Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Jan 1905, p. 1

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1 Reasons srowth of Our Near rtment y long odds the Largest k of WHITEWEAR ir prices are the lowest is has been proven a ast, and to-day we are Br. lay garment or any num- ve them placed aside e not prepared to buy 2M 1n any case. are not urged fo buy to examine aad cHm- t. Discount t Shoe Store Saturday Night well as the Shoe Stock 20 es for just ONE DA} bi YEAR 72. NO. 23. January & February FURNITURE Everything reduced. A great portunity to save from 15'to 20 per cent. om all lines of Furniture. Couches, velours or tapestry, $5.50, $6.50, $8.50 and up. Good line. Iron Bed special, regular $7.50 for $6, others $3.50, $4.50, etc. Six Solid Oak Desks, fitted with British plate mirrors regular $7; to clear at $5.50. ROBT. -J. - REID, The Leading Undertaker, Shh, 222 Princess Street, 2 doors shove opera hovse, Telephone 577. $6 Lace Boots for $450 We find Wwe have. on hand about 25 Dales of obr: Fine Mand-sawed $6 Lace Boots, mostly Blucher pattern, of our usual excellent quality. We have decided to offer them at $3.50 pair. This offer only to last till month. WEAR "ALLEN'S" Military Bootmakers, end of BRIGHT BOY FOR MAILING DE- partment Apply at Business Office, Whig. NO WASH- Apply at 85 George A GMNERAL SERVANT, ironing NURSE GIRL ic Wages. west OF 17 TO 20 YPARS » Apply to 124 Bagot street AN EXPERIENCED: PARLOR-MAID Apply in the evening to Mrs. FF. W Albree, Kmily stroet -- ees. ete ea LONDON IS THE CENTRE OF MAN- ufacturing activity:"in Ontario. It vou 'want skilled help, advertise in the London * Free Press." ENERGETIC WORKERS EVERY- where to distribute circulars, samples and advertising aatter. Good pay No canvassing Co-operative Adver- tising Co., New York. 3 RE LARLY MIEN or , are advised to write Row to Marshall & Co., importers, London, Ont. GENTLEMEN, TO GET | THEIR Spring Suits made up at Galloway's 131. Brock street, next to Bibby's livery; style, fit and price guaranteed to please; pressing and repairing done promptly. AGCENTS--PERMANENT POSITION TO sell Canada and World Map: size 66x 6 inches; LWO maps in one; represen tatives now at work making $25 per week, Address Rand 142 Fifth avenue PUPILS AT NME. ELDER'S DRESS- making Parlors 2 Princess street. Evening cost a special- Ly Instructions in dressmaking giv- en day and evening until March 1st. Cutting by measure, designing, ectc., including system, $10. TO-LET. IEEE PUSINESS OFFICE, OPPOSITE POST Office, hea by Hot Water. Apply to Jobn A. Gardiner, Real Estate and Insurance, 151 Wellington street BTERAGS FOR FURNITURE, ALSO Hwellings, stores, offices; etc Me- Cann's Heal Estate Office, 51 Brock street. PEE ----------------------------e-------- « Ww. YOUNG AND J.P Patterson, Moscow 3 MILCE good size. W COOD BUILDING LOT, SOUTH SIDE Queen street, between Montreal and Bagot Apply 49 Colborne street BUS CHANCE FOR £1,000, With a net income of $4.500, owner's failing health cause of sale. Apply at McCann's. 51 Brock street TWO-STOREY FRAME with lot, in Yarker, at hall possession at once Apply to West, Yarker or J. A cost James H Gardiner, Kingston ee eter teeters TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED FOR tho following. property to February 204, T1905 Nos. 204, 204 Wilinm street and Nos. 109, 111 Wellington street, heated by hot water; and Nos 280, 284 Sydenham stteot, "and 185 Elergy street. heated by hot air All these properties have all modern improvements; can he bought singly or otherwise, on casy terms. Also lot north-west corner of Mack and Al- bert streets, opposite Victoria Park, and hadi lot on Ordnance street, op- posite Frontenac Park Address Bok 44, Whig office PT ------------------------------ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. DAILY MEMORANDA. Monday. pight. Flatter the vain, scek, flattery from the, modest ** Unele Tom's House, 8.15 pm Basket social, Sunday school, City council Cabin," Grand Opera Queen Steet' Methodist Tuesday evening. It is quite wight to he sure advice is worth something before you give it. One admires the man Whe will fight in the open, Hut fears the seerét ploMer A Wombn gets very suspicious of her husband when he goes a long time With- out. doing anything that looks suspic ious This day. in