Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jan 1905, p. 3

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Jt, Smooth, White Hands Areamnte Je aylor's Deftuce ream A most soothing toilet lotion 25¢. H. B. Taylor Drug Co, 24 Princess $t. "Phone 59. 9, k's Cotton Koot Compound, i Ladies' Favorite, Is the only safe, reliable esuiator on which woman epend "in t 4 and dime of naa Ne hous 'repa; In two de; S . strength. No, 1 and No 2 No. L.--For ordinary cageg 13 by far the best dollay Medicis known, 0 or special cases--10 ge Bar ree dollars per box. Evens kK your druggist for Cook's in Root Compound. Take no othr I pills, mixtures and Imitatione 'eo erous.. No. 1 and No. 2 are solg and mended by all druggists in the Do- nat Canada. Mallod to any add esy , o B ice and four 2-cent t pa. Cool Company, fi Windsor, Oat, ; I und No. ¥ are seld in Kingston ll Druggists. (CING & DEPORTMENT D. ROY MACDONALD HIG HALL, KINGSTON. s Meet Tuesdays and Thursdays dren from 4:30 till 6 pm. Its from 8 till 10 p.m. I Rates for Balance of This Term Send for Circular. RAND UNION HOTEL PROSITE Gra CENTRAL Staion GAGE T0 AND FROM STATION _ Free. ROOMS FRoN *loo PER Day Up ocktaking Sale tinued This Week All Odd -ines to 30 Cheap. s Underwear, odd sizes, 50c Je. quality, for 37%c. *s Flannelette Wrappers, $1 10, your choice 75e¢. s' Nightgowns, in 1 Flannelette, with neat heavy pink or trimming, 98¢., y All-wool Tweed Suitings, es wide, $1 and $1.25 qual > only 65c. Coats for Children, rather arry PRICE. Ver another season, . BATEMAN F MARRIAGE LICENSES, FE and FIRE INSURANCE IOKER. ®. 61 Clarence stress. LWAY SRE d AV] Ontario Provincial Elections Round trip tickets will be sold at Single First Class Fare Between all stations in Outario. Good going by and. 25th. all. trains Jan. 24 Valid returning until Jan 26th, 1905 For Pullman accommodation, tickets, and all other information apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnston. and Ontario streets KINGSTON& PEMBROKE & CANADIAN PAUIFIC RAILWAYS, SINGLE FARE Ontario Provincial Elections' Good going January 24th aud 25th valid returning until January 26t Pull particvlars at K. & P, fand C F.R. Ticket Office, Ontario oat, F. CONWAY, F. it: JR, BAY OF QU NTE_RAILWAY Deserovto, and all local points. Trains leave City Hall Depot at 2:23 pom. I CONWAY, Agent B.Q. Ry., Kiageton. eee eee te ee 4 HE WIN. FORTHE BERMUDA Frost unknown, malaria impossible. From New York, 48 hours hy eicgant new twin screw steamship ** Bermudian,' Sailings every 10 nays during January Every five days during February, March and April, 1905. FOR WINTER CRUISES GO TO -- WEST INDIES -- 80 days trip. About 20 days in tropics Special cruises to Bermdda, Torito Rico, Windward Islands and Cuba, SS Pretoria, Jammary ath, Februgry 9th, March 22nd. 103 For further particu Inia apply to A. E. OUTERBRIDGI & CO., Agents, for Quebec SS. Cu., . 39 Broadway, New York ; ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec, or J, P, ANIL , and to J. P. GILDER- SLEEVE, Ticket Agents, Kingston ee oes et LIVERPOOL and ALLAN LIN LONDONDERRY Royal Mal Steamers. From St. John, From Malifax Sicilian, ~ Sat. Jan. 28; Mon, Jan, 30 Jonian Sat. Feb 4: Mon. Feb. 6 Pretorian, Sat. Feb. 11; Moun. Feb. 13 Corinthian, Sat. Feb. 18; Mou. Feb. 20 RATES OF PASSAGE--First Cabin, $50 and upwards, according to steamer end accommodation; Second Cabin, Liv- erpool und Londouderry, $37.50 -- and $40: loudon $2.50 extra; Third Class, $27.50; superior accommodation Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, Lou- gon. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. Mongolian ...... .... Thurs, Feb 2, 10 a.m First Cabin, $40 and up--Second Calb- in, $35~Third Class, $27.50. For_ further particulars apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, U.1.R. City t. J. P. GILDEK Passenger Depot. \ "1 FEVE, Clarence Strost. MONEY AND BUSINESS. Tr eee ey LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Avallable assole 1,187,318. In addition to which policy holders have for security the ualimited liability . o all the stockholders. Farm and city insurea at lowest possible Before renewing old or giving wew business get rates from Strang. & Strange, Agents. OUR POLICIES COVER MOKE- OM buildings and contents than any oth or company offers. Examine them a! GQedwi property ra n's Insurance Emporium, Mark ot Soware Now is the, Time to Buy! A good piece of Furniture at re duced price, .as we have several lines to close out before stock- taking :-- Parlor Setts, Fancy Parlor Chairs, Rattan Rocker and Oak Hall Racks At a bargain, Call 147 for to have your re. pairing attended to. JAMES REID, The