1 will send free infor mation to any tay of a s '| matter of fact, is the price generally | have | | 10¢e. |ieeting. Sr. , WALSH, nmice gz NEAR KING REAL A Racy Review Srecial to the Whig. Montreal, Jan, 27.~The markets for country produce are dull, this week. There appears to be a temporary lull in every line and dealers are taking their holidays, whenever possible. The demand for butter seems to have fallen off considerably during the past week and at the present there is very little changing hands. eipts con- tinue very light, much less than con- sumption, so that stocks are gradual- ly decreasing and the result is that holders are asking firm prices. Dairy rolls have been on during the past week and dealers have had some little difficulty in obtaining sufficient. Hold- ord in the country were demanding as high as 18¢., Toh, and consequently the stock cannot very well be sold here at less than 19. This, as a quoted, though some has been sold at less, and some at a fraction more. Dairy tubs are also in favor, espe- cially for grocery trade, for cutting, and prices range from Re, to 19c., according to quality and quantity, At thin time of year there ix very little wholesale trade being pot throagh, so that quotations generally apply DAILY WRIG, SATU o For Merchants, * Traders And Farmers. paid. These same potatoes are selling from store, in lots, at about 75¢c., and, occasionally, possibly S0c. As to the old stock, frozen, which has been hanging around for several months past, it is being gradually disposed of, prices for the best of it ranging from 60c. to = 6fc. per bag. The weather of the past week having been somewhat more favorable for moving the stock, receipts have heen rather larger than previonsly. De mand is good, Eggs. --This warket is not exciting a great deal of attention, just now. Lo- cal demand is not wv active, but it continues steady. a is absorbing quite a lot of stock in a quiet way. lérs report that they have been ex- periencing quite an * gaetive demand from Ottawa, of late, and one has made several shipments to the mar- ket. Demand from other quarters is also fair, and it is felt that holders need have no fear of stocks remaining on their hands after the new begins to come along. Prices show no change, save that No. 2, fresh receipts, sell a little higher, at 17e. to 16ic., selects bringing the former figure, 25¢. Cold to lots of a dozen or two dozen pack- ages to the jobbing trade. For this quantity, 2%. poe pound has heen paid for fancy October creamery. This was only in a few cases, however, as very little of it is worth so much. Really fancy fresh made creamery is quoted at 21jc. 10 Be. Fancy is hardly the description, the host being not' worthy of that term. Good to fine creamery is sold at 2le. to 21je. At the present time the retail trade appears to be fairly well supplied, ough there is a steady, quict trade in progress. The tone throughout the Market semaine firm, and this is jns- tifled, apparently, Cheege-- : tle difficult to speak with cortainty pon the cheese market. Many of the signs by which the truth is generally determined are t, just now, but one may arrive at a pretty close estimate, It would seem that a considerable amount of business was put throngh since a woek , one large merchant practi- cally ling ont his stock and having sold out entirely. The rhage price is generally thought to been about-1le. for white and to 10fe. for colored. This week ph a omewhit easier 3 dverpool public cable was steady at the decline of 6d, re- corded at the ond of last week, but the local market was featureless. No orders wore reported and it was even asserted, by huyers; that they could obitain white cheese or mixed at 10fe. This would indieate an onsier tone. On the whale, 'one wight conclude that, temporarily at least, the market was on the easy side. A from England states that it was expected that prices would reach their highest about the end of this month, so that it may be that those who refused to deal at lle. may yet be glad enough to do so. However, there are still a few