2 i i § i EH 2 5 g oi ei T 2 3 4 3 f i h § 7 z i 5 delays, appeals and retrial nd every séevmdrel in the pack es free with 'all his ill-gotten gains." terrible and revolting record. , not for discouragement of but for an encouragement of it. will squeeze into use their opportunities for iH - "= fi if i a Tit f F : i of some not of venal men; and dees it punished by the people and * | by. the courta which really administer Peo: 1 Justice. It is a wholesome reflection, ter: Land it gives comfort to the mind of ® #0 Wtirred the Russian &tireed the world as the ey Tuteesury. No A ----------. EDITORIAL NOTES, A physician rises to remark that 1 low cut gowns are responsible for the maddened infantry and heartless horse: | prevalence of pneumonia. But how do /Tho occasion waa free from all that would suggest this inhumanity. ¢ sn wiering a -- bthet be days befors the normal condition their "wives and ehildron--desived to J Of business aud'life will be resumed. Dr. Rhacume, of Essex, is the last man who is said to anticipate an appointment under Mr. Whitney. That leon, to say nothing of Mr. pired the soldiery and gave effect to mowing down of hundreds by the men catch it? -------- The thction campaign has complete- ly absorbed public attention. It pefition his imperial wajesty, 'orar, for his powerful intervention," They had been led to believe that the "ewperor would at least recoive them, Lf that he would submit to the formal [ity of taking their potition 'ase pro: wising it his serious One official, in Chicago, gave up an office that yielded him $16,000 a year & fin order to accept guother worth ex- , | netly; 86,000 a year. Aud still regard all officials as grafters. The two Nicholases--of = Russia and Pickering--are now the poo: tions. He of Russia has the biggest der to firs | FepUtation, but his in | sake will have more reputation than the jhe wants before the South Ontario scandal is séaled, "*1 Mr. Whitney and Mr. Ross and Mr, | Tarte fraternizing in Oftawaand Mv. an and Mr. Roosevelt fraternizing washington, are the events of the "Those who think the political the star attrac Pickering name- 3 , @ carpenter, 'widow of late Mark pherited $90,000,000, , has given Me B.000 public library Bigh school. The p them up and is For the time iv is i% the bigger fool receiver of the gift, man over fifty Anybing that will er, b while he ve any positive or- bho longer feels the of twenty live nor aches. and pains he , and he very with interest any ig to the improve igor tion of his health, will noties among other things - | that the Siomah .! filty is a very different one' fram the stomach he possessed at twenty-five, That great- est care must be exercised as to what is eaten and: Bow of it, and even with the Ceare, there will bein- creasing itive weakness with ad- vancing years,' A proposition to perfect or improve the on aid assimilation of food is one " not only every . | man of fifty but every man, woman and child of any © age, because ithe whole secret of health, good blood, ong Serve, is to have a stomach which will promptly and thoroughly digest wholesome food be- blood, nerves, brain tissue and o ent of the body en net of digestion, no medicine or "health" food can Create blood or restore haky nerves, a weak stomaen riblenishing the daily wear and tear a Ai of ferment- "Ro. the Atomach itsclf wants help and in no réund-about way, cither; it wants dirpet, lakable assistance, such ns is given. by one or two Stuart's "Tablets after each hy Spd arken These tablets clire stomach trouble because their use gives the stomach a Hi i £ change to rest recuperate; cne of Stuart '8. Dyspepsia Tablets coutaing digeative elements sufficient to digest 3, graing of ordinary food such as bread, meat, fog ote The plan of. dieting is simply an- other name for starvation, und the use of s and new-iang- id foods simply makes mat- ters worse, as any tic who has i i : As Dr. Bennett says, the only ¥ea- son I can imaging why Stuart's Dys | popsia Tablets arc not universally used € who is troubled in any way v pode Sigestion is be. cause people seem to think that is advertised or is sold in drug stores or ig' protected hy a trade mark gust be a humbug, whereas as a matter of truth any druggist. who is observant knows that Stuart's: Shopaia 'Fablets have cured more indigestion, heartburn, trouble, nervous prostratidn and run-down condition generally than all the patent wedicines and doctors' preseriptions for stomach trouble com- { -- * in, Jan. 20.