v, 3 yUARY 20 ih ; ' NORK.| wuss Paralysis and PTE. | lt Locomotor Ataxia To Various rid of them? If wo : Xr | oved a Church vigorous: they wil probably } The most dreaded results of neglected nervous diseases-- Study this chart a 3 eg nothing : bs if wo lot Th iy thay may lead arg the symptoms stated here to learn if you are in danger - '| to something Warsn- chronic heonchi- DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD will cure you. OETA tis, eurisy. Preumonia. We "cal . : : & _ wi" with oF ayaten mething To understand paralysis and locomotor ataxia, which is paralysis of the limbs, and their causes, it is well i bo v more delicious. | i ditions are largely responsible, but | to remember that every movement of the body or its members is due to the contraction of muscle, w hich been ap- | there are other factors. Microbes of " i has can only take place under the influence of nerve force, : DA" Black is to th pointed auxiliary bishop, to assist [some sort are af the bottom of A "3 ; As this all-important nerve force is created in 4. Archbishop Bruchesi, the trouble, We are always exposed io 4 nerve centres of the brain and spinal cord, ang con- A Roman Catholic church is to he | these more or le but if the system ducted alohy wirelike nerve fibres to ti various wrrcted at Aldershot, England, in me- |g in proper condition it resists their : parts of the body, any corangement of the brain, atlas. autamn 'dvances street wa - : NN spinal cord, or nerve fibres may. result in paral "| tering contas, fhe dust blows in sl a y or loss of the power of movement. and there is Sunlight to kill the microbes ny hy do ight vo kill the : : 2 be Paralysis, then, is the natural result - LY i TR 1 NK For Parity, Si It is Superio V. Sold only in Given the Highest TRAVELLE Ysus humid, our pores all neglected nervous d function of the skin \ you find yourself nervous and irritable, over. Onta matter from ihe 3 We sensitive to light, 'sound and motion, addicted to . Consequently, continus 'me r tapping f th inge ' a oY» continu al movem nt or i ppg of _ the fingers, - thrown Ni ) twitching of the muscles, sudden startings and jerk- Y gans; they are likely to prove unequal 7 4 RE 33 CB ibs dari i %ify hav ] to it; more toxic matter, therefore, is Pag Wh ings of the limbs during sleep'; if you have ner- j carried th the system by the wher FARE vous headaches or dyspepsia, are unable to sleep blood and with it disease is generated ) p - 5 or rest, feel down-hearted and discouraged, and ' Electi 4 in the most susceptible parts. We also unfit to fight the battles of life ; if your nerves t less fresh air, there is less ventil ; ; } baal 2 aus g 5 : Eon in sleeping rooms and in offices are weak and exhausted, and 'your blood Round trip tickets will 1 than in summer, But oxygen. is_needed i | Ro : thin and watery, you have every reason to . Jd to keep the blood in the right state. . $ ' R / | fear paralysis of at least some part of the = Single First Cl: Meanwhile in the cold weather time : : body, and consequent suffering and help. : n : ; ) i g I we are exposed to the assaults of mil i i 5 which : daralvsis can alwavs Sioms.of Mdditional pnictches. wh i] EIN v Paralysis can always be prevented and ] Good going by all tra first. we foo) ag & aiilition 10 nthe . ¢ partial paralysis actually cured by the ] and 25th. : nasal cavity, Perhaps if we at once A \ 3 timely use. of Dr, Chase's Nerve . Valid returning until Ja take proper measures we may he all Food. The time to begin treatment js right. If not, the inflammation will FE a ' tend the thron 1 the 4 when any of the above-mentioned symp- For Pulluma accommed -- ry ex to th t and the bron- ) | RISHOP CAMILLUS 'P. MAES, chial tubdd. A follows, and this £ ' : He . d all other informatio; / " i 4 tons become apparent. : hese are indi- 8 w J ged COXINGTON, KY, may persist definitely. The chill humi- i Fury cations of a degener. tion of the nerve Corner Johnston and O Who will colébrate the twentieth anni- | dity of the season is bad for us: it J SHR WES cells, and when nerve force becomes €X- : Jarsary of his consecration on January | checks the res ion of the skin and : A hausted paralysis is bound to willow. KINGSTON & PEMBROKE hth. aggravates 1, disorder. Nothing ] PACIFIC RAILW a p - 2 bh mory of the Catholic soldiers who fell could be worse than to obey the pro KThe Core: | : inthe British service in the Boer war, | Yerhial iojunction : "Heed cold and b 19°the centre : ALERT y ---- Rev. W. D. Reid, of Taylor. Proshy- starve a fever." A cold Jedys conges- an lligence und Fly r ase S y ohurch Montreal has 'received | HO if wo staff ourselves, if \wo drink th _-- iene. w AR . * | an invitation to the pastorate of the | Whiskey or other &looholis heverages, B ~The Cerebel- tl Reid Memorial church, Baltimore, Md, | ¥* ympiy