THE DAILY WHIG. " Opifer per Orbem Dicor." THE HUNGER FOR OFFICE. The sober seises of some pedple are returning. Men are realizing that sugcess at the polls, in a local ol tion, does not involve a general dis- turbance of official relations; and that if mich were the intérpretation of the vote hy the conservatives it might he followed by results mot anticipated, or ut least not desired, by them. The spot where conservative opinion ought (0 be clear and unprejudiced is the committee room in Ottawa in which the members of parliament do congregate, Here they assembled on election night. Hero they talked of the situation as it occurred to Them. Hore they gave expression to their feelings with candor and directness. Hore it was hoped Mr. Whitney would indulge in the larger outlook. "He must remember," they reasoned,' "that there are, others, that there are six provinces outside Ontario, and that the conservative party has chances in all of them which could be quecred by Mr. Whitney's excessive use of pow- Jer. © Let offensive partizans, be re moved----oli, yes, Let the axe fall on the heelers and the disreputable queue of petty grafters. But let the civil | service be touched with the gentlest hand. The interdsts of the country must not suffer through a lack of ex- perienced officials, and the prospects 7 fof the party must not be marred by «| #tirving up influential resentments. The opinion is freely expressed' in No. G that the Whitney administration carinot: do better than emulate the wise forbearance of the Laurier gov. ermment when it came in in 1806." _ There was no exception made in this conclusion. It applied to all the officials, irrespective of when they were ointed, The argument that men | appointed to office during a certain period are different from others ap- pointed at an earlier date is not rea- wonahle. Any dismissal from ofide, ex- cept for cause--exeept for neglect of y or partizanship--would invite the resentment © which the conservative | members at Ottawa regard as most unwelcome, 5 THE AMERICANS, SHOCKED. Some American journals ara inclined to feel offended because Canada, or rather her government, is not dispos- ed to talk wp reciprocity. Comserva- tive and liberal governments have had their experience, Sir John Macdonald once went to the country with the proposition that if returned to power he would send an envoy to Washington, and that it would settle at once the question of closer relations between Canada and the United States. The American gov- ornment scarcely recogniged the depu- tation and certainly sent it back with the idea that the Americans did not desire reciprocity. Sir Wilfrid Laurier's government has heen willing to discuss the question on ita merits, but the Americans have trifled with it, not once, but again and again, until the premier decided he would have ng more to do with it, Then the Americans became ansious, and some representative men--men who have addressed commercial leagues, who have interviewed the president and organized generally---have pointed out that the success of imperial fed: eration meant death to their plans and speculations, "Our belated conversion to the idea of reciprocity," says Collier's Weekly, "is meeting with a cool reception in \| Canada. For the second time a sug: gestion by Senator Fairbanks that the joint high commission should be re- convened to consider trade relations has been politely shelved by Sir Wil- frid Laurier." Some hope is built up- on the effect of the Hay-Bond treaty, but it is not very inwpiring, particul: arly when it is noted that Lord Min: to, in England, has been warning his countrymen to make up to Canada and secure its friendship and trade, on the ground that "the United States is seoking reciprocity with Canada in the hope. of stealing her away from Great Britain." : i , Such 'an idea is repudiated by the newspaper from which we quote, but the fact is that American statesmen figure on capturing Canada's affections ax a. means of protecting her trade. Both the United States and England are bidding for Canada's commerce, and it is apparent that both cannot enjoy it, and Minto's idea is that the Motherland shoul so act that her col- ony will be drawn to her and' share in her prestige and prosperity. r---- The Toronto Star says the election of the 25th was not a liberal defeat, but a liberal release of a government from power. Thousands of good lib erals it says voted for a change of FR mi comin | 5 i | Bf es $y. i 3 > EED TO SEND OUT OF ENGRAVED CARDS COPPE : feiently enforced--stands fot a continu. and be shoull have Jf sions. But the Telegram: intimates JAY, JANUARY A es a tam a oS B.