Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jan 1905, p. 3

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Tos Mediclsa known. cases--1) degrees three Aotiars per box. -ask your druggist - Root Compound. Tak =e : mith s. No. 1 and No. 2 are sol, ng nded all druggists in the Do- 3 adiadlen 10 any adc, esq : ur 3-ce Sl a ene ad No. 3 dn 1a a . 0. old In reggista. v Ro" Smooth, --® 3 White Hands Hot svi wylor's ebfuce 'eam most soothing ilet lotion -25¢. . B. Taylor Drug Co. A Princess St. "Phone 59. MEN AND WOMEN, U! Use Big @ for unnatural 1 to 5 days. dischargns, inflammations, uarsoteed irritations or ulceration, 10 stricture. of mucous membrane, vents Coutagion. Painices, and not astrip VANSCHERIGALDD. gent or poisonous. CURNATL, Sold by Druggise, LN or sat in plain wrippes, 91.00, or 8 bottler ss 35.1% Circular sat on requeet, JOY A DRIVE? it doubly emjoyable by en- me of our fine turnouts, and rees. DING'S LIVERY, Wellington St. 'Phone 236, E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT es Bay Railway company will the Parliament of Canada at Session, for an Act authorizing pany to change its name and ng it to lease, purchasa or oth- cquire the lines of the Quebec, nswick and Nova Scotia Rail- upany and to amalgamate with npany; also to extend and de- powers of the Company with re- the issue of the bonds, deben- I other securities; and for power ruct the lines of railway below d: empowering the com- lease : Canadian. Northern Company, its lines. or leased any of them, and to give that running powers thereover. es above referred to are the fol- ma point on the Company's th of Lake Muskoka, thence to Montreal, passing through or awa, with branches to Ottawa kesbury. om a point on or near the liver, thence easterly to Montre- ng through or near Ottawa, anches to Ottawa and Hawkes- m a point on the Company's r near 'Sudbury, thence westerly h of Lake Nipigon to a point on dian Northern Railway west of thur, passing through or pear Lthur or with a branch to Port Z. A. LASH Solicitor for Applicant December 8th, 1904 BEST in the EAST Ww, up-to-date Business Training hiciblee Kingston, Ontario. atign with the well known AL BUSINESS COLLEGE Of Toronto, best courses in all Depa¥tments \® new, clean and first-class -- free. Enter now. 3 AND EVENING SESSIONS. HAW, T. N. STOCKDALE, esident. Principal. PLOPHPe0ee Your al Won't Irn or t Burns 0 Quickly der Swift's cranton Coal -- on cn. Sw. -- ES SWIFT & C0. Telephone 138. Goeeee A. BATEMAN OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, LIFE and FIRE INSURANCE. ROKER. fice, 61 Clarence stress. address, 25 Sydsshaw 88. +000 SPRUE Lebo netsh : .. Ontario Provincial Electio . Round trip tickets will be sold at Single Class § Between all stations in Ontario. Good 'going by all and 25th. trains Jan. 24th Valid returning until Jap. 26th, 1903. For Pullman 'accommodation, tickets, and all other information apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, . Cormer Johnston and Ontario streets. KINGSTON & PEMBROKE & CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS, Single Fare Ontario Provincial Elections . TIETR Good going January 24th and 25th, valid returning until January 26th Full partierlars at K. & P. and C. T.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Strect. ¥. CONWAY. F. A, FOLGER. JR.. Gen. Pass. Agt. Gen. Supt iJ ------ BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. New short line for Tweed, Napanee, Deserovto, and all local points. Trains leave 'ity Hall Depot at 2:25 p.m. J. CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kiagston. te i EAA. rats. BERMUDA Frost unknown, malarig guposiible, From New York, 48 hours by elegant new twin screw steamship ** Bermudian," Sailings every 10 aays during January. Every five days during February, March and April, 1905. FOR WINTER CRUISES GO TO -- WEST INDIES -- 30 dage Aripi About 20 days in tropics. Special cruises to Beriiuda, Porto Rico, Windward Islands and Cuba, SS. Pretoria, Javvary 4th, Kebrugry 