Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jan 1905, p. 8

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A---- Mr. Ross Says To His Friends. Jan. M.--~Hon. G. W, Ross, Globe writes : "Five ls in convention as is , f aths ago, Ini down a Interest To The People m, to which not 81 furrah for Ross. fon has yet been: offered | jcq re 'of Talge stories. = of the opposition or any | suqther hurrah for Pense, ies. No wore compreben- | Buckle on your armor, liberals. was ever adopted hy | | jherals, got 16:the polls carly, party in Canada, To the | Ruliy 16 the polls) liberals; there's Fit alsures better retires for | where work tells. industry ; to the merchant and "Huy Packer's tar soap," ai Gib. manufacturer, larger sales and a wider | on" Red Cross dig store. Black: Sea fleet, | mark 10 the laboring man fuller ) . rr ---- 72ND YEAR. } en ASTONISHING VALU) $18 and $20 Suits | A Bee that every liberal in your divi: 3 have been rendered unbear- | eplo; and steadier 'wages; 10 | sion plants his ballot carly, --APe work and ro earnings; to professi-} A, B. Turner.and A. F, Pond, Bos A fap of ? mon rising capital, in 1 faci their officers and fir the + buildings, while ties, and | ion, have returned tp the city. 8 for in: 1 Ponse's name is the last oho on the " id atin " S . ballot." Nark your X opposite it. "don of corruption against the| The roorbacks will fly to-morrow. 0 i roo] were summoned to 3 if ever it had any foree, | Put no faith in election ay yarns. {quell the revolt sed to fire at all upon those who gave it} Penge employs labor, forty persons, or in the air. te I Fam of oe Sosition in year in and year out. He is worth dispatch from Moscow to Renters | polit y has been shown to be |g rting. A dispaich Maer hypocritical and false; on that claim Khoce enplications of Pecks oputy prefect has iseind gq | they L warning the public, in strike, to avoid assem- processions, JENKINS' @ #30 Dissoluti a |; Play a large part in house-keeping. U p- Sale on the snowiness of table linen rests many 2 Corn res their case and failed, Balve will cure hard or soft corns. "As lenders of public opinion, they 150., at Wade's drug store. es ili HY ht tower pt wa van will leave Wade's corner on 3 ination. '1 IALING " lay eveni at a quarter to ARG fo Tons, EY FAD eight, for Garden Jeland ball, oters. % JRESIGHT ta derutineer at every poll ar i From Salen Dy Riou the STA MEN. NOR THE INITIA- range to telephone the result as soon authenticated horrors of the workers' TIVE OF LEADERSHIP. For thirty | as the ballots are counted. Call 23, flict is the case bf 'an 1 general years they have discouraged public Pense is Kingston born and his in Smile Fm was stopped by the in- | "0terprise and resisted pressing reforms | terests are all in the city's prosperity. furiaied people as ha was diving in in education, temperanca and taxa- | He has a loyal regard for the city's the direction of - tha [troops tian, Having failed in opposition, on | advancement. "Are you going t order them {eo | What can they hope to muc- | The Queen's immior hockey team to fre on us?' yelled: the crowd ~ in power ? meet the Strollers to-morrow night oneval ardared his coaehinan 'o of government, therefore, | will probably be strong and a good | drive on, when We was instantly struck | OFFERS' ADVANTAGE TO ANY | game is expected, on the head By a well dressed indivi- | CLASS IN THE COMMUNITY, EX-| An assembly will ha held this even- Cold, |i in a sable Tue moot CEPT TO THE CONSERVATIVE OF- [ing in the A,0.H. hall. Crosby and and | was then thrown oui of | FICE-SEEKER. To all others, the re- | 0'Conner's full orchestra has been en- , form the Wledge,. beaten and trampled 10 cord of the government is conclusive gaged for the occasion. od death the In a ) ---- woman's housewify reputation. We claim 174 BOXES OF COL patterns and qualities that will do any house, | On Sale To-day no matter how fine, justice, and of others which are low enough in price to answer for 9. Per Coll the second place. All our linens are made of AY Vee Sos a3 good, honest flax, which will wear well. Tee avidente of wise financial Sdwinittea, PE. RF, O'Rielly, Placentia, Nfid., a oT t s tion, in