Bi Ste he ti ln SO When your appetite FAKES A VACATION, bring t back with a morniny lass of feals seem too far apart fter the gentle, relieving ffects of Abbey's Effer- escent Salt. I ALL DROCGISTS, 250 AKD 600 A BOTTLE § ugh ! \ "ough ! Cough! s is what you are doing. p it!" How? Why by using Dr Hickey's onchitis Cure ! very Bottle Guaranteed. pared and sold only at Best Drug Store, Successor To TAYLOR DRUG COMPANY, 4 Princess St., Kingston. ---- ood's Phosphod Ine, FES 3 anada sell ard and After, the only medicios , e onl : its kind that cures a. niversal sa on. ' It prom: anc ently qures all forms of Nervous Wen" 'missions, Spermatorrhaa, Fmpoter. § affects of abuse or excesses; the exces: vg lebacco, Opium or Stimulants, Men.) rin Worry, all of which lead to Infirmity. d an Early Grave, 40 ema od 8 Gar siz will cure. Mailed prompty on ™ | Fite Wood Compas OR", Canada, I's Phosphodine is seld by all on Droggists. I0Y ARGAINS AVY INTER 00S reductions in Under- for men, women and ren. Also Wool kets, Cotton Blankets Comforters. lance of our stock of es' and Children's 5 at almost your own man & Shaw. a 1 ton.... $6.50. Kton.... 3.25. Yton ,... 16s. e might che more and still give Sa Have you found that you've ton much for oven pe receiving & discount ? Try us! ES SWIFT & (0. Telephone 138. é Soho bb hol } to mail 1 a relative of No.5, may N : Je Span, 148 am. o. 5, Mal, am In Effect Oct 2a, 1904. Trains will leave City Depot. Foot of ' Johnston Street. GOING EAST GUING WEST 2, No. Ne § hi 0 pm Na No. 1, Locty £08 pan: Nos. 1, 2, 8 and 4, fun daily. No, 7 Mail, 519 pm, No. 15, Local, 7:08 p.m No. & and 8, run dally, except Mon- day. Nos. 6, 7, 11, 12, 15 and 16, daily, except Sunday. For Pullman accommodation, tickets, and all other information apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnston and Qttario streets. KINGSTON& PEMBROKE & CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS. TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON :-- 12:39 p.m.~Express, for Ottawa, Mon- tfeal, Quebec, St. Johm, N.B.; Halifax, Boston, Toronto, Chicago, Denver, Ren- frew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, St. Pau', Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco. & pm.--Local for Sharbot Lake, counecting with C.P.R. east and west. 8:10 a.m. --Mixed, for Renfrew and in- termediate points. Passengers léaving Kingston at 12:80 p.m, arrive in Ottawa at 5:00 p.m; Feterbdvo, ©1232 p.m; Toronto, 7:30 p.m.; Bosten, 7:30 a.m. St. Jobn, N.B, 11:56 a.m. Full partievlars at K.-& P. and OC. P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Strect. F. CONWAY, Gen." Pass Agt. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY New short line for Tweed, Napanee, Deseronto, and all local points, Trains leave (lity Hall Depot: ati®h:25 pum. CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kiagston. ror TERI, BERMUD F. A. FOLGER, JR., Gon. Supt. A UMITED STATES SENATOR Used -Poruna For Dyspepsia Wits AT sides a good ton, Peruna is not stomach, vice gratis. HON. M. C, BUTLER, Ex-United States Senator From South Carolina. X-U. S. Senator M. C. Butler from South Carolina, was Semator from that state for two terms. letter from Washington, D. C., be says: "I can recommend Peruna for dys- pepsia and stomach Srouble.. en us, medicine period ay 1 feet Short Itis indeed a wonderful medicine be- dyspepsia. Peruna is a catarrh remedy. Yeruna cures dyspepsia because it 1a generally dependent upon catarrh of the If you do not derive prompt and satis- factory results from t| Pe write at once to D {ull statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad- Address Dr, Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, 0, ONTARIO. Retains Young His Man Napanee, Feb. 1. returned from his nephew, Robert ley, Bruce county, Ont. ed his aged relative, dart, who is is probably I the oldest wan in