Fine Silk Stocks es to sell and in- ridiculously low a error. He as- r stores in Toron- special lots in the oing to divide it ving : ly ck Collars m 25¢. to 45c. it night | . day ol Blankets ide by 82'long. at Pair. uy to-night you laced aside. bout Discount ve Store urday Night the Shoe Stock go 0:30 p.m. No time KETT "iineness of this offer is guar teed» 72ND YEAR. 2 . . People Who Enjoy % . - Being Sick. Nine Persons Oat of Ten Have Kidney Trouble Warner's Safe Cure Is the Only Positive Cure. There are thousands of men ahd women going about tire world today with kidney trouble; who are apt to die at any moment of Bright's disease, Qiahetes or blood poison. They evidently enj ] being sick and sub- ject to sudden death, because they don't or won't even take the trouble to find out what's the matter with them, Bome of them don't suffer enough--the! think it's " nothing mitch and wil wear oft of itself." Kidney disease never cures itself, Others have dottored 850 much and are so completely discouraged that they have ey up their minds there is no hope for them anyway; the doctor has told them they must die, and at last they belieye him. And yet thousands upon thousands eve year, even in the most advanced stages of Kidney trouble, when too sick and weak to move in bed, even when the shades of death" are hovering near, have been cured --liter- ally snatc! from the grave. -- by Waruer Safe Cure. LOOK TO YOUR KIDNEYS. ° If the morning urine becomes cloudy, containing a brick dust sediment, or if par- ticles float about in it when it standsina glass or bottle 24 hours, it is absolutely cer- tain evidence that your kidneys have been diseased for months. Yon need- Warner Safe Cure, and need it quickly. It will pur- ify, tone-up and strengthen the kidneys, so that they will do their work Jroverty, and then you will feeland look well all through. Don't tamper with your kidneys by de- lay; don't shuffout the last chance of per. manent cure by taking the dangerous, use- less doctrines sold as "kidney cures." Warner Safe Cure is the only scientific, cers tain cnre, It's recommended: by doctors, ind sold by druggists everywhere at $1.00 a wttle. Youshould have our medical beok- les; it's free. we @ TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. To convince every sufferer from diseases of the kidneys, liver, bladder and blood, that Warner's Safe Cure will cure them, a trial bottle will be sent absolutely free, post- paid to any eddress, Also free dostorh ad- vice, sind a medical booklet which tells all about these disepses, with a prescription for each, and containg many of the thous of testimonials received daily from grateful patiants who have been cured by Safe Cure, All you have to do is write Warner's Bafe Cure Co., 44 Lombard 8t., Toronto, Ont, d mention name of this pgper. Th publisher, ' Nomen, PURE FOOD INSURES . ose 4% Ng BAKING POWDER INSURES PURE FOOD. EW.GILLETT Zaire TORONTO. ONT. DR. WEAVER'S TREATMENT. WEAVER'S SYRUP For Humors Salt Rheum Scrofulous Swellings, etc. WEAVER'S CGERATE Cleanses the Skin : Beautifies the Complexion. Combined, these preparations act powers fully upon the system, completely eradicat~ ng the Poison in the blood. Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd.; Montreal" a -------- nt GOPOPRD VOLITOE POOIOE PROPOSE CALLING CARDS § ENGRAVED FROM COPPER PLATE XX . Xe | S : ry ra Dor She @@® NO NEED TO SEND OUT OF TOWN FOR ENGRAVED CARDS WHIG WORK IS GOOD WORK Bode Be doit eect oe seis Beis elo $ TEP TEPE TERETE TYE p WE ALSO DO 4 : STEEL DIE EMBOSSING FERRE ER bbb OOORT ©: DOPOD PTDOP PDODDP 3X PR v 'SOSDOPLIVEEPCHODIDP F POPI0S LET Mt HAVE YOUR SALE And I will guarantees you satis " factory results. We don't 'brag, but perform the work, Nothing sacrificed, but your best inter set studied. W. J. KURRAY, The Auctioneee. 4 - SECOND SECTION. BROATGRIN HIS SUMMARY OF RUSSIA'S PRESENT DREAD. FUL CONDITION. He Logks For Revolutions, as all Faiths Are United to Stamp Out Oppression, And Make Russia Free LESpecrat Corresponienm rotwer 1.944) New kK, Jan. 27 The United called upon to face a which the lives and happi ness of millions depend. While | write Crisis on NIEPRINUHA DS THOMAS KAY . Missondri he central fi senn- empire on which the sun rise nd sets; is in an in | cipient tate of revolution over a hmndred thonsand fighting wen are enriching the soil "of Manchuria with | their blood, and that victory may { perce upon his banners, one of the mightiost fleets that ever sailed Bhe sea is sweeping on its mission of vengeance, the czar having declared hig intention to wipe