months before new stock will have any influence on the market and in' this time it is hard to say what may take Face. Poultry--This market no longer calls for the attention it received only a few weeks ago. There is very little stock of any kind now in the hands of commission men and as butchers and other retailers are not disposin of much poultry for current consump- tion, commission men are experien- cing an alk e of d i Prices, however, show - a slightly firmer ten- dency, fresh killed turkeys being again worth Idje., when choice. Frozen stock is still 13¢., however, and poor stork may still be had at as low as 10c., the quality being poor. No foose could be found, but merchants arded the opinion that they would Iles It is astonishing bring 10c. to continue very scarce, also, and deal- ere quote them at rather firmer than geese, say lle, Fowl are stoady at 7. to Se, and even Ge, while ohick- ens sell at Re. to 10c, and even 1%. when the 'stock is specially fine and, fresh killed. Potatoes.--Some qhote a rather ecasi- or market on potatoes, this week, hut it does not seem that this is justifi- able, been good and deliveries have been nose too large to satisfy the demand. Dealers claim & i 8 per of ninety pounds, on track, in eardots, but le. has been reported I -- what has become of the geese. Duoks | Demand during the week: has! storage selects are steady at 20c, to 2le. and straights at 18. to 20e, Montreal limed: are in good demand, and prices 'range for 19. to 20c, west: ern being 184c. to 194. ans. --For some weeks past the market for beans has shown very lit- tle change, save that the export de- mand has fallen 68 and the local de- mand has become extremely dull, This has not affected market percep- tibly, as offerings from the west are proportionately light; in fact hardly anything has been arriving here at all. Prices consequently continue firm, dealers quoting $1.45 per bushel, for by the situation. pnp i % Aa, %e [primen, in 50-bag lots, Grain. ~The market for oats is ab- out the only one which shows any disposition to boom at present. And this market has heen booming. It has advanced a couple of cents since last week, and dealers predict further ad- vances within the next few days. The situation would seem Jo ba very strong. Advices from the oat sections of Ontario as well as from Manitoba, indicate that the stocks of oats are very Night at all points. It ix claimed in Ontario that the government crop report was much higher on tats than it should hag been and that stocks are consequently much lighter than they were generally thought to have heen.' Dealers in this market are a lit- ; tle puzzled just mow as 10 the actual situation, but the most of them have decided that it is a. rising market and that they might as Ww Bave the | stocks under those. eircumstances as any one else. So they are asking 'high prices, somo. are asking more than they can got, their: idea: being that they will hold the stick, To-day,. one dealer demands 42jc." #fore, for No: 3 oats, gnd 43jc. for No. 2. Others | are selling lower, but as things go at : present the market will go still high- {®r, in the course Of a few days. Of courkeé no one can be sure of this, , but there are holders in this market, iwho are talking 50c, omts. Meantime, it might do no harm for farmers to hold on to their stock a little until they sec how the land lies; © it 8 not likely that the market can detling much on them at any rate. adi Other grains. are dead. 