tana, was born in the county Cavan, land, in 1798, and came with his parents in 1819. of the soldiers who went with militia to the battle of at Preseott in 18370 brother still lives, Lanark, who died about live with his nephew, Robert Stod- 2 1 : j dart, Paisley. He has all his facul- | Senerabihip a ile aha, 48 luicumie Z 77 ties and chn read without glassos and | Sonerally bo - is hearty cheerful and ly to live for some years yet G. E. Hall, son of townsman, W. F. private secretary for In a recent 1 bave ¥ erly oceupied hy Jl. very much relieved. keeper at the same point, Mr, commenced his railway ter a couple-of years spent of one of the R. & 0 between Toronto. and ic," =-M. C. Butler. simply a remedy for Montreal P. A. Peterson, vice-president, and Ernest's many pleased to hear of his promotion At a special meeting of the council, held last wight, use of Peruna, artman, giving a Napanee, in a S$15.000 plant and Frost. unknown, -malarig img lo, From New York, 48 hours by elegant new twin gcrew steamship * Bermudian,' Sailings every 10 cays during January. Every five days during February, March and Apri 3905 FOR WINTER CRUISES GO TO -- WEST INDIES -- 80 days trip. About 20 days in tropics. Special cruises to Bermuda, Porto Rico, Windward Islands and Cuba, SS PRETORIA, February 9th and March 22nd, 1905. For further particu- 1 apply to A. KE. OUTERBRIDGE & JO., Agents, for Quebec SS. Co., 39 Broadway, New York ; ARTHUR a Secretary, Quebec, or J. P, HANLEY, and to J. P. GILDER- SLEEVE, Ticket Agents. Kingston. TE From St. John. From Halifax. Ionian Sat. Feb 4: Mon. Feb, 6. Pretorian, Sat, Feb. 11; Mon. Fel i Corinthian, Sat. Feb. 18; Mon. F Parisian, Sat. Feb. 25; Mon. Feb. RATES OF PASSAGE-First Cabin, $50 and upwards, according to steamer and accommodation; Second Cabin, Liv- erpool and Londonderry, - $87.50 and WO: london ' $2.50 extra; Third lass, $27.50; superior accommodation verpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, Lon- a on. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. Mongolian ....., ..... Thurs, Feb 2, 10 a.m, First Cabin, $40 and up--Second Cab- in, $35--Thied Class, § For further particula ply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, @.[.as. City §. J. P. GILDER- SURRVE, Clarence Strost. ARCHITECTS NM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- ce, second floor ever, Mahood's drug store, corner. Princess and Bagot ] trance on Bagot street re ---------------------------------------------- ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF fics site of New Drill Hall, near cor ner of Queen and Montreal Streets. ------------------------------------------------------------ POWER & SON ARCHITECT, MER- chant's Bank Building, corner Brock and ton streets. 'Phone 213 HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT ete., Anchor Building, Market Square 'Phone 248 ectal Bulletin Nov. 30th, 1904. In spite of all statements to the contrary the OFFICIAL AWARD ol the St. Louis Exposition has just been announced to-day, and the public will note that, as usu- ul, the Oliver record has not been equalled, and that the OLIVER TYPEWRITER has been awarded the GOLD MEDAL. Boils, 25c. BIRD BOOK FREE o- subses fr, Sets FOR But in Ap MOTHER HENDY'S ; WILL © Cuts, - Sat = X Rays Stove Polish pian nes brighter and wears longer than Aluthinum Polish for stoves or pines Gold Bronza, in powder and lquid. at friends "her Bishop's Mills Dool bs attending sthool. Mr, and Mrs, Sunday visiting friends in Wellington, Mr. and Mrs, Langstafie, Spencerville, | ander last werk, visiting friends Miss © Dab, J. Fpllsy spent iting "his si . Mrz. R. Gardner, mother, Mrs, H, Weir, last week, WEAVER'S SYRUP It purifies the Blood and cures " Humors, Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd., Montreal, Thousands sold, But thie bank tree by sending us 3 bird k iresves and 3 Bird Bread yellow w ra noc yellow nls ins) otauy annie send Lis adklress to us: BIRD BREAD | . ars. aol gs. go) ures birds' ills andupakes them sing. Free tin ins Ih. Cottam 5 the standard bled § - $5 PER SET Slightly Used Good Order. SALES DEPARLMENT, 178 Mountain St., MONTREAL, QUE, To Any Local Manager of the. Bell Telephone Co. 