the empive of Jupan from the face of the earth. But while secking for a victory which 'he has never achieved," and the firm os which he tablishment of an empire, has continnally disgraced, he sudden lv fine dinsell confronted hy the spirit of revolution, and despite the Wands with their swords and the Cos sacks with their spears, who surround | the winter® palace pirit of revolu | tion rise more dreadfnl in its - cer tainty s ever call UNITED STATES SENATOR JOHN H. MITCHELL Of Oregon, who h beet dicted. for alleged connection with the land frauds 1 the North-West and like the ghost ed upon to meet, of Bangno the spirit will not down, exeept it is deluged Jin the purest re volution blood that was cover shed in the holy cause of human liberty It FOR. HEALTH * AND STRENGTH Wilson's Invalids' Port The safest and best tonic. Medically recom- mended wherever known: 4 J. Thompson, Agent, Kingston. 8 no longer a question of the _mas- sacre of a race. While the persecu- tion of the Jews may have hel ped to accerituate the revolution, it is be- yond any faith, Christian, Jewish or Phun, It is decper seated than any popular uprising that the empire has been called upoit to. encounter. The Russians who have bios dragged from their homes to become targets for Japancse bullets, as . they sink dying in the different strongholds that the Japanese have rescued from their power, these wretched exiles are left dying on the battlefields by hundreds and thousand tueir vision turning back to the Cericassior and Coreas- sior mountains in the homes of their dreaded Enlands, and the cruel Cos sacks of the Don, those forced fight- ers have no sympathy with the power that has sentenced them to death and their dying curse is the last human effort as they pass the gates that-de- vide eternity from time, A week has hardly passed since one of the most magnificent. assem- blages of the empire was gathered on the hanks of the Neva to eelehrate ite annual blessing which is a. fete that excels any other eivil or religions holiday known to the empire. The ezar was there surrounded by such 4 distin guished and glittering escort. as few other rulers on the face of the earth can evoke, With the firing of a salute from one of the royal forts which was in charge of an honored section of the empire's body guard, - whose officers were especially from the most loval fumilics in the empire, the emperor approwches, the vzar stands on the holy spot dedicated to thankfulness and prayer; near him is the meteopel itan, why, has come down escorted hy hundreds of from his sacred quarters w. The emperor rais- es his hand as a signal that all is ready for the fehtival ta begin, The metropolitan is cabont © to ask the hlessingg of God on the sacred river, when a thundering salute is fired from the royal fort below. 1t brings no message of thankfulness and praise, it was a message from hell. A terrible shell burst amidst the royal cortege and nearly threatened death 10 the czar. The flying bullets tore the win- dows and walls and on the instant it is realized that it was an attempt to pssassinate the - czgr- in one of the Yeenes of hig greatest glory. Instantly a body of Cosancks dash down toe ward the irl to areeit all conspira tors within reach. When the command er of the fort learned of the great crime; he 'blew his braing out; he was followed Ly his lieutenant and several subordinates and the authorities are whom to fix the erinfe, While 'this scene was going on at Neva, a Russian priest, whose name will live on records of human liberty as long as time shall last, is gather- ing around him in the streets of. St. Petersburg, thousands and thousands of . working men who represent the muscle and brawn of the laboring olakses of Russia. Father Gapon, the chosen leader of freedom"s host has been many times arrested by the au- thoritieay, for his revolutionary speech- es anid has heen given: to understand that unless he abandons the eause which he: has chosen, death, swift md terrible, mav be the penalty, Bat death has no terrors for this loyal priest: he tells the authorities he is not there to fight. but he is ready to die, if needful. The spirit that ani mates the leader runs through the en tire host of that mighty and devoted army. They hear no arms or hombs which threaten destruction and death; they look for their protection in the hour of peril to "The Cod Who Feed (eth the Raven gnd Maketh the Spar {row Fall."' The world is counting the possibilities of the coming hour. Will fate Strike her last blow ? We shall S00 By a | complex working of destiny, we