9th, March 22nd, 1905. For further particu- Inte iy to A. BE. OUTERBRIDGE & Co., ents, for Quebec 8S. Co., 39 Bi ay, New York ; ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, uebec, or J. P. HANLEY, and to J. P. GILDER- SLEEVE, Ticket Agents, Kingston. ALLAN LINE "V=*005end voenny Royal Mall Steamers. From St, Jobe, From Halifax. Parisian, Sat, Jan. 21, Mon. Jan. 28. Sicilian, Sat. Jan. 28; Mon. Jan. 30 lonian Sat. Feb 4. Mon. Feb. 6 Pictorian, Sat. Feb. 11: Mon. Feb. 13 RATES OF PASSAGE~--First Cabin, $560 and upwards, according to steamer and accommodation; 'Second Cabin, Liv- erpool and Londonderry, $80, $32.50 and $35; London $2.50 extra: Third Class, $15, superior accommodation, Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, Lon- |. don. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. Mongolian ...... ..... Thurs, Feb 2, 10 a.m. "irst Cabin, $40 and up--Second Cab- in. $27.50--Third Class, $15. For further particulars, apply to P NLE ih, Sty J , HANLEY, ent, thy Jobst, Tr oul ET -- THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. (ESTABLISHED 1863 ) PRESIDENT The Right* Hon. Sir BR. J. Cartwright. Money loaned on City and Properties, Municipal and County Debentures. Mortgages purchased Deposils received and interest allowed 8S. C. McUILL, Managing Director. Office, 97 Clarence street, Kingston opposite the Post Office. FISH ! FRESH FROZEN--- Farm Whitefish, i0c. and 124c per Ib Salmon Trout. 124c. Ib Pickerel, 10g. 1b. Pike, Bc. 1b. Atlantic Salmon, 80c. In Chencok Salmon, 26¢. In. Silver Side Salmon, 20c. Ih Ntosk Cod, 10c. Ib. Haddock Bluefish, 15c. Ib. Mackerel, 15¢. Ib Sgriped Bass, 105c. 1b. Tom Cods, 8c. 1h. Herrings, 15c., 80¢. and 40¢ doz SMOKED-- Smoked Ciscoes, 124c. Ih Boneless Haddies. 10c. 1b Yarmouth Bloaters, 40¢. dozen, Kippered Herrings, 40c. doz. SALT- Salt Trout, 10c. Ih Salt Whitefish, 10c. 1h Salt Mackerel, 15c. Ib Salt Labrador Salmon. 10c. Ib 15¢. Ih 124c Salt Sea Trout, Salt Cod, 8c.. 10c.. OYSTERS, 40c., 50c. and GUC DOMINION FISH GO. 63 Breck St. "Phone 520. per ut - BE WISE Lid ¥ou Cannot attend Day School at Kingston Business College 'ake & business or shorthand course at sight. Cut this advt. out. Do it now. Tt is worth money. Wren, exit. or telephone, No. 440. for To RRRNVE | gS i swoaLe, President. SINCE wit staal In - X S 3] It should be borne in mind every cold weakens the lungs, ars the vitality and prepares the SySomms {or the more serious dis- eases, amoung which are the two greatest destroyers of human life, pucnmonia and consumption. | I Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has won its great ity by its prompt cures of this most commen ailment. It aids expectoration, re- lieves the lungs and opens the secretions, effecting a speedy and rmanent. cure. It counteracts aby tendency towaril pneumonia. « Price 25¢, Large Size 50c. ; Doctors Said That Lumps and External Swellings. Would Turn to Running Sores. Mrs. Jacob Kaehler, Zurich, Ont., says that Burdock Blood Bitters Saved Her from Many Years of Suffering. She writes :--'* Now imagine how joyous and great was my surprise when a friend of mine told me that Burdock Blood Bitters would cure me, so that the lumps and external swellings, which the doctors told me would turn to running sorés, would disappear. I took her advice, and can say that I have no doubt but that Burdock Blood Bitters has saved me from years of suffering. It is with the greatest of pleasure and with a thankful 'heart that I give this testimonial, knowing that Burdock Blood Bitters has done so much for me, and you are at perfect liberty to this for the benefit of others similarly icted."" ' ~ Burdock Blood Bitters is the best blood medicine on the market to-day, and is composed entirely of roots, herbs, barks and berries. reeset esa GILLETTS ABSOLUTELY PURE CREAM TARTAR. Nearly all goods in this line at the present timo are adulterated and ii Jact unfit to use. 1 GILLETT'S is used by the best bakers and caterers everywhere. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. GILLETT'S costs no more than the inferior adulterated goods. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. E.W.GILLETT aires LiMiTED TORONTO, ONT. i Fuel Fuel Hard Coal Grate and Lge for vour furnace Stove, Chestnut and Pea for stoves. > Soft Coal Cannel for your grate. Select Lump for grates and engines. Swilthing Slack. Also Cut & Uncut, Wood P. WALSH, PARRACK C0, Kine LET ME WAVE YOUR SALE And 1 will guarantees you satis factory results. 'We don't brag, but perform the work. Nothing sacrificed, but your best inter. est studied. W. J. NURRAY, The Auctioneee. your MONEY AND BUSINESS. EE J LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE policy holders have for ty the umlimited liability oi all the stockholders. Farm sad cit. sires at lowest possib! lore renewing old or giving Sew business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. JUR POLICIES COVER MOKE ON buildings and contents than any eth. er company efiers. Examine them at Gedwin"s Insurance Emperium, Mark. ot Moware -~ ARCHITECTS. ren AM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF. Ace, socond floor ever Mahood's drug store, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Eiirance, on Bagot street. Telephone 3 : ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, pe | fica site of New Drill Hall, near core nor of Queen and Montreal Streets. POWER & SON ARCHITECT, MER- chast"s Rank Building, corner Brock and Wallington streeis. "hones 2132 SEN fev ©. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ete. Anchor Building, Market Square. 'Phops 345. {BUSINES ep tha -- op hgh] S$ STAGGERED BY SNOW-STORMS. "Chaucer? tt rectived a tele gram frown Dr. "Jack" Gibson, wan: . tain, and cover point of the Portage Lake" Hea, ' of Houghton, Mich., asking if he . would accept a position as referre of the Internation. al | Professional "Hotkey © League." "Namie your own terms," said the wire, "and report for a game at the Canadian Soo on Friday "night." "Chaveer" doef® not relish the = idea of breaking imte professional hockey, where the powers of the referee are circumseribed, owing to rules made by men who know little or mothimg about 'the game. ead The Whig For Sixty Years-- Al¥ays Vote Liberal -- Held Oyster Supper--Gift To Meth- odist Church. : Verona, Jan. 17.--Business has be: come completely staggered owing to the recent bad storms, Despite the rough state of the weather, and roads almost impassable, Pert Page, Desert Lake, has been hauling wood and logs down the lakes to the station. He has the contract of hauling the] Earlier in the season President Mo: feldspar from the Deyo mine nnd com- | Swigan. of Pittsburg, of the Profes: menced drawing to-day. ------ W. M. Abrams, residing at 14 Island | - : 5 Lake, has seen eighty-eight winters er come and go, and has read the Whig for upwards of sixty yéars, and does | not want any other paper in. reach, | is hale and hearty, and cast his vote at the last election, and expects to cast, another for the liberal candidate, H.W. Reynolds, at the provincial elee- tion. Mrs. H, W, Wartelsky, gftending the funeral of her sister in Mogi returned home. Mr, Waksen side over and mould the young ideas in the junior department this vear, With such competent teachers as these are on the staff we expect Verona school will rate as first school in the county this year. J. Leslie will pre. side over the High Falls' school this year, . T. Quinn, the new miller, has had the engine placed in position in his new mill, and expeets all to be com- plete this week. and ready for opera- tion. He received a consignment of flour from Ogilvie's mill, Winnipeg. The flour, is of fine quality, and sells readily. We wish hhn success. The brethren of Pe A0UW, Lodge held their annual oyster supper in their cosy little: lodge room on Sat urday evening. They were aceompani od by their wives land invited guests, who were on hand with baskets of dainty eatables. Many from a distance were in attendance, and a thoroughly enjoyable time was