Leading Undertaker, Princess Street - Kingston. RE a ee) X Rays Stove Polish Shines brighter and wears longer tha; hers. Aluminum Polish for stoves or pipes Gold Dronze, in powder aud loguid. _ Get prices for above at Do you cate cold easily ? Does tlie cold hang on ? Try ah Shiloh's / nsumptio Cure Tai ° t It cures the most stubborn kind ou Suughs and colds. If it oesn't cure h mo will be refun 4g ou ty 8. C. Writs & Co. 38 Roy, N. ¥., Toronto, Can. Prices: 25e, 50c. $1 Le) For Three Years. Suffered Great Agony. Could Not Stoop or Bend. | No disease is so quiet and stealthy in Its approach as kidney disease. That is why it is so dangerous. deep-seated before you realize the danger. It is therefore of great importance to recognize the early warning sym toms, because in its early stage uey disease is easily curable, Pain or dull ache in the back is one of the first signs. So are bladder pains, bearing-down pains, smart- ing sensation when urinating, frequent or suppressed urination, and gravel or sediment in the urine, etc. You cannot be well if your kidneys are not perform- ing their functions ly. In all Cl cases of any derangement of the kidneys, a few doses of DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS will put the patient right; in old or chronic cases, the treatment should be persisted in. Mr. Michael A. McInnis, Woodbine, Marion Bridge, N.S., tells of his ex- perience: "For the last three years I suffered great agony with pain across ny kidneys, aiid was so bad that I could not stoop or bend. I consulted and had several doctors treat me, but I got none the better. On the advice of a friend I procured a box of that valuable life- giving remedy, Doan's Kidney Pills, and to my surprise and benefit I immediately became better. In my opinion Doan's Kidney Pills have no equal as a cure for any form of Kidney disease. Price 50 cents per box, or 8 for $1.25. All dealers, or direct by mail, Tax DoaN KioNev Pit, Co, Toronto, ONT. f Standard Telephone Sets FOR SALE $5 PER SET Slightly Used But in Good Order. Apply to SALES DEPARLMENT, 178 Mountain St., MONTREAL, QUE, : Or To Any Local Manager of the Bell Telephone Co. of Canada MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY The Secret of Certainty im Recollection, PLAINLY STATED; SIMPLY TAUGHT, Personally or by Correspondence. W. T. Stead, "Review of Reviews," says : "I con- sider Pelman a Benefactor of the human race." PELMAN SCHOOL OF MEMORY, 950 Whitehall Buliding. New York City. Mr. Pelman's book "MEMORY And What Can Be Done T' Ly I" Sent FREE upon roquest, §0000000000000000000 oe TYPEWRITERS !° 3 peu : RENTED, 9 REPAIRED. 9 : Makes, New and Socond-hand 3 J. R.C. DOBBS & C0., $ 171 Wellington St. , Kingston 8000000000000000000000 Er ---------------------- ARCHITECTS. A Ee ne, NM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF fice, second flour ever Mahood 's_dru, store, corner Princess and Bago: . Entrance on OL street 608. Bae ------------------------------------------------ ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF fice sits of New Drill Hall, pear cos ner of Queen and Montreal Streets. eee et POWER & SON ARCHITECT, MBER chant's Bank Building, corner Broce: and Wellington streets. "Phone 212 Pain Across the Kidneys | Ii there was any doubt in the minds tompletely dispelled at the grand 1 - oral rally in the Grand Opera House, where a great audience gathered last night. There but one note, and that was that Pense would win, The stalwarts of the liberal party were confident and With another bard day's work, another liberal vie- tory in Kingston they declared. was cocky, would be recorded, The rally was one of the best the Kingston liberals have ever held. There was sincere regret over 'the ab: sence of Hon, George W, Ross, On- tario's premier, statesman and ora- tor, whose visit was expectantly logk- ul forward to, as his speech was to conclude the liberal provincial and lo- cal campaign. But illness, after a strenuous campaign, kept the revered premier confined to his bed, His place was taken hy H. H, Dewart, K.t 5 Toronto, who made a forceful address. Un the stage were scores of promin- ent liberal workers, and many ladies were among them, and also in the boxes and the front rows of' the or chestra. The 14th Regimental Band was on the stage, and, before the ad dresses, rendered several stirring selec tions, President Mowat, of the Reform As sociation, was the first speaker, and spoke of the lack of a conservative policy. The cause of the Minnie M. Cruise was traced to the conserva: tives themselves, through the carrup- tion of Mr. Miscampbell, who was un scated in Sault Ste, Marie, Referring