Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Feb 1905, p. 1

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® O'clock 1 one of the s of Ladies' RTS, These special bar- SKIRTS ome trimmed kirts are all finished and gular values 25. lankets on 3 air. ess than the ICE we can- give you the eet mete ee See me YEAR 72. NO. 27. ---- " AlL January & February FURNITURE Everything reduced. A great portunity to save from 15 to 20 per cent. on all lines of Furniture, Couches, velours or tapestry, $5.50, $6.50, $8.50 and up. Good line. Iron Bed special, regular $7.50 for $6, others $3.50, $4.50, etc. Six Solid Oak Desks, fitted with British plate mirrors regular $7; to clear at $5.50, IE ROBT. J. REID, 'The Leading Undertaker, : PAG © 222 Prificess Street, 2 doors above opera house. Telephone 577. 'OUR OFFER FOR FEBRUARY Canadian Box Calf Made-~ $5 to-Order Lace Boots =~ This work will be mado in our usual excellent manner. We' can recommend it very highly. Wear "Allen's" 1° migitary Bootmakers, : 84 Brock St. SIGN OF GOLDEN BOOT, TO CONTRACTORS. TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED AT the office of the undersigned (where plans aid speeifications' may he seer to 12 o'clock moon FRIDAY for the several trades wo in making certain alterations additions to the business premises of Messrs, Ma- hood Bros., Princess street WILLIAM NEWLANDS, Architect: 258 Bagot street eee enemies THERE IS.A CHANCE I have almost new stoves, in cooks and heaters, Jot, which LI will sell st Uig har- gains, also furniture, as I want to get space for other stock jn. spring. TURK'S SECOND-HAND SHOP, 398 Princess Street. GARDINER"'S Ci Digdrange and Heal Egtate. Bight Companies at Lowest Rates. Money vo. | iin Real Estate, onveyeéncy, etc. 151 Wellington Street. THOS. HILTON 386 Princess Sireet, Two Doors Below Laturney's Carriage Shop. Trunks and Valises made and repaired. Basket ®'runks re-willowed. = Locks and Keys fitted, ete. PRICES MODERATE. WANTED. I EES Sess A YOUNG LADY FOR OFFICE WORK. Apply box 101, Hotel Randolph. A MAN TO LOOK AFTER FURNACE and do chores at the Iroquois hotel A GENERAL SERVANT, NO WASH- ing or jroning. Apply at 55 George street -------- eee NURSE GIRL OF 17 TO 20 YEARS Good wages. Apply to 124 Bagot Street west. ttn es ees te: MEDIUM SIZED HOUSE TO RENT with modern improvements by small family. Box 41, Whig office mete rtm senate {| ; JIN AND BOILER PROM | Sunday, ix horse power Apply to | was on Alex. Tyo, 266 Princess street GENTLEMEN, TO GET THEIR Spring Suits made up at Galloway's. 131 Brock street, next to Bibby's livery; style, fit and price guaranteed to please; pressing and repairing done balloonistg promptly. | F tion of been withdrawn during the day. ple who are seeking an advantageous | general EE -------- A ALL INTELLIGENT, RELIABLE PEO- change, or those who are idle and tacks 1 comnter attacks at out want work will accomplish their | 2% ack i Counter alla tarpase by writing Marshall & Co. | posts, villages tea importers. London, Ont.; Outfit ported in th furnished. etter PUPILS AT MME. ELDER'S DRE b making Parlors, 251 Priv $ street Evening costumes a special iy Instructions in dressmaking giv- en day und evening until March 1st. | Of Sandepas, and an apparently strong Cutting by measure, designing, otc. | foree of Russians is hotwes n Sandepas : and Shakesepu, ty check the . who former Hun river. the including system, $10 Goop BI 1LDIN SOUTH SIDI LOT, I Queen street, between Montreal and iol Bagot. "Apply 49 Colborne street Japanese right. BUSINESS CHANCE ¥OR £1,000, With a net inddine of 10, owner's {ailing health Cause of sale. Apply at McCann's. 51 Brock street BRICK . RESIDENCE. 317. EARL | hardment Street; six rooms, furnace, modern | © arahese loo ortve 1 fohieniences. Apply through J. 8. |off but failed. I'he indications are that the Japanese will abandon Sandiapn, The ns - ar is proceeding TENDERS WILL, BE RECEIVED FOR he usual artillery dael i proceeding the following property to February | at th, 1905 : McCann, Brock sireet, Kingston 20th Neos. 204, 206 Wiliam Stredt and Nos. 109, 111 Wallington Street. heated hy hot water: and Nos 230, 282. M4. Sydenham street. and 185 Clergy "street, heated by hot air All these Properties have all modern or otherwise, lot north-west corner of Mack and Al- Mis hert streets, opposite Vietoria Park, Posite Frontenac Park. Address Box 44, Whig office LOST. YOouNe corLig DOG, pArK [ley, a degraded policeman, confessed hrown, answering fo the name of ; to extracting $1,800 from Ruby Ford "Tip." 