indulged in. The D.D.GM. R. A. Longmore, was pres ent. and the installation of officers took place. Dr. Claxton is the repre sehative to the grand lodge, Miss Jean R. Grant left vesterday for Kingston, where she will take. a course in the business college. Dr. Me- FRANK Coren, Champion catch. ad-catchican wrestler of America, who bres a ring fight with Champion Jim Jeffries sional League, tried to induce "Chaucer" ta avept office, but he declined with thanks, just as he did the latest: offer, i -------- Queen's IT Cadets I To-Night. Queen's 1 and . Cadets 1 will moet, i to-night, in. the final game of the local distriet infernwdiate 1. C. H. U series, The Cadets have a lead of two goals from their first game, last { Friday night, and the Queen's men 5 3 'C-! are going into the game determined Carter, ill of ppeumonia for some lit- 1, overcome this lead. The soldiers' tle time, is able to be out again. W, | } ENTY- TWO DOLLARS. le ti , ! | line-up will be the same as G. Grant, teacher, laid up for some | gocasion of the last game, hut the days with grippe, was able to go to | iollegians intend to strengthen their his school yesterday, at Wilson's | tear from eligible wen" plaving" on school, Desert Lake. ; theiny first line. Williams and Bruee The Free Methodists are holding a | Sutherland are the probable additions series of revivals in their chifrch, by | to the forward line, although it is by Rev. Gunter and their elder. Rev, Mr.' no means certain that Williams will on the | Cunningham. The trusteés of the MB. | play. Both plavers church, held a meeting vesterday af- ternoon. The late Mrs. Kates donated $50 for church purposes. ton, teaching in Manitoba 'for the last two years, is visiting his par- ents. The station agent, W. A. Grant, has had a new floor put in the wait- ing room, and three fine, a decided improvement, Miss Gertie Holland, Kine§ton, is a guest of Mrs. Agselstine, Upién Hotel, Migs G. Shields, nurse from New York, is at her mother's, Mrs. Shields. Fair Officers. Cape Vinceyt Eagle The annual meeting of the Vincent Fair Association was held on Saturday. The report of the. secre- tary showed the society to be in debt or $1,200. The following are the rs clected for the ensuing year : sident, H. I. sident, JJ. H. Bates: vice-pre sident, JJ. KR." Kilborn: treasurer, Si Juddf secretary, Frank Dezengre mel. A resolution was offered and un- animously adopted that no persons except residents of Jefferson county and the township of Wolfe Island be allowed to compete for premiums. A commitiee of ten was appointed to sell stock in order to place the asso- ciation out of debt and on a sound financial basis. The dates of the fair were not set, as much will depend up- on the suceess of the stock selling committee whether a fair will be held this year or not second Booker T. Washington, the famous colored leader, was refused hotel ae commodation at Wichita, Kansas WOULD YOU HAVE A BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION How to Secure Ome and Enjoy the Best of Health In Nature's Way. Healthy beauty 'is the only kind that charms. Of what avail is the saliow prettiness of an invalid? Artificial beauty obtained by the use of lotions, washes and powders con- taining lead, he ad bias g ah ig ra --eanly seen . It press flesh and pure blood that makes people at- tractive. You cannot have health, good looks, rosy cheeks' and bright, Tapes qo unless Jou blood is pure, ich and red. You csanot ave that symmetry of de Bus 1-7 ; pwas Aestrorad. The ow new seats-- the game an extra fast exhibition. Kingston} they Stoel; first tioepre: | 8 hy he) | are "eligible, and + it was agreed between the Queen's and R.OM.C. representatives at the Levy Hamil , ime the schedule was drawn up, that Queen's could play * thenr if they so ! desired. "Thege changes" would make o considerable diffprepcr to Queen's scor ing 'abilities, and would tend to make sii, Factor In, Championship. The Frontenac "team, 'accompanied by several supporters, loft, at noon, today, for Smith's