history tered Daminion, 1869 1668; Purs surrendered, Nova Scetia. en riple. Alliance, 1 Hear 1k. Drummond, author of "The Hahitant,': assilted by Hilda Richara- son, violeh cellist, in Opern House, Febh- ruary 7th. Ty ars plan will ope apd S0ci ticket hald- at Uglow's on Wednes- During the ~ Month of January Fancy: Chifna Salads. Fancy Chitin »B. '& Bs Plates. Fancy China, Raukin's. Fancy China, Mustard's. Faucy China, Celery Dishes. Fancy China, Plates, Fancy China, Olive Dishes. Fanty Chinpa, Muffin Dishes. Fincy China, Chooolate Pots. Fancy China, Biscuit Jars. Fancy China, Syrup Jugs. China, Lemonade Jugs. China, Hair Boxes. y China, Bullion Cups. China, Chop Plates. y China, Cabaretts. China, Roll Trays, China, Vises China, Ornaments. Fancy China, 5 O'clock "ved Sets. ROBERTSON BROS. nddressed "Light De- Kingston," will he received up to 4 p.m. on February 3rd, 1905, fod the required for the ordinary operation of the lighting plants of the Light Department of the Corpora tion of the City of Kingston i Tenders will be considerad for any part' of the supplies requived, and the Com- | mittee reserve to themselves the right to award the contract for any part. . Hank forms of tender may he ohtdtuid] from IF. Moore, Treasury Deparfment, City Bnildings The lowest or any sarily Tenders to Le partment, City of supplies tender not neces- aceopted, FRANCIS KING, Chairman, 1905 Kingston, January 280h Saturday Specials --AT VanLuven's Mixod Cakes, 3 Ibs Soda Biscuits, 8 Ms California Prunes, 5 Ibs Stewing Figs, 5 Ibs. | Dates, 4 Ibs Pure Baking Powder, 1-1h. tins Pure Table Salt, 8 bags Macaroni, 2 packages . .s Boston Baked Beans, 3 can Pork and Beans, per tin Be. and 10« Campbell's Soups, pér tin 10¢ Mince Meat, packages 8c Mocha and Java Cofiee, {resh ground fK%e Finest. Messina Lemons, per doz 1h Oranges, Apples, Cooked Meats Fish F. W. VANLUVEN, 246 PRINCESS ST. "Phone 417. ACCIDENT INSURANCE Surely . the loss sof. a valuable Stick Lin is an ACCIDENT to be regretted. We sell the INSUR- ANCE against such less in the form of our famous BULL DOG TIE PIN HOLDER These are RELIABLE and not a Lit of trouble, SMITH BROS. JEWELERS OPTICIANS J . me ----------ee eet eee TO CONTRACTORS. Tenders are jpvited up to Thursday, Feburary 2nd, for « the different trades work reqtired in the erection of a Press bylery Building aft Chippewa, Ont Contractors are required to furnish so curity ; Plans and specifichtions may he seen at the office of the Architect, Kingston and also at the resdence of the Rev. J. J Cannolly, Newburgh, @nt. H. P. SMITH. Architect Anchor Building, Market Sduare Vegetables, ete WANTED-PARTY WITH $1800 TO invest fin paying husipess: chance for home emploviient hy which may make £150 monthly Lock Drawer 6564, Lima, "Ohio, CANADIAN AF- upon siall number only for cir Mass Houses « Pays ten. per cent investments. Limited accommodated write quickly cular. KE. Griffith. Roxbury, LOST. A LYNX FER RUFF, THURSDAY night, in Opera House. Finder Kind- Iv return to 68 Farl street SAFE AS fai GOLD. WREATH BROACH LAST night, Metwoen Covered tink and 181 King Secet Reward for its return 10 18 Kink street STOLEN. A SMALL RLACK. WHITE AND TAN Beagle Dog Send information 10 Whig. Prosecution will follow - an¥- one harboring canine PERSONAL. LAMES-WHEN IN NEED, SEND FOR free trial of our neverdailing-remedy KINCSTON COVERED RINK HOCKEY MATCH QUEENS NI vs. STROLLERS MONDAY, Jan. 30 Game called at 8 pm. Admission, 158 a : THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE. KINGSTON - BRANOH. OF the National Council of Women "of Can- adn will be hald "In the City ©duncil Clamber, MONDAY, 30th Janoary, .at 2.80 po Interesting annual reports will we read of" council and affiliate a tick, also eleclign of office borers. The pmihlic cordially "invited POSTPONED ANNUAL MEETING KINGSTON HNORTICULTHRAL #&0- cigty with. be held dn City Peiddings on PUESDAY. January 3st. at 8 o'clock, for efction of officers. ete LEMAN A GUILD Al i ------ J ons, KINGSTON STIL FG. BALTIC FLEET REPORTED BADLY DAMAGED BY HURRICANE. Censorship Allows Printing Of Paris Despatch To The Effect That Kuropatkin Has Opened Negotiations With Oyama. Special to the Whig St. Petershurg, Jan. 28. --Gen. Kuro- patkin, under date of January 25th, telegraphs as follows : The Russians occupied Khailintosa