dd fuel to the flame. We ln: controls the : A ~ 4 ,. Tho 'Methodist Episcopal church at Dee ed to the: germs, to clear OU EF uetion of the volun- eth A erve 00 Cape Vincent, NY. has been Jonsndel " ens miei" pie apstom. Ger ry mules, ; Sa \ Ci and improved at a cost of $3, x Cdal gargles, "y » ~The ulla SRI I of which h vat, , to aid the system O'longata, a is Stary nd : : : - all of w ok has Sm Lot, sev 300. figh microbes. Hence the first D. -- Toe Spinal TRAC acts on the system yan ensrely different wa) to Ontari N : ok i ) i Corl carries nerve FINA ordina . tas neither a stimulant AL ol Knox. chu ; dantasrer, at. 3t i " migh i force from the brain 4 whip nerves to renewed activity, nor a narcoti was to to the v t 2 - ih ipt J Ctivity, nor 3 c, J 3 torate Rev. R. McKay of Sher vantage be taken two days in r- | 10 ths nerve fibres, FIA ror opiate, to deaden the-nerves. On the contrary, Pp ooke, N.S : Coasion. At the same time rome tonic pe=Caada Bquie \ it is a food cure, which forms new, red corpuscles rovin 6 RAR. should he employed, somethin that | oa 4 : ¥ hE He * ! > would improve. the 'physical ng F.-Sciatie h in the blood, and creates new negve cells. ery . Care should be taken about the food. | Nerve. the derange. . " day itis bringing back health, strength and vitality Electio it should be wholesome; not excessive ant of ~ich 13 - to scores and hundreds who have become discour- hor ,too nitrogenouk; Since the excess and sciatic rheuma. [J @ 2 aged through the failure of doctors and other treat- Good going January 24th a fifty Cr A Joaic dusts m the blood that | giem, x ments to cure them. Write for symptom blank and FIO ea Tora Will ha, of Holland, has gestion which we call uct the fon: RR further particulars regarding (his great food cure. Fall Baetienlars A K- £ vate | same things that former are Ei WY Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 50 cents a box, TR Baer Ofies, Outoric aha goad for the latter, particularly Ee 6 boxes for 0. At all dealers, or EDMANSON, LC ey) the drinking of an abundance of wa S&C Toronto. 3 A £57 8 POLY + : Gen. Pass Agt appoi ter, and the t | ae | -- Sl BY OF QUATE A war -hpirit | much pure air as , - ee an ey of _-- and take all the exercise practicable " 1 New short line for Twe Christian Endeavor ies i while guarding against exhausting fa. The FLORIDA EAST COAST - Deseronto. and wi local po Jon within, a year, a tigue, = ; Bi, MOBILE ASSGCIATION leave City Hall Depot at @ : ORMOND ~DAYTONA BEACH OCEAN | ) The church will some day quit iry- A TLANTIC FLORIDA CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., ng to feed the hungry through their 3 ORMOND ears. » ~ ond i 2 [* lessness. Betwoun gil stations iu ( ier : HE WIN OAYTONA s P8 3 a TS FORTHE WIN BER or - aad Sr . Frost unknown, malaria | : S ; From New York, 48 hours I X d 3 new twin Screw steamship ** What Sulphur Does : TP : Tr = 3 Sailings every 10 aays duri ---- 3 Every Sve gays during Febr : 5 : "COR WINTER Chines oe SEES ETE - WEST IND For The Human Body In Health : " : ama XN x : . | - Sy . 380 days trip. About 20 day jssion rece i sease Ey S ises to Bei ls Mission atly And Dj . ; : Rico Ware Islands ava thirty-six recruits to its dan- Map showing official course of the automobile races to take place on the Ormond-Daytone Beach, Pretoria, 'January 4th, Fel gerous fields, removed as many of The tion of ul ; Fla., beginning January 23rd. March 22nd, 1905. FoF furt them are, from tho protection of the mention of sulphur will recall i ts. This undenominatio: I ter- to many of us the ear) days when I ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Poe 'bas 783 my are in our mothers and thers = nts apply .to A. B. QUT er ------------ grove lots ua for Quebec on 5 ee rr . Bios ay. New York ; 90 fields scattered through fifteen of ge Sur deity ate R iphue and mo- COMING EVENT. 1 LP the eighteen provincos of China. It oe Wael spring and | Ready "For The Great Auto an ar Switasrtand, Spain and France have fall "blood purifier." totic and ome Races \ Rn, ae Spaadny . Shsrvance all, and mind you, this ald-fashioned Special to the Whig. : N LINE LIVERPOOL Sunday work from midnight to mid- nl Y, Was not without merit, Ormond, Fla., Jan. 2I.- Everything ALLA LO} night. In France, labor in mines and was idea Nan S3od, but the xeindy is in readiness for the great motor \ Royal Mail Stea shops and transportation is limited a ® 80d. a | racing tournament to be held he to six day . That ought to be a | E® hautity had to be taken to From St. John, Fr ois | 2A. NM off next week, The programme arranged ele hone s ty 4 us Me stiffener for American legislators this | ® Yo See for the occasion and the manv promi- J 3 winter Nowadays we aif, i § . 