is of jurunes, She has fem ro gr 1. oe Midland rai ol Nova Seotia ar ean - Cg Du con me in Masters Nove Meath : Al the wks 5 Ty fon of tics in the United 4 valve of tario gt $620,869.475, an in, work of levelling the HI < No. 90, and if it proves satis: ill be installed on other ears. a bility of two chan- Queen's senior hoe wr to-morrow night's game , Two players of the in- be gi Ao, prove their right to enter iff » republican candidate us scorns fo with senatorial contest, United in conneet- investiga- bribery on Ven counts ion with the land frauds' tion. Siate Senator George CO. Brownell was "on four charges of sab- ornation of perjury. The indictment against Senator Mitchell alleges that while a senator from this state he sccopted on seven sams of money, aggrega- ting, $4,200 from a timber land dealer named Frederick R. Kribs for scr \ it is alleged, in- man Ringer Hermann, missioner of the general land office, to Xposiite, Sion : Ain gil rove ain ap tions wr pub- a pret the a he « tents R The indictment against Senator Brownell cha that Mr. Brownell a Fred vers and John How- [ 3 Awoar - falsely that certain ies in connection with the sur- "lands in Rastern Ore- " the" indictaient againat I recites that Kribs Ww of alleged false statements t Ww were not applying for them on specalation. But War To Continue Til Next iain J". L. A. Burdett- ite ; AP, speaking at the West. | hae _onsmvative. (hub last night, : the ment would remain in concluded and predicted the ending of that conflict during the coming sum- mer. ' He said the Anglo-Japanese alliance was the most prescient act of foreign policy ever: achieved by Great Britain , So Toy iy Very © on onor and pas triofiem to remain in office during the eritioal period "when, the war ng closed, other ers might step in and _ bur ally as shame- lesely as they robbed Japan before." Teeside Big Battle Will Come. Victoria, B.C., Feb. 2.--~Among the passengers who arrived on the steam: er Em of India from the Orient ITY wh Fréderick Whiting, war artist of the London Graphic. In an interview he said that he regarded the present movements at the Shakhe river, which position he recently left; as reconnaissances on a large scale. He is of the opinion that the big battle which must take place for the possession of Mukden will pot occur until a break in the weather eames, The Japanese, he bolicved, would take the offensive. § News 'of rioting in Korea was brought by the. Empress. A band of wo-Jupanese reformers called the Jdehinhoi have been leading rioters to the palace, where they have been dis: persed by Kovean soldiers. MEARS THREE STORIES. Makes Escape After Being Fired * Upon. New York, Feb. 2-By a leap through a third-storey window a hur ghar « pet last night from the ae wide . of rigadier-General Anson G. McCook, in West Bifty-fourth streot after the 8 twelve-year-old son, 'Anson GG. McCook, Jr., had fired twa shots at him with a revolver, AMumily had Gnished dinner, and the boy was on the way ry to the Vv oat "the thind front or a book his father had heen read: when he heard a noise in the lic y avhich was dindy lighted, On opening the door he saw a man rash thee the doorway leading to The lad ran his father's bed- the w Tibrary, Bible ly, tates Seoator John HW. Mitchell for | office until Russo-Japanese 'war | of water, Mrs, ra vain DE en fwife, Mr. Milligan Succeeded in smooths wan quickly hack to he Bi ori » The pit il is hands, which were | ontanding at the dao of. the library badly a his Nae - y to the i a {ro ao | Ai in. the evening WAll plny the Brock the | ville curlers. "the home of Mrs. oh wireet. ' team hag default dn the Toronto In: the Intercollegiate cwill put Varsity 11 oS RM. C, and the vill be played at Toronto, Bth and 9th, at Queea's Lawrence, intey- searetary for Sunday on fen Vogt, of Bos foi, Og RB. work, will is on their several work. Mr, Lawrence is wide A 8 constant writer for the Times. Other city ive addresses along arimers Preshyter- o Street Methodist churches have been engaged for the lwo ings, Wednesday and ly interested in . school or Chris- tian Bndeavor work is freely invited to both the diy and evening sessions. SOLDIERS STABBED. End Of However, Is In London, Feb, The Daily Mail's: Warsaw storation of the city is si fe it reports a re- tive peace though "in a condition of dangerous ferment. he. majntity of the troops," the correspondent says, 'have been with- drawn from the eentre of the city and the end of the strike is in sight. 