Falls, where they will, for the secon time this season, clash sticks with the hockey aggrega- tion of that town. Towight's game ------ Cage j will be a decided factor in the cham- pionship of this round.and the locals' , thances ior winning out are extremely bright, 1f the Smith's Ealle team play the dame style of game thuy did in will' "be trimmed on their own ice, and the locals 'will wind up the series witha clean win ning record. From all accounts, . however, the ! Smith's Falls team are strong on their home ice, and the Fromtenacs are ex pecting the battle of gheir lives to win | out. The local team. have about re covered "from the bumps and bruises | they received from. the hands, feet and sticks of their Brockville hosts, and A : x , (laughter)--and he was retired. He ther line-up, t night, will be practic! dif not retire; he was retired, and ally the same with the exception of entoomed Hugh Muacdonnell, who will guard the | nets. The team left the city with the best wishes of their many supporters, who have grown' in numbers ahd con fidence as the season has progressed. | F. CC. Waghorne Will referee the Smith's: Fall- Kingston. game, ut Smith's Falls to night. | Yale defeatidd Columbia by a score tof nine to the in the fourth game of the Intercollegiate hockey series George Mckay, formerly "of Toron. | Brockville, 'has arrived in Several of the senior hockey anxious to seeure his servic ered, Hockey Notes. Montreal. to and clubs are es. { The been plaved at tween Senior O.H. A, match to have Iroquois, to-night, be- | Morrisburg amd Iroquois, has been postponed indefinitely, Owing to' a break in the canal bank there is no light. Intelligencer: All the lads on Belle ville's last vear team are making good | this season in other places, which re.' minds us that, with an even break.' weld surely have been at the top of the hockey heap last season. Captain Gornan president of the C.AAU., has stated that if Bobby Gray, who wa professionalized along with other Lacrosse Club, p ville O.H.A., th y sionalize those against him. members, of the Toronto ayed with the Brock union. would profes who played with and e-- General Sport. It is not at all probeble that Capo Vincent will have races on i this winter, | The Kingston lee retains: the Walker cent will mak: this wintér, In a club curling mateh last even ing, H. Youlden's. rink. defeated A. Strachan's by 157 Women will find. Hud rife an unfail ing source of relic The most painful of feminine troubles can be promptly rel everd by. taking a. tablet ond hour after each meal time, the first Ja. Daily Hints for Common lls: A frame barn belongifig' to William White, Twerd dentroved hy firs Wadnesday.. A valuable 'Jersey ihe ee Yacht Club «till cup. Cape Vin sfiort to capture it 9%. a dp ET < IVER + Cameron for that horse without any better sue: | cess He came within two or three points of winning last time, but it | win. and they came to the conclusion Some Reasons . W h y the Lib Ea eral Government Should be Sustained. The honest businesslike adniinistra:, TRIO IS THE ONLY PROVINCE OUT tion of public affairs is always assoc, OF DEBT AND WITH A BiG CASH ated with good government. The busi-' SURPLUS ON HAND, : ness methods of the Liberal Govern:i Ontario is the only Province ware ment of this Province are unassailable: busivessmen, storekeepers and travelors| No Provinee of this Dominion and wo px no Provincial taxes. State of the American Unjon has sueht? Notwithstanding this freedom fro a id record as Uutario. b | e incubus of debt wd nuvy takes o re never has been a charge of Wise onto . the Province po honesty or speculation against of mem. sesses wore than ONE HUNDRED AND ber of the Government, and sines 1871 TWENTY-FIVE MILLION DOLLARN the Government of the Province has WORTH OF TIMBER, inexhaustible disbursed no less than UNE HUNDRED itineral resources and undeveloped AND THIRTEEN MILLION ONE waterpower; wiridh will in the near hit: HUNDRED AND NINETY-ONE THOU- ure > arth willioe more to the pe XD ElG 'NDRED