Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Jan 1905, p. 3

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W has never been a ade in Canada that ds like \ ooney's rfection am Sodas ave made the nation wngry ; > size of our factory ar, and made every- k of MOONEY'S TION CREAM made us nooth, Ubite Hands nade so with lor's fuce im t soothing otion 25¢€. Taylor Drug Co. ss St. "Phone 59. sect on Root Compound. : tho ony date roioble nly €, rola egulator on Xaich Nomsh epend * wy nd time of need," Préparad fa two degrees of No. 1 No. No, 1--~For ordinary cases 3 by far the best dolat Nl mon 10 degrees § -- e, dollars per box. id our druggist for Cook's ompound. Take no oth? ctures and Smitatons © 'e 1 and No, 2 are ole yné to any add.est ce and four 2-cent postage Co ompany, « mdsor, Ong, | . & are sold tu Kingston a. G WOOD! ason when the woodman 's supply of wood, and rest vou on Axes aud e only people handling the id Disston's Toth Gross- for $3.50. we, also are waking is month Any person 1 of Hardware we will splendid © POCKET ur ii {ELL'S HARDWARE. rday NzZas rwear for Men, 1 Children at 23 cent, off regular . Vests for 15¢, t Silk Ribbon to t thing out, ex- retty tints, See + show. . ' ues in Cashmere of Mitts, Cash- y, = & Sha. Strange, - Mrs. Machaughton, Miss . fiwo or three others, dropped in to fF Hora, Miss Macdonnell, and' Miss "Naitlond House," fon a cup of toa : : "Thursday. " i Loge Saundepe: ee on ir oy i . rt -- ee ---- Dalton, and" Miss Carrie Waldron have Beaton her by. the narrowest of mar sins, the Jnfler © winning by two ppoints, the ToFmer by ane. . -. . . A part Of Forbes' Robertson's play the other night which seems to lave "token" greafly, was the "bridge" soone, 'so popular has © tho game he come here, Miss Wagonenr's perfectly legitimate bewilderment at the total v unintelligible mixtore of instrue tions given her, led to the surmise that Henry VV. Esmond must himself have been a would-be' learner in the bauds of a bridge fiend. "The game's thirty vou know. Thirty--ten, twenty --and 'then of éourse there's big alan aod little slam, and vou mustn't tive. 4 3 oe JHorgat about 'unlpeking.' And of course on Ade ihe Bests Webs tot A nb vou play with one hand on an, 'Mrs. Peirce, "Miss ' Gordon. es the table. Oh! yes, it's yuite winple, Dyde. Prof. Nicol and Miss Marjory and Mr, rold' Clarke, - After 'dinner delightful 'music * rounded out the en- joyable evening. . Pr. and Mrs, C. K. Clarke gave an exceedingly pleasant dinner 'party on Thursday at Rockwood 'House, when covers were laid for twelve. The decor- ations of scarlet salvia, and ved-shad: ed candies, nade 5. welcoming 'blaze of color, which thought of 'the bluster of the out-of-doors', made all the wore you'll sqon get in' to the way of it. hor » - - Me. and Mrs, EF. iH Bickiosd have LA Mis. Hetmining was hostess at a delightful ridge party on Tharsday. few weeks" wisit. 'Mr. . Bickford will come in for the quail shooting, Miss | Laura' Spowball, of Frederic , ¢ i . NB. who has been staying with Mrs. lva Martin was again the for. [fiom NB. who ; : ey : Mrs, Bol. in Oftaw avill be Mrs. 1 vigfier of the prize, a re «om a, ? unale ¥ sk f the s pretty Brownfield's guest: for a short time, ent glass" vase,' sheunted in 'silver, Mrs. Henhniog's guests were Mis, | Buchan, - Mrs: Drary, Mrs. Walkem, Mrs. Carruthers, Mys. Brownfield, Mrs, Macrice, . Mrs. Waddell, Mrs. Cappon. Strange, Mrs. Campbell Miss Snowball, who was also in Otta wa. has gohe home to Fredericton, Mr. . abd Mrs. Fortt 'have been in Toronio; this week. Mis. : Fran Miss' Calvifi and Miss Matthews, with Mre., Mackenzie. came how Montreal to-day. Ns. Reginald Mout. gave a small lunélieon party, yesterday, when her 0 STE er 4 Cappon, Ne ye Mr. John 8. Muckleston, of Winmi naughton, Mis "Howard Folger, Mrs, Jpeg, Ms been staying' with his Higa Calvin. Miss Lois Saunders | wother, Mrs. Muckleston, King street, jes Reekie! J YOR from and eekie! this week. . . < os Fyoryone has boen. sorry to hear Miss Agnes Richardson had. a jolly | that Miss Gladys Drury, who injured litle. 