3 .E ve 0 E i f IF #3 i i i. fl eis, ex5El I . The cheo y brilliant it i Yight wing, 3 an; t wing, left wig, Fraser." Referee--F. C. Waghorne, Toronto. : Granites Beat St. George's "A" r i iE x ; E Ii i i i ei ; : fi fit i gave perfect satis- his eye. He pny times for Indoor Baseball Match. Armouries last night resulted: No. 3, ABO: No, roe Sergt, Brown of "B" Pro 'Battery was umpire. teams were : i No. 3, AB.C--J. Burke, c; J. M sagher, p.; W. Connelly, 1b; J, Si mons, A. Robinson, 3b.; W. Ro- berts, as.; A. Melver, r.{.; D. Seo Li; W. Simons, ef. Ry hs W. Birmingham, 1h o.; W. Payne, p.; W, Birmingham, 1h.; C. Wilder, 2b; W, McGlade, h.; W, White, 'a8; J. Cochrane, rf; T. | Clarke, LL; C. Nickle, o.f. -- Gerow The Whole Game. In the Trent Valley 1 hockey Tons Prien Sy uy, Picton, a ea als to three. Gerow played the wile game for the winners, ---- Regiopolis vs. Y.M.C.A. The return i ove wood rink, last night, resulted in an- he i on for the Y.MCA"s, al- thou their 'majority was greatly reduced tt, Id Regis. had strengthenod - | their a. considerably, the both | game was one of the best played in the league, with the score always close, and both teams working hard. At half time Regis. were in the lead, with three Is to two, but in the second half the association boys finish- 'ed strong, and scored two goals to Regis. one, making the final seore, 5 to 4 on the game; and 16 16 5 on the round for Y.M.C.A. For Regio- polis, Swift and W. Gravelle played well, and Lowe and Chown igured largely in the scoring for the winners, Joseph Joyner was an impartial re- feree. The teams were : Y. M. C.A.--Gilbert, goal; Hunter, int; Laturney, cover; Metcalf, rover; we, Horsey and Chown, forwards, i in~FGrady, goal; A. Gra velle, point; Moran, cover; Swilt, Doran, O'Connor, W. | Sullivan, forwards, An Exhibition Game. A large crowd of students 'and other spectators witnessed the practise game Gravelle and tween 's seniors and Cadets intermediate hockey, tama at the rink somewha ol k but io on t s t m's men ea ad to their enthusiastic the fact' that there is a difference be- tween the article of hockey put on by. _ intermediate college tems, Fn the! first half Queen's scor- to the Cadets' blank ee tuoi 0 wh uF i n and at tl same time more points to. their own eredit. In tg game: Clarke ER 3 ap well, Dorestine on of Sut wi 3 ame v grea 10 hoth Soams, an' they wll domotions show in their games Friday night. Sport : : aouh gad Jenlsins. wevatle foe the ons in Cleve! to-might, The Toror baseball team will re. part for practice the first week in Ap- nl." The motor mile record was reduced to 32 4-5 seconds at Ormond, Flori- ners 3 little probability that 4 ia ve ttle probability tha: Toronto Neribore: will challenge for Stanley cup again this Fear, Frank Clifton, who has been playin on the forwerd line of the Brantfor intermediates so far this season, has reocived a good offer from the Cana- dian Soo hockey team and left to join 1 . An offer of 830 a week and board secured Oliver Selbert's signature to a contfact to play hockey at the Cana- dian Soo for the balance of this seqa- son, Selbert has played with Berlin so far this season, J. C. Mosher, manager of the Cler- k- | mont Avenue Rink, Brooklyn, has in- vited the Ottawa hockey team to play two games there on February 17th sad 18th. The Stanley cup holders will probably accept. ruled ye Sestin hockey shusaete con: 'each team being si that the senior teams in Toron- in t respect, He hing shout squal to are alraid {to meet the fast in- chief diffe between tl and | termediates of Berlin, and are firm in the sirens that the latter | the conviction that the Berlin team were much following up can clean up anything in Toronto. The annual national championship figure skating competition of the Un- ited States, will be held in the St. Nicholas rink, New York, on Febru- ary 24th. Louis Rubenstein, Montreal, has been selected as one of the judges. Jim Galvin the Irish heavyweight, is out looking for trouble, and would like to start with Jim Jeffries, the California heavyweight, Galvin will meet him before anv clubs in the Quaker City that will offer suitable ind Galvin has heen doing some fine work in the