'on Saturday night. Anyone Haleott giving information at fice o returning the doe "to re or could get her husband out of the Nav- henzie, Portsmouth, will be rewarded. | al Prison at . EY DWELLINGS, STORE! OFFICES, Factories and "Storage at McCann's Real Estate Oice, 51 Brock street KINGSTON, ONTARIO, 1S FREED That win DAILY MEMORANDA. touch tho problem Bol the people, lies ization and com- uth Council to-night. Alutmi Dinner, Grant Hall UNNERS CR As They Fight In Wild De: Sithr (he working od classes raise the | BE of any such ery, men nor the ed ses Friday at 7.16 a.m. Be Granted Russian People. GREAT WORK ACCOMPLISHED BY TWO AD- VANCED STATESMEN. Bb exists the so-call. is where a man's BS but its indépend- bt. money and good resolut were created a magazine ate was not used for a pattern. plan advocated by. © nationalization BLOOD FROZE AS IT FLOWED FROM THEIR city buildings till 4 p.m. Fri- Thew, through the individual, through The Czar Has Yielded to the Re- Horrors Of 1812 Repeated--Des- Perate But Impotent Against Cold And Starvation, Representation Chamber to be Created -- Yermoloff's view With Czar. Special to the Whig only away on a vacation The St. Petersburg of the Daily Telegraph sends the following remarkable state : "In a few days we shall transformation scene ? ial to the Whig. ews Culled From Montreal, Feb, £2 ofc R. state that the com tinue its plan ' of build he lair river, betw : And Detrolt, it he Mi Centra ides independen struct a tunnel under the river, The n ting the object of jointly = construeti bridge, but it is now I I five days combat, which will be known as the battle of southern amethyst Yentai, the soli- which is the Liao. rumor that 'he. is tary eminence of ; fang tower of bloc The bright glare from a dazzling painful (0 the ey the Vanderbilt in- of the sun reflected expanse of snow was e8, and it was with one could follow here k streaks marking the 4 or wavering skirmish the Detroit river, Prince Sviatopolk- tunnel independently. THIRTEEN IS FATAL. Nine In Sleigh Load Killed By Train Hornelliville, N.Y., Feb, 2A pas senger train on the Pittsburg, Shaw- mut & Northern railre erashod into a sleigh party of thirteen women, of them outright and so uring the remaining six them died after being removed to' 4 Of the other four, two are ocourred near Ark dull gray ricks, but which in reality idence of Lohoer Tanlepu and the e Trench, 'Spanish fenees and converted by the Japanese riresses, surrounded NER SET $l SETS BERTSON BROS ACCIDENT INSURANCE Stick Pin is an ACCIDENT to he 3 sel Wicun Banks, known ad, last right, Exposed to hntense cold, of earth had become inp fenses. For five days Russi unavailingly hurled themse and field artillery pound | the frosty air 'reverbher. grvgational church, phodist church, Bul venty-five members din of bursting shells a famer Alby, which gunners actually their impotence, tar batteries came 4 demolishing the ry a party from the Universalist chur rr ------ IS GRADUALLY SINKING. President Beckwith's Death Ex- pected At Any Time. Oberlin, O., Feb. 2.~Prosident Beck: Citizens National ar Francis Joseph nt Julius Andrasxy, Bt opposition Jead shells was poured BULL DOG TIE PIN HOLDER These are RELIABLE and not a SMITH BROS. JEWELERS Hockey Match INTERCOLLEGIATE CHAMPIONSHIP M'GILL vs. QUEEN'S FRIDAY. Feb. 3rd Game called at 8 pm Reserved seats extra, 50c, sale of scats and tick- TRANSFER OF TAVERN LICENSE NOTICE IS HEREBY I have arranged to transfer my business seemed indifferent which latter was ¢ with of the closed bank: is slowly sinkin; to-day that he mi days, but was liabl of Arctic intensity, 8 wore destroyed ? fly damaged by fire ht live for several eo to pass away at wound caused exernel blood na sooner suded from Incerat o no longer takes nou -- a former residont Aa : ye Bg His Czardom And I ithi 4 T Tr Tom, om i ay i Tatent, okt excitoment | Vithin an hour they died. Marriage Of Col. Hurdman, wore almost