Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Jan 1905, p. 6

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SIR CHARLES TUPPER POINTS our INA ZCURACIES : 01d Political .Questiom~Ex-Pre- mier Objects To The Manner In Which His Words Are Re- Bir Charles T has sent the fol lowing letter to authors and pub lisher of the "Life of Principal Grant" 3 : : W Man, Jan. 12th; 1005. Meenrs, W. Grant 'and F. Hamil fon, care ws. Morang: & Co., limited, Toronto, Ont. Dear Sirs: Boy + "Life of Principal Grant" 1 lowing re- Fa: support rier admin: istration in 1900 was strengthened by bis break with Charles Tupper. It was a wrench, for his friendship for Sir Charles dated from the years when he had fought behind him in Nova Scotia for confederation. In 1804, af- ter the death of Sir John Thompson, he had given a newspaper interview strongly urging the conservatives to (SDAY, JANUARY £6, o wished Laurier! fh or half imperia- » sg in Brockville on the pO, the Mail and En. ip speech reads as fol an that in Quebec' he had ° declared = that Laurier is too British for me," while in Ontario he had declared 'Laurier was not hall Bridie tm So far as the statement in Ontario was concerned, h . 3 r. (Laughter). But the $ he had said 'Laurier for me' was as unfound- od as ala ent could possibly be. It had Bret appeered in La Presse, in Montreal. 'The 'interview with La Presse took in the presence of Pg vicod y Quebec: Chronicle. What he ssid 'was that the poliey pro nded by Sie Wilirid Laurier in © platform to platiorm, Sir Wilfrid wis in that country , 8% the representafive of Can- of parliamentary fed- the empire was'too Eng or me' y 'the following letters Principal Grant needed @ opposing me. +1 t- on the 220d June, » me ie, How, ad bh private citi zen of Kingston, also to express to Discount Sale B RAIL: select Sir Charles as loader. But Jn 1900 the tie was finally broken. Writ ing to his son in September of that year, he says : "The excitement is in- creasing, and will soon be at boiling point. 1 have given up Tupper on ac count of his "sharp curve," attacking Lawier in October for being anti-Uri- tish, and attacking him now--in Que: hee, too--for being 'too English for me, with his scheme of imperial federa- tion, is more than J--either as a Can- adian or a Britou--ecan stand. The au- dacity of the thing st rs one" You ought to have known that 1 took 'the earliest opportunity of ex- posing the falsity of thip slander in the press and at public! meetings. If you want the proof you will find that at a meeting at St. Hyacinthe, on Septem 2th, 1900, Sir | Wilirid said : "Sir Charles Tupper took a part in this' campaign. In an: interview © told the press that Laurier was 190 English for him, ¢ premier then Yuoted the Mail and Empire, which reported Sie Charles as denying the in- I ---------- Diseases of Women Often Dus fo Deranged Kidneys When The Kidneys Are Weak It Is Impossible |: For Any Woman To Be Happy Or Healthy, If the girls and women who are si- lently my ering. with what tl sup. pose is "le trouble," would look to their kidneys they would soon find the source of their ill-health. "The Kidneys are very closely allied with the Tema) organs and if the vitality of the kidneys is in any way impaired, great suffering is sire to ocour, No better medicine Kidueys. than Dr, mulat rer ar i a ate § t the dne; and thereby assist the other -- to du nature's work. Instant benefit and cortdin cure are guaranteed in ~~. » case, o 3 ufierer, don't wait, in 'treat ment with De, Mamitton silts at once; hey will euro you as they 'did Mrs. A, B. Coburn, a well-known re- t ol the town of Portland. Read her experience : is known for the antiltonls Pills of Tow was surprising . They re- ula my kideeys and bowels and cured all my suffering; to-day I am perfectly well." Every woman can take Dr. Hamil 's Pills with and. benefit. "as "Duke's Mix, for the last fnew ne led to his bride, formerly Mrs. vou the genersl desive 'that is felt here that you should come back to Canada at this crisis, and help to steer the ship of state." At a word from you, Kingston will dect' you its represen- tative to parliament, and once there your place can be only the first. What I can' do to sustain your policy will be done with all my mwght." Again, on the 3008 October, 189] : "My dear Sir Charles: Many thanks for sending me the Nineteenth Cen tury with vour clear-cut article; for your letter of the 20¢h inst. yon look at the of this month, vou will find an article from me, dealing with history, = but with the same object as you had in your article. My hope is thal by put ting as many irons into the fire as Josie we may get 'the British people 0 See the facts from our point of View as well us their own. You have i fone Herculean work, and it will tell t John Bull is slow fo move. "It gave me great pleasure to have an opportunity of bringing the salient points; of your publie record to the notice of many people in Quebec and Ontario whe have been taught system- atically to regard you as they * were taught {0 regard