Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jan 1905, p. 4

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RALLY TO 'THE POLLS. to-murrow om 1 The libeeni | liberal candidate here . having served H the people with a rare fidelity--the re J sult of the election should not be in doubt, The campaign hag been a short. one, and it will soon be over. Let the liberals be true to themsolves J and their calling and they will bo able to meet for jubilistion on Wed. 1 nesday evening. "3 -------- : INSULTING THE WORKINGMEN. Te Whim, two or three sonsions ago of the Jogislature, it was proposed to 4 | amend the registration act, making it 9 | more workable and lesd discriminative, | The and Eapiro fell on the gov: vernment and referred to the law ay 'Whitney, and, speaking no doubt with his concurrence, alleged that "care be taken with regard to the population, which was gener- of the working class and some- t amenable to bribery," working class will please ob Jrorve that this insult proceeds from the conservative party and is wholly t The act was not ASHAMED OF THE PARTY, "Don," in Saturday Night, Kas Loon quoted as unfavourable to the liberal | government. Nr. Sheppard is a con. setvative, and has contested one rid. Jing in the conservative interest, uy. i] successfully. 'So that he cannot Le oxpected to say much in support of the liboral party in Ontario, At the sam. time ho has been oqual to the castigntion of the conservative party, and says this of Gamey and bis pre sent associates : "That any man should sup with vo} hiv (Gamey); or promipent politician put their wrms about him, is so io: J credible that 1 could not have Le. lieved it had not 'Teports of this sort of thing appeared uncontradicted in the general pros," 16 will be remembored that after the exhibition which Mr. Gamey mado of himsoll, especially after his flight * to Buffalo while the judicial enquiry wed in progress, the conservative opposi- ton in the legislature fought shy of him. Mr. Whitoey way clearly trying to avoid hime So were other mem: bers of the house, But Dr. Beattie Nesbitt had adopted Gamey into the politicial family, and iy time ho hud 10 be received, Mr. Sheppard way be ashamad of the party, and may not be inclined to forgive it for its truekling tonden- 08, but it cannot abandon Gamoy. i} Dr. Nesbitt has put the stamp of ap- jj proval upon him, and declared "He's h the stuff," ty : ] et------ : CAMPATGN LIES. . Hero fa another carfipaign le. It , juppoers in the conservative press : | SB W. Rathbun, who was nominat- ed as candida not "host 4 Crawford per ton. -- | | 1 : of the city and pro- to the y pn," raised wo pressed su persistently, for a time think liberals were at the conservatives 'pretence, and the react: that the government is be sustained by a larger i eause being good ~ the '| Who represents its very storm centre, to the enemy for any deal that will {be personally helpful to him is not | believed.. He made no condition when he accepted the libers} nomination. If | elected=and he is almost, sure of it, ag sure as any man could bhe--he goes to Toronto as the warmest and heartiest supporter of Mr. Ross. | ---- A QUESTION OF LIABILITY. miss in the discharge have ated dollars. He was an official government responsible for his short comings, had close business relations with the || management, which represented its memnbery as the government represents the people. Former grand secretary of COMBA. defaulted to the extent of £30,000, and only Jast fall the _so- ciety had to accept a settlement ~ of $17,000 of lifejinsurance, It came frog, the estate. 'Dr. Ryan did not consider that he was cepsurable for the secretary's misdoings, but he was quite as uch responsible for thew as the govern ment was responsible for the work of Mr., McDougall. Mr. Harty had net a word to say against Dr. Ryan personally, or to his di $. He was a very worthy citizen. But in making an attack upon the government he had used 8 weapon which acted like a boomerang, ---- A GREAT LIBERAL MEETING, The liberal meeting in the Opera House last night was all jt was ex- pected fo be--an occasion when the is sues of the day wae. olearly presented when the party took in the in. tion which it: desired on the eve of battle. Hon. Mr, Ross' absence was sincers ly regretted, Ag the premier of the province, the man who is the leader of A great party in a stirring campaign, ho one can take his place and reflcet his mind. He was taken ill, 'however, on his return from the cost, and tele graphed, by order of his physician, his final engagements bad to be canoel]- ed, Weeks of steady service, mvalving much travel and broken rest, bad left their effects, But Mr. Ross was very mindful of bis friends in Kingston. He sent a spléndid substitute, one of the best in Mr. Hartley Dewart, K.C., and he sent a telegraphic message, to the