2 tN = . Secretary, Q TANLEY, and to J; | IVE, Ticket Agents, 8K nent automobile racers here assure! ki At ¥ Alterations to an old house in Sil- the success of the meeting, which will 5 upwards, actordi ver street, Bideford, have disclosed an | | x be the third held over the famou Or | ty N and accommodation: Sec interesting Wesley relic in the shape mond-Daytona Beach course, NN erpool and Londons $ of a slate slab imbedded in a wall, 1 Record breaking trials by the fam- and 335 2 ndon 82 acco and bearing the inscription, "This ous machines will he feature of the Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Gla apn was inaugurated hy the Rev, i : tournament, and there is considerable | Folin Wesley on his way to Carnwall . 3 speculation as to ust how far the pros] 6 property was purchased hy John ide 3 sent records will be reduced. During | Loe, nd rebuilt By his son, Frederick the g stores under | lon. yon NEW YORK TO GLAS Mongolian . Thurs "el ame ] i fhe first tournament Wint n coverad FO SALE Firs Oi Clase 3s. ) n firs On Covers : 50~--Th ss, Lee." This discovery fixes the posi- They are aust 4 Cal b Waters. the course in 52 2.5 seconds, is] ¢ } Mor further Rurtioviars, api tion of the Methodist. meeting house | jaeq and contain the sotive ficinal | W28 practically ) Pann N ¥, Agent, \ established by John Wesley in the principle of sulphur jn o highly con- | When William KX | 44 | STNVE, Clarence Street. lows, mrhase, whereabout has been en centrated, effective form drove his machine a mile in the re. oy j nen r---- rely lorgotien. Few people are aware of the val markable time of thirty-nine seconds. PURE AND i ) et it of this form of sulphur jn te ue Nothing short of a mile in thirty ONE POUND Ca OME. TH OFFICES TO LE Father Ignatius. {ond oo taining bodily vigor and | *°cond would electrify public now, oe THE OFFICES, 196 ONTA The life of Father Ignatius is des. health; sulphur aoty directly on the | Who seem to have become accustomed company § | as the most remarkable bio. | liver, and excretory E.W.GILLETT Lim) RB the dt 8| lately vacat by KI. & pe phy that organs and puri- hese marvellongs miles of speed. » y that has seen the light of day. fen and enriches bl : uf Railway Co. Appiv to 3 Roge! ickle, a the | Experts firmly believe the two miles TORONTO, ONY. Slightly Used i Roy would seem as if the father bad | Prompt elimination of waste material, |i one minute will he recorded h 'been selected as an habitual workerof | Our grandmothers when | during the coming week hy somo of AR y | B ; tastes, ough in Hay Sas the thay dosed us with suipbue and mo- fhe high Jove cars, : : MARVELOUS { ut in y : | mired not seem to have had asses every spring and fall, but -the ® races will undavfyiedly be mors { od S | merciful use. During his first ran erudity and i : i interesting this year t} ever hefore, Go Order. oa } at Plymouth he Yisited Sunishivent up- Hy 3 . n inn t offenders ich n rather excemsive; A women bad turned with the modern concentrated pre. A MUSICAL PRODIGY. Apply to ie curate from her door wit! strong ations of gu ------ SA ES RI - } ge. "Theo," to quote the Rar. art's Calcium i Forced On Too Early, Now Rare. D i L DEPA MENT, ged » who is responsible the bes : 'ly Heard, The Secret, of Certainty in ton, | 178 Mountain St. 5 are IST the avenger which : Prov Special to the Whig. PLAINLY STA Jo IMPLY Thue » : ) uj New York, Jan. ~--A musical pro- win ant AA iy 4 1 MONTREAL, QUE, digy has recently returned to New vider Pelman 8 Benefactor of the human race." York, but even the persons who used PELMAN 'Or yker. ; : lo {leak 5 rch of his talents rare- A ect) i 1 \ y hear of hiod now. He was horn in . R Loca anag ' on to . eh, a - New York of foreign Parents ind To Any 1 M er of i i ja -- oh we en ; Yo any rhrought to "ihe attention of a~ Now th 1 e York instructor, who saw his great | om TT -- e Bel Telephone Co tor 10 quote another in. bles, 1 talent and set out to talent jo § Nigate Lim. HOT STOVE | of da. , * 1structor introduced the | : of the Miracle working a been some wealthy lovers re) music, v . POLISH : e Tmative, we h : clared that be must be sent to Euro. = ] Hered . pean teachers. In vain tion which caused the protested that he was no State to be sent away. a He went with the fund his admirers n oP E ' dhe na" ith . | At Kirkpatrick's a appe » Dowever, three yours i ago, and tr Struggles with vations onpet than any other, Art Gallery uropean teachers he is back in Nei I York. But of the career that he once CE10c, AT ALL GROCERS . romised to bave not a word js Choice Water Colors Po Even those wealthy friends a Hl i § i} i i el if i who insisted that he be sent to RE : Most Eu ow hi rely. Some thom do. not ha he he ey FOR REAL ESTATE Suitable for ere, . he - oun Jeuls. he hat been ofc | Oo . : . by Ch istmas resents is in him, ; | buying, al 86 Clarence street, Go and see them. i : I fg BH if