Sir John Macdonald ten, twenty and thirty years ago. Itis kno¥n that F am ndt' a party 'mun and Dever had an axe to: grind, and, erefore, some 13 pay a degree of attention to what b say that they do not give to active politicians: On that account 1 was glad to be able to strike in 'at what seemed the praper moment. The party made a great mis: take in not accepting the counsel given them, bit I'know that they will have to send for vou vet. So, Trust you are hushanding your strength. | do not think that Ei is dead; or if it is, jt is because the grits are paring for a still bolder move, pendence. With all kind regards best wishes; believe me. pre inde- and ; i M. Grant.' Agaih, on the 7th Hay, 180% "My: dear Sir Charles : Me for your two letters Just also for the April Nineteenth Century, with Your articls in the place of hon. fe that it desirves. Nothing that you i" : wholly and unreservedly « tion and argument, to have silenced most of vour previous critics. Yes, 'the world do move,' as Brother Jasper ssid, and. oven the slow John Bull world moves. The best debate and division in our House = of Commons on preferential trade © with Britain, with the grits practically turning their back on C.U, and 'go- ing one better them the. t in favour of British trade marks. great ovent in our polities and must: be felt to some extent in Britain. "1 frankly confess that you were |e right in your e the amount of life -- ht poliey, ant that 1 v s © like it Jess - t¢, a vear left in the continuous bad with Britain take \ ¥ tan : of the vestriction on the side of the states, Ek pray for - amd good Westminster Review' to British statesmen and the British people. The result of the election for the local in Toromto the other day was most significant. E. A. Macdon- ald, who a ye#ir or two ago polled thousands of votes when runni for mayor, and who has a Poronay ful- lowing in the east of the city, got 149 votes 'when he ran as an annexa- tionist, that, too, in & contest where there was no party feeling, and when ball of the voters in the city did not take the trouble to go to the polls ! A vigorous Canadian feeling is grow ing up, and it will take' an indepen dence direction, unless the ties with Britain are strengthened along the iffierent lines you indicate in your "Always yours, "GM. Geant." You say, "in 1804, PrincipalNGrant gave an interview urging the cbnser- vatives to select Sir 'Charles Tupper, as leader, but in 1900, the tie was finally broken." Yet om page 368 we are told, "At the time of the Mani- toba School Controversy, the 'Globe' asked Grant to visit Manitoba = and write for it a series of articles on the the situation, and he accepted the commission," and on es 369 and 79, you say that Mr. Grant, on Janu- ary 1st, 1806, wrote Mr. Willison "It is" perfectly well' known that on the matter in debute, Mr. Laurier and | are on the same platform." What a "wrench" it must hava heen fir Principal Grant under these cir cumstances to desert Sir Charles Tuy per in 1900! 1 jpay well reiterate his own words, "The anlgeity, of the thing » re one,"' especially there i foundation for the slan- der, which I igmuediately contradicted in the fnust public manner. % * Principal Grant's support of Sir Wilfrid Laurier in 1896 and 1900 was from. every point of 'view most unna- tural, but you will have to find somd other justification for it than. that alleged by you, . Yours faithfully, ; CHARLES TUM LIL CUTS OFF TONGUE, Drunken - Woman Oreates Sensa- tion In Street. Paris, Jan. 25.--While celebrating the holidays the wife of a workman named Gauthier drank more than was good for her, with the result that she began abusing and libe'ing her neighbors 'in the open street. Many of the insulted persons ran td her husband to com- iauthier reproached his Very well" replicd the "1 see that I am in the wrong, and henceforth 1 will speak no more, | will make myseli dumb." Before her horriied hasband could intervene, she had seized a long pair of scissors and deliberately cut off a picce of her tongue, after which she sapk bleeding to the ground. She was at once taken to a hospital, where a hemorrhage was averted, but she had maimed her tongue so that she will never be able to speak properly again. FASHION'S FORM. One Of The Latest Styles Just Chic terra-cotta cloth matinee cloak for mis i The trimming eonsists of stitched fan haped bands of the same and silk cord ornaments. A terra cotta velvet picture bat trinmned with white tips and chiffon add to the effectiveness: Rheumatic Poison Neutralized. Rheumatism has one cause only-- uric acid. If this acid can be neutral- ized and expelled from the system, and the formation of an excess of it be stopped, a cure must result. Tt is as certain a result, as that water will ut out fire. Years of expericnce ave shown that Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure has this power to neutralize and expel uric acid. It cures cases of the longest standing with surprising quickness. It cures permanently. This i the preparation that cured Charles H. Clarke, 86 