_, Coop. The Kingstom polis' {aree have, to day, added soother. to their list of, clever captures of thieves, especinlly ol those cussed 8a chicken-coop mar waders. The police foros in general and the officers who made the arrest in purtiewlar are to be commended on ihe caphble mabner in which they handled the case in the progent ine "tanve, on Phicsday afternoon, John More- lado farmer living in the township of Longhboro, reported to the city police that some hie. during the pre- views night, hic hen coop had heen tirgken open and sbont forty fowl of the Leghorn and Plymouth Rock variety, stolen, 1 was thought that the' thisven would endeavor to dis- i pose of the powliry in the city and A thi surmise proved correct, The meme hors of the: police force notified nll Latares in the outskirts of the eity and Y elves kept no elose Jookout on ig thn main business streets of the eity. if Their vigilanee was rewarded this morning when two young men drove up in a cutter glo a local grocery store and endeavored to dispose of a thmerman were on the spot imma. A diately and suspecting something wrong, from the mysterious eonduet of the two men, they sia wn in Yhitigution was advisable, count: ng fowl they discovered that the number talliod with those #tolen and apparently were of the same variction an their i tion eglled for, "The policemen questioned the men, and na | no satisfactory explanation was forth. Jooming, the pair were march~d down 1 to make the ugintance of Chief of Polick Baibhie, gave theif names ax John and Dpemon Babeock, _cou- sing, wha live nope Glenvale.. At the | police station. the men admitted their t and John Babeock stated that formerly worked on the farm of Jobn Moreland and knew where to A the ltey. To prevent any fit rag theit, the neck uf 3 Jaite Jur Was wring as soon it was taken from: the roost und the of fair was put through with quistnnss en number of lo skated on Cio vik last wht. The crowd 7! Gui 1 Zion away on account of the warm or, the ice would not be oondition, On the ary, Was a vi be in a pandiVion to were elect. year : President, president, William 3 lligan; Iseasurey r, A Dest; fsiay nl wecrotary, Je fampbell; ser rant-atarms, BPs trustees, od for the ensuing 8. Eliot view, Milligan. The treamirer's report for the past year showed the orguniza- tion to be in a flourishing financial condition. ------------ Have Been No Reductions. So far, no reductions have taken place in the light bills of peaple who entered Somplainty at the city build ings and asked that their meters he roerend. Many meters were examinod ain, and the reading found cmp. The uly explanation for many ' in- oreases is that more light was need, December heing 'an unusually dark month. Several meters after being re read were tested and found to be rorreot. Shipping Wood. 8. Jackson, Bedford, is supplying the penitentia with wood, Ho has opened a cord: wood business at Bedford Station and ready several carloads have gone forward, Buy Abby Sait at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, It's fresh there, ming. in corsets, every descrip- tion. New Yook Dress Reform, 2 onopound ting of choice baking powder, Me "Witch Haz," 100. bottles. Gib: son's Drag Store, Butter and potatoes. Crawford. t Put It Off! _ not wait. Nothing so helpful to January Clearing Sale in our Ready- Brand--$7, $8, $9, $10, $13, $15, for $4.90, $5.60, $6.30, $7, $8.40, $10.50. FRONTENAC n With Their Visit To 'And The Men Are Now In The Gives The Correct Version Of | ihe expensa which in our case has been Saluting Battery--The Battery appeal to fair-minded people, does | St. Petershurg, Jan. © 20.-What is it seem er wed . in of | believed to have heen a deliberate at- vaoung players would become the ag | tempt to fake the 'czar's life was hob in dirty hockey, knowing the | made yesterday, when the emperor of dan, 19(To the Sport- : Un behalf of the Fronte- Club, permit me to state h reference to the yed in Brockville, Monday say 1 trust will, in , satisfy fair-minded peo- t the Hiased reports, which have circulated in the inter- ville club, have been not only onesided, but very nnfair and unsportsmantike, It is a wellknown rivalry has for many tween Brookville and kinds of athletic sport, key and foothall, Frontenacs were ful- aware of this fact when they travel to Brockville, determinetl to go on iee, knowing full well, that to win y hockey during every The game proved their @otions were supported by a | monies of blessing the waters of the half dozen admirers while the oppos- | Neva. A loaded case shell was fired ing team mre playing in