Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Jan 1905, p. 6

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law on the is not found with any _ Manitoba had a like difficulty some |: , and the following clause "to" arriagé Act with' : i Hebrew citizens who wanted 'the 'evil stamp- ed "Sec. 29, ~No person who professes he Jv "faith or religion shall be considered as duly ordained or ap: ave Jeep So ordained a Jewis Ange i, which fs incorporat- s isiond of so 3 'the Legislature o ~ Labe Provis toba, | the provisions of some statute pass- ed by gis Parligment of Canada, or mire oy partment, s evidence of the authorit $0 appointed." P provision appears 'of the in the h she I have i 'or appoin! in writs a fide mem b ; well be pleased at | of the. Nobel fh come to: Great "mound of the I! i | application. . of Cover-estimated. t of evolution in stronghold of the ha thought méfits had founders of the s sopher's stone that should : transmute lead Spencer, of 'toured, rejected' the cure | yt rent theory of the origin of atoms, Ngued 1 as he had, to: do if evolution was to: ib UHelity, members of 3 |, be proved suniversal, "as he masertdd; hiftted that Mrs. Ward would consent | but it hes been left to Sir. William > iE Ramsay to supj proof that Cle "pt 'as in any sense the, ins «Sir, Willison evo Ay h the those of anojber has; I ct. Provision is made for | case Disciples {and the Salvation. Army, but the i Jewish churches or synagogues have tnot been specially dealt with as in ¥. { ! Lord Strathcona, in the course of he ' an interview which appears in Young '| Man, gives the following practical he: to young fellows starting in } & . 4% Be: content With your present lot, "tit Always be fitting yourself for . | better | \ something | s not -- what you 'Be sat for. Re ) finding . \ y get higher, to a better post ply cheerful perseverance w ou there; grumbling will not ' on an inch. Your future & almost tire on is what you to sp 1d like to impress this oft, 'Do the work your- JH wait for friends to use \ oO their idfluénce in your behalf; don't the t nd depind On the help of others. Of i en Colirse, opportunity is a great thing, ye be shale tae pit it in on i 0y's query. And it comes to some men more fre- " 'quently than to others. But there i ged reply; but | Me very fow whom it does not visit »OUt as if loth to | B¢ Ove time or another, and if you BUT get are not ready f8r it and have nol : prepared to welcom® it, that is your er fault, and you are the loser. him, : 1 t which we call genius, I Ye t one man is able to do well ay any other, provided the anity presents itself, and he is With good health. Much of Ih CORIO in The in Providence, and keep 'your ' Portland jg i med, one, may. nhte, read of him), of faith the wedding was a quiet great physicist t William Ramsay-- th Lord ae M. sod 2e-mnan in chemn- only Yereditary an of science. to his promise as on of the m the '"elément"" $ ha the stamp of the" "mEnuficturéd article." '* They " were 'the foundations stones of fhe material universe,"" which had ex- istéd "'sifice the Creation, and unworn." The alchéntists, often deluded But yet patient and worthy ence ksMaxwell's . words, above, gan fig; longer be ac te Physiology and | diplomatic corps. i > ce CARD Bi Cure Consii 22 PRICY 20 CONTR HAT thin, little, 10-cent Box of Cascarets. Slcceeds <Pro- prize-man in Ruteigh uf Vest Pocket, or in 'my Lady's" Purse it will . ward off ninety per cent of Life's ordinary Ills. Eat one of the six candy tablets contained in' that. "Vest Pocket Box" whenever you suspect you need one. It can't hurt you, and is sure Insurance against serious sickness. When you have Heartburn, Colic, Coated Tongue, Suspected Breath, Acid-rising-in- throat, Gas-beiching, or an incipient Cold, take a Cascaret. : Remember, all these arc not merely Dis- comforts, but indications of a serious Cause. Nip them in the bud--eat a Candy Cas- caret. Cascarets don't purge, nor punish the stomach like "Bile-driving" Cathartics. and optics is and Jight are Raleigh "has Jaan, in They act like Exercise on the Bowel- i i ed It of this dis- Waslington Sosisty Watch 1t v th erest. : Washington, Jan. 25.