Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jan 1905, p. 7

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jualled by any. when they oo pprobation ich are already of one of the ETRE rushing Prices | ES ------ | ORDER, $20. SALE PRICE $12.45. Worth $20, $22. SALE orth $18 and $23. SALE 3. orth 50c., T5¢., and $1. SALE orth 15¢. each. SALE PRICE rice 50c, c. and 15¢. egular price SALE PRICE 18c, SALE PRICE Ic. 5c, and $1.00. rth 15¢. SALE LE PRICE 3c. . PRICE 39c, PRICE 5c, . and $1.00. SALE PRICE d $1.00. . SALE PRICE 33c. PRICE 3c. c. SALE PRICE 12c. PRICE 10c. OR IRR, 8 | Tailoring Price 28¢. yd. BTR IES. sizes. Regular price $1.00. SRA R. ar price 50c, SALE PRICE ar price ibe, SALE PRICE PRICE 91c. A AOE . SALE PRICE 4 for bc. Half Price. RICE 63c. ALE PRICE 39¢. OW 47. CE 10c, toa? ond i} ONT. SEI Db rate) DN . oo) > 0 A 3\ i ~ Sos of 72 by = av . ve a 1 i HITE COODS SALE Il This wonderfal white sale is worth Coming' wiles =" to see Hardly a» day hut sees sGme new aod dainty creation of white added to this busy department Women's Muslin Undergarments--you Will be delighted with goods on exhibi- tion. If worthy qualities, dainty fash- ions at lowest prices are what count, we know you will come to to our great White Sale when ready to buy -- White Gowns, 49¢, to $3.99 each. White Skirtg, #9¢, 76c., 99¢., to 5.99 each White Drawers, 25¢., 3§ec., 49¢ to $3 pair White Corset Covers, 13e., 16¢: 19e¢., 25¢. to $1.75 each. White Chemises, 50c., 75c. White Embroideries and Laces. White Sheeting, Circular and Plain Pillow Cottons and Hanockse's 'nglish, Canadian and American 36 inch Bleeched © Cloths. All marked at lowest cash prices. RUMLEY BROS. . WHAT IT IS' L.abatt's London Ale It is genuine. It is nourishing. It is absolutely the best. Gained the Highest Award and Gold Medal over all other brands. AS. McPARLAND, Agent. 3rd Annual 15.5 0 Cash Suit Sale We start Saturday, the h January and will sell r the next two weeks all ch, English and other weed and Worsted Suit- gs at $15 so--for CASH NLY. Come early and get first oice, as we have some ry fine suitings, ranging value from $18 to $25 they are all going for 15.50. The linings and orkmanship will be first ss and fit guaranteed. sarroll & Co. 230 PRINCESS STREET, FASHIONABLE TAILORS. Ne yw is the Time to Buy! A good piece of Furniture at re- price, to close out before as we have several stock- Parlor Setts, Fancy Parlor Chairs, Rattan Rocker and : Oak Hall Racks | At a bargain. Call 147 for to have your re- attended to. JAMES REID, The. Loading' Gadentaler, MILBURN"S Heart and Nerve Pills. Are a specific for all heart snd nerve troubles. Here are some of the s pe toms. Any one of them should warning for yon to attend to it Sa mediately. Don't delay. Serious break. down of the system may follow, if you do: Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Dizzi- ness, Palpitation of the Heart, Shortness of Breath, Rush of Blood to "the Head, Smothering and Sinking Spells, Faint end Weak Spells, Spasm or Pain through the Heart; Cold, Clammy Hands and Feet. There may be many minor symp- toms of heart and nerve trouble, but these are the chief ones. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will dispel all these symptoms from the system, Price 60 cents per box, or 8 for $1.25. WEAK SPELLS CURED. Mrs, L. Dorey, Hemford, N.S., writes us as follow: +~"T was troubled with dizziness, weak spells and fluttering of the heart. 1 proud a box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and they did me so much good that I got two more boxes, and after finishing them I was completely cured. I must say that I cannot recom- mend them too highly. Bick Meadache and relieve all the troubles incl dent to a billous wiite uf the system, such as ess, Drowsiuces, Distress after FL ala io the Si While their most able succoss hag shown ju curing SICK funy Tot ters Lit Little Liver Pilly ate Bea valuable in Wi hile A 0] ay ji "HEAD Achethey suffer from shoeing copia eitoitn i er nately their goodness docs notend those whooncetry thom will find these little pills valo- able in so many Naa that they wil I hot he not Do wit, wil ling to do without