their own | from one of the guns of a saluting town oversapported hy an excited | battery placed on the other side of crowd of 200 or more supporters ? | the river, and a gendarme who he Yours pespeetiully, W. Y. MILLS, | longed to the ezar's personal guard manager Frontense Hockey Chib, was killed by one of the bullets. Other INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. the Winter Palace, which fronts on ewsy Paragr pect. The battery from which the » Reporters i A By shot was fired was under the titular Newman & Shaw's "Oddments." itter and potatoes. Crawford. the ay water rate and save discount. | oon detained in barracks, and will he De. G. FE. Dalton will referee the ; Queen's RAM.C. game to-night, Napanee men say that Madole, lib- | fair. eral, will esrry Lennox by 100 major- | " ta he mn Very rovgh efiorts of the referee, players continually offended and asa result, many of them "decorated" the , " ence uantity of fowl. P.C's Nalon and the roleree's report burg correspondent - of the Express St. Mary's school I, and II. will 9 and the Brockyille Men are at work dawn-town to-day A the battery of horse artillery chargad velling * the pitch-hales around the y . of Brockville was ruled ORR than four times, two and three minutes, periods which should have heen more than double that time for he used his weight (200 pounds or more) in the most brutal manner, against all players, It is rather a of our "heavy players is Doran, who weigh Miller's Headache and Grip Powders are sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, : The outlook for Reynolds bringing Frontenac into the liberal column is Mrs. William 1. Morris, Faribault, Minn., ix visiting at C, D. Horne's, Broek street. Butter and potatoes. Crawford, James Baxter, Barriefield, was un- fortunate in losing a valuable horse, | order to bless the which died last night. Colonial poultry foods, makes the confusion, however, at one corner of hens lay, 2 large packages, 95c. Me. | the quay, "where the police admitted players have so er- | Leod's . Store, div them with. During t oleatiest part of the entire ring this period our boys goals, which resulted in a ville teat, who w ing advantige of . which Brookville ronequdly The thaw causal slippery walks and | sibility of violence happening. They men were busy to-day #catfering sand | searched for clues in vain. The quay over the AF horcughlares. was watched for several days, and a lady's ack leather purse, con- | diver was even sent down before the ing wbney, receipts, ete. awaits pavilion. Nothing suspicious was ay owner at the Whig office, found. Six windows of headache. powders, "harmlens," 10 | were broken. The bullets used are eehts. Gibwon's Red Cross Drug Store, | obsolete, but can be easily obtained, WV. Principal Gordon is confined to A St. Petersburg despatch to a 4 his room with a re not long in tek- { their superior weight feeling of support giv- tors, and so used any tactics which any way stop the Frontenacs any more at the same rate, there was but five minutes to Herbert Clarke, took Brockville goal o £ to be around in a day or two. lan, minister of marinejwas struck + Finest potatoes. Crawford. by a splinter from the framework of a Mrs, J, Abramson, returned, from | window. New York today, after a very enjoya- The official account of the occur visit. with. her daughter, Mrs, | rence; merely says that during the havin * Great sale at Pravost's, Brock St., | charge of shrapnol, instead of a sali out of his hand, Hguioe 3i8 and 820 suitings, made-to- | ting charge was fired from a gun of for » fi anothor Broekville struck hige with his stick step, which resulted in ( i which ofionce he was the Tetanus -- rap was the gi I for ayers to join in, as well as rushed on the ies to ed." a When the crowd had been somewhat hurried my men to room, secing their dangerous one to help earry into the room. It In this predicament ight hive heen larger, hut many $16 during this month, First | one of the batteries near the Bourse. class fit and Al trimmings, See his | Some of the bullets struck the facade windo . of the palace, breaking four windows. BH. Cooper, son-in-law of John | A policeman was wounded. According 8. Henderson, of this city, has been | to the information at hand there was made manager .of the Hemming Manu. | no other accidents. facturing company, Montreal, with an nt interest in the concern, Was Significant. Tnstant: relist from coughing, Red London, Jan. 20.~The St. Peters Crass cough symp does it. 20. Gib: | burg correspondent. of the Morning son's Red Cress Drag Store, Post says it was notiteable that A son of Mrs. 