~The prohibition hall on Saturda well attended, Te from her daughter's residence, Mrs, vault. The remains of the late Ches- t. Mts. R. G, Murphy of Brockville, spent a few days with friends in this of W. A. Coon is recovering, Mrs. |. w! cough. Jomph able to be out again. Mrs. Chloe Pen nock is recovering. Miss Munroe, of Iroquois, is visiting her brother, Munroe, of this place, Mrs. J. R: Dar fey's Kerton of Sin le. To Open A our midst, which w ciated by Tour') if? Hin HH 1 candidate, held a meetin in, the town night, which was ames Dunn of this place was chairman, The funeral of the late Nira, rel Gile took place 8. Stevens, on January 12th, to the Methodist church. The eral sermon was preached by Rev. Mr, Garrett of Delta. The remains were placed in the ter Husking, of Phillipsville, were laced in the vault hero on Thursday place last week. Miss Creston, Soper ton. visited her sister, Mrs. George Halladay, Jast weck. Mr. Asher Mor is confined to the house suffering rom 4 bad cold. The infant daughter Scott's little daughter is very ill with i Merriman is gavel, is able to be out again after an illoess of several days, The young people of this place have been invited to a Jony at Mr, Simmons of Chai 3 on Friday evening. The] arviage of * William = Dwyre of this Spen a Madkarmih ¢ 10 a alladay is laid y Caintown, Jan. 23. ~Blake Nogeboon _ store in WELLINGTON NEWS. Matéch Announced. Pettet, of Fubhs' Creek, a highly Wellington, on Sunday Jest, Rev. Mr. McCamns officiating. Mrs, Pettet will friend The funeral of the lald Miss Jennie Trumpour, adopted daughter of Mr..and Mrs. Richard Trumponr, took place at her late home on Con ment was made in the Friends' ceme- tery. Miss Trampour had been failing in health from consumption, until death on Saturday put an end to her sullerifig, . re. J. P. Thorn and son, Robert, Dorland and daughter, Picton, attend- od the funeral of the ldte Mrs. Pettot on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, John Titus attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Bylvenus Peitet on Sunday. Mrs. Joseph Pettingill is visiting her daughter, Minnie, at Port Huron. Mr. and Mrs. Loosmore have taken up their residence in the dwelling former ly occupied hy Mr. and Mrs. Uhillip Garratt. Mrz. Henry Greer and danghter, Mrs. I. J. Shourds, at- tended the funcral of Mrs, Wilson, Burlingham is visiting friends in Belle- ville this week. Edmund McMahon is confined to the house through a se- vere attack = of rhewmatism. © Mrs. Stephen leavins was considerably hurt on Thursday last from a fall. Two hockey teams, the Pikes and Suckers, will play an exhibition game here on January 26th. There has been centive ! Relentless : Drug Store.--~34. els wi druggists, son's Red Cross drug store. on January 21th, 1825. EDWARD Vl. Scotch Whisky the hosts' First Choice because of its superior qual ity, purity and great age. And honors go hand in hand, you cannot separate them when- ever there is a prize worth having DEWAR'S gets it. The latest is the St. Louis World's Fair Grand Prize, the highest honor obtainable, J. M. DOUGLAS & CO. Canadian Agents, Montreal. OUR JANUARY ™ SALE Now's the Time to Two Deaths Reported--Hockey Wellington, Jan. 24. Mrs. Sylventis respected Christian lady, died on Fii- day last, at her Mate residence. She leaves a husband and daughter, Mrs. Williare Hubbs, of Wellington, to mourn her logs. The funeral service was held in the Methodist church, he grontly missed by her many 8. secon street 'on Monday last. Inter Save Dollars All the Suits and Overcoats in our store have been reduced ; some half, some third, some of 1 outed the funcral of Mrs, Wilson, o quarter. All our regular and excellent clothing. Don't forget our Glove Sale. Don't forget our Suit Sale. Don't forget our Shirt Sale. Don't forget our Overcoat Sale. mG EERE TEE As TET EEE BEE EASTER TEARS RRS MAE Ee eee ee eee ees ese ue keen rivalry in hockey as to which has the better team, Griffintown or Caukerville. The Pikes represent Grif- fintown and _ the Suckers represent Caukervillo, The supporters fram hoth ends of tho town will be there to cheer their darlings on to victory. Special DISCOUNTS on Collars, Sweat- ers, Uuderwear, Hats ~ and Caps, Neckwear, Scarfs, Raincoats, Ulsters, Fancy Vests, etc. THE H. D. BIBBY CO. The Only Strictly Cash and One Price Clothing House between Toronto and Montreal--Qak Hall, Princess St., Kingston. POG ev rvvan Bright's Disease--Insidious ! De- Has foiled hundreds of trials by me- dical science to spem the tide of its ravages--and not until South Ameri ean Kidney Cure proved heyond a doubt its power to turn Hack the tide, was there a gleam of anything but despair for the victim of this dread form of kidney disease, At Wade's o PP cc oso VUBTRRS + TVVTVVTLLVLOLS aenetena Pl --OUR-- SUIT AND OVERCOAT SALE Our Suit and Overcoat Sale is well started. will find an opportunity to secure a Suit or Overc very liberal reduction. Every Suit, Overcoat, Pea Jacket or Ulster is subject to a Thirty Per Cent. Discount. . These garments are already marked at nur close cash orices and the extra Discount will a An agreeable movement of the bow- out "any unpleasant efiect is produced by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by all "Cholera bands" are sold at Gib- Sir James M. Lemoine, D.C.L., F.R. C.8., Quebec's historian, celebrated the cighti:th anniversary of his birth, on Tuesday,' haviag been born in Quebee fford you to save $1 Shirts and Underwear now 70c. 560¢. Shirts and Underwear now 35¢. 15¢. Linen Collars now 10¢ 50c. Neckwear now 35¢ $1 Sweaters and Mufflers now 70c 88 Suits and Overcoats now $5.60. 3 25¢. Neckwear and Hose now 19% Suits and Overcoats now $4.10, $4 Suits and Overcoats now $2.80. We cheerfully refund money on all unsatisfactory purchases. JOS. ABRAMSON, The- People's Clothier, 180 Princess St., Between Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. A GREAT EVENT Bvery person who needs SHOES should be interest- ed, Our entire stock to be sold at 20 Per Cent. Discount Agreat sculptor when asked how skill could te acquired in that art replied : "By constant practice it's easy," said he, "when you know how." chisel and knock off what you don't want. what we have done --Knocked off all we don't want. No Discount Off Invictus and Rubber Goods. The Sawyer Shoe Just take a' Store. | that Senator Wark will go to Ottava this year, but he may make a trip m April if the weather is warns enough Senator Wark. Fredericton, NB; Jan. 25.<Senator Wark will be 101 years old on Febru , ary dh, He is jo excellent health and Cjseoms as almost as smart as he did at his Inst birthday JL isnot Tikely } errand : For chapped hands try Chown's but termilk and atmond eream.: Pay water rate and save discount, i CAPTAINS O) NEVER W "Give Me My Compass Pe-ru-na and I Will f Clear of All Wrecks." Pe-ru-na' Known and Praised on Land and Sea. "A sick sailor is a pretty. helpless man. I = have found that Peruna "-c will do more to restore one thatl any other medi~ cine I know, and I have carried a couple of bottles on boa many seasons. Seven years ago I cared me of bronchial trouble ir weeks and gave me such new li nerve force that I certainly beli telling you of it. "Give me my compass and } and I will steer clear of wrecks kinds and land in port safe an with vessel and men." --Capt. Carter, 123 10th Avenue, Pen Florida. Capt. E. A. Watson, M. E., 48 ELL street, Ottawa, Ont., writes: "Peruna has my heartiest er ment, If there is any place th are helpless when ill it is on b steamer, at sea, miles away fro; assistance. Sometimes two or ti ny mea would be sick at one tin seriously cripple the force; bat si: have learned of the value of Pern taking a few doses they recuperat quickly, We use it for colds, Cough, Voice, Glycerin Jujubes, per 1b. S Genuine Horehound C: oe, who write at once. Dr. Ric "ured." and a FREE TRIAL of Is an Absolutely Sure and Re! Cure. Two things are required of liable headache remedy. it must cure headache ; seco must leave no bad effects o system. The ordinary drug containing opium, morphine, ral and antipyrene will cure ache, yet they cannot be «¢ reliable headache remedie they do not fulfil the secon quisite of a reliable cure, viz use must not leave any bad upon the system. rear Ay eines. ar send the sample tablets or no asec, atdealers, or by mail post) B. N. ROBINSON & CO., Coaticok,