4 ods some ting still in the enter suburbs, nd cases of treacher- ous stabbing of soldiers are growing more frequent. Vehicular trafic has been dj and supplies of foo: are wiriving, Hundreds of domiciliary visits and arrests have been made. All A persons are stopped, search- od and arrestod if found to be carry- ing weapons. Careful investigation convinces mie that the dead number 300. The rumors of dynamite out- rages at Lodz and that 25.000 Lodz warkmen are marching on Warsaw are unfounded. The Lodz men have struck' but remain quiet' Father Gopon's Escape. : Londdn, Feb, 2A despatch to the I an Roe slates that } t Father Gopon, un- der whose Jeaders the St. Peters: burg: strikers and © workmen's reforny demote tion "were made, crossed Northern Healy on his wav to the Ri- vier, 'there to meet the leaders of the Rumi . an revolutionary movement Hon: Reymond Prefontaine's Ex- Ottawa, Feb. 2. +The resignation of Capt. Salmon from the position of commissioner, as a result of friction with the government over the Canada-Cape Breton. investigation last summer, was the subject of a spirit: el debate in the howse 'vosterday on a motion by Nr. Ames, Montreal, for the correspondence. in the case. Hon. Raymond Prefontaine. welcomed the motion as an opportunity for him to clear up some of the misapprehensions which existed, in respect. fo this mat: ter by Capt. Salmon having said his judicial metions had been interi. red with by the minister of marine and fisheries, telling him to ses the coun- sel for the Richeliew & Ontacio Navi: gation. company, ome of the parties to the investigation, Mr. Prefontaine cleared his position by showing his powers in the matter, by stating that Capt. Salmon was prejudiced in the case, and had intended giving judg- ment prematurely "to influence a civil case in the adofiralty "court at Que- bee, and that Capt. Salmon had then only a slender tenire on his position, snd was only retained to dispose of some, cases. then before him. Most of the remainder of the day was ocenpied in committee of wipply, an: interesting disowssion taking place on the relation of Canada to the cost of our defences. Sie Frederick Borden announced his hope of having all the raw material necessary for Canadian ammunition made in Canada. en is sin. BODY BURNED; WOMAN DYING. ------ Mrs. . Milligan's = Clothes Become Mass Of Flames. Syracuse, N.Y. Péb. 2.--Her body rightfully horned, Mes. Stephen Milli- gan of No. 171 Webster avenue was takeh to St, Joseph's Hospital early yesterday morning. She was in a ori tical condition this moming and her recovery is douhtiul. While holding a lamp for her hus: band; who was buil shelves in a cottage adjoining rv home, Mrs, Milligan's clothing "came in contact with a Stove and in an instant she was enveloped in flames. 2 While hor hushand poshed for 'a pail -- effort to tear the clothes from her body dnd in doing this hee hands and arms were badly burned. After dashing the water over his the fire in her hair and about. burned. o sn -------- Two rinks of ton © curlers will morning they. will wi rinks at Heeaville asylum . cate it, the fingers of his hand were 20th, at her late residence, 112 Rob- ert street, - Toronto, of Mrs. Boyce, od had been in very delieato health for the past six months, her death being caused Ly heart trouble. Mrs. Royce was a native of Glasgow, Scotland, and had lived in Toronto a number of years, and was a member of Broad: a sob, Edward, and a daughter at home: also a father, three sisters and ten hy a horse, while walking along Main street. The horse belonged to stitches had to he taken. No serious made their escape. 