wrestling game and wants to get back in the ring. Charlie Myers, the amateur 'middle- weight champion, who the St. Louis press claims defeated Sam Berger, in the tournament held during the expo- sition in that city, is training at the 8 George "A. C. for the A. A. u, tournament that will be held in Balti- more next week, Willie Lewis is pre paring Myers for the contest, and is "| confident that he will be returned the winner, Myers is entered in the middle and heavy weight classes, Champion hillarcdiet Schaeffer speaks highly of young Willie Hopper. Schaeffer says: "The hoy i It may sound i Ee P.W.O.R~B. Birmingham, t, Picton de sufferers 0 to Aw and ey rh t a feo no substitutes, - : > oT "A Tite dos 9 Peo tain was called " d Dr. Williamson' was , The minutes of ing having been , quite a series of interest , Were presented by the ting gee and organiza tions of the s 'the Session, La- dies' Aid, Woman's Missionary Choir, Young. Womans', = Sunday school, and managers. The ) ul. The prayer meeting could mprovement in the ay i atl nee, and possibly the Su school also. Attention was drawn to he need of better organized mus service at both. Attendance at public worship and ordinances was good. All round the missionary giv- ings were considerably in advance of last year. For the assembly schemes alone the amount was $1,000 or over, and as usual there was considerable aid given to other Christiafi and bene- volent objects. When gains and re movals in families and members were ddded up there was a substantial ad dition to the growth of the congrega- tion. The ordinary revenue was consider- ably in advance of the previous years but there was also an extra expense of about $1,000, entailed by repairs on the church building and internal fit tings and part of will have to be. included in the estimates for the current year. The Ladies' Aid are planning to attack the building debt. ords. of warm. a ation were spoken of all the fo Ld of the con- gregation Tor the excellent results at- tained; no chureh was ever blessed with & better hand of workers. The retiting trustees, Messrs. D. Couper, T. son, and C. A. Macpher- son were re-elected for a term of three years, and Messrs. D, J. Dick and T, J. Crowe were ointed auditors, Bukiness bein, mchided "the menting was closed with prayée by Rev. R. J. Craig. Mela ; ST: LUKE'SSOCIAL. wa --- Successful Evening At Rev. R. S. Forneri's. A very pleasant concert and social was held, last evening, at the home of Rev. R. 8, Forneri,« street, in 'aid of St. Luke's church. The event ! évery particu was a at suetess lar, ih ihn: ln aici td ve proceeds amoun to about rom 5 small admission free, | « Among the excellent numbers on the fir dgranme were vocal selections hy ra. Forneri, Miss Connie Forneri and Messrs, John Cousins, George Gilles pies Allan Lemmon, John Hart and W. H. Medley, the acco mists 'being Miss Fortescue, Miss horriax and Mrs. Maudson, Recitations were alsh given by Miss Forneri and Mr. McFedridge, After ihe Programme was concluded, refresh- ments were served, and the company "dispersed, enthusiastic in their praise of a very fine social evening. Fossil Pills. The demand is proof of their worth. Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills are beating out many fossil formulas at a quarter a box. Thev're hetter medicine, easier doses, and 10c. a vial. A thousand ail- ments may arise from 'a disordered liver. Keep the liver right and you'll not have sick headache, biliousness, nausea, constipation and sallow skin. =Sold by H. Wade.--61. ------------ Chairmen Of Committees. The county council ' chairman' of standing commitiess are : Executive, Councillor Stoness; finance, Councillor Black; roads and bridges, Councillor Spoor; property, Councillor Cox: edu- cation, Councillor Grant; agrienlture, Councillor Shannon. Er ---- TREATMENT OF PILES. Permanence Of Cure The True Tet. Many so-called pile remedies will afford the user slight temporary relief and the majority of those afflicted do not expect more than this, The average sufferer, after havin, tried, every preparation recommendec for the cure of piles, comes to the con- clusion that there js no cure except by an operation and