Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Jan 1905, p. 1

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y when one: is' constipated. _sausing it to excrete bile ses the peristaltic action of tipation. But eating fresh e laxative principle is too blets 1es of apples, oranges, figs fied--by our secret process de into tablets. and naturally--tone up the v of bile--effectively cure he and, Constipation--build tem. X. d by ited, OTTAWA. hounding over obstructing accumula tions of snow, and speeding in it petnous downward career at the paca almost "of a rolling avalane the, But though' the gelid cold of winter peovides all these recreations, vet thaw able to enjoy them should not forget thatxits rigours at the same time are the cause of suffering and peinding, blighting - hardships © upon many; and, following the behests of Him who, to saye us from the reals of black remorse, gave His life for us on the dread and hitter cross, should, according to their several ability, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and lib erally soecour those less favored than themselves. YOUR HAT May Be a Stylish One, But It Makes Trouble. A man usually buys a hat that's "in style"? but the modern" hat for men has lots to answer for. Jaldheads are growing more numer ous every day. Hats make excellent breeding places for the parasitic' germs which sap the life from the roots of the hair. When your hair begins io fall out and your scalp is full of dandrufl itis a sure sign that these countless gerins aro busily at work. There is but one way to overcome the trouble and kill * the germs that way is to apply Newbro's Herpicide to tho scalp---it will kill. the germs and healthy hair is sure fo result Sold by leading druggists. Send 1; in stamps for sample to the Herpicid Ca., Detroit, Mich. G. W. Mah special agent, American life is attractively report ed in the Nytional Magazine, Boston for February. In terse text and pie ture the scope of the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition and the charms of the North-West are set forth. W men Weavers of the Provinees" takes the reader back to the Atlantic side of the map and into the quaint, old fashioned Canadian homes where, within a night's ride from Boston, the looms and spinning wheels of a cm tury ago arc still used. "'Affai it Washinoton" tells of the presidint busy day. HALF SICK PEOPLE Just sick enough to féel heavy-heoled, lazy sad listless; to have no appetite, to slecp badly, tossing ] tambling about sometimes uat 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning from one side to the bther; restless and nervous, and to Lave what you eat feel like lead in your stomach; not sick enough to take to bed or call a doctor, but Just sick enough to not know what to do. ty-nine times out of one hundred these symplots are all caused by the stomac! b L bow. , liver and digestive organs, Just think for a moment what habitual neglect of the stom- ach, Sowsls and liver means; sickness instead ot th, nervons and wakeful instcad of So ore eas, 'arn this can be re th's Pineapple an Butternut Pills will always work ln 15. They w will regulate the functions of tho liver ately unload tlie conges: ig fon, cae ne constipation and clcanse the yo wien om chrone constipation, Miiousness, ack i hendache or liver complaint tone entire system, elovato the Prt ad aul ake fs rat i 30r liv- ing by a single week's use of Smith's Pincapp's and Pater They will ive rong the appetite of y ih, Jour food food will agree with You and 'sound, p will wait apon b Lom They are oN aning dee Jaxative, entirely from anything have ever taken before, and alwa; ah headnc che, hn in oue night. 