2 -------------- Tn the fuderal AL Par mors Slits --~Notes From All Over--Little home, and were taken in by the Detroit police, - ~In_ an English h' 'school the paris medical health 'officer had the tonsils of one hundred girl pupils cut out. A fire of unknown origin caused a $200,000 loss in Schenectady. Four hisiness blocks were almost destroy- oa. Charles Bacon, Cazenovia, N.Y., de- spondent from constant suffering fropy cancer in the face, blew his brains out, " It is rumored that a bill to increase » salaries of judges of the high courts will be introduced at Ottawa this session. Hon. John Costigan was presented with a eabinet of silver by his col lagues at Ottawa, in honor of his seventieth birthday. An Americanized Chinamen, and a white man, Joseph Reilly, were mys- i ly murdered in Chinatown, New York, in twenty-four hours. H, . Graves, proprietor of Rutland "hotel, Ogdensburg, N.Y., was arrested on the order of Recorder Witzgerald, charged with attempting to bribe the recorder. An order by the emperor places the police of all the establishments under the ministry of the imperial court and Tsarskoe-Selo, Peterhof, Catchina and Paviovsk, under the jurisdiction of Gov.-Gen. Trepofi with a view to uniformity of measares for the nreser vation of order and social security. CANDLEMAS AND BRUIN. What May Happen If Bear Sees His Shadow. This is Candlemas day, and, accord ing to the superstitions of both the old and the new worlds, its' clonds or sunshine" will determine whether there will be a late or an tarly spring. The old Scotch distich says : "If Candlemas be fair and clear, There'll be twa winters in the year." In this country the popular supersti- tion is 'that the 'black bear, hibernat- ing since lute fall in some holq or den far from: the menacing presence of the Kingston "Bear Killers' " guns and their séribe's poetry ventures ont for a short ramble. If he sees his shadow on the snow, back goes bhruin for an- other six weeks of sleep, during which winter will contintie. If the sun is ob-. seared and no shadow appears, the bear remains ont, confident of an carly spring. Bruin is back in his lair as the Whig could not arrange for the sun's eclipse, To Increase Ministers' Salaries. éfion's the legislature under the direction of the new government the salaries of muneration of the premier ought to be at least $10,000, and not less than $8,000 should be paid to each of his colleagues, * These sums may seem latge to those who do hot understand the cost of living in a large city, and the burden of entertaining and con- fall upon ministers. The truth is that the acceptance of a portiolio nieans genteel beggary, and probably a bur- den of debt before the holder has been many vears in office, and in the | end compulsory acceptance of a place in the civil service." ! -- A Painful Accident. George V. Williamson, a weaver in the employ of the cotton mill, who lives at 200 Rideau street, met with a very painful and serious accident, yesterday afternoon, between five and six o'clock: 'While operating the loom his right hand hecame caught in: the machinery and before he could extri badly orwtshed and his wrist and hand badly mangled. Ho suffered intense agony from the injured member and was removed to Dr. Sands' surgery, where chloroform was administered and his injuries dressed. Amputation was not found to he necesary, but the young man will bo eonfined to his home for several weeks. The Late Mrs. Boyce. The death took place on January wife of John Boyee, and sister of Mrs, C. Waggoner of Kingston, Deceas- way Mothodist Tabernacle. She leaves two brothers, Ear Bitten By Horse. Watertown, N. Y., Feb, 2.~Stanley H. Fowler, aged seventeen, was bit: Allan Dryden, and was standing close to the sidewalk. As Fowlér passed by the beast reached out and grabbed the lad hy the ear which wae quite badly tom. Fowler went to Dr. weseman's office, and was taken to the Joachim Hospital, where three results are' anticipated and you Fowler siaved ag the hospital only long enough to have the sewing done, Murdered In Cabul. Lahore, Punjaub, yn 2-~An vifives belonging to a party of visitors from the ian army has been murdered in Cabul, Afghanistan. The murderers There is no article of women's apparel lends so much to her pe sonal appearance as the Corset. tting Corset that gives the figure the proper 'fashion-contour is essential to a prepossessing form. Corset, making to-day is a scieice and from the large number of styles made we have chosen. 