ct of Beef ve-feeding virtues of prime L. It keeps the whole sys- al stimulant for athletes in » tired muscles and relieve nour's beef tea tones and quarter teaspoonful to cup RUGGISTS, SPAROX.~Armour's Extract of Beef flavored with asparagus, Is a delightful seasoning for salad dressings, raknsla _ GLAZE lesCream, risp. 1 only 20¢. per Ib. incess St. is the Time to Buy! rood. piece of Furniture at re- | price, as we have several to close out before stock- g Parlor Setts, Fancy Parlor Chairs, Rattan Rocker and Oak Hall Racks a bargain. 1 147 for to have your re- 1g attended to. AMES REID, The Leading Undertaker, cess Street - - Kingston. - BEST in the EAST now, up-to-date Business Training a Kingston, Ontario. ib filiation with the well known y 'RAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Of Toronto, 1g best courses in all Department hing new, clean and first-class rs free. Enter now. ! AND EVENING SESSIONS. SHAW, T. N. STOCKEDALE President. Princ : GHT\ )CHOOL ston Business College & business or shorthand course at this advt. out. Worth money. , call, or telephone, No. 440, for Do it now. ormation. McKAY, H. F. METCALFE, | resident: Princiva R HENDY'S £30] HENDY'S ALL HEALING OINTM ENT PRICE, 25 CENTS. » CURE Burns, Frozen Limbs, Salt Rheum, Broken Breasts. u's Sore Heads, Boils Blood Pois- _ Bealing Fingers. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. hn H. Mills! i RE LEADING AUCTIONEER. i P-TO-DATE ave sold threes times as many it saws as we did last year, prov: it. our saws are ail right. We ge competition for price and quaii- - B% ft. saw handle and file for IRACHAN'S HARDWARE OFFICES TO LET. OFFICES, 1906 ONTARIO ST. ly vacated by K.I'. & C. Hlectric Iway Co. Apply to Kirkpatrick. rers & Nickle, 194 Ontario Street. The choice of go idious people r 50 Years KINGSTON & & PENBROKE RAIL- WAY COMPANY, NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THI shareholders of this company for the election of directors and the transaction of. business generally, will be held on WEDNESDAY, the 8th day of February next, at thé head office of the company at Kingston, at twelve o'clock noon. The stock transfer books will closes in New York, on Saturday, 28th Jamuary, 1005, at one p.m. All booke will be re- opened on Thursday. 9th February. By order of the Board JOHN WHITEBREAD, Secretary and Trea Kingston, 9th January, 1905 Wood =: Coal We haye on hand the diffcrent varieties of Wood and Coal. BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 133. Foot of West St. Wood a Coal At Kirkpatrick's Art Gallery Choice Water Colors Most Suitable for Christmas Presents Go and see them. Special Bullefin Nov. 30th, 1904, In spite of all statements to the contrary the OFFICIAL AWARD ol 'the St. Louis Exposition has just been announced to-day, and the public will note that, as usu- al, the Oliver record has not been equalled," and that the OLIVER TYPEWRITER has been awarded the GOLD MEDAL. -ENJoY A DRIVE ? make it doubly emjoyable by en- 'me of ewr fine turneuts, and horees. aR DING'S LIVERY, Celery Compound Cures An Ontario Lady. After years of failures, ---------- miseries ago nies and despondency, Mrs. Hopper, Thornhill, Ont., was cured by Paine's ( 'ele ry ( 'ompound, She says: "With great pleasure tion 1 wish to add my what has already and satisfac testimony to been said in favor of Paine's Celery Compound. For a very longtime 1 suffered from general debility and rundown system. Having heard of Paine's Celery Compound, | determined to give it -a trial, and 1 am happy to say it has dome for me more good than 1 can express. For ten years 1 doctored without any' good re- sults; bot after using Paine"s Celery Compound I am perfectly restored to health, can cat well, digestion is good, and my deep is sweet and sound, Al- together I am a néw woman. I al ways recommend Paine's Celery Com- pound a my friends," Tey a Bottle of + Paine's Celery Compound i RROVIM A Splendid Tonic Builds up the System Strengthens the 'Muscles Gives Now Life Sold by all medicine dealers. Baris & Lawrence Co, Ltd, Mimires!, MISS FLORENCE KELLY account of his failure child labor laws, A is imminent on to enforce the number of societies and philanthropic persons have sent letters and peti tions to Governor Higgins, urging the appointment of Miss Kellv, She is a daughter of the Pennsvivanja Con gressman familiarly. known ds, "Pig iron' Kelly, and was labor connnis sioner of Minois under the adminis tration of Governor Altgeld. A report has been prepared by the New York Child Labor Committee showing that the employment of child