a ---------------------------- * * » Premier Ross' Request, + + +> 4+ Hon. George W. Ross + + sends the following request + 4 to the Kingston liberals : + '* Impress upon your «4 4 committees at every polling » + subdivicion to bring out 4 4+ the full liberal vote. If this 4 is done, we will have a + + substantial majority all « + over the province.' + + " | to Mr. Mcintyre, the speaker showed ho he bad never lifted a finger aghinst conservative corruption from the days of 1891, when he appeared upon the City Hall platform with "Honest John" Haggart. Though Hon. Mr. Ross was not present, the hearts of the liberals were with him in spirit. He was a worthy leader and in Mr. Pense, he had a splendid re- presentative in Kingston, a man whose private life was as pure as his public life was unspotted. (Applause). On November 3rd, Mr. Mowat said, the people had done as he asked them and 'had buried a false cry of sectar- ianism raised by the conservatives, Now he asked them to join in another burial--let, them bury the conservative slander so deep that it will never be heard in the province again, (Ap- plause), Mr. Pense Confident. Mr. Pense, introduced as the next member for Kingston received a splen- did reception, He know that the peo- ple all regretted the detention of the premier through illness, for they all wished to hear and sce the wan who was bearing slander and sins for which he was not responsible. He was worn out by the rigors of the cam- paige, but had sent Mr. Dewart, who had before home the reform standard with eredit. Mr. Pense thanked his followers who had come out so large. Iv to support him on this occasion, His nomination by the liberal party had been unanimous, and he was since nore than asdured that it came from the heart. (Applause). The conserva: tives had been making predictions ab- out Wednesday's vote, but a® usual it would be found that (hey were away ofl. In the provincial election of 1902 they predicted a vietory for Whitney, but instead Premier Ross won out. (Applauge), The Toronto Telegram predicted that not one lib eral would be elected from Belleville to the Ottawa river, aud vet four were elected, and he himself wot there quite handily, although his defeat was predicted hy 500 maiority. The people could rest assured that Premier Ross would" win on Wednesday, and one of Deaf 13 Years The Editor Of The 'Magonic Reg- ister' Of Toronto Had His Hearing Restored By 'Ca. tarrhozone," No case on record could be more successful then Geo. Warner's of Wel. lesley. street, Toronto, Catarrhozone cured his deafness 50 he can hear a whisper across the room, Positive Proof Of Cure, "For the past thirteen years my That Was the Watchword at the Liberal Rally Last Night--The Stalwarts Confident of Win. ning To-morrow's Baitle--Liberal Victory in Province, Too, of sane people over the result of to-! morrow's election in Kingston it wea! the suecessful liberal constituencies would be Kingston, (Lond Applause). Premier Ross" Message. Progident Mowat read ih following message from Promier Ross, who sent the liberals this valuable wud of ad- vice : "Impress on your committecs in every polling subdivision, to bring out a full liberal voto. M this is dine, wo will have a substantial majority all over the provimee"' (Loud applause greeted the premiers mesyage). ' H. H. Dewart, Toronto. H. H, Dewart, K.C., Toronto, was given a hearty reception. He said he brought glad tidings from the west and the north, Ewervwhere the liberals were strong of heart aml full of cour age, and with the old fighting spirit in them. They would gain a number of western. seals (Applause). The speaker said be came as the represen tative of Hom. GG, W. Rows, whose message to him when he loft Toronto was: "I expeet Kingston to be in the line of my victories on Wodnondav." (Loud applause). While the liberals went to the pro- vince prepared to discuss questions of importance to the province, they find the opposition with only the cry of corruption. The only disgruntled ily crals were those who did not get what they wanted, and the few of such were not opposing their party on the ground of cerruption. ~ Referring to coalition, Mr. Dewart asked that if Mr. Whitasy rcocived an offer, why did he desline to co-operate with the men who were endeavoring to do what they could for the moral wel- fare of the province. By his rejection of the proposal, if he got it, he had shown himself as unfit to be entrusted with the government of this provines, Does the record of Mr. Whitney's party entitle it to pose as the leader of purity 7 Certainly not. From 1867, corruption hes been rampant in the conservative ranks and