of- feet that it the wards in Kingston were as well manned as the other elec- toral districts of Ontario, and if the libetal party did its duty--were ag true to its record and its traditions as usunl--the government would be sus- tained by a substantial majority, The discussion of the evening was very interesting. All the speakers touched some points of special import ance, and these were punctuated hy hearty applause, The result was that 83 the = veteran + Harty finished his speech, the great audience rose, cheer ing for the candidate, the premier and the king, and went out with the deter mination to win, ag the partly has done in every parliamentary election Save one in the last thirteen years, ------ The yarn is put-- Mr. Whitney is tell ing it again and again--that a squad of bad men have goite north in the Sault Ste. Marie election, 'and that more crookednesy is planned. No fear, There are a couple of judges at the Soo, trying the culprits in the last election, and the constituency is safe. em Mr, Melntyre. wag referred to as one qualified for a place in Mr. Whitney's cabinet. Mr. Whitney" han formed .one ~in his mind--and Mr. Molntyre is not in it. Of course these 'nental cabinets can be reconstructed without trouble, and for a day or twe Mr. Molutyre may get a place in it. 1 -- Mr. Whituey says Cap. Sullivan is at work for the Ross government, yet Frank Sullivan is threatening to say something loud if the Globe does not say something that will take the edge off its repudiation, Cap Sullivan can: ot be for and against the govern: ment at the same time. E That he been making' overtures At tho nomination in (he City hall, Hon. Mr. Harty challenged anyone to name an instance in which the mein. bers of the government had been re of their duty. The challenge wag accepted hy Dr. who' cited the McDougall caso. Mr. McDougall was the solicitor who collected the succession duties, and who: was proven wome time ago to thousands of of the government and Dr. Ryan held * the Mr, Harty was closed out, under the agreement, from replying at the nomination, but last evening he cited a parallel case. Dr. Ryan is a trus tee uf the C.M.B.A., and as such he society. He, belonged to its board of 4 claiming 10 have a. Mission; 'namely, | satinot. be "conducted This election would be free of it b hut do him & service, bad to meet the religious ery, a had to ask his liberal supporters tarien at once and forever. association referred lodge, the Peference being mstrumenta November election one_of these gentle pealed fr political support on reli - | gious grounds. Now, the separatist idea having failed, the plan was loyal to the party. that the sectarian crv bas not been Catholic vote. What is the insipua- tion, and 'what is the ground for it? No une can see. Why should Mr. Har ty be continually assailed on religious grounds Fhe sectarian issues are dead 80 far as bé is concerned. He said in the Opera House last night that be had not raised them. Tt was al surd 'to insinuate that he controlled the Roman Catholics, since many could be named, scores and hundreds of them, who were in the conservative rake. Under those circumstances * he had good reason fo suggest that the penny-a-liner who assailed him. should mind his 'own business and avoid the misrepresentation and the mischief it provokes, The assault on Mr. Harty will not hurt him. If it bas any effect it will in Kingston without some -appest to sectarianism. | for: the imdiveretion of a print that is friendly My; Mente and wants to In the federal election Mr. Harty give it a final and effectual quictus. His election by over five hundred ma- jority ought to have silenced the sec It has been the desire of the con servative partly lo revive it, however, and for a purpose which is not appar- ent. At the public meeting some days ago the president of the conservative to Capt. Gaskin and Mr. Foy as members of the Bau rivers and lakes abound with fish, power possibilities are beyond calculation. The only in recalling the fact that in the men had gone aboit the city and ap- show that Protestant and Catholic were united, and that they would be Again # fonservative print complain raised oxoept by Mr. Harty, and re ference is made to hin? and the solid cheer for. od minerals and lumber of this they produce, and made Ontario banner Province of our glorious vote for. million acres of land. stretch of this vast farm land, much of it has millions dollars worth of valuable timber: on the mineral wealth is inexhaustible, t An new Grand. Trunk Pa - | Pass through this great and our Government owned Temisk ming Railway opens up another va stretch of this country and' will jo the Grand Trunk Pacific. Old Ontar »| will reap, and in fact ning to reap, e Railway w would have Tody party Ontario Liberal Government. for, and the Liberals a for and VOTE for. Ontario is a