them, ACHE Tate bane of #0 many lives that here is where wemakyout great boss iS others do n Carter's Atle Liver Pills ere very small and wery easy to tako, Dio or. 4¥ lle 108s duc. Toy worry saris ble 8nd 4a Bt | nal Dom 1a wistens 23 penta Boo for $1. Bold by droggists everywhere, of sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York, Spall PL Small Doss Fmall Pic uisea, &e. Kingston. Henry Cunningham, piapo tuner from Chickering. € 8s received at McAuley's book store, Princess street. WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND: ENTS TELL US. ------ The Tidings'From Various Points In Eastera Cntario -- What Peop> are Doing And What They Are Saying. -- Flinton Facts. Flinton, Jan. 17.~The councillors is over; the day were : election for those that won R. W. Kennedy, reeve ; councillors, William Grant, "William Vanallen, M. Prisley, and James Me Cluckie. Auditors are Rev, J. Garbutt and 0. M. Perry. Auditor To cheese factory, 0. M. Perry. Auditor of the school, 0. M. Perry. The councillors took their seats on the 9th. We wish the conncillors every success, The snow storms of last week were something terrible. The stage from Madoe was only in once during the week, but ar- rived on Saturday night with a very full mail, Bongard Notices. Bongard's, Jan. 19.--Mr. 'and®Mrs. T. R. Briscoe and children, of Lanark, are visiting at his father's, Thomas Briscoe. Miss Sarah Bradley and Miss Gertie Williams have returned after several weeks' visit in Picton and vie- inity. There was a joint political meeting held in the town hall on Sunday evening and was well pa- tronized, Miss M. Shannon has heen engaged as teacher, and has com- menced duties. Mrs. Thomas Bongard and little daughter are visiting at Cherry Valley. Several from this place attended a tea meeting at Glenora on Tuesday evening. Sawmill Is Running. Dead Creek, Jan. 16.--George Clark intends starting his saw mill to-day. The Hamilton mill is running day and night. Messrs. Avery and Pringle have stopped drawing lumber to Ardendale Station, owing to the bad state of the roads. Lyon brothers, Long Lake, are opening a road from their mill to Ar- dendale Station, via Dead Creek. Much sympathy is felt for the family of ames Hartin, who died from the ef- foo ts"of an injury received .while work- ing in Avery and Pringle's lumber camp. The sum of $32 was raised am- ong his fellow-workers for the benefit of the bereaved family. Where Children Are Scarce. Andresshurgh, Jan. 19.-Our school has opened for another year with Miss Laura Buell as teacher, As yet there has heen only one pupil in attendance. John Tackaberry has got comfortably settled in his new house, Walter Sal- ter has moved to the farm he recently purchased from Edward Dier. Mrs. Chapman, Ottawa, has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Judd, for a few days. Mrs. Dickey, Rockport, spent a cou- ple of days with her sister, Mrs. C. O. Guild, Miss Mabel Wilcox is spending a few weeks in our quiet village with her aunt, The farmers are busy get- ting up their wood, but make slow progress as tha roads are so had. Sunny Side Sketches. Sunnyside, Jan. 19-0. Fairbanks, Jr., has sold his farm to Thomas Smith, formerly of this place, and will now move to the York Road James Cook has sold his farm to Wesley Harpell. A. Aylesworth has leased H. MecCrow's farm. A little surprise party gathered at the home of Charles Silver on Saturday evening last and had an enjoyable time. James Silver, Syracuse, N.Y., paid friends here a flying visit last week. School is again progressing nicely un- der the capable management of Miss L. Smith, who has been re-engaged for this year. Thomas G. Buck was appointed trustee, Mrs. Sherman Powley, visiting at James Powley's, bas returned home again slightly im- proved in health. Concert At Bath. Bath, Jan. 19.