rather than un- dergo this "last resort" he suffers on, resigned to the situation, so far as may be. The attention of those inter ested is invited to the following ex- perience, "Alter ten years of suffering from blind, bleeding and = protruding piles and after using every remedy I could hear of without any benefit, 1 finally bought a fifty cent box of Pyramid Pile Cure and used it with such good results 1 bought next a dollar' box, which finished wp the job. That was nearly . six ra ago and as far as ils is concebiied T° am cured, and. ave never felt a symptom of them since, "Many others have weed this remady by my advice with the same results and 1 always recommend it to suffer. os with piles." C. H. Potts, Burling- ton, Kans, Testimony like this should convince the most skeptical that Pyramid Pile Cure not only cures, but cures to stay cured. It is in the form of a supposi- tory, can be applied in the privacy of the home, directly to the parts af- fected and does its 'work quickly and painlessly. sts , sell this famous y cents a package and lv for are £1 book i 0 the causes StHW PAAR Ea DAY, FEBRUAR ix HEY "apa NER LA TA RE RH -- THE COUNTY COUNCIL: Discussion On the Printing Of Minutes. Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Walkem made request for an increased grant to the Infants' Home and Home For Friendless Women. She told. of a woman and her children who had come from Ardoch, and the homie bad taken them in and sheltered them. The husband of the family would not support thém. The home was a struggling institution, it did not get, grants Hike hospitals, but 'was just as worthy. Many women and children were taken in from adjoining counties. As this' was not the session at which the charitable grants are made, the council could only promise Mrs. Wal- kem that an increased amount would he given later in the year to the home which they regarded as well worthy the help of all mudficipal bod- ies in the district, As the committees were not ready to report, the council adjourned till ten o'clock Thursday morning, The county council met again Thurs- day morning. A by-law was passed appointing Councillor Black to the {quarterly hoard of audit. Another was passed appointing Adam Sharpe and Charles Stewart trustees of Sy- denham High School. Councillor Spoor advised that the council go back to the old system of printing the minutes. The new sys- tem of printing them yearly was not meeting with favor among a large number « of the ratepayers. On mo. tion of Councillors Tapping and Cox, the 'council decided to rescind the pmo tion passed last year, and hereafter to have the minutes printed and dis- tributed quarterly. The clerk stated thal it was on his recommendation that the change had been made last year, and he had suggested the change because other county councils had adopted it. As far as he per- [sonally was concerned, he preferred the quarterly printing. Several coun- cillors spoke about their constituents complaining they did not get sufficient reports of the council proceedings, that the minutes were too bare. Coun. cillors Freeman and Pringle remarked that if the people would carefully read the Kingston newspapers they would find in them a good summary of all that occurred at the county council meetings. As none of the committees were ready to report, the council adjourn ed till the afternoon. BUDDHIST PRIESTS Give a Temple To Our Mission. Rev. Dr. Kilborn, writing from Sz- Chuan, China, relates a strange and striking incident. Near the town of Reh Shou, where one of our mission stations is situated, and where the first martyr of our mission, Mr. Jay, the devoted old Chinese colporteur, bravely accepted death rather than deny Christ during the Boxer ttou- bles, two Buddhist priests have been living in a private temple, connected with which is a large farm, composed half of rice fields and half of timber or wheat land. Recently these priests brought to the Ren Shou missionary all their deeds of the property, to- gether with a deed of presentation, making temple and land over to the Canadian Methodist 'church, and hold- ing a lien on them only for so many bushels of rice for their own main- tenance, Their idea