AND SEV-|ple ntario. . vo 3 SAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND HEV Ble nought and Ta ative abilities hug eHormonaly increased tive value of all these natural resources and Out of the total expenditare ay stats od above no Jess a sum than NINKLY- aid FIVE MILLION DOLLARE has gom direct to the people of Ontario w ve time to the people of Untatio She Juli lief of local taxes and for the improve-| benefit of these ever-increasing vain went and development of the: Province. , Mr. Whitney dud , par ¥ -- ice Ontario is in her present position the | their very. " to preven fan wealthiest, the best educated, the, most | OF this policy or progressi ¢ i p The business ability of the Liberal ve; ihe eaithiest and Ah Vest | Government secured the re-establish- governed Province of the Domind me 4 nA . nt of tite Soo industries on a solid esuse of the prudancy, 4s buciaccy foundation, 'without involving the Prov- down a policy which secures for all}, Go ink PHBL Oa the Ontario Tories we ties who ¢ the es ern "by o% tablishment of the 1 Lol oe mer from. theas uation, 8 Sh yearly value of Mr. Whitney and bis party d the Government policy for benefiting the far- mers. $e eg The Oiitario Government compels wealthy Sorparations and the estates of deceased millionaires to pay a reason: able tax to the treasury. Mr. Whitey and his party as the friends of the = » porations and millionaires, epposed b 3 x The Ross Government secured nee per square mile for timber in New Ow tavio, The Saudficld Mucdonaid Gov- ernment only per square mi wid the Do. Tories, backed by t| Ontario Tories, tried to rob Omtario of this immense weafth and give it away to their friends, The School of I'ractieal Science, abilities. the forethougn!, tna Drag eas . si . ive ideas and tho honeoly el ths Gers et in nx Social Sospomiuitiey, wx ernment. : i by property worth over $7,000,000, with Among the expenditiire: which the the Tesuit that these great industries Government bave been. reaponiiblo for "00 SECT Fly operation and a sourcy and which the UpposIION Covi igod "all of prosperity for the whole - Province. frequently endeavored to prevent or 12- The too works are turning out emo: duee are :-- mous quantities of steel rails for dw On education $20,042,709 | Canadian. Pacific and other roads, thus Maintenance of asylums and giving employment to thousands of men, similar public institutions 20583648 | nd Er a most valuable new im- Aid to railways o.oo... IL3ELALT | dustry for the Province, Yet Mr. Whit Construction of public build, lares that "all this might as ney 2 ings in all parts of the well have been thrown into Lake Su. Your hands. Tt is for You to by 14 whee. Protince .... ? 9.518571 ior." | ther you will by Jour Yo on A Agriculture eee. AILS" Ontario is the only Provinee © which Bath pat an hd to. magnificent re Colonization roads Mo S008247 has built, ned now operates, a railway ns of a sound business adm pe Municipal dfwinage ..\/N\ a 122117 of its own. The Tories, led by Mr, ANd & River, lake and. bridge wor Refunds, land improvement distribution of clergy jands 'and surplus distri: bution in I873 .......... AT CONFEDERATION EACH VINCE IN THE DOMINION STARTED ment cot ¥REE PROM DEBT. TODAY A PRETTY GOOD HOR -- And It Has Never Yet Lost a Derby. . One of the Toronto papers, Mr. Ross went on, Printad regularly a cartoon of a war horse that bad been thirty two years in the saddle. Well, sup pose he had. He is as good a war horse now as when the saddle was first put on him. (Laughter.) It isa horse that. has never, lost a Derby race yet. It has always been a win- ver. (Applause and laughter.) Now and again in a side steeplechase ur hurdle' race or 'something. of that kind it may sometimes have had a tumble, but in the great races of the season the war horse has always won, and it is going to win this time. (Loud applause and cries of "Nou bet.) But the other horse has been in the saddle thirty-two years also. The opposition. horse has been wilskaming. 