Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jan 1905, p. 7

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us to your health. [ea is absolutely Pure Las "'Salada" Black . By allgrocers. St. Louis Expesition, 1904. s not sell ; LI lothing Canada can sell ais only to people d only by retailers nd who are in a best. city, and . IG is sold in Kingston, ro. only. a. Coats lin Price January reductions ILORED GIRL'S iness, at much less one--this, 100, just ie of the year. DEPARTMENT avings in Millinery, )geric. Some very veral lines of STY- NG SKIRTS --not size is included in eading Millinery and Mantle Store. | any Shoes ! | u ? air at a price so low ring stock is on the it. - Besides, it's the stcck from season Qur low prices will ® 10Q00 10€ Store HOES." g. ES IS 20 PER SENT. > added all PLATED This includes Tea ives, Forks, Spoons, ter Plates, Tea Bells, ther No. 8 or No. BIRCH, Kingston. E'S > and Liquorice, Clear 50c. : 20c. &- AA ncess St. RB Suitings, INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE, G3 CLARENCE ST., KINGSTON. of w like a "stitch in time," they H! FIS FRESH FROZEN-- Whitefish, 10c. and 124¢. per Ib. Salmon Trout, 124c. Ib. Pickerel, 10c. ib. ' Pike, 8c. 1h. Atlantic Salmon, 380c. Ih. Chenook Salmon, 25c¢. 1h. SHver Side Salmon, 20c. Ib. Steak Cod. 10c. 1b. Haddock, 8c. and 10c. 1b Halibut, 20c. Ih h, 15¢. Ib . 15¢. 1h, i iped Bass, 15c. 1b Tom Cods, Be. Ih Herrings, 15¢., 30c. and 40c. doz SMOKED-- Smoked Ciscoes, 124c. 1h » Boneless lHaddies. 10e. 1b Yarmouth Bloaters, 40c¢. doven Kippered Herrings, 40¢. doz SALT Salt Trout, 10¢c. 1b Salt Whitefish, 10c.. 1h Salt_Mackerel, 15e. Ih Salt Labrador Salmon, 12{c Salt Sea Trout, 10c. Ih Salt Cod, 8c, 10c., 15¢c. 1b OYSTERS, "40¢ , DOMINION FISH CO. 63 Brock St. 'Phone 520, For the Balance of This Month Great clearing sale of Scotch Winter S0c. and GOc. per gt Twead Overcoats and Trouser- ings j-- Regular $18 to $23 Suiting for $16. Scotch Twead Regular $24 to $27 Scotch Twead Suitings for $18 Regular $28 to $32 Scotch Tweed Suitings for 20 per cent Overcoats. Don't: fail to see my Trouscrings at $4 and §5. $20. discount on all Winter This is a honi fide sale, workmanship guarantecd, trimmings. with with fit and first-class A new and up-to-date stock to select from. A. GC. WAGGONER, 188 WELLINGTON ST At Kirkpatrick's Art Gallery Choice Water Colors Most Suitable for Christmas Presents Go and see them. Fuel Hard Coal Grate and Egg for your furpace. Stove, Chestnut and Pea for Soft Coal Cannel for your grate. Select Lump for grates and engines. Smithing Slack. Also Cut & Uncut Wood your BARRACK BT. NEARKING John, M. Whinton Plumbing and Heating Engineer GOLDEN LION BLOCK All timates given on new work. Satisfaction P. WALSH, orders promptly attended to. Es- guaranteed. Bargains In Cutters! Paving a few Cutters leit, in or- der to clean out the stock, will sell at cost. If you are in need of a good cutter now is the time to buy and save money. JAMES LATURNEY, 390 PRINCESS STREET. REAL ESTATE Have you Properties for sale? It will cost you nothing to list it with wus. DO IT NOW ! A. F. BOND. WOMAN'S BEST FRIEND. Women suffer all about us with headache, backache, Joss of and Spirits, Nervous Dyspepsia and many other ailments which make life almost unbearable. ' Bvery worsan can be mediately relieved of this suffering if upon the first sign of derangement she would take a dose of : BEECHAM'S PILLS following the instructions with each box of pills thousands omen all over the world have saved thir lives, BEECHAM'S PILLS parify the vigor to the digestive organs, give vim and tone to the nerves and i the whole body in a healthy conditioa. BEECHAM'S PILLS should always be kept in the house as, beneficial effect and save much future worry and anxiety. Sold by all Druggists in Canada and U. S. America. In boxes, 25 cents. Te -- - im- blood, give strength and A box of will invariably have the most Colds. The Kind That Stick. The Kind That Turn To Bronchitis. The Kind That End In Con. sumption, Consumption is, in thousands of cases, nothing wore or less than the final result of a neglected cold. Don't give this terrible plague a chance to get a foot-hold on your system. If you do, nothing will save you. Take hold of a cough or cold immediately by "™ DR. wooOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP. The first dose will convince you that it will cure you. Miss Hannah F. Fleming, New Germany, N.S., writes :--*I con- tracted a cold that took such a hold on me that my people thought I was going to die. Hearing how good Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup was, I procured two bottles and they effected a complete cure." Price 25 cents per bottle.. Do not accept substitutes for Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Be sure and insist on having the genuine, TR T. MILBURN Co., LIMITED, TorRORTO, ONT. PULVO ris HOT STOVE AND METAL CLEANER COMBINED POLISH The only Patented Polish in the World. No Dust, No Dirt, NoSmoke, No Smell. Contains no benzine or other explosives. PULVO makes more polish and lasts longer than any other. PRICE 10c. AT ALL GROCERS Wood wa Coal We have on hand the different varieties of Wood and Coal. BOOTH & CO. 'Fhone 133. Foot of West St. Wood «xd Coal fn Perfect Satisfaction In Plumbing : And Hot Water == Heating go to ® DAVID HALL, 66 Brock St. 'Phone 325. THE GHOICEST And best assorted stock in the city. Everything in Wines and Ales. Any brand of Scotch or Irish Whis- key. All the lines mestic Liquors. JAS. MCPARLAND 339 and 341 King St. "Phone 274. ~ ENJOY A DRIVE? Then make it doubly emjoyable by en- gaging ome of our fine turnouts, amd showy horses. HARDING'S LIVERY, 210 Wellington St. 'Phone 236. of Imported and Do- BE WISE It you cannot attend Day School at Kingston Business College Take & business or shorthand course at t. Cut this advt. out. Dg it now, It is worth money. - Write, call, or telephone, No. 440, for full information. J. B. McKAY, H. F. METCALFE, President, . Principa®, WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND "ENTS FELL US. The Tidings From Various Points In Eastera Ontario -- What Peopiz ars Doing And What They Are Saying. s-- Burried At Vennachar. Vennachar, Jan. 21.--Miss Melinda Bebee has re-opened the public school. The attendance, so far, is small owing ta the inclemency of the weather, Philip Quackenbush, Whitney, buried the remains of his mother in the come: tory here this week. Mrs. Millow Ball's niece has returned home to Sharbot Lake after a few weeks' visit here. Owing to bad roads our popu lar mail wminn, Mr. White, has been for «a fine organ, »~ THE DAILY WHIG, TUESDA), JANUARY OUR NEIGHBORS the heme of Edna Sundners on Wd nesday evening last. Hyman Abcam. soni was calling on a number of hig old iriends Florida Facts. Florida, Jan. 21. Mr. and Mrs. Fd ward Martyn and child had a thrill ing experience ' during the terrible storm of Friday night, Janwary 6th, while crossing Mud ke, it Lemme oo severe they had to turn back to the shore and spend the night in (he bushes. When daylight came tev weve nearly paralyzed with the cold. Mrs. H. Walker, ill, is gaining slow Iv. Rodden & Walker's grist mill, which has been closed for a few days on account of an accident, is again in operation. Miss Leita Davy, who has spent a few weeks at Portland, las returned home, Mrs. G. Walker, no better. DD. Martyn has pus Lorne Storms pert go couple of days in Kinggton last week Mr. and Mrs. J. Wallace, visiting at wr is EN - JIMMY GARDNER AND JOE GANS, Whose bout for the lightweight chamsionship was to hate bee pulled off at San I'rancisco on January 27th but has now been declared off, owing to the re Fur ther fusal of Gardner to come to terms bring them together in the near future ge ---- the last couple of weeks unable to be in-on time till to-day. Simon Ball has been laid up with the grippe. Junetown Jottings. Junetown, Jan. 21.--George Warren is home from Winnipeg. Mrs. Potter and daughter, Lina, are guests of Mrs. Warren. Henry Besley is calling among his friends here, Mrs. Avery A Vexed School Question. seccumnbed after a short illness. Rev, Bedford Mills, Jan. 19.--~The Perth Mr. Kastman preached the sermon at | Road remains unbroken for several the house in the presence of a large Jwmiles. Owing to the fact that th number of friends. Misses Lena and | waters has been Leld at Chafiev's Hattie Franklin were visiting Miss | Locks for some time, it is much Ligh Addie Bailie last week. Jacob Her- | er than is usual at this time of the bison is able to be out again. 