12 Different Designs. French Model Corsets, $2, $2.50, New Models, $1, $1.25, $i.50. 75¢.5 $1, $1.25. D. & A. Corsets, soc, 75¢., $1, Crest Corsets, $1.25. Yatisi Corsets, all sizes, from 21 up to 36. Children's Corset Waists, 49c., 39¢., 69c. Children's Corset Waists, special at 25¢. Maid's Health Corset Waists, 75¢. The following editorial in the: To : ronto' News 'is 'regarded as fore shadowing legislation at the coming | "At the very first session of |. v - a ministers should be increased. The re: | \ A Boon to Mother Ss Our Annual Sale of {Children's and Babies' Fine White Underwear comes as a great boon lo mothers. You could not buy the materials much tributing to many public objects which |: less than we charge for the finished garment. Girls' Nightgowns, all sizes, from 1 year up. Girls' Drawers. Girls' Skirts. Girls' French Dresses. Babies' Slips. Infants' Long Skirts. Infants' Barricoats. PUPILS AT MME. ELD making Parlors; 251 street. Evening ¢nstumes Children's Pantees, both in cotton and white The Largest and Most Up-to- Date Whitewear Depart- . ment in Kingston. GOOD BUILDING LOT, YU Queen street, between Mont Bagot. Apply 49 Colborne 5 Clergy All these properties have all 'mprovemonts; can be boug) {Fr otherwise, on easy ter: Jot north-west corner of Mac) here strapts, opposite Victor and half lot on Ordnance st bosite Frontenac Park Add ph ee A SMALL DIAMOND RING ON ellineton, Ciarence or Kine Reward for its return to Wh We Shall Keep Our Promise and Make Feb- ruary a Month of SHOE B: We are hard at work to-day selecting the lines that 1s | are to be reduced. They are not old stock;: as our re- gular clearing sales keep our stock free from any ac cumulation, but shoes that are just enough differ. nt ng to make them an od bargains will be all over the store. A I N £100.000,000, Mr. Lockhart bequeaths £360,0 public benefits. Of op Tipsbyterian church ic give) given $50,000. d line. The At Peterbor, on an interest Mr. McE: #| THE CKETT SHOE STORE On Sal 'All This soc. and 75¢. A and Fleeced Uj 37¢. $1 and $1.50 Underwear; 65c¢ $1.50, $2 and $2 Shirts and Dray We continue sell $20 and $22 & . $9. Jenkins' Dissoluti "OUR OFFER POR FEI Canadiaf) Box Calf nN to-Order Lace Boots This work will be made j excellent manner. We can ro very highly, Wear "Alle Military Beotmal 84 Brock St. 8IGN OF GOLDEN | THERE 1S A C} 1 have almost new stoves, i heaters, loft, which I wil} sell gains, also furniture, as 1 w space for other stock in sprii TURK'S SECOND-HAN 398 Princess Stree WANTED, TT ---- A MAN TO LOOK AFTER and do chores at the Iroc A GENERAL SERVANT, 1? ing or irening. Apply at street. I NURSE GIRL OF 17 TO 2 Good wages. Apply - to ; street west. MEDIUM Wiz yr i et ah Sb. ¥ family." gp ofl CANVASSING AGENT IN K for Hon. John Charlton's speeches and addresses. Li wission. Apply throu, W GENTLEMEN, TO GET Spring Suits made up at G 131 Brock street, next tc livery; style, fit and price to please; pressing and repe promptly. eee ALL INTELLIG ENT, RELIA} ple who are seeking an adv change, or those who are want work will accompl burpofe by writing Marsha tea importers, London, On furnished. Instructions in dressmq en day and evening until Cutting by measure, design including system, $10 ------------ BUSINESS CHAN( E, SUITAL lady $4.500 Apply at McCa Broek street. or gentleman; annu ---- Bl SINESS CHANCE FOR With a net income of $1,500 failing héalth cause of sale at McCann's. 51 Brock stre TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVI] the following Property to 5 Nos. 204, 20 and Nos. 109, 111 W heated by hot water 234 Sydenham st Street, heated by Whig office LOST. YOUNG COLLIE Dog, Town, answering to the "Tip kiving information 'at this returning « the dog to Miss benzie, Portsmouth, will ho r on Saturday night + TOLET DWELLINGS, STORES, OF Factories and - Storage at ¥ Real Estate Office, 51 Brock Left Nearly $100,000,0( Littsburg, Pa', Feb, 3.-The Charles Lockhart, whose estat at between £75,000,00 was probated this sup, t YMCA. of Pittehy h Wednesday ing address was deli wan, a traveller, from