and finally they ox Of Its Kind Vnde: New Railway Act Made. Special to the Wh Ottawa: Jam Nr The first _applica- tion of the kind under the railway act of 1903, was ade in exchequer court, this afternoon, when the Montreal Street railway company, led from an order of the railway commis: stoners of Deceuber 27th, iving the Montreal Terminal snug power to remove street rails laid on "the night of October 3st on Pins XI avenue, Maissounouve, on the grounds that the commissioners exceeded their juris. diction. Campbell, K.C,, speared for for titioners; dandurand, feloourt, K.C,, for Terminal oom- pany, and A. G. Blair for the com- mission, Justice " Redgewick decided that, prima facie, there was a doubt, and granted leave for an appeal at the next session of the supreme conrt. In the meantime the Terminal com- pany can tear up the rails, on eon: dition that they relay them, should the higher court decide against them, LOOKING TO GANADA. Great Cuts Of White Pine Being : Made, 1 to the Wh : iy + Mich. ., Jan. 20.--A Bay City despatch says : From practically no- thing in 1898, the eutput of Georgian Bay saw mills grew to nearly a alt billion foet last year. Last season's cut was by far the largest in the his tory of Georgian Bay white pine in dustry, The prospects for the coming season indicate that there will be little, if any, diminution in the cut, Practically all the cutting is a ne by Michigan mills and men. nw. Thel grees wrt of the output is in the v ited States and indeed, the entire eastern market is now lacking to Can: ada for ite white pine City, Saginaw, Detroit, Fo and Buffalo receive annually large quantitice, CANCER INVESTIGATIONS. Should Be Pursued On Uniform Basis In: Empire. Special to was Whig Toronto, Tae 20.--The provincial secretary's department has received a latter Jy the secretary to the colo- Ai iat Imperial Cancer Re: draws attention to the the nedessity of uniformity in connee- tion with the work of investigation througliout 'the empire, and that any specimens forwarded to the general nation hall. - Victoria Embankment, London, will 'be investigated, and ro port t in full to those ports sent in full to + ding the i ------ As The Rupat x a Mil ii Explo- Siecinl to the o_o Langton, Omt., Jam 90. White head's mill at Cnltus wos blown up last night. Three men were killed and three others Mjured, The names of the killed are Charles Panard, George As- pend, George MoCallum. The injured are Freeman Moffatt, Michael Aspen and Geor Whitehead. Whitehead ix only slightly injured. Freeman Mol fat, has inet died, REBELLION BREAKS OUT In Russia--~Rebels Dynamite Gov- ernment Buildings, Special to the Whig. Berlin, Jan. 20.--The Tageblatt Joss that a rebellion broke 'etraochoonje, in the province of Mas: cow, to-day. The rebels, according to the reports, dynamited the govorn- ment buildings containing the admin istrative, judicial, taxation, and po- lien offices. Chief 'of Police Polti, it is reported, was shot, and Magistrate Peus was wounded, FURTHER ACCESSIONS. Ranks Of Strikers In St. Petersburg. Seecial to the Whig St. Petersburg, Jan. 20.--The em- ployees of the Sangalli: and Kolinkin spinning mill ceased work, this morn ing, and considerable further acces sions to the ranks of strikers are ex, pected in the course of a day. Strik- ers have broken into several factories, and into the printing works of the ro: out at To chose hatpins for their weapons. At last the hatping broke, and one ot the women cried : "Now we must One of us must disappear." 'As you wish," answered the other. The next minute they stood facing dne another with daggérs in their hands. The two women closed again, nnd, with a terrible ery of agony fell backwards to the ground, Oh, she has killed me!" M. Pillard, a musician of the Porte | St. Martin theatre, finish it , one saying, sixt the wounded woman, but the | other interposed, and plung her dagger twice into M. Paillard's ie Then, hofore the erowd could bar her way, she ran to where her cab | was waiting, and, jumping into it, was driven off. The ecoarhman slash- ed at the horses, and the murdercss wae soon out of sight. The wounded woman was taken to the hospital, where she died almost immediately. The police later arrest- ed Clementine Ponciaux, a girl of sixteen. Her plea is that she was first attacked, and struck out in self- defence, NO ONE KILLED. A Number Of Persons Seriously Injured, snecial to the Whig Durham, NH., Jan. 20.-The Sun- rive express, from Halifax and St, John, for Boston, was wrecked, this the ; Rufus | a short distance west of the Durham station. Four cars were de: railed and a number of persons were injured, four No one was | killed. The accident was caused hy a i Lroken rail, . morning, seriously | Academy of Science, ployees to join them, forcing the em RESERVISTS KICK. | Have Flatly Refused To Go To | Manchuria. London, Jan, 20.---A despatch to the Express says it is learned from a usually trustworthy source that 7,000 reservists at Riga have flatly attempted to an. | T0Used to go to Manchuria and have | signed a document to that effect, Hereros Subdued. Berlin, Jan. 20.--Gen. Von Trotha, commander of the German forces in South-West Africa, which have been operating against the rebellious Here- ros, reports the collapse of the rebel- lion. Chief Willinm Maherero has our- rendered. Several chiefs have died, and the warriors have scattered, To Talk In The West. Windsor, Ont., Jan. 20.--J, Bureau, MP, and Dr. Beland, two of the best known French-Canadian orators, have arrived here, and will stump the siding in the interests of Ernest Girardott, the liberal candidate. 3 packages McLaren's jelly powder, | 25c.; 4 Bm. of currants, 2%, and 4 | packeges corn starch, 25c. at Mullin'a, The goodness of our goods, goes without, saying. W. J. Crothers. "Phone 141. "Frosh Bovril,"" all sizes. Gibson's | Red Cross Drug Store, 3 large tins tomato soup, Mullin's, Finest potatoes. Crawford, "leveland | superintendent of the research exami; 25c.; at lan 20-10 Toronto. Out, Jan. eg) Gold to-duy. Fine and moderately col urday solder. All-overs, Flouncings and Demi-Flouncings. Hundreds of people wait year for this special line, Ww! we import direct from the mw in St. Gall. They are made fine nainsook, The needlewd perfect and the designs bear uNGLISH EYELET JAmROLD: he newest wo HEMSTI'CHRD £poR EMER OID Suitable for cellar and cuffs. EMBROIDERIES AND INSER in matched sets, 2 to 4 Wi % Full Lengths and Demi-Flouncing, able for ladies' or children's dre Inspection Invited. SPECIAL CANADIAN WARSTEN'S LIFELIKE, MOVING. PIC meee RE i Seats now. on Bargain rites Night, onde. LEC 20¢.; Matinee, children, 10¢.; at Wed'y, Jan. 25h, Forbes Coffe! fe The Epicurean knows ¢ "Java and Mocha" Bles p Coftce by tiie flavor. / The Economist by price, 40 cents. We roast this Coffee © selves, The middleman's p fit is saved.. That is the son we can give such e lent value. | James Redden & Co | Importers of Fine Groceries. om ---------------------------- POTATOES | We have received a lai | quantity of CHOICE DF WHITE POTATOES; usual kind, with our {antee for quality, Speci TOMORRUW (Saturda 85¢. Per Bag DELIVERED, Anderson B "Phone 458. 386 Princess Sipest; Two D. Laturney's Carriage Trunks nd Val made | Basket Trun illowed. Keys fitted, he PRICES MODERATE. | Better Than Money In The Save or die whole shar shoes now for i-Lodsett Shas Store sale' is a odes, damit i ot"