'A | Year. The question of a canal number of young people frog Cain { through Desert Lake scems #0 have town were pleasantly entertained Children Are Underfed The Result Is Weakness, Rickets, St. Vitus' Dance And Many Ills Of Childhood--The Cure Is Dr. Chase's Nerve Food "Nine-tenths of children are under: fed," writes a great English scientist who made an exhaustive study of the subject. Children require double nourishment to enable them to grow to repair the wear and tear consequent on living. Active exercise of mind and body, together with growth and physiologi cal changes, consumes perve force at a tremendous rate, exhaust the sup ply of rich blood and leave the body weak and liable to disease. Pallor and weakne: weak eyes, nervousness, skin diseases, rickets, Vitus' Dancé and constant Rabil to catch cold and to contract the of childhood are the result, As a means of restoring the vitality of weak; puny children there is no pre paration so eficctive as Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Being mild and gentle in action and powerful as a creator of new, rich blood and nerve force, this great food cure is admirably suited to the needs of childhood, soon adds new, firm flesh and tissue to the weak and ema- ciated body and restores the vigor of childhood, There is no means hy which nour ishment is so @ircetly supplied to the blood and nerves as by the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. beens» this pre- paration is composed entirely of the elements of natire which are required to build up and restore strength to as well as SL, ity disegss robust the system. Mrs. T. Dalzell, 21 Charles street, Kingston, Ont., states: "One of mv children sufiered very much with head- ache, caused no doubt from over-study and a run-down condition of the ner- vous system, These attacks of head- ache were very trying on her and | noticed that she was gradnally grow ing weaker and more nervous. About two months ago 1 got a box of Pr. Chase's Nerve Food and since she has been using this preparation we are more than pleased with the improve ment, which has been made in her health. She looks one hundred per cent. better, her nerves are steadier, she i= not bothered with headaches and is gradually increasing in flesh and weight." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 eentz a box, at all dealers or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. The portrait and signature of Dy. A. W, Chase, the famous receipt book anthor; are on every box, at ; heen laid ovép. In | | { i ) 1 | efforts will probably be made to ee ---------- A Morton and Elgin, have retorned home. J. Davy is spending a couple of days with his daughter, Mrs. W Parrott. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. J, Creamer, Glenvale, at E. Walkers: I. Redden and wife at 0. Redden's; Clar- ence Babcock at J, Wallace's; W. Shib- ley, Star Corners, at ID. Babeock's. the event of its going through, Tett Bros., wil prob ably be compelled to harness the pov. or at their old mills at Massassaga. The Massassaga school question is the topic of the day. The old board engaged a teacher, and the new hoard has closed the school. Some of the ratepayers are now shout to take egal proceedings to re-open the school, while 'others arc inclined to dispute the question. One party is determined, gnd the other defiant. Meanwhile the teacher is hunting fox- os, while his salary runs on as though he were actually teaching. The courts will probably he called upon to de cide the question. Mr. Grant is back after a stay of several weeks in the hospital at Brockville. A large num ber of the young people attended the Westport races Ferguson is dan- gerously ill. 1. Bell is also on the sick list, but is rapidly recovering, Cushendall Affairs. Cushendall, Jan. 20.