Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Jan 1905, p. 7

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emedy or Children on never be afraid to buy Craxprr. from it, and relief is always su-o ghs, colds, croup and whooping or these diseases. 1t is not only oon uy the croupy cough aj S not dangercus when this 1 dy other harmful drugs, and may be 2 yo ilework: seventh volume of now ready. Each han the previous eedlework nadian honjes. * we of a subscriber. be- 5 wy ghee ys for a year 's"sub- le copy. It is'issued Sa Ly Bp | ) a use Spool the t. can Insist git Eater. ash Sikks in patent The colors are fast, appointment in, em- lll B. & A. is used. or is acknowledged Always see 'that'is e skirt, en that interesting rigin and Cultuge," rs, "«The Cagticelli Q." for a copy." JARY | Vare Sale ning. RICES IS 20 PER SENT. ave added all PLATED nt. This includes Tea Knives, Forks, Spoons, Water Plates, Tea Bells. , either No. 8 or No. & BIRCH, t ESA FROZEN--~ Whitefish, 16c, and 12ic Sahmon 'Trout, 124c. iL i opel, 10e. Ih. Pike, "Se. 1b. Atlantie Salmon, 80c. Ib ok Salmon, 25¢. 1h er Side Salmon, 20c. Ib. steak Cod. 10c. 1b. Haddock, 8c. and 10e. Ih, Halibut, 20c¢. Ib. Hiuefish, 15c. Mackerel, 15c. A Striped Bass, 15¢. 1b. Ton Cods, Re. Ih Hervings, 15¢., 30c. and 40. doz . per Ih. NOK FE D=-- Smoked Ciscoes, 124c. 1h Bo eless Haddies. 10c. 1b. Yarmouth Bloaters, 40c. dozen Kippered Herrings, 40¢. doz ALT= Salt Trout, 10e. 1h Salt Whitefish, 10¢, Ih. Salt Muckerel, 15¢. Ih. Sait Labrador Salmon, 12jc. Salt Sea Trout, 10c. 1b. Salt Cod, 8c, 10c., 15¢c. 1b DYSTERS, 4n0c., 50c. and 60¢c. per qt JOMINION FISH GO. 63 Brock St. ~'#hone 520. or the Balance of This Month clearing sale of Scotch Tweed # Winter Overcoats and Trouser- Great suitin Ings i Regular $18 to $23 Suiting for $16. Regular $24 to $27 Suitings for $18 Regular $28 to $82 Suitings for $20 20 per cent Overcoats. Scotch Twead Scotch Twecd Scotch Tweed discount on all Winters Don't fail to see my Trouseérings at $4 and $5 with fit and with first-class This is a bhai fide sale, orkmanship guaranteed, rimmings A new bron A. G. WAGGONER, 188 WELLINGTON S71. ood =ra Coal and up-to-date stock to select We have on hand the differ :at varieties of Wood and Coal, BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 133. Foot of West St. Wood =a Coal Bargains In Cutters! Paving a few Cutters left, in or- der to clean out the stock, will sell at cost. If you are in need of a good cutter now is the time to buy and save money. AMES LATURNEY, 390 PRINCESS STREET. At Kirkpatrick's Art Gallery hoice. Water Colors Most Suitable for hristmas Presents Go and see them. BE WISE I! you cannot attend Day School at Kingston Business College ake & business or shorthand course at Gut this advt. out. Do it now. It is worth money. Write, call, or telephones, No. 440, for fall information. J.B. McKAY, H. F. METCALFE, Presid, : Priocipa* 3 BOUGHT, $ soLD, 3 : RENTED, $ REPAIRED. 3 0 A'l Makes, New and Secord-hand %. J.R.C. DOBBS & CO., 2 171 Wellington St. , Kingston 8000000000000000000008 G. A. BATEMAN ISSUER OF MARRIAGE } ICENSES, \ LIFE and FIRE INSURANCE BROKER. Offics. 61 Clarence stress. Wvenine address 88 Avdeshaw Sa DANCING & DEPORTMENT D. ROY MACDONALD WHIC HALL, KINGSTON. Classes Meet Tuesiays and Thursdays Chitdren from 4:30 ttl 4 p m. Adulis'trom 8 111 10 p.m. Special Rates for Balancs of Thic Term Sead : "Just the thing" For a "bite at bed-time," what could be better than a glass of milk and Mooney"s Perfection Cream Sodas Canada's finest crackers, from Canada's finest bakery. Crisp, inviting, delicious. In the air-tight boxes; that keep Seven Sutherland Sisters' Hair Grower GREW THIS MAIR 95 Blue Island Ave., Chicago, IIL Seven Sutherland Sisters :-- Ladies,~-1 have been greatly benefited by the use of your Hair Grower and Hair and ip Cleaner, and I feelit my duty to recommend same. Eleven years ago hoy hair in length was just below my waist, and falling, I commenced usin your remedies ut that time and I have contin the use of same with satislactory results, and have never used any other preparations. My haic is now seven feet in leagth, heavy, soft and a beautiful golden brown, as my photograph-will she 1 "a permi ph in ad sion 10 use my letter, also my rtising in any way you desire, Yours respectfully," MISS M. TAYLOR For sale at all druggists, two sizes, 500, and $1.00 per bottle. x > Dorun SEVEN SUTHERLAND SISTERS SOLE PROPRIETORS CANADIAN OFFI0E, 256 Yonoe 8T.. Toronto J. RH. Baury, Furelgn Manager. 10 Recommended and sald by George W.Mahood, corner Princess and Bagot streets, Kingston.