of the United States in the pre sent have a more intimate and peril. { ous interest in Russia's deadly peril than any other nation on the face of { the earth. Russians who are subject { to military duty are pouring in upon jus by thousands, Over geven thou sand arrived last week and in a short time nineteen hundred have been. de ported back to Russia as immigrants of a character that were apt to he come a public charge. If the thon sands of Russians who desire to come here, were permitted to land at our ports, all our public charitics wonld be hampered; our Christian and Jew ish charities are solely taxed at pre «nt. It ix terrible to think of what will become of these unfortunate re when they reach their prison in Russian. God help them, but self prosavation is the first nw of na ture among nations as well as men. I sicken to tell the story which has occupied the attention of New York for the past week, where John Flatt has sat in court with his eolored paramour on whose charm he !ayish- od the frightful sum of six hundred and fifty thousand dollars. I have often thought' that the confesarons of loussean were the ne plus ultra of hu- man basencss and degradation. In ancient or modern literature, it has had no parallel wp to the present time. Fighteen vears ago he took her and has lavished on hee a golden stream, that in a short time, amounted to nearly three-quarters of a million dollars. The records of Aspasia and Phynne are put to shame. As inr as history informs us, no sich reward was paid for human prostitution before. It has been a most fortunate find for the lawyers and for everyone else who eonld get a pull at ber strong = box. One law ver got [20000 and even ex-Governor Black, of the great' 'state of New York accepted a retainer of $10,000, which was money that this colored harlot had floeeed frome old John Platt. Put we sre bronght face to i with another phase of this shamefal story Andrew H. Greene, i the most trusted comptroller that New York over had was killed bw the as sassin, Davie, in mistake for old John Platt. Mr. Greene was the guardian of many estates, amounting im the aggregate to millions: his sud- den death brings to light the villainy fugees KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY now making a rapid investigation on? ' EE of his trusted lawyer, one Andrews, who bas fled to parts unknown, What a pity that the bullet: which kidled Andrew H. Greene, did not send. to the happy. unting grounds the old villain, hh H. Platt * BROADBRIM. -------------------- A CRISIS IN WOMAN'S LIFE. ------ There Ave. Backaches and Head- aches And Days When Life Seems Scarcely Worth Living. Thord Come a time in the Tife of all women When they are face to face with a grave when thers are distressing backaches, headaches, dizziness, when threatened with the loss of their rda son; they suffer because they dre women, The happiness of women w he rest of their lives depends updn safely tided over this enisik. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have protad a blessing to women nt 'all ages, and are partoularly valuable at two oriti cal periods--when girthood js merging into. womanhood and when women are stposehing the turn of life. These pills make the rich, rod blood hat spimulatos all the organs of the body, expels disease and nakes the WOonry sufferer bright, active and strong. Mrs, A. Jones, Uypress River, Man, V8 "Out of grateiulness | feel that 1 must let you know the good Dr. Williams Pink Pills have done me. For yoars | suffered from inflammation of the wornh and kindred troubles. Only those who have been sindilarly afflicted co tell how mineh | suffoved, or how dreary life seemed. 1 tried many me dieinbs but nono of them helped me, Then I was advised to trv Dr. Wil liame' Pink Pills am grateful ' now for that advice, fur after using about a doren boxes every symptom of the tronble disappeared and life again seomed worth living. It is now several yours sinod, [ took the pills and ax there has been no sign of the trouble since, I foe! safe in saying the owen i® permancnt What these pills have done for Mrs. Jones thay will do for all suffering wamen il given a fuir trial. But yon must tthe genuine. with the full name. "De, Williams' Tink Pills for Pale People" on the wrapper "around every hox, Sold by all medicine dealers or sent by Wail post paid at be, go box or six boxes for $2.50 by. writing the Dro Williams' Médicine Cor. Brock. ville, Ont. Crisis; ------ eee President To Go A-Visiting, Special to. the Whig Washi oD Jan, 28. Prosi- dent Roosevelt kept his secrotaries