Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Jan 1905, p. 1

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Reasons th of Our ear ment g odds the Largest WHITEWEAR ces are the lowes 1s been proven a and to-day we are OUR wear y ient or any num- lem placed aside prepared to buy | any case. not urged to buy xamine and com- loses the - SALE oe Store FIFTH OFF ge steck, as well as ccasins, Shoe Polish, Rubbers always €x- KETT YEAR 72. NO. 22. JENKINS' . Dissolution Sale . Saturday Specials Fleeced , Lined and All-wool Un- derwear, and 75¢., for 37}c. Fleeced Lined Underwear, fine, former 65¢. price Odd Garments an wool English and wear, former price former price 50c., 65¢. very $1, $1.50, for d Suits of all- Scotch Under- $1.50, $2, $2.25 and $2.50, for $1. All the other lines at bargain prices, «¢ JENKINS "¢ $6 Lace Boots for $4.50 We Gnd me have on hand abont 25 paifs of our Fine Mand-sewed $8 Lace Hoots, mostly Blucher pattorn sof our ustial excellent quality. Wea have decided to offer them at $4.50. pair This offer only to last till end of month, WEAR "A LLEN'S" Military Bootmakers, 84 Brock St. / SIGN OF GOLDEN BOOT. Y.W.C. A. GYMNASIUM New Term Beginning. Sewing Classes FREE CLASSES ! Join Now. Tuesday Afternoon, Wednesduy Evening TO MEMBERS. BREAKFAST BACON Choicest, swee "sliced bs you H! J. Mye oy test, and 'want it. rs 6o Brock St | NUTT OY Fo MAILING = DF- partment. Whig, Apply. at Business Office VERAL SERVA NT, NO WASH- ig or jroning Apply. at dh Udorge street, OF 17 TO 20 YEARS Apply to 12% Bagot AN EXPERIENCED Apply in th Adbree, Hmily * LONDON IS THE ( ulacturing activity vou want the London PARLOR-MAID evening to Mrs. BF. W TRE OF MAN- in Ontario. If skilled help, advertise in ** Free Press." ALL INTELLIGENT, RELIABLE MEN secking pleasant employment, on fal ary or commission, writq now to Marshall & Co., / importers, London, are advised to tea Ont. to please; promptly. GET THEIR de up at Galloway's, ext to Bibby's and price guaranteed ing and repairing done POPILS AT MME making Parlors street Evening co ty. Instructions in en day and evening until March 1st Cutting hy measure, including system, $10 ---- tsi. THE CANADA FOUN Limited, are open to make an agrec ment for a year's employment with certain number of Lat Bor Mill, Planer and SI Fitters and and class mechanics, Apply, stating. qual ing references, t Bureau, Canada 1} Limited, 14 King ronto. iy Erectors Hruss Finishers steady "S DRESS- SL dress designing, otc, DRY COMPANY, otter hands, also Tool Makers Must he first and reliable ifications and giv- o Fmployment olindry Company, street east, To- . TO-LET. de ---- BUSINESS OFFICE, OPPOSITE POST Office, haated by Hot Water. Apply to" John A. Gardiner, Real Fstats and Insurance. 151 Wellington street. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ALS «dwellings, stores, offices, elec Mce- Cann's Real Estate Office, 51 Brock street. EEE -------------- FOR SALE. Cow, YOUNG AND J, Patterson, Moscow GOOD RUILDING Neen street, Bagot Apply 49 ( LOT, SOUTH SIDE hetween Montreal and 'olborne street ------------------ ot etc it NUSINESS With a net income of failing - health al McCann's CHANCE cause of 51 Brock street FOR £1.000, { $4.500. owner's sale. Apply tte to re At eet eet tt LARGE, OSL: possession at James 3 Gardiner, Kingston. TWO-STOREY House, wil lot, in Y FRAME arker, at half Apply to once West, Yarker, or J. A a TENDERS WILL, BE 1 following property to 20th, 1905 street and No 3 heated 2, 281 NSyde i All these properties improvements; fan OF otherwise, Mon, hw hot water: and TRY. streell heated oft easy tECEIVED FOR February 206. Wiliar Wallin 204, 111 nha street hase he hought term A I north-west cater of Mack und Al here strveis, opposi and ball jot on Opdnance street posite Frontenac: Park Whig. office. "The Hepner i hd: toi pilfe 100 Tow Ah ho Hd rigs Drug Shore. te Victoria Park, op. Address Rox DAILY MEMORANDA. Civic finance committee, 8 pin. Hockey tonight @ Queen's vs "Varsity 8 pom The sun Rses Saturday at 7.23 aan, and sets at 5.05 pom "Uncle Tom's Cabin," Grand Opera House, 2.30 p.m... Saturday. Feeling inclined to do and balling there vever accomplishes anything. Retiring Officer Qilderslecve ane nouncey