'of Canada. sma OINTMENT PRICE, 25 CENTS. BE Burns, héum, Children's Sore Heads, Boils Blood Pois- os _anfl Bealing Fiogers. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. Bishop's Mills Movements. visitéll at the home of Fdwar Now ew dnys last week vie -- $10,000 each year in wages, if from taxes, except school taxes free water carry out the wishes of Mr. and in all probability factory will be built REVIVAL IN WALES -- dinner, and that & hideausly ashod Causes Sales Of Bibles To Tre- | head, livid and streaming with blood, ble had stared own at the Sanpany ~ , 3 throngh a blue mist on, the alter London, Feb. 1.~The Welsh revival hn 3 ' Pr Salt Rheum bas oteanioned of feoond: book in. Bis bulkhead. "Jt is Draga's ghost, sellers gre worth, "Our records November now show that ppers, Bird Broad §rocer or druggist, I desler has and cash or stamps for phts, wanted, amount for the 1903." said the Bible society imitations) the months of Darlow of the "What signa' of falling off. "Letters regeh us daily ood, sold everywhere, Ex. co for reply stamp. dares exactly asking kind--Welsh Bibles at 104 neither of which, the society ma to say, Old Lady Passed Away. Preston Vale, Jun. 30.---Mr. Mrs. T. Haley have returned eral of their son Gwe in that place. Miss L away at the home of Mr. J. kindly dispositioned old lady, resided with Mr, {vears. The se rvice was conducted Rev. Mr. MacDonald of Lanark, ---- Closs Trusses in Chown's. every style and ply to Paul's church, Avimer, Que.. but fifty-foot, fall into the NOW ently caused no serious injury. Or When SicKness Comes there's always a need for Armour's Cxtroct of Ceef. It keeps up vitality and prevents) excessive loss of flesh and! Strength, It's rich beefy flavor makes beef tea that is es appetl- zing os it is delicious and stimu. lating. Frozen Limba, Broken Breasts, Sold by ofl Croevers and Drupgista. , Jan. 31. Warren the Guelph Dairy K. Green spent Alex- | "rice is Mountain. ' visiting Swrith's Mizz Myrtle in" South York, is Alexander, Mra." Samuel Buker. Hexton, visited her 'GREAT AGE LIKELY THE OLDEST MAN IN He Was Born in 1798 and Still Faculties -- A Promoted -- To Build a Canning Factory. John Prittie hes a month's visit with | Stoddart, Pais- He also visit: Joseph Stod- in his 107th year, and {n- This remarkable aged resident lived in Lanark township, near Lan ark village, for ovep eighty years. He Ire to Canada He was one the the Windmill He had two brothers and several sisters; only one John Stoddart, Paisley, who is over ninety years of age and is still quite smart." He was married when he was about seventy years of age to a Miss McLellan, of en yoars ago. About five years ago he went to and unless something unforeseen happens is like our esteemed Hall, who has been the past three years to DD. M. Nicoll, general smanager of the C.P.R., Montreal, has heen ap pointed assistant goneral store keeper at the Angus shops, a position of no little responsibility, which was form H. Callahan, who was recently appointed general store Hall experience af as purser hoats running and then in the office of the chief engineer, being subsequently promoted to the office of the second general managsr, Napanee friends will be town to consider the proposition of Mr. Carson, Belle ville, to build a canning factory bles. For every £1080 worth of Bibles sold in mormal times, the Welsh hook- selling over £308 during and December orders from Wales for Bibles were over three times corresponding tev, is \more; the demand shows no new supplies. One bookseller, for