2 W. F. Smith. In Cutters! Paving a few Cutters leit, in 0 der to clean out the stock, will sell at cost. If you are in need of a good cutter now is the time to buy and save nioney. JAMES LATURNEY, SUUPINGESS STREET TH YEAR 72. NO. 2 Saturday's 3 Specials On Sale All This Week soc. and 75¢. All Wool and Fleeced Underwear, 37 4¢C. ¢ $1 and $1.50 Fleeced Underwear, 65c. $1.50, $2 and $2.50 Odd Shirts and Drawers, $1. We continue selling $18, . $20 and $22 Suits for $9. Jenkins' Dissolution Sale KINGSTON & PEMBROKE RAIL- WAY COMPANY, NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS. te THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE shareholders of this company for the clection of directors and the transaction of husiness generally, wil be held on WEDNESDAY, the 8th day of February next, at the head office of the company at Kingston, at twelve o'clock noon. _The_stock transfer books will close in New York, on Saturday, 28th January, 19035, at one p.m. All books will Le re- opencd on Thursday, 9th February, By order of the Board JOHN WHITEBREAD, Secretary and Treasurer. Kingston, 9th January, 1905. $6 Lace Boots for $4.50 We find we have on hand ahout pairs of our Fine Hand-sewed $6 Li Boots, mostly Blucher pattern, of our usual excelledit quality. We have decided to offer them at $4.50 pair This offer only to last till end of month. WEAR "ALLEN'S" Military Bootmakers, 84 Brock St. ~~ @IGN OF GOLDEN BOOT. "WANTED. A YOUNG LADY FOR OFFICE WORK Apply box 101, Hotel Randolph. A GENERAL SERVANT, NO WASH- ing or iroming. Apply at 55 George sLree T NURSE GIRL OF 17 TO 20 YEARS Good wages. Apply to 124 Dagot street west. AN EXPERIENCED PARLOR- MAID Apply in the evening to Mrs. I. Albree, Emily street -------------------------------------------------------------------- AN EXPERIENCED FUR MAC HINE operator Stea employment Ap- ply to W. F. Gourdier, furrier, Brock street. ---- ee ------------------------------------------------------------ TEACHER FOR S.S. NO 3, TOWN- ship of Katadar. Apply, stating sal- ary desired, to C. Kellar, secretary- treasurer, kaladar Station. -------------------------------------------------------- ALL INTELLIGENT, RELIABLE MEN seeking pleasant employment, on sal ary or commission, are advised to write now to Marshall & Co. tea importers, London, Ont. m-------------------------- GENTLEMEN, TO GET Spring Suits made up at Galloway's, 131 Brock street, next to Bibby's liver?; style, fit and price guaranteed to please; pressing and repairing done promptly. ee ---------------------------------------------------- AUENTS--PERMANENT POSITION TO sell Canada and World Map; size 66x 46 inches; two maps in one; represen- tatives now at work making ¥20 jy week. Address 1ltand, McNally & Co 142 Fifth avenue. New York PUPILS AT MME. E LDE 5 S DRESS- making Parlors, 27 Princ street. Eveniug WE a special- ty. Instructions in dressmaking giv- en day and evening until March 1st Cutting by measure, designing, otc, including system, $10 G GOOD BUILL. S01 Queen stree Bagot ly 49 Colborne street BUSINESS CHANCE FOR $1,000 with a net income of $4,500, at McCann's. 51 Brock street. ce ------------------------------------ ere THEIR , i SIDE between Montréal and DAILY MEMORANDA. City council, 8 pm. All hands around--on the clock. County council, 2 p.m., Tuesday It is a poor ferryboat that won't work both ways This day in history : Charles 1. bes headed, 1649 ' Hockey this evening : Queen's III vs, Strollers; '8 p.m: A dollar in the hand is worth two due bills in the pocket The Sun rises Tuesday at 71Y aw. and sets at 5.09 p.m. 'All's fair in love and war," they say, But 'tis pot strictly true: Brunettes, as well as blondes, may love, And fight a litt too During the Month of January 209 Discount Fancy China Salads. Fancy China, B. & B. Plates. Fancy China, Rankin's. Fancy China, Mustard"s. Fancy Ching, Celery Dishes. Fancy China, Plates. Fancy China, Olive Dishes. Fancy China, Muffin Dishes. Fancy China, Chocolate Pots, Fancy China, Biscuit Jars Fancy China, Syrup Jugs. Fancy China, Lemonade Jugs. Fancy China, Hair Boxes. Fancy China, Bullion Cups. Fancy China, Chop Plates. Fancy China, Cabaretts. Fancy China, Roll Trays. Faney China, 868. Fancy China, Ornawents Fancy China, 5 O'clock Wen Sets. ROBERTSON BROS.. Surely the less of a valuable Stick Pin is an ACCIDENT to be regretted. We sell the INSUR- ANCE against such loss in the form of our famous These are RELIARLE and not a bit of trouble. OPTICIANS JEWELERS © 350 A Modern ant Progressive School The old reliable