election result to-morrow noon No Woman needs: the ballot to enforce her rights; she can do it with tears and a handkerchief. This day in history : seat of government, 185K: peror born, 1859. To educate a man is to form an indi vidual who leaves nothing behind him; te incale a Woman is to form future i . Ottawa made German em- 8. Lahoul During the Month of January 209 Discount Fancy China Salads. Fancy China, B. & B. Plates. Fancy China, Rankin's. Fancy China, Mustard's. Fancy China, Celery Dishes. Fancy China, Plates. Fancy China, Fancy Ci Fancy Fancy go Olive Dishes. . Muffin Dishes. wa, Chocolate Pots, China, Biscuit Fancy China, Syrup Jugs. Fancy China, Lemonade Jugs. IPanicy China, Hair Boxes. Fancy China, Bullion Cups. Fancy China, Chop Plates, Fancy China, Cabaretts, Fancy China, Roll Trays. Fancy China, Vases Fancy China, Ornaments. Fancy China, 5 O'clock "Vea Sets. ROBERTSON BROS.. Saturday Specials --AT VanLuven's Mixed Cglés, & Soda: Biscuits, 3 Mm California Prunes, 5 Ibs Stewing Figs, 5 Ibs Dates, 4 Ibs Pure Baking Powder, 1-ih tins Pure Table Salt, 8 bags Macaroni, 2 packages Boston Baked Heaus, 3 cans Pork and Beans, per tin He. and Campbell's Soups. per tin Mince Meat, packages Be Moone and Java Coffee, fresh Lrom |e Fiuest Messina Lemons, doz 104 Oranges, Apples, Cook Meats, Fish, Vegetables, etc F. W. VANLUVEN, «246 PRINCESS ST, "Phone 417. HOCKEY MATCH "VARSITY vs. QUEENS . FRIDAY, Jan. 27th apen at, 1. Game called at 8 p.m. Admission 3 Reserved si 8 Hoe. extra: Plan for sale of seats open Janvary. 26th ie Dowwrs FLOCKING TO THE CITIES. Alarming Affairs Now Existing in England. Ottawa, Jan. 27. Lord Strathcona has notified the department of agri culture' that an exhibition of cheap cottages is heing held at Letchworth, Eng., from July to September next. The official circular announcing the fact states that there is an alarming tendency towards depopulation in the rural districts of England. One of the reasons for this is the fact that when old cottages fall into decay, new ones are not built to take their places. A committee of prominent men have got together, in the hopes of finding a re medy, and the exhibition is being held in the hape of sclieting types of cheap dwellings that will suit in rural parts, Prizes are offered in the competition amd Canadians are invited to ¢om pete. The department of agrienlfire vill furnish particulars on applica tion, the dwellers TOOK HIS LIFE. After a Quarrel With His Wife. Special to the Whig. " Winnipeg, Jan. 27.--William Groons committed suicide, last evening, fol lowing: a row with his wife. After sup per Groons pummelled his wife, knock ing her down and fearing her hair The woman fled from the honse in terror and when she returned (0 the house with friendls found Groonk hang ing from the balustrade. Evidently Groons, after placing the noose ahout hig neck, vaulted over the railing, breaking his neck hy the sl He about twenty-three vpars of age, and a hard working, steady man. ock. was 7 Killed On Railway. Special to the Whig Shakespeare, Ont., Jan. A man named Queibrigg was killed, while crossing the Grand Trunk railway. two antl onechglf © miles east of this place, last night. His horse and cutter were torn to pieces. Quoibrige was sixty vears of age and unmarried. Tuy Rat Biekit," at Gibson's Red Cross Prag Store, Kills 100 for 95e. It is believed that frost in Florida has destroyed all citrous fruits on trees except in the southern part of the state Anchor ice blocked the head of the Cornwall canal preventing a flow of water and all the electric power was oil. {Ent Cures a Cold inOne Duy, 2D i iE STRIK Shows No Sign of Abating In Russia. THE SUBURBAN FACTORY WORKERS OF RIGA ARE OUT NOW. Attempted To Enter Town, But Were Fired On By Troops -- Russian Consulate At . Brest Btoned--St. Petersburg Factor- ies Fired. Special tol the Whig. London, Jan. 27.~A despatch 'to a news agency from Riga, Russia, says the strikers in the suburban factories there! yosterday, attempted to enter the town, but were opposed by troops who fired, killing or wounding thirty persons; the strikers were dispersed. A. sub-chicf of police and two soldiers werd mortally wounded in the encoun- ter that océurred near the Tukkum railroad station. The strikers! attack od the troops, and attempted to dis- arm them, when the order was given to fire. The workshops and fae tories are closed. The strikers are par- ading the streets, and forcing all workmen to join in the procession. ------ Stoned Russian Consulate. Brest, France, Jan. 27.