! You M Would Bs Vl ust Keep Your, Sid i A -- hy $ fg GRAND DUKE OF HESSE. Sal to the Ws, presence of table gather a which included. 3 of | \ : | and the Grand Duke of Hesse was cele brated to-day according tothe rites of the Lutheran church. | high court "and. doctors. included daughter of Duke nd Saxe-Cobourg son of (Queén Vietoria, of Hesse granted the {grand duke a divorce because of his {wife's lively t@wper. Tt was said she | Was accustomed, when displeased, to J throw table things or bric-a-brab at Fher husband. They } y one daughter, Elizabeth, born March 11th, 1505. She Jf died twa years ago. According to rum or the former grand duchess was sec: J retly married 5 fow wooks ago to the Grand Duke Ovril of Russia. . The bride of to-day belongs to the Lich branch of the Solme family. The | family is closely allied to the roign- permanently stop falling out, you should use the A MAIR GROWER ing houses of iu, of Great Bri: tain, and to several other soverign dynasties of Central Europe. Its mem- Jbers trace their ancestry back in an unbroken line to Marquard I.. Count of Solms, in the year 1, and be long to the wedintized or formerly reigning houses of Germany, Princess Fleonore possesses the dis- tinction of * sing the only woman in Germany 'upon whom has heen cons forced the Prussian medal for saving | life. This honor was bestowed upon her by Ewperor William several years MO, a8 a result of an incident in Dresden in which the Princess display- ed courage and presence of mind in {stopping a runaway 'horse mounted by A lady who had lost control of her i steed, The princess was talking in the public gardens, when suddenly she caught sight of the rup- away. Without an instar@'s hesitation grasping the bridle about thirtv vards before the animal as stopped, sustaiving serious injur- ny $51 a ------------. Will He ? Will Premier Whitoey repeal the suc stock, will are in need of now is the time to the' tax on eorpora- of ipalities ¥ a mo CATARRN, CANN, BE COB "BE ID With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, ne the ha Xo, the dian 'Ca twenty-five, being idney Trouble. DAB. Reade, o Medical Tsurance Examiner of Wide Experience, Located atiBuffalo, N. V., Says More People Are Refused Causes Combined, = & ond relatives of the | ing costume con: piade suit of brown ¢ hat trimpoed with 0 roses. trip to points ' naldson |: d Mrs. Do Tesidence on ome in the Kingston groom stands high of hi uaintan- | from Brodkvil le of or what he wonths been and child- from Brixton Mrs. Lake was reports, and "Ald her husband hetlside with a ro- her, is teeth were bed clo) right J Tock ya Mr. still asleep, and Mrs, o shake him for nearly five before he awoke. 0 } out: of the politeman . and a doctor, wife was gontavel to St, It Can Only Be had Where There © 18 No Dandruff. man or woman 'who wants soft, hair must by' Tree 3 Sands hick causes falling hbir. Since it ha cote known that dandruff is a germ di - the old hair preparations that | were mostly sealp irritants,' have been abandoned, and the bli=, barbers ve taken to using' Newbro's H the only hair preparation that kills the dan- drufl germ. E. Dodd, Dickinson, N.D. Says :- "Herpicide not only cleanses the scalp from dandruff and prevents the hair falling out, but promotes a new growth, Herpicide keeps 'my hair very lossy. Sold hy leading druggists. 106. in stamps for sample to the Herpicide Co., Detroif, Mich. G. W. Mahood, special agent. ¥ASHION'S FORM. One Of The Latest Styles Just ' fancy ' gollar of white satin, lavender velvet ribbon, steel beads and buckles, collar of .) 1s linen, with hemetitched mulle searf, (3) Shows box-pléated li to be worn: over close-fitting sleeves, (L) Is a erush le of black satih shirred on oie » . e. (3.