ton. Ont; Spacious "Phone 440 experienced teachers in every department. States. any time. Day and evening classes J. B. MeKAY. H. F. METUALFE, President Principal A CARD OF THANKS. excellent experience, the privilege o plying your drug store needs thanking vou, Yours sincerely H. B. TAYLOR. KINGSTON COVERED RINK QUEENS II vs. STROLLERS \ KINGSTON COVERED RINK Hockey M'GILL vs. QUEEN'S SENIOR. OH A ary 81st always on hand LARGE, TWO-STOREY, FRAME 'Phone 5. House," with lot, in Yarker, at half possession at once. Apply to West, Yarker, or J. A cost; James H Gardiner, Kingston DERS WILL BE RECEIVED FOR the following property to February Space for other stock in spring. 20th, 1905 Nos. 204, 200 Wiliam street and Nos. 109, 111 Wellington street. heated by hot water: and Nos 280, 282. 234 Svdenham street. and 185 Clergy street. heated by hot air All these properties have all modern improvements; can be bought singly or otherwise, on easy terms. Also lot north-west corner of Mack and Al- bert streets. opposite Victoria Park and half lot on Ordnance street op posite Frontenac Park. Address Box 44, Whiz office LOST. A BUNCH OF KEYS ON FRIDAY 308 Princess Street. THOS. HILTON Laturney's Carriage Shop. Keys fitted, ete. PRICES MODERATE. BUSINESS CHANCES, Queen streets. Reward if returned to 68 Earl street ACCIDENT INSURANCE BULL DOG TIE PIN HOLDER SMITH BROS. BEST IN CANADA ! Kingston Business College Limited, Head of Queen street, Kings- Apartments, Complete Equip- ment, Excellent Results Thorough and individual instruction by competent and Graduates sought miter as commercial teachers in Canada and the United Catalogue free. No vacation. Ester at" HAVING DISPOSED OF MY BUSI- ness here 1 wish to thank the people of Kingston most sincerely for their loyal and much-appreciated patronage during my term of business here, and ask that you extend to Mr. Best, a gentleman of HOCKEY MATCH MONDAY, Jan. 30 Game called at 8B p.m Admission, 15¢c Match INTERCONLECGIATE GHAMPIONSHIP FRIDAY. Feb. 3rd Game called at 8 pou Reserved seats extra, H0c. Plan opens on February 1st jor sale of seats and tic ots KINGSTON COVERED RINK Hockey Match SMITH FALLS vs. FRONTENACS WEDNESDAY, Feb 1 Doors open at 7 g called at B nom Admission rved s 25¢ Plan open for sale seats Ja New. Coal & Wood Yard The very best Hard and 'Soit Wood, owner's | Coal, Slabs, Shingles, Hay, Straw, etc, failing health cause of sale. Apply ~~ F. WH ITN EY, HAYMARKET. pPHONE SBR, minis THERE 1S A CHANCE I have almost new stoves, in cooks and heaters, left, which 1 will sell at big bar- gains, also furniture, as 1 want to get TURK'S SECOND-HAND SHOP, pe a, 386 Princess Street, Two Doors Below Trunks and Valises made and repaired. Basket Trunks re-willowed. Locks and KINGS HUN RIVER psn, Fight Assumes Proportions Of a Battle. LARGE FORCES ARE BEING PITTED AGAINST EACH OTHER. Kuropatkin Began Battle With Army Of 60,000-Capture Of Village Cost Over 1,000 Lives No Word From Russian Cor- respondents. cial to the Whig Tokio, Jan, 30.--The fi hting along the Hun River has ed the pro- F portions of a battle, Already 1,000 Russian wounded have arrived at Mukden, and the hospitals at Harbin have been placed in readine ws for thousands more. The Russians admit that their capture of the village of Sandepas cost them forty-five officers and 1,000 men killed and wounded, Official Japanese despatches declare that Gen. Kuropatkin began the battle. Ovama reports that Kuropat- Kin attacked with more than an argy* corps (00,000 wien.) The "Japanese field marshal asserts that he repulsed a division of the enemy (20,000 wen), at Chentiako, and that the Russians retreated, in direction of the left wing. A Japan- eso detachment was victorious st Chen Chiephao, and occupied lautziko and Lichiawopong on Saturday, the Russians retreating north and west. The Japancse, with infantry. occu- pied positions south-east of Welkou- tai, on Saturday, and dare assaulting the main position. Another detach: ment dislodged a regiment of infan- try, a brigade of cavalry, and twelve guns, occupying Haepho, five miles south of Rk tai: The enemy re- treated to the right bank of the Hun river with the Japanese pursuing them. The Japanese captured 500 officers and men. he Russians are - massing alc ut 65.000 troops on the Japan we leit, und bombarding the flank wid centre. Small forces gran. are attacking all along theWine. Mukden despatches indicate a Japanese re- pulse in an attempt to capture Lone Tree Hill, A Great Disaster. London, Jan. 30.