seemed to be that thd proceeds should be used for edu cational purposes, especially for a girls' school. The missionary was in somewhat of a quandary as to ac- cepting the gift, as the destruction of the temple idols, ~which might be con- sidered public property, might cause trouble with the populace. The magistrate of the place called on him, however, and advised him to remain quiet till the people knew of the transaction, and had opportunity, if they desired, to raise objections, add- ing thet he was not a Buddhist, and idols were nothing to him. So the matter rests at present. But the jn- cident is unique, and shows the trend of events. Chinese HOUSE OF INDUSTRY, A List Of Those Giving Recent Gifts. A list of recent contributions to the House of Industry is as follows: T. R. Carnovsky, orapges, candies and currant bread; Miss Macniorine, cake and jam; A. Strachan, irons; Sunday school class, Cooke's church, rice, tea, sugar and butter, and pail of honey ; Miss H. McCammon, bag of flour; Mr. Guess, six bags of apples; Mrs. God- win, cheese; Mr. Myers, 20 lbs. of ham; Mr. Bryant, Bible and apples; Mr. Meek, clothing and boots; Mis Bowes, clothing; Mr. Ferguson, 20 dozen of buns, cake, curtains: Charity Circle of King Daughters, hanging; Mr. Vanluven, barrel of apples; F. Hoag, turkey and clothing, cranber- ries; Miss Mand Betts, goose; Mrs. Huyek, clothing; Mrs. Joseph Wal kem, a pair of chickens: Mr. Yale, a goose, 3 dozen oranges, candies and tobacco: Mrs. Oberndorfler, turkey : Miss Skinner, cake: Mrs, Nickle, Earl street, oranges and candies; Mrs. Jobn Duff, 4 goose and tobacco; Mrs Birch, a goose, candies and apples: John Oakley, bag of apples; Prof. Short, 4 baes of apples; G, Y, Chown, clothing; W. H. Reid, turkey; Mr. Paul, 2 boxes tobacco: Principal Gor- don, a goose; B. Robéctson, box of raisins; Miss Alice Macnee, turkey; Mr. Toye, buns and oranges; pupils of Cataraqui- school, butter, 10 lbs.; Mrs, D. Laidlaw, turkey, baer potatoes; Rev, Mr. Follick and Prof. Pike, can dies for all. Reason To Feel Proud Of It. The annual sailors' ball at Wolke Island was held Wednesday evening, in the CM.BA. hall, and was at- tended by gbout one hundred couples, incloding many from the city and Cape Vincent. Crosby and O'Connor's orchestra supplied excellent music for dancing, which was kept up till four o'clock this morning. The decorations of the hall were much admired, and the committee have every reason to feel proud of the sailors' ball of 1905, Information Wanted. __|pAY'S |LOCAL NO Servi Wed the CeRS and Wat ing, Th of h Th ly nuat awai this the unde: tainr first Club, appe cleve who ment Costs. the ¢ ed tc acts, and light tiful. a cit was once some forty or catarrhal outfit Henry from Chickering. McAuley's book store, Princess street, aster George Downey. gave an en- tertainment to twenty-five boys girls and all spent a very enjoyable class fit and Al window, after twenty years' latter twenty-five ances will be $25 and £30 respectively, The city lovers of a high class members, in his profession. another was imposed. The remaining ease was the one yesterday, Collector Smythe was unable to stantiate his claim that he had served the notice. The defendant was ordered to pay maker, "out of very learned afterwards tentiary. The IN GENERAL inn, Occurrences In The City And Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Interest To The People. Have you picked out your job vet ? Winter is wearing away, young magn. How are yon spending your evenings? William Swan, pias tuner, Urders received at McAuley's book store. Almost all the lawyers in town are conservatives. And, of course, all de- e K.U's, ' Cunningham, nesday. While in the of guest of Mrs. C. H. street, Too bad that Whitney 'bas no title to confer on the doctors. Several in Kingston are graduates divers ways. Mr. and Mrs, George Roblin, Green Point, were the guests of Mrs. R. G. son, Clergy street, for a days this week. The mercury was at zero this morn- the sun was shining, the came out and beheld his shadow, and therefore the winter will continue, Great sale at Prevost's, Brock St. regular $18 and $20 suitings, made-to- order, for $15 during this month. First