labor was twice as extensive in 1904 as it had been in the vear previous MI eases of weak or lame back, backache, rhenmatism, will find relief by wearing one of Carter's Smort Weed and Belladonna Backache Plas ters, Price 25¢. Try them. As you grow older you can have the consoling reflection that crow's feet 210 Wellington St. "Phone 236. have no corns on them, Ss Ltn Tn a welcome Home _ Ho drsn -- ay Lverd eof He family . May Be New York's New Labor Commissioner. Special to, the Whig New York, - Jan, 28. New York's next state commissioner of labor way be a woman, as up to the prs nt) time Miss Florence Kelly is ungues tionably the leading candidate to sue ceed John *MeMackin, whose removal THE DAILY FIGHT A DUEL WOMEN USE HAT PINS AND DAGGERS. One Is Stabbed To Death, The Other Escapes -- Bloody Mys- tery In Street Of French Cap- ital. Paris, Jan. 25 --In the Rue de Bon dy, vesterday a terrible tra; gedy was enacted by two women, who fought a duel with the result that one of them was stabbed to death, while her anta- gonist escaped. The' cause of the en- counter is a mystery. It was about five o'clock in the af ternoon whem two cabs, driven at a furious rate, suddenly made their ap- pearance in the street and stopped abruptly in front of No. 90. Immedi- ately twg olegantly dressed voung wo- men stepped out and closed in combat lacerating cach other's f8ee terribly with their nails. large crowd quickly collected around the two combatants, but no body interfered. Soon nature's weap: ons proved insufficient, whereupon the women stabbed' cach other with hat pins. Eventually one exclaimed "We must make an end of this. One of us must die," and in a twinklihg of an eve they oth drew shall daggers. After a few savage thrusts one of the antagonists suddenly shrieked, "She has killed me," and sank to the ground, pierced through. the -heavt: A bystander who wished to come to her aid says the Petit Parisien. was received by the murderess with two stabs full in the chest. Then she leap- ed into one of the cabs. which had been waiting, and before anvbody could bar their way, both vehicles had rapidly driven off, I'he intured woman, who had no Pa: pers of indentification on her. was car vied to « ne ighboring chemist's, she shortly" afterward expired. the man who had been stabbed, tnken to the hospital. while was GRAND DUKE WEDS COUSIN. sRAND DUKE St Peterbuts has ordered Grand Duke Cyril to re turn" immediately from Cannes, owing to a report that he has secretly mar vied the Grand Duchess of He is his cousin. They are alleged to have bribed a priest of the Greek chuck with $10.000 to perform the ceremony. The czar had absolutely forbidden the marriage, but is now powerless to dissolve it The grand duke has been staving ut Cobourg as the guest of the CYRIL :, who who is his aunt, and there been wuch in the society of the grand duchess. Fhe czar's opposition te his i age is based upon the though civilly invalid until the car has formally ratified it The grand duke. is, however, in high favor with his imperial church, hav ing won this bridge of the battleship Petropav lovek when she was sunk by a Ja pancse mine and having escaped by leaping overboard, wounded. Fallen War Correspondents. A tablet ercoted in St. edral.to the Paul's Cath wemory of the journalists who lost their lives in South Africa during the war was un veiled recently by Lord Roberts, The wanorial, which has been de signed by ~~ W. Goscombe John, AR. massive frame placed of red marble. 1t iy opposite a memorial to the late Forbes. are as follows Smith Dunn, Central News, graph company. Robert Mitchell, Edward George Chronicle, Edward Daunicl Courier. Horace H, Standard, Parslow, Scott, Manchester Spooner; All Had Same Birthday. Five sons of Mr. Leroy of Fayette County, Kentucky, celebrated their birthday together, Each came into the world on Janu- ary 15th, the first on Janvary 15th, 1900. Without exprption since then op! the 15th day of the first month of the | vear has brought a new member a the Leroy family. Singularly, Mr. roy's hirthday i& December 15th, pe one month earlier, nal Mrs, Lavoy's and Mrs, William | entrgice into the world was on Feb ruary i5th, just one month later, # where | Bride The Divorced Grand Duchess { Oi Hesse. | Jan. 28.