without firing, the Japanese being bayoneted, Khei- goutava was bravely defended; but war finally oeeupied at ten o'clock at night. The Russian cavalry pursued twa regiments of Japanese Dragoons, which fled south eastward. On the Russian left flank a detachment re- pulsed the Japanese, and occupied a defile between Khad n and Expan- san. Another detachment sent against the cnemy's flank near Hin dehecheng forced the Japanese fo re- tire, and captured two hundred cattle. The Russians, (Gen, Kuropatkin adds; also occupied the village of Wehertase on the Han river, losing fifty men, amd on' the same dav oeeupicd the enemy's entrenchmonis at Shakhe and repiilsed © the Japanese attempts to retake these. Gon. Kuropatkin, in a ater despateh, meports tht Russian troops, at 7 p.m. on January Mth, after a desperate fight, ocoupied the village of Sandepas, which had been strongly fortified hy the Japanese. The news of Gen. Kuropatkin's sue cessful repulse of the Japanese ad vance comes most opportianely. The belief exists here that Field Marshal Oyama sought to take advantage of any depression prevailing inthe Rus- sian ranks, as the result of the news from St. Petersburg, to launch an attack against Cen. Kuropatkin's right. but the Russian commander-in chief séems 10 have nicely tarned the tables: upon: the Japanese. Evidently Gen Kuropatkin is following up his vietory. The latest despatches froin the front, "dated on the evening of Jahn ary 27th, indicate that a battle is a progress, ottending along the centre, and' heacowring more and more seri Re s ds es Afe Driven Back. Rome, Jan. 25.-An undated tole- gram fronr the headquarters of Gen. Karoki, "who commands the right wing of the Japanese army, says that the Japahese have driven back the Russians who crossed the Hun river, and have captured four field guns. ~-- "Both Sides Lose Heavily. Berlin, Jan, 28. - The Lokal Anzeiger prints a despatch from Mukden, say- ing that: a great battle has been raging on the, Sha river since Thurs- day; both wides have lost heavily. The most violent attack is being made by the Russians on the Japanese eon te Hurricane Damages Fleet. London, dan. 28.-A despatch to the Graphit, from Sevastopol, says ite is; stated in naval circles that the admiralty has received alarming in telligonce' respecting Admiral Rojest vensky's' fleet, which is aid to have bden "seriously damaged in a hurr cane France Will Be Faithful. Paris, Jan. 2%, +In the Chamber of Députies, vesterday, Premier Rouvier announced that France would remain faithful to her alliance with Russia, Kuropatkin Negotiating. London, Jan. 28 A despatch to a Nows agency from St. Petersburg, says the censorship has allowed the newspapers to print a brief Paris de spatch reporting that Gen. Kuropat- kin has opened negotiatichs with Field Marshal Ovama Newspapers Out Again. Moscow, Jan. .25%.-All the news papers reappeared to-day, The fae toby inspectors report that twenty thousand persing are «till out on sitike. Work is. being resumed at almost all 'the mills which had * heen clased, bit on the other hand, some latge mills, including Prohorofi's, where the men were paid yesterday, have struck. The situation iz not catising alarm, although there ix some anxiety regarding a possible distur bance to-morrew. JAPANESE PRISONERS. Many Officers And Men Killed And Wounded. Special to the Whig Rt Petarshurg, Jan. 28.-A tele: gram from Chansiamutun says the Russians Jost forty-five officers and LOO. men killed or wounded at the capture 'of the village of Sandepas, January 20th. The Russians took 102 Japanese prisoners, besides ard, wag goh® and ammunition. I Seized A Steamer. Tokio, Jan. 2M -The American steamer, M. 8. Dollar, en route for Viadivostok, 'with a eafgo of provi sions and forage was weized, vester- day, by the Japanese in the Pacific Ocean, -------------------- "Enver day' we gre sending away Succeed Senator rles, } LA POLI BFTE, dan; 2X Both hodses of the legislature voted se parately "fo Uniterl States senator, Gov. La Fo # being named. Inac worded address, © the governor ack fledged the honor and signified his @leeptance as a response to the ity, hut said that un- less the gure enacted into laws the pes. for which so many contests been fought he would sender them the nomination "and they Fhe to choose some other mange D