}) Shows: a broad belt of White. silk, with gilt chia. a 8 fancy girdlebelt of white enmuelled Buckles, * ER Full Of Pleurisy Noctors say the county is full of it. First it's a hill, on nflammation grows w Yesulk. Give twon Nerviline in hot brocaded i i250. a Wade' DR. 8. J. READE. "Bale Cire i the ono certain and unfailing remédy. It not only removes the first symptoms, bat oc ry * ease, Didbetes, Rheumatism, Gout, Gall Stones; inflammation nf the Bindder, Liver and Urinary Oe gan: apd need in hospitals. "You can buy itatany drugstore or direct: $1.00 4 bottle. suBS AND IMITATIONS are worthless, and generally dangerous. by doctors for over 30 years. : . Safe Cure recom: Life lasurance on Accqunt of Kideey Troubics than for All Other Safe Cure nt on to say: a ** In the course of my lif: I have examined many ds of wen and women fo; nsurance, so that I pedo en experience when | that more are Fegerrel oy adeount of weak kidneys than for all other diseases put together. fact, nearly every second person has kidney trouble, though Very fow oven suspected its presence until they came u for efamimtion, op : : and ¥ of those fused rettirned later on were accepted, the examination failing to discover the slightest trace of kiduey disease in' their a oarefu) wars asked how they wero cured, and invariably the answer was, {By taking le.Cure, v Warner's For many years I have prescribed Warner's Safo Cure in m: practice mark success, and my professional friends use it exclusively, I believe A it ly on) mend it.ag a wonderful cure for kidney; liver and bladder diseases."--8, J. Reap M, D, : Street ; : C Kidney Diseases \s ures t aney iISeases, ney troubles ercep into t) ™ UNAwAres, ore yon know it dee -seated. Do not neglect yourself if you havo hackache, Dende, Fount aS and swellings, drowsiness, loss of appetite, stomach trouble, bad complexion and skin troubles, frequent desire to urinate and painful passing, of the water, a brigk-dust sedi. ment in morning urine after it stands 24 hours; or, if 8 wi ing down sensation, painful periods, fainting and other so-callel female siel all tell you your kia. neys have been diseased for months, for such outward: ptoms seldom show themselves until the poison has penetrated the gans and the danger point heen reached. Warner's advanced cases of Bright's Dis- s. lt is preseribed by doctors, Get the Cid Reliable Warner's WARNER'S SAFE PILLS MOVE THE BOWELS GENTLY AND AID A SPEEDY CURE. TRIAL BOTT sufferer from disenses of the kidneys, 1 Ta sontinee every 3 » Cire will e } trial bottle will bic sent absolutely free, postpaid to cny addres ¢ 2 ok] rc ahem, * on for each, and contains about these diseases, with a presc L patients who have heen coped hv ~ Cure mention 'nase of this paper. a'l e. Allyou have Es te WILL LIKELY HANG. All Arrangements Made For Wo- man's Execution. i MRS. ROGERS Sheclal to. the Whig. . Windsor, Vi, Fe Il arrange: ments have been ed at the state prison for the execution of Mrs. Rogers. The execution is to take place to-matrow, between one and two o'clock in the af . A num- ber of tickets of admission have been issued by Sheriff Peck. Those in at tendance will he strietly limited to the official witnesses and others di- rectly interested in the execution. The rope and gallows have heen thoroughly tested. Mrs. Rogers weighs 170 pounds and every precan tion will he taken to prevent a mis- hap, The last hours of the condemu- Fedk-woman will be spent with her spiritual adviser. It is expected her mother and sister will be ted to see ber to-morrow morning if thew so desire. Startling But True. People. the world over were horrified on learning of the burni ives, than five times this humber or over 3,000 péople died from pneumonia in chicago during the same year, with scarcely a passing notice. Every