-la the course of a dtrike manifestation here, yesterday, on the part of dock la- horers, paving stones were thrown at the Russian viee-consulate, canting some damage, : Factories Are Burning. London, Jan. 27. A" despatch from St. Petersburg, timed 9:26 p.m., to the News agency, rports that Phals fac tory, and a large éotton mill have been set fire, and are burning fiercely. on Wholesale Arrests Made. Bt. Petersburg, Jan. 27. -While out wardly the capital is assunnng its normal' appearance, there is Quietly going on a strong suppression of the revolution by wholesale arrests. Gen, Trepofl's agents, who are working day ane night, raid the homes of these whose pames are marked down in the goyernorgeneral's list, and seize the tupsh, even. from pein. It ie ie t ae, taper ison, 'un hie number bang of the professional class. More' than 150 of them are women, many of them ladies of refinement and education, MAY WIN OUT. Evanturel Said To Be Ahead--Of- ficial Re-count. Special to the Whig Ottawa, Jan. 27.<A rumor is afloat, today, that Hon. Mr. Evanturel has won ont in Prescott county by five majority. The figures, as tabulated, show cightytwo majority for La. brosse, the regular liberal nominee, The official count will be made by Sherifi Hagar, at L'Original, on Pues day next, and unless the figures have been transposed at some poll it lopks as if there would be no change from the first, A Big Majority. Oat., Jan. 27-W. J, conservative majority in Ad. dington is now 556 and will be in- ercased, Napanee, Paul's Ross Has 113. Glencoe, Ont., Jan, 27.-The official count for We Middlesex gives Ross, liberal, 2.043; Stewart, conservative, 1.920. Majority for Ross. 113. PLENTY OF ICE. A Vessel Had A Tempestuous Voyage. Special to the Whig Halifax, NS." "Jan. 27-A St. John's,- Nfld, despatch says, the Pur. ness liner London City, fourteen days from Liverpool, for St. John's, has arrived after a tempestuous passage with her cargo shifted and engines in: jured. She will require repairs. Her captain reports tremendous aren of heavy, Arctic ice floes 120 miles off St John's, with three large bergs, a re mnrkable fact, so early in the season, and involving great menace to orean steamers, 'hecause the floating ice ia directly in the shipping route. Burned To Death. Special to the Whig. Fort Saskatchewan, Alba, Jan. 27. During Wednesday night a store belonging to William Lesslie, at Bru- der Hill, sixteen miles east of hore, was burned to the ground. Yesterday it was discovered that Lesslie himself had been burned, the body being en tirely consumed. Lesslio, who lived alone and was unmarried, was ono of the oldest settlers in' the district. Gershon Marx was not hung af Wethersfield, Conn., on Thursday, as alleged, thé governor having granted respite until May, an. appeal having been taken in the case. His friends feel confident of acquitting him of the charge of murder. Wis troubles are due to the fact that he could not speak the prevailing langange, but his Hebrew friends all over the eon- tineht are subscribing so that he may have the fairest of trials and the heat of counsel Gertride Trosty Leeper, an eleven: year-old girl of Brighton, Pa., has Just been granted a decreas of divoree 1m John Leeper, sixty five years of age, to whom she was married {we years ago The Spanish ministry has resigned. [ Rg se ------ k Coast. p27. Here iw direct dition of the poor O Donohue, mers nee move | pained sand death and dis talking among the BE. 1 have seen whole E vorge of starvation, their noxt meal is scarcely remember: si one tasted lke, 'y have never been I understand, so eel vedit the stories across the Atlantic ning the absolate whe of the greater tern coast are fac. rs of familics walk cl thirty miles in and many an Trish herself a bite and a time in order that days. her little he of meal or potatoes might last Pr and <0 stave off for a little ger the starvation which was Sting