Province everyone can The party which secured for us the to | great' North Lands saved for us the glorious Province, safeguarded our rivers and scheme of the Ottawa Tories ing New Outario from us, and dividing say of New Ontario, and pever gave a willing vote in favor of its development. The fact is. he and his followers have | fo never forgiven the Liberals and their leaders for successfully defeating the] an for steal | iu for. and the Libera The Ontario Government, by ' a Provinee to cheep Is a party to cheey Surely Ontario is r and vote for, 1S wiga elped ty To farm d. businesslike policy, has rease the values of Old Onis streams, with the inexhaustible power the Do- 4minion is a party to cheer for and to New Ontario contains one hundred immense territory is good North Land, is already begin- a rich harvest from the development of this great territory,which been stolen from us by the but for the vigilance of the Verily Ontario is a Province to cheer party to CHEER True to their Conservative" instincts and traditions, Mr. Whitney and his lowers, Mr. 'Whitney himself, amid the che of his followers, once described N its. vast wealth among their own fol lands, implements, stock, ang to "the following magnificent which every lover may be proud :-- Value of farm lands go Ofucts, Jures, , of this fajr Ie of ers ew Ontario as "the land of the stunted Value of buildings .. A 8620 00.475 poplar and the blasted pine." Value of implements rae: 8 50 13g The Hon, Geo. W. Ross and his Cabi- Value of stock. 1 wl net, backed by the progressive Liberal, _ORI21.267 of } party, have laid down a policy of de-| Totar |. es. $1,086 2208, it, | velopment for this great heritage of | Increase in 1807 | «$181,798 10 he lours, and for that leader, that policy | Cheese Factories: "e802 and party Ontario electors will cheer! ? 1500 nejand vote. . No. of cheese fac. hy 1003, ill} The Liberal Government and the Lib- Te su 817 eral party have not forgotten Old On- No. of pounds. of i 1128 &- | tario. They have pursued a policy for'_ oheece produced 79:364,713 165,306 57: St | the whole Province, whieli has developed Value of theese + 9,306,573 in| every industry, and secured for the peo- produced +. 87,180.957 gp 03g io [ple of the Province the full benefit of Creameries-- Tag all wise and progressive legislation. In 1899. 190 Older Ontario more than 2.300 miles of No. of creameries. 39 3. aid granted by the Liberal Governmen of the Province. has been spent in colonization municipal drainage, swamp and in river. lake and bridge work, railways are in operation owing tp the Since 1871 $6,304.71 drainage, ' kh education $20,042,769 has been spent; in public buildings and repairs, $10,977,608; No: Ibs. of butter ts Value of butter 34! produced ; 265 1,308 58¢ 10812, and cheep and vote for the Libera) party, EDITORIAL EBTES. It is time for a daily abuse of our public men, -- Vote that some one chise, - ---- ; Mr. Whitney's organizer is Mr. Mig. campbell, who was 'driven out of the Sov for corruption. -- Mr. Dewart warned the liberals to be on the watch for crooks on elee- tion day. They were in the land and could not miss Kingston, ---- Frank Sullivan asks the Globe to change--from this early to-morrow, and then see else exercises the fran- r be to cause his Roman Catholic | withdraw or modify "its reference to ' friends to resent fully the insult that | the family, "the unsavory Sullivan | ¢ has been offered to him. species." The Globe so far has not of- THE VERY LATEST SCANDAL, |"! su apology. One of the most infamous chapters | In their attempt to blacken one and in Ontario's political history is that | all alike of the vpposite camp in this relating to' the South Ontario elee- campaign, the conservatives may find tion in 1898, Mr. Calder opposed Hon. | that they © have overdone it, so the Mr. Dryden, and it is said that the | Montreal Witness thinks, tories 8 J Les VO -- » high, Siri opt For thirteen years! the liberals have : You'll come. Of Sourse you wach. been in the ascendancy in this consti- this stupendous Reduction Sale. Mr. Calder was elected, but was un. | t9ency. They have carried every par- . seated mainly on the admissions of one Baker, who undertook to make a change of twenty votes for Calder in NS j Mr, Porter, of Belleville, feels that one polling sub-division for $100. The | he is suffering from the grit press on money was paid to him by one Luke, account of his connection with the on the written order of William Smith, ballot box cases. No, he is suffering a tory ex-M.P, At the trial 'of the pe- | account of the Napanee bar. inci. Sion Juke was missing, but Smith | dent. Men's Overcoats, Suits, ad the hardihood to deny the whole -- story 'on oath. The judges, however,| What object can some people have | § 0 30 per cent, accepted Baker's evidence as more | in making frequent reference