powerless as thoroughly amazing as anything a ging of wounds, or ancient or fairy and. brought to New sending a concealed Cunarder Umbria, has been committed bail to await trial. The new Cornell dam, near Croton Westchester county, the of masonry in the world Hurdman and May Pen T. Pennock, were mar- at the bride's home, « The service was per: J. T. Pitcher, pastor End Methodist church, acted as best man, and Britton, Gananoque, as modern pantomine to resist the cold The men seemed to live winter campaign Turks, Everything y : ; 154 Wal stro guish in cells in the fortress will ter street meanors will be for IS12 against the Governor-General Trepofi man was powerless to Manchuria, and in ten days a brand in the face of na which heaped tortures pon the practically complete, after troops and defeated the well thou of labor and expense will supply New York with water Charles Kittson, of the Ogilvie Mill i Montreal, is spoken of the probable successor of Mr Jardine, who lately resigned the commissioner for (an ghters of Col. Hurdmay girls. The oceasion was .» only relatives being pre- and Mrs. Hurd "They will be absent about of $9,000,000, and DeWitte and a new will begin for the Russian people, That is the latest item of the political pro- that the License Commiksioners have de ------------------------ cided CESSATION OF TROUBLE. spectfully yours, There Is Now Hope For Internal The correspondent ascribes cision to the influence and M. Yermoloff, minister of agricul. ture and state domains The correspondent describes the -------- Defrauding His Creditors. Whie:. Feb. 2.-J, Hill, the insolvent chant, who assigned morning, was arrested on of defrauding his creditors. The arrest has caused somethi Dated at Kingston, 1st | t------ GOT RICH IN KLONDYKE. Special to the Whig SANDEPAS ON FIRE. Kuropatkin Reports ful Bombardment. S§. Petersburg, Feb. 2.- telegraphing under January 30th, says Sandepas Russia indicate a cessation Man: Returns And Re- of the industrial of trouble in most marries Former Wife. sian magna charta. ng of a sensation. I. Yermoloff, he savs, had an audi- Vremya says the emper- the workmen dele. was an event awaks hope of the re-establishment of' internal peace - a Rlondvke miner, was yester patkin, . 22" » his former wife, Mrs I'wenty-five years his majesty that the present system of government had outlived its usefulness and declared that it would be impos Station Agent Commits Suicide. Samuel Crandall, for many years sta- tion agent on the New York and Ot- tawa railway at St. Regis Falls, com- mitted suicide at his home by shoot: ing himself through the forehead. De clining health is the reason assigned, dated January 3lst, the commander-in-chief reports a con tinmance of a successful bombardment of Sandepas, and ishand died about business of the empire without the as years ago, and Shaw, having made a & Sympathy Of Royalty, HAffernoon Geas e of the Russian peopl . hercupon, reprimanded the me months ago, and « and the dowager smpress to the them a delight, discharged his duty a prominent and po : Leaves The Hospital, of this place for Fhey have placed £25,000 at the dis Philadelphia, Fob, and passes already re Frepoff for the aid on the hills of Sunny Ceylon, in air-tight germ-proof packages, . and recovered his wuffered a severe full on the dee here on January 9nd, left the hospital to- day. Although her knee cap was frac tured, she in not lame, and may ree turn to the stage this season, ------ To Build Three Boats. A Glasgow special From the reports of the general staff it is not clear vet whether t ing on CANNOT FEND HIM. retired to an ante-room, but eventual ly his majesty recalled him and listen. Sympathy For Russians. Arrangements have a monster mass Fight In Peter strength in transportation. a - the pacification of the country - v his majesty commanded the minister g. moetg in Ques 's pound, t + Feb. 2.