herself and . her children. Wi as we have & God, and you want is real, © A are a proud people, ¥ right to 'be, thank an depend on it that therwise these people would never oe knocked at the door of the governnt begging for relief, The govern his at last listened to the situat®n, and public works, which will aff are soon to not already, a measure of pelief, started, if they have H IN RIVER Has Been ON i by the Russ- iy Srecial to er. Gen, Headquarters, Jan. 27-4 il continuous artillery roar has b tard to the west all day. A rent hy the largest engage- ment, snes Ofober, is goige-on. Re ports rocgi x are to the eliect that the Russie force has crossed the i Japanese loft wing. advanced against king an attack, The elow vero, and the fl with #veral inches Pound is too hard for No. @ In Fighting. London, J 27. Referring to a ruhored Fons disaster in. Man- churia, the 8 Petersburg correspon- dent: of the egraph says that ab solutely thy information has re has forw gram, sold Toy Obwting $ from the Ewropoan proviness of Rus. sia, to advance against the enemy, Herein they = differ vastly from the Siberian and Cossack rogiments, which are full of dash, The European sol diers argue that Port Arthur having surrendered, there is no object in con tinuing the war, Gen, Kuropatkin ---------- SIR RICHARD UPSET. -------- Sleigh Tipped. Ower on Way to Senate, Ottawa, Jan, 25.---8ir Richard Cart wright, while on "hig way to the par liament buildings, narrowly escaped sustaining severe _injaties by the up setting of the sleigh in which he was driving. While passing along Figin street, hetween Fas and Queen streets, the driver attempted to cross the car tracks, when one of the ran ners of the sleigh canght on the ridge of snow, on the sast side of the streot, The sleigh tipped aver heavily, and threw the occupant to the ground. Sir Richard fortamately was not badly hurt, and was able to reenter the. vehicle and proceed to his office FIGHTING IN POLAND, ------ Workmen And Troops Collide -- Many Killed. Special to the Whig. Berlin, Jan. 27.~Unconfirmed iele- grams from the Russian frontier state that severe fighting has occurred he tween workmen and troops at Rodam, Poland. Two battles have occurred: in the first, six officers, thirty eight sol diers, and over 100 workmen are re ported to have been killed, and many persons wounded, In the second, fifty workmen were killed, and many work- ers and soldiers wounded CHASED BY WOLVES. French-Canadian Has An Unpleas- ant Experience, Chelmsford, Ont, Jan. 27.-A voung man named Ernest Mognin, coming from the Morgan Lumber company's camp, had a narrow escape from being devoured hy wolves, He reports the wolves being =o close upon him that he had to light a fires They renewed the attack further on, but having sup- plied himseli with birel hark he man aged to detain his Blood-thirsty fiends until he reached the railway, and a passing train put them to flight, WILL VISIT AMERICA. ---- To Take Eight Months' Cruise In February. London; Jan. 27The second British sqfiadron, under command of Prince Louis, of Battenberg, will sail in Feb rary on an cight months' cruise, vis iting American ports among others, All the vepsels are of the most recent construction. Jt will be the fastest squadron that haw wer left Great Bri- tain on on extended oruise. The Drake, the flagship, has a speed of (wenty four knots, while 'fhe Berwick, Cum- berland, Corowall,uEmsex and another can each make twenty. three knots. Our bread has givom such greal sa tisfaetion (0 those who have used it, that it has now a byword, We use Crothers' Do yon? W, tance, the pec Bodies : of Children. FORCED TO SEE BUILDING, CONTAINING "ER LITTLE ONES, BURNED, A Mother's Awful Fate--Bodies Of Children Literally Baked--Po- licemen Had To Hold Distraet- ed Mother, ik Ovaway, Mich, Jan, 27.