'suppor party last night, when | ber knee, will he laid up in the house among. her guests were Miss McAdam, | for some little time. ; Miss "Katie Gordan and some of the | Miss Williams, of Napanee, was in Varsity: ; town yesterday. . Miss Pearl Fade, of New York. has been 'visiting bee. sister, Mrs Mahood, University avenue, . Miss Irene Swift left on Thursday for Appleton, to visit Mrs. Donald Caldwell. Migs Madelon Carter has also gone to' Appleton, to visit the bride of a A * a La Megi" Crofge: Young 'gave * a "Vovmg péofifes' dance on Thursday. night, for her "Napanee © visitor, Miss Leonard, "There were about thirty present, some of the guests coming in after 'aftend- ing "Wang." A very jolly evening was George eorge spent by all, and it was well on in the | few months" Mrs. Caldwell, morning before home was thought of. * . * * - se . The following ladies' avd gentlemen The "Fudge Crowd," about cighteen' of Napanee were. in Kingston to hear merry voung people, had a snowshoe | Forbes Robertson aud "Wang." Mi tramp yesterday, with Mrs, Calvin's es Fdith Garden Island home as the half-way | Scott. Edith, Dafoe, Carrie Williams, house. What with bright sunshine, ' and Messrs. John Allison, Arthur Da mildish air, and everyone being bent foe, Frank Henwood, Frank Boyes, on having a good time, the good time | Mr. and Mrs. J. L, Boyes came without anv. difficulty, | Miss Alice Pruvn and Miss Grange . * . . of Napanee, are with Mrs, H, N. Rob | ertson, and attended the attractions at the Opera House this week. » Mrs. E. Dibb, Napsnee, entertained The "L. C."" will meet at Miss Fth- on Wednesday evening. Progressive clwyn Mowat's, 'on Monday. l euchre. The prize winners were Mrs. . . . . Ward and Mrs. Croskery, Consolation prize went to Miss" Florence John ston, Mrs. Charles Livingston will not re cerve again until' April, . * ~ The «ingles in the Ladies' Curling Club, contests, have been going on this 'week. Miss Herald "has beaten Mrs. Hughes,' Miss Mabel Dalton won from 'Miss 'Florence Cunningham, and A Etta Sparks had her first out ing since Christmas yesterday. She is now Zlmost herself again. ¢ $ncome ee Migs Lorraine Lesslie, sdored over Miss : Letlico dy. Mike: Aj a' On Friday, January 13th, Mr, and 'gone down to Pinchurst! N.C., for a} Hardy, Ethel and Edith {| | PRINCE PIERRE DIMITRI SVIATOPOLK-MIRSKY. daughter, Miss Anng Mabel McLaugh: lin, to Mr, Alired Cole Birch, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs: Samuel Birch of this city, ' - . * * Litthe Mise Frances Loucks, daugh ter of the Rev. W. M, Loucks, Otta wa, after her siege of diphtheria, is home again. Miss Leonard "of Napanee, is with Miss George Young, University ave nue, "and, expects to be there till Mon dav. Miss returned vesterday, fronr a most enjoyable visit to Tor onto. Deacon . * * ' Mrs. Cawthra Mulock, of sail on Wednesday for Europe, to take a four months' auto mobile trip through France and other countries. Miss Ethel Hendry, of Ottawa, was the hostess at a girls' tea given ' in honor of Miss Jessie Hale! of London, Ont.. on Thursday afternoon Miss Alice Fitzpatrick poured the tea. * * . . Mr. and Toronto, The engagement is announced of : Miss Maude Millichamp, eldest danghter of Mr, W. Millichamp, To ronto, and Ih Theodore Romayne Buttrick, of Detroit, The will take place before Lent Miss Kate (. Rankin, daughter of Colin Rankin, of . Rosemount, Mat tawa, to Me. J. C. Burgess, 'manager of the Bank of Ottawa, Cobden. * * * ' marriage Invitations are out for the marriage of Miss Sadie Kemp. of Rockland, Ont., oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs J. A. Dent, to the Rev A.D. Mc Intyre. of Camberland, Ont., on Fob ruary Sth. The marriage of Miss Anna Parent, sister. of the Hon, S. N. Parent, pre micr of Quebee, to Mr. Phileas Para- dis, is announced to take place on . > n; re, new mermber, hasbeen putting up. such a very good game, that Miss Lorraine Mes. J. BF: Melaughlin of Utica. N'Y.. the announcéd MID- engagement of their February 2nd, (Continued on page 5.) ie DEMAND FREEDOM OF PRESS. mtn With This Asid Free Speech Upris- ing Could Have Avoided. St. Petershurg, Jam 28: A deputa tion from the Nt. Pete pross waited on Interior M ter ~ Svidto polk-Mirsky and presented a petition formulated at a eomference of edi tors. M. Souverin, Sr editor of The Novoe, Vromya, said that the only means of restoring" public contidence was to | grant fresdam to the press and to summon 'a congress of Zemst Vos. 5 : He declared that if the priss * had been free none of the recent deplor able events would Bave happened, The minister replied that this peti tion would be considered, but that he must confer with Governor-General Trepofi. The powers which have heen exer cised by Minister Sviatopolk Mirsky during the orisis now devolve upon the new dictator if he sees (it (0 exer cise them, Relief For, Toothache. Wonderful, when ¥ou consider what awful pain that Hing nerve causes, Bathe the gems with Neeviline, and plug the eavity with eotton wool sat urated with Neeviline. This brings in- stant cure, Nothing 80 prompt, no thing «6 extrordiay pooil" for any kind of nerve-pain as = Polson's Ner viline. Get a 280. Bottle; it will save a doctor bill some day. Rev. Father «Hartigan, Napanee, conlined to the presbytery with a severe attack of quitsy for a couple of weeks, is able to he around again. "Don't worry" about your eyes Come in and let' ws sec what is the matter, 3 vourself with proper jglasses, Chown's, - + Eyes examined free at oates'. A i Scientific Description, Kingston, Jan. 27.-(To the Edit tor): Ome of the very best ways to wave coal is to burn it. Let me exe plain this paradox. conl Is heated in the absence of air it gives off gas which is used Jor illuminating purposes and coke is left behind, When wood is heated in the same manner charcoal is left hee hind. 'Both coke and charcon! consist mainly of carbon, a substance found in nature in the very different forms of . diamond and praphite (the black lead of which pencils are wade). Coke and charcoal burn in air net so readily as col dnd wood, but move sadly than diamond and gra phite. Air contains two gases oxygen forming about one-fith" of the volume and nitrofen' forming Lv far the reater Bulk of the remainder, Oxvgen 5 what © promotes burning, nitrogen making the combustion less vigorous than it would be in pure uxygen. Car bon when burning in air may form one of two compounds with oxygen, Both of these compounds are gases, both of them are poisonous, and there- fore very hurtful if breathed in any considerable quantity. One of them is fornted when there is a large supply of air. It is the gas which is given off when limestone is heated in a lime: kiln, hick lime being loft behind, It is the gas which gives the cofférveseence to sods water, It does not bum and it is the gas which sometimes colleots in old wells to a sufficient oxtent to extinguish a lighted candle, The other compound of carbon and oxygen is Jormed when there is a small. quantity of air only, For the same amount of carbon there is only half as much oxvgen in this gas as in the