to Mr, : its < le Subsequently, on January Harty and his Roman Catholic Boys Suits ang Overcoats, 9th, 1900, the whole matter came he. | friends! Must (he invitation be forever Raincoats Fur Coats U fore the court on the trial of the per- | held out for a clash of voters on ra. : ! sons reported for bribery. cial and religiouy lines ? Then, being hard-pressed, Mr. Smith A So : ; 4 4 20 per cent. to 50 per coufessed that he had spent a lot. of = ramets jury in Hamilton city Call i d " I : money. He bad distributed it_pmong to Shun rary sr that 8 woman came all in and see what all this means, thes. in bulk; and they hal put i 3 | dea u rough tnknown causes 4 where it would do the most good. taken with suifdal intent." Some of Judge Osler 'regarded the whole per formance as a 'most brazen one, while Judge Ferguson' said he did not he. lieve Smith's denial, and that he hud been guilty, in his own admission, « of "gigantic corruption." I must have shocked most people to read in yesterday's papers that South Ontario is the scene of another repulsive scandal, a brand new one, and one affecting the present elec. tion. The Globe of Monday contain- od the affidavits of three men whom @ conservative named Nicholas Brown had assumed to bribe, in the Gordon House, township of Pickering. To one he gave $20, and to another 816 and to another $1. The men took the money, on advice, then exposed the orime. There is a sensation, of course; as the result of this "revelation, coming as it does when Mr. Whitney and his friends are to cleanse the public life of Ontario. The story of the conservative press, es an offset to the scandal, is that two liberals, Vanstine and Stanley, made Brown drunk, and while drunk be did not know what he was do- ing. No one believes this story, how. ever, and the circumstances of it only give further prominence to the grading deed, det tpn Soi - the opera house last evening, feli Rev, Mr, Starr, formerly of King- cheap enough. The speaker recalled ston, one of the cunservative associa: tion, is finding great scope in this election for the exercise of his politi- the fact that in Bible liamentary election but one. They can Carty to-morrow's contest. the jurymen have been attend servative political meetings, -- A. man was run out mg con- of South Rep. It was apparent, that he Was a conservative xi was trying to eatrap and entice the liberals. He was given Joave to get out or go to jail-and he disappeared in a hurry, frow because ion crook and -- Pritchett, says My. Whitney, not been prosecuted for the West Elgin has his part in case. Mr. Whitney knows. why. His party compounded with Pritchett, gave him a clearance on condition that he give them a lying affidavit. South Ontario is further disgraced by the Nicholas Brown incident. The tory party must he flush of funds when a representative of it beging to hand money out by the handinll the Saturday before the election. -- The court will not excuse Nicholas Brown, of Pickering, for being caught, in the very act of corruption. is a mate for Smith who operated in the same riding and was reported yy Judge Ferguson to be guilty of the most glaring corruption ever heard. Brown : -- The chap who undertook to rattle Dr. Richardson, and hissed onee, in history there is the record of people at Penticost whe THE Nobody likes to lose money --yet House between Toronto Princess St., Kingston. ed. Our entire stock A great sculptor when acquired in that art replied : easy," said he, "when you chisel and knock off what The Sawyer the conservatives ------ eal prejudices. He is said to have ho "Legan to speak with other re ---- on. : Ki ton pre Ces. He is sal 0 have hag ton Vid -- i ---- gi, an a band in the preparation of Mr. Hos. | © -- and unable to attend the 'meeting in | in midi any ons who has pleased it more than sack'y "Pista. He iv using large Jan: | The report that Mr. Ross was ij, | the opera honse--and (he rumour that targely at: [Mr. Dovart. who filled Mr. Ross en. | 24° bimsell, aul becouse, ax Mr. there woukl not be n megting-ckept gagement last . evening. The premier Dewart remarks, he is new in. the some people 'away. But a full house ? Major Rah. bas been thanked hi business, greeted the libegal candidate and his A overy one | a substitute, for *o good i TE a tai friends, and a splendid meeting way pF op- -- the Opera House lait night, and pei Tuell, . , Paid Das The charge has been made that Mr, close attention to the political ad. i Se Yin Harty is trying to manipulate the Ro dresses. They musi have been delighted he Richardson got a good one off man Catholic vote. What has he done | with the address of Mr. Dewart, K.C. the good coolt's standby, on the goody-goody conservative. He |i Samant such o stutement ? Are | Tt was complete review of the poli. | tne Iu ® favorite, [7 , 'io! h* colored man who hears these attacks