4.010586 The Ontario Government nies on the N Shoe on the race course for thirty-two ' vears and has never won a racc-vet. | Women's Dongola Lace (Laughter.) 1 do not kilow that he i is likely to for some time, Heohas NOW ...ovvsnnrionnans many jockeys. (Renewed laugh There was Sir Matthew Crooks two vears and he lost. Sie William: Ralph Meredith, an estin able man, ran him for twenty years and gave up the job to take one on the bench, which he adorns. Then Mr Marter ran him for a year and a half. There was much prohibi- tion in that horse, or something - had ter.) for the last seven years py friend, Mr. Whitney, has been running See Our was so near and vet so far---(appleuse and laughter) and he has now called to his assistance in the grooming of that horse a list of wen such as Mr. Gamey. (Cries of "Oh," and groans.) In fact, he has a lot of grooms, and the other day he called a conference if there any chapee for thirty two-year-old animal to McDe Mrs. J. P. Wilson Dead. Selleville, Ont., 20,~The of Rev, J. P Bay of Quinte conference of thodist church, after a long and to see was u dan. Hs the Me horse might win, They have been saying that. They have that the always s 1,150,965 Whitney, are the only parties who op- ; posed, ld still oppose, the extension sible opport yf The Government rallway through Tes have suc- which has opposed and endeavored' PRO- ceeded in" securing from, power develop: agara frontier OX: nn enormous revenue, which steadily in _/_ Of the Wonderful bm We Are Offer ny a Qu Ev tig Winter Shoe Clearance Women's Dongola Lace Boots, Kid and Patent Ti regular $1.50 values, now per pair....... $1.1 Women's Dorigola Lace and Blucher styles, Cuban hee regular $2.50 values, now per pair..... $1.7 wile Wilson, president of the died Wednesday night very painful illness. and equi by the Ontario Govéin- J leo ro min for prastion hundreds of t young men from afl parts of the trian ad as fast as © they are trained they find instant em: ployment As civil engineers, land ay i veyors, bridge engiceers, managers big mechanical works, architects and the [like, and Ontario has thus been placed in the front rank in the higher prae- i tical training of its . as Electors of Ontarip, the issue is in PE IRRTEI Ver 1 tet ack of awh a Province as this, i thwart every reform and I for the benefit of the people ° tario. Value £ Boots, regular $1.25 values, Se CEL SI UNBAN RRNE Irena Window. THE LEADING AUCTIONEER, lost money on that every tine. | 2 A é (Long continued langhter and ap She was a daughter of the late A. L. th Roberts, and was a native of this 3 plause.) . T ee - county. She. married Mr. Wilson at }]' " ill be N " dl i Picton in August, 1880, and had been Interment will be at Napance on Sate Grip Colds a resident of this city but a short | Wraay. Nonny Laxative Bromo Quinine, the world: cold and grip remedy, removes the cause. Call for the full name andi daughtors, Miss Janet and Mary Wil look for signature of E. W, Grove. 25¢ yon. A. A. Roberts, Ne f city: A. W. Roberts, wide Mra, J. time.She leaves, besides her husband, one son, Dr, Cameron Wilson, and two barrister of this Paliner, McLeod's condition powders for hors- es and cattle, 2 large packages, 25c. McLeod's Drug Store, i Miss Annie jer, Lansdowne, ot i dead from nine months' illness, follow- ing an attack of pneumonia. She was aged twenty-six. = Mrs. Tait, Brockville, aged sevénty- | Shelburne; W. L. Roberts, Horning's nine, ix dead from a complication of | Mills, and Mrs. J. H. Roberts, Ac diseases. She leaves a husbaml. | tinolite, are brothers and sisters. The "--- a -- rage. J. M. DOUGLAS & .THE WORLD'S PALATE PREFERS DEWARS WAISKY For its superiority over all others, and THE JUDGES at the St. Louis Exposition, 1904, have awarded this famous whisky the highest gift in their power : "THE GRAND PRIZE," as their testimony to its right to hold first place amongst distillers of this popular form of beve- co.. Canadian Agents. Montreal. sob °} | onsak glgt2d ined

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