ad ard fon : OR ag : of E com u speech, : to STOW, up. ET bE «the m dnt fe four thou- {grows up 160 mich; Bo ; ie 1 'it there was { Says the Joiberal Government $6 ould is y ho 3 i Samue} Landers, the well-known la- grate ta: dpposer Ah apiths proxia- know that there was such competition, ik: 2 4 m tain as fo itd meaning, leader of Hamilton, who, duri cigl government," said Mr. danders,) by the |prison-made brooms agqin. . | without proper filling out of The following ces from the | boF twenty veut: -resderice i Tonal | ies himent, sa for us. Hit frie lab, and they. shall certainly 1 wal a Jao 4 Hablis tepopt 'give flat denial to ton, has been strictly independent in member of the deputation before phe] lake edi and something further. ate] flesh, is almost gs badly off. Pobli lied ive fly politics, has decided to mipport thal premier who asked foxzan mpemdienz §i possible." Within one month the ing 3 : ¢ J i li I government in the coming pro-| of the shops aet, to. prohibit barber | government announced that, the co Nothing will help these pale, There for The J iberad vineial elections; To. ther Tung rd phd Warkitg on Sanday ee | Svernie broow-making in the re thin "weedy " 'children like any A €, Landers stated: "While I. have heen) had but to wait for the next sitting, Prison having expired, the contract ; 42 i (1406 3) strictly' independent in_politics,. and | when our wish was granted. Again, was given six months' notice te finish Scott's. Emulsion. It supplies PARKS, ANY, SWPEr~ Laie team time fo time supported | when organised, labor andor i yp oles, work up his Stock, and of dT» : fection in 985 ows methods, and. re- |' candidates: of both parties; 1 cannot | tional factory 'indpedte 3h an iti : sroom-making in the Centrg) the roundifig out of flesh and fectio it. ©. '=< If'you are Liberals} deny 'the fact that thi present Ontdrio | 'tional male and fenfale iwspelars for | Prison would-be abolished. And o 4 . ¥ af face 'thé ugli-] government has done much for the} each were. Appoin tedie A thdrly 18 'more, the provincial secrotary hg. the rich inward nourishment you are not raid to Jace The working classes of the province, On-| when as vice-president oi Ontario of | already announced the sale of (},0 ; a sg est facts, and, .ouly repu JE | rin' has' the most . advanced labor} the Trades and Labor Congress of] hroom-making machinery plant. In rof- blood. and vital Organs land renounce: m, but those. re- laws of any provinee, or stats on this} Canada, with otto ip prdhsind view of these and. many other friend), : " - go 3 . : i cand 0 184s be-1- contin ent: yes, and equal to those | Premier Ross and asked that all the actions of the government towards |,. which Insitres rapid growth a Sponsible fan dhem. .. in® Mr; {-any puny in the world. Tee ator brooms made at the Central Prison \ Bards 1a bor, there is nothing left for labor t, vi FE oe i nite oy i n od 'prisons lon 1soaltes ; : 'healthy and uniform develop: Ross, in ido in His ability, and servant act, compensation far | be - labelled 'prisoncmess iL . i p il do but t f 1 ve or ] 12 oo : a workmen's injuries, factories and' nu- Walter Rollo of this city A . _ 2 Suppor n Boveri nt i I ) which stands for its interest M 'Tis . and m "hig to thé public, 'merous other acts in the interests off the Hamilton Trades and Labor coun- Landers says he has decided t z ment, - | Interests, that. am. prepared 104 the masses, should merit a goodly | cil, and second vice-president of the what he a to: insure the Dw - ' . look with you at the, worst facts in | suppart from among the working International Briom ~ Makesy' Thafon, BL. fe San a ns re Ie. govern de- that. Attorney-General Gibson the a "redord, to condemn | class, the areanized faction thereof es-| described the injustice to free hroom | ment's return, and work as well 4 | was at the Sauk the night Before them, and yet'to: that Tam pre- pecially. I think T would be an in- J makers; Mr: Ross vepliods IU di? mot «talk, » : Mas or | the clection" he not only reveals od 107 da" ah ed sive hi itn J @ triditional bias or his own ignorance of the Sault pared ta do. njy fart w ave Yim ian rejudice which, if not re-. case, hut also makes it plain that he the majority he pught 0, Fes ¢ i facts of the whole situation. In ized and not allowed for, may inded on The Toronto News five years before 5 iiisass Po any case, even if he deceives him- |- nt dnd defeat the for 'his "facts" as well as for hjs|UCal career. == 5 >And we, if + . 