in ita govern: went, Before they proach purity to the liberals, let. them took after their own household. The liberal leaders - are charged with a knowledge of all kinds of corruption, but not a charge had been proven nor ould be. Mr Dewart paid his compliments to Rev. Mr. Bossack and Ress Nr. Starr, of or onto, onc a isappointed grit office seeker, and the other a tory alt his life. and whose talks ob moral reform bad not the ring. of sincerity about them, The speaker roferred to the three in: cidents which ihe comservatives were parading against the liberals--viz., the West Elgin case, the Gawey case and the trip of the Minnie M, and gave the corrdet versions of these affairs which are so distorted by' oppositionists, Mr. Dewart declared that the slander ous charges of Mr, Whitney's followers would recoil with double force on their own heads on Wednesday. (Applause). Tories On The Run. Upon thi: platform of November 20rd, the liberal party stood. and no candidate of that party. would deviate from it. It was a platform on which all could stand shoulder to shoulder. The liberals had a strong body of candidates of which Mr. Penge was one of the best tvpes. (Applause). The speaker referred to the utterances of lor Burwash of Victoria Uni- versity, and Rev, Nr, MoCunig, of Wel. land, in bebalf of Hon. George W, Ross, as opposal to the petty abuse of Mr. Whitney. He spoke of the bri bery by a conservative im South Oun- tario only last Saturday. The liberals now had the tories on the run in that constituency, and il the oppositionists were watched in Kingston, they woul) also be put to rout. (Loud Applause). The people all over the provinee were going to rise in their political misht against the contemptible cappaigning of Mr. Whitndv, Mr. Dewart reviewed. the wise logis: lation passed by the Ross government which bad looked well after the in terests of the workingmen, Mr, Pense had supported the government in thess measures for the workmen's, interest, and the tories were eriticizing him for it. Would it not be better to send Mr. Pense to the legislature as one fully in sympathy: with the workines than to send one whose lender bad always opposed measures in their interest, ns for instance the establishimont of » de partinent of labor amd colonization, (Applause), Dealing with the bogus ballot box case, Mr. Dewart showed bow both the liberal governments at Ottawa and Toronto, hed acted, resulting in the banishment of Shibley and Lott from their native land. The tories, in their cagerness to hurt Premier Ross, had tried to fasten the guilt ypon the Ontario goverment, and had failed utterly, Why did they not try to fast- en it on the rovernment at Ottawa, which would have benefitged 7 Simply because there was to Be am election in Ontario, and they wented another contemptible crv. (Applause). Mr. De- wart charged that Me. Whitnev wa unfit to be premier of Ontario hecangs of the reckless statothent® he had bearing has been affected. The streets | wore as quiet as if 1 lived in a city of the dead. 1 couldn't hear the street cars or the sound of the horses' feet on the pavement. Since using Catar- | thozone T can hear a whisper across | the room. Catarrhozone lias my strongest endorsement," You can't afiord to be without Ca tarrhozone if vour hearing ix poor. Get it at once--your druggist has jt two months' treatment, price 81: sam- ple sige, Me. By mnil, from N, ©. Pal son & Co,, Harvord, Conn,, S.A. IENMY P. SMITH, ARCHEYTM™M ate, Anchor Building, Marke: Square. "Phone 345. and Kingston, Opt, made in this canmaign. Ona of those statements he had to "take back and promise never to use iH heain, He was like the Trich cabmen, who on beins asked where he was going replied: "Faith and 1 don't know, but I'm going like the divil anyway.' Mr. Whithey was just like that, Was he the man the peopl of Ontario would eotrust with the previership of their province ? [Cries of N6, No ') The reason Mr. Whithey was holdine a reine in Kinveton lo-nipht wan he eanae he expreted. Mr. Ross the wight vio hin ot . di g n the Rows government was province safely on, and w ple not t¢ worry, 'for with the Gea W. Ross at the helm, they w be safely lod through gli dang. ers. (Lowd applause). y C. F. Gildersleeve Speaks, C, F. Gildersleeve made a brief, but enthusiastic speech, He said he was never so pleased to be in the liberal ronks as now. When a young man he became funvinged that the liberal par ty had been the chief cause of moral and mataisl reform and prosperity. He belived the liberal party sh bo wnocessiul on Wednesday, (Cheers). The evidence everywhere pointed to that, and it also pointed to the elec tion of