--~The concert given in the town hall, Tuesday evening, under the auspices of the Methodist church, was well attended and | all were well pleased with the entertainers, Miss Pauline Johnson and Walter McRaye. After all expenses were paid, about $22 was realized. Ernest P. who has been living - in Gananoque, for a few years, has returned to the village, having purchased the harness business from Robert Mott, Mr. Shep- herd has rented part of Charles Bur- ley's building and has started a first- class harness and repair shop. R. R. Finkle, who has been ill is slowly im- proving. George Young, formerly har- ness maker for Robert Mott, has started a harness repair shop in the building opposite Robinson Bros. store, Missiesippi Doings. Mississippi, Jan. 19.--At the resi- dence of Patrick Hughes on Tuesday, January 17th, Allegra Hughes. and Darius Cook were united in marriage by Rev. Mr. Lawson, of Sharbot Lake, Mise Gertrude Hughes, sister of the bridé, and Martin McPhee, were' wit- nesses. Frank Bartraw is smiling at the advent of a young son. Miss Mary Jane Cook is visiting at Ler home at Clarendon. Mrs. Robert Allan hae returned from a visit McDonald's Corners. John Roche, lately "employed at Sharbot Lake, is installed in the station here as agent, in place of Frederick Clark, who is despatcher in the K. & P. railway office in he James Jackson visited at John A. McDongald"s on Wodnesday. Mrs, William McKinnon and Master Harry, of Pilot "Mound, Man., visiting at H. McKinnon's, have gone to Lavant for a short time. Moye Snow Stories. Althorpe, Jan, was unable to get through to Maber- ly on_ Saturday om account of the roads being blocked. There passed away on the 6th of January, Mrs. Ed- ward © Dowdall, Bolingbrooke. Mrs. Dowdall had been ill for the past four works. She was a victim of pnen- monia. Her maiden name wae Anvie Neil, and she was thirty-seven years of age. She was a patient sufferer, and was nursed by Nurse Lyn all though ber sickness. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon and many turn- ed ont. The bereaved husband has the heartlelt sympathy of the whole com- Shepherd, . tv-eight degrees, { of Stnart's Dyspepsia Tablets, 10.--Our mail carrier Y is little | chi » mourn the loss of su af ' ha. Mohs, A. Norris ta s at arvowsmith, ' i intend taking in the Westport. races. Nr. and Mra. J Norris are | a dew days at Maberly, A] number of men, are building a new [government dam on the Tay river at Rolinghrake. rr Verona Verities. Verona, Jan. 18.--Frank Watson has been engaged to teach the school Reynolds has nearly cop, pleted a very successful eanvass: The people of the M. KE. church intend holding a social at "Temperance House," Friday evening, 20th inst; the catering will be under the care ful supervision of Mrs, Buchanan, and with her as hostess, siecess is assur ed. The new ly-engaged sohool teach er, FP. Watkon, will occupy building one door above Temperance hotel: he was a former teacher here. Charlie Yorke, teacher of Bellrock school, Sent Sunday with his parents here. rs. Peter Bilmore is much improved in health. Mrs. H. B. Wartelshy, af ter attending the funeral of her sis ter, Nrs. Rutenberg, at Montreal, has returned home; she = reports the weather extremely cold down cast. Special services are being held by the Evening Light denomination. Mrs. R. Storms. is absent visiting her daugh ters in the United States. W. H. Reynolds has several -teams hauling logs from near Desert Lake to the saw mill here. Mrs. P, Bilmore re ceived a life-sized portrait of hor son, last week, from his home at Roches ter, N.Y. Revington Hamilton is home from the west. ---- The Weathér Prophet. Sharpton, Jap. 17.~The roads are not passable for heavy loads. Fire wood and fodder are catching it these days. As to the coming election, everything is quiet. Perhaps at no mination to-morrow new life will be put into the campaign. Mr. Irish, who is on the road for Mr. Connelly, Yarker, passed through, Dancing is the order of the night. W. McQuay and J. Renden are getting wood on J. Young's. Our school was slimly attended on account of the cold, stormy weather. Snow is about two feet deep on level, J. Moon is pro paring to move to his new farm in Fredericksburgh. The weather prophet will have it, that the hardest of the winter is over. But he i8 a prophet with nothing at stake, and a reputa tion (yet to make. The congensus of opinion seems to be that the toll gates are bound to go, although it may be a few 'years yet. Visitors : Belleville; Ww. Morrison, Hartington, We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brethren on the celebra- tion of their golden wedding at Rochester on January 2nd, For a long time they rvosided herei*but re. cently moved to Rochester. - The nu- merous friends of Mr. and Mrs. Breth- ren here wish them many more years of happy married life. John Prune, Hurrah For Tapping. Ardoch, Jan. 15.