'Wheat has not shown any very great change, May option being now $1.18 'at Chioca- £9, $1.13{ at Duluth, $1.14} at Min- neanolis and 81.04 at Winnipeg. Live stock--The English market for live stock was on the easy side this week. Cables came in from London quoting states Jc. to je. down, at 12fc. for best, Canadians being, how: ever steady, at 12, sheap being also i steady at 12je. Liverpool quoted Am- | erican cattle at lc. to 12. and Can. adian at lle. to llle., hoth heing somewhat casier than a 'week since. Canadian shippers seem to have se- cured the most of the cattle freight on ships sailing from West St, John, N. B., and Portlend, for London, Liver pool, Glasgow and Manchester, dur- ing the month of February, at, 388. per head, Americans having secured that from Boston for the balance of the season, for the same ports and at the same price. It is also said that the American shippers will make an ai- tempt to secure the space from the for: mer ports for the balance of the sca- son. Total shipments from North At- lantic ports during the week ending 14th inst, amounted to 9,858 cattle, 7427 sheep and 22,000 lbs, heel, ship- ments from West St. John, N.B., and Portland, 18st wiek being 3,99 cattle and 2,047 sheep as against 2,877 cate tle and 1854 sheep the week. The local market for live stock was about steady. Hogs 'were among the strong features, owing probably to the reported improved demand for ba- con from Fagland, Select hogs brought as high as $5.60 and purchases were made for later shipments 'at the same figure. From this, prices. ranged down to about $6.40 for medium stock. Choice cattle were steady and sales were reported at 4lc. to 4fe. for choice, 3%c. to de. for , Je. to S4e. for mediom, 2c. for common and lie, to 2. for lean, then, small animals. Calves were scarce and not very good. They sold at $2.50 to 85 while milch cows brought $25 to $40 each. Shoep were steady, at 3je. to 3fe. 'lambs being 470. to Ble. and, some say, Sic. 5 Provisions, ete.--Owing to the firm- ness of the market for live Dogs, there in war: DAY, JANUARY 28. previeus |. "No m'am--not as much k was an upward tendency a8 we rake ket. for dressed hogs, also. Demand | on cheaper priced flour." was good from ti "Then why do you recommend it?" hal. «B once tries JE -------- exciting a great deal of. interest but inhi $15.50 to 818.50 per bar- rel, according to quality. Hay--The market continues unchang- ed. Deniers report a dull 'market and from the fact that many of them are taking the opportanity of absenting themselves from business, one : must conclude that trade is actually dull. Prices show no change and stocks are sufficient though there is not a la quantity offering, No. 1 hay, carloads on track, is quoted at $9 to $9.50; No. 2, 88 to 38.50 and clover and clover mixed, 87 to $8. Green fruit--Oranges, navel, $3 to £3.25 per box for choice and $2.75 to £3 for fine; Messinas, bloods, $2.50 to £2.75; bitter marmalade, $3.50 to $3, 75; valencias, ¥3.50 to $4.75 per case. Lemons, fancy, Messinas, $2.25 to %2.. 50 per hox. Grapes, fancy Almerias, heavy weights, $6 to $6.50. Cran- berries, $6.50 to $7. Apples, Green- ings, Russets, Baldwins, 33 per bbl; xx, $2.60 to $3. A THEORY PROVED. A New Idea Which Means a Great Deal In The Treatment And Cure of Disease. Dr. Leonhardt, of Lincoln, Neb., the foremost. physician of the western states, has put forward a new theory as to the cause of disease. He says: "There ean. be no doubt, from the evidence at hand, that the stomach is and has always been the first cause of ninety per cent. of all the illness of mankind. The failure of the sto- mach to digest the food properly re- sults in fermentation and decomposi- tion, and the poisons arising .from the foul and rotting mass get into the blood and tissue and nerves and breed diseases of every kind." Dr. Leonhardt has found a remody for indigestion, dyspepsia, bilions- ness and constipation. He has tried it in thousands of cases withont _a single failure. He calls it. Anti-Pill. It is sold at 60c. by all druggists, ar The Wilson- Fyle Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. Sole agents for Canada. French Wooden Shoes. Wooden shoes in France are produc- ed tothe oxtent of about 4,000,000 pairs vearly. They are made in Alsace and Barriers by machinery, and in Lozere bv hand. In the last named province, 1,700 persons are engaged in the manufacture, and the yearly pro- duet is more than hall a million pairs. The best are made of maple. In thet provinces, nearly every lady. possesses a pair of the finer sabots, for wear: ing out in damp weather. These have monograms and other designs carved on the vamps, and they are kept on the "foot by ornamented leather pieces over the instep. The manufacture of these picces of leather is a regular business in France, ------------ I do not say that there is an sig- nificance in the fact that 'honey' rhymes with "'money." Nearly every man would like to pass judgment on trusts from the inside, Flourfax Fables The Young Wife and the. Honest Grocer. A young wife decided to go to house- keeping and do her own marketing. "Now I want to save all the money I can," she told the grocer. 