stance, writes © "No trouble now sell Bibles; the tromblo is to them.' "Many of the orders specify testaments needless any profit." and from Swith's Falls, gfter attending the fun v, who resided a McLaren, of Winnipeg, is visiting her parents hero, SALE We are pleased to hear of the recov ery of Master James Cornett. after a severe attack' of pneumonia. Miss Mag Allan gie Ferguson is visiting friends Carleton Place. Miss Laura spent Saturday afd Sunday at home in Balderson. The election pass ed, off very quietly here, owing to the oads being impassable. There passed Closs, on Sunday last, Miss Talford. She was a and had for fourteen size A workman slid from the roof of St. appar 5 i in| the quay, when suddenly a Mr. Carson proposed te put pay at least the | without her el town will give hime five acres of land to be used for a camming factory, free and The proposition niet with | w approval and steps will be taken to Carson the canning H.1 At daybreak he vesterday, for | nd! refused to go near the waeht. that Welsh Bibles are required, but the de mand for English Bibles is also very great. They age mostly of the cheaper Telephone [+ 10} trying nervously to keep at the tail get of the procession, went on board the vacht, and proceeded dowh the om panion ladder. In the saloon, lying on his back, and in 8 Woon, in which + PAUL DOUMIR, Special to the Whig Panis, Feb. L--#aul Doumor, has been oleéted t of the Fronch Chamber of Deputies. M. Doumer iy one of the two or thrde men in France with a future by common can. sent, When he returned to Franco in 1902, after his five years' governor man high in the service of the state. His election to the presidency of the chamber places hime decidedly in line for the presidency of 'the republic, QUEEN'S HAUNTED YACHT. NYS * An Extraordinary Story Is Being Told. A Special to the Whig, : Vienna, reb. L=An oxtraordinary story is being told here, on the pu- thority of a Bude-Pesth correspon: dent. Some weeks agg the yacht which the ill-fated Servian Queen Praga bought shortdy: before her death was brought up the Danube to the Hungarian capital by itd purchasor, a Belgrade merchant. Owing to queer stories current about the yacht diflioulty had been experienced in foting a full crew, and on arrival at Buda-Pesth several men deserted. Two days later a dinner party was: held on board. A number of idlers, attracted by the vaehit's tragic assotiation, were loitering on frantic scream was" heard, and a | eautiful voung girl, in evening dress, . hut s rushed out of the companion and dashed slong the gang way to lands Fhe. excitod crowd attempted to stop her and axk what 'an' the matter, hut with the myster- ious words, "The face | the face I" she tore herself. nway and rushed down the road. dv 4: : Next morning rumor spread rapid- ly that the electric. lamp int the yacht's saloon bad : gone out during said the superstitious. On the following daw. the crew de. sorted in a body. She river authori tick ordered a guard" to be set om boasd. Difliculty wal, experienced in getting anyone to spend the night on the haunted yacht, but: at last on old watchman, named Birnbaum, was induced to go ou hoard. was hailed from the deck hy the man who had come to relieve him. No answer was received The relief, being frightened, ran ashore An hour later three policemen, each he ha apparently heen for several hours, was the watchman. On his face was a look of inexpressible har ror When brought to Birnhaom refused to say what he had seen, "but ex- claiming wildly The face 1 the face!" staggered on shor A RIPE OLD AGE. Mrs. Thomas O'Brien, 'Lanark's Oldest Resident. Perth, Jan. 31 --Lanark's' oldcst re- ident has passed away ih the person of Mrs. Thomas O'Brien, who lived to age of 103 Fears, were spent in Lan [net in the town he having nioved rents when but a resided any plac» orn in the county of