-A CHANGE? politician now is "and the manner of Whitney, during > nated that there ge, from ronunissioners " would not be in- "bein canvassed, and 0 have been ex press h regard to it. It has been suggested that the county warflen, the county judge and one government re- presentative be the board for the is sue of licenses, © and that they have the power to a t and control the inspectors. That 'do"for the poun- ty. . But what about the ity or town? The or might. take the m, and the judge i i . e 'of the license the commi rd y elietoed hy pop ular vote, and that 'they be in no way connected with other public body, at least that 'be not members of council. That the licensed victuallers had a great deal to do with recent election appears by the following, which is part of an interview with Mr. Haverson, the solicitor_ior the association : "The liquor interests as a whole voted against the Ross government because of the attitude of Mr. Ross and his party. The Globe continually asserted 'that the libéral party was the ty; that it alone had or temperance legislation that had been enacted, and was the only party that would pass any such legislation, and that it was useless for the tmpezance party to lock to Mr. Whitney for ing more than the license act. 1 was the premier's manifesto to the temperance people. "Taking the Globe and the premier on their own statements, there was no- thing else for the Hquar trade to do than to vote against the government. Ii the temperance people voted for Mr, Whitney, which 1 very much doubt, they were moved by. feelings of ven- geance. The liquor trade was animated by no such motive or feeling. It was a business proposition and what might reasonably be soted. The traditions the conservative party are not against the liquor party, and we sure- ly have some reason to helieve Mr. Whitney when he says that his policy is the license met well enforzed. "iat me jut salf hats whatever else may be said against Ss govern- ment, the Ross administration cannot he charged that they did not enforce the liquor license .aet,, which is as well enforced and .as well observed as any law on the statute books, and those who _pssert to" the contrary don't know what they are talking about." This testimony has its value, es. pecially when it is comsidéred in con- nection with the testimony of Dr. Chown, who represents - the temper- ance party. The declaration of hoth ~that the license law has been offi- ation of the present system, and in- dicates that this system will continue; the pre-election talk of Mr. Whitney to the contrary notwithstanding. -------- EDITORIAL NOTES. Hon, Mr. Ross will ' probably lead the opposition in the legiklature, -- . Hon. Mr. Harcourt: says he had, some days ago, an ahounding faith in majorities. Now ho has more faith in the saving remnant. The temperance league is fussing ab- out and doing more talk. It ought to take a hint from the election returns. Its leaders ought to go away back and sit down. All the independent candidates in the late local clection were defeated. Still the Ottawa Journal says the spirit of independence is growing. -- If Mr. Whitney carried out the idea he enunciated in opposition the city will be the better offi. It will have all the license money. There will be not division of the collections with the government, In Ottawa the tories are disposed to quarrel in advance over the public of- fices. As in Kingston men are picking out the places they would like to occupy before it has been decided to vacate the offices, -- The conservatives gre mot disposed to crow so much as thoy realize that they did not do all that the nlections indicate, They are welcome to rub it into the liberals, so that it will have he desired ofitet, In the county the great grievance against the government rested in the fact that it took some of 'the moneys collected from the licensed victuallers. Will the municipalitios néw have full possession of the funds ? Wait and see. The idea is preached that a place which is not represented by a member favourable to the government will pet niggardly treatment, What about Tor onto, which has for thirty years been in opposition to the local govern went ? Mr. Crawford's Toronto fripds are urging