'F, (3 Smith, Queen | while the imperial and ecclesiastical street, while moving snow from the procession was issuing from the pu- roof of 'the house, fell, but a bed of | lace, a large nuinber of the spectators snow, four feet in depth, into which | did not remove their hats until olf he fell, prevented any injury, cers of the gendarmerie admonished Roll butter and potatoes. Crawiord. | them to uncover. This was an un- anhorn off [1 this gentléman claim assanld Hayw found: on the outer struck with a hockey st not by Vanhorn, who w and the other Brockville the St. James' Club, enjoyed a sleigh | public religious service. drive to Catapaqui lost night, return: ing about half: past ten to the St, SAD DOWNFALL. James Hall, where refreshments wero Ln much enjoyed. Doukhobor Agitators Corralled In s the k i i L sham, as the marks on his body will gahite Lily flour in 100 1b. bags, 70 per ewt., at Mullin's, T : ' + & i he curtain has heen run 'down on here are now only four big sleighs the fanatical eballitions of the Douk- uwing snow off the line of the street hobors. It was {a tra edy, not a railway. To-morrow, the work. will be . , gocy, completed. It has taken just two scenes. The four leaders of the fa- 8 to remove a small patch of that awful snowiall of the Gth. w, Vanhorn, | might say, ap, ix now wearing a very gave it to hii, and siblo for cither mistortu 1 would prefer to wear Haywards cut lH it was a Fron tenao player who struck Hayward we are sorry for it, but from my posi: tion within fitteen foot of the occur I am not surprised that no one wha did it with so th Brockville papers blame but throughout their entire to Yanhorn's eye. ; . gin arrived common sense an to The Red Cross Drug Store. : assert itself in their a" The third Reeling of the mission crusaders essayed to till their farms, was held in the Y.W.C.A yesterday | 1, wear woollen clothes, to harness afternoon, almost 100 being present. | tpair horses and stable their cattle, After prayer and a solo by Miss Per. names of all our give Mahood eredit for sec goals and all our (cam an ors, including Mahood, can he didn't score at all, Vanhorn, being ruled finish the game, last man to touch the puck just the gong rang for time up. When the ice was cleared, and the A erstwhile "brethren." All x the address on "With "the King in Fairy. | fone wamie *hicthren but the avers. by ead » . We Jenders, 11 * Roll butter and potatoes. Crawford, | 1° © the pilgrimages, and vehemen Frank Beggs, Barriefield, organized a surprise party of about thirty-five ecstatic displays. Put the mass of the young people last night. They drove pray to the home of John Smith, Joyee- and locomotive works whereas he was the Jovable time returned at an early hour this morning. » tL out my meh to play the re minutes during whion Brockville scored the final goal. My description would be incom- plete if 1 failed to say that when we came our on the rink, we were greeted hy a mob now swelled to 300 ar more, and had it not been for some of the gentlemen who ard interested in the welfare of hockey in Brockville, and theos policemen; "My team and their five accompanying su have heen in even gres -- Winnipeg. On a vacant lot, dirtily The Very Latest News Culled From | pictures Perth, Almonte, Pakenham, Arn. | preached their strange doctrines, and prior, Renton and Pornrake are | fiercely protested the unholiness of curling at Amprior for the governor- | everything else. All through the sum- general prige, s . Whilst reading a novel and, smoking | ral times the _ police had to quell a cigarette, GG. W. Hives, said to ho | Tiots. But as winter came these heroic a well-to-do Canadian; suddenly ox: champions, thinly clad, poorly fed and ited at the nuesing homie, Portland | Wasted with bitter contention, were ace, London. ¢ 4 - A The collapse "of the new [dt stock tion hall. They who scorned submis- building in Ottawa will not interfere | 800 to human governments were with the halding of the spring stack | forced by gross physical needs to and poultry show and sale on March vernment shelter | The officials were 6th to 10th, ; a J. Heory Hanes, Newmarket, is declined the food set before them and reed with bigamy, that on July | insisted on pressing their ideas upon ° 180K, warried Annie NW, | o¥ery person, and there seemed no- y Haight, of Whitechurch, an et Ap- thing else to do but hand thom aver a 1 n + a es il he wedded Emily Howlett, to the police. Hence Metro Svetlikoff, : ™ A There is a > ater danger thay mob rushed on the jee, wing paragraph from the mes: "The