Mr. Pease in Kingston, Mr. Gilderslceve said he was on the liberal committee in charge of the Ports: mouth voting, and predicted a major ity for Mr. Pense o from forty to sixty. (Applause). The speaker was glad to support such a leader as Hon. George W, Ross. The prospects for the liberals were eight and it would be a great mistake by the people of Ontario to change premiers, (Applavse). Smite The Slanderers. Dr. Richardson declared that the corruption cry of the conservatives was beneath contompt. He was like 'the dear old darkey, who when he hoard his 'neighbor had got religion, wanted to lock up his chickens. (Loud applause}, hen the applause had about sab sided, a few hisses wore board, one heing from a conservative lawyer in the rear. Dr. Richardson's retort was quick. He said : "That sound reiinds me of the Bible story about the day of Pentecost, when every mun spoke in his own tongue." A thunder of cheers followed this retort. Dr. Richardson - claimed that the opposition, and not the government, was on trial. The opposition had done nothing for the province. Mr, 'White nev had shown himself as no friend to the workingmen. Hon, George W. Ross had served ong and nobly, and it was the depth of meanness and ingratitude for, any man to hurl at him the con- temptible abuse of Mr, Whitney und Fis chief followers. Thig campaign on the conservative cide was simply one of abuse, and Dr. Richatdson asked that the people sinite it on Wednes. day with one good and heavy blow, In conclusion he predicted a grand liberal victory. Full Of Confidence. R. F. Elliott, 'the fighter in many local campaigns, declared himself ae perfectly satisfied that Kingston would again elect Mr, Penso, The people were mare interested in the future than in the past, for the past had gone. Whitney had absolutely nothing to give the people of Ontario. Hon, George W." Ross had stood well by Kingston, and Kingston would again stand by him. (Applause). The liberals of Kingston had defeated Mr. Meln tyre twice before, and they were go: ing to do it again on Wednesday, (Loud applause), Never before wos the party so united, and never before were they so propared to wan" the polls. (Applause). } Hon. Mr, Harty Confident. Hon. Mr. Harty was loudly applaud. el when he arose to speak. He de. clared that Premier a was Can- ada's ablest speaker and statesman, There was no truer or more honest Canadian living. (Applause). For thirteen years the liberals had beld the city of Kingston, and they could repeat on Wednesday their vie- tories of the past. Let them stand together as hey had for him on No- vember 3rd, and Mr. Pense would be landed on top. He was sure the liberals would win on Wednesday, and asked them to make Mr, Pense's ma- GRIF'S GREATEST FOE. -- A Scientific Method Of Mastering The Grip--Make a Memo. Make a meno of the fact that there is only one safe and certain way to deal with Mr. Grip. Soak him, Do it with Stuart's Catarrh Tab- lets, You say: "What has Catarvh to do with Grip 1" Why, Grip iv Catarrh, nothing elge, Catarrh attacks in numberlss dil ferent forms, Une of its worst forme is Grip, Grip's greatest. foe js Stuart's Cg tarch Tablets, becaue Stuart's Ca tarrh Tablets can be relied upon to do Grip the greatest damage of any ro. medy or medicine vou can take, They are much superior to Yuining or any of the old unscientific me thous of dealing with the disease, because yuinine is quackery, and Stuart's Ua. tarrh Tablets are' a pure and simple combinatian, of germicidal and tonic ingredicats,. which have o positive specific offect upon every form of Ca. tarrhal inflammation in the body in cluding. Grip: : Grip is a fearful disease, . Not so much in its own particular svinptoms, though these are bad en: ough, but beeanse of the fact that the alter-cfivcts are so lingering and day- gerous, Grip pulls you down, so vou weak and miserable for months, The only tovie that will build vou up is Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, Grip weakens the heart, kidneys and lungs. Thousands of deaths from Heart Disease, Bright's Discgse, Pneumonia, Consumption, are divedly due to the weakening results of the. Grip. The pei wediéine that will prevent the Grip from developing into these direful diseases is Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, Better take them. Stuart's Catarrh Tablets succoed m curing, and in preventing the danger ous after-effects of the Grip, for one great and wifficient reason. They are not a general tonic remedy, They are a scientific specific for jngt this one form of disease, Catarrhal feel inflammation of the neous mem- branes : They are 3 ewrative, not a pallia- tive. Beware