his claims to cabinet rank "be cause he knows a good deal about the cattle trade of the countty. Mr. Craw- ford represents one of the Torontos, and he and Mr. Foy and Dr. Nesbitt cannot all be in the new government. On dit that Dr. Beattie Nesbitt was endorsed by Mr. Whitney in the last election with the waderstelnding that no cabinet preten- that he cannot be ignored, that he too, is ark bol WE i) kind, Of course, "There ara a few of the old guard who will hail the new regime with de tight," seve th TOr6RTG World, "One official remarked that he had waited twenty-two years for the day when his | friends would be back in power." Had would "not have been 4 grit in office thirty-two days, much less years. The incident recites the forbearance 'of the liberals 'towards the conservative of- fice holders. TWO CHILDREN. CREMATED Mother Passes Little Ones From Window. Carthage, N.Y., Jan. 30. Two chil- dren, aged four years and one weck re- spectively, were burned to death in a house at Wanakena, on Cranberry Lake railroad, Saturday. John Pou lette is a night watchman at a lum ber mill. His wife was awakened by smoke and flames in her home. She rushed out in her night clothes, then broke a window and saved thre¢ of her children by passing them out of the window to neighbors. She made several attempts to reach the other two little ones, but was driven back by the flames, and they perished. The mother was badly burned. Decorate King Charles' Statue. Special to the Whig. London, Jan. 30.--Two hundred and twenty-six years age to-day, Charles I. was executed by his subjects, and latter-day Jacchites observed the an- niversary as usual by placing wreaths on the statue in Trafalgar Square. That is to say, they would like to place these floral emblems personally, but sad to relate the garlands are now always laid in position by the rude hands of Hanoverian policemen The reason for this is somewhat am: using. The observance started some fifteen vears ago, and all wonld have gone well, but for 4 modest bunch of violets placed among the other decor: ations, It was not the flowers but the card to which they were attached, which caused the rumpus. This ecard was the white lid of a milliner's box linked round 'with a deep black bord: cr. In_the centre were printed in large letters the words, "Remember! Oh, King and Martyr, We Have Not For gotten, Long Live Queen Mary." Next day there was a paragraph in all the papers calling attention to the "dis loyal" inseription, and when parlia ment met.a question was put to the home secretary. The consequence" was the placing of Jacobite wreaths under the censorship of the office of works, where all tributes sent, A -------- Stomach "Troubles and Constipa- - tion. "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are the best thing for stomach troubles and constipation I have over sold," says J. R. Cullman, a druggist of Potterville, Mich. They are casy to e and always give satisfaction. I tel my customers to try them and if not satisfactory to come back and get their money, but have never bad a "complaint." For sale by all druggists. He Made Good. Union City, Ind., Jan. 30.--Rev, C, P. Connelly, while preaching at the Free Methodist church, stopped and in vited a man who was disturbing the meoting to step outside, where they fought it out in a fierce fist fight. Nel- son, who was quite a fighter, rushed at the preacher a dozen times, but, with remarkable skill, the gospel servant finally landed a blow square in the face, and his opponent went down and out. The preacher then re-entered the church and finished his sermon. "Swiss Food' For Breakfast. "Swiss Food" is the best hreakfast wheat cereal--contains all the nutri tion of finest wheat. 15¢. packages. Claude Denton, Dorchesier, Ont., has got three years in Kingston penitenti ary for horse-stealing, in Deerham. SAWING WOOD ! This is the season when the woodman thinks of his year's supply of wood, and we want to interest you on Axes and Saws. We are the only people handling the Calobrated Disston's Champion Tooth Gross- Gat Saw for $3.50, Complete, and we also are making special offer this month Any person buying $5 worth of Hardware we will give one of our splendid POCKET KNIVES, \ mde W. A MITCHELL'S HARDWARE. REAL ESTATE Have you Properties for sale? It will cost you nothing to list it with us. DO IT NOW ! A. F. BOND, INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE, 63 CLARENCE ST., KINGSTON. X Rays Stove Polish Shines brighter and wears longer than others. Aluminum Polish for stoves or pibes. Gold Bronze, in powder and liquid. Get prices for above at the government beem a tory one there}: now have ta bef Of Lydia E. Pi Great Wo ity quickly yield to it. and headache. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Thse Refuse all su It is almost infallible in suc! and expels tumors from the Uterus in an early stage of de- "THE DISCOVERER No other female medicine in the world has received such widespread and unqualified endorsement. No other medicine has such a record of cures of female troubles or such hosts of grateful friends gs has It will entirely cure the worst forms of Female Complaints, all Ovarian Troubles," Inflammatidn and Ulceration. Fallin g and Displacement of the cases, Womb, and consequent Spinal Weakness, and is peculiarly adapted to the Change of Life. It has cured more cases of Backache and Leucorrheea than an edy the world has ever known. dissolves velopment. Irregular, Suppressed or Painful Menstruation, Weakness of the Stomach; Indigestion, Bloating, Flooding, Nervous Prostration, Headache, General Debil Womb troubles, causing pain, weight and backache, in stantly relieved and permanently cured by its use. invigorates the femule system, and is as harmless as water, It quickly removes that Bearing-down Feeling, extreme lassitude, " don't care" and " want-to-be-left-alone * feeling, excitability, irritability, nervous ness, Dizziness, Faintness/sleeplessnéss, flatulency, melancholy or the * blues are sure. indications of Female Weakness, or some de- rangement of the Uterus, which this medicine always cures. Kidney Complaints and Backache, of either sex, the Vegetable Compound always cures, Those women who refuse to accept anything else are rewarded a hundred thousand times, for they, everywhere. other rem- It Under all circumstances it tow they want--a cure: -Sold by Druggists ria THE 'H. severe STOCK, 4! ay We are bound "Don't Forget Ye Our Overcoat Sale to clear out our OVERCOAT $14 50 and $15.00 Overcoats at $11 60. $12.50 and $13.50 Overcoats at $10.00. $10 Overcoats st $8 00. All are this season's make. SPP rr rrracrsressrrrarrrsrrstesessssresereraaflil 'D. BIBBY CO. The reason :-Just because they are lonelies -- TVR IVVET VL SETTLES VOOTEIVTLLALTETLLVLL TTT TVLTT TVA LBTBLLTRVIEN ida will make a place for himsali. Gamey, JAS. Mc last of lots, .Qvexrgoats which were sent in late from the manufacturer. THE H. D. BIBBY CO. The Only Strictly. Cash and One Price Clothing ® TATE LITA IEC CRL TUTTI 2LTGTSS sce esDO ohn "Labatt's ISA PRIME {PORTER Ray : Made from tested natural spring water, selected barley malt and growths. of Undbubtedly better for the sick and = convalescent J blend of the hops. SS medicine. choicest House between Toronto and Montreal --Oak Hall, Princess St., Kingston. PULTE TAT RTLGTELS Sects TTs eben ves PPO PUP TTT TTATLTALTLTTTAAT TRB BTV UTBTRRLNS a than any PARLAND, Agent. (QES-------------- A Sh---- No Corks Apo. with crown caps cffort and withc Openers are At our Dissolutio: b'egest and best assort Kingston. 14 OFF 25 Per Means phenomena Notice goods and pric and see the bargain tab shoes at wonderful valu COME J. H. Suth Our Suit and Overcoa will find an oppertunity very liberal reduction. very Suit, Overcoat, Pe Thirty Per These garments are al prices and the exira Dis money. MEN'S Ovuercouts Overcoats Overcoats Overcoats 18 15 $12 $10 Suits Suits Suits Suits and and and and now naw now now $12. $10. $9 §7. $8 Suits and Overcoats now $5.60 $8 Buits and Overcoats now $4.10. $4 Suits and Overcoats now $2.80 We cheerfully refund mone or J08. ABRAMSON, 180 Princess St., Between at home WITH WONDERFUL Wi LEAD SAS For Bui THE CANADA META 3% BEST in the EA The new, up-to-date Business [rai School, FT) Dm Kingston, Ontario. In affiliation with the well known CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLE Of Toronto, Giving Lest courses in all Departine Clean and first-c Enter now. DAY AND EVENING SESSIONS W. H. SHAW, T. N. STOCKDALE President. Princ UP-TO-DATE We have sold three times as © Hoss-cut saws as we did last year, © Ng that our saws are all right. ge competition for price and gq 9. A 54 ft. eaw handle and file A STRACHAN'S HARDW! Everything new, Circulars free. OFFICES TO LET. TE orrFICHS, 196 ONTARIO Rens Jucated by Ew ® rp he ay Co. pply to irkpat Rogers & Nickle, 194 Ontario St