FIRE Has B @oing Damage In J entreal. Hpecial to an 5 iow Montreal, Be A bad fire is in progress In Ehlock on the south side of Cn feet, between St. Law rence nnd | res Hill. 1¢ broke ont in of the National manufacturers of Rubber cof rubber * gariients a! spread to the larger hy he west sida oven- pied by A gine & Co., whole Pl fu L & malyfacinrers. Both burning fiercely, but Eation that the fire able tr prevent further Jour French newspapers ier the fire being im- Be rear of theiroficeson Efiedely for over an got the fire under tional Rubber com sistained the moat whole stock wi'l be fl. he Kilgour pe ridy dama buildings @ there is @ section adjoining the rubber premises suffering the most. "The damage is roughly estimated at Between £75,000 and $100,000. ST. PETERSBURG POPULACE. ------ Timed Lions Under Trainer's Whip. Snacial to the Whig, St. Petersburg, Jan. 25.16 can be longer be doubted that the authorities are, for the moment, complete ma ters of the situation. The populace are like tamed lions under the whip of their trainer. Mast of the strikers will probably return to work within ou few days. They have no choicd in the mat ter. Their resoufees are almost ex hausted. Some funds are coming from abroad, but these are the merest trifle Likes The compardd with their necessities. The next move will be made by another class of the community, and it will not be long in preparing. It is im possible to ake more than this vague allusion, but Russia's immediate fn ture will be pregnant with events, Sixteen Waggon Loads Of Dead. London, Jan, 285A despatch to the Daily Mail, from: St. Petershurg, says that sixteen waggpon loads of dead fron the hospitals werd sent from the Nicolaivsky station on Friday (0 a cemetery outside the city. BEARS ODIUM HIMSELF. Rector's -Noble Sacrifices For Church Members. Zanesville, 0., Jan. 28 Rev. F. W. Bope has dropped bis suit for $030,000 damages against W. A. Gibb, street railway man, for alleged . defamation of character. Bope explaing that, were the case to come to trial, ecortain in discretion of respected members of his congregation. would jnevitably he exposed, nd some family discup tions world retotlt, Weneo he drops the case and declines to explain in open court his alleged visits to questionable resorts amd alleged trips with certain social dgvorites. It is un derstomd mn ecclesiastical trial Some of that will result unless' Bope resigns and leaves the dicese, © bine Smoked All Her Life. Montreal, Jam. 28. Madame Louis Rousseau, shout thé oldest resident of Montrdal Ilan, died vesterday at Verdul, aged 104, The old lady had habitually smoked ever sine he Was nine years old, using a clay pipe, But it never seem ed to affect her health, She retained her faculties to the very last, nnd peered brig and intelligent -- There's One Day Less In 1905. That's: or less on which to eat "Swiss Food," the perfect cereal, 15. packages. 1'. Melntosh & Ron, mill ers, Toranto A dale of wall paper at W. No Lem mons, 7% Wilkam street. All pext week, in aid of Brosk street Methodist church, They pot the profits. All new spring goods satisfies] customers who have been fit ind with glasses, at Chown's, "Buy Peruna and Ozone" son's Red Cross. dmg store at Gih- Fresh Relief quick and safe. Paris Chemi- cal Co, Milwaykee, Wis. Sec y-Treas there "Don't forget" your box of Huylore Jraudies on Saturday night from ih son's Red Cros drag store The best fache powders, Dr. A, P. Chown's re. box, EVENTS OF DAY orvEw x ron mminrabr fob The Austrian ministry suffered bac defeat in the general elections. Nap. Fouquet, La Pateie murderer, will be hanged on April 7th. Thomas Donnelly, proprietor of the Sarnia Post, dropped dead on the street, The colonial marriage bill m be adopted by the British maclionnt this year. M. Ritter, cutter; Rochester, N, Y., arrested for being drunk, cut kis throat in the cell. P. D. Ross, requests to be relieved of all responsibility regarding the' On- tario patronage, Hon. George W. Ross, it is stated, will, for the present, lead the opposi- tion in the legislature, The free trade candidate won in the British hye-cloction in North Dorset, formerly a conservative seat, Tho death is announced at West Somerville, Mass, of Dr. H. B, Me Connell, a native of Toronto, _ There in 6 proposition to elect mig trates and other