--A despatch to the Chronicle, from St. Petersburg, Says it is vaguely reported that = reat disaster has © befallen Gen. {uropatkin's right wing. Compelled To Retire. St. Petersburg, Jan. 30.--~Instead of confirmation of Saturday night's re port that Gen. Kuropatkin = had broken through the Japanese left, there comes from Gen. Sakharoff an admission that the Russians had been compelled to retire from Sandepags on account of their inability to carry a redoubt. [t is considered significent that despatches from Russian ecrres pondents at the front have again suddenly ceased, the fact being re garded as an indication of the failure of the operation, and strengthening the first impression that this was demonstration undertaken ta distract the people at home from the present situation. A telegram from Huan Mountain states that Gen. Mistchenko has been wounded in the leg 5,000 To 10,000. Tokio, Jan. 30.--Vhe casvaltics dur ing the fighting at Chenchi Phao, and Heikoutai, are cstimated at 5.000 on the side of the Japanese, and 10,000 on the Russian side. Entire Russian Failure. Gen. Kuroki's headquarters, Jan 29, (vin Fusan, Jan. 30).--~The Rus sian "attempt to turn the Japanese left has resulted in a complete fail ure, The Russians chose the worst weather of the season, depending, per haps, upon their familiarity with snowy country to aid in their prepar ations, Their artillery attacks on the Japanese permanent line it is thought, was a demonstration to prevent the withdrawal of forces for the purpose of re-inforeing the Japancse left. vesterday afternoon and into the night, an artillery duel was waged quict, to-day, except on the left, MEASURES PASSED. Opposed To The Railroading of The Acts. Snecinl to the Whig. the legislature, while another bill tee stages, The opposition leader, volving a capithl sum of $3,000,000 mee IK ton and Frontenac County. Highest 3 A YOUNG: COLLIE Doc DALK rates of compensation. both. salary . 3 he brown, answering to. the name of and commission. All communications Hon. 8 H. Blake, in a speech in re Tip," on Saturday night. Anyone giving information at this office benzie, Portsmout TO-LET. lings, stores. offices. Cann's Real Estate Office, 5 Brock street. at a salary of $25 per apnum, tonfidential Address Insurance Mab- | sponse to the toast "Canada," at Wy- or ager. The Whig, Kingston. returning the Sox wh i Say. , will be re treaty would he repeatéd and the Windsor, is dead, re De. Melean, the liber in Grenville, a majority ale stain os pong, ony said, thi mn ni in all his efforts, there were sever the interests of RULE OF FORCE. No Intention Of Giving Up Agi- would not bie fair in minister not familiar with the details. mab beseronto, J J anus DEATH STRIKES ZION CITY. [4 Prayers Of Dowieites Are Seeming- ly of No Rast: Chicago, Jan. 30,--Mrs, J. G8 Special to the Whig. ol. EE rules the capital and yesterday passed without any disturbances ers having no alternative except star vation generally will resume work, trict things henceforth, for a time at oe Zion City, is KILPATRICK FLEMING --AL i tion. Here in the second death which followed a recent i among John Alexander Dowie's chiefs and followers, and against whick the prayers of the "First Apostle' JOHN LANCASTER recovering slowly | The movement has been merely driven n known Catholic prelates of The correspondent learns that the de- Carl F. Stern died while en route the Bahama Islands, while Dowie i stomach trouble, his wife is desperately ill, i an investigation of the death of Mrs. identified with what is known as the lib- eral faction of the Catholic always taken an Petershurg University, A----------------------------------------------- Thomas Williams, board of health