-Mrs. John Langworthy was forced to stand yes terday and watch the building burn which contained her two young chil: dren, When the fire department had ex- tinguished the flames, the charred ro- mains of one boy, nearly three yoars old, was found partly under a couch, The remains of the infant, loss than a year old, were found between the stove and the door, showing that the little thing had made an effort to roach safety, The bodies of both children wore lit- erally baked, the feet falling from ome when the firemen picked it, up. Mrs. Longworthy had to be held by main force while the firemen made their search and when they brought out the remains of the litths ones, the mother serra lently insane. Mes, Langworihy one time a tempted to enter "Rc Ving house, but. was foreed to re reat: The oldest son, who escaped from the house, could give no cohbrent statement of the cause of the fire ---------- LADRONES ATTACK TOWN, Wife And Children Of Former Goy- ernor Abducted. Manila, Jan. 27.--Additional details regarding the attack hy ladrones on the town of San Franciseo de Malahon in which Surgeon J. A, O'Neill © w killed, show that the ladrones -- hered thrés hundred, They were lod by the famons outs laws, Montalon and Felisardo, ' who were aided by two American negroes, The ladrones wera armed with over 130 rifles. Hosides Surgeon O'Neill, one private of the constabulary was killed und three werg seriously wounded, hy former © Gov, ws ate his wile and two children ; YATE municipal tréddury was looted of 82,000 and twenty-five. Rendington rifles taken by the dadrones, The re bels were dressed in constabulary unis forms, and this fact created conMders able confusion. The scouts and the constabulary now have the band surronnded at the pue- blo of Pere Pamarnas, A There was four hours of fierce fight ing, the complete : resitlic of which have not yet been Peported, ! re eeama------ IN JAIL FOR DEBT. ---- Quehee Indian Immured Year and a Half, Montreal, Jun. 27. Beeauto thers ia not any law in the province of Quebec stipulating how long 8 man is to stay in jail for debt, Ignace Kenna tosse, one of the Iroquois tribe, has beem locked up in the county jail at Ste. Scholastigue since June 16th, 1903. Tho sum that Kennetosse would have to pay to secure his liberty is $40, and he bocamn responsible for it In a peculiar way, His brother, Joseph Kennatonse, chief of the tribe, was condemmnad in the civil sourts to pay F, Brishois $40 for stealing timber from his limits, and when Chief Kennatosse disappear. ed his hrother, Ignace Kennatosee, was appointed guardian, and while acting in this capacity ho allowed all the goods and chatfels to be taken from the house, The guardian was then held rospon- sible for the amount of the judgment, and on his refusing to pay it, was put into jail. He has steadily refused to pay the amount," and the oloss confinement has almost caused him to lose his reason. . - ---- WALTZ FOR FIVE HOURS. Three Couples Make Record in Dancing Against Time. London, Jan. 27-1 ix close to a century wince the waltz was introdue- ed to English society at a ball at Devonshire house; and only now has the waltzing record made its appear- ance, In a competition at Nkeston, pro mated by the Hkoxton Dancing Aca- demy, for a money prize to the couple who waltzed the longest, the prize had to be divided among three cou- ples. They began to waltz at 2.30 p.m., and kept on dancing until 7.30 pm. withont a stop, when the eommittes decided to divide tho prize. HAD A RUN OFF. Snow-Plough And Engine Off Near Tweed, recinl tn the Whig. Tweed, Ont, Jan. 27-The Ray of Quinte mow plow and two engines ran into a snow hank, abot five miles from Tweed, last night, hoth engines leaving the track. "The snow 'plow is badly smashed up, consequently traffic will be delayed for some hours, The sow storm is still raging in this vie inity. The mail clerk was the only one hart in this mornings collision. Premier Balfour stated that there would be no dissoluction of parlia- ment. "Rheumatic paine removed." Wa: J. Crothers. "Phone 141, ity dos Hoo Tonic, @5e, Gibson's Red Cross 1 me The. or -- "i Yawn in hat livered to any part of the city. Precent Petition, ihe 3 to. the ill mess of J. MJ Gibson, to be 6 was the municipalities submit & for ronsideration, done. Huron: yy H-acial to the Whig. Toronto, Jan,' on, who, with all the returns in claims four majority. % carried the seat, by fifty majority, Ssh, . Will Climb High. 386 and will reach probably 1,500, Sof fd; 97 far the vote is 1, for XK Smith, a eo ss. ESCAPE QUEER FATE, Norfolk, "Va, Jan. fA exploded on a Norfolk & Southern pas- ing the blizzard last. night and. blew a hole in the bottom of the steamer. death, S------------------ Here's The Oldest Doll, Weymouth, Mass, Jan. 27.