of the deadly grip of the Grin: Fight it off with Sttart's Catarch Tahiete, Sold at all denggists at 50 vents a previous, and cowardlike he wos (ol box, in stock, with exception Packard. rice only. Sale this week. at hard-to-resist prices. jotity large. Mr. Harty defied the tovies put their finger on one item in the Whole thirty-two years of liberal rule whery one cent had been mis-spent. Dr. Ryan on nomination day bad held the government responsible for the defal. cation of $25, i In. roply to that Yor. Harty stated that Dr. Ryan was a trustee of the C.M.B.A,, and, therefore, one of * its government, Was he responsible for the defaleation of $30,000 by the law COMBA, treasurer, named Brown, of London ¥ The two cases were parallel, and if Dr. Ryan held the Ontario gov: ernment re ible for bne, he must be Apwpoumitye for the other. But the speaker bold neither responsible, Mr. Harty referred to the News and Times charge that he was making an effort to get the Catholio Vote for Mr, Pense. He wanted to say that the conservative newspaper had ng' busi. ness dragging the Catholie wople into such a disewssion, The Catholios were intelligant onough to know how to vote without being told, (Loud ap: plause). In conclusion, Mr, Harty said that all the liberals had to do on Wodnes- day was to stand together. With one hard day's work they would elect Mr, Pense, (A wplause), The enthusiastic mooting concluded with cheers for My, Pense, Mr, Ross and the king, The band played the national anthem, ---------------- RICHES EMBARRASS, -- A Wealthy Man's Gift To Town Is Making It Poor. Methuen, vo dan. MBdward ". Searles, once a poor ea penter, but, bow the widower of Mrs. ark Hop- kins, and who says he has at least 890,000,000, has embarrassed this little town with a gift of 21,000,000 for a high school building, the finest in the country, although there gre only eighty-five upils, 8 cach new Patio he gives ty the town requires support, taxntion, is high and the villagers have (o scratch to raise woney. Put they don't dare to affront Searles, wo they take expensive ghd expense outailing gilts without. an audible murmur, Fhe public library, which cost $300, 000, and burns more conl than the rest of the town put together, is a specimen of the embarrassment of riches. Searles cannot spend his wonoy. as It acounmlatos too fast, He liven alone with servanty in a castle, whic expected to bo loli to: the town us a hospital when he dies, Then, on one resident sayy : "We whall be wo rich that we shall be poverty wtrickon tor keep up ap. pearances. Searles means well, but does not seem to understand the situation, He is the seme chap to day thet he was when, as a poor cnr penter, and decorator, Mrs. Hopkins hecame infatuated with him and led him to the altar. His gilts embar- rass us, but wo must take them. ---- te Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Ab. solutely Harmless, Tho fault af giving children medicine containing oF on. 'substances, is sometimes 'Wore disabtrous than disease from which they are suffering. y mother should know that Chamberlain's Coughs Rewedy is per fectly sale for children to take, 1t con. tains nothing harmful and for coughs tolds and croup is Unsurpassed. For salo by all druggists, -------- Bite Through Muslin Waists. Washington, Jan, 24. Unofficial ad- vices are to the effect that, while re- ports of prevalence' of yellow fever on the Isthwnus of Panama are exagger- ated, the pest does exist, there. Ameri- can women are said to Ge careless, don the lightest muslin hice waists in the evening, and are alnost surely bitten by the poisonons, fover-hodring | Have You a Bump? is the time to fill up your shoe wants, We are giving 25 PER CENT. OFF every shoe Yet we never lower the quality ; it's always the Attend our Dissolution of Partnership Bargain Tables crowded with new, My. McDougall, | COATS at the same to clear them out. will give the winners of money, Grits or Conserva- tives, a chance to secure oue of our Bargains. : uaranteed in every order a with" us. ie Carroll &C Croker, son Croker, wan killed in If you have now of Queen Quality aed. ¥ J. H. Sutherland & Bro. CALLING CARDS ~ ENGRAVED FROM COPPER PLATE re g by some of our customers to give them a chance after the elections at our SALE So we have decided to §inve our sale of $18; $20, $22 and $25 at the reduced price of $15.50 for: 8) 2 WEEKS LONCER And will include all our' rice his » Satisfaction ~ 230 PRINGESS STREET, FASHIONABLE Frank mosquito, accident at Ormond, Fla. an aut the snappy shoes. For 2 Weeks Towgor : We have been requested CASH sulIT x

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