'Iam going to buy just as economically as I can, and I am going to do my own cooking aml bake my own bread." She saw some eggs. "How much are eggs?' "Well, we have them at various prices. The best are thirty cénte a dozen." "My, how expensive! Haven't you some for twenty?' "Yes m'am, but I can't recommend them. 'But we are trying to save money." "True, but you can't afford to save money on eggs, butter and flour." + Those are three things you want good and yon can't have them too good. You can eave in lots of ways but don't do it on the necessities.' ' "What is your best flour?' *" Royal Household." "How much does it cost 2 He told her. * Have you cheaper flour." * Yes, cheaper in price but really not as cheap in the end. You see in Royal Household Flour you pet the largest amount of flour value for your money." * What do you mean by 'flour value'? ""The-largest amount of wheat nutri- ment--of pure flour. *' The cheaper the flour the less nutri- ment it has init and the more bran. 'The bran is in all flour til} its tak- en out. "It's all taken out of Royal Hoasehold Flour, and that means the best machinery and the best milling. "And another thing, madam, perhaps you haven't heard of the new process | used in making Royal Household Flour. Itis purified by Electricity and that Seems to make all the difference in the world in flour. "Everybody wants "Roya! Household" now--they seem to think it je healthier, and I guess it is." Suddenly she looked suspicious at the earnestness of his argument. "Don't you make more money on Royal Household Flour? 2 LE don't. Any "GIVE. - but _-- day in the when a 'Royul Household' our trouble is all over. It sells itéeli after that and we never have any complaints. 11 you send "Well; send me a barrel of 'Royal " then; and Ill have some, of those 3c. egyy foo." Somme Eo' training. Just what is needed to ARMOUR LIMITED, BOLE PACKERS & SHIPPERS von eanava, TORONTO Armour's Extract of It contains all the muscle-building, nerve-feeding virtues of prime roact beef in a form that is readily digested. It keeps the whole sys- tem in perfect physical conditioni--is an ideal stimulant for athletes in rail brace up tired muscles and relieve fatigue. Brain workers find a cup of Armour's beef tea tones and stimulates. No trouble to make; just ome quarter teaspoonful to cup of hot water. SOLD BY ALY GROCERS.AND DRUGGISTS, ASPAROX.~Armour's Extract of Beef flavored with asparagus, Is a delightful seasoning for salad dressings, A. J. REES, WALNUT GLAZE Walnut Maple;Cream. Spanish Crisp. Brown's Genuine Butter Scotch only 20c. per Ib. GRAND UNION HoTEL OppoSITE Gran CENTRAL StaTIoN BAGGAGE To AND From Staion_ FREE. ROOMS Fron 'loo per Day Up : i : 10+ 4000000064000 0 0060 If Your Coal Won't Burn or If it Burns Too Quickly Order Swift's Scranton | | | | | JAMES SWIFT & G0. Telephone 135. * POLL LPPL 00900 " THE FRONTENAC , LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. - (ESTABLISHED 1863.) PRESIDENT The Right Hon. Sir R. J. Cartwright. 