and the coroner, WERE NEARLY ASPHYXIATED. An Episode To Royal Diners In , in which Gorki is designated as 'r, und Prof, Gessen as director Arrests continue, Gopon, it has now been de . and badly injured, BOOT; ey Jenvary wih poth neer on Pennsylvania RR. dead from exposure storm of Wednesday last, A. « lark Lipyd, ; and was conveyed across the Gulf of Sweden by sympathetic Finns, At Jireatnit he is supposed to be Special to the Whig . King Alfonso, the explogion of an oil stove, : + the royal family, . now lies in a "precarious condi had a narrow escape situation in Poland Lo . AUT t from asphyxiation while dining' in the -- threatening, especially sow and Lodz. In the latter place it is reported that 100,000 men are out on T prospocty of exten "heating apparatus censor has ny to allow any tele other manufacturing cities of southern < : : grams regarding the incident to pass. , where the worlunen are better The el "Java and Moch Coffee by the flavor. The Bconomist We oii this Coffee *lsitves. The middle is s (| is saved.' pp son we can give he the Port ish consul and vice a Pu were practically all classes anticipate BEEF TRUST CASE. I and the latter wounded by Decided By Court Against Packers. } Spec igl to the Whie court of the U nited 'tates edie x case of United States vs, Swift & to, known as the beef trust sad; tharg conspiracy among the Far kers prices of fresh meats, was handed down by vince ote, wad affirmed "the decision of 'cour low, which was aghibist he packers. ---------------- Death Followed Snark, Syscial to the Whig. Partially Demolished. Sean anhaka Chal across the Shakhe river. It has been : ge Cup for small boats against ol the for tories and mills ' i meet. ns 'and ars » strike to all intents and purposes i® ended, Winnipeg, Jan. 30.--The bill intro- duced by the government to guarantee Canadian Northern bonds for 187 miles of new road within the province, at $10,000 a mile, was put through three readings at Saturday's session of will not long retain the re : Business Places Closed. was reeently appointed by : The Russian stroetx have been quieter ' 0, Wire « of deg re "" hnston, Tor nto te ' th failure o Jepmty » Ol al n " strikes continue : round ouse hére, places of business are closed, h guarantee bonds of the same company, to the extent of %1,000.000 for new terminals at Winnipeg passed its first and second readings"and the commit- Liberls have applied rs n A FINE DISCOVERY. r A Silver Vein Of Imumense Value Mickle, protested againgt the railroad: : Texas running at the ing through the house of measures in- TENDERS 8 Will BE deep cut three miles somth- buf Premier Rogilin' said that the ex rR pedition was necessary in order to al nrorning, on Earl. Barrie or Upper | PROMINENT OLD LINE LiFe 13x low of house proroguing on Tuesday surance ompan I) n t row oticitors. in the CIty of Kings- | of this week tA works required in waking Tinie alterations and additions to the Busintys premises of Messrs. WILLIAM. NE WLANDS, 258 Bagot strebt. Ses Eight Companies at Lowest Rates. Maney ito, Loan on Raal Estate, reports George TrorawaY, county, has struck it Fie district, Untarnio. ing he and William * discovered a vein the fervour of her acting that the latter struck her was rendered nneonscions. } x ji Four carloads of ore was wr hipped toa cliffe College dinner, said no effort ------mmmesmmm--reew | hould be spared to weld Newfound 8. A. Mahoney has issued a) writ land to the dominion. If care was not against William Dillon, of Cardinal, | taken the mistake of the Ashi futon factors --------eeeee | fry X50 Or tlander, and will fight it. i STORAGE FOR FURRITURE. | ALSO T. F. Kavanagh has heen appointed first clerk of the village of Bancroft took over the carpet manu. (heres which pave out $25,000: wages, but which was about wing to financial diffieultios The factor v's charter was granted in ! have heen forw Arded 15,000 per car. The vein 5: lands' north of Massey be the Bruce Mines, near North Bay. Jand, world pass to the United States. Lieut.-Col. Guilloi, city tregsurer of

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