'oti . | Commits Suicide By Drowning--a dre Liberals> shat fiot 'shit our | If: he ought not to suppose that | Connected With. Neva wie | ® Home og ji ions, A Son was : of is' provided by impressions. Mr. Gibson nat ) [ SIXTEEN-YEAR-OLD CG IRL. y : Sad Case. é9es to driything 'ha midy be weak his "independence" deceives others, Esiseds, Commies, nl to ie Whig, Philomene thi undred i ; \ J i 3r oni e hig. a he . cal, « .hi--= omene as of ueen's ithin { rh miles of the eni the §! a of aus own par- St. Potency Jan. 21.-The en- sey, a sixteen-year-old. girl, who Ppreserits imself ult : nigh before the elec: ty. . We oF go back with this re- FASHION'S FORM. qQuiry into the circumstances attending | with her parents at Turco Ey : on." 3 : Le i discharge of case shot fram, one, of § south-western suburh of the city, com = endent and Pleads for Ww solutely before us, that the coming One Of he L the oh i alts" batigry, on | mitted suicide by drowning hers Ii, ALAA E af rtiel { We venture to make an extract 3 e The Latest Styles Just gung 8 g £1, ng standards of political mar-, from Prof. Ca 's article which lection. shall e free from anythin i Out. Thursday, on the occasion af the Justorday, rough A hole in the u t six pages of the |" ed = : io | that mij Aan rg, Of rs . blessing of the watprrs af the Neva, | in the Lac 1nne canal, cf ose to which of s Quarterly! nits hod, point of view is our Li h > asi do zea] ted in the arent of Laut. Davey- he age iv. situated. The girl iL + ld racteristic ! 3 : , Deis. ffi of the illery. The per. o- |. Stated to * bee Yward and in tanto ar on of Politi 'kicy only hape of escaping from that We shall eter from the Dror diately committed Shishle: wy eb er vat en, frequently, corruption nd Sités inftqnens, clutch of the machine lies in the vince with a larger B1ajority than' volver. His lieutiénant ° commit ed Suis braided by her parents for her had om recen tical history. . But. W . i d- | money can buy." + amiipds Ar cide afterwards. . « » | Conduct. : hii : : IY th of a strong and indepen y " ; ; isterday , : 5 "hig -ill t bli: iri. But 'we shall. That ¢ » 18° from the verba; i It is believed that. the other officers Yosterday, while anincident of that hy ats spirit. . it tim r rt bls! in The Glabe |; of the battery have also kill, them, kind was in progress, the girl de lared €port pu e ver develop that if we are to al- ie ' s olves. The re, sven § BS ap 4h that she was tired of existenca and ip : ie i at the time, It: s 'available for. selves, The reason given for this A$ the tended. to destroy hexsell She ort) low: all other considerations to be Prof. a Aa ineffaceable stain upon the reeqrd, of Ble ME Roy hexsell, She forth lost in the spirit of the partisan, |F70f. Cappon. {He professes 10 the hattery. The officers, pf the .bat- | With made' off in the direction of th. oe Pi Jat al ! | know The Globe; «Yet 'he goes ty Were above sna: an Tie i 1h §, Canal, pursued by her mother and «i. ir. which ad by ok Opposition, soufces, Tory amd "In. guners, however, uro sipeeted of po] 10: and succeded in carrying out he in the ration y the edi- 1 a 3 g , however, are s y . J : OF, data upow, which. |. tor of The Globe at the recent con: anid verttion, that be was "prepared to o lock the ugliest ; ibe est page of the Liberal td in the face residing otte village, a 18 " ing Ronnected with the revolutionagy iitention. 3 PY T © i ~ 1 radi 3 Pf okie ha nah Samar hei 1, Conehs amd colds are sien or 3 oth ANISAPT: "Ny 2 and to do all he |. could t6 vetarn Mr. Ross with -a larger majority than money could ne i containing IR bullets, WAS embedded Joaked, pan tinuen for anv. Jeng h in a timber barge, w hich was: frozep. in £ £ That may 'be all very well' r, Mr. ) onald. The editor the * : Hh . 1 + br asily | the * ethicalo duaditys: of tie act the chief organ may. easily | '¢. : ay . Pana, of Actors? LAppon" as ar "malevolence." Is in desaribe : "partialit Sp k room comforts at-x the ice on a line hXXween. the batiery { Some chronic throat tro: ble de hinneelf thes it is the right Taecd by & 8 rast, ing to do 'in the circumstances. - Lappon régard the A Brown's Bronchial troches invariably and the pavilion chap gives immediate relief. «Rold only "boxes. . We excell in pve testing. Chown. t the principle it implies of con- oon Name of epapes 2s 3 ing the .crimes committed . by A Pod Muportance, and a- re- party in office on the mere hy- | Putation or intelligence amd integ- > wn othesis that the other party would | Tity as of "fey Yiilid 16. an editor **A' modish long coal costumi is if i into [than to a universit of 2 hare iL ONE COAL, cost y as bad, or worse, if it came mto Ja. fyer " Projessor Stet and walking. It is made of er, is hardly a sdfe or a proper The aberrations ofr Mr. 