Frontonacs were escorted safe- ly to their quarters b followed by a howl nt. Off All Goods|" Bria Men's 'Suits, Progress Vv wo policemen ng, jeering mob, 'was a disgrace to Brockville, hardly be exensed in any law-abiding t Ww. ested on our way and came home each and pression of id alk or new: pores as regards the heutal Brockville was in the of 0.HA, hockey in this 8 not hard then, to im- prise to find that a war one of one playees, Ae most unusual pre and myself visitnd Strike in Gormany will affect the | ad Nikolai Kuchtmoio were sent to Canadian bituminons coal market, if | il as vagrants, German miners remain out any gth of time. The Dominion Coal Five Dollars for $3.45. ; bargai th CoMpany is laying plans to ship +t ' : ; % ns than before, e ¥ R ay ' } Pp Bl op Hd A lot men's American made stamped to do at a profit. Francis 8, 1. mett, manager of the Merchants' of Canadas Pre hong WF ott, M.A. died on Janu- territory by Aeting-Governor Major ary h 3 : solidated under one office, and al A pretty wedding took place, Wed. thirty employecs are being sien Vali < BR. Colling, of Portu, ese blood youngest or of Isaac R. Eaton, i ig rs NA ain 'n. | but long SpE of Japan, has been Slat : p le. the advice of Polis nesday, when Miss Fthel |, 8, Whe claimed public opin. , however, at Souteing to ngs of the good follows ter clean sport in Rrockyi le Are particularly interested ix Br Pod io pn a na I Hh at Jokohama, for sell. + Belle 8 ng military secrets to the Russi 8. outpreak To lvman Abbott's. latest | Guim hon pron et, he Ruscians threak o remarks : "Ha never Bekles Wilson was among those are to rua Ue rik of being | CADE PROM DEATH. on warrants to hava ted in the police court, NL 3 wa - them to stay away, for | Crash Of Bullete--~Loaded Case i them the amount of Shell Fired From Gun Of a iL involves to say nothing of small item. In conclusion let me Under Arrest. rivalry that existed, and knowing | all the Russias attended the onre bullets and pieces of the shell entered the river, and on the Nevsky Pros command of the Grand Duke of Meck- lenburg-Strelitz, who is a kinsman of czar. All its members have under nominal arrest until the com pletion of an investigation of the af- £ ---- All Arrested. Dip Hip Corsets, 65¢. New London, Jan. 20.<The St. Peters Dress Reform. " says it is now admitted that the oc at Rockwoud rink, to-morrow at currence was the result of a con- ami spiracy. He adds that the men of with firing the salute, loaded the third gun, with case shot and pointed it directly at the pavilion occupied by the czar. Its clevation was much lower than that of the other guns The whole battery has been arrested pending an enquiry. There was . a great crowd on the ice at the time of the occurrence, but its members sus- pated nothing. They pressed forward to fill bottles with the sanctified water from a hole in the ice that the Metre politan had broken with a crucifix in water with which the czar was sprinkled. There was they had received warning of the pos the palace cold, but will be able | news agency says that Admiral Avel- ceremony "an accident' happened. A ly forty young men members of | usual attitude for Russians during a Jail. farce, and sad have been the last mons pilgrimages have come to 3 'rhe " Y, \ uine Castoria is sold at Gi grief at Winnipeg. 'After Peter Vere- ven t t the flesh of the last nam- Mrs. Care-Harris gave another | * tb f Of, tho last pay, four leaders. Thev stood to the gos- y opposed the carnivorous heresies which threatened their creed and its Doukhobors continued stolidly at : work, bringing their earnings to Vere: and after spending a very en-| gin, who turned the rolls of bills in- to threshing machines, thoroughbred sires and portable sawmills. Then the -------- four leaders shook the dust of the PITH OF THE NEWS. colonies off their fect and migrated to que in cotton rags, with long All Over The World. hair 'and flying beards, they wildly mer these meetings lasted, and seve- driven by the cold to the immigra- ind, but the four would not work, probability that the coal Tynwiy Leonow, Alexis Machortow 85 boots for $345 a pair at The Lae. : kett Shoe Store annual sale. ------------. ---- A wholesale reduction is being made ms TWAS IT A PLOT?| manner satistactory to rb © ation. teams who play in $rock. CZAR HAD A NARROW ES. Special Sale Embroidery ! To-morrow Morning We Have jist sécured the following Very Special Bargain in Embroidery and will ofjer the lot TO-MORROW MORNING from 9 until 11 o'clock. 