--The old- ost doll in this wountty row makes her home in South uth, and in the property of Mra. H. Oris Brown, Sho bears the name of Mehitable , amd in known to be 190 ears old, hha a rane to em in 1 | tain Gamalinl Hodges, for his tle tain ter (probably Antiss), wn his = teturs tam a voyage to Canton, China, ' J¢ RL Result. Of Rioting. J w Special to Whig. Riga, a, y oN $1. nine men and two women killed and thirty-seven eivilane and soldiers were injured by rovelver shots during ves. terday's rioting mccording to the re turns made by the hospital. "At the request of the workmen of Riga the theatres of this city have been dosed. ---------------- He Satisfied Parties. Special to the Whig. Paris, Jan, 27.5At today's meeting of the international onuiry commis sion a conflict oconrred helween the British and Russian agents as to. the order of calling witnesses, © Admiral Fournier, Br of the co ission, pacified the disputants saying the men would be called in due. order, ------------ Quietly Dropped. "oeinl to the Mi Toronto, Jan. ¥7.-1t was learnad at Osgoode Hall, this morning, that the North Grey and North Norfolk olec: tion cases had been quietly dropped. The Wentworth case will come up, at Hamilton, on Febraary 1st. -------------- He Is On The List. London, Jan. 27.11 js announced the Boyovayai, the wxeoutive branch of the terrorists, has placed the czar on the list of the condemned to death, ---------------- Sent To Penitentiary. Special to the Whig. ; Toronto, Jan. 37.~James Ryan, a letter-carrier, convicted of stealing a post letter, was, this morning, sent to the penitentiary for five years, -------------- All Is Quiet. St. Petersburg, (11 a.m. )-All was quiet during the night. Traffic in the streets this morning is practically normal, Potatoes, Crawford, Elizabeth MeCormick, the only daughter of Cyrus. H. MeCormick, Chicago, is dead, aged twelve years, The death of the heiress of 'the mil: lionaire family came as the result of an attack of nppendieitis: 3 cans blueberries 25. Pie aches. 10c, ean. Crawford's, Thomas Greenway will likely be elected chairman of the Dominion agri- enlture committes, nh Flo Do vou want good Pesd s Roses. A large fresh stock ! our Five st in; de- Cooked Meats OF ali' tasty" kinds in the Meat Depart- ment, Choice Westorn and Loéal Beef, Sauso- sages, Pork, Pork Tenderloin, Pare Lard, Suga r-cured Meats, a Rreat variety, Fish, and Oysters, Fowl and Chickens S Prices Tinney For Saturday. ba % y «' wo a sd SE. Xi; derson Bros, Drug Store, tae : : the annual 'of the Dominion Rifle Asso- tiation ht heen postponed to a date "he fix A deputation fram the Unio. of Gnndion a anicipalivien, Jacad by yar " . 3 hall, hi ar "asked Li Rver: ment for legisla 5 wanioipulities the Fe vie of the streets, and netessary the \ Sir Wilfrid Laurer that \ ti i 'that suggestion by hat and this will he NIP AND TUCK ~~ ". * ------------ Is Said To Be Result In West It is nip and tuck in West Huron for M, GQ. Camer- H. W. Kennedy, (lib.), reported as having boen beaten in Port Arthur and Rainy River by W. A. Preston, has Ottawa, Jan, 27.With threefourths in Kidd's majority, in Carleton, is 3 0 for. Boiler Blows Hole In Passenger Steamer eylinder senger steamer in Pamlico sound dir Tuaty-two passengers: baroly escaped was brought from } | Coffee ! 'We want to' Hake sure be none left when the se cludes, hence the liberal rec in price, : just the thing for under for warmth. La Res They come in colors, Cardi Navy and Black ky aiges 32, 34 id ds £ ¥ WE » : $2.50, : TARE om DALY ~At G14 J 1905, Dn n ia : are. respec Kingston 29! . v winety yoars, 1 on Monday ternoon, at 2 OI from the dence of his somsin-lnw, Phomas Am liinoral Frigat £) SATURDAY, Jan. 28 Sea m Prions-Eveniag, Matines, iren Peb. 2 ud, "BS 4 80 . The Epicurean knos 'Java and Mocha" E Coffee by the flavor, The Economist : price, 40 cents, Coffee We roast this James Redden & selves. T iddleman's . That is son we can Tmporters of Ping Groceries. fit is saved. T " ve such e lent value. Fa have Almost ntw

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