-The czar | even he | widowed | Grand Duchess of Save-Cobourg-Gotha | has | young | cousin's | fact that | favor by being on the | | : A., is a bronze gilt and inclosed in a | Russians refuse memorial to 'the | London correspondents and next to a | Archibald The names which the memorial bears | Baily Sydary Evening | News. George Warrington Stephens, Daily | Mail. William Theobald Maud, Daily Gra phic. toms of declining nerve force, is the natural result diseases,' Paralysis can usually be Chase's Nerve Food, tions of nervous exhaustion. and nerve-creating power. | 50 cents a , box, 0 boxes for $250, at all dealers or Edmanson, Bats | portrait and ECHOES FROM THE WAR. What Japanese Soldiers Think of the Struggle. TYPL OF JAPANF S§ INFANTRY f The Japanese soldier, the best educat though one of Lin dhe world, is not ter from Sergt, Marote is worth quot ing : "Nine of our brave heroes wer | to-day surrounded by a whole com | pany of Russia They took refuge im a house, 'which the onemy set light | to, waiting with bayonets fixed at i the entrance for the heroes 10 emerge, { Then, as no sound came, they rusned in while the hous and found nine was still flaming men dmpaled on their own bayone ts. Such | is she spirit of ! our army, "At Motienkir writes another British | Japanese. soldier. "ond of our eon | pany was disarm fer. Through an the Russians to I and taken nis teepréter he bog a] Kill him, declaring his | father would d I shame if he heard that his son was a 'captive. But - the saying, "You. will { get to mother Hussia and see our czar and other fine things." "But our man was determined to die. At night he struggled with his guard, and wrenching awav his bayonet, stabbed him.. Next morning he was shot and | died boasting 1} t he was not a pri soner," George Alfred Ferrand, Morning Post | The Japanese do not somplain = of Wilkam John Lambie, Melbourne | their sufferings. "Many 'of our men Age bave lallen sick from eating damperied WVilliam Hay Mackay, Reuter's Tele | rice and from fatigue in the sun," says | a letter found Haicheng, "but we the fighting at all feel that this enhances our glory. for vietory is the conquest over difficulties, "and the smallest our victorious © army the | greater the ho x i emit | Some girls ar too busy picking quarrels to find time to pick 5 hus | band. « ingratitude: 1 ¥ Beecher. KELPION | A Preparation--not a Patent Medicine. Endorsed b by F Dest Ku! lish iournals, RAT Pied 0 | De sponde ney hope i God's Secirahip. i } { fers in 8 |g Shea Sob vy pi PE h Tey ttonce WHIG, SATURDAY, JANUARY ARY 28. a Paralysis in a Score of Ways the Warning is Given, if You win But 'Heed it and Re pt Nervous System--Study the Symptoms Stated Here. : Paralysis is Sudden and unexpected only to those wha are unfimiliar with the symp- After the stroke has come, bringing help lossnoys and suffering. the victim to find that there were months, or possibly even vears, of warning symptoms. daralysis, or loss of power of movement, is caused by the exhaustion of nerve force and of neglected nervous reeping : You Saunck Mion to wan oney in experimenting w! COTE Wanth his at hand to 3 Put Dr. Nerve Food te tow ks and you will not wonder why so : prising cures have been brought about use. Symptoms Twitching of the nerves or muscles, Brain fag or 'headache. Numbness in any part of the body, Sleeplessess, Nervousness and irritability. Nervous dyspepsia. | '» Tendency to anxiety and worry. .J° ks back Loss of memory. SF sured by Dr. | Sparks before the eyes. ~~ A cured by Weir and easily fotigned ps Lost Power of Spesch And Could Not weasel and always prevented if . you begin treatment with the first indie a Dr: Chase's Nerve Food is the most success- ful treatment for diseases of the nerves on account of its extraordinary blood-forming Gradually and certainly it force and vigor into the wasted and depleted nerve cells, and overcomes the wasting process which is andermining the system ew | slow. y but certainly to paralysis. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food the grand duchess was divorced from | "la prolific letter writer" sass the Lon hor husband: thiee years ago." He { ; ! : i ; rr 3 o tdon Tatler Japanese. Jetters have, could not well sanction it, but it is > a | however, been vicked up by. Russian believed here that, once it is an iy : c on many battlefields, and some of nounced as an accomplished fact, he | 4) 1 Kaki make h ( - hse translatio mak nte in will pardon the young pair and re | \ n gniere '¥ ceive them into good graces. For if | Fedding, i a ©". ALS dom des be scenes | the marriage was performed by a di aj/al i : Ki on n : ¢ Se 3 Ard sarnage, evidently i . priest of the Greek church it is valid 13 i » : r oh Yan, tn debs ' s work, but . wing and binding in a religious sense, | Wi day ork, Hie following ht Inability to concentrate the mind. Loss of energy and ambjtien. Difficulty