Tyrone, Ireland, an May 7th, 1502 and would therefore have heen 103 had she lived till May nest, Deceased was t martied, her Crst hushand being Thomas MeGowan, who died many years ago, and ps a result of this marriage there were two chil dren, Thomas and Murgaret, Her sce ond hmsband's me was Thomas O'Brien, who alee asked away, but who lived to be a very old wan. As a result of this marriage thete was a family of thre and three daugh ters, all of whom are Hiving except one, Mrs. James Hughes) 'of Bathurst, who died sixteen vears digo. The sor- viving members are: George, in Seat- tle, Wash. Ter John; in Michigan, and William, wh redides in Perth: Mrs. Peter Bedone of Michigan and Mrs. Joseph Bedoor of Badiord. Mes. O'Brien was only» wonderful woman when it remembered that her carly years were years of hardship jr little comfort, and it could not we wandered at if the constitution be came ymdermined under © the strain, but Mrs. Joseph O'Brien did not ap parently auffer anv ilboflectas from her |! strenwons life, for during her Fife-time she always eniovid the best of health, hardly knowing that it was ta be wick, Up to the last she polnined her almost perfect health and was going about the dav hefore death eamp. She never required the adolf onl could ses as distire +4 a vouth, May Increase Pols, Toronto, Feb, | Famior Says that |t one thing the Whitney wovamment js likely to do ik to incremses the fees of division the wonderful old nearly all of which ark county, amd | ship of Bathurst there with her | child aml she nu else. Deceasid wa « 1 ~Notes From All Over--Li A +* } | ment § ie vest eharacter is' pre treme nervous irritability and happily can be cured does directly upon the nervous system, it accomplivhés marked results in even a short time, food for the kind of nourishment needed by worn out nerve cells, supplies building mn terial and strengthening qualities jm- possible to find elsewhere, is contained in Ferrozone that is read- ily takin up hy the human systen and BO ole can use without instantly feeling its bifoyant upliftin i prominent was cured of Ferrozone would be impossible 10 horror of my nervous condition, blood to my head. 1 sometimes burst into uncontrolled tears or alse laughed by the half-hour, away my strength and completely dis. wrganized my nervous system, zone did me immense good. It restor- health, teria look hearty and feel just fine. zone did this, and I pale and languid, who feel worn ont and distressed, there is no more vital izing medicine than Ferrozone. Refuse a substitute for Fervozone, which is prepared in the form of a choeolste 'QUARTERS OF EAR™M, | Matters That Interest Everybody A Saeal Steike and a labor me um General atehlord, to be 410, a mhgregn gation of the Church of the Nativity, Cartwall, hate wiven Fa. ther illan a far coat and cap. The counties comeil of Starmon Dundas and Glengarry, elected Tal L. Groves, Cornwall township, as the Russian officers, formerly with Ade miral Rojestvensky's fioet, at the ine} ternational inquiry testified that tor pode boats were about the fleet, | The United States government may institute eriminal proceedings against members of the "bof trust," unless the injimction of the courts is heeded. A Carnegie has rofused to have anything to do with improve | ments in Pittsburg which would bring him into even remote connection wit the liquor teaffie, : The opinion is sxpressed that the czar will pardon Maxim Garky, the novelist, who has been arrested in connection with the recent disturbance es in St. Petersburg, Charles Goodenohigh, a waiter in the New England Heater: Victoria, B.C, wag hit on the head with a oarvin knife by a Chinese cook, Condenhan was very seriously injured. The affections are to be made tests of child's sanitv--in New York public schools. Dr, Brann of the Board of Edueation considers love a disoase, and Kissing a sign of feehlo-minded. | ness, Frederick M. Rogvrs, the filleen-yogrs old son of Charles W. Rogers, Vie toria. B.C., thi well-known confection: or, killed himself. by sending a bullet through his heart at the New 'Frgland otel, ------------ CUSTOMS' INCREASES. Increase Hilf a Million For Seven Months. Ottawe, Pb. 1.