t management of allf brother of the Iste Dr, T. J. O' Rielly, Ly str 4 has gained. curseucy hat the natural resonrees of the provinee, | is in town this week, the guest of ket on Vassili Ostroff and-soize the | Bn advanced legislation on overy | Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Grady, Earl Si, More. bubvisions, : question tanching the social, moralor] "Bull syringes." new ones, at Gil educational Intereds of the people. | son's Red Cross deng steve, Message Of Priest To Strikers, On that record 1 ask the electors for] The tories are trying all sorts of sme Pure Bleached Table Linen, soc, 65c., TO CONTRACTOR! Tenders are invited up €6 T 75¢. Feburary ud, Jot the Sifleroy 4 A 4 . worl requ . An he erec on 0 84: Telrsbuen, Jan. 34---Fathr Gi | hg BRN al hee conten IE | shes vd heptane Pure Bleached Table Linen, 8sc., goc, Rt oii a Ce ¢ A ail x % oM CBE DECISIVE; let | pressure, false tales, promises of pat. g5¢., 99¢ $r 25, Cupity Phe ney 3 hie xin, NO Yonge every Vote lod," ronnge, feta inice Hilierals to Fe Le i Plans and specifications may i. * czar ( . i change their votes, Liberals, stand s . the office of the Architect, Kings | pray for liberty," Arnb, The offers are simply. deceptions. Unbleached Table Linens, 49c., 35¢., 25C. Sls at. the Susdenco a, the Re . Capt. "Marty" Walsh of Queen's : LTH PL SMITH, A Moscow Acts In Harmony. | senior hockey team; is recovering from Unbleached Table Linens, 59¢., 6sc., 75¢. Avctor Building, Market Sue . Maneow, Jan. 9M.--Bmployees of the the recent injury to his knee. He was and others. a ' : TIE or Bromley Metal works to the number of out practising with the team last 1,000 ¥ afternoon and de night and this morning and although his knee ia still a little sore he hopes to finish the season with his team. Candlomag' day will soon Ls here, Have you bought your candies yet ? We can supply you with the very best pure bees" wax, hand-made candles, de. per Th., all sizes. We also have a good stock of ornamental hess' wax candles at Mullins' grocery, corner Hohnston and Division streets. Y. W.C. A, GYMNASIUM CLAS! Ra New Term Beginning. Join Sewing Classes ey, FREE 'TO MEMBERS. BREAKFAST BACON Choicest, sweetest, a: sliced as you want i H. J. Myers 60 Broc THERE IS A CHA 1 have almost new stoves, in co mnt féldied that Jes ware unable to ow make | Hine at work: nse their St, ree pomrades had asked them to strike, Tmimediately Jolt the works, he a eomeion mashed through _ hireots d hegged their flow workmen in all industrial establish: Mantes to join in the movement, A mfi- Pad jority of those who wove thus request. ot oH ol to quit work complied, i Pope Is Distressed. © Romo ris received at Ya in ! Jan. 24. 7} feo | a say that not: BE ng the oflorts of their the The Very Latest News Culled From All Over the World. y Albert 8. Hopper, secretary of the Catholios are exqited, and heaters, left, which I will sell at able Tl other pee in ra x : f .MLC.A.. at London, has reaignod. 2 : impossible to keep them Jeo LB. Richie, an ol Joie ip i Napkins, 100 dozen, $1.25, $1.49, lly in Poland, whore oven port lower clergy have joined ry ' Kincardine, dropped 'dead on the Cf MARGERET CLARKE. Street, . She APPOArs. in ane * on Thirsday | Charles Lanisco, Walkerville, is dead, © night, after a long illness, cansed by a kick $1.75, $1.90. : iis 5 o08 rsess Se Table Napkins, $2.25, $2 50, $2.75, $3, on : WANTED. the most distressed at the up to dozen. aman a disteutad . he --e from n cow. ti Plo 55 A Cink, Tam gor House ntohon communicated to hit. by. Pa- FLACES OF VOTING. fright ores Torr om Extra values in Towels at 1oc., 12%4c., 15c., ere ad Happ thas vn Tox tn The Provimear Elections On on York street, 20c., 25¢. each, and many other makes. Ao, TaN tation in Rucils way ob a black ¥. The medal of the Royal Astronomi- depicted, Wednesda % cal Soecicty of England, has heen The following are the polling sub | awarded to Prof. Lewis Ross, of Al- divisions for to-morrow's voting : TOWELLINGS. = 3 Rs No St. Lawrence Ward--No. 6, at No. cial hoard of health for December rapidly; all printing works 852 Prince 2 i. fa \ | 4 awe hing Sopp, Be Bf Worsa 352 Princess street, Francis Arm-| 1904, totalled, A GENERAL SERVANT, No - * ing or ironing. pply at 53 Compelling Men To Quit. ham" Ward---No. 1, at No. 42 | "5 court of appeal is hearing {he Glass Towelling, 5c., 8c., 10c., 12%c., 15c. sire Moscow, Jan. M.A body of strik- | Wellington stroet. Vincent Daley, de- appeal of W. D, Long, who asks that Roller T welling, 1 8 121 LONDON 1S THE CENTRE © fn the wake of the. em of Hope | Soden Wah No. 2. at No. sa | 10, aie of the Cain" Woolio en ug, 700, 30, 3, N2)iC, Te. a sal: J 3 works ol + firme of r NO. 2, at No. ills, ilton, for $9 000, he . 