other. It is called carbon mon: oxide and the other gas because con: taining twice as much oxygen in pro: portion is eglled dioxide. Carbon monoxide would put ont a candle just as the dioxide weuld, but unlike the latter it will burn. Eaxery- ane has noticed the blue flame that often ghows on top of a coal fire. This is the flame of carbon monoxide burn: ing. Now the gas cannot burn unless there is air mough to burn it so if air is excluded from the upper part of the fire the carbon monoxide escapes unburnt and thus there is a gredt loss of heat. The coal is not thoroughly burned. ; If there is a very good draught be low and the layer of coal in the fur nace is loose and not too. thick, onough air may get in from Leneath the grate to burn the carbon com: pletely | to "carbon dioxide, hut other wise carbon monoxide will escape to the chimney unless air is admitted 10 the top of the fire. In all cases where carbon monoxide escapes unburnt less than half of the heat that should be obtained. I it is noticed when the door through which coal is put into the furnace is opened that gas eatsnes tra snd burng on the top of the conl where there was no flame till after the door was openod one may he sure that heat' was being lost, due 10 the og enpe of. unbuznt _earbon monoxiie, ~ The draught should always be opened INTER CAS ~ FURNITURE, CARPETS. CURTAINS Our January Sales Have Exceeded any January for Some Years. Fifteen - of these Bedroow Suites, 16x 20 mirror, full size bed, Mosed stand, hardwood, :- castors, * 3 pieces, = only 29.00, our regular price is $12. Onr $35 oak suites are going for $26 ry | i = > We cleared 4 lot of desks from a fac- . tory at onéithird less than their regu- This Dresser, with Bed and Stand (0 lar prices; this style always sold for British niirror, very handsome, 1 fect 6 £33, is 'inches long, solid oak, au- regular £83, our sale price for whole su tomatic locker, 8 wers and roll tops, will sell for $27. - Smiller sizes for $19 and $22. match, quarter-cut oak. 3x54 meh inches wide, 4 feet 6 inche ite only $61 high, special 73¢., very stiong, This Child's roc) regular $1, our ote, word, only 81.25, % & a ; 3 ' £4 Fa 1 RG Eleven Parlor Suites like this, rome t po tied 9 34 ort] in _beantiful figured velours and others i foot 6 inches wide, very heavy and ' 1-3 3 | in silk covers, rognlar 825 to 835, sale MO%ive, head aud foot with brass ¥iok : price 819 to $24, 5 pieces in each aorclis, regular $12, our sale price { surte, Our Carpet Prices we money savers Some handsome 3-picen Suites, 895 : a h Se ' Joplece Suites, 825 - : RK We have just received a Jurge ronsign- 4 2100 euch, all reduced from $7 to Dm 300 Tron Beds for 20.50, went of Brussels and Tapestry, that '$93 each. Those are soph. Our $25 Brass Beds for $14.75. are included in this Midwinter Sale , Our 815 B bed gn i FWENTY PER CENT. OFF, Odd Chairs for parlor, $1.30, $6 ur 815 Brass Beds for $37.50, rx 3 . FD up : tf i' Six Tables, 22 inches square, hged regular 21.75, our wale price Our R12.00 Centre Tables only 29.50, brown, £35.50. Our 210.00 Centre Tables only $85.00, Our $7.50 Centre Tables only 85.75 Extension Tables only #4. We Are Doing All Repair and Upholstery Work Cheaper During This Sale. a If you don't need the Furniture, Carpets, etc., at once we HOLD them at OUR RISK until you do need them. This gives you low price, good selection and no risk.' Our prices as now adjusted are Strictly . F. HARRISON CoO. The Best Way Is To Burn It--a | got from the coal which supplied it is | seat, regular 85.50, wale price only £1.50. the early ages is it any § wonder that modern man | casts about for a more of our furnaces dre made 51th | § accurate recorder. : 1 ; no ught opening tével the top of