--A large number of our young people took advantage of the moonlight nights and @pod roads and drove to the oyster supper and ball given at the Bocarth Mines, on Monday evening, December 26th. No pains were spared by the management to make the hall bright and attrac tive, It was decorated with an abun dance of evergreens and Chinese lan- terns, supper heing served: on tables handsomely arranged in red, white and blue, with red and white carna- tions. Municipal elections caused + a good deal of excitement in . this neigh- borhood. Me, Tapping, our popular conntv councillor, was agaim 'elected, defeating Alex. Munro hy a good sub- stantial majority. Hurrah. for Tap- ping. He has promised his manv friends an evening's entertainment in the near future for the warm interest EEE , PUTTING 1T STRONG. But Docsn't'If Look Reasonable ? This may ead as though we. were putting it a little strong, because it is generally thought by the majority of people that Dyspepsia in its' chronie form is incurable or practically so. But we have long since shown that dyspepsia is curable, nor is it such a difficult matter as at first appears. The trouble with dyspeptics is that they are dieting, starving them- selves or going to the opposite ex- treme or else deluging the already over burdened stomach with 'bitters' "af- ter dinner pills," ete., which invaria- bly increase the difficulty even if in some cases they do give a slight tem- porary relief. . Such treatment of the stomach simply makes matters worse. What the stomach wants is a rest. Now, how can the stomach become rested, recuperated and at the same time the body nourished and sustain- ed ? This is a great secret and this is also the secret of the unifortn success ; of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. This is a comparatively new remedy but its siecens and popularity leave no doubt as to its merit, The tablets will digest the food any- way, regardless of condition of stom- ach. The sufferer from Dyspepsia, ac- cording to directions, is to cat an abundance of good, wholesome food and use the tablets before and after cach meal and the result will be that the food will be digested no matter how bad your dyspepsia may be, be. cause. as before stated, the tablets will digest the food even ii the stom- ach is wholly inactive. To illustrate & JANDA our meaning plainly, if vou take 1.6800 grains of meat, eggs or ordinary food and place it in a temperature of nine- and put with it one it will | digest the meat or oges almost as perfectly as if the meat was enclosed within the stomach. The stomach may be ever so weak yet these * tablets will perform the work of digestion and the bodv and brain will be properly ne mriched and at the same time a radical, lasting cure of Dyspepsia will he made be- cause the much abused stomach will be given, some extent, 8 much needed rest. Your druggist will tell you that of all the manv remedies ad- vertiged to cure Dyspepsia none of them have given so complete and gen- eral satisfaction as Stuart's Dyspepsia 'Tablets, and not least in importance in these hard times is the fact that they are also the cheapest. and give the most good for the least money. eR Food Fact - the Sixth 2 Because thes slow a by } 5) 'Quaker 'pan roasting % J . J 3 of the cata" = - : 2 A Th | Wad, ; | they manifested in his election. The two feet of snow which fell here last week, left the roads well nigh impas sable, the stage not being able to make its regular trips. Our school has again opened with A. Parsons as the teacher. Mrs, John Hickev is again in the Hotel Dien, undergoing treat- ment, George Wehber is all wmiles; it is a girl. Clayton Tapping snowed un- der at Archibald McLean's for a few days. Mr, Ayer with his son arrived home after spending hin Christmas holidays with his friends in the west, Plevna News. Plevna, Jan. 17.5-A« a result of the recent municipal elections, the follow ing persons were declared elected for the municipal counties of Clarendon and Millar townships : Reeve, 8. 