one of these cases of pneumonia resulted from a cold and could have been pre vented by the timely use of Chamber- lain's Cough Remedy. A great many who had every reason to fear pneu monia have warded it off hy the prompt use of this remedy. The fol lowing is an instanc of this sort : "Top much cannot be said in fave berlain's Cough Remedy, and p ally for colds and influenza. know that it cured my daught Laura, of a severe cold, and I believe saved her life when she was threatened with pneumonia." W. D. Wilcox, Lo- gan, New York. Sold hy all drug- gists. Left Most Of Estate To Charity Glasgow, Feb, 4 ~George Wat the yacht designer, who died some weeks ago, left an estate of £8,200, most of which was bequeathed to charity. It Finds The Hurt. The value of a liniment largely deo ds upon its penetrating qualities. b's White Liniment penetrates to the very bone. It seeks out all in- flammation and congestion and re. moves it. Stimulates the circulation and by so doing relieves almost at once. The: best cure for rheumatism, all strains and bruises. s. ---- A great building lockout is threat' coed in. Pitteburg: you a friend who hard cold? Then tell him about Ayers Cherry Pectoral. ---- -- i ibv------------ a ---------- ---- -- nt. ntti. -- ! narenm-- ' ; 44 28 " ' 5 Fe Feedlewerk: : 3 . * Jdssue of the seventh volume of e is now ready. Each I yy better than the previdus I' lome, Needlework i s of'Canadian homes. rtd otfalread ga subscriberiie- X . 50, cent 1 pays $10r ear's sub- ghoents y a'single copy. *#1t is issued {8 Year." RL, 5 Ofticelll Spoo Silke" Ithis the ! bestisilk that can * 'be bought. Insist upon getting it Aromi ours. dealer. Corticelli B. &¥A. 'Wash Sitks in patent holdérs'surpass all others, Thelcolors, are fast, | the silk the best. No disappointment jin, em- broidery work when Corticelli B. & A. is used. Corticelli Skirt Protector is acknowledged the idealiskirt protector. Always see that is used. - It lasts as long as the skirt. iyou-have never seen that interesting boekictientitled * Silk its Origin and Culture," send gicents to the publishers, 'YThe Corticelli eo Silk:Co'Ltd, St. J8hns, P:©."%for a copy. OF -- Fancy China Consisting of Bread and Butter Plates, Salad Sets, Cupsand Saucers, Vases, Muffin Dishes, Cocoa and Chocolate Pots, sSyrup Jugs, Must- ards, 5 o'clock Tea Sets, Biscuit Jars, Celery Dishes, Pin Trays, Bon Bon Bowls, Jar- diniers, China Cake Plates, Bulleon .Cups, etc. Fancy Goods, Toys, Fruits and Con- fectionery. J. HISCOCK. "' WE MAKE LEAD SASH WEIGHTS For Buildings, to order. THE CANADA METAL. CO. - ." ° Toronto. A Sign of u Ceylon Na purity and delicio "Salada" Black Fire Insurance Compa asseta $61.187 315. the policy hol security the umlimited ® y sew business wet rates & Strange, Agents. JUR POLICIES COVER buildings and contents or company eflers. Ex Uedwin's Insurance Em ot Square KINGSTON & PEMBE WAY COMPA NOTICE T0 SHARE THE ANNUAL M shareholders of th election of directors and ti oi business generally, will WEDNESDAY, the Sth da ead office of , at twelve o'c at one pan on Thursday. 9th By order of the B JOHN WHIT] Secretary an Kingston. 9th January, BEST IN CAl The old reliable Kingston Busines Limited, Head of Queen ton, Ont; "Phoue 440 ent Results struction b hers in ¢ sought r € N any time. Day and J.B. M AY H. [ | V.e will clear that are left of ou Boys' and Youths' Hock Boot Men's $1.60. Boys' $1.25 and You H. JENNINGS, K Wood su ( We (have oa hand the ¢ varieties of Wood and Cos BOOTH & 'Phone 133. Foot of We Wood and Fuel I Hard Coal 4 Egg tor your furn Chestnut and Pea Soft Coal Cannel top your grate. Select Lump for Krates and Smithing Slack. Also Cut & Uncut, -- Orgte and Stove, Stoves. P. WALSH, BARRACK $1 For Perfect Safisfaclizn In Plumbing, Heating go to ©