~ Have You One of Those Can't Taste, Can't Smell Colds? If you have you had better get vid of it immediately. If you don't, that terrible and disgusting malady, Catarrh, is sure to take hold of you and make you miserable, and an object of repugnance to your friends. The best and quickest cure for your cold is DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP. It contains all the virtues of the Norway Pine Tree, combined with Wild Cherry Bark and the soothing and expectorant properties of other excellent herbs and barks, Mr, Harry Mosher, Mosher's Island, N.S., writes :=="' We have used Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup in our family for the past six years, and have always found it a reliable remedy for the cure of coughs and colds." \ Many cases of substitution have been brought to our notice. Do not be hum- bugged into taking any other pine syrup which unscrupulous dealers say is just as good. Dr. Wood's is the original, put up ins yellow wrapper ; three pine trees the trade mark, and the price 26 cents, Tux T. MiLsur~ Co., LIMITED, Torosro, ONT. FOR REAL ESTAT OR INSURANCE Consult with Geo. CUff before buying, at 96 Clarence street. ~ ENJOY A DRIVE? Then make it doubly enjoyable by en maging sme of our Ane turneuts, and showy horses. HARDING'S LIVERY, 210 Wellington St, 'Phore 236. 'piano tuner Henry Cunningham, from Chickering. ders received at MeAuley's book store, Princcss street] THE DAILY WHIG TWO CHILDREN MYSTERIOUSLY DISAPPEAR iN VANCOUVER. No Trace Of Them Yet--Rewards Offered--Dastardly Crime Of a Desperate Character -- Van- couver"s Freedom From. Fire. Vancouver, B.C., Jan. 18.--(To the Editor) : It is a heartrending story-- that already told by our local papers, of the mysterious disappearance of those two little girls in Nanaimo, and as the days go hy the cloud of mys- tery lowers, crowding.out by its aw: ful, weight the last hope of their fond mothers, and the people generally, that the little ones will ever be seen alive, if, indeed they are ever seen again. Awful, has been the suspense of re, Rogers and Mrs, Jones, 'who with their two children, aged five anc TH evidepes hee, aud town nearly every nation of the world is represented im Vancouver, There is one thing for which we have great reason to he thankful, and that is our freedom from fires during the past year. The total loss for the vear does tot reach twelve hundred dol lars, and that for a eity of forty-five thousand inhabitants is & record (0 be proud of--FE, H. NEWTON, Cured His Mother Of Rheumatism "My mother has been a suficrer for many years from rheumatism" says . H. Howard of Husband, Iennsyl- vania. "At times she was unahle to move at all. while at all times walk. ing was painful,' 1 presented her wi h a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and after a few applications she decid. ed it was the most wonderful pain re liever she had ever tried, in fact, she is never without it now and is at all times able to walk. An occasional ap three respectively, wentxto a neéigh- pligation of Pain Balm keeps away the pein that she waa formerly troubled bor's house on January 10th, to ake) vith." For sale by all druggists. \ M-- * | THE PRINCE OF WALES a call. They had been there but a short time when they missed the chil dren, and immediately search was be gun. Excitement throughout the city soon became intense, and'before night- fall, there was an = organized search party of over two hundred persons be sides the police, and the next day the number more than doubled. ks pite the fact that this party of will- ing have . never given up their. vigilance since they started in pursuit, eight days ago, yet not one vestige of a clue has heen found. If the earth had opened and swallowed them up their disappearance could not he more mysterious. The city council has offered a reward for the recovery of the bodies dead or alive, and it is thought that the provincial govern- ment will come up with a like amonnt, It. was reported that an enginecr on . & N. train saw the two little , and saw a Jap, whom they had met and passed, turn and follow them: this story, however, proves io be without foundation. It is thought, by some, that the children have been kidnapped. and it is on the strength was searchers fered in the hope that the detectives may take hold of the cr and find trace of the lost ones. The grief stricken mothers have given up all hopes of ever seeing their little ones alive, but it wonld be a sense of satisiaction to 'them to even know what their fate has heen. Harry Slater, a. notorious charac ter, after slashing his divorced wife about the face and body with a razor in a house of prostitution, drew the razor across his own throat, cutting it from ear to ear, and