trimmings. See his o Montreal is four years' service, A sale of wall paper at W. N. Lem- mon's, 78 William street. All week, in aid of Brock street Methodist church. They get the profits, All spring goods. e conservatives say that "public duty" which compels them to protest liberals will duty, to protect citizens from forger ies and other dangerous the Kingston also act, election, from ruption. A nice gift to mail to a relative or friend, the latest souvenir book, "Views of Kingston," containing near- Only 35c., at Wade's 100 views, Drug Store. Messrs. Collins, mail carriers, Robert Iewers ed on February lst, the service: and vears. The a engineer's departmen ting the arrival of the cl road machine so as to have the hard snow about the street' railway tracks cut down. The tracks are much below the snow level, and the di convenient for those driving. ---- A Coming Event. Queen's Mandolin, Guitar and Glee Clubs are practising annual concert which will be given in Grant Convocation month. The material in both steadily for hall early year is above the average careful training which they rgoing, will assure the m musical eo ment. appearance of , which the Ladies' will contribute arance of J. W. Bemgough, r caricaturist and has won a brilliant ---- Police Court--Thursday. At the police court this morning five statute labor tax cases were the main items. In two of the made out two cases was an extra $1 adjourned from the tax . John 'harge of being drunk » go with a warming, ---------- without 'Escaped From Sing Sing." The bill to-night at the ( house will 'be that cessful sensational melodrama in remarkably entitled wholesome sensationalism, is sidered a melodrama of the y best type. The scenic effects of * caped From Sing Sing," are usually fine, The scene pre senting the escape ~ from prison and the Hudson river by moon 8s being very beau- is described ------------ Boots From Human Skin. "1 once made a pair of Raiters for shoe- izen." said an - old tian: fine leathe: that the skin an inmate of the the "tanned Kingston j of bis skin." years ago. -- A Note Of Warning. Poor Relief half of the poor. The representatives of this society state that their collec tor is doi and that the are being earofully: looked affer. needy poor 'of the From The Canadian North-West. Wapella, NW.T., Jan. 31.--This town Was treated to some sensational news to-day when it was an John Rowell had recove ing after tarthozone cured Mr. Rowell; and all others afflicted with. impaired hearing. years of deafness. deafness should Catarrhozone and be cured also. treatment is so pleasant and so cer: tain as Catarrhozone, i by all EPISODES. TES AND THINGS received at in political branch of the Cana- dian Manufacturers' Association pre- sented their retiring secretary, E. H. Cooper with a heautifully-illuminated address, expressing their appreciation public acts of cor and John were ' superan- former per month P.is very in) clubs An innovation will be the several Another feature will be the entertainer, reputation cases a settle of court and in any extra Basswood, a novice » was allow srand Opera "Escaped From Sing Sing." This play which has attracted great attention hy reason of its clean leather of an Indian, His body had been transfer- red to the medical college for anato- mical purposes and a eitizen secured This happened Society requests the public not to give anything to persons collecting at the door on -- : oH ng all the work necessary, unced that his héar- under guarantee to "if the "dollse" PE and few beat this new it is The the How- t..is imax 8 their this and are usic- nter- Glee the fine sub- . on sne- five con- r. penis city Ca- ge No 1s by far the best dois: n medicine gown, 2 0. degrees dollars per box. our druggist for Cool Cotton Root Sompous o Take. no aks as all pills, mixtures and imitations ie oy 1 and No, 2 re 30k, anc recommen all druggist in t* min$n of Canad, Malled to any Shs eoelvt of price and BN a . indsor, Ong, : Ne. 1 and No. ® wre seld in Ki by All Druggists. Bevis John. M. Whinion Plumbing and Heating Engineer GOLDEN LION BLOCK All orders promptly attended to. Js timates given on new work. Satisfaction guaranteed, ---------- AND METAL