Pine street, and hun- dreds of others. In bottles, o0c., at Wade's Drug Store, Afterwards. « Now that the voting job is o'er _And likewise, too the talking Some chaps who ran are doubtiess sore, or they were only walking. ------------ All cases of weak or backache, rheamatism, will 'find relief w wearing one of Carter's Smart etd and Belladonna Backache Plas: ters. Price 2c. Try them Never tell woman she reminds you of an old friend. She might embarrass you hy asking how old. The gill wha.is a belle should have appealing ways. lame back, State oi Ohio, City of Toledo, ra Lucas County, fede i" nk J. Cl K "4 sie ug a mele, oh hs in the City tate aforesaid, » Rs the sum of for each and id subscribed wm, AD. Neeo this 6th day of December, (Seal), A. W. GLEASON otary Public taken internal. the bi and systom. Send for F. J. CHENEY & ©o., 0, Ohio, Sold by all deaggists, 78c. 4 Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- Hall 8 Catarrh Cure is ly, snd acts directly on mucous surfaces of the testimonials free when | Chamberlain's Cough Remedy A Safe Medicine for Children In buying a cpugh medicine for children never be afraid to buy Craymnrr. ram's OoveH REmepY, Thete is no danger from it, and reliof is ays suo to follow. It is inberded especinlly. for coughs, ¢olds, croup and whoo cough, and is the bed mediciné in the world for these diseases. It is not on a certain cure for exc op, but, when given as soon as the croupy cou ay will prevent the attack. Whooping congh is not dangercus when this 1 is given as directed. If contains no opium or other hamiful drugs, and n given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. 0 RL, . , i "BPO0 C LX R : ° Peme Feedlework' The first Jssue of the seventh volume of ar, magazine is now ready. Each B8ly {better than the previous ietli Home Needlework 'in thousands of Canadian honjes. Do aot deldy but if not already, a subfscriber. be- come. one now. , 50 cents pays'for a year's sub- scription, orf15écents a'single copy. It isissued four~times 'al year. TE Always % Carticelli Spdol ¢ Silkk, It is the "best silk that can be bought. Insist upon getting it from: your dealer. Corticelli. B. & A. Wash Sikks in haoldérs, surpass alt others. : the silk the best. No disappointment fin; em. broidery work when Corticelli B. & A. is used. Corticelli Skirt Protector is acknowledged the ideal skirt protector, Always see 'that'is used. . It'lasts as long as the skirt, you have never seen that interestin boo et-entithed " Silk its Origin and Coun = send 4 cents to the publishers, ".The Cagticelli Silk Co. Ltd., St. Johns, PQ" for a copy. use " patent The colors are' fast, \ ~ 3) \; OUR JANUARY Enamelled Ware Sale Is Still Running. REGULAR PRICES IS 20 PER SENT. FOR THIS WEEK we have added all PLATED WARE at the same discount. This includes Tea Kettles, Tea 'and 'Coffee Pots, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Ten Trays, Cuspidores, Hot Water Plates, Tea Bells. c, : , A plated Copper Tea Kettle, either No. 8 or No. 9, for 80¢: LAL McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock St., Kingston. THE DISCOUNT FROM FISH ! FSH FROZEN-- 1 12{e 124¢. ih per Ih, ; 80c. Ib , 0c. and 40e. doz JOKE D=-- Smoked Ciscoes, 124c. 1h 10c. 1b. 40c. dozen L 40e. doz Salt Sy Salt DYSTERS, 40c., JOMINION FISH © 63 Brock St. *#hone 520. S0c. and 60c. per For the Balance This Month clearing sule of Scotch Tw Winter Overcoats and Trou Regular $18 to $23 Suiting for $16. Regular $24 to $27 Suitings for $18 Regular $28 to $82 Suitin for $20 20 per cent, ¢ Overcoats Don't fail t $4 and Scotch Tw Scotch Tw Scotch Tw count on all Wi see my Trouserings bhni fide wale, with fit guaranteed, with first Thi Korky n rimmir A new stock to se rom BA. C. WAGGONE 188 WELLINGTON S87 00d ana Cos and up-to-date We have on hand the differ :n varieties of Wood and Coal, BOOTH & C( 'Phone 133. Foot of West St. Wood and Coc Bargain In Cutters! Paving a few Cutters left, in der to clean out the stock, sell at cost. If you are in need a good cutter now is the time buy and save money. AMES LATURNE 390 PRINCESS STREET. At Kirkpatrick's Art Gallery hoice. Water Golo Most Suitable for hristmas Presen Go and see them. ' (c RR NIGHT. )CHOO BE WISE If you cannot attend Day School Kingston Business Colle Sas & business or shorthand cours . t wht. Gut this advt. out. Do it now. It is worth money. Write, call, or telephone, No. 440, fall information. J. B. McKAY, H. F. METCALF! Prine President. 800000000000000 00000 9 : TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT, SOLD, RENTED, REPAIRED. A'l Makes, Kew and Secord-han 2. J.R.C. DOBBS & C0., © 171 Wellington St. ,Kingsto 80000000 FOOOOO00DO0000D G. A. BATEMA ISSUER OF MARKI\GE | ICENSES \ __ LIFE and FIRE INSUR BROKER. Office. 61 Clarence stress. Wvenine address 93 Rvdeshaw DANCING & DEPORTME D. ROY MACDONALD WHIC HALL, KINGSTON Classes Meet Tuesiays and Thu Children from 4:30 til # pm. Adulis from 8 5it 10 p.m. OO OO OOOO Special Rates for Balancs of Thi

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