officials. Whitney's side in the past stood for this, The largest diginond in the world was discovered near Pretoria, It is valued at nearly four million dollars. John M. Hall, formerly president of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railway company, died at Now Haven on Friday. Surteyr are now being made between Rice Luke ahd Cobourg, Lake 'and Trenton, to determine the best route for the Treat Canal, The new Frevich ministry has decided to follow out the policy of ex-Premior Opmbes and declares for the separa: Won of the church from the state. Rov. Dr. George, who has sécently been honored by being olboted to the prosidency of the Congregational club of Chicago, iv a Canadinn, 'a native of Cobourg, Ontario, : 3 Ww Knapp i were tach fine for velusing to give theif proper pdmwes to Patrol Sergeant Pogue, on- gaged in a liquor raid. The remains of John Kirby, o farm- ef, and his family, were discovered in the ruins of hid burned home at Tam- pa, Fla. The farmer's head had been crushed in with a heavy hammer. Michael Hurley, and "his wife, an aged couple, were burned to death as a result of a fire in their home in Bayonne, N.J. Mrs. Hatley was put- ting conl in the fire when her clothing became ignited Notien is given of the "incorporation of Montrealers into a security com pany Tor the acquiring and dealinggin property. It will be known as the Manufacturers' Securities company and will have a total capital stock of twenty thousand dollars, IN OUR OWN CIRCUIT. News Of The District On Both Sides Of The Line, Mrs. Joseph MeCurger, of Kempt- ville, died in Merrickville on Sun- day, at the home of her sister, Mrs. Birehill. The deceased had only bdsn ill a few dave, and her death same as a great shock to her friends, Capt. Oliver Gillespie and wife, Cornwall, have just celebrated their golden wedding. They "were married January 20th, 1555, at Cana ne, hy Rev. Mr. Gordon, William 1 lock, Gananoque, and Migs MeMurchy (now Mre dtodd) wera groomanitin and bridesmaid, Henry Blewitt, a Napéned "old hoy," has sold out his dutge baking establishment in Boston, Mass., after being in the same promises 'sevonty- six Leverett street, for twenty-one years next May. He had one of the finest bakeries in the state of Mas snchusetts, costing for land and buildings, 256,000, ASK FOR DISMISSAL. A Request Made To The Attorney- General. Special to the Whig. Montreal, Jan, 2%. The management of the Montreal © Maternity Hospital. through their solicitor, have wired the attorney-general at Quebee, requesting that Deputy High Constable Lambert be not permitted to leave for Switzer: land with a prisoner, but that he be required to remain herd ponding the stthmission of a petition asking for his removal from office, This action arose out of the alleged violent. conduet of the officer while in search for a girl for whom he had a warrant, while searching the hospital, * Scarcity Of Milk, G. A. Putnam, superintendent of farmers" institues, visited the Dairy school and found everything in splen did shape. There are forty students in attendance, The only difficulty this year wo far has heen the sedreity of milk, but as thie semi-fomine is ro ported from all paris of the provines, there is nothing to" be done bit wait for spring pastures Newralgia' may mot he dangeroms, fmt it hurls, Jt sex to tear the face with red hot pines, Stay indoors and use Perry Davie' Painkiller. The blessed freedom from pain which fol lows cannot he told, ds nnd so muh god in the worst of us that it hardly behooves any of * us to talk about the west of we" "Now, the fact is, Ry chaplain atole that out of my on Révord, or out Rl Sune Haphe that stole it out of the Record. than a year ago I thought that up," and prified jt in the ights We Have Been Think- ing' column. However, T am glad that the house chaplain Knviws a good thing whon he sees f° : CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS Will Petition To Have Lien Laws |Special to the Whig. Toronto, Jan. M.-The Canadian eaanianturats are arranging to petic tion the attorney to amend the alien laws so Er , extend the timo for Bling liens for materials de- liverod upon municipal or government works, and also to amend the county court, and supremo court acts, in or der to pormit the commencement of proceedings for garnishcement in both these courts, simultaneously with the issup of the writ of summons as now permissible in division courts. FIRE AT AN HOTEL. Four Horses Consumed In' The > Flames. Specinl to the Wiis. : Simeoe, Ont., Jan. 28.