CLEANER COMBINED The only Patented Polish in the World. No Dust, No Dirt, NoSmoke, No Smell. Contains no benzine or other explosives, PULVO makes more polish and lasts longer than any other. PRICE 10c. AT ALL GROCER Cough ! : Cough! Cough! This is what you are doing. Stop it! How? Why by using Dr Hickey's Bronchitis Cure ! Every Bottle Guaranteed. Prepared and sold only 'at The Best Drug Store, Successor To THE TAYLOR DRUG COMPANY, 124 Princess St., WHITE COTTONS Extra big value at this store Kingston Special aetention is directed to quality English Long Cloth, full 36 inches wide, round the fine even thread, free from dressing and priced very low-- 10c. a Yard. Queen's Cambric for Ladies' Un- derwear, extra fine quality, sell- ing at 10c. a yard; the regular value is 12jec. All Winter Goods reduced. Newman & Shaw. Scranton Coal gton .... 3.23. ¥ton.... 16s. We might chirge moro and still give you value. Have you found that you ve pad too much for even perhaps after receivivg a discount ¥ Try ue JAMES SWIFT & CO. P4000 000000000000006040 / dishes, pots : a as To ail re greatest ens? RANU TKUN! . LOCAL BRANCH Ti In Effect Oct. 2n Trains will leave City t "Johnston Sti GOING EAST No. 8, Mail, 48 am. No. 2, Fast Sxpress, 20 a.m. No. Local, Sam. | No. No.6 +.» 1:00 p m. No. 4, ees; 1:00 p.m. No. 1%, Pion 7.03 p.m. Nos. 1.8, 8 and 4, rm No. § and 8,, run dal day. Nos. 6, 7, 11,.12, 15 except Sunday. | © For Pualliian accommo and all other informatios J.P. HA Corner Johnston 'and KINGSTON & PEMBROK PACIFIC RAIL) , : ------ TRAINS -LEAVE KI 12:89 p.ov,--Express, for treal, Quebec, St. John, Boston, Toronto, Chicago frew, Sault Ste. Marie Pav', Winnipeg, Vanco Portland, and San Franci 8 pm--Local for ¢& counecting with C.P.R. es S:10 a.m. --Mizdd, for Ri termediate points. 4 Passengers leaving King p.m. arrive in Ottawa FPeterboro, 512 p.m.; p.m.; Boston, 7:80 a.m. N.B.,, 11:55 a.m. Full particvlars at K. ¢ F.R. Ticket Office, Ontaric F. CONWAY. F. A. FOL Gen. Pass Agt, BAY OF QUATE New. shor. line for Tw Deserooto, and all local p leave City Hall Depot at CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry: FORTHE WIN. ' Ter oo 10 BER) Frost unknown, malari From New York, 48 hour new twin screw steamship * Sailings every 10 aays du Every five days during Fol and April, 1905, FOR WINTER CRUISE -- WEST INE 80 days trip. Aboul 20 da Special cruises to Der "Rico, Windward Islands an PRETORIA, February h 220d, 1905. For fu late apply to A. B. CO., Agents, for Fr a ew York ; ecretary, < J.P. HANLEY, andbto J. SLEEVE, Ticket Agents, } . y ALLAN LINE "v=eron Royal Mail Stean From St. John, I OUTE Quebec Ionian Sat. Feb 4: Pretorian, Sat. Feb. 11: ) Corinthian, Sat. Feb, 1. Mo Parisian, Sat. Feb. M RATES OF PASSAGE $50 and upwards, accordin and accommodation; Secone erpool and Londonderry, WO: London $2.50 ext 'lass, $27.50; superior ace Jdverpool, Derry, Belfast, Gl on. NEW YORK TO GLAS Mongolian ...... ... | Firat Cabin, $40 and up- in, $35--Third Class, $27.50, For further particulars app HANLEY,. Agel, \ r 8 J, . SLEKMVE. Clarence Street, me r---- ARCHITECTS. wa NEWLANDS, ARCH second floor ever Mah Stare, Sorner Princess B streets. oe ance on Ba ARTHUR REL 8, ARCHIT fice site of New Drill Hall . mer of and Montreal POWER & SON ARCHITE chant's Rank Building, co and Wellington streets, 'I HENRY p. SMITH. "AR ete,, Anchor Building, Sauare. 'Phone 245. For the Balar This Mont Great clear 3 : rin 3 Sco Suitings, g sale of Scot ings -- Winter Overconts an Regular 818 to $23 Suiting for $16. Regular $24 to $27 Sullings for $18. Regular $38 ¢o $32 . Suitings for $20. 30 per cent. discount ' on Owercoats, Don't fail to see my Trou $4 and $5. This is a bani fide Ente. wit Workmanshi . \Cmmings. PD guaranteed, with Scot Scot Scot wl ev and up-toflate stock A. GC. WAGCO : 188 WE Tr + LLINGTON, 8 THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT. $0 (ESTABLISHED 1863.) x PRESIDENT The Right Hon. Sir B. J. Ca Money loaned on City a Properties, Municipal and Debentures. Mortgages | Deposits received and interest 8. ©. MeUILL, Managing Di Office, 97 Clarence street, X Rus Stove otynines brighter and wears lo; & ufinum Soha h da ave . bove at