--The cuktoms rev enve of Canada for past seven months of the current fiscal year to tals $21,203967, an ineraase of $580, forteiponding months of 5 goin in January alone was It is raimored in political circles that the Hon, Mr. Prefontaine has conelud« od arrangements for the the utseal Hodis © eonservative morning' hy Jojirnal, Mr. Jamieson ------ + Montreal, had rp ed the respon ib of superiptending the construction of the government's | two million bushel eleva Port |, Colborne, for which he ry ! prepared the plans, 3 bra -------------- Names Of Bedford's Rulers. = Fermoy, Jan. 30. T. Scanlan, Le mg one of the councillors of the town ship of Bedford, elacted by neclama tion on January 9nd, resigned hin meat on account of being a sthool trustee. A second nomWination was held on January 30th and J, Madden was elected by acclamation to fill the vacant sent. The Bedford council now consists of reeve, William Swerbrick; conngillors, Joseph. Jones, I. BE. trash, Wiliany Lee and John Madden, tMlicers are : Treasirer, George Rut terill; clork, James MN veil; board of health officer for three yoars, Peter Botting; ass oA Rad gers; hoard of health officer, Dr, Berry; auditors, T. Scanlan and L. B. Bateman -------- Speaking at Proston, Lord Hugh Ceeil suid he believed Mr. Chamber lain had done harm to the cause of union with the empire, HYSTERICAL ATTACKS Almost Entirely Confined to Women. ---- Two great classes ave found in suf. ferers from hysteria. With rome the attacks are comparatively passive. The patient sinks suddenly into insensibil- ity from which she emerges in ou state of weakness and proforind depression. With others the hysteria is nccompan ied with epilupti al symptoms, extreme agitation and convulsive. paroxysms, leaving the patient panting and trem- bling in a most pitiful way Hysteria is merely a proof ol ox Acting as Ferrozone Ferrgrone is 5 perfect nerves it contains the Nutriment this great food tonic g oliver, Mrs, 9) F. Jenkins, the wife of a merchant in St, Alban's, hysterical attacks hy Here is her statement : "Tg deseribe the Lit. le things upset me and sent & rush of The attacks wore ""rro- my nerves, built up my general and completely cured the hys- Today I am vigorgus, strong, Ferro- can't recommend his excellent tonic too highly." For weak nervous women who are ivi court clerks and Mailifs Their revenue, it. will be re emberad, was reduced during "the a move ment. Ther feigrole oo v Ih ; on court clerks "aml bali ard inate 1 Le Quiately paid, Bi a ed tablet amd sold everywhere in purchase of | 9 : Ladies' Fine Laced Boots ; $120, Kp Bis. i i Boys' Good School Boots for 980. Girls' Good Behool Boots for 98 | 099509300000 060966 BIG REDUCTION SAL Wholesale Prices WAL boxes or six boxes for $2.50, A, J. REES. Princ impress you in value and pri 'present during this bargain Some More of the Good Tt Men's Fine Tiveed Boots ; vogular $2060; Bale Price, $1.98, Men's Fino Tau Boots ; regular $8.60 and $4 ; Bale Price, $1.75. Indien Fira. Vici Kid and Box Calf Laced Boots ; regular $2 ; Salo | Price, $1.49. 3 Pl regular $150 and $1.75; Swe Price; Girls' Echeol Button Boots ; roguniar 81 ; Bale Price, 9. Sag y Sani Here's Another Snap Duriog the next 70 days we will sell all regtlar. 10. Paste Poish | STINSFORIOCENTS. ».' Abernethy's Shoe Store & For Dependablé Shoes. . : © 06® In order to reduce our immense stock of ELECTRIC SUPPLIES, SHADES, FIXTURES, etc., we offer for. 30 days any goods in our store at li NOW IS THE TIME TO Walnu 'Spanish Crisp. Brown's Genuine Butter Scotch only 20¢. per Ib. * \