not reprobated by all | tical situation from a 1} stand t is ab * fof a brother getting religion decided [lovers of decent campaign ? point, | iberal eo one 2h tha : BOe at once to lock the chicken-coop. When talked purity, with | SO ttt rss ses sss arcs ets taae ans THE H. D. BIBBY CO. ~~ Coming Your Way y for us. In some ca-es we positively lose, over int the next season, so we are offering a clear and olean out on our entire stock of Winter Clothing, Hats and Haberdashers. January Discount Sale Suspenders, Underwear, Sweaters, etc, discounts § THE H. D. BIBBY CO, The Only Strictly Cash and Ope Price Cloth'r what we have done --Knocked off all we don't No Discount off Invictus and Rubbep | locks. all under Liberal rule and all for Older pus such a magnificient record hith party have never had s good word to | Ontario. cess and progress {o point to, oe i" *ecasssea STR NsResasasesa an Rr, > Il come. 'Twould be folly to miss There'll be no semblance of profit In all cases you gain, we dare not let Winter Stock lap Trousers, etc,, reduced 20 redaced 20 to 30 per cent. Isters, Caps, Hats, Shirts cent, ig, and Montreal --O.k Hall, "} aw Mat tts vtatressiseecnanaaaned A GREAT EVENT Bvery person who needs SHOES should be interest- to be sold at 20 Per Cent. Discount asked how skill could be "By constant practice it's know how." Just take a you don't want. . It's just want. Goods. Shoe Store. We Are Importers Of PIG LEAD, TIN - BISMUTH, SPELTER CANADA METAL co ; COPPER, their record, it was time to turp the ---- At Peterboro, My. Whitney invited "the creation of a budy of independ: ent men who would watch with the greatest astufeness the eourse of pub: lic events, and who would be prepar- ed fo yute against their politeal friends." That body has been existing for many years in Cangda, and it hes been voling the tories into oppost tion, ------ Pay water rate and save discount. - - Toronto. ¥ Paine's Celery Compo Cures An Ontario Lady.' After years of failures, n nies and despondency, Mrs. Thorohill, Ont., was cured Celery Compound. She say: "With great pleasure a tion 1 wish to add my tes what has already been sai of Paine's Celery Compoun very long time I suffered fr debility and rundown syste heard of Paine's Celery Ce determined to give it a 4 am happy to say it has d. more good than 1 can expre years I doctored without ar sults; but after using Pail Compound 1 am perfectly ry health, can vat well, digestic ahd my sleep is sweet and together 1 am a new wohl ways recommend Paine's Ce Pound to my friends." Try a Bottle of Paine's Celery - Compot To-day. The theee days' course o open' to the public, to be Queen's College by Marion | ol Toledo; Von Ogden Vogt o Prin. Gordon, Prof, Crummy, of this city, will rare treat to all Bible stud Sunday school workers. Even ings are also being arrange some of the larger church above course will run thro 7th, 8th and 9th of February 3% BEST in the AHI Kingston, Ontario. Se -- Ross, an up-to-date Business In affiliation 'with the well ki CENTRAL susivdss co .Of Toronto, Giving best courses in all Depa Everything new, clean and fir Circulars free. Enter now. DAY AND EVENING SESSI! W. H. SHAW, T. N. STOCKDA President. P) Professor Dorenw Awerica's Greatést Hair Goods IS coming to the British-American Kingston, on FRIDAY, Feb. This visit gives you a chance t sult Prof Dorenwend about and to see all his samples of Goods, which he carries with him Can try on any 3 Pompadour, ot will look Prof. Dorenwend can be depended You are not forced, Lo order boca: Gall to see and examine these goo Gents' Wigy and Toupees to fit head, made to order The Dorenwend Co , of Toronto, Lk 103 and 105 Yonge St.. Soren FOOD FOR THE LAWYER Hendrie's Nomination Not Proper Form. Hamilton, Ont, Jan. 21. --"The ral Association has sent to To) to R. A. Grant, regarding the leg of the nomination. of Col. Hier conservative candidate in West H ton. The colonel was nominated H. N. Kitson, 'whose name doe: appear on the voters' list, havin sided at the Beach when the as ment rolls were made up. and he having registered, Liberals say the nomination was not aceordin law, as the voter nominator must by Kidney Losses Stopped. The escape of albumen from the tem is most dangerons. The tre is you may not know at. Get tg root of the discase--the kidneys- using Peck's Kidney Pills. In bh 25c., at Wade's. Money back if satisfactory. Astronomer Wins. Distinctio Albany, Jan. 23. Prof. Lewis | astronomer of the Ludley Observa of this _ oily, to-day received we that he had been awarded the m of the Royal Astronomical Societ England, S------------ "Ae. rubber" sponges at Red Cross drug store. SATNe Cures Headache » Grippe, Colds, Acute Painful Menstruation, Brain I Biliousness, . , Sleeplessness. It is unequalled as a morning bracer, \ Gib

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