severing the windpipe. An officer was almost im mediately on the scene, and when he had glanced around and taken in the situation, he stepped to the telephone to call for help later, breathing through the ghastly wound in his neck with a sickening gurgling sound, raised up on his hands, and with a jeathly stare in his saw that the woman was not dead, and with all the vengeance of a. maddened demon, he tried to drag himself to where she lay groaning in a pool of blood to deal out still another blow with the bloody weapon which he still held on- to with a firm grasp. The officer, on seeing this ghastly sight did not wait to communicate with the station, but dropped the receiver and grabbed this maddened devil and jerked him to the floor again, from whence he never rose and where ended his awful car- eer fifteen minytes later, Tt is thought that'the woman will recover. Slater has caused the police any amount of anxiety whenever he hap: pened to be on the outside of the "Pen," and they never could be guite sure of his when he was inside, - He had only gained lis freedom less than a week when he committed the das. tardly crime which ended his carcer, and rid the city of Vancouver as well as the other Sound cities, of one of their most desperate characters, If the way of the transgressor is hard in the ordinary sense of the term it is doubly so in Vancouver to-dav. Vancouver, for time past, has been undergoing a muchmeeded purify- ing period, and the wan who disre gards the law does not get off Lightly, I have yet to find the city in Canada, and 1 have visited most of them, where the law is more sirictly enfore- ed than it is in this city to-day. This ix much needed on account of the ad venturons clement being so largely in EE ------------ . Clear Out Your Nostrils. It's simply disgusting to keep on snifieling when Catarrhozone cures so quickly; it clears away the mncous dis charge, irees the nostrils and air pas sages of offensive matter, cures the ca tarch thoroughly. Mrs. W. F. Breach, of Chapman, writes: "1 have used a great many eatarrh remedies, hut none of them ever helped like Catarrhozone, It cleared ont my nose and throat, and stopped. a ringing noise in my vars. Catarrhozone ix very simple snd pleasant to use, and many times het ter than any other catarch remedy," Your druggist has Catarrhozone; get it today. Two months' treatment suaranteed to permanently cure eosts size twenty-five cents, SOME eves, some I ¢ TLE » The Prince Of Wales And Dublin Castle. of this theory that the reward is of | «if asked to do so. , describing | HE FOUND IT. Just As Recommended. "1 bought u fifty ent package of Pyramid Pile Cure from my druggist, and have used two dollar packages since. 1 find them' just as you re commend them to bes J have nog felt the least sign of piles sine using your remedy three months ago. I you want to use my name you may do so as 1 eel like a new man. I now have no trouble with the dreadind, aggravated disease, "I meant to write you sooner, but thought T would' wait until I was cured. 1 thank you for your wonderful pile cure, 1 was a great sufferer from pice." Fred Dgerr, RFD, 4, New Proanswick, N.J Seldom, if ov is there any doubt about' the effect produced by the nse of Pyramid Pile Cure, as is shown hy the experience given above. The pro priciors of this remedy have thousands of similar Tettérs on file, and surely no better proof of the merit of the pre paration could be asked; whey it is borne in mind that these letlers are wholly unsolicited, there is certainl cause for pride in the remedy. Pyramid Pile Cure is sold by drag gists for fifty cents a package, and ii yours hasn't it he will get it for vou Accept no substi tutes, and remdmber there is no other remedy 'just as good." Everyone is urjed to wiite Pyramid Drug Co, Marshall, Mich., for their little hook the causes and eure of pilis, as it affords much useful inform- ation and is sent free for the asking. HARD TO CAO0O0SE 3RIDE, Asvirations of Claimants Threa!- en Complicatioas Madrid, Jon. 25.