and .asxistants busy to-day cleaning up all business of a routine character preparatory to an absinee of several days from the White House. To night the president is expected to attend the Gridiron Club dinner, and to-morrow being Sunday, there will naturally be ne business transacted. Monday morning the president will take a trip to Annapolis, to attend the pradua- tion exercises at the naval academy, From Annapolis a * trip will be made to Philadelphia, whore Mr. Roosevelt will attend a dinner of the Union League 'and "alwo «deliver an address at the semicentenminl celebration of the Philadelphia ¥, MN. ©, A, a ---- A "Slight €old," dough, hoarseness, or sore throat, if neglected, frequent ly results in an incurable lung digrase or chronic throat {rouble. Brown' Bronchial Troches give pronpt and effective relief, Sold only in boxes, People often stop to listen to the peal of a church bell, They are also stopped sometimes hy the pel of a banana Potatoes, Crawford. A man can be in politics and be honest, but he can't stay in. THE VALUE OF CHARCOAL, Few People Know How Useful It Is In Preserving Health And Beauty. Nearly everybody knows that char coal is the safest and most efficient disinfectant and purilibr in nature, but few realize its walue when taken into the human sydtem for the same cleans- ing purpose, Charcoal is & remedy that the more vou take of it the better; it j8 not a drug at all, but simply absorbs the gases and impurities always present in the stomach and intestines and car- ries them out of the system, Charcoal sweetens the hreath after smoking, drinking or after eating onions and other odorous vegetables. Charcoal effectually clears and im proves {he complexion, it Whitens the teeth and further acts as a natural and eminently safe cathartic, It absorbs the injarious gases which collect in the stomach and bowels: it dizinfects the mouth and throat from the poison of eatarch, All druggists sell oharcoal in one form or wnother, but probably the best charcoal and the most for the money is in Stuart's Charcoal Lo- zengen; they are cotposed of the finest dered Willow charcoal, and other harmless antisepties in tablet form or rather in the form of large, pleasant tasting lozenge, the . charcoal being mixed with honey. The daily use of these lozenges will soon tell in a much improved condi: tion of the general health; better com- plexion, sweeter 'breath and purer blood, and the beauty of it is, that no possible harm ean result from their continued ude, but on the contrary, great benefit A Bafialo phesician in speaking of the benefits of charcoal, save: "1 ad- vise Stuart's Charooal Lozenges to all patients aufloring from gas in stomach and bowels, and to clear the com- plexioh and purify the breath, mouth and throat; | beliove the Hyver is greatly bencfited by the daily wee of them; they cost but twenty-five cents a box at drug stores, and although in some sense a patent plapatation, yet | believe 1 g-t more and better caarcoal in Stuart's Chareoal Lozenges than in any of the ordihary charcoal tab- lets." ANUARY 28, 1905. J gs "Ven some women are | | MME. RISTORI FAMOUS ITALIAN TRAGE- DIENNE IS CIGHTY-THREE She Rivalled Rachel--Reti Twenty-five Years Ago--In Pri- vate Life Is Marchioness Del Grillo~Is Happy With Her Children, ADELAINE RISTORY, Special to the Whig Rome, Jan. 25. To-morrow will be the eighty third birthday of Adelaide Ristori, the famous linlian actress, and she ix already in recoipt of a flood of congratulatory messages, many of them coming from America, where she achieved her greatest his: trionic teiwmphs, Ristori was horn at Cividale, Italy, on. January 20th, 1822. After achiev: ing fame. in. her native country she made her first appearance in Paris in 1855, winning popular favone and be coming a rival of the eélehrated Ra- chel. Her subsequont "receptions in oth- er countries, especially in Amerios, were enthusiastic. Among her loading parts were Maria Stuart, Francesen da Rimini, Myrrha, Phoedra, Judith and Lady Macheth,, The last charae ter she played in America with Edwin Booth. She retired from the stage a quarter of a century ago. In private life Mme, Ristori is the Marchioness dol Grillo, Her hmsband, to whom she was passionately devot- ed, died some years ago. The marvehi- oness is one of the most honored wo- men_in Rome. Her only son, Marquis Giorgio, has for years heen one of Queen Margnarita's gentlemen-in-wait- ing, the queen mother showing the utmost deference to his aged mother, going occasionally to see her and al ways distinguighing her by her notice