3 ki sad POL en EY compelled 500 men ta join Pie | William street, Hoi 3. Willimmaon rd, om; Tor x Crash Towelling, sc, 8¢c., 10c., 123%c., 15¢. ihe London ** Free Press. ( ily upwards among all Stelke. Simultaneously factories and | Ontatio Ward=No. 3, at Ontario A. 0. Saunders, a former Montreal ' - ALL INTELLIGENT, RELIABL "ne C. down sual at other works! wera closed throughout Hall. Joseph Salter. 2 er, had hoth of his legs broken while Art Linens. ing bleasant. employment. must go as u the districts adjoining Danilofi stroct, : Sntaria _ War-No, 4, at No. 24 toboganming in Halifax, on Saturday, jary or commission. are ad} aid far below those : r------ ot, John: Johnson. , J and it is feared one of th ill have i i , London, Ont. fo All Printing Works Stopped. ¥ guveence Ward-No. 5, at No.| tobe amputated. eve Drawing Linens. nc BOVEY, LRudcu, Ou ' FE . Jan 34 The hike. ia M3 King street cast. Michael Doyle. | The deaths reported to the provin- ly; GENTLEMEN, TO GET Embroidery Linens. Spring. Suits made up at Gal 2,077 dey e 131° Brock "street, next to strong, WT, a death rate of i livery; style, fit and price gu ie : 12.2 per cent. per 1,000. In 190: " isti i 3 i to Yo se; pressing and repair Hie: Foam) yo Sollisions with the po- | Cataraqui Ward--No. 7, ai No. 250 defth rate mae 12.0 per a the Waisting 'Linens in Pure White. prompily, « Wmployees of mechanics who are Bagot street. Thomas J. Bennett. Tt is expected in steel ciroles in Mon- : : 3 PUPILS AT MME. ELDERS | at on st aml tptiet. The Jolin Cataraqui Ward--No. 8, at No. 229 {real that not only the price of coal, Handkerchief Linens, both in the sheer and ry PLS Parlors, 2561 retail stores Pave. adores rm. a 4 Wellington Street, © William 8. Ray- | but of steel and iron' as well will be medium weights. maki om, 325i majority of whom have closed their ) " ond i WaalN 0 No 48 affected by the Stik of the German : ; . ataraqur Ward=Na. 9. at No. 43] miners if it is of lon duration, : merchant, who : . Employees of the Bachrushin: | Lower Bagot, Daniel Kgan. Charles = Tuxhorn, a farmer living lofi. Linder and Schrasder fac- Cataragii Ward---No. 10, at No. 16, near McPherson, Kan. & tories have joined the strikers, Dufferin street. William Peters. Frontonae Ward--No, 11, iat No. 291 | his house and barn with al) of the 4d 'The Finns Are Rising. Princess street. William J. Driver, ty. Instructions in dressmak w------ en day and evening until Me Cutting by measure, designip * including system, $10. 3 his: two sons, aged six and ten vears, burnod | THE CANADA FOUNDRY CO! Limited, are open to make a ment for a year's employvmen certain number of Lathe, Mill, Planer and Slotter hap Fitters and Erectors, Tool and Brass Finishers. Must class mechanics, steady and Apply, stating qualifications ing references, to Kany Grin sy y contents and shot and killed himself, 'three the goods London, Jan. 24.--The St, Peters- | Brontense Ward---No. 12 corner Col: : N Mrs. Chauncey Hotaling, Bingham- - tg correspondent of the Westminster tiorne and Barrie streets, Charles Me-| ton, N.Y., says her husband in a rage . er. X ha fte reports that revolution in tough, E drove her from home, and murdered x : Ruswin is spparently spreading to] Frontenae Ward--No. 13, at No. 41 their blind boy, aged three, afterwards ; yh fiotis parts of the nation. Armed | Colborne street. George Parks, burning the house down, in Juno last, - : . E AWAY from such trade condi | ¥m ~~ , he says, are rising. Frontenac Ward---No. 14. at No. 101] The Dawson City Stanley cup hoe. Pe nade a nary % ' he ih k : Pine strent, Charles Powell, key team, was defeated at