---The arrival of the Archduke Frederick, eldest brother ol ths Queen Mother Christine, with the archduchess and their three daughters, is exciting great co Uriosity in Spain It is rumored that the Archduchess Gabrielle, aged seventeen, is mnch fa 10 vd by Queen Christine as a bride for the king. Such 4 union would displegst Berlin, where it i wished that Princess Marie, of Mecklenburg, who is eighteen and 4 Catholie, should marry the king, Communications on the subject have been oxvchanged be tween the Austrian, German, and Spanish governments, and the decision avwa'ts the vovage of the king to for- eiyn courts. The archduke and = his family will spend three week at the palace here, Fewer Exhibitions Desired. The leading agricultural societios of the province ave evincing considerable interest in the suggestions that bas been made by HH. B, Cowan, provin superintendent of - agricultural soejo- tien, "that the numbers of exhibitions held anmally in Ontario should Fe materially reduced and that ageionl tural should receive their grants in proportion to the amounts they expend for agricultiral purposes, Such a change would do away with all digtinetion. between the township and distriet societies. The Ontario Fruit Growers' Assoc. ation has passed a resolution approv- ing of these suggestions. The exeentise of the Dominion Shorthorn Breeders' Association, at itx annual meeting in Toronto, on January 10h, also pass ed a resolution of the «ame kind, and declaring fewer exhibitions would vo sult in larger attendances. hotder priz- es and better exhibit, os well as a reduction in the undesirable fegtures now so prevalent at many exhibition. od 4 Claims Marsh Fortune. Sreeial to the Whig Middletown, N.Y. Jar wag resumed to-day ov the for the revocation of 1 ill of Lu ther BR. Marsh, the New York lawyer and the vietim of Ann Odelia Pis de Bar and Mrs. . Clarissa Huyler, the slleged spiritualistic medivme, The ap pliant is Donglas Stuart, who al leges he is an adopted <an of Marsh. Stil another elgimant "#0 the Marsh fortune j= an infant grandson of the late George Francis Tran Bird coed. choice mix one-peand packages, 6c, Melood's drag stops, "Throat atomizers," Gibscn's Red societies 26. ~Wearing ~nplication Cross Deng Store. Bg - + 1 bei a seaport = | of the AN EX-QUEEN SAID - TO Have INSPIRED "DEATH MASK" STAMPS. Natalie's Murdered Son Could Be Seen On New Servian Postage Stamps -- Government Trying To Recall As Many As Possi- ble. Vienna, Jan. 26.-The story of a postage stamp, and the revenge of a fallen queen is the one wpic of con versation throughout Servia, Bulgaria and Roumanie. To commemorate King Peter's coro nation, the Servian government de cidedl to issue a series of specially de signed postage stamps of considerable artistic value and of large size. When the rough design of the stamps, whioh were to bear side by side the profile of King Peter and his ancestor Kara George, was approved, the final drawing and engraving were entrust ed to a French artist, M. Nouchon. fhe result was admired by all. But before the stamps had heen in civenl ation many weeks the government suddenly called in all that remained unsold, and made desperate efforts to colleet even single specimens in the hands of private individuals, For when the stamp was held upside down there appeared clearly to everyone, the death mask of the murdered King Alexander: Obrenoviteh. The ghastly face of the dead sovereign was made to appear by the engraver manipula ting cleverly the eyebrows, eves and nose of the two Karageorgeviteh pros | Glos. King Alexander's distorted and mutilated face is formed by a portion of King Peter's bead with that of his ancestor, Kara George. The nostrils two heads, together form the the moustaches make the the eyebrow and eve of Alexander's eyes, ove brows, and Kara Goorge form King ! nose and wouth. It is asserted that the engraver was inspired by the ex-Queen Natalie to "fake" the design and introduce the features of her mwirdered son. Thes"death mask stamps," as they are now called, have undoubtedly made a.Mofound impression in the Servian army dnd among the uneda cated classes. The government's at tempt to recall all the stamps proved fruitless, as thousands have been nsed on letters, and a vast number are held by private individuals in Servia The 5 governme has, however, in gtructed its arent in Vienna, Lon don, Paris and Berlin, to visit stamp dealers and speculators and. buy up ax many of the illomened postage la: hels as possibile, regardless of cost, -- Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The Best Made. "In my opinion Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the heat made for colds," saye Mre, Cora Walker of Port: erville, Cal. There is no doubt about its being the best. No other will cure a cold so quickly. No other is so sure is so pleasant and safe to take. There are good reasons why it should be preferred to any other. The fact is that few pedple are satisfied with any other after having once used this re- medy. For sale by all druggists. Heroic Size. "I woe thet the new statue of Queen Victoria 'is to be thirteen feet high." "And she was q little woman, too," "Yes. But my wife is a little man. Yot che seems folly thirtecn feet hich, when she opens the front door at 2 o'clock in the morning.' To Stop Nose Bleed. may he