8, Barton; councillors, John Card, Eph- riagy Babeack, J. DD. Godkin and Phil Wensley, The first meeting of the new council was held in Plovaa © on Monday, January 9th, when the fol lowing appointments for the different offices were made and sworn in: Gil bert Ostler, treasurer; Williay, McCor miack, clerk; Herbert Baldwin, asses sor; Dr. 1. J. Gray and Eddie James, auditors. The council then adjourned to meet again some time in March, Men have been at work during the past work snow ploughing the roads and so far they have done splendid work, Luther Sorley met with a very painful accident last week while chop ping wood; the axe slipped, and eat a deep gash in his left foot. He will be laid up for some time. Our bar her, Otto Garr, is confined to his hed through illness A card pagty was given last Thursday night, at the home of Mrs. Elkington, in honor of ber son, ilubert, recently returned from: Winnipeg. A Jittle visitor has come to stay at Edward White's, Mr, on Monday they will be left there Ostler While and Mrs. G for Ottawa the guests of George WW, Dawson. A, G. Bryant has returned after spend ing the New Year holidays with' friends in Toronto and Kingston, Dr, Gray and Edward Jaws made a flys ing trip to Ardock on Monday. Miss J. 6G. Hickey i ceessor to Miss Richardson as teacher in the public school here. Mrs. Stanton, who has been confined to her bed for some time, is convalescing. Visitors : Mr, and Mrs Arthur Wood, Toronto, at Mrs. IY. Wensley's; Mra. A. Beckwith at James Godkin's; Mrs. Kellar at J, A. Godkin's mama---------- Guide- Bes ts To Peace. Henry Van Dy . To be glad we life, because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars; to be satisfied with your pos sessions, but not contented with your self until von have made the best of them; to despise nothing in the world except falsshood and meanness, and to fear nothing except cowardice; to be governed by your admirations ra- ther than by your disgusts; to covet nothing that is your neighbor's except his kindness of heart and gentleness of |. manners; to think seldom of your ene- i mies, often of your friends, and every day of Christ; and to spend as much time as you can, with body and with spirit, in God's out-of-doors--these are little guide-posts on the footpath to peace. Stomach Troubles And Constipa- tion. "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are the best thing for stomach troubles and constipation I have ever sold," says J. R. Cullman, a druggist of Potterville, Mich. They are easy to take and always give satisfaction. | tell my customers to try them and if not satisfactory th come back and get their money, but have never had a complaint." Vor sale by all drug- gists, THE 20th GENTURY 108 Jick of att The Fountain of Y The Foun §0 years of Jon Snbotd brought carelal} a yr plain wi fu'l 30 days treatment (1 cure or refund of Send for sworn Canadian testimonials received within the last twelve De. KoHuP MEDICINE 60, PO, Drawoel 2341. MONTREAL] A Powerful Magnet Is lowness of price, and = _ ~ we've made every possible use of it for our Big Dissolutioa: of Partnership Sale. Can't the magnet of saving prices draw you to us. Just now it's strong enough to save you 25c. on. the $1, and that's surely worth while. The bargain tables are loaded with temptiog goods at small prices. Besides all the shoes in stock, excepting Queen Quality and Packard Shoes One-fourth Off. Visit our SALE SATURDAY and save 25% on your shoe purchases. J. H. Sutherland & Bro. In Addition To our regular 20, per cent. Discount Sale on all Enamelled Ware which continues until the last day of January we will for ONE WEEK Discount Cutlery 20% This applies to every Knife we have in our store-- there are table, pocket, butcher, cioks, carving, slicing, etc. Knives of any and every description, Take stock of what you have--it will pay you to . sort up now. McKELVEY &

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