Amherst, - : ronto buyer direct to Belfast, Ireland, (the The Latest Outbreak, sas Wingo, Bn Xo. 2 Na tort wight by fue. in twa, eer M : : , J Je h am J. Robertson, 2 people witnessed the match. The city doing $0) headquarters of the Zt Potaenbury oT San. 35, {2.30 Pun.) Ridéan Ward--No. 16, at corner of | Yukon team plav in Halifax to-night. ; a 3 ; 1 ae Sa : bling: in he Nn a Division aml Colborne streets, George] The Governor-General and Countess NUSINESS OFFICE, OPPOSIT Our representative found | hue Ataton} 3 n ) "| Young. Cirov, accompanied by Lady Sybil and John A. Gardiner, Re 's Bal SE EE Taha "pfx exmtning_ the bomen Rideau Ward--No. 17, at No. '619 | Lady Evelyn Grev and suite, are in . oa Insurance, 151: Wellingto 8 cures im mense and. capitalists, Out * a ment Princess street, John I Patterson. Monteeal on the first viet of an offi. ! MtEving the wives RR iL Fore a Ridean Ward--No. 18, at corner of | vial character since i STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ATTY iotad 3 i ; -- " stores, offices, eo many prominent St. Petersburg citi- Hrack aul Division streets, John | this country. Gann's Heal Estate Office, ¢ fa places: of safety. A meeting of |" bhuston, The London vroshyiery has aranted A 4 street. "aso i rd Rideau Ward-No. 19, at: corner [leave to Rev. D. R. Drommond, B.D., E------ # , fiers' and elicise has Dae Jolintton and Division sireets. Rich. Rua Sharets, St. Thomas, to aceent | | LOST. Brot Teo 3 ari + ard\F. | : the call to St. Paul's church, Hamil. i EP, protesting against the action | "ai fame Noi : Meh ; ' . ES as ol: government in voking blood: nu Ward--No. 20, at 1400 Prin- | ton. Mr. rammond will be transfer \ ed, declining pro otas. (1, Russell Reid lead conrt HORSE COVER, BLUE CLOT! to 5 oo Li red about February 13th, RA dine. Plager war deciding 1 on het tio: . Rideau. Ward--No. 21, at No. 668] The § liam Davies Company, aid of He pra Pons wm Princess street, Charles D. Pranklin. | Montrea) | their arrival in - a ---- ---- EP -- Darrow Amusement company, LI has sooured o temporary in rrio i _-- rnd ADY'S HUNTING CASE -- Victoria ward---Ne. 22 at No. 906] juniotion in the United States aeninst OF THE A pd on King, Wellington, Loss Martial Barrio street. George Raden .. |Mmanagers who control theatres in for park to skating rink, elso ¢ Aspect. Victoria Ward--No, 23, at Na. 31] tv cities, These managers are charged Potershurg, Jan. 21, (2 pm § Unioh street west, Angus F. Bond. with conspiring * or Alired strects. Reward at Home. 3 4 $ n to prevent the ap: he Victoria Ward---No, 2. ai No. 57 pearance of varions shows in the the. SOE. SALE King street west. Patrick 0'Brien, atrés of the Montreal company. : FOR SALE Victoria Warndk-No. 5. at William| At the annnal meting of Canadian GOOD BUILDING LOT. SOUT drwins, oe, King streot west, Al] Socioty of Enpineers in Montreal, to. C slo" street, between Montr the v Mons, day, the principle of eontralizing th ) f fon Apply 49 Colborne and a, a : Portemouth--Town Hall, Thomas J. manaoement in Montreal was en . BUSINESS GRANGE. ron sireet N » toned from Winnipeg and nointe in i with & nét income of $4,500, The again -------------- Westotn Ontario. "Twas claimed a ' tailing health Father Ta ; Thanks wider distribntio : "i at McCann 1 # hand, that wears a less martial 1 cause of sale mn of offers among ®, 51 Brock stre Arthur Suc Simcoe Teland, js Canadian engineers was desirable, Tak, hankiul fer the Hon. Wiliam] -,.. ~~ Many hundreds have taken advantage of it ard | A PROMINENT Ln Tire] Lome Week and e008 somes ote a a ont R advantage of it acd emg br Shen . and 'alse. to Nis! many other | PY Immigrant Inspector Connanty, ught Shoes for many months ahead. Its a big pro ----, Compensation wat helped him out ovée.-the otha Tn er on your money. « and commission. All comin noses. She will be fined $500 or get i confidential, Address Insu . > The Whig, Kingston, five voars in prison. at Riverside, William Shaw, one of Thatlaw's Me ¥, oi David vv 1 Tie Walker | a en, goto" ene uty pa ra F G LOCKE Nalkor : I | ; 2 ne : ap ide He eaves a widow and nine | e - ~ he ; yin . $ be 3 i,

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