~A feud be De Witte, president of the trying to use their The minister, thereupon, movement © across held under the sns enble Nay Lipton vachis, all qualified for the challenger, has a new plan for a racing hoat, to the Americans off their a half came back with a constitution in his han. This czar, who mean- while paced the apartment. His majes ty asked no questions and when Yermoloff had finished he in his hand and signed the document bhed in four places by most serious wound men, Capido ix now hospital, and unless ---------------- Died In London. To Abandon Sandiapu. lisappeared after he. . pd rg ---------- manager of the Canadian ac died, last evening, at Granted Reprieve. an illness of some Giine came to London from some ten years ago and os d the Canadian Packing com: pany at London Junction, which has been doing a flouri hing business. He mission). of Sandigpn yesterday, the Whig. ' Montpelier, Vermont, Fob, 2.~Gov, Ficth Ff a Russian nation, ELOPED WITH PA'S WIFE, Tolstoi's Views To Redeem Russia condemned to be hanged at Tolstoi, the Rus + in order that op- for a new trial, With Stepmother. , Fab, 2.<Willie Bod ley. aged seventosn, of Plymouth, Bodley, aged twent ther, 'eloped the ihe! to this city, where the vork at 85 a week 10 portunity be given ---------- The Story Denied. Special Lo the Whig, St. Petersburg, Fob. 9. onfirm the fensptional the ezar intends to give constitution. Tn well-informed persons ®ay such a port is entirely without foundation, ------------ Has Been Released. Tools; 2.<Maxim Gor- arrested shortly af- nees at St. Peters: January 2nd, has been re- bloodshed in S¢, Petersburg, Laughed At Death Verdict. ---------- Killed On Railway, nineteen-year-old boy, laughed, improvements: can be bought singly {after being out fifteen minutes the Jury easy terms. Also | found him guilty of killing his aunt, Margaret Keeler. He will be sen. and half lot on Ordnance street, op- | tenced to die, ®. yg + . « Fil 2.-While deiv private gathering, about one o'clock this morning, Eber later serve as the hensive article on tenor of these notes is ernments whether monarchical, bhavis of a compre Policeman Bleeds Woman. Fire In Montreal. tions which, themselves ~soelnl to the Whig from punishment, have the power to Special to the Whi, punish others, to plunder and to robs, Fire broke 'out in at 206 McGill street, wenpied by 8S. B, Foote & Co, printers and publishers of the ------------ The mecting of the Citizens' to have been held . has been postponed until Tues next, the 7th inst. be held in the council chambwr, and Shortt's address will be given key, the author, the intelligent classes of Russians are true exponents of the real desires and needs of the people "The programme which mit to the government ix not gramme of the people, Those elemen tary measures which they. demand sich as freedom CONJCIONT, ¢10, on lice here have arrested Mr John Myers, and Mr. and Mrs. Willi am Hotk, who confessed to stealing twenty horses in New York Sta i year, Says Real Slayer Killed. Boston, Feb. 2. Rev am declared at a spiritnalistic meet ---- ing here that the real slayer of Mabel Corsets, description, ordered | Page war Killed Bo a train in Rich while escaping: J, manufacturers' agents, The fire started on the ground flat and shot up elevator shaft to the top of th (Morey building. The fire was confined to the premises in Making Good Progress. Whig. Ly 3 Princoss Vietoria at uncamfortable night. moped, Tne hy madi York J Dress Re- + Pills for Pale Peaple are sold al Gib son's Red Crosg Tucker was found guilty by the jury, The heaviest damage will be by smoke making substantia ter, though 'essential conditions for a life progress toward | gins: vi a i i TT ¥ An Elaborate 3 MURRAY'S Ponon béobathon Meio a a8 Unsurpassed Scenic Effects, Thrilling Situations, Pi ls Prices--25e., A000, S3vecialtion Seats now on sale. 4 SATURDAY, Feb. 4th Matinee at 2.30 » Evening at 8.15, JESSIE "MILLWARD IN "A Queen's And 10 big Vaudeville Acts, em Fnutind and America's music ogi Prices-- Matinee, rved ! dren 2c. "Adulte soe; Seat; Chil HBvening, 28¢., 80¢., 75¢. Seats on sale Thursday, Feb. 7th, Dr. Drummond, The Habitant A -------------------------------------------- We have a T that will 'make Packed amidst fragrant bushes The only Tea that does not lose 'Queen Bee,'"" 50c, and 60¢c. per Women Horse Thieves. Bridgeport, Comn., Feb. 2.<The Fo and SE --------. Vo 1 you want the genuine Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills go to Gibson's Cross ¢ ; 7 dev sors.

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