when the two are in the same room, Mme, Ristori hax also a danghter, Donna Bianca, who is of quite exeep tional beauty, and ix her mother's stay and comfort, gecompanying her averywhere, The eelehrated petress is now a lit tle old woman, with pronounced fea tures, sparkling dark ~ eves, and hair that ix still abundant, Her hands, cov ered with magnificent rings and with silk mits, are as elogunt as wver, and as she uses them to auphasize her meaning, and her beautiful modulated voife ris and falls, ane fan realize even now, glimpses of whore her pow: or day inthe past, Her daily life is simple in the ex- treme, She rises somewhat late, alter a cup of cofice in bed, and, if the day in fine, goes for a drive in a closed carriage 1 ther 'with Donna Bian cn, She returns after an hour or two, has her grandehildren in to amuse her noon they all have hinch After lunch she rests, and not go out again, In the eldom goes out, excent to the theatre, and there she jg often to hoe seen, espegially on first niehts, She inl effort when King Ed ward wae in Rome last year, and went to the English embassy on purpose to be presented t, his majesty, whose fa ther had been one of her most fervent admirers and about together usually does evening she made a sped England Through African Eyes. Ham Mukasa, the private secretary to the Katikiro, or prime minister of Uganda, during their tour of England at the time of King Edward's corona tion; "took ecoptons notes on all he saw, which subsequently he embodied in a hook, Hix ohseryations appear in the February Booklovers' Magazin and command attention by their nai vete and unexpected shrewdness. As the two had never before heen hevond the borders of theair own native state in Central Africa, the "marvelous things of the English" aroused their keen interest, hat were mostly "not understandable." Ham Muokasa could not reconcile himself to the waltz and two step. "I saw how the Europeans dance to the piano, a thing which, they like to do very much. When they dance they jump up and down and twist round, men. and women holding on to each other in pairs; for my own part I pre ferred the music to the dancing. - | thought it was very wrong for a man and woman to hold on te one another and dance together; these dances are like the bait which is on a fish-hook." It would be bard to find a more pic- turcsque and graphic description of the coronation eeremonies in Westminster Abbey, which Mikasa details at length and concludes : "When the crown rested on the head of the king all the peers put on their coronets and cheered with a dowd voice, and the electric lights were turned up all over the building and flashed ont; and the organ and violins and flutes and bugles and dreams all sounded, aml the singers sang, and it was a marvellous thing, and one's hair stood on end on secount of the exewding great glory 1" pe Red Ro! "Tea Is the best Tea in Canada have been published in this paper. " Have they been convincing enough to induce you'to tey the Tea ? PEE If they have the advertising has done all that was expected. The Tea must do the rest, and | think it will, : If ydu have not yet tried the Tea you will per haps be intereieq in learning that several more rea- sons are yet to follow, They will be interesting and well worth read og. a ide = T. H. ESTABROOKS, St. John, N.B. ¢ Peg. Sharply Reduced in Price Think of it! The great Jan reductions mean that yo hoy 4 rettily TAILORED GIRL'S MANTLE, full style ¢ and daintiness, at much less than the cost of the materials alone--this, too, just when most needed the coldest time of the year. DEVISIVE SAVINGS IN, EVERY DEPARTMENT Didring the "Sweep Sale." Sa 'Millinery i ins J n TSH DRESS AND WALKING S very size in every line, but every size is the lot. SPENCE'S, ™ 'imine, i on't hoes With Your Eyes Shut. Keep Wide Awake to the Bargains We Offer ? Does 257, discount mean anything to you? you were sure of getting $1 worth for 75¢, would hesitate ? In some instances we give $1 worth for The bargain tables are loaded with just such value Fancy a ladies $3 shoe selling for $1.08. Don't w till the end of the month, buy now! \Vhen buyin ticket for the theatre are you last at the wicket? 8 pose we said we had a big lot of ladies' shoes, stamp price $3.75 and $4, for $2.89, and a nice dressy stra slipper or Oxford for $1. It you need sh let this chauce pass? We have shrewd shoe buyers. How about you ? A ie. 5 J. H. Sutherland & B WW IS Labatt's London Ale a. It is absolutely the best. Gained the Highest Gold Medal over all other Potatoes. Crawford. JAS. McPARLAND,