'Hossack heavy, dark blue cloth Beveraly tailors ie for the country to adopt." need not be end seriously, but{ed. The old-time leg o'mutton sleeve, We challenge rof. Cappon to] Prof. " - ho 4 that ds again so pofadar,' is showy. - {make good either the statements | culture and: J fa . 'Which Ire presents or the inferences' notoriety-see » ae Higespt Avasds, Rada \ hich He "draws. The notation to allowhis : he dor] Ty Me ntosh & Son's Swiss Foo w ie. 3. eq 0] 1 on highest awards' at'Si. Louis and L upon which he bases his charge' is : Adverpoel, Eng! -- -------- a pets, Curtains. ~~ Jan. 16th to Feb, 28th, Feat @ many sales made already to satisfied customers. 68 Bedroom Suites came 80 include in this sale. TTS pe ns wo up to $40; all reduced, hg Rineh is aah This Solid Oak Bedroom Suite, 24x30 British bevel mirror, large size, regular $35 polished, carved sale price $25 50 [HALL RACKS~ Our $40.00 designs for $38.00 Our 887.00 designs for | can $29.00 Our $35.00 designs for vie. $20.00 Our $31.00 designs for .. $16.50 Others as low as 83 complete with nlirror and Gambrella 'holder, Ln x = i : ra Ge : = Ee is = ' CARPETS 40 yards Rpussels, reguiir Sh fo | Bh OUR RES i = . r . 120 yards HB , regular $1.15¢ 01 f= fio sbectal russels, regular $1.18¢ our = ; handsome. 8 > 3 silk covers, pad yards Velvet. regular $1.25, sale <2 bi to : pe iran a rn Soniamereina nt Oc. cu INS doe 4 I . i A OR & CA ve $29.00 AN Carpets 20 per cent off. - .. parley BRON _ Bir 31 i. sesiy: st a ' so dimes ack hers i nik A The whole stcok roduced. oh pranortibn.. eta, and ot ay cats' Protas, in golden oak or wma-- . » : mak 4 v, 13 les, from $18 to Linoleum reduced 28 per cent. in any © Tapestry, Che AS : 10.50, a ed ear ued : al estes 20 a and, Fk Curtains $10.30. others $35 to $19 oy x, deninps ! tduced La i ¥ x . . beautifully convenient designs SEE RY Four large Quarter<ut Oak. Sideboards ¥ Specia, 28. hese were! L i hy 13 This China Cabinet, replat $40, wwoll sie and their relay Tv.R0 ao and Some glasses in doors, VEY rich: design, 4a: Sould not he purchased for Jess in the Our midwinter price only $31.00 regular wav, : ag Ayn oe 3 poi RS ar i herein. coming in from neighboring t wns and cities as they do every: year. Make 1 oods are not wanted until spring. 'The week ending to-day is the largest week's sales 'winter Sales. "The early bird is usually the best satisfied." = = A ---------------------- RAI THE HIGHE! ( - NV | At St.L APOLLINARIS HAS REC EXHIBITED, AND Mogg MONEY AND BUSINES LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND Insurance Company. A @sseta $61,187,315. In add ARCHITECTS. WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITEC fice, second floor ever Mahood' store, Soruer Princess pd, wtreef "ntrance on Bago Teleplrone 608. A ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITEC fice site of New Drill Hall, ne Ber of Queen and Montreal Sts ee POWER A SON ARCHITECT, chont's Bank Building, corner and Wellington streets. 'Phon eee pester HENRY P. SMITH, ARCH] ote. Anchor Building, Square 'Phone 245 ISAAC ZACK! The New Store at the Old Stan i and 273 Princess St. Special Reduction For Two Weeks Commencing Jan. Overcoats and Suits, 25 to 4 Cent. cut in usual prices = Our Hats, Caps, Underwear, .Sw Heavy Socks, Boots and Shoes, R and Moccasins sold at bed rock pri No other store in town can tou low-price markings. THE CHOICES And best assorted stock in the Everything in Wines and Ales, Any brand of Scotch or Irish key. All the lines of Imported ang mestic Liquors. JAS. McPARLA! 339 and 341 King St. 'Phone 274. Saturday Speci At Vanluven's Farmers' Butter. Rolls, Prints, Creamery umd Cooking Butter. usual prices Apples, Orang im, per packa Orange Meat, t. (large package) Heinz or Lipton's Mixed Pickles or Chow-Chow, bottles Catsup, . (large bottles) Raspberries, Strawberries, tins Pineapple, tins - 15¢. und Maple Syrup, bottles 20¢. and Pumpkin, 3 cans Aunt J. Pancake Flour, 2 pkes Plum Pudding, 10c. and Shredded Cocoanut, per K Eclipse Soap, 7 bars Ask' to see our Toilet Soaps Lemons, low prices F. W. VANLUVE 246 PRINCESS ST. 'Phone 417.) Ln THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIET (ESTABLISHED 1863 ) PRESIDENT The Right Hon. Sir B. J. Cartwej Money loaned on City and ¥ Properties, Municipal and Co Debentures. Mortgages purcha Deposits received and interest allo 8. C. McGILL, Managing Director Office, 97 Clarence street, Kings opposite the Post Office. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has won its great i its prompt cures of thin mest Sens ailment. It aids expectoration, re- lieves the lungs and epens the secretions, effecting a speedy and permanent cure. It counteracts any tundency toward pucumonia. i Price 2sc, Large Size Soc, b, CE S-- -