-There is con siderable sickness prevalent just now. Among the number suficring are diss Jane Hyland and E. Rediearn. Rev. G. C. Wood was confined to bis 100m ain ont, Mrs, very ill at is also im contract for : engaged in Miss Ethel for some days, but is ag Henderson, who has | her mother's, Mrs. Ward proving. J. Weir has the the school wood, and i entting and drawing it Young, city, is again in charge of the school. Mrs. Walter Woods a spend ing a few davs in Kuigston, as are also Mr. and Mrs. OC. WW. Trotter, and G. Ward, winter in the guest of is attending sex at the Kingston Dairy School. Misses Lizzie and Sadie Martin are visiting: with their sister. Mrs. © Master Lorne at Brockville Alberta, 1s spending the Ontario. and just nov his mother. HW. Greatrix Keyes, Washburn. That Mayor Md Farlane, city, still retaing affedtion and interest in hiz old home and birthplace here, was practically shown by a very generous ntribution to the fund for the establishment of a school library. Willia;, Gordon and W. Hyland are both preparing to erect fine, new, brick residences, in the early spring, wuch to everyone's satisfaction, A Henry George Dinner. Special to the Whig i rk ne twenty-fifth New York, Jan. 24. The ' anniversary of the publication of . Henry George's "Progress and Po- verty" will be eoinmemorated by 8 notable dinner at the Hotel Astor to-night. The purpose of the dinner is to have representative speakers re 24. HERE'S FACTS CANNOT TOUCH ANY BAD SPOT IN RECORD. Seli-seekers Are As Numerous In One Party As In The Other-- Liberdls Punish The Bad Ones; Conservatives Do Not. London Advertiser. The only reason the tories give for socking to overthrow the Ontario government is that the government has grown corrupt. If the charge was true, then the demand for the defeat of the government would Le just. But the charge is not trie. The fing- er of the eritic cannot touch a spot of corruption in the government's re- cord. Year after year, the committee on public accounts, and the legisla- ture in session, have reviewed. the balance sheets of the province, and no defaleation has been by The elec: tion courts have held innuimerablo' trials, and not a scrap of reliable evi dence has implicated a cabinet minis ters. Proof was given that individuals ostensibly supporting the have been guilty of wrong-doing.! That Lying To No Purpose. The willification of Mr. Ross during the present campaign has rarely been equalled in intenaity of hit- terness and maliciousness. If he is such a man as he is represented in the oppos - tion press, he is not only unfit to be at the head of the government, but is not fit to be anywhere outside of prison. Everybody, even his detractors, know that the bulk of what is charged and insinuated against him is untrue, Hamilton Herald. SEIEVE 442 F 44454 IIR FEELLI4E4930 944949447 + CHL I PIPPI FOI SIO is nothing new. There always have been men anxious to keep a party in power, and others equally anxiows to put a party in power, for their own personal gain; they will spend their own money to "do it, hecause they hope to gain something; they will sin for it because: they hope to profit by it. And there are just as many of these men working for one party as for the other, But the government has never en- dorsed these men: It has hover passed laws for: their punishment; it has faci litated the work of the courts for their trial and sentence, The liberal govern ment and the Tiheral party alike have condemned political wrong-doing, whether among its supporters or its opponents. In that it stands alone, Search the reports of Mr. Whitney's speeches; selirch the cols of con servative papers, and you search in vain for a word of condemmation of the men on the conservative side who have done wrong. 'oth parties have had criminals op- erating ostensibly for the benefit of their party, but really for their own benefit, The liberals condemn these men; the conservatives do not. Yet Mr. Whitney, has the audacity to ask people of Ontario to tarp out of 'office the men who ave opposed to wrong doing in their ranks, and put in men who have not a word to say against their own criminals. There ought not to be much doubt as tg what decision an intelligent ol ectorate will give on Wednesday, Nor is there much dovht. From all parts of the country come the most cheer ing reports. In every constituency supporters of the vovernment are working with an "enthusiasm uwnprece dented, The poliev of slander indulg- ed in by Mr. Whitney and his friends is proving a boomerang. The peoph are not propared to apply the vilest upithets in the language to the men who have had the cénfidence and res pect of the community; and the friends of these men are indign ant at the vollies of abuse hurled against their leaders. They are rally righteonsly ing: to the sapport of Mr, Ross with