im centrolling the movement of arms or legs. Muscular weakness. ~ Pains and cramps in legs. Sensitiveness to light, motion and Bad Case, the Doctors Said. instils new sound, Feelings of melancholy and t discour- leading agement, : a 3 & Company, Toronto. To prokoet you against imitations the rnature of Dr. Av W. Chase, the {aimous receipt book author, are on avery, box, GOING! GOING!! GONE! a JAVE IT NB. These d-awlngs are proleciad by U. 8. Trade NEWBRO'S HER An Exquisite Halr Dressing. THE ORIGINAL REMEDY THAT "KILLS THE DANDRUFF GERM." 3 SOME MEN DON'T CARE. Some men sre so : 3108. A! B HAIR EF EFFECTS FACIAL EX. their indifferent to heir loss that they pay no stbendion whatever to deodeufl and Hohing toalp.. Bab, later, when i baldness comes they w. eo dime and money in a valn cadeavor to overnome the ry f thelr own neglect. THERE WAS ATL There was a time when 1b was considered quite proper to ridicale and make light of the germ theory bub Ib tan' good testedo do it now, when municiiel governmends are sending for scientific men to uppress germ contagion. Prof. Usoa (wk your doctor a: rt hit) was the firah ta discover she dandruff microbe snd continually wend her pride sud be refiacked in hee face. now detmatologiste the world over know shat true dandroff 05h women Herpicide ts a positive delight It gives confi. is a contagion disease osused by 3 germ. rel juickty, produ the * affsce. Makes the THE GUINEA-PIG PROVED IT. Des op b, Aull f aug Stadueio Ib an indescribable charm, A and Bishop. both noved scientists, took dandrufl ue a Ret will convince. Contains no oil or greases, will the head of a student who was losing his hair and ---- a stain or 'dye. ade a pomade of them with vaseline, rnbbed Lhe same upon byl. gm aud the pig becrme bald. {Jou Cisore Thomas Jackson, M.D, on Diessres of Skin, 4h Edision } Naw: bro's Herp'o do should be used ab the first suggestion of -- dandroff or isching scaln; 1b prevents scalp infection, robs the public heir hiush of in pont todo harm, apd never re dandrol stop fal HE ladies are quick to STOPS ITOBING OF THE SCALP INSTANTLY. Prescribed by Physician. THE LADIES KNOW, diesssd condivion of the beic, for with them, | with lent Its, and will gi impulse of preservation applies 4 asticalasly to { those « Mlicted and prescribe it in m! . Nature's Oharmiog Adorgment. When 1 becomes | Urbans, IN. (Signeo) J. T. Fuuars. dall, brittle or Justerless is shows Shad the Sandal microbe Best Ever Used. cause dandruff, itching scalp and falliog mos Road 10 far Shen 07 Seoio T bare wonderfal ¢(Tonb of the very first applica: » intended. Murphysboro, Ills. At Drug Stores, $1. has planted ites in the sealp aud is ping tbe baie' vitality. Jo time ib will I am _usiog the second bottle of bair. This condition calls for the imwe- | Herpicide sou found ib has done me disto ure of Nowbro"s Herpieide. Tle over usod. tion shows that is will destroy tho cauce afver which the bair will grow as nature (Sigued,) ¥. O, Yourusn, See Domay 2 G. W. MAHOOD'S, Display at Agent. Bend 19c. in stamps for sample to THE HMERPICIDE CO, Dept L., Windsor, Unt. "Destroy the Cause--You Remove the EfWect." _ = _ ROOSEVELT INTERESTED In Nomination Of Straight Repub- lican Ticket. Special to the Whig New York, Jan. 2%--Loeal republi can Jeaders admit the truth of a re port that President Roosevelt is very greatly interested in the proposed no mination of a straight republican tic ket for the next city election, aml that he will use his influénge toward harmonizing the party factions so You won't have the chance of such goods at such prices for a year to come. that the election of a republican may or will be at least a strong possibili It ix announced that a 'harmony meeting" will be. held, soom at the agwestion of the president and that - : : Senator Platt "and Governor Odell, For these two days we are also making a S may formally bury the hatchet, The counting upon W. R. republicans are sv labor Hearst to run for mayor on wed municipal ownership ticket, be Discount of 207 on all CARPET SWEEPERS. Levine that if he should 1 "ii: McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock St., Kingston. race he would draw 50.000 votes from the regular demi eratie ticket, Merely A Temporary Affair "Yes; Willie," she said. with a fond | = smile, mr ehgagenmmnt mist be kept WE MAKE 5 secrot, "iii LEAD SASH WEIGHTS "Becanse, wally oe if it were te Me public, Lope would think 1 really | . intended" 10 mawry yon. For Buildings, to order. E CANADA METAL CO - - i! Trying to get viel gqnick means gel in ting poor quicker, :