--~The stables of the Queen's Hotel, in' this town, wien destroyed by fire last night. The cause of fire is unknown, but it is supposed to have heen disused by heat from a stove in the barn. Four horses were consumed in the blaze, one of which was a trotting horse belongin to Mr. Raney, t iotor of the hotel. Total loss about $2,000; parti ally covered hy insurance. SE ----------------. WAGES G0 UP. ' What a Provineldl Report Dis. closes. Special to o Whig. Toronto, Jan, 38 Btatistios regard- ing, farm labor and wages, presented in the annual report of the provincial burcau of industries for 1908, show the average pay for male help with Me from $105 in 1902 to Sis, I without board from $268 & BY conts over 1902 ------------------ War Tidings. Admirals Togo, Kamimura and Fish- imi, with officers and men have left Tokio, and it ix probable that actual naval operations will be entered upon. The Rossions will depend upon the gl most permanent fortifications of Muk den to hold thuir centre, Russian's Deliove that Nogi's Port Arthur' army is wapporting the pros- ont Aapaness movement, Regular ~~ Manchurian westher pre- vail, intense cold' and cutting winds, ard swirld of snow, making the Rus sian gunnery fire largdly guesswork, ---- tr ---- Died After Operation. Special to the Whig. 5 London, Ont., oY n MW. --George An gus, Jr. ohdedt kon of George Angus, of the Londbm nsylug staff, died, yes terday, at Dotroit, following an oper ation of 4 very critical nature, which wan resorted to th a final hope of saving the patient's life, Mr, Angus attained prominence as 4 violinist and went to Petroit to pursne his studies. "The romaine will be brotirht to London for the interment. A Sudden Death. Special to the Whig, London, Ont., Jap. 28 - William H. Cale, aged aighty-two rs, who had been a resident of the city for two years, dropped dead at the corner of Bimecoo and Wallington streets, yes- terday afternoon, of apoplexy. Lord Milner's Plans. Johannesburg, Jan. 28.--Lord Mil ner, high commissioner for South Africa, expects to start for home next April, by which™ time it is believed that his successor will have been ap pointed. y ---------------------- "Bay Castoria," the genuine is sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Patrick Heaney, aged fifteen years, died at Joyceville, on Friday. contains all the tonic lax ative principles of fresh, ripe fruits, Children, as well as grown folk, may get its mild, gentle action * on stomach, liver and bowels, without fear of ill-effects resulting. AT ALL DRUGCISTS, 257 AND 60C A BOTTLE BUSINESS CHANCES. Cashmere Jerseys We want to make sure there'll They come in colors, Cardinal, Navy and ; _ Prices ranged from $1.95 $2.50. | = Your choice while they Inst, Kington Conseal ALIWILL<AL the Kin a Hospital, J nary 27th, Grote ANI, Aged. 1 noty years, Funeral will Place on Monday ternoon, 8 o'clock, frotm the resi- homns HL fateielaw, d Tamieson 26a ellington street, \ernl private. SLL On ny 20th, at the residence her son-ine br. ©. C i rt. Turon, Mi TO:-NIG AL. W. MARTIN'S GREATER Seo Spectacular Street Parade, | Bands, Twen ies, Horses; Mules, rd Wagons, Drum Corps and Buglers, Floats. Seats now on sale Prices--15c., 48¢.; 85¢. and 50e An Elaberate Revival of DOMIN MURRAY Famous Sepsational drama, 2 Escaped From Sing Sing WITH FREDERICK MONTACUE a nmurpansed Pisani Elects. a Th Situations, es. Pricen--25%c., 85¢., Re Sots on sale Monday. The Epicurean 'Java and Mocha" Coffee by the flavor. PE The Economist by the 40 cents. We roast this Coffee our selves. The middleman's pro- fit i "That is the r we give such excel- lent value. bow James Redden § Co Importers of Fine Groceries. THERE IS A CHA A mains, also furtive, as I seuss TUBK'S SECOND-SAND § 398 Princess Sweet, A FROMIN T OLD LINE LiPE IX. Trance MBpPan, tL] or few * ROlCItOTs In x Ely of Kings: ton hod ¥ ne County, Highest TALON ¢ a fa bath pon and guton. All canununications confidential. * A ager, The Whig, Insurance Man- ingston, fren. Chown's, Shee Ps nL, can a bd aan Trusses for men, women and

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