unbounded enthusiasm, and they are warmly weennded hy hosts of non- partizans, and bv not a few disgusted conservatives Here and there a former liberal has Joined the the opposition. In nearly every he is a man who wanted something and dil not get it, ranks of Cane The defection of these few is more than counterbalanced by the acces gion of conservatives who propose to plac: country above party, aml to vote for the men who have done something, rather than for the men who ean only talk---and talk very fool ishly at that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The Best Made. "In my opinion Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best made for colds," save Mrs. Cora Walker of Port: erville, Cal. There is no doubt about its being the best. No other will cure a cold so quickly. No other is go wire a preventive of pneumonia. No other is so pleasant and sale to take, There are good reasons why it should be preferred to any other. The fact is that few people are satisfied with any other after having once used this re- medyv. For gale by all druggiets. The wedding of Miss. A. H. David son, formerly of Merrickville public school, to H. R. Harnden, DDS. took place at the home of the bride's parents at Brighton, Ont, recently. Mrs. Charles Vanalstine, Napanss, received word that her hrother-m- law Dallas Barnip, Flushing, N.Y. fill «o distance of thirty feet, breaking both legs at the ankle. Put on Ayer's and be book, which as the economic work of | the last three decades, and to con- | sider the probable future trend of public thought and action along the same lines. The invited speakers in- | clude Maver Johnson, of Clewdand; | Dr. Albert Shaw, Bliss ¢arman, Wil- tiam Lloyd Garrison and Henry George, Jr . view the influence of tiv is regarded hy its most impartant aduirers Meléod"s Creme Dentifirce, in cok lapseable tubes. The best toath paste, | 15¢. McLeod's Drug Store. a . proud of your hair A little pride is a good thing. Thea why be contented with thin, scraggly hair? faded, gray hair? Puton Ayer's Hair Vigor saad have long, thick hair; beautiful hair, without a single gray line in it. Keep. young. Have a little pride. £54155 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy A Safe Medicine for Children In buying a cough medicine for children never be afraid tobay Onadsznr. tan's Covau Remeny. There is no danger from it, and rolief is alwiys acre. to follow. It is intended especially for coughs, colds, croup and whoop ng cough; and is the best medicine in the world for these diseases. It is not culy a certain cure for croup, but, when given as soon as the croupy cougli apprars, will prevent the attack, Whooping cough is not dangerous when this roiody is given us directed. It contains no opium or other harmful drags, aud say be given ae confidently to a baby as to an adult. 7% Femme Reedlewor The first issue of the seventh volume of this popular magazine is now ready. Each issue isTundo beetly better than the previous one. Corficeli Home Needlewprk is welcomed in thousands of Canadian he eo. Do not delay but if not already a subscribe be- come one now. 50 cenfs pays for a year's sub- scription, or 15 cents a single copy. It is issued four times a year, Po «13 A or use Always Corticelli Spool Silkk, It is the best silk that can be bought. Insist upon getting it from your dealen Corticelli B. & A. Wash Silks in patent holders surpass all others. The colors are fast, the silk the best. No disappointment in em- broidery work when Corticelli B. & A, is used, Corticelli Skirt Protector is acknowledged the ideal skirt. protector. Always see that is used. It lasts as long as the skirt. If you have never seen that interesting booklet entitled * Silk its Origin and Culture," send 4 cents to the publishers, " The Corticelli Silk Co. Ltd, St. Johns, P,Q." for a copy. 0 rer cent. mscount sae 20 Beginning on Friday, the 20th & Inst, and lasting one month, we will sell at the above discount all our AGATEWARE | consisting of Tea Pots, Coffee Pots, Sauce Pgns, Pudding Dishes, Preserving Kettles, Double Boilers, Strainers, etc. da > Now is the time to secure a piece of that celebrated STRANSKY WARE which is guaranteed for years. - . ELLIOTT BROS 77 PRINCESS STREET "PHONE

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