3 ; 2,160 Wii teen, About 3 inches wide. Regular value 5¢., 6:., 7¢., 8c. yard. ; YOUR CHOICE TO-MORROW 3c. yard, Good White Cottons Finished without dressing or starch and ready for the needle. We have 3 special values at gc, 10c., 123¢. Lonsdale Cambrics, . Madapolams. Nainsooks. English Underwear Cottons, Very fine and durable. Great Values in Torchon and Trimming Laces Some of the prettiest White Laces you ever saw, suitable for Trimming Skirts, Corset Covers and Underwear, 2c., 3¢ 4¢., 5¢. 6c. yc, S8e., 10c. yard. Laces and Insertions to Match. Sheetings Pure White Cotton Sheeting, 25c., joc, 33 35¢. These you will find on compar- 1500 to be good value. Pillow Cottons In all widths, both plain ard circular Our Eight Have been filled up again to-day with even better We never hold broken lots. They must go at our ; Aon i oy eldest som of the late Rev, in the government force in the Yukon ual Sale, although n Means 2 loss at tne time. Wood, Several offices have been cop Eaton, publicly tr ed with his own explan- Kind of o Christian hy 5 olected as follows of the Royal Colo Also your choice of any Boot or Shoe, Trunk or se in our immense stock at 20 Per Cent. Discount, er Boots and Rubbers excepted, Ws eo -THE LOCKETT SHOE-sron¥ Bi ADIES-WHEN. IN NEED, SEN 5 ree BR ee 72ND YEAR. ---- Notic Now is the time tc your Furniture re upholstered and re- ed. During the slac in that department v give you better wo cheaper, in order to the men in work i winter season. TR ROBT. J. RE The Leading Undertaker, 22 Princess 8 2 doors above opera house. Teleph ACCIDENT INSUR Surely the loss of a val Stick Pin is an ACCIDENT regretted. We sell the IN! ANCE against such loss i form of our famous BULL DOG TIE PIN. | These are RELIABLE and 1 bit of trouble. SMITH BR. JEWELERS oPTICH 350 KING ST. $6 Lace Boots for We find we have on hand ab pairs of our Fine Hand-sewed $ Boots, mostly Blucher pattern, usual excellent quality. We have to offer them at $4 50 pair This offer only to last till month WEAR "ALLE! Military Bootmaker 84 Brock St. SIGN OF GOLDEN BO ee ------------------------ ar THOS. HILTO 386 Princess Street, Two Door Laturmey's Carriage Shy Trunks and Valises made and Basket Trunks re-willowed. Leo Keys fitted, etc. PRICES MODERATE. WANTED. AN EXPERIENCED Hous Apply 149 Earl Strect --------------e eee GENERAL SERVANT FOR family: one who can cook Miss Wales, corner Bagot a Streets ee e--------e ee A GOoDb GEGERAL SEI wages $10 per month, no was ironing Mrs. A. P. Knigh street. ee -------------------- PEOPLE WANTING SKILLED from Eastern Canada are in try the want advt. columns London Free Press -------------------------------------------------- BOARDERS, WHERE THEY have first-class accommodatio pleasant, warm rooms, centr tian. 'Apply at 51 Brock str ALL INTELLIGENT, RELIABL secking pleasant employment, Ary or commission, are adv write now to Marshall & C importers, London, Ont. PUPILS AT MME. ELDER'S | making Parlors 2 street Evening costumes a ty Instructions in dressmak, en day and evening until Ma Cuttihg by measure, designin including system, $10 AGENTS, PERMANENT . POs to sell pew map of Canads World Map on reverse side, si 46 inches; two maps in onc sentatives pow at work maki ver week. Address Rand, Mc Co., 142 Fifth Ave, New Y« SITUATION IN CHEESE (Kingston section preicrred; | son of 19035; willing to take of factory of 20,000 pounds « or less, ar as second man | factory Can furnish good Write, stating wages, terms ditions, to E. J. Dopkids 117. Enterprise. Ont TO-LET. Ee ------------ RUSINESS OFFICE, .OPPOSIT] o heated by Hot Water to Jolin A. Gardiner, Real and Insurance. 151 Wellington -------------------------------------- FA STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, dwell , Stores, offices, et Sanne Teal Estate Office, 51 street. PE ------ LOST. A LARGE BLUE EN 1. BR on Monday afternoon Finder return to Whig office or 182 1 ity avenle. es ------ LADIES' SMALL GOLD W name, "°C J. Trish." on We Sydenham. Quebec, Pine or M striets. Reward for its retu this office ry pep FIFTY-SIX DOLLARS. FIVE nk of Commerce bills one | a one. Finder receive. rewar: office or hy returning to Mrs han, 424 Johaston street BLACK LEATHER PURSE. ON street, between West and streets, coptaining small su money, pra knife and car Fioder please return to this ei en A DIAMOND AND OPAL CLL Bine. with initials LAH inside. on Stuart street. 1} Harr'e street - and General Hi Reward for leavine same at Bros." store. King street A LADY'S BLACK LEATHER § containing post office order | and in Oftsrio Hawk Thursday afternoon. between 1 fice; Ravdelph hotel or lower 3 o Neward Jor ifs eefure ta Whig AL. « od. safe. Paris