the fre. This is a yrea T 3 oa wi il too much air should not | § ; eessity w Bro ing necessi be admitted at the top of the fire be for accuracy in this couse .any wir in excess of what is noodod to bum the gas, cools the hot water compartimbnts, Moreover, il a large 'quantity. of air is admitted at the top it prevents so coming § in _bulow so that the whole poss of the coal is not made to burn es it should. Most people, however, know about this danger. but comparatively fow realize that air is generally ned: el at the top of the fire and that sul- ficient dranght shodld be supplied so that no gas may oscape 1 sunt thot the statement made at the beginning that one of the best ways to save cohl is to burn it, is "now quite plain ~ENGINEER. » twentieth century finds § itsidealinthe i Prices :-- : In Gunnreta), $9 fo $25. Tn Silver, §7 tose 2 In Gold-lled, io. ei Ta Solid Gold, #90 to $10, i 3 'Write for Illustrated Price List » Frail Little Ones. The little ones are frail, Their hold upon life is dlight. No Syanpitom that indicate aly of thy little ailments of childhood should he allowed to poss for a moment without proper atten. tion, The ltte ailment may soon | become a serious one, and then it wa; § be too late to save a precious little life. }i Baby's Own Tablets-are kopt in the house, the danger of serfous trouble can bo averted, and the minor troubles promptly cured. An occasion: al tablet to the well child will prevent illness. The. tablets are absolutely safe and contain no poisonous soothing stuff--they give children heilthy sleep, siinply because they banish the cause of sleeplessness. Mrs. F. B. Bishop, Lawrencetown, N.S. says: "1 have found Baby's Own Tablets just as you represent. them--the very best of medi: cine for young children." You oan get the tablets from druggists, or by Jowelers, mail at 25e. a box, by writing the Dr, | She gi Williom#' Medicine Co., Brockville, | B¥siness, Ont, Lucy Vas Helped, A Lancashire vicar wont to a small country parish where the people bred horses, He J ; invite prayers of the congregation for oy Gray, We did so, They prayed three Sundays for Lucy Gray. On the fourth the sexton &aid to the te: "A man has been 've, 'an' said that you don't need gov for Luey Gray any »" move, ok ' Steamer Reported Lost. St. John, N.B,, Jan. 28.-1¢t 4x re ported that the steamer Nello Eaton, "Why 1" spid the curate. "Is she | 4¢" Calais, has been. lost near Pro: dead ** ; wes | vincetown, with all on board, : : "Dead? No," said the sexton, 'she's Huntington, his son Frank, Chai won the stecple chase hy a length | Jackson, of Milltown, N.B. and a hall." watson, of St, Andrew's, amongst those on board. ¢ -- -- The grontest donth vate in the 'hos. pital for insane is consumption, so says that great expert, Dr.' Burgess, On January 25th united 4 ; Ads Webster of Montreal, "For over ten years was "to Dr : 1 t0-Db; Bavo prescribed *The D. & L." mul: | P. J 2 N.Y., at the ion with: most. wath results! hoo: hy John A." Webster, Potatoes A vawford. - Sale Closes February 28th. Noor thing in this line reduced, Bugs, Bywares, Mats everys : This beautiful Iron and Brass Linolévm, 1 yard; 2 ynrids, 1 yards wide, Scotch kis, floral and Hock designs, also our inlaid patterns Te te the Fier runs throught (to e back Ver wi te t TWENTY PER CENT. Co This Couch, in good covers, spring In rich * velour covers, erimson, green, regular #7, sale price 300 pairs Lace Curtains reduced 20 per cent. You will need something in this line in spring, many wise money: "avers are buying now and saving mobey by doing so. You make a big Our #7 Couches for 85.50, Our 817 Couches {orf $13, interest on the investment. Cash, 'Phone ¢

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