00000000000 000000920000 Money loaned on City aud Farm Properties, Municipal end. County Debentures. Mortgages purchased Deposits received and interest allowed S. C. MeOILL, Managing Director. Office, 97 Clarence street, Kingston DANCING & DEPORTMENT D. ROY MACDONALD WHIG HALL "- KINGSTON. Classes will be continued on TUES~ DAY, 31st January, 4,30 and 8 p.m. Assembly Tuesday. February 7 Send for Circular. ee ---- HER CARPETS HID HOARD. Search of Home Believed Desti- tute; Reveals Wealth. New York; Jan. 28. When the re latives of the late Mrs William Brandt visited her residence in Bloom- field avenue, Verona, N.J.. yesterday morning prior to removing the. con- tents. to a storage warchouse, the wommn in tearing up the carpets in her bedroom revealed gold coins, sil- ver certificates' amd government bands hidden between old newspapers that lay on the floor under the carpet. The bills were of five, ten and twen- tydollar denominations, while the coins consisted mostly of two, and a half and five-dollar picces. Under a clamshell in the rear of a closet were found two ten dollar bills. The search was continued to other parts of the house, and a bank book on a Newark institution with more than $2,000 to her credit was found. It was generally believed that Mrs. Brandt was in' poor circumstances and her surroundings pointed to al- most destitution. Neighbors had fre- qiiently contributed to. hor support. The wealth of the woman will he placed in the hand of a caretaker to be appointed hy the court, and the search will be continued. ------------ How To Avoid Catching Cold. Allow yourseli to "run down" and catch cold from the first germ that comes your way. Wade's Iron Tonie Pills make vou 'cold prool by giving vou rich healthy blood, the kind that kills all disease perms. Tn boxes 25¢. at Wade's Drug Store. Money hack if not satisfactory, Princess St. bb Now is the Time to Buy! A good. piece of Furniture at re- duced price, as we have several lines to close out before stock- taking :-- Parlor Setts, Fancy Parlor Chairs, Rattan Rocker and Oak Hall Racks At a bargain. Call 147 for to have your re- pairing attended to. JAMES REID, The Leading Undertaker, Princess Street Kingston. 9% BEST in the EAST The now, School, Alsbice Kingston, Ontario. up-to-date Business Training 1710 In affiliation with the well known CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Of Toronto, Giving best courses in all Department Everything new, clean and first-class Circulars free. Enter now. DAY AND EVENING SESSIONS. W. H. SHAW, T. N. STOCKDALE, President. Principal = CHOOL BE WISE If you cannot attend Day School at Kingston Business College Take a business or shorthand course at night. Out this advt. out. It is worth money. Write, call, or telephone, No. 440, for full information. Arh J. B. McKAY, H. F. METCALFE, | Princips President. MOTHER HENDY'S ws neue OINTMENT PRICE, 25 CENTS. WILL CURE Buras, Frozen Limbs, Cuts, Salt Rheum, Broken Breasts. Children's Sore Heads, Boils Blood Pois- on and Bealing Fingers. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. John H. Mills} THE LEADING AUCTIONEER. "es resecccecacssecsccssl ----------" UP-TO-DATE We have sold three times as many Sross-tut saws as we did last year, prov- Bg that. our saws are all right. We challeuge competition for price and quaii- ty. A B¢ ft. enw handle and file for N00, a A. SIRACHAN'S HARDWARE OFFICES TO LET. s TAR OFFICES. 106 ONTARIO, ST. y vacated by K.I' ea Railway Co. Apply to Kirkpatrick. Rogers & Nickle, 194 Ontario Street. Do it now. ¢ TON & PEMBROKE I WAY COMPANY, NOTICE T0 SHAREHOLDER THE ANNUAL MEETING OF shareholders of this company fol election of directors and the trans of. business generally, will be hel WEDNESDAY, the 8th day of Fe next, at thé head office of the co at Kingston, at twelve o'clock no The stock transfer books will cl New York, on Saturday, 28th Je 1005, at one p.m. All books will opened on Thursday. 9th Februar; By order of the Board JOHN WHITEBREA Secretary and Treas Kingston, 9th January, 1905 Wood we Co We have on hand the diffcy varieties of Wood and Coal. BOOTH & C 'Phone 133. Foot of West S Wood =e Cc At Kirkpatrick Art Gallery Choice Water Col Most Suitable for Christmas Prese Special Bulg Nov. 30th, 1902 In spite of all statements contrary the OFFICIAL AV ul 'the St. Louis Exposition just been announced to-day, the public will note that, a: al, the Oliver record has not equalled," and that the OL TYPEWRITER has been aw the GOLD MEDAL, KINGS (ENJOY A DRIVE 'make it doubly emjoyable ARIRE ome of eur Mino turnout horses. showy HARDING'S LIVE "Phone 2 210 Wellington St,