stopped by snuffing lemon juice into the nostril from which the blood issues, It has Jong been known to physicians that lemon juice is a most powerful siyp ue, Colds Become Pneumonia And Bring Fatal Results In A Re- markable Short Time--The Safeguard Is Dr. Chhise's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine Nearly everybody knows that pnen- monia results from neglected colds and vot there is scarcely 5 newspaper you pick up these days fmt contains the report of some fatality from this dead ly disease. Colds are so common that the dung- er they carry with them is overlooked, In Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tarpentine- vou have a positive: eure for colds wnd a complete safeguard against such seriovs developments ax poeumonia and "consamption, The exceptional curative properties of turpentine and linseed are well known, and in Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine they are eam: ined with half a dozen other ingredi ents in such a way as to be pleasant to the taste, and wonderfully powerful in the care of throat and lung diseas ex wo for ine Nose-blecding --- Such ailments as eroup, bronchitis and asthma are quickly relieved amd entirely cured by this treatment There is. we heolieve, no mislicine sh well suited for family use as a cure for coughs and colds, and as a safe against the deadly ailments which so frequently srige from them Mrs. F. Duver ol Chesterville, Ont, rave: 'My little girl of | three years, bad an. attack of bronchial pneamo nia. Mv husband. and | thought she was going to leave the world, as ber cass resisted the doctor's treatment. I bonght a bottle of Dr. Chase's Sy nip of Linseed and Turpentine from our popular deoggist, W. G. Bolster, After the first two ar three doses the child began to pet hotter and we ar thankinl to sav ix all right to day af ter seven weeks illness.' Dr. Chase's Syren of Linsecd and Turpentine, 250, a bottle; family size, three times ae much, Ge, ut ull deal ers. or Edmanson, Dates & Co. Tor onto, To protect von agminst imita tions, the portrait opd signature of jr. A. W. Chase, the famous receipt book author, ate on every box. gard a preventive of pneumonia. No other ET DR J COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLOROD (THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE). in admitted hy the prolession to he the most wonderful and valuable rem edy ever discovered, in the best remed. wn for COUG ' BOLD CONSUMPTION. BRONCRY. TIS, ASTHMA. : acts like a charm In DIARRHOEA, and is the only specific in CHOLERA, and DYSENTERY. : ; effectually cuts short all attacks of EPILEPSY, HYSTERIA, PALPITA- TION 'and SPASMS. is the only. palliative in NEURALGIA. CHLORO DYN E Riise TOOTHACHE; MENINGITIS, eto. Always ask for "DR. J. COLLIS PROWNE'S CHLORODYNE," and bewars of spurious compounds or. imitations. The genuine bears the words "DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE" an the Government Stamp of esch bottle, Sold in bottles at 1. 14d., 2s. od., and 4s. 6d. each, {Overwhelming Medical Testimony accompanies each bottle, Sole Manufacturers i--J. T. DAVENPORT, Limited, LOKDON, Wholesale Agents, LYMAN BROS. & CO.. Limited, Teronte, Children's Coat Sharply Reduced in Price Think of it! The greit January reductions mean that you buy a' prettily TAILORED .GIRL'S MANTLE, full of style and daintiness, at much less than the cost of the materials alone--this, 100 just when most needed---the coldest time of the year. DECISIVE SAVINGS [N EVERY DEPARTMENT During the "Sweep Sale." Savings in Millinery, in Mantles, in Underwear, in Lingerie. ~ Some very special bargains this week in several lines of STY- LISH DRESS AND WALKING SKIRTS--not every size in every line, but every size is included in the lot. SPENCE'S, ™ Leading Millinery and Mantle Store. -- 0 eer cent. niscount sme 20 Beginning on Friday, the 20th Inst, and lasting one month, we will sell at the above discount all cur AGATEWARE consisting of Tea Pots, Coffec Pots, Sauce Pans, Pudding Dishes, Preserving Kettles, Double Boilers, Strainers, etc. STRANSKY WARE which is guaranteed for years, 77 PRINCESS STREET. "PHONE 35. TE -------- resins Got Too Many Shoes! : Have You? If not, come i get a: pair at a price so low that it will astonish you. Our spring stock is un the road and we must have room for it. ' Besides, it's the policy of this store never to carry stock from season to season and WE NEVER WILL. ' Our low prices will move the shoes. : We've | Abernethy's Shoe Store | FOR "DEPENDABLE SHOES." «= Now is the time to secure a piece of that celebrated . ELLIOTT BROS .. Bi Rnd Ses St =» ov ¥

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