--The wedding here to-day of Miss Alice Ward, grand: daughter of Mrs. John 8. Ward, to | Senor. Don Juan' Riadoy Guyanges, | first secrétary of the Spanish legation, | completes "a pretty © romance which Washington society has watched with Intirest for several years, For a long time Senor Riano paid 'devoted attention to his bride of to- day, and rumor had them engaged many times. It was not until last spring, however, that Mrs. Ward gave Hér 'consent 'to their betrothal, and "! een then it was understood that there | was to be no definite date for the wed: H L inbrdken which © Sir , sought for into "gold: ng. It was said that Mrs. Ward fa- | | ¥ored an American husband for = her granddangliter, and again.it was Bes "ho to the marriage when Senor Riano a (was promoted. But their devotion to {each Other final'y' triumphed and put of | 8u end to all speculation. of The bride is an 'attractive young ot one , oman. brunette in coloring, a so n {eiety favorite und an apt linguist, own ' of | €1¢b) ) ¥ i pow cot | Sanor Riano, who has been assigned in St. Peters- 10 this post for several years, ¥ Fol the wiost popular members of first objective expressive discovery is one the Paviofl. . (as Owing to the difference in religions one. sPavloff is one of | Benor Riano had as his best man vioff i be corclu- | : ably his £8, new laborato wi not want a new 'g0 towards Naver yet siologist, in my ex; ence, that di : boratéry. © Last | at 20° per year's recipient of 'this prize ~ was | Bros. poor Professor Finsen, of his tun, wo he'Saill himself, sires | it had to be then or nover. The year | before that the prize came to Fng- of, tinent- | Senor. Ojeda; the fad nd the bride t a ster, Mrs, 'notaply | New' York, various | spent 'in 8 steam- Spanish minister, was attended by her Chaudler Anderson, of The. honeymoon will be Murope. Bed Comforters Cheap. One only eiderdow size 60x72, at $6) one, size 7 ), clean bhath- i ing comfor vk discount. wis ph Price $3, Uramley chosen out | TE ---- Miss Frances Putt Id, an elderly woman, and long a respected resident of Belleville, is dead. land, or rather Scotland, in the per- soh of 'Mujor 'Ronald' Ross; who proved. that the' mosquito conveys the parasite of malaria sick to the healthy. war, is a. Rditor of Luw Mandl. Ramsay, by the way, like Sir { De Scot WhyDo Women Worry? Always An Evidence of Failing Health and Lack of Nerve Force: from 'the Sir William ames De. Gore, Bishop of Worcester, who has elected to taka th of Birmingham, which ed out of his old 'sée, editor of Tax Mundi, and has been Bishop of Worcester qnly just over two. years, says Thi his younger days he f Suéhes at Oxford, and, | | i I the Pusey Library, and Vicar 'of Radley, he becamé 1 1904 Candi' of Apart | Westminster. i { in the old counsel, | o Yi in humble does so," frequently visitit versity as 'a po Abin curing sone of ' the Wrightést under | graduates for serviced ii of England. He is only 51 years" of age, and has had ¢& remarkible career | since he left Ballie! College." 'After' acting Suctessively as of Cuddesdon College, side and work in he was appointed td There lived ton, Isle of Wi « young Won A The Globe of 1854. He continued to fe- t, L 0 Was. betrothed to. Were poor and Bie i SO nk, hi re : 1 Epa nragt Roa new Bishopric has been car- is the famous People don't willingly fall into a condition of brooding and unhappi- ness. Worry is a discase that creeps in when the sustaining power of the body Isils to maintain a reserve of mental vigor. Hence the root of these fretful worrying tendencies is really an insuf- ficient supply of nourishment in 'the hlood. ¢ Lee Thin od plays. havoc with the ! stomach, kills digestion, 'and so im- |, . n the Church pairs the nervous system that every| 1S the time organ of the body suffers; that's why worry is so deadly and destructive to health. To cure the "worry habit" you must] re-create and Foiwild those tiny blood | 1N stock, and nerve cells that have heen ex- | exhausted and over-worked. It's be Packard. cause Ferrozone supplies the necessary * building material that it stops worry and nervousness. Ferrozone is a per- fect food for the blood, a nourishing tonio for the nerves, an ideal restora- tive for those in a weak, rundown condition, You Teel its quickening in- fluence almost instantly, you increase in strength and nerve force, and at felt that a powerful medicine jon Star. In lded great in- "indeed, stil the uni- " dnd "se: Vice-] Principal librarian' "of qpolis until jer Yet we Ari. price only. years ago at! aystem. J or women who are pale and hol- lowed cheeked, Farrosoue is a Moho hoon. It supplies fortitude and reserve of energy that sirmounts all difficul- ties. Busy, toiling men who feel the need of an uplifting, stimulading to- : | nie, find in Ferrozone all they require, because 8, uilds up, She general health inst renewed vigor into wind | x and body Mike, " rs. P. C. Spencer of Beverly, Ont., writes: "About a year ago 1 was greatly run-down. I suffered from se. vere: headaches, and felt so completely worn, cut and depressed that I "tof tia | thought it was 'walking typhoid. My by. 3 of |'NPmetite was poor. and my color was! indicating that' my blood was | too thin, T found Ferrozone just what | I needed. It increased mv appetite, and AT nervousness, to Led me 'aware of the fike a new woman. Brave fellows | strong and healthy. No medicine did | i" dn' this | me so much good as ozone." ded little op- | Far hotter to take Ferrozone than my brave | to' let your health run down. Get it that had to-day. Beware of substitutes, and in- there would | sist on having nothing but Ferrozone. face: | Price Tox, or al Hn It made me JAS £2.50, a B When carried constantly in your" We are giving.25 PER CENT. Sale this week. ; is Bargain Tables crowded with new 0 om strength in your exhansted at hard-to-resist priges: ho ' J. H. Hluting Bimed 4 Muscles that propel Food, and that squeeze the natural Digestive Juices of the body inte Food. Casearets ward off, or cure, the following diseases. "s Constipation « Catorrh: Hives Colic Jaundice Dad Breath Nauséa Diabetes Vertigo Headache Scrofula Diarrhoea. Wonianly Fczema ¢ Flatulence Troubles Dysentery "At all Pruggists. 10 Cents a box. -.You can try Cascarets FREE before you buy. Write for Free Sample and booklet, "The Curse of Congtipation," best eter printed on the subject. Address Sterling Remedy Company, 374 St. Paul 8t., Montreal, 654 Worms Piles Ulcers Pimples Blotches NERVOUS 'DEBILITY CURED Excesses and indiscretions are the cause of more Sorrow aud suffering than all other diseases combined. We see {he victims of vicious habits on every hand; tue saliow, plmpled face, dark circled eyes, stooping form, stun development, bashful," melancholic coditenadce acd timid. bearing proclaim to all the world and tend to blight his existence, Our trea vely cures all weak men by overcoming effects of former indiscretions and losses and drains and quickly 8 the patient to what nature intended--a healthy PPy mian with physical, mental aud nerve pow- ers Complete, . For over 25 years Drs. K. & K. have treated with the greatest success all diseases of men and women. f you have any secret disease that is a worry and a rhenace to your liealth consult old established physic- ians who do not have to experiment ou you. We guarantee to care Nervous Debility, Bieod Diseases, Stricture, Varicocele, Kidney and Bladder Diseages.. Consuitation Pree. If unable to call, write § for a Duestion Blauk for Home Treatment. & KERGAN, a Detroit, Mich, Dr, KOHR'S RESTORIN :-= ry,--the most wonderful Medicine ever dis. covered, It is asounding the medical world. 10,000 oa cured in one month in Paris. The National Medical Board has recommended this Remedy for use Ap the Insane Asylums where, as is well known, & majority of the male inviates are victims of lost Vitality io its most terrible form. lu Europe the remedy ir ev.dorsed by all governments and is now used as a Specific in the great standing armies of both France and Setmany, Stons losses Rom seven » ig days 80 hey never return, rains entirely cease an oe treRtieeny The skin becomes clean the eyesbright. ( onfidence returns, step elastic, bowels requlat, Iea'aches disappesr. . No more weak me. pow, the mind becomes bright and active. A Food for brain and Blood. A permanent cure no matter ow chronic the cade. Just send us to-day your name and address painly written and a 5 days treatment of Restarine w sent FREE in plain 'sealed pack- age Do not hesitnte a moment We will treat you with success and with honest confidence. Dr. KOHR MEDICINE CO.- Po. DraweR L 234i, MONTREAL. a Bump? We mean a bamp'of economy. t If you have now to fil 'up'your shoe wants. y 2 OFF every shoe with 'ex¢eption of Queen Quality and never lower the quality ; it's always the : Attend sour' Dissolution' of Partnership snappy shces ! It is genuine. It is nourishing, It is'absolutely the best. /. Gained the Highest Award and * Gold Medal over all other brands. Expert chemist every Suni The fats a.nd oils every st of the to Sunlight ste.nd CALLING CARL E ENGRAVED FROM ¢§ COPPER PLA s NO NEED TO SEND OUT ¢ TOWN FOR ENGRAVED CAR > WHIG WORK IS GOOD Wo! ddd db eh WE ALSO DO STEEL DIE EMBOSSIN( Shbbbbdbdbdb bb ddd DOPPDOPEOOOE PPDVOO@E 90 For 2 Weeks Lon We have been reque by some of our custo to give them a charce the elections at our $15.5 CASH SUIT SALE So we have decide continie our sale of $20, $22 and $25 at reduced price of $15.5 2 WEEKS LONG And will include all COATS at the same | to clear them out. will g ve the winner mone, Grits or Conse tives, a chance to se one of our Bargains. Satisfaction guaran in every order placed us. Carroll & b 230 PRINCESS STREET, FASHIONABLE TAILO Wood «nd Cg We have oa hand the differ